
Chapter III: The Nega Puppet 

December 11th, 1917

It was nightfall and everyone was suggling up in their bed with dreams of Christmas Mass spinning in their heads; except for Cassium Victor and Zinna Tolay. They were wayward souls who had the nerve and the evil intent to ram poor Oniz's latest invention; the AquaMarine into a rockface. It was interesting that this was a very similar fate that Maxim's 'Number 17' had suffered....Was Zinna the murderer? No one knows for sure; however, Zinna was more occupied with having to sit at the front of boat having to take whatever lecture from Cassium Victor who sat at the rear of the boat operating the motor boat. He didn't look very happy although he was rarely ever happy.

Cassium Victor was pretty ashamed of himself for bringing her back to her _boss_; "The boss is going to be really steamed by your actions." This boss clearly doesn't like people who disobey his command.

"Sure;" Zinna cracked back in a distruptive tone; "....a boss that really does nothing but steam."

"Now Zinna!" Cassium lashes out trying to show some concern; "You're supposed to be working for us; not using this gang for personal gain."

"Well; I'm sorry but I was looking for revenge on Oniz for costing my patoric duty in the war." Zinna protested feeling like she was a second-class member of this heinous group whatever name it is; " I thought that I would get some..."

"You though wrong Zinna..." Cassium forces Zinna to stop as Zinna continues to look even angrier; "...and now you have risked blowing our cover."

"The only person who saw me was Gregory AeroStar." Zinna said as she points to the rear end of the boat and far off into the distance; "Do you see Gregory following us?" Zinna was right about one thing; Gregory wasn't following them nor was in plain sight; "I didn't think so......"

"Prehaps; but you _could have_ blown our cover very, very easily.." Cassium said harshly; "..and still you had no right to use _our_ gang for your personal gain. I'm just trying to warn you of the wraith of our boss."

"I don't need your fruitless warnings;" Zinna snaps back feeling that Cassium is nothing more than a puppet in this real-life game that wasn't one at all;"....your boss needs a vision."

"Oh brother! I should give you a reminder of my past....." Cassium said as he rubs his fist thinking of striking a woman; to him Zinna was nothing male or female; however Cassium starts to see a light from an 18-century teardrop lamp in the distance to make him realize that they have arrived at the dock behind the Burimanger Complex; "....Ah.... we have arrived."

The Burimanger Complex is a rather large building which is publicly owned and is the place for people to go to see some forms of entertainment. It is considered an alternative to the private entertainment that is offered outside the borders (Read: Some of these clubs are very seedy and at times very vuglar.) It not only contains three large buildings which house live-threatre, puppet shows and government-approved stand-up comedy; but it also has a historic area based on the art of aviation. The south end of the complex is where groups can park their boats or seaplanes (Read: The law forbids public and private cars, airplanes and even bicycles) and enter through the back door. The dock area is wooden and have 22 wavy docks littered all about. Cassium Victor lands the motorboat towards Pier 16 which is the closest to Cinema#3 where _da boss_ is working at; and once the motor boat is hugging againest the pier; Cassium stops the engines. The engines cough up a bit before the engine finally stopped roaring. Both Cassium and Zinna hop out of the motorboat only to discover that a raven-like furry was waiting for them......and to say that he wasn't happy was a gross understatement. Cassium Victor was sweating acorns now; he was thinking that the boss would never had noticed him retriving Zinna...He was as usual; dead wrong.....

"Hello.." Cassium gulps directly at the raven; "...Boss?" Cassium wrongfully glups once right in acute fear. He knew that his boss would not tolerate this type of behaviour. For this boss is an heinous criminal..... and was considerably younger about the same age as Gregory AeroStar and shorter; only barely above five and a half feet and weighed less than two hundred pounds.

"Don't you 'Hello me'!" the raven boss yelled not looking impressed at all; more like he felt betrayed; " Now get inside at once before someone blows our cover."

"Yes Kaska!!" Cassium said fearfully as he admits the young man's name and enters the back of the building.

"That's 'boss' to both of ye!" Kaska screamed showing his frightful leadership. He used to hail from Freelanda before becoming a criminal (for reasons unknown at this point of time) and is the leader of the criminal group known as the Nega Aces; a group that was mosted wanted by the FBI before the Great War began. Surprisely; the FBI had no knowledge of wiether or not the Nega Aces were part of the Airabus government's ploy to draw the super powers into conflict. They are a completely dangerous 'lone wolf' group. He was called Kaska Halio by the very few that know him for his identity is surrounding in mystery and criminal intent. He wore black pants, a black fur jacket, a black beret-looking hat and black steel-toed boots. He loved the leadership role he was thrusted into even though he is nineteen years old. Disobeince was not allowed for this group; with the consequences being that Kaska would take a small, black cane-like device (read: a cattle prod) and use it to stun or shock people with electrical charges.

"Yeah Cassium." Zinna laughs as she saw Cassium leave; " That's a 'boss' all right!"

"I wouldn't be laughing you Miss 'I think I can run the show myself' Tolay."Kaska snaps directly at Zinna trying to show the terror that makes him up againest her. Kaska was clearly displeased with Zinna's actions.

Zinna was not about to back down even though she should have;"And I'm surprised that Kaska 'I have a brain; but I don't think I ever need it' would consider my mission as dishonorable to a dishonorable gang." That was it for Kaska; he was not about to take this kind of abuse. Kaska quickly grabs Zinna's arm and twisted it behind her back. Then Kaska goes behind her back and places the electric stick below her chin. This finally caused Zinna to sweat in drugging fear.

"Now; Miss Zinna Tolay!" Kaska yells seething quite bitterly; "I am the leader of this gang that you have just defamed. As the leader of this gang that you have just defamed; you have made a choice to work for me as leader of this gang you have just defamed. And as long as you are under my control as leader of this gang you have just defamed; you will not use this gang you have just defamed for your personal gain or for revenge on others.Failure to realize this and you will be getting the short end of a....heh.....heh.....heh....shocking experience. Do you understand me?"

"Yes.." Zinna exclaims as she continues to sweat and gulps; "..Boss!"

"Now get inside at once.." Kaska hisses as he lets go of Zinna Tolay; "..before we blow our cover."

"Yes....Boss!" Zinna gulps as she re-enters the building from the rear side.

"Good!" Kaska said as he re-enters the building after looking around the building to see if anyone was following them; " _No_ one followed us." As Kaska re-enters the building; it starts with a small hallway. To the left and right were two doors; in front of him lies a stairwell up to the second floor. Kaska walks up the stairs; as a beautiful musical flourish get louder and louder. At the top of the stairwell there was another hallway with three doors. The left door is where Kaska lives so; Kaska opens the left door and enters inside. The room has a wooden desk and chairs all around. There are two doors in thise room; one lead into the storage room. Kaska's office was very plain; however there is a small window are overlooking the waterfront and a tiny rectangluar 'peep' window that overlooks the stage of Cinema #3. Cassium is peeping through the hole while Zinna is sitting on a chair and he is poupting.

"Looks like another sellout boss." Cassium said overlooking the action and listening the musicial flourish continues.

"I know Snakefang..." Kaska said giggling at the afterthought in the wake of his giggling was drowned by the musicial flourish; " brilliant idea has worked to perfection." Kaska goes to his deak and finds yesterday's newspaper; the Wesdon Gazette.

"Cid Valez goes missing;" Kaska said reading the headline on page one of the newspaper; " the famous frog cinema star has not been seen for over six months. How sad..." Kaska's tone turns to absolute laughing. How can someone believe that a kidnapping is funny? Don't you think that someone who laughs would not only condone it; but actually do it himself. Why? No one was talking as the musical flourish officially ends; that was a signal that the preformance of Databyle Puppet's puppet hour was finally over for the day.

"Databyle Puppet's currently on stage." Cassium said turning around knowing what the next command to come from Kaska Halio.

"Excellent! Cassium; you pull up our.." Kaska said pausing for a moment before he was laughing again; " ..puppets and make sure that they are all.....groomed to my liking!"

"I'm on it boss!" Cassium said as he walks towards the storage room door; opens the door and exits into the storage room. Zinna Tolay stands up and looks pretty upset; a much different look from when she was nearly threathen by Kaska.

"This is really silly!" Zinna protested as Kaska continues to read the newspaper and ignoring her; "Having to sit here all night. There is nothing to do....."

"Actually;" Kaska said off-hand; ".....there is something that you can do."

"Yeah..." Zinna eyes light up and were sharp-directed at Kaska; "...what?"

Kaska puts the newspaper down and look striaght into Zinna's bed; "_GO TO BED_!"

"Look at Databyle.." Zinna said as she walks to the peeping hole looking really upset at Kaska continuing carelessness; "..why is he part of this group? He doesn't have the ruthlessness as you do boss!"

"If you are trying to validate your actions by buttering me up; then you are wasting your time." Kaska said not buying any of Zinna worthless charges in his own opinion at least; " Anyway; Databyle has been an asset to our cause; but no a part of this group." Just then the main office door open and a female black dove carrying a brown sack full of money wearing a sunlight-colored full-body dress and a blue tiara. She was young; only about 25 years old and like Kaska also hails from Freelanda. She is 5' 8" and medium-build. Her name is Sezar Poiler who is the accountant for Kaska Halio.

Sezar squeaks out;"Here's the box office monies for tonight boss."

"Set it on the desk!" Kaska orders.

"Yes.....boss!" said Sezar as she walks forward and places the sack of money on the desk; "It was another sellout!"

"You counted the money didn't ye?" Kaska asked looking fiendishly at Sezar and she looks frightened to death.

"Well.....I....." Sezar tries to explain but Kaska wants to hear nothing about it.

"Now what did I tell you about counting our money?" Kaska asked looking angry and his eyes continue to look at Sezar and that made Sezar shudders in fear.

"I must let you count the money even though I am the accountant." Sezar repeats what Kaska had ordered Sezar much earlier.

".....because of the fear of people like Zinna stealing from our purpose." Kaska adds and that alone instantly push the provoke button of Zinna Tolay. She was seething right now.

"WHAT?!" Zinna howls looking like a criminal to Kaska's own gang; "KASKA!!"

"Well; thanks to you..." Kaska protested looking mad in front of Zinna; "..we could bet out there doing our petty pleasures instead of helping Databyle."

"Kaska; we are supposed to be thieves, kidnappers, robbers, plunders and murderers.." Zinna hissed bitterly; "...not good semarians!"

"First of all.....we _do not_ kill people and we only steal from rich folks who have been naughty at the poor." Kaska screaming directly into Zinna's face; " For your own information; Databyle Puppet is here because he was stuck in Freelanda because of the war. We had to ship him illegally into Wesdon because there was no way from him to get work in war-torned Freelanda. For the past six months; we have been here trying to help him pay for an official legal entry into Usland and yet you Zinna would only think of yourself instead of this poor preformer of the arts. You should be ashamed of yourself." However; just before Kaska would continue his rant; a tall, brown, male kwola enters from the storage room. He has a strong build and was about 45 years old. He is wearing a red vest with loose green, red, blue and yellow striped pants, a top hat made of white silk borders and red, green, blue and yellow colored stripes all around. He had red and while makeup on his face and his feet were half-painted in green and red (red on the left, green on the right). He looked like a circus clown although he was a puppet master and master mime. He looked extremly cheerful and was always ready to have fun....although he can be a little troublemaker. His name was familiar to all that know him: he is Databyle Puppet. He used to live in Parris as a preformer of the arts before the Great War forced him to flee....and thanks to Kaska; Databyle was able to move from Freelanda to Usland. Two problems exists however; Databyle was not a legal Usland citizen and two; Databyle Puppet has not realized the real agenda behind Kaska's care towards him.

"Bonjour; sir!" Databyle said as he closes the door; feeling very cheerful.

"Ahh.....Mr. Databyle Puppet!" Kaska said lying through his teeth as he approches Databyle; "I saw the show; brilliant as always."

"Thank you sir!" Databyle exclaimed not realizing the lies that Kaska was spewing; " I will always be the masterful preformer."

"Ahhh....yes! You are getting rave reviews." Kaska exclaimed twisting the truth to serve his evil purposes; " Marion Garr loved your 'Frog Dance' number."

"I know." Databyle said suddenly feeling like Kaska wasn't upholding part of his promise to regain control inside the social fabric; " But I was wondering; when am I finally going to pay that debt in full?"

"Hey; Databyle, how about an early Christmas present?" Kaska said looking at the peep hole; " Four or five more shows and you should have enough money to pay the debt and be able to gain official woker status by next week. How's that?"

"Wait a minute;" Databyle sounds off looking suspious; " you said that last week!"

"I'm sorry Databyle;" Kaska said looking directly at Zinna; ".... it seems that some _thieves_ were in the mix."

"Oh; I get it." Databyle understands still looking his cheerful self.

"Yeah;" Sezar smirkes wildly as Zinna continue to seeth in jealousy; " Methinks thou is thieving too plainly...."

"Umm.....Databyle?" Kaska said looking at the time which was almost at midnight; "You better get some rest; the next preformance is at 1:00 pm tommorrow afternoon."

"Merci Kaska.." Databyle said as he walks towards the main door, opens it and exits the room; ".. Au revior!" As Databyle Puppet exits; Cassium Victor enters from the storage area and closes the door.

"Love his french!" Kaska admitted honestly even though Databyle's english was more useful than his lack of french.

"Boss;" Cassium exclaims; "....the puppets are groomed and are now in good condition."

"Missing.." Kaska said laughing out loud; "..indeed!" Tommorrow was another day for this gang and Databyle; who was going to ruin that offer.....even if it is criminal?


December 12th, 1917


It was mid morning; onn the cliff near the Wesdon church; exactly the same place where the memorial service was held for Gregory's dad Maxim. Gregory AeroStar was kneeling right in front of a temporary wooden cross which reads: 'In Memory of Mr. Maxim AeroStar ( -1917)'. Gregory is currently holding a paperbox package of white rose and looks like he was in reflection over the death of Maxim. Gregory had made a vow that every Sunday just after the mass; Gregory would come out here and take one rose and plant it right in front of the wooden cross and then follow that with a different passage of reflection; some of those directly from the holy bible. Others were just simply made up by the young AeroStar as he went on. Once that is done; Gregory would plant another rose before turning around and asking the pastor of the chruch (read: Archbishop Paul Ninto) and ask for guidance. Standing behind him was none other than Paul Ninto; the keeper of the Wesdon Chruch. While he can understand why Gregory has made the decision of actually following this exercise. However; Paul was still wondering ever since Gregory made the decision to do this; that this exercise was at best futitle and at worse could be considered dangerous. Still; this _was_ Gregory's decision and for some reason Paul Ninto knew that Gregory would make a very valid arguement that this was to preserve the spirit of his father in times where Maxim's loyality was being questioned. Paul knew of the trouble times that Commander Wesdon was speaking and like the senseless deaths of conflict and war; it was all too often for him to be healthy.

"Please my lord;" Gregory said as he looked down at the ground in total reflection of his father; "....give me and my father the strength to continue with life and love as you would want us to be. Our purpose is clear; we must live our lives the way that gives us meaning; not just because we can. Daddy; I hope that your quest for enternal life is sucessful for it is the life blood of love that gives us the moral strength to that enternal life. Amen." With that statement Gregory makes his symbolic gesture close to his chest; turns around and raises to his feet and awaits the guidance of his pastor.

"Remember Gregory that it is not what you do or accomplish;" Paul exclaimed reminding Gregory that his purpose is still very important in the grand scheme of things; ".... but what you are as a spiritual being. Don't forget your place in the lord's design."

"I won't forget Paul." Gregory said being as honest as he possability could as he shakes Paul Ninto's hand. For Gregory AeroStar; this was the first time since Maxim was in fact drafted that Gregory AeroStar felt like the faith was at his side. He was finally ready to savior the flavour of freedom and what the potential for peace can become. Although the furry being is more than capable of committing unlimited amounts of evil acts which are beyond belief; Gregory also knew that furry beings were also capable of unlimited amounts of love. That was in his mind was the reason why the furry race continued to flourish well after the truth that God spoke of existed. While many things remain the same as before; the changes were still there in the end. It was apparent that this was going to be a special day when Sally AeroStar, Phillip AeroStar and Farris Karnage enter the cliff area walking from the Wesdon Chruch. Paul Ninto was expecting them to pick up Gregory and finally have a rare good time with as many family members and family (that were left; or not in the war at the present time.)

Sally asked the question that Gregory was finally ready to here; "Ready to go Gregory?"

"Yes; Sally." Gregory said feeling a sense of vigor and spirit pumping through his soul; "I'm ready to go."

"Sally? Phillip?" Before you go; I have a request from the lord........" As Paul Ninto talks to the AeroStar young siblings; Gregory AeroStar and Farris Karnage both exit towards the Wesdon Chruch where Sally and Phillip were before; ".....Gregory is trying to relive the spirit of your father. He needs you now. Please help relive that spirit that was crushed by these turn of events."

"I understand Paul." Phillip said knowing the importance of Gregory AeroStar's mental and spritual health was at stake if anything worse happens to the AeroStar family.

"Me too!" Sally said in a giggle of joy; "We'll see you next week; if not before." With that Phillip and Sally AeroStar both exit the cliff area and decide to rejoin Gregory AeroStar and Farris Karnage at the chruch. Paul Ninto turns around and looks at the running siblings and he was starting to experience reflection of his own. However; it was a different sort of reflection that Gregory had. He was not convinced that the faith of Gregory was completed inside Gregory's soul. As long as the Great War continues to tear furries apart; there will not be ture peace. That failure so far means that Maxim's death was in complete vain.

"Kids......It's sad..." Paul Ninto quietly exclaimed as he shedded a tear much like his almighty must be doing right now seeing what kind of world has mainfested into now; "..this war is ruining them.....Gregory....I hope that you can find peace from within....since you hold the key." That 'key' was for now unimportant as Farris Karnage and Gregory AeroStar walk up towards the steps in front of the church and sit down directly onto those wooden steps. Just then Sally and Phillip are running up towards the church and come to a complete stop right in front of the steps. They were huffing and puffing to near grave state as Gregory and Farris look at each other; gloating.

"Oh; Buddy?" Farris joked around; "I think we see two little bruins looking like the big bad wolf."

"Oh;" Gregory said laughing and joking around at the expense of the tired runners; "I hope that they will not huff and puff and blow the chruch down."

"Well very funny boys!" Sally shouted weakly as she was nearly out of breath. She hasn't exercised in a few weeks since the death of Maxim. Depression has gravely affected Sally early and now it was taking its toll.

"Come on guys..." Phillip said huffing and puffing feeling very tired; "..cut us some slack!"

"Sorry;" Gregory said gloating and teasing the siblings a little bit; "..but you have to be in tip-top shape in order to feel good."

"Yeah;" Farris said joining into the party; "....the fitness room in the basement would do you both some good."

"Farris?" Phillip asked questionning on weither or not Farris was actually acting crazy; "Have you even seen our fitness room?"

"Why yes I have.." Farris said looking puzzled at the thought that Gregory was hiding something; "....dozens of times....very original." Boy did Farris underestimate that statement as Gregory and Farris stand up.

"Yeah sure..." Sally said looking at her feet remembering the last time she was in that exercise room; "..I almost broke my ankles trying to do those midsection pull-ups. The gym is _so_ creepy." It was certainly not a normal gym by any means. It had such 'exercise machines' such as the Torture Rack, an Iron Madien and arm clamps which were used to clamp the ankles of furries and hang them upside down. Sally and Phillip refused to go on them feeling that Maxim should've not expressed his dark side on them. Gregory however; took the matter in stride and was used to the painful workout that this provides.

"Oh come on Sally!" Gregory said laughing all the way towards the road leading to South Wesdon where the Burimanger Complex was; " It's not all bad."

"Gregory;" Phillip protested; "Daddy bought a torture rack for goodness sake."

"Yeah; I know." Gregory chuckled yet again dismissing the notion that this was a bad thing; "Really strengthen those back and leg muscles very well."

"Oh stop it Gregory!" Farris was bursting into helpless laugher joining Gregory at the road towards South Weson; "You're making me drole."

"Oh brother!" Phillip said letting out a very deep sigh as he slowly walked behind Farris with Sally close behind in tow.

"Ah yes! I've finally been able to laugh again." Gregory said pumping his fist in strength; "I cannot be drafted for three more years; and now I can do what I always wanted to!"

"You can officially call me the 'clown of fitness'." Farris snapped back with a chuckle.

"Oh brother!" Sally said smirking seeing that Gregory was no longer mentally unstable anymore and she was starting to regain some form of stablity from within her soul as well; "We better get to the road before Oniz thinks we're not interested in this play."

Phillip chimed in with a pretty lame wisecrack; "....and then follow suit."

"I thought Oniz hated the arts?" Farris asked as he and the train of AeroStar's come to a complete stop just behind the road which runs north-south with the south road leading to the South Wesdon district where the Burimanger Complex and cultural district are.

"Well;" Gregory admitted knowing that Oniz wasn't doing this because she likes the arts; "Durin sort of convinced Miss Mecha that she should have new experiences."

"That's not the reason." Sally blasted out her paranoia of Oniz's bad influence was rekindled once again; "Oniz found out that we were going to this event. And Phillip; you have to resist the power of her flirting."

"Phillip shouldn't worry Oniz...." Gregory points out knowing that Oniz Mecha was a lot more cunning and much smarter than trying to do something so low in a public place; "We are going to a public place and she will not dream about committing such digusting behaviour in public."

"I know....I know;" Sally winced feeling hurt that she would have to put up with Oniz Mecha's misplaced tatics once again; "..... but I cannot help it that Oniz does things that we least expect her to...."

"Don't worry about her." Phillip said feeling brave and powerful without a due cause; "I'll be okay."

"That's what I'm afraid of." Sally said letting out a sigh of her own and as she stopped talking she notices a yellow antique taxi with the number 375 painted with black paint slowing down and coming to a complete stop right in front of them. It was right on time. For Gregory; this taxi looked very familiar.

"Ahh..." Farris exclaimed; "'s our ticket to the city. Time to paint the town red." That causes Gregory to whinced in pain; as any reference concerning red would be in context bloodshed and Gregory was clearly trying to avoid that image of evil intent.

"You shouldn't have said that Farris." Sally laughed at what should have been no laughing matter; " You know how he shuns anything related to blood."

"Come on." Gregory complained trying to end this contextual garbage; " Let's get into the taxi before he turns on the meter. We can talk more in the taxi."

"Right!" Phillip exclaimed as he, Sally, Farris and Gregory all open the front and rear doors and enter the taxi with Farris entering the front seat; while Sally, Phillip and Gregory AeroStar entered via the back seat. All of them close the door accordly. A brown ferret who was looking very familiar and wearing very similar clothes was driving the taxi.

"Where to folks?" the Taxi Driver exclaimed firmly and gently.

"The Burimanger Complex;" Sally exclaimed knowing where to go; "South Wesdon please?"

"I'm sorry but I cannot let passengers off there.." the Taxi Driver stated as he shakes his head; "..Wesdon law prohibts it."

"Government again?!" Sally whinced again. It was the very same government that drafted Maxim, Durin, Pledge, Fuzi and Oniz into the war in the first place. They ruinned families and meddled in people lives and now they are passing laws that prohibt taxi drivers to come near the Burimanger Complex.

"I know;" the taxi driver responded feeling that Sally has every right to be upset over the government's actions; "....but *they* own the complex." Gregory eyes suddenly lit up the moment the noise coming from his own ears. Only one person knew the laws and knew who the lawmakers in government were. He was in an antique taxi with a brown ferret wearing the same outfit. This was _the same_ furry that drove him to see Commander Wesdon. It was Mac Donald and no one else.

Gregory had to ask the question; "Are you Mac Donald?"

"Why yes I am." Mac responded feeling a bit surprised that Gregory AeroStar didn't notice him at first; " Famous taxi driver and master of the inside news on politics."

"Hello; umm Mac?" Gregory asked trying to see if the government had any compromises in the original plan to ban taxis' from the Burimanger Complex; " How close can you get to the complex?"

"Good news!" Mac Donald responded as his knowledge of the laws in the Wesdon South District were starting to resonate; " There is a private shopping plaza opposite of the street. I can drop you off there."

"Thank you Mac!" Gregory beamed down. He had solved his problem of not going to the Burimanger Complex without actually having to threaten someone. However; Gregory still wondered if the government high on power would ever get the message that there are alternatives

"No problem." Mac Donald said smiling; "I will cost you an extra 50 cents. Popular route ya know."

"No problem." Gregory said knowing that just a fifty cent difference should not come in between friends partiucally one that he has only met for a day; "Let's get going!"

"Right!" they all said as Mac Donald restarted the taxi's engines and the antique which was fairly slow; but it was able to gain enough speed to move. The taxi rides on the south road bound for the Southern District of the city of Wesdon.


The antique taxi starts by driving through Main Street; the main four lane commerical road which is the main shopping districts featuring many small and medium-sized business. Everything from drugs, hardware, bakerys, resturants and hotels lined the four lane street in both directions parallel to the street. Inside the taxi's backseat sat Gregory, Phillip and Sally AeroStar; while in the front sat the driver Mac Donald and Farris Karnage in the front seat. For Mac Donald this was an amazing development; since this was the second time in as many days that Gregory used the taxi. For Gregory he still wondered why he wasn't able to know that Mac Donald was driving the taxi. Prehaps he didn't get a good look at the driver.....however; Mac didn't know any better either. That was mainly because the last time that Mac met Gregory; he looked very unstable and was reflecting. The Gregory he was seeing now was much different and in some ways; a breath of fresh air.

"Well Gregory; how do you feel today?" Mac Donald asked in his usual sunshine type voice.

"Much better now Mac!" Gregory responded feeling very spunky and almost coming to form his lips to get ready to whistle a tune of beauty over conflict; "Today; I feel like singing a little tune."

"Umm...." Sally said looking sharply at Gregory who was smiling; "I think that you should refrain from that...."

"Mac;" Phillip states as Gregory slowly begins to whince; "she's just afraid that you may throw him out of car with his voice....."

"Don't worry would-be singer!" Mac chuckled with Farris laughing in unison; " I'd never dream of actually throwing out someone out into the middle of the road."

"You should consider that a sigh of relief Buddy." Farris chuckled as Gregory just simply smiled in partial embrassment.

"You and Gregory are friends?!" Mac Donald asked having a little trouble believing that a right-wing Karnage could co-exist with a moderate-right AeroStar member.

"Yes." Gregory said with lots of bravado.

"Well what do you know?!" Mac Donald said beaming at the possiabilites at such a young duet pair; " If I were the prime minister and the deputy prime minister; I would watch out for this combo." Mac Donald was successful in refraining from laughing anymore of the follies of the prime minister of Usland. The government clearly needed help and laughing at them was not an example of helping.

"Me and Gregory?" Sally asked feeling proud that she could have actually been mentioned in anything. ~No such luck Sally.~ Gregory thought knowing who Mac was speaking towards.

"No;" Mac Donald said correcting her; "I mean Gregory and Farris!" Sally whinced back as she was defeated once again from be associted with greatness.

"But there's pently of room for you Sally." Gregory said as he turns to his left and kisses her right on the cheek.

"Gregory!" Sally said blushing red with embrassment as Phillip laughs at the sight of it; "You're too much."

"So;" Farris asked changing the subject and directly the question at Gregory; " good is this play?"

"Well; Marion Garr did say.....wait a minute!" Gregory said realizing that he was going againest his beliefs once again; he considered beliving in other people's opinions correct undermines the very purpose that people were no Earthia; " Why don't you just watch it first before making decisions. It's not a good idea to look to see what other people think because you are only getting a review from someone else's point of view. You have to remember that all reviews are in fact subjective. Only when you can see it for the first time is when you can make a pure decision without bias."

"Hold it!" Sally said as she kissed Gregory's cheek back on Gregory; "But it was an article from Marion Garr that got you interested in seeing this play. Aren't you going againest the concept of practice what you preach?"

"Sally!" Gregory said trying to defend himself showing his strength for all to see; "I just wanted to see if the 'Frog Dance' is as good as Marion Garr claims. I'll reserve my opinion until after the play."

"So Gregory..." Mac Donald said asking Gregory if he had heard the latest gossip from the world of politics; "...did you hear that the Usland Government has passed a 2.5% tax hike effective March 1st, 1918. It's also passed a 2.7% tax hike for small business effective April 1st, 1918." Sally was whincing loudly now; as she has had frustrations against the Usland and Wesdon government. That situation was getting worse in her humble opinion.

"Another tax hike?!" Sally protested once again feeling like government was intruding into affair; "For what?"

"Proably for the war effort." Phillip said sarcastically.

"No doubt about it." Mac Donald responded showing that Phillip was correct.

"Boy; does that beat all." Farris said shurgging his arms and feeling uneasy ;"Looks like our incomes are going to reduce a bit."

"Yes;" Mac Donald continued remembring everything that the prime minister said; ".....they say that this is only temporary."

"Yeah; right! And I'm the Princess of Purelace..." Sally responded knowing better and was in her usual protestive mood that she loves to show off since to her the Usland Government has gone too far; "...Only people who think that the government is nice would think that this tax is only temporary. It is wishful thinking so much so that it's almost like they're trying to fuel this war so they can tax us to death."

"You know; the war could be over;" Gregory points out wishing that this bit of bad news would just go away; ".....but they don't drop the hike because it did too much good."

"Well; now we are at the Circle of Wesdon Complex." Mac Donald said as he points towards the left; "To your left; that drumalin is where the Usland House of Commans lies. That's where our officials make the laws for the country of Usland." Sally looks out the window to look at the huge castle-type catherdal on top of a slight grade hill. The place was 334,000 square feet of space just inside and 560,000 square feet overall and was on a slight grade hill with the top of the building measuring more than 45 feet in height. The top of the castle had four belltowers and four clockfaces; all having the images of various religions. They all connect to a large look off in the middle of the roof. There were stained glass windows all around the sides. The building alone should be considered as one of the greatest wonders in the world. It was so beautiful....However....

Sally once again looked depressed at the sight of seeing this place tainted by a reckless government; "It's frightening that an instution who believes in all of those religions would not obey those religions to avoid war."

"Daddy?" Gregory only said in a peep looking numb and was unaware of his surroundings. Now it seemed that religion was blinding his judgement.

"Gregory?" Phillip said as he snaps his fingers and that snaps Gregory out of his trance; "You're spacing out again."

"I'm aware of that." Gregory said much to the fact that Sally was currently laughing at him for denying that he was having problems of his own and those problems were constantly becoming much worse.

"Okay we have found the route to South Wesdon." Mac Donald states as the antique taxi continues its trek on the South Wesdon Street and it was a four lane street that was split into two sides. On the left side; it was reserved for public housing. There were many stackable building made out of brick and had at least ten stories and up to 20 stories per building. On the right side it was private land used as part of the entertainment district; made up of bars, night clubs, a large private playground, a couple of resturants and some retail shopping centers. This was considered the most boring part of the South District and nothing compared to the publically owned Burimanger Complex.

"So Farris?" Phillip asked surprising everyone that Farris' own business and his family relationship was now much more important; " How is Salah doing today?"

"Salah is fine; although she is quite spooked.." Farris responds feeling that it was all right to talk about this sensitive issue concerning his grandfather and father; "...Worse; we haven't heard from Ramon or Garland for the last six months."

"Have _they_ said anything?" Gregory asked knowing that 'they' were the Usland Army #331-BASZ; the district in which Ramon and Garland Karnage represent in the war. Farris hasn't heard from them in quite awhile.

"No;" Farris said as he shook his head no; " communcation in Europe was cut down."

Gregory felt somewhat desvesated and looked like he was slipping back into depression; "Well; there goes my chance to laugh..."

"Gregory? You shouldn't continue like this." Sally said looking worried at the thought that more bad news was poisioning his own mind; "The last thing that we all need is you to lapse back into an unstable furry.." Sally then decided to change gears feeling that Gregory was not buying any of this; "..Okay; another interesting point. Let's say that it is three years from now; the war is still going on and let's say that you are in fact drafted into the war. What kind of damage could be done if you fight?"

"It has to happen first!" Gregory responded with bravado tricking Sally into thinking that he couldn't handle this situation; " Look; let's enjoy today without more tragdey."

"Yeah; good idea!" Phillip said as he winks at the thought.

"For once;" Sally said smirking at the two furries; " two actually do something you don't know."

"Now; now!" Farris said wagging his finger around; "Let's be on our best behaviour; remember we are in a public place."

"Right! And guess what? We are actually here...." Mac Donald exclaims as his antique taxi turns into a wooden shopping plaza called the Zero Shoppee; "Okay to my left there is a wooden cover bridge that goes above the street. Cross it and you will arrive at the Complex...." the taxi finally comes to a complete stop; "....that will be $4.50."

"And today I actually have exact change." Gregory said as he hands four one dollar bills and two quarters to Mac Donald; "Here you go and thank you for the ride."

"You welcome. By the way...." Mac Donald said as Sally, Farris and Phillip open the taxi doors and exits the taxi; "I'll be back at 3:30 pm right here." Farris closes the front taxi door.

"That's good....the play should end at 2:45 pm. We could do some shopping." Gregory exits the taxi and closes the taxi door. The taxi finally drives off returning to his normal routine. Only one more thing needed to do before they could go to the Burimanger Complex.....Where on earth is Oniz Mecha? 


Welcome to South Wesdon, also known as the Cultural District... This area is nearly 50 km square and is mostly touched by the same Art-Deco style found at the AeroAvis; meaning it was almost home for the AeroStar family as it signified a sense of original character and flair to the hustle & bustle style that invades most of Wesdon. Gregory, Sally, Phillip and Farris Karnage were standing outside of a large wooden building called the Zero Shoppee whic is a large shopping center. Looking forward with the shopping center at the right; the road at which the taxi driver drives on leads to a large boardwalk towards a huge waterfront. Behind them there was the road going back to the city's public square. Towards the left is the large public complex called the Burimanger Complex. The road seperates the two entites with a connection of a wooden cover bridge. Gregory, Farris, Sally and Phillip were not ready to go to the Burimanger Complex just yet; someone was still not with their group just yet.

"I've always wondered what the Zero Shoppes meant?" Farris asked since his parents never actually shop there for anything.

"According to the their business press;" Phillip said remembering an ad that he saw in the Wesdon Gazette just the other day; " is that their product are supposed to have zero defects; zero interest......"

"...and zero profits." Sally chimed in feeling that they are short-sighted; " They can barely keep up sales because their prices are so low."

Gregory knew his father was not naive enough to lower prices to the point which losing money to pay costs becomes an everyday occurance; "That can be the problem when you short-sightly lower prices to please the public with the consequences being very high."

"Yeah;" Oniz shouts as she exits the store with nothing in her hands and she was pretty angry about something; "..... like zero customer service."

"Well; at least we found you.." Sally said grumbling; hoping that she wouldn't be found at all; "..which is more than I can say."

"Very funny.." Oniz snaps back clearly not in the mood for bad jokes; "..and I supposed that you are the anti-flirting police aren't you?"

"And I'm proud of it!" Sally snaps back at her feeling proud that they did find her and now Oniz would have to act like a furry-being.

"Listen; Oniz! You had better be on your best behaviour this time." Gregory said seriously and quietly so that only Oniz could hear him out; Gregory was no longer going to tolerate Oniz's behaviour in private or public place; " This is a public place and any incidents will cause polticial gossip and media embrassment. Understood?"

"Yeah;" Oniz nodded her head seriously as she wasn't going to blow this for the world; "....I understand." However; she was still having second thoughts about coming here to something that was considered worthless to her own mind. ~Why am I here anyway? I'm only here to please Durin.~ Oniz thought bitterly feeling she had no business nor right to come here; ~No wonder Pledge thinks Durin should keep his opinions to himself.~

"Good;" Gregory said feeling that this would be a smooth show after all; "....that's settled."

"We have better get going." Phillip said remembring that ad also mentioned that seats would be going out fast; "I've heard that the 'Frog Dance' is very popular and could sell-out quickly."

"Right! Let's go!" Sally and Farris exclaimed excited at the whole ordeal. With anything in place; Sally AeroStar and her train of four walk across the wooden towards the front side of the Burimanger Complex. The complex was a publicly-owned building which was shaped like a narrow U-shape. It's outside is a crimson-red brick structure. On the top at the center of the narrow U is a large iron-globe of the planet known as Earthia. On top of the iron-globe was and iron statue of the White Phoenix. To the left side of the U there is an iron statue of the Hawkeye and to the right of the U there is an iron statue of the Divine Spanara. In front of the building on ground level lined around with crimson-red colored bricks to match the structure was a large iron/zinc foundation was an iron statue of the founder of Wesdon: a white arisocratic sheep named Burnswick Wesdon. There were a rather large number of furries in the area; almost seven hundred to be exact. However; there was no time to count them as Gregory AeroStar, Sally AeroStar, Phillip AeroStar, Farris Karnage and Oniz Mecha enter the Burimanger Complex with Oniz still grumbling....She hates customer services and a play or in this case a puppet show was in her own mind _not_ going to help her problems.


As Gregory and company enter the Burimanger Complex; there is something that you should know about this building..... The inside of the Burimanger Complex is an Euro-style contempary style built just after the Archduke Fortis was shunned for abuse of power. Enter the building them facing ahead were three ticket booths far ahead. To the left was the entrance to the Aviation Historic Area where the history of aviation is unfolding before your very eyes. Near them ahead was a beautiful flower garden containing white roses and blue tiger lilies. Above the garden was a huge solar panel similar to Marion Garr's dome suite on the top floor of his resturant and grill. It was clearly a sunny days with no clouds whatsoever. There are at least 250 furries inside the complex. Sally AeroStar sees the flower garden and runs towards it with Gregory and train following in unison.

"Wow; I always wondered how Marion Garr get his ideas from." Sally said feeling dreamy about seeing even more white roses and adding blue lilies for good measure; "That solar planel scheme looks familiar."

"Actually;" Farris said remembering that day when Ramon Karnage would read him the newspaper about the event; "If I understand correctly it was Marion Garr who came up with the suggestion to create a solar panel roof in order to let natural light in. Saves on fuel in these times."

Oniz chimed in as well reminding the world about her idea for this complex as well; "And I came up with the garden idea as a natural touch."

"I agree...." while Phillip was talking; Gregory decided to quickly walk towards the ticket counter (which surprisely didn't have a line). The 'Frog Dance' tickets were being sold on the far right booth. Inside that booth was Sezar Poiler wearing a frog-figure mask so that no one would be able to see her beautiful face. Gregory approches the front of the ticket booth and Sezar starts to notice him.

"Hello?" Sezar said nicely as every service person should do; "May I help you sir?"

"Five adult tickets please?" Gregory asked nicely as treating furries fairly is asking for being treated fairly yourself.

"You are very lucky sir;" Sezar exclaimed as she looked at her paper of seats left for this show; ".....we have only five tickets left for this showing. That will be ten dollars please."

"Here you go....." Gregory exclaimed as he hands a ten dollor bill to Sezar "Thank you." Sezar instantly punched five tickets and looks squarely at Gregory.

"You look familiar?" Sezar asked confused; looking at the same character as if Zinna saw him as; "Are you Maxim's son Gregory?"

"Why yes I am." Gregory stated feeling that the question has been overused by the public; "Do you have any relationship with him?"

"No;" Sezar admitted feeling that everyone knew Maxim; "... but everyone knows Maxim very well. He was a wonderful man."

"Yeah;" Gregory said feeling a bit ashamed that he proably didn't know the ture Maxim AeroStar; "I know."

"Well; you go and enjoy the show." Sezar said as she winked at him; " You'll love it. Cinema#3 is to the left of the left hallway."

"Thank you." Gregory said as Sezar exits from a door leading to the backrooms of the Burimanger Complex. Gregory saw no reason to be at the ticket counter any longer since Sezar was proably done for the day... Gregory decided to return to the gang and listen to the dialogue which was starting to get just a little dicey now.....

"You know what I call that thing.." Oniz Mecha smirked at Sally; "..a fall to abnormaly." Bum-Bum-Ching was the only thing Sally could hear now.

"Here we go again...." Sally said getting very tired of all of these lame joke that Oniz Mecha was spewing out.

"Boy;" Farris said smirking at the whole ordeal; "I never realize how diffcult you two are."

"Ummm...." Phillip said as he discovers Gregory was standing right next to him; "Gregory?"

"Yes?" Gregory asked wondering why Phillip was so excited all of a sudden.

Phillip wanted to ask hoping to avoid dissapointment; "How did you do?"

"We are lucky today." Gregory said with a faux cheery smile; " These are the last five tickets. And the ticket clerk apparently knew my father."

"Well; that isn't a surprise." Sally points out the popularity of the diplomat; "The press has been all over him since the Airabus fisaco."

"And then they drop him only because he decided to be in this war." Gregory said looking depressed at the notion of what Commander Wesdon told him earlier. The words that people would call dad a traitor continued to haunt him acutely.

"WHAT?!" Sally nearly shouted out loud; but controlled herself knowing that Oniz Mecha would complain about public gossip on her yelling.

"Yes; Sally. They called my father a traitor..." Gregory said before realizing that he was letting his emotions kill his judgement; "..But we must go on. Time has passed now."

"That's right Gregory." Phillip said surprised that Gregory would shake off that critism; "We promised to enjoy ourselves on this holy day."

"And that is a promise we shall keep..." Farris said in unison.

"Okay; let's not try to make this into a production. Let's go.." Gregory said feeling much better now; "....the ticketmaster said that Cinema#3 is to the left of the left hallway. Let's go." Gregory and company walk towards the left hallway. The left hallway is fairly narrow. To the right was the entrance to Cinema #1; known because it was clearly marked on a hanging sign above. To the left was the entrance clearly labelled Cinema #3.

" it is." Gregory said pointing at Cinema #3; " Let's enjoy ourselves for a change." Meanwhile; inside the ticket booth; Sezar walked upstair and entered the same hallway that Kaska and his train entered earlier in the day. Sezar looks around while carrying the latest revenue from ticket sales and finds no one in the area. Sezar breathes a sigh of relief and takes off her frog mask.

"I wonder.." Sezar exclaimed as she enters the room; "..I really wonder."


It was a surreal enivornment inside Cinema#3; a live on-stage event which unlike the other cinemas contains no glass roof on top. It seats exactly one-thousand five-hundred furries with each seat decked in cotton/satin blue. The seat allow viewers to view the action on the wooden stage measuring six feet in height and about 15 feet wide and 10 feet long. There were randomly-scattered backboards painted with pictures of a lush green swamp with marsh-looking water and various lilypads scattered on the floor in random order on the stage; just as the novel has stated and according to Databyle's creative licence. The left side wall is also lush with the same style of those backgrounds (read: They used a paper-like poster which was hung from the top of the wall; they did not paint directly on the walls.). The right side wall has a large gaint green frog with large beady eyes which the black pupils of the eyes were cut out. (Read: That's where the peep hole from Kaska's office are for those who haven't noticed yet.) The place was well-lit and it showed that 1,495 furries were already sitting in their seats. There are wearing ordinary street clothes and are of various spieces and residents. The five empty seats; which ironically are in the center of the seating area; were for Gregory and his train. Gregory, Sally, Phillip, Oniz and Farris walk to row 50 (Read: The seat arrangement is 100 rows containing 15 seat apiece) and walked towards the center empty seats; saying repeats of 'excuse me' and they couldn't seem to avoid at least one cross-looking furry on the entire excericse. After just under one minutes; they finally find their seats and sit down in them with Gregory, Oniz and Farris in the center; in that order; with Sally taking the left most seat and Phillip taking the right most seat.....The entire experience was about to be risen even further.

"I wonder who's idea it was for these seats." Oniz asks Farris honestly; "They are beautiful and very cozy."

"I'm afraid that I'm not very sure about this." Farris admits only reading the details of his favorite cook and Garland's 'role model' ; " I only know the contributions of Marion Garr."

"Or as I call him 'Mar BragGarr'!" Oniz quietly said as the sound of the drum beckons in Sally's head and at the worst possible time: Bum-Bum-Ching! Strange for that because Marion Garr was hardly a person who would brag very often; although some furries say when he brags; it can go on for countless hours on end.

"Hush! The play will begin any minute now. Right Gregory?" Sally said as she looks at Gregory and sees that at the worst possible moment once again; Gregory looked completely numbed and was spacing out; "Ummmm.....Gregory; you're spacing out again."

"I'm sorry Sally." Gregory said as he blushes in embarrassment; " It was Daddy again."

"Gregory;" Phillip said shaking his head of disapprovement of Gregory's spacing out in public routine; " better not be doing that during the show."

"That's right;" Sally said with her arms folding and acting very serious; ".....because I will be asking you what you felt of the show. Okay?"

"And you won't be be leaving me alone unless I give you a detailed answer right?" Gregory asked hopping that Sally wasn't serious about the whole experience. He was wrong as usual.

"You got it _Buddy_!" Sally replies sarcastly; causing Gregory to sweat quite a bit and look like he was afraid of her younger sister.

"I'm in trouble....." Gregory gulped in fear feeling that he couldn't give a detailed answer on something that he was not familiar with. That acclaim was unimportant now as the regular lights are turned off and the large spotlight would shine towards the stage. The lanvader/red curtain raises from the bottom all the way to the top and Databyle Puppet enters (read: the right side of the side which lead to the storage area and Kaska's office) walking towards the middle of the stage. He stops about two feet from the edge of the front of the stage and waves his left arm as a symbolic Parris-like greeting. The audience clapped the moment he did this as they were antipacting the start of a play that Marion Garr himself claims to be the best play in the cinema world.

"Bonjour mon anime. Hello everyone; ladies and gentleman." Databyle Puppet begins in a serious tone; a far departure from the usual cheery mood; "Welcome to the Databyle Puppet's Puppet Hour. The world of magical intrigue and control. For the next hour; prepare yourself for a beautiful display of dancing frog puppet and beautiful Parris music folklore that will delight even the most fussiest of ear. The show today back by popular demand is the powerful novel adpation of Steve Bernet's 'The Frog Dance'. This 19th-centuary novel is considered one of the top novels of all time during its time. This play has a total of five acts totalling about six minutes each for a grand total of 30 minutes. These acts are based on the five concepts that Steve protrays in the novel. The sixth act lasts 15 minutes long and is an intertwined version of the previous acts. Please refrain from applause until the intermission between the fifth and sixth act. Thank you; merci beaucoup and enjoy the show." With that annoucement; Databyle exits towards the left side of the stage (read: stage right in cinema lore) towards a small room; where he keep an old rusted phonographic player (old-style record player) and the lights begin to dim once again. As that happens; the first three frog puppets used in the first act of the production slowly descend from the rafters (Cassium Victor is the puppet master) and once they land onto the stage in their assigned lilypads; Databyle pushes the button that makes sure that the spotlight is turned on. Databyle then proceeds to put the phonographic needle onto the record's edge indicating the first song and chrous to be sung on cue....The play has officially begun............

 Lovers leap together
 And latred shall be twarted
 As the simple live of frogs
 Dancing to eternal life.  

The frog puppets are wearing 19th-centuary Euro-Style clothing and was very revealing on the old-style Parris clothing which to no one surprise is where Databyle Puppet is from. They are dancing in perfect motion to the music and are in a random-timed formation which to say in puppet terms: The pattern changes with every show that Databyle Puppet does; in this case, they are dancing to the right; turning 45 degrees to the left; dancing to the left; turning 45 degrees to the right and dancing to the right. The song was unchanged from preformance to preformance; however.......

 Come together
 To take apart the evil of one souls
 Seek enternal life for which it is our destiny
 As being of the devine.....

Suddenly; as Gregory looks directly at the lead puppet in the play; a sharp pain is felt throughout his head and it almost caused Gregory to scream loudly; ~ Somethings not right here. It's almost like one those puppets is in pain. ~ Gregory thought bitterly; biting his lip to get relief from the pain and not create a public distrubance. This was the first time that Gregory felt that pain since feeling it just hours before Claris' death. Gregory could never fully explain why this was happening... Was it the devil's work? Or was it an act of God; a way to explain evil situation that only he can intervene. Still; all of this was not about to allow of the Frog Dance continue as the three frog puppets come together in a horizontial line parallel to the stage and would spin on every fifth note at random to the song in which Databyle himself selected........

 To all of us as one....
 To love thy for us all....
 Dance and sing the song of life.
 Thank the lord for our soul
 to all of us as one....

Meanwhile; as the musical flourish continues to beckon; the peep holes on the right side of the wall reveal a sick secret as it leads into the room where Kaska and Zinna were hiding in. Zinna was standing up and looking right through the peep holes at the people who paid to see the puppet master Databyle Puppet. Kaska Halio was sitting at his desk reading his written notes of the past six months. Sezar will enter the office of Kaska handling yet another brown leather sack filled with money from the entrance from the back of the Burimanger Complex.

"Look at those crowds." Zinna said as she smirked at the crowds watching what she thought was a mindless form of entertainment; " They are so gulliable."

"Maybe so..." Kaska exclaims as Sezar places today's sales on Kaska's wooden desk; which was once again another sellout; "....but still I give Databyle Puppet credit; he can still put on a good show." Zinna nodded her head in agreement as the musical flourish continued and the song words beckoned out on cue...

 Love is not just a simple word
 It's an expression of free will
 That must be explained and obeyed...
 let the love turn to care.

Zinna loved the tune so much that she looks through the peep hole towards the audience and discovered that Oniz Mecha was sitting in the center of Cinema#3, this was causing a combination of panic and anger; "Hey that's _Oniz_ on center!"

"Oniz?!" Sezar exclaimed feeling uneasy as she looks into the peep hole and sees Oniz Mecha sitting right next to Gregory AeroStar; "That's _Gregory_ sitting right next to her."

"Sezar?!" Kaska exclaims as Sezar offers a look at the peep hole and looks directly at Zinna and both she and Zinna are very angry with each other.

"Thanks a lot Zinna!" Sezar protested; feeling that her carelessness was going to cost them all; "Now the risk of our cover being blown has increased."

"If I'm not mistaken," Zinna said seriously with her arms folding and looking very cross; " were taking ticket sales with him!"

"Hey;" Sezar protested feeling like Zinna was accusing her of something that was clearly the right thing to do; refusing to serve someone because it is an AeroStar was morally wrong; "HE DIDN'T SEE ME!"

"WHY YOU?!" Zinna screams loudly as Kaska looks through the peep hole and sees Gregory AeroStar and Oniz Mecha sitting in the public square. He take a quick glance at the stage where the puppets were dancing in a triangle formation; as was stated in the cue notes that Databyle was using and suddenly Kaska ponder an evil smirk. That was codeword for: 'I have an evil idea!'

~Hmmm....This gives me an idea.....~ he thought before his thoughts were interuptted by the constant screaming and bickering (mostly bickering) between two woman; he turns around and is flush hot with white anger and screams the only line he knows; "STOP IT! THAT'S ENOUGH!!" Zinna, Sezar and even Kaska fall into instant slience....The only sound that was playing at the time was the musical flourish that was continuing both the song singing and the frog puppets playing......

 Lies are useless in the lord's design
 but truth must be shown with love because it's that love that gives us hope...
 Dancing to light and life...
 give thy strength to God.

"Now..." Kaska said knowing that Sezar and Zinna were unable to depend on the musical flourish to justify their attacks on each other; "..let me explain something. The last two things we need is for you two to be screaming and turning againest each other; not to mention that this may also blow our cover. Do you understand?"

"Yes; boss." Sezar and Zinna said at the same time as their eyes fumbled with excess fear coming from Kaska's intimidation. Sezar was breathing heavily.

"Okay; now Sezar?" Kaska ordered; "Go help Cassium with the puppets; please. He proably needs help with an extra set of hands. You know the routine...."

"Yes; boss." Sezar exclaimed with a gulp as she walks towards the storage room door; opens the door and exits through inside; ready to help Cassium with the puppets. Kaska suddenly turns to Zinna and Zinna notices something different about him; as if he was ready to admit some form of wrong-doing.

"You know something Zinna." Kaska said not looking as cross to Zinna as he was earlier; but was flashing an evil smile towards her as if he had a plan; "Your little rebellion of revenge againest the wishes of this gang may actually been a good thing. I did judge you wrong; your defamation of me and your carelessness has actually spawned an idea."

"Well;" Zinna snapped back; feeling that this young male was finally going to listen to her; "I'm glad that you have come to your senses."

".....up to a point. I'm still not happy with your actions." Kaska said still looking angry at his sub-oridnate's behaviour; "But at least I can forgive you now."

"Thank you boss." Zinna exclaimed. It was strange to say the least; after all Zinna was supposed to hate all men and yet she was supporting a young male leader. Was it just old men? Or was it because Zinna was picky on whose's men should she attack based on attributes such as love? Zinna was showing that she wasn't as discrimate as anyone thought she would be. And most importantly; she was obeying Kaska's orders anyway. Nothing seems what it should be as the musical song continues to run at its normal speed.......

 Kero; will you dance to for your best beloved...
 so all can socially come together.
 In ture peace and happiness...
 in seeking of enternal life.

"Now; here's the plan." Kaska exclaimed as the musical flourish continued to drown out any sound that came out of Kaska's mouth to the outside audience; " You remember that Databyle would be able to pay for his entry into Wesdon next week..... Well; I have found a sure-fire way to get that.....tommorrow in fact. I'm planning a one-night only special called 'The Frog & the Bruin' written by the same person who wrote the 'Frog Dance'." Kaska remembered that Databyle used to do this project and it was considered his party piece; something that Databyle himself can seperate himself from the rest; " Just imagine; we raise prices for this one and..." Zinna then realizes something was wrong with this picture: Databyle lost his bear puppets in Freelanda when they made the business deal with him.

"There's just one problem boss..." Zinna responded believing that this was a valid question; "..where are we going to find a bear puppet?" Kaska nods his head knowing that Zinna does have a point there as Databyle didn't have a bear puppet for use to create this beautiful fantasy. For inspiration sake; Kaska quickly goes to the peep hole and look directly at the AeroStar known as Gregory just like Sezar did earlier.

"It's closer than you think." Kaska chuckled sadisticly as the musical flourish slowly comes to an end and Databyle Puppet re-enters the stage from the left side. Everyone is clapping; feeling like they were having a good time. Gregory and his group clapped in unison; at least out of respect for the preformer and mostly because he was as great as he said he would be.

"We will resume with the final act after a 15 minute intermission." Databyle said as he bows to the audience; " I hope that you are enjoying the show." Databyle exits towards the right side of the stage; or in his case it was stage left. He opens a door which leads his to enter into a narrow hallway and up the wooden stairs which was considered very dark at with the lack of lighting. However; since Databyle was doing this every public day for the last six months it wasn't considered to be a problem for him. Databyle gets to the top of the stairs and enters the dimly-lit storage area and then walks to the right and opens the door to Kaska's office and enters the room. Kaska Halio was waiting for him and had a surprising smile for him. Although Databyle was getting politness and praise from Kaska many times before; this was the first time that Kaska was actually smiling _at_ him directly. There was something different about him this time; as if he had something different to say this time...At least Kaska wasn't mad at him....

"Hello Databyle; please sit down." Kaska said frimly as he offers a hand towards the seat in which Databyle will sit in; "I have something to say." Databyle Puppet takes the seat that Kaska offers him which was right in front of the desk facing the desk. Kaska instantly stands up the moment Databyle Puppet sits down.

"Yes boss?" Databyle asked looking a bit worried that Kaska wasn't being his normal self. Kaska sees this and attempts the technqiues needed to assure him that he was with him until the time in which he gets his citizenship in Usland.

"Call me Kaska;" Kaska exclaimed looking very surprised that his so-called friend would call him by his formal title which was used forcefully by his sub-oridnates; "I mean we're supposed to be friends....buddies....soon to have full and legal status in Wesdon...Anyway; I have a question for you..." Kaska takes out his notes and shows them to Databyle; "Have you ever done the 'Frog & the Bruin'?"

"Oui mon ami, this is my masterpiece." Databyle said with his french bravado intact; "I won the prized BlistaKnight award for outstanding puppet design and sequence doing that piece just before the Great War and..." Databyle soon realizes something that he should have known from the start; Kaska was making him do 'Frog Dance' despite the fact that 'The Frog and the Bruin was his best play. Databyle stared at him looking a bit cross; ".. Wait a minuet! If this is thee best best thing; then why zid you not use it for the last six months?" Kaska had to think of the right words to use; because it was clear that Databyle was not as naive as Kaska had expected.

"Well; I've always say that if you can sell out on your weakest link;" Kaska exclaimed as he blushed with embrassment that Databyle was smarter than he thought that he was; trying to show that Databyle was doing the right thing; ".... then your strongest link will always be your 'Grande Finale'. Of course that is from personal experience."

"Of course; however there is a petiti probleme..." Databyle admitted realzing that his bear puppets were missing and that was going to be the biggest problem; ".. I don't have any bear puppets left. The last one I had is missing in Freelanda."

"Well;" Kaska asked wondering the details of his sick plan to fit Databyle's response; " there a way that we can get that special puppet?"

"Oui;" Databyle said knowing the culture of Parris and knowing a part of his past that he was proud of; " it's a special puppet shop in Dynain, Parris called the Dynain Puppet Creations." The question was that does he know that the Airabus government has taken over Parris?

"That's perfect! Now I want you to talk to.." Kaska said as he took Databyle Puppet towards the peeping hole and Kaska points directly at Gregory AeroStar who was standing up and currently talking to Farris; ".....that bear... the one with a green sweater and green pants with the vanilla scarf.... after the play."

"Isn't that Maxim AeroStar?" Databyle asked looking very surprised. He had never met Maxim before; nor did he know (read: because Kaska wouldn't allow him to go outside of the Burimanger Complex for some strange and unknown reason) that Maxim had just died in a plane crash.

"No; that is his son Gregory AeroStar. His father passed away almost a week ago.." Kaska exclaimed; a huge surprise for Databyle because everyone knew about Maxim AeroStar and he was almost excited to meet him in person for the first time.".. He used to own a cargo shipping organzation. I think his son still runs it."

"Very well; I'll see him as soon as the puppet show is over." Databyle said as he exits Kaska's office via the storage room; " Now if you will excuse-moi; there is but one minuet left before the finale coments."

"He bought it!" Zinna said as Kaska returns to his desk; "He *really* bought it!"

Kaska sits down at his desk and read his note that he took recently on Cid Valez; "Soon even AeroStar will have to face the fact all furry beings must face their sins as saints accuse them." Kaska said as he willfully committed blastomphy againest the almighty; in actual fact Kaska was not a believer in the almighty's laws at all; " Zinna; even the God-less Oniz Mecha will have to face the heavenly court in her sins....." Kaska might have been right about Oniz's lack of faith for the chruch; but to call her Godless is also blastomphy. Is there anyone out there who know who these people think they are? And how come Kaska knows Cid Valez?

"Ooooh..." Zinna exclaimed feeling cheerful that this turn of events; that she can feel like she in fact contribue a plan to this dangerous group; "...that's lovely."

"Lovely.....indeed!" Kaska exclaimed laughing as Databyle Puppet walks back down those dark stairs as he has been walking on them for the past six months with his head held high in solidtude. Databyle opens the door that leads to the stage and enters the stage from the right side. The public (including the AeroStar gang) soon realizes that Databyle Puppet was ready for the final act and begin to retake their original seats and sit down. Databyle looks directly at the audience; ready to give them their finale. Then it's was off to see Gregory AeroStar of course......

"Bienevue; Ladies and Gentleman." Databyle chimed cheerfully; "Here without further adieu; is the final act of the 'Frog Dance'. Please refrain from applause until after after the act ends. Thank you and enjoy the final act....." Databyle will then exit to his right (read: the left side of the stage where the music phonographic record player was there and puts the needle on the record of the song track that was the grand finale of his preformance. The spotlight flashes down in the darken cinema as the six frog puppets slowly descend down from the rafters and are set up in a hexagon shape. Then as the musical flourish begins; the puppets dances; turning 180 degrees in opposite directions and coming towards the center. That created a perfect line of frog puppets with three sets of 2 puppets per line. They danced perfectly to the music as the song rings in the words of love...or as most people called it: Dance and Love!....

 Dance and love....
 Frogs dancing the enternal soul.
 Peace and hamory.
 Frogs dancing the enternal light.
 Share the soulful spirt.

~This is so smooth;~ Gregory thought as he by now was completely memsorized by the entire event; ~its like my ears are turning into cream.~ The puppet continued the same pattern only this time; the puppets rotated 90 degrees for each fourth note and was almost at random.

 Dance and love....
 Frogs dancing the enternal life.
 Peace and hamory.
 Frogs dancing the enternal song.
 Share the soulful strength.

~Marion Garr was right.~ Sally thought as she was completely overwhelmed by the sound flourish of music. She closed her eyes and let those dancing frog puppets clear her minds of any evil thought. ~ This is so cool.~ The same pattern and song continue to hold the minds of everyone.

 Dance and love....
 Frogs dancing the enternal strength.
 Peace and hamory.
 Frogs dancing the enternal thought.
 Share the soulful light.

~I must use this on my wedding day!~ Phillip thought as his mind was overwhelmed by the sound of the musical flourish protrayed. The music was so smooth that Phillip was instantly seduced and prevented him from stopping the play as it continues without protest.

 Dance and love....
 Frogs dancing the enternal proviendence.
 Peace and hamory.
 Frogs dancing the enternal night.
 Share the soulful life.

~Am I suppose to be watching this puppet show?~ Farris thought. Farris who is normally resistant to such `trivial nonsense' as Garland Karnage would say; was instantly overwhelmed by the musical flourish of the puppets. The song would continued without warning and without prejudice.

 Dance and love....
 Frogs dancing the enternal feeling.
 Peace and hamory.
 Frogs dancing the enternal power.
 Share the soul life of God.

~Why am I here?~ Oniz thought unimpressed at the entire display as she just observes the play seems not to care about it; ~Everyone around here is acting like zombies around me. I can never understand why people would waste money watching a bunch of puppets. Although the lead puppet is a cute little hunk; I still feel that this is a waste of time.~ Oniz observed the puppets set up into a square fromation (read: puppet master had a lot of diffculty with this sequence; it took almost ten months for Databyle to get this one properly.) and the puppets would dance in a striaght line until they reach the edge of the square and then they would turn 90 degrees to the right every time; thus creating a square. The song continues to play on the minds of it's audience.

 May you rest the enternal rest..
 And may you relationship soar..
 To heights beyond the minds of the mindless.
 May you love destory the hate.

The puppets set up into a circle formation and they dance in a counter-clockwise formation and spin clockwise at properly regulated levels to set up for the final notes and words. Since everyone was obeying Databyle Puppet; not one person (not even Oniz Mecha who was disinterested in this puppet show anyway) was cheering and clapping. Soon they knew that the puppet show would be over......

 Peace shalt be complete..
 For all who dance the dance of peace.
 May the lord give the strength of love
 And may peace prevail!

The puppets and the musical flourish stopped slowly as the audience including Gregory AeroStar, Farris Karnage, Oniz Mecha (even her with her lack of cultural sense.), Sally AeroStar and Phillip AeroStar begin to clap and cheer. Some were even asking for an encore. The puppets slowly exits being pulled up from the bottom to the top...... Databyle Puppet re-enters the stage from the left side and that bring most of the audience into a long standing ovation. Databyle was used to this for the past six months; but never in his many years has he ever experiences such a cheerful audience....Particually the fact that he at least should know what the world was into right now. However; one of most symbolic expression of what a child believes in these troublesome times was yet to come as a eight year old grey rabbit girl wearing a beautiful violet dress blouse goes up the small stairs onto the stage and gives the puppet master a large package of white roses.

Databyle accepts the white roses and knelt down to greet her due to his large frame;"Why thank you mon ami?!"

The rabbit flowergirl kisses a knelt Databyle Puppet and said the following praise; "You're the most wonderful furry in the world!" Databyle Puppet then instantly embraced her right in front of the audience which in turn the clapping and cheering became louder and louder. It was a magical moment for Databyle.......

"Well; that girl's got good taste." Sally said as she stands up and claps with the audience that enjoyed yet another perfect preformance by the puppet master.

Phillip stands up to ask the puzzling question to Sally; "Come again?"

"She's giving Datablye a package of white roses." Sally points out believing that Phillip is nuts as she stands up in unison with Phillip; " She pretty well knows about the symbolic value of a white rose." Gregory AeroStar, Oniz Mecha and Farris all stand up.

"You're all nuts." Oniz whinced as she folded her arms in a state of disbelief as the group walks towards the exit of Cinema#3.

"Well;" Farris said overhearing that comment from Gregory's mechanic; "I can tell who didn't like the play." Oniz felt like she had hurt the feeling of those friends of hers and that if she didn't say anything nice and honest about the play; she would be shunned for a long time to come. Oniz's weakness is trying to defend herself.

"Well; I thought it was okay. " Oniz said trying to sound like she was honest when she said that she was interested enough; "However; you have to understand that I'm use to fixing engines; creating inventions....I don't really have a soft spot for puppet show; so I cannot feel the same as you do."

"Well; I thought that the play was very smooth to the ears." Farris said as he, Oniz, Phillip, Sally and Gregory exit from Cinema#3 the same way that they entered and walked into the foyer; "I enjoyed the beautiful backgrounds and the song was a beautiful example of the lord's tune. The puppets were also very lifelike and danced perfectly in motion. What did you think of the play Phillip?"

"It was excellent Farris!" Phillip chimed in agreeing with everything Farris spoke of; " You pretty much explained everything that I was going to say. I would like to add that the final act showed a design similar to the dove of peace. I felt that it really put an extra edge on the play.....don't ye think so Sally?"

"Yeah; I noticed." Sally said blushing a little bit as she was forced onto the hot seat too quickly; " I also noticed that in the final act; the puppets were dancing like they were proud of dancing around. They were as life-like as Marion has stated in his article.." Sally then turned to Gregory as it was time for him to reveal his thoughts about proably one of the best class acts ever; "...Ummm Gregory? What do you think of the play?"

"Something was not right there...." Gregory started looking partly serious and to a certain extent partly spaced out and numbed by the experience. Sally was concerned now; a perfect play has just ended and Gregory's the only one who sees a negative in the entire thing. For Gregory; seeing that puppet in the middle caused him such a disturbance that it was impossible to ignore.

"Come again?" Sally asked wondering why Gregory was acting this way. If something was wrong; Sally would have noticed it earlier. Then again; Gregory did have those sharp pains when he eyed the first puppet in the middle that he saw. Why didn't he just tell Sally earlier?

"Well; I felt that the figures looked too life-like." Gregory explained as Databyle Puppet enters the foyer via Cinema #3 and overhears the comments of the young bear and looks rightfully worried about bad press; "I felt that was a little see that. It's almost like real furries were being used...."

"Umm....excuse me sir?" Databyle said eyeing the young AeroStar; "Are you Gregory AeroStar?"

"The one with the space-out radio?" Oniz joked....Bum-Bum-Ching!! That upsetted Sally as she saw it as a sign that Oniz Mecha was wearing out her welcome.

"Please forgive Oniz;" Sally exclaimed pushing Oniz out of the way; "....she's not used to having a social life."

"WHAT?!" Oniz protested almost allowed to have Sally cover her mouth; "I have no social life?!"

"Well;" Farris chuckled; "I guess if you consider that you always fix stuff and hopelessly flirt people."

"Farris!" Oniz protested again; in disbelief that Farris would take her side for once.

"Yes; that's me sir." Gregory said as he sits down on a wooden bench looking in front of the solar garden and the exit outside.

"Ah! Mon pere; I'd like to point out that I used wooden model made of paper-mache." Databyle explained calmly almost like a public relations person in drag; "I happen to use real clothes to dress the models."

Phillip decided to take that as a sigh of relief; "I guess that's what Gregory found disturbing."

"Umm.....Phillip?" Sally said ribbing Phillip; telling him through body lanauage that this was none of his business; " Databyle is talking to Gregory; not you!"

"I'm sorry Sally." Phillip said feeling hurt that he couldn't get a word with the creator of the play.

"That's okay.." Databyle exclaimed towards Phillip politely; ".....I understand."

"So;" Gregory said admitting that he was wrong in the whole scheme of thing; ".....the puppets are just wooden models..."

"That's right;" Databyle said seriously;"I don't use real frogs for the show." Gregory was convinced that Databyle was telling the truth as there was no indication that was negative in any way.

"I see. I'm sorry; I guess I was seeing something that wasn't to be." Gregory said finally feeling that the sharp was nothing more than a test of attention; "Maybe my sharp sense is over-bearing over nothing."

"I understand some furries felt that we use real animals." Databyle said nodding his noggin; "That of course is not ture.....At any rate; I hope that this answers your questions."

"Yes it does.." Gregory said seriously; "..anyway other than that; the show was perfect."

Suddenly without warning Databyle Puppet embraces and hugs Gregory heavily shouting only two words; "Oh; thank you; thank you; thank you." This causes almost everyone to look around for a second...Once they realize that it was only Databyle Puppet hugging someone did they resume their own business. Databyle was known for off-hand stage amibitions and most furries didn't really care about them antics....

However; Oniz was quickly frowning on such antics on the part of Databyle. "I don't know what is more distrubing: being a Mime or hugging one?"

"Databyle is not a mime." Sally proclaimed knowing the difference between the two; "Mimes are not supposed to talk."

"Actually; I do have some skill in mime craftsmenship." Databyle said now completing his rounds and getting down to the real questions that he was supposed to ask Gregory; " At any rate; I have been asking:" he looks directly at Gregory seriously; looking like he was not going to leave without an answer; "Do you run a cargo business?"

"Yes I do. I run a cargo business called the AeroAvis." Gregory said as his smile turns into a frown However; most of my pilots are gone now because of the war."

"How sad..." Databyle hold his head with his hands in dramatic fashion; "..people fighting for nothing but grief.." Databyle said hanging his head for some shame that was completely not needed in this situation; "...if everyone were to listen and obey the spirit protrayed of the 'Frog Dance' the world would be a better place to live in."

"Wow....I remember that style given by a friend of mine; Paul from Wesdon." Gregory said reminded of the people that he loved or had known for the decades walking onto this planet; " I can see why."

"Anyway;" Databyle said feeling like a needy solider; "....are you still in business because I need your help." Gregory however; knew the laws of the Wesdon land. Under Section VII, number 45-A of the 'Consumer Protection Act' created in 1875; providing private business involving monies over $10 is absoultely forbidden. The punishment is harsh: up to 14 years in prison. Believe me when it has been said; the 1900's prisons were considered inhumane even by prison standards today. People believe that it was to deter potiental furries from breaking the laws of the land.

"You know that I cannot preform private business practices in the public square." Gregory said as he hands his famous AeroAvis Business Card to Databyle; knowing that this was perfectly legal; "However; I can give you for information purposes my business card."

"Why thank you mon ami." Databyle said cheerfully; " This makes my life easier."

"What a preformer!!" Gregory said looking like he was in a dream. It might have the normal spacing out process that Gregory goes through. However; unlike the spacing out that he has suffered in the past, the emotion being expressed was much less desentized then he was anytime when his father was involved. This was a different Gregory AeroStar....the question is how long would this last.....?

"Come on Gregory!" Sally said cheerfully; feeling that they may have yet another client in the mix of the AeroAvis; "Let's go shopping...."

"So they can rip yourself off the bench...." Oniz joked as a last resort knowing that once she was home; she could do anything she wanted to do.....Unless Gregory notices first. The entire gang exits the complex all feeling proud of themselves. Little did they know of the terrible thing that someone close to home that someone would cause such terror......


Back inside Kaska's office; Kaska was sitting down on his desk; clicking his dangling heels about. Zinna, Sezar and Cassium were sitting down in their own wooden chairs awaiting patiently for Databyle Puppet to return. As if it was on cue; Databyle Puppet re-enters Kaska's office from the same entrance: the storage area which leads to the stage and above the stage.

"Bonjour;" Databyle speaks in a cheeky tone as he hands Kaska Halio; the AeroAvis business card that he got from Gregory AeroStar; "I have something for you."

Kaska smirks at the piece of paper given to him as he reads it aloud; "The AeroAvis Private Delivery Service, 4306 Wesdon Street, East Wesdon; the Flying District. Telephone 171-8317. We deliever private cargo shipments from and to all over the world. Over 12 pilots to serve you."

"Sadly; according to AeroStar," Databyle said as he shook his head if he was ashamed of something; "all of his pilots are involved in the war. What shame!"

"I know..." Kaska said as he decides that Databyle would be a conflict of interest if he gets involved with the plan which he was coming up with as he talks with Databyle; "...but with you and this pilot being friends, I'm sure that you will be able to give him the necessary information. At any rate here's fifty dollars...." Kaska suddenly hands Databyle Puppet a fifty-dollar bill and smiles in a different light than Databyle has seen; "Have a good time out tonight."

"Wait a minute mon ami!" Databyle said not convinced. "You don't usually let me out at night. Your friends usually bring me dinner due to safety concerns." This concerns frightened the group helping Databyle a bit. After all; Databyle had not once come outside; even to buy dinner or even food to fill the cupboards in his room. Those were all done by Zinna and Sezar. Something was not right in the sense that they would allow him to go out. Kaska; however, knew from the start that Databyle would be putting his train under it was time to give him a reason. A half-truth if you would say....

"I think it would not be right for you to be living in a fishbowl." Kaska exclaims feeling in a faux fashion like he was having second thoughts about keeping Databyle Puppet inside from the rest of the city of Wesdon; "Besides; you've got to get used to public life around here. So take the money and have a good time. Take all night if you want to."

"What about my puppets?" Datablye asked looking very concerned that this task would not be complete. Luckly for Kaska; he was ready to respond to that question and concern.

"Don't worry Databyle;" Kaska said assuring that Databyle will get everything he needed; "I'll take care of everything."

Databyle decided that Kaska was sincere and he could trust Kaska in getting Gregory to deliver his puppets; "Merci mon ami; Au revoir!" Databyle said as he exit out the side door and gets dressed and prepared for the city life that he was going to enjoy once he gets proper immergration status. If only he knew who Kaska is and what he represents. The real agenda was about to start and Kaska knew exactly what to do now that Databyle cannot interfere with the real plan....It was too late to turn back as Kaska notices Zinna is a little bit impatient.

"Now what do we do?" Zinna asked wondering what role would she play into the plan. After all; it was her idea to get Aerostar involved in the trap in the first place.

"Yeah boss?" asked Cassium; the always loyal bodyguard who respected Zinna concerns; but wish that she showed respect to him.

"Like I said Snakefang." Kaska snapped back laughing as Cassium whince at the nickname he was given; "I'll take care of everything....Now here's the plan...." While the plan was considered secret; two things were certain...It would be simple and it would be deadly enough to work. If only Databyle and AeroStar know for sure.


Back at the AeroAvis Dining Room; sitting at the table, Gregory, Phillip and Sally AeroStar are currently eating dinner. All are seated in their seats where they usually sit at the table and they are eating grilled broccoli and green pepper stir-fry, onion soup and green salad. They are drinking soy milk.

"Boy;" Sally said loving every morsel of food cooked by Gregory AeroStar; "Marion Garr sure knows about creating  wonderfully good and tastey food."

"Not withstanding the fact that he really knows a good play when he sees one." Phillip said raising his fork; "Marion Garr rules!"

"Now; let's not play this kind of idolistic worship." Gregory said firmly; "It's not good for spirutual thought. Everything must be done on a moment to moment basis."

"I see what you mean." Sally said as she walks towards a counter and turns on the kitchen radio; then goes to the newspaper rack and takes out a newspaper from a few days ago and begins reading it.

"Welcome to WSDN-670 AM radio news for December 12th,1917." the female radio announcer speaks out something very emotionless; "The Supper Hour Edition."

"Do we have to listen to the radio Sally?" Gregory asked whincing a little bit as news was one of the most depressing things to listen to now with the war effort reaching its senseless peak; "I mean all they do is talk about doom and gloom. I have yet to hear a single positive news from them."

"I'm afraid that I have a research paper due this Friday;" Sally explained admitting that she was not a big fan of radio either; "......and part of that is spending time listening to the radio. My project is on Police Decetive Work."

"I've got a wonderful idea for a research paper:" Gregory said recalling a joke that Oniz Mecha did a couple of years back; Reasons Why News People Only Report Negative Items and Don't Focus On Any Nice Stories...."

"In the news today; Cinema Star Cid Valez is still missing.." the radio announcer continued as if Gregory was not even in the room being rude; "..Police are baffled over the disappearance which has lasted six months." Suddenly; without warning or reason; Gregory once again felt a sharp feeling in his head causing him to drop his head down on the table; seething in complete pain. Phillip instantly comes over to see if Gregory is okay; with Sally following close behind.

"Gregory?" Phillip said looking at the head-down AeroStar; " Are you okay?"

"What's wrong?" Sally asked checking his forehead to see if he had a fever. No such luck; he was perfectly lukewarm.

"I don't know." Gregory said as he raised his head in pain; " Everytime I hear Cid Valez's name or see his face....." Gregory accidently glances at the newspaper and once again sees Cid Valez. That causes even more sharp pains to strike Gregory's head once again causing him to suffer; "....ARRRGH!"

"Gregory?" Sally asked looking concerned. This was the first time that these pains existed since her mother's death completely haunted him. Gregory begins to stand up and was holding his head in agony.

"Excuse me..." Gregory said as he walks quickly into the kitchen holding his head in pain; "..I'll be in the kitchen."

Phillip was in a state of shock for it was a long time since Gregory has had these bouts of pain; "What's wrong with him?"

"Phillip; I don't like this." Sally said recalling a time just before Claris' death that Gregory suffered from these exact same pains; " When Gregory has these episodes it usually means something is wrong. I remember Gregory telling me about that similar pain just hours before mother's death."

"In other words......" Phillip said as he gulped at the thought of Sally's word.

"We are going to have to watch Gregory very carefully." Sally said feeling a sign of fear coming from her own face; " I think *he's* in danger....." Meanwhile; inside the AeroAvis kitchen; Gregory was sitting down on a chair and looked like he was almost rolled up into a ball.

"What is this pain? When my mother died this pain came." Gregory felt something was wrong and didn't know why he was suffering for one thing and not for another; " When my dad died the pain simply didn't come. Why is this happening? Maybe it was my lack of bondage between me and my father.." As Gregory comes close to emitting tear the telephone begins to ring; "...I just don't know anymore."

"Just what I need..." Gregory said as now he was holding onto his ears feeling painful; " I've got the new sign of ringing in my ears..." Gregory realizes that the phone was ringing and not his ears; "....Oh the phone's ringing. I'd lose my mind!"

Gregory picks up the phone and talks into it; "Hello?"

"Hello.." Kaska's voice beckons; " this the AeroAvis?"

"UGGGHHHH!..." Gregory screams as he feels that sharp pain overcoming him again; only this time Gregory was finally able to control this one; ".....Who is this?"

"I'm.." Kaska ponders for a moment to come to an alternative name or better yet; job "...Databyle's Secetary. I work on his accounting."

"Oh I see.." Gregory said feeling that accountants are pretty much harmless; "..Well; how may I help you?"

"Ah yes;" Kaska asked firmly trying to keep his ture intentions a secret; "Are you interested in delievering some items for Databyle?"

"Well this is your lucky day." Gregory said as he checks the backlog sitting next to the phone; "Normally; due to the war all of our pilots are working for the effort. However; since we have no outstanding orders at this time and I can fly planes myself; there should be no problems."

"I see.." Kaska said looking very surprised that this plan was going work much easier; "...Well; Datablye would like you to deliever a special puppet from the Parris Cinema Shoppe due tommorrow night. How much do you want for the shipment?"

"I'll tell you what; since Databyle has produced such a wonderful cinematic experience;" Gregory said as he looks at his profit sheet sitting next to the phone; " for this one time only; the shipping is at no charge."

"Why thank you dear sir." Kaska responded feeling even more brilliant since he didn't have to pay Gregory anything; " I'll inform Databyle of this. Come tonight to the back of the complex; I'll give you the accurate address...."

"Okay; I'll see you in two hours." Gregory said feeling more proud of himself; " Thank you......Goodbye." Gregory hangs up the phone as Sally and Phillip AeroStar enter the kitchen after hearing Gregory scream again and saw that Gregory was smiling ear to ear. Gregory finally felt proud of himself that only just a few hours since meeting Databyle Puppet; he was already calling for a deal to be struck between the compaines. It was all falling into place now.....

"Gregory?" Phillip asked; "Who is that?"

"Boy; this is the AeroAvis' lucky day today!" Gregory said with bravado; " I just got a delivery note from our new friend Databyle. He wants me to deliever a special puppet for a special puppet showing tomorrow night."

"That's wonderful Gregory." Sally said cheery for the first time; it looked like Gregory was finding starting to get used to wearing the pants in this family; " It's about time that we deliever something that has nothing to do with the war."

"Yeah; what an oppourtainty to show Databyle;" Phillip added smiling from ear to ear; " our new friend; our new client what quality the AeroAvis can provide."

"Now Phillip. I warned you againest idolistic worship..." Gregory decided to change the subject in midstream and needed to Oniz because he was going to use the Maxim Special; " ...Anyway; I need to see Oniz."

"She's in the airplane hanger outside;" Sally said grinning at the thought of Oniz's own world sulking."

"Well; I need to see Oniz about the condition of the seaplane."

"Maxim's SA-9 seaplane?" Phillip gulped remembering the number of times Gregory had problems trying to fly that plane; " Maxim said that the plane is diffcult to control...."

"I know; however the Burimanger Complex only allows parking for seaplanes at the back.." Gregory points out knowing about the rules and regulations of everything in Wesdon; just like Maxim told him; "...a compromise made by the Usland Government. Besides; I've had lots of experience controlling that tough plane."

Sally realized it and whinced at the thought; "Of course!"

"Anyway; I better get going. I need to check the accuracy of that address." Gregory said remembering that standard practices that Maxim used to run his business for it was the law; " I'll see you tommorrow morning or afternoon. Okay?"

"Take care!" Sally boasted as she kisses Gregory on the ear and that causes Gregory to blush in embrassment. He hates being kissed on the ear. Gregory stands up and exits the kitchen from the kitchen door which leads to the northern end of the AeroAvis property.

"There goes one friendly pilot!" Phillip said determined that Gregory will succeed in the mission.

Sally could only say one word for this moment; "Agreed." The only question was: Was Databyle Puppet's train friendly even though he himself is.....The question was going to come much sooner than later..... 


Meanwhile; back inside the office of Kaska; with Kaska still holding the phone sitting on top of the wooden desk. Zinna, Cassium and Sezar were each sitting in their own chairs awaited for step one of the plan for Databyle be excuted correctly without a hitch. Finally; Kaska hangs up the phone and enlists an evil smile on his kisser.

"Well; well he is more gulliable that I thought." Kaska said in a sick macbre tone; "He doesn't even know what's about to happen to him."

"What is the plan boss?" Cassium asked impatiently. If there was one thing Kaska didn't like was furries being impatient.

"Now; snakefang..." as Kaska said that Cassium began to whince again; he hated that nickname; "'re becoming impatient."

"Actually;" Cassium said sounding smarter than usual; "I'm whincing because I hate being called Snakefang, boss."

"Awww....well that is just too bad...Snakefang.." Kaska said laughing causing Cassium to whince once again; "...So Sezar; you'll be the sub-ducer of this outfit...."

"Oh goodie; goodie..." Sezar cried out feeling proud of her job; "...Methinks this is in the bag."

"Alright,Alright..." Kaska states the plan as he stands up and walks towards the corner where his shock stick is and grabs it; "...Cassium and Zinna will be the holders....."

".....and I'll be the shocker!" Kaska chuckled sadisticly as he pushes the button below the shock stick on causing a distrubing hissing sound, a few sparks and flashes of light to be released inside the office. With Databyle gone now; the group's focus is now squarely on getting at the AeroStar family. Gregory had no idea or care in the world what was going to befall on him.....


It was nearing nightfall as the sun was continuing to set down in west for another time for the AeroAvis' north end of the building. Near the seaplane which was parked on the small lake in the northeastern corner of the property; known as the "Maxim Special". It is a Slyphia Alton (read: named after on of the spirits of Earthia) seaplane codenumbered SA-9 colored yellow in color with red strips around the wings, fins, wingtips and the sides of the planes and seats two furries plus 150 pounds of cargo or one furry and over 300 pounds of cargo. Gregory AeroStar and Oniz Mecha walk towards the seaplane sitting in the man-made plane. Oniz had just checked the seaplane a few minutes ago.....

Oniz took out her piece of paper and started her report to be heard by Gregory's somewhat tin ear;"Well; I've just checked the out-of-control seaplane...."

"Now; Oniz. It's not _out-of-control_.." Gregory explained feeling hurt; "...Only error is furry error....." Gregory had to stop as Oniz started to look cross in the face; "....of course I'm not implying that you make mistakes."

"The Mann twins rudeness is starting to rub off..." Oniz reminded the AeroStar that he was falling right into their 'So what? You do it too?' attitude.

"Your right Oniz;" Gregory responded without any emotion whatsoever; "I'm sorry."

"Well; you have done an excellent job in maintaining this seaplane;" Oniz responded to the report wondering if this report was such a good idea to talk about; "I'm impressed."

"Well; since Maxim has been away; I've been working on the old plane. Just modifying it enough to keep it within regulations; but still enough to make it creative...."

Oniz just shook her head feeling digusted at the envious behaviour of her new employer as Maxim would never display this type of evny; "Boy that Mann mentatity is rubbing off too dangerously....."

"Are you saying that I'm insecure?" Gregory asked feeling that she was taking sides with the overzealous pilots.

"In a word.." Oniz asked rubbing his elbow againest Gregory's chest gently; "....yeah."

"Why thank you.." Gregory said as he jumped into the Maxim Special with a selfish smile; "..I'll remember that on your birthday when I buy you a sercurity system!"...Oniz Mecha was outraged at the fact that she was outsed by Gregory. She only heard one sound....Bum-Bum-Ching!

"You never buy anything for my birthday!" Oniz shouts as Gregory starts the engines of the seaplane and quickly turns the plane towards the city.

"There's always a first time.....Now Oniz;" Gregory shouted over the engine noise of the Maxim Special; " I'll be back tommorrow afternoon with the puppet.....and remember that Sally will be home so no flirting!" The seaplane slowly ascends up and moves. It then spirals up until it gets to 3,500 feet of altitude and then in a few minutes and then fly in a straight towards the city. Oniz Mecha returns back to her workshop seething with jealousy that she found out that Sally was going to watch over her like a hawk.

"One of these days; you'll never stop me!" Oniz said seething as if she was acting like a lame villian; "Now; I'll rise to the point!"

Meanwhile back inside the Maxim Special Slyphia Alton SA-9 or whatever you want to call it seaplane above the ground overlooking the hustle and brustle city. It was pretty noisy for a night like this considering have senseless the war effort has become. As expected the Maxim Special was making excellent time; however, the pilot in charge of flying the seaplane Gregory AeroStar was having other things cloud his mind to the prize. He was for a slight moment; holding his head seething serverly in pain.

"What's happening to me?" Gregory pleaded as he admitted that something was wrong; the sharp pain in his head would not go away; "I have a terrible headache......Oh; mother I wish that you were still here." Gregory looked up into the sky; " Those memories you gave me when father was gone."

*How are you enjoying your life?* a voice beckons out of nowhere in his head; it sounded just like his late mother * Think of these apples as the stuff that makes up the soul of one's being.*

"Those memories....." Gregory drifted off into la-la-land for a split moment as he remembered that time in Windsolaz more than 11 years ago. The event occured at the AppleRange Farm. It was the fall breeze setting in as a younger Claris AeroStar is standing on top of an angeled- maple wooden ladder picking apples from a large apple tree nearly 20 feet high. She then picks enough apples to carry down herself without damaging them and slowly walks down the ladder and places the apples in a wooden/straw basket measuring about 7 feet across and 6 feet in length. (It takes four people to carry it.) She then looks at a young Gregory (only 8 years old now) looking around in a moronic fashion and he was picking up apples (some damaged) dropped onto the ground and Claris starts to laugh at the sight of him as the younger Gregory places the apples in the basket. Gregory would never forget those words that she spoke of *You're such a great helper my dear!* After that; Gregory's last memory was that he and Claris both hugged each other as would all mothers with sons would do. Gregory now had a reason to backup his mom and he returns to reality.

"Now Mommy! It's time that I helped you.... _for real_!" Gregory exclaims as the Maxim special flies above the dark horizons and getting ready to to reach its next denstination: The Burimanger Complex. The same place where Gregory saw Databyle's puppet show.....and the place where everything is not what it seems......


The back of the Burimanger Complex was as dark as it could ever been. Only a tear-drop shaped lantern fixed againest the end of the boardwalk's pier lit the darkness. Gregory seaplane 'The Maxim Special' starts to spiral down slowly in order to keep the plane in complete control and then it lands gently onto the ocean water just next to the wharf's wooden walkway on the right hand side. Standing on the wharf was a black raven (read: he looks like someone we know) in a maple-colored trenchcoat, oak-colored trenchpants and a grey hat. He was also wearing a sercuity-type badge on his trenchcoat. The officer approches Gregory as he jumps out of his plane. He (the officer) looked serious indeed...

"Excuse me sir;" The Officer replied holding his hands in a matter that said you better stop or else; "I demand that you state your name and business!"

"Yes;" Gregory said as he handed the officer his card without fear or emotion since he knew why he was here; " name is Gregory AeroStar and I'm here to see Databyle Puppet or Databyle's secatary concerning the correct address for a delivery of a special puppet; officer."

"Now I understand..." The officer chuckled feeling that Gregory who was only 19 years young was not trying to make any trouble whatsoever; "..well Databyle Puppet has gone out for good night time. However; his secatary is still here. I'm just trying to maintain safety here in the Burimanger Complex. You can never be too careful with thugs around here."

"Of course.....thank you for your concern." Gregory said as he turns around and walks towards the Burimanger Complex rear exit;" I'll be back in fifteen minutes. So long....."

"Oh; take your time sir.." The officer grins boardly; "...take your time indeed." Gregory AeroStar manages to walk towards a door that leads to Kaska's Office from the rear side of the complex. However; Gregory stops and wonders about something: ~That guard sounded very familiar. Could.....nah? Sometimes people can have very similar voices and be totally different. I'm worrying too much.~ he thought.

Gregory decided that he should wait a few minutes before knocking on the door; "I wonder if this is where I'm going to meet Databyle's secatary...."

"Hello young man!" a female voice beckon out. Gregory looks around to his right and sees from the corner of his eye was a lovely black turtledove wearing a beautiful 18th-centuary German-style party dress loaded with various colors and shades of the rainbow sitting on a green-painted wooden park bench which next to a green-painted 18th-centuary English-style teadrop-shaped lamp post. Sezar Polier's subduction was well underway as she intentionally blinks her eyes towards the young bear that noticed her. Gregory decided to walk over towards the bench and prehaps ask her to how to enter the Burimanger Complex; or in a more extreme case: Ask her out for a date....Maybe....

"This is strange.." Gregory said suddenly realizing that this turtledove's voice matched a furry that he met earlier than even he realized; "...the officer's voice sounded like Databyle's secatary and you sound like..." Gregory soon realized that there was more to this plot than he knew as if Databyle was in fact hiding something from the public; "..that ticketmaster in the booth."

"Yeah;" Sezar squeaked out the admittance; ".....and Methinks that you are going to be held in the scorn of contempt!" Gregory AeroStar only had his back turned for two minutes and that was more than enough time for Zinna and Cassium to sneak up from behind and grab the young AeroStar. Zinna put her arms around his chest while Cassium puts his arms underneath his armpits and around his neck is sort-of a full nelson type hold; rendering Gregory absolutely powerless. Gregory was trying to break free; but it was no good. Cassium Victor wasn't only a good bare-knuckle boxer; he was very strong too.....

"ARRRGH! LET ME GO!" Gregory screamed out loud hoping that the officer would hear him loud and clear "OFFICER! HELP ME! SOMEONE IS ATTACKING ME!" Sure enough the officer who talked to Gregory runs towards the assult group carrying his shock stick which looks exactly like the shock stick that Kaska carries directly on cue.

Sezar approches the paralized Gregory AeroStar and gives him a wet kiss on the left and right cheek and said only one phrase; "And Methinks that you are about to SHUT UP!!" Gregory was about to find out the hard way that he was completely set up as that same so-called officer takes his shock stick; turns it on and takes the shock end of the stick and it touches Gregory AeroStar's back. The shock was like getting shocked when you put a metal object into a toaster.

The assult group was laughing as Gregory screams in beyond belief shocking pain; "UGGGHHHH!" Zinna and Cassium let go of Gregory quickly as the 'officer' continues to shock Gregory AeroStar. Gregory slumps to his mid-section flat as a pancake and quivers violently as he at the same time closes his own eyes in pain. The 'officer' removes the shock stick and removes his hat to reveal his ture self- Kaska Halio. He was giggling and laughing in completely sick fashion as he down directly at the fallen AeroStar. He was a curel raven and would stop at nothing to create such harm to furries.

"I guess it's time for a wrap..." Kaska chuckled sickly as Zinna and Cassium looked directly at the work they did to the crumpled up AeroStar; "...Bring him into the building." Zinna and Cassium obeyed without question as they pick up Gregory by the shoulderblades and drag him harshly (read: Gregory didn't noticed this happening) into the building via the door entrance to Kaska's office.

"He *is* gulliable." Sezar Poiler giggled loudly as she realized just how easy it was for Gregory to fall for something so simple.

"No; he's a suductee of _your_ scorn of contempt....." Kaska responded as he corrects his own turtledove; "As Zinna would say; stage one is complete. Now let's go have some fun." Sezar continued to giggle as she and Kaska walks towards the building and enter it via the same door entrance to Kaska's office......What was going to happen to Gregory AeroStar? Only Kaska knows what he is doing........


Back inside Kaska's office; Zinna and Cassium were sitting down keeping an eye onto the fallen Gregory AeroStar who is tied up; hands tied behind his back and was kneeling. Gregory then suddenly start to wake up as Kaska Halio and Sezar Poiler both enter the office. Gregory was feeling very woozy right now and didn't know where he was at expect for one thing: he was assulted by someone he was about to know all too clear now.

"Someone get the number of that electritian please..." Gregory's eyes were finally starting to focus and he looked directly at Zinna Tolay who was doing her nails;" ...Zinna!" Gregory paniced as he struggled around and realizes that he was tied up

"Well!" Zinna said laughing out loud." Snakefang! The 'worm' is sqiuming!"

"Well;" Kaska said as he returns to his desk and looks at Gregory sharply;" Well, if it isn't my friend of gullability."

"Your the same person who was the officer.." Gregory protested as he struggled to get out of the ropes but to no avial; "..and Databyle's secatary...."

"Who told you to talk?!" Cassium protested as he was ready to bring his fists at Gregory and play with him as if he was a punching bag in on of those boxing practices. However; as he was ready to strike the first blow to Gregory's kisser; Kaska take out his shock stick and turns it on. The noise of sparks and the small flashes of light convince Cassium to stop before Gregory is completely knocked out. Kaska is smirking in a sadistic manner.

"Now; now Snakefang." Kaska exclaimed with an evil smile across his kisser as he points the shock stick from a distance at Cassium; "You know better than to kick a victim while he's down."

"That shock stick!" Gregory said realizing what Kaska had in his hands; "Wasn't it Oniz's handiwork?"

"Oh yeah.....Oniz.." Kaska said as he looks at the shock stick; "..I always wondered what this is really for?"

"It was actually used as a jump starter for stalled planes....." Gregory added feeling that he derserved answers to why he was being kidnapped by this criminal; "Who are you?"

"Kaska Halio;" he proclaimed proudly with his sadistic tone increasing by the moment; "....along with my aides in crime; Cassium Victor, Sezar ,and of course Zinna Tolay which you've already met."

"Farris told me about you......Zinna?!" Gregory said not believing that she would go with a band of dangerous criminals; "How can you associate with these furries...." Zinna takes out her whip and whip the rope towards Gregory; missing his face by just inches. Gregory was absolutely scared stiff.

Zinna was clearly fed up with a man's backpeddling; "Then I demand that Commander Wesdon reinstate me into the war!"

"You know that the War Measures Act doesn't allow that!" Gregory responded trying to tell her as Zinna retracted the whip rope beack to her whip and places it back into it's position.

"That's enough!" Kaska said seperating Zinna from Gregory who was seething at the teeth over Gregory's honest response.

"What do you want with me?" Gregory demanded answers and Kaska decided that he should know his fate.

"You know; this _puppet_ is _very_ talkative....." Kaska said smirking with a wicked smile; "This could be a small problem."

"Puppet?!" Gregory said looking very confused at the thought.

"Yes; puppet." Kaska exclaims looking like an evil prince of darkness; "I guess that I better show you your new life. Zinna; Cassium bring him to the storage room."

"The storage room?!" Gregory said confused as Zinna Tolay and Cassium Victor grab Gregory AeroStar and drags him as Sezar opens the door to the storage room.

"Let me point out something;" Kaska said feeling proud of himself as he give Gregory the serious lecture on greed; "I'm trying to help an old friend with his entering the social fabric. Sadly; thanks to Marion Garr; it almost gave away my plans."

*The puppet is so life-like that they are almost alive.* Marion Garr's voice reasonated into Gregory's head and that struck Gregory on the side of the head that Databyle was in fact using furries as puppets without their consent and Cid Valez was the one.

"YOU FIEND!!" Gregory said as he was thrown into the storage room; "You know something about Cid Valez; don't you?" The moment he said that; the sharp; unbearable pain return and that causes Gregory to scream uncontrollably.

"What are you going to do to me?" Gregory asked sounding very angry over what Kaska was doing to him.

"Have you always wondered what the paper-mache doll puppet feels like....." Kaska said laughing his head off as Gregory gulped at the thought of what was going to happen to him.

Meanwhile outside of the Burimanger Complex at the back of the building it was almost midnight as Databyle Puppet had returned back from one of the most entertaining days he had ever had. He decided to go to the entertainment center in Wesdon called the Mass Improv where the 1900's comdieans practiced their wares there and Databyle fought that this was very funny. Kaska was sure right about doing this it seems. Databyle however looked very tired and may have had too much juice cocktail at the place. At any rate; that didn't stop Databyle from walking smoothly and safety back to the back door of the Burimanger Complex.

"What a night?!" Databyle said feeling very proud; "I never knew that improv could be so much fun. I guess that there are some furries who love to be _laughed_ at. It's strange....."

"Hmmm....that plane wasn't there when I left the complex..." Databyle said as he looks around and sees the Maxim Special parked outside next to the wharf boardwalk; something was not right it seemed to the puppet master; "..I guess that's Gregory seaplane. I might as well go inside; maybe I can talk to Gregory." Databyle walks toward the back door and enters it. He goes up the stairs and starts to hear voices around him. It sounded like Kaska with Gregory screaming in unison.

"I wonder what is going around mon chere?" Databyle quietly said wondering why there is so much noise in the air. Databyle opens the door to Kaska's office and walks in. He notices that the door to the storage room was wide open. Databyle sees Kaska with his back turned; talking to someone.

Databyle overheads Kaska continuing his conversation or torture of Gregory AeroStar; "....So what do you think?"

"You're crazy!!" Gregory protested his voice almost at a full scream; " You're cruel to furries to be doing this!!"

"I know....." Kaska said giggling in a sadist tone; "It's amazing to see little greedy puppets like you dance againest the very greed that Cid championed." Databyle notices that it was Gregory AeroStar; who was completely tied up that Kaska was talking to. What on earth is happening here?!

"Wait a minuet!" Databyle shouted out feeling very hurt that his best friend was being assulted;"What is the meaning of this?!" Databyle knew right away from his experiences as a puppet master that this was very bad business.

"Databyle?" Kaska turns around looking very surprised that Databyle Puppet was standing right behind him looking very angry.

"You know the meaning of this." Gregory yelled looking in rage at Databyle Puppet; "You traitor!"

"What are you talking about?" Databyle protested knowing and believing that his morals were in the right place; "What is this about with using furries as puppet? I am completely againest that?!"

"How can you be againest that?" Kaska said protesting at the thought that he didn't know about something that Databyle Puppet honestly didn't know; "You've been doing it for the last six months!"

"WHAT?!" Databyle shouted looking like he was in complete shock; not believing that he committed such a crime againest humanity.

"I guess you can call it a 'Cidness Ambition'." Kaska responded laughing sadisticly.

Gregory still couldn't believe that Databyle had no idea that this was actually happening; "How on earth can you allow this?"

"I don't know." Databyle said panicky in a way that even stunned Gregory; this clearly wasn't an admission of guilt and he was completely concerned; "I've never seen Kaska do this."

"How could you miss that?" Kaska asked pointing at the storage room door; "Have you notice that Cassium _always_ left first?!"

"WHERE'S CID VALEZ?!" Gregory screams out with an accusing tone on Kaska Halio. Since Kaska believed that Gregory had no right to an answer he quickly decided to say nothing and completely ignores him.

"Where is Cid Valez?!" Databyle chimes in angerly in unison. He cannot tolerate such vulgar and illegal behaviour on the part of a partner who promised him that he would help him get into the social fabric.

"Stay out of this!!" Zinna hissed bitterly not about to allow anyone to backtalk on his boss; regardless of weither he is a boy or girl.

"I shall not!" Databyle Puppet protested not about to let his friend get any more curelity towards him causing Gregory to be totally surprised that Databyle was againest this outrage; " Gregory is _my_ friend....."

"Okay; Databyle Puppet!" Kaska said growing very impatient with Databyle's protests; " If that is what suits your fancy!" Kaska then takes out his shock stick and points it towards a dark corner and turns it on. The shock voltage over thin air causes flashes of light. The flashes of light show a frog-like furry who was kneeling and completely tied-up with box surrounding him. The 5 foot 9 inch medium build brown frog furry who was more than 30 years old; dressed in 12th centuary brown/gold colored royality robes with brown long-john socks and black english shoes. He was the famous dancer and preformer of the cinema and live-theatre over the years in Parris and used to live in Italia before the war conflict forced him to Freelanda where he must've faced Kaska about six months before he was found by Gregory AeroStar. It had to be Cid Valez.

"ARRRGH!" Gregory screamed as once again that sharp unbearble pain was in fact coming back. There was no doubt now; for some reason Gregory's sharp pain were being associted with destressed furry beings. This was Cid Valez.

"Hey boss!" Cassium said smirking at the pain that Gregory was suffering; "The guy's screaming and we aren't even touching him."

Sezar couldn't resist chiming in to embrass the tied-up AeroStar; "Methinks that the pain of subduction is very _unbearable_."

Gregory AeroStar didn't care how justifed they were in his actions; what they were doing was wrong and reprehensible;"You people are sick if you think I'm going to be your puppet!" he screamed bitterly. Kaska simply shrugged the threat away as if nothing had happened and looks sharply at his victim before smirking at the idea to teach this furry a lesson.

"You know what; your right!" Kaska admits as Cassium Victor step forward right in front of Gregory AeroStar; " You _are_ sick...."

"Huh?!" Gregory said confused when Zinna Tolay comes over and stands Gregory AeroStar up to his feet. He didn't even have the faintest idea what was going to happen to him.

"...and the cure is drink lots of fluid and get lots of rest....." Cassium said as he straight punches Gregory in the face causing Gregory's neck to snap back and forth until he starts to fall forward and completly blacks out from the attack. "So good night!" Zinna adds more force to the blow by shoving Gregory down onto the floor causing Databyle puppet to come towards him and knelt down beside the young bear. Databyle was absolutely pertified; Cassium Victor's boxing techninque was so perfected that he could kill a furry without a show of any emotion whatsoever....It was even more frightening on how precise he was in his actions: he was able to completely knock out Gregory AeroStar without any internal or external bleeding showing up. It only made him more dangerous than ever.

Zinna smirks directly at Cassium on a job well done; "I see that your boxing skills are still on par after all those years."

"Well;" Cassium said looking at his iron-colored like fist; " I had to find some punching bag after they banned bare-kunkle boxing 15 years ago in Usland."

"Now I understand why they banned the sport...." Databyle said looking down at the completely knocked out tied-up furry; looking very stunned and couldn't say anything much more than this; "It's savage to do."

"Wait a minute!" Zinna said realizing that Kaska just broke his word when it comes to helpless furries; "Kaska; you said that you didn't like other furries kicking another furry while they were down?"

"First of all;" Kaska said defending his position which was a complete lie; "...Gregory was standing up and besides this is why your chances of becoming a leader is very slim; you three bit players even know or realize when someone is lying." That phrase caused Databyle Puppet to be completely outraged.

"How could you?!" Databyle turns around and looking very cross.

"But that's unimportant right now." Kaska said smiling evily; "What's important is that you now have your puppet and now we can finally get you into Wesdon society."

"This *is* important!" Databyle protested as he turns his back on Kaska in an act of defiance; "And I am not going to do this at all.!"

"Oh come on Databyle!" Kaska complained as he approches Databyle's turned back and puts his hand on Databyle's shoulder; "I did this for you."

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Databyle screamed pushing Kaska's hand away; " You used me just because Cid is a greedy anti-competive control freak." Databyle folds up him arms;"You never cared about me."

"That's absurd!" Kaska protested trying to convince Databyle that this was part of the plan; "I do care about you...You have been my...." Databyle couldn't take anymore of Kaska's lies... This _was_ the boiling point and the line that he was going to draw. He starts to unfold his arms quickly as Zinna and Cassium have no idea what he was going to do next and turns around to face Kaska.

"SHUT UP!!" Databyle screamed in agony as he without as much as a second thought of the consequences of his action; shoves Kaska Halio; his so-called 'trustful partner' back harshly causing him to fall onto his seat. Zinna and Cassium grab Databyle on direct cue and force his arms behind his back. They will not and cannot tolerate anyone pushing their boss around and certainly not allow their so-called collegue to push Kaska onto his backside (read: Kaska would punish them serverly if they don't intervene otherwise.) Kaska quickly take out his shock stick and begins to stand up; he was flush-hot with rage as he seethes directly at Databyle Puppet who was sweating and struggling to force Zinna and Cassium to let him go. Sezar tried to motion Kaska to reconsider his own actions againest Databyle; but it was no good. Kaska Halio never saw her; he only saw Databyle Puppet as an evil soul in his own twisted mind.

"You naughty, naughty little puppet!" Kaska yelled gritting his teeth and coming close to actually grinding them; " Just for this; you can _shock_ about it!" Kaska places the shock-tip of the shock stick into the mid-section of Databyle Puppet; his very own collegue; the very collegue that _he_ trusted and pushed the button on. Sparks and flashes of light were present everywhere as Databyle's body starts to shudder as the shock riddle through his body; causing him to scream loudly. (Read: No one heard him.) Zinna and Cassium push him directly to the ground and Databyle is visabily shaking and completely blacked out. Cassium was in a state of shock; as Kaska's temper was so high at that point that he and Zinna were concerned that Kaska would also shock them as well. Luckly (read: for them at least); Kaska started to calm down as quickly as he became angry and checks Databyle Puppet. However; he showed no signs of emotion; and that's what frightened Cassium even more. A boxer who used to show no fear in the boxing ring was sweating grapefruits now.

"I hope that you didn't.." Cassium gulped at the thought that they killed Databyle as Kaska has been well-known to take furries lives even if he didn't intend to; "...boss..."

"No....." Kaska states as he check out Databyle's condition; luckly (or unluckly) for him he was alive and suffered few injuries as the shock stick was design to stun and not kill furry beings; "He's alive. Zinna; place him the storage room. Maybe by then he'll come to his senses."

Zinna decides to ask for a brief of her latest orders; "What about the puppet?"

"Place him next to Cid." Kaska ordered; "We'll put the ring on him later..." Zinna and Cassium start to take Gregory and dragg him right next to Cid Valez who could do nothing as that ring that was clearly around his neck was causing all sorts of problems.

"But what about Databyle; boss?" Sezar said looking directly at the downed puppet master; "What if he snaps again?"

"I believe that he'll think twice before crossing my wires again." Kaska laughs as he looks sadisticly at his own shock stick. Everything was starting to come into focus now. Databyle Puppet was igorant in believing that Kaska Halio could be trusted to keep within the laws of the land. Zinna's presence only assured that the possible friendship that were made before the accident in Falmouth were all but shattered. Both Sezar and Cassium showed their ture color in this act of errors: They all used Databyle to gather money for whatever evil plot was coming next and making sure that Databyle gains citizenship (which they did the wrong way as you will see.) was only a residue. What kind of furry beings would commit such astorices? This was going to be a very long night indeed!


December 13th, 1917

It was a cloudy morning at the AeroAvis property; the good news was that the clouds were more scattered and the chance of rain was very unlikely. The conditions were of no consequence to Sally AeroStar as she was at the southeastern side of the AeroAvis property checking out of small garden of white and red roses all grown naturally and at random from the plants that she planted early this morning just before the church serman. Sally AeroStar was watering the plants and feeling very distrubed at the thought that Gregory was not here. He did say that he might not be back until the afternoon; however, that didn't stop her from wondering that Gregory didn't even telephone her to tell her that he was okay and making good time; or was in trouble. Phonetapping and wiretapping was not legal in this war; so Gregory didn't have to worry about someone trying to get his goat. Something was just not right here...... Sally could only water the plants; helpless to do anything for his older brother.

"The roses of empathy have shown a sign of pain." Sally exclaimed acting like a zombie;" I'm glad that you can see and feel the struggle that I'm going through right now." As she continued to water the plants; her younger than Gregory brother Phillip AeroStar, Farris Karnage and Oniz Mecha enter the southeastern area in order for Phillip to explain that Sally should be ready for public school today; regardless of when Gregory would return.

Phillip had to ask Sally if she was okay; "Are you okay Sally?"

"Phillip;" Sally asked breathing a large sigh; " you know where Gregory is?"

"Gregory hasn't come back yet.." Phillip responded noticing that Sally was so depressed that she was very close to acting tears ;" ..however; I'd like to know where _you_ have been?"

"I've been so _alone_!" Sally cried out feeling helpless; "My life has been spinning out of alignment ever since mother and father.....and I don't think Gregory can do it alone. He needs help."

"Sally;" Phillip said admitting that this entire situation overseas was really starting to take its toll on everybody; "I also feel your pain."

"Huh?" Sally asked feeling that helplessness was beginning to set in so much that people were trying to convince her that she was in control so to speak.

"Sally; this war is affecting you." Phillip tries to explain in order to calm Sally down; "You must resist the tempation of this despair that is inside your heart."

"But it is hard Phillip." Sally said looking down at her heels feeling very sad; " Gregory has helped us pay the bills; but he cannot do it alone. And we are still up to two years away before we can fly; not to mention that we still don't gave our staff present because of this war."

"We must continue to go on." Phillip stated in a deseprate attempt to force Sally not to kill herself ; "Considering that we can and we must see that there's an end to this horriable war."

"You're right Phillip!" Sally responded admitting that she was falling into the trap of depression; "I've once again turned into a control freak when I know that I have very little control over those events."

"Let's go Sally." Phillip said changing the subject feeling that what was more important: a good education ; "We'll be late for school."

"Of course;" Sally said trying to perk herself up as a way to fight the depression that was consuming her; " I almost forgot that we still have a week left of school remaining and Gregory wouldn't like it if we continue to be depressed."

"Oniz? Farris?" Phillip said directly to them without a second thought; "We'll be back later.....bye for now."

"Okay; see you soon!" Oniz and Farris each waved her hands in unison. Sally (who still looks a bit depressed) walks towards the driveway on the southern-line of the road of the AeroAvis. As they stop at the AeroAvis; they see Tommy Taylor coming up the driveway from the western side of the road. Eric and Mercer Mann enter from the driveway from the eastern side of the road.

"Hello Mrs. AeroStar." Tommy said smiling as he grabs a newspaper from his pouch and gives it to Phillip; "Here's today's paper."

Phillip accepts the paper without a second thought; "Why thank you Tommy." Phillip then folds the newspaper and puts it in his left armpit.

"Your welcome." Tommy said seeing Phillip looking in a hurry; "Where's Gregory?"

"He's delivering something for Databyle; no time to explain. We have school...." Phillip exclaimed as the yellow modern taxi appears to pick them up; "Here's our ride; right on time."

"I'll talk to you later...bye for now." Sally said as she and Phillip enter the taxi cab and it drives off towards the city of Wesdon and Wesdon District High School. Eric and Mercer Mann each approch Tommy. Unlike Gregory AeroStar; Eric and Mercer felt a certain level of respect for the young inventor. After all; Tommy was thinking about a peaceful future and was very confident in his studies of the environment and advanced technology. There was no sign of that smirking that they put on Gregory AeroStar earlier.

"Hello Tommy!" Eric said waving his hand at him. Both he and Tommy Taylor shake hands in unison; a sign of good will between them.

"Where's Farris?" Mercer asked pinning the question straight at Tommy; "He promised to help us clean the house. We would like to talk to him about his role."

"You're not going to make him do all the work now?" Tommy complained. He knew that Eric and Mercer can be at times a buch a slackers; mostly when the job is clearly too big for two people; but it required three.

"Of course not!.." Eric protested feeling hurt that Tommy would ever think of that; "...Say Tommy; would you like to help us?"

"Well; I still have my paper route to finish; however once I'm done; I'll help you..." Tommy exclaims assuring them they he was ready to help once he's finished and then decides to tell a muddy idea of where Farris Karnage was; "Farris must be on the eastern side of the AeroAvis because I saw Sally and Phillip talking to him."

"Thank you!" the Gemini Twin switched to their evil smirking smiles as they exit towards the rose garden on the southeastern portion of the AeroAvis property. Tommy just shook his head; knowing what's coming from those two twins.

"They want him to do all the work!" Tommy decided quickly as he walks towards the eastern route towards Ian Wiser's house to inform him that once he finished "Best be on my way!" Tommy had a very wide smile. At least Tommy was willing to pull his own weight in helping the effort for peace.....when needed of course. At the rose garden on the southeastern side of the AeroAvis property; Oniz Mecha and Farris Karnage started their usual dialogue.

Farris at first notices that Gregory is not here; so he asked the clearest question in the book; "Where is Gregory anyway?"

"Well;" Oniz Mecha said looking serious as she always does when it comes to the family business; " remember Databyle Puppet and his puppet show that we went to yesterday?"

"How could I forget?" Farris said as he closes his eyes and feels dreamy and creamy; " I'm still getting hazy dreams about him!"

"Oh brother and I thought I was not guiltless in the afterthought..." Oniz responded still not feeling impressed that she wasted her time in going to a show that was useless to her; "..For your information; Gregory is delivering a special puppet to Databyle from a puppet shop in Parris for tonight's show. Gregory told me that he was going to the complex to check the address."

"Parris?" Erice chuckled as Mercer joins in the laugher. They knew something about where Gregory is going that Farris and Oniz don't know....or even don't care.

"Well look who's here.." Oniz said sarcastically; "..vain and vainner."....There was _that_ sound again: Bum-Bum-Ching!

"Yeah; and you two are _so_ vainest." Mercer snapped back with a chuckle of his own; his head leering directly at Oniz and Farris; "Still supporting that insercue furry......"

"PROVE IT!" Farris shouted and he clearly have had enough with the sick, vulgar antics of the Gemini Twins. However; the Gemini Twins had their trump card to play and they were going to play it well.

"First of all;" Eric said acting serious for the very first time; in a good attempt to make themselves very creditable; "....there is no way that Databyle could be holding a puppet show tonight; because the Burimanger Complex is closed on Mondays; expect for the aviation museum."

"And second of all;" Mercer said pointing the accusing finger at Farris for making them sound like a bunch of liars; "......... you're forgetting that the Parris Shoppe where the puppet is _is_ in Parris which has been taken over by the Airabus Government. Databyle Puppet is a liar...."

"WHAT?!" Oniz screamed realizing that the pains that Gregory was suffering through were no accident....Databyle Puppet has a secret; a dangerous secret and only Gregory knows exactly what is happening.....They've been had! Databyle might be a professonial criminal.....or maybe not......?


Inside the storage room next to Kaska's office; on the northeastern corner of the storage area where Cid Valez and Gregory AeroStar were both wrapped up and finally Gregory AeroStar starts to wake up. He sees himself next to Cid Valez; eyes barely open and was wearing a metal collar around his neck. Gregory couldn't believe that Cid was so beat up.....Kaska has done a complete number on this unfortunate furry. Gregory starts to mumble a bit; randomly without any words whatsoever. Cid notices and tries to tilt his head towards the young AeroStar.

Cid barely got off the first line of dialogue; "I guess you can say that a greed leading a greed."

"You're calling me greedy?" Gregory asked defensively; acting offended by the statement given by Cid.

"No;" Cid Valez responded; "I was calling Kaska greedy."

Gregory was shocked over the fact that Cid was explaining that the police have not been in this area since the investagation began; "How could the police miss this place?"

"To me;" Cid Valez explained not knowing the real answer but having a good idea of that answer; "I think it's because the Wesdon government was afraid to turn the place into a prison."

"That makes sense..." Gregory chuckled a bit before sounding serious again; "..if _your_ not the _one_ being kidnapped!"

"I see your point." Cid said as he laughs out loud; a small useless laugh at a time when Gregory's life could easily be changed or destoryed by this ruthless gang.

"Yeah;" Gregory said feeling hurt that someone that was malious would come someone else that dreaded word; "Kaska called you 'greedy'."

"And he is right!" Cid admitted feeling very sorry about himself; "After all; _all_ I ever cared about was making a living...."

"Making a living is not being greedy...." Gregory points out.

"That makes sense.." Cid Valez responded in a serious tone; "..unless you never had contact with your family in years."

"I see your point too!" Gregory said laughing back at the response. Not having contact with your family can make you sound like your greedy too.

Cid couldn't resist admitting that this conversation was fruitful in this time of uncertainty; "You're nice to talk to."

"How did you get into this mess?" Gregory asked wondering why Kaska hates this furry. He looks and _sounds_ like a pretty good furry to say the least.

"It happened about six months ago; when I was making a business deal with the kidnapper;" Cid Valez admitted sadly; "I was asking for one hundred thousand dollars a month..."

"One hundred thousand dollars a month?!" Gregory gasped in the horror that such a low-profile type of preformer would ask for such money; "No wonder Kaska called you greedy?!"

"Well; unless you consider kidnapping someone is morally correct; then I don't see anything wrong with asking them for so much money..." Cid Valez snapped back in a sarcastic tone then made Gregory smile a little bit, the joys and pitfalls of captialism indeed; "..Any rate; I went from Parris to Freelanda as a step to escape the Great War with my family; I met Databyle in a stall in Freelanda."

"I know that place;" Gregory said remembering the country all too well as Maxim did some research editorials about the country's quest for independance; "Maxim told me Freelanda was the place of lawlessness." Freelanda was a place where laws are not written (thus the unwritten laws which many have broken already.) and that lack of democritic rule caused the country to become an outcast in the scorn of war. No one wanted to rule the country; mainly because it was a joke to control every single part of the country with the lack of written laws present. Maxim believed that this could spread a chaotic war that would even make this Great War have more sense than usual.

"You must be Maxim's son." Cid Valez said realizing that he was with important company; "I can tell by the face, very similar to Maxim's. At any rate; I met as well Kaska in Freelanda and he refused to take me to Wesdon figuring that I was very rich....So in a desperate attempt I was trying to cut a deal with a snake-dealer when Kaska intentionally struck me from behind."

"The snake-dealer:" Gregory realized exactly who it was since he gave his name away earlier; "...Cassium Victor I presume?"

"Yeah; I was surprised when I was tied up and gagged on some ship." Cid Valez continued trying to keep the level of stableness in check; "I don't remember the trip well because Kaska repeatly shocked me during the trip. When we got to Wesdon's Burimanger Complex; Kaska literally took me to task; called me a greedy, selfish, self-centered, anti-competive control freak." those comment completely stung Gregory's face; "He said that I was going to suffer for my greed and as punishment for that greed; I would hang as a puppet for _Databyle Puppet's_ puppet show."

"This is more curel than kidnapping." Gregory said trying to loosen the ropes again; but couldn't; "You must take a stand againest this cowardice." He couldn't believe this; it was one thing to kidnap someone. But to actually harm someone in the most curel thing to do to a furry. Kaska is comitting total blastamphy againest the lord and he knows it; Kaska is not a lover of God; he is a complete demigod who will use faith as a weapon for his own selfish purposes.

"I'd love to but Kaska must have figured me out." Cid Valez said weakly looking down at the metal collar that was around his neck; "After all he puts this metal collar around my neck and if I try anything the collar sends out electric shocks on me. He uses it mostly during the preformance to make sure that I did every move to prefection. Cassium would be the one who would pull me up and down rafters and put me in the storage closet." Gregory was seething with the thought of this digusting type of torture; "Sezar would feed me somewhat average food while Zinna and Kaska constantly harass me..Databyle had no clue until today that I was being used in this fashion..." Cid then realizes just how much hatered there was between him and Gregory; how jealously can be a massive curse; "...and judging by Kaska's lust for you; he is planning to use you as a puppet too...."

"WHAT?!" Gregory shouted bluntly. Gregory's face pretty much said it was completely shattered with fear. He was going to be attached to a wooden puppet structure just like Cid with string tied on the top of the wooden crosses and then he will dangle down into the audience and unless he dances perfectly to the commands of Kaska; he was going to be shocked into it. Gregory would pray right now if he could get his arms loose. Thankfully; Gregory does has some _real_ friends in support......


It was now middle-morning at the Burimanger Complex's Aviation Historic Area. Oniz Mecha, Farris Karnage, Eric Mann and Mercer Mann were inside the Historic Area surprising even the head coordinator of the area Tyrone Flyerknight. He is a male brown cardinal; medium build and fairly tall. He looks very old which was not surprising considering that he was nearly 70 years old; however, he sounded like he was only 30 years old. He wears a crimson red suit and pants with a white undershirt underneath and wear a multi-colored triangle tie. Also in the Historic Area; Sezar Polier was also present wearing her frog mask into order not to be discovered. This Aviation Historic Area is the smallest area of the Burimanger Complex; it contains four planes and numerous parts of airplanes. Like most places in the Burimanger Complex there is a glass vaulted ceiling; however since was cloudy; no sunlight was shining through. The first place hanging was red in color and is called the Viper S-1; the first commerical-made airplane prototype in existance. It was called the Viper because it is shaped like a very stiff snake. The second plane hanging behind the Viper S-1 is the standard Usland Air Force rank-in-file airplane the S-11; a grey single passenger seaplane similar to Maxim's plane that he flew before his death. The third plane is called the AX-18; a special seaplane designed to carry up to three passengers and is Aqua in color. The last plane hanging is a makeshift plane that was created by Oniz Mecha; before she was banned from flying and creating airplanes because it was unsafe. It is green in color. There were parts scattered all about ranging from alienrons to platoons to propellors. Tyrone Flyerknight was behind a wooden- desk counter observing the Farris.

Oniz pointing to the makeshift plane she created and starts to comment on it; "Now that's a beauty!"

"Yeah;" Farris said smiling looking like a fool to have to explain to Oniz why she is famous and it is not a nice thing at all; "It was until the Usland government found out about it and banned you creating airplanes."

"Yes;" Oniz said looking at the bright side of things; "....but it did make famous vibes for me..."

"Yeah..." Farris grumbled feeling that sinful behaviour was seeping into her; ".....instant fame!" Instant graification was something that he strongly recommend againest; or at least his grandfather was againest it.

"Okay you two." Eric and Mercer Mann exclaimed as they seperate them from each other; " We are here to find Gregory; not old memories."

"Hello;" Tyrone asks as he steps towards the talking group looking quite confused that this group would be interested in aviation; ".....may I help you?"

"Yes;" Mercer said trying to act serious for someone that they have made fun of him for years; ".....have you seen Gregory?"

"I'm afraid I have not seen him;" Tyrone admitted softly; however, then he realized that he saw something when he flew in this morning; "..... however I did see the Maxim Special docked near Cinema#3." It wasn't a surprise that Tyrone knew Maxim after all it was Maxim's idea to include such a shrine for a new piece of technology.

Eric knew that Gregory must have been here; he asked the next question;"Do you know how long that seaplane was docked?"

"I'm afraid not...." Tyrone said as Sezar was looking and she trips on the carpet rug surrounding the wooden oak floor and fall downs with a thud. She was screeching in pain and was in a fit of rage.

"You stupid elder!" Sezar squealed feeling very appalled and was directing her anger right at Tyrone; "I could've killed myself with this defective rug!" Tyrone comes over to see if Sezar is okay and sees Sezar get up without any whincing of pain. Oniz and Farris follows up in kind.

"Hey!" Farris shouted out feeling proud of his powerful preaching; "Respect your elders young lady!"

"What's this?" Oniz looks at the floor and actually find Sezar's frog mask. As she did this; Tyrone looks down at the rug and discovered that Sezar did in fact trip on an unsecured section of the rug. Sezar was right; it was very stupid to have an insecure section of rug where someone could trip on.

"Methinks..." Sezar exclaimed not caring that she just gave away her identity; " should practice what *you* preach, _young man_!"

"I might not be stupid;" Tyrone said telling both sides that he wants no part of this arguement; ".... but I did make a stupid mistake by not securing that rug down. I'm sorry."

Sezar felt very offended that Tyrone was insentiative at her; "You should be sorry!"

"Wait one second here?!" Oniz said as she hands the frog mask to Farris and he examines it. He suddenly realizes that this was the same frog mask that the ticketmaster was wearing yesterday. This ticketmaster should be at home since the Cinema was closed due to public rules.

"You're the same person who sold us those tickets?!" Farris exclaims as he gives an accusing look at Sezar. That look sends a strong chill down her spine. She realized that the jig may very well be up and in one quick motion; she turns on her heels and starts to runs to the door leading out of the Historical Area and exits quickly. ~This woman knows Gregory's AeroStar!~ he thought.

"Hey wait!" Farris shouts towards Sezar as he quickly exits the Historical Area; "I'd like to talk to you about our friend Gregory!"

"Methinks!" Oniz shouted as she pouts at the thought that she has something to do with Gregory AeroStar; "Methinks that _young lady_ has something to hide." Oniz follows Farris' lead and quickly exits the Historical area. Eric and Mercer Mann start to notice the two furries that quickly exit outside.

"Brother;" Eric said looking cheeky in his conduct;"....we better follow them."

"Yeah;" Mercer responded with a large amount of glee in his voice; "....before we miss our chance to once again rub it into him."

"This is the most exciting day in years." Tyrone said as he exits the Aviation Historical Area; "I wonder what's going on around here." Meanwhile; Sezar runs towards the Cinema #3 and sees a guard wearing a brown trenchcoat, brown mask and a badge on his trenchcoat.

"The gig is up!" Sezar said as she enters Cinema #3; " They know us now!" The guard winks in somewhat digust as Farris, Oniz , Eric and Mercer running together and they stop opposite to the guard. It would be rude and proably illegal just to enter a theatre without their premission.

"Umm...excuse me sir; but did you see where that woman went?" Farris asked knowing that premission is needed in order to reason to a security guard; "I'd like to talk to her."

"She went in there." the guard said as he points to the wide-open entrance of Cinema #3. Farris looked relieved that he was going to

"Thank you!" Farris said as he, Oniz Mecha, Eric and Mercer Mann all run into Cinema #3. The guard looks pretty happy at this....Something's not right....Why does he have a relationship with Sezar?

"Your welcome....." the guard said as he smirks a bit and walk towards the wooden double-doors and shut them. He then locks then by placing a wooden plank across the door at the same time as Tyrone appears from the shrine. The guard looks at his work and he stands completely mute.

"Hey you!" Tyrone shouted demanding answers; " Why did you lock the cinema doors?!" There was no response, and Tyrone was really starting to get steamed now; " I SAID WHY DID YOU LOCK THE DOORS?!" The guard clearly had enough of Tyrone's threats and he turns around. Then in one quick motion he punched Tyrone right in the face; which in turns knocks him flat on his back and it completely knocks him out. The guard reveals himself as none other than Cassium Victor... How many more good guys are they going to taint in order to get their way?

"Foolish Tryant!" Cassium exclaimed as he gets ready to get into position for the grand plan. Meanwhile inside the Storage Area; Gregory and Cid are still tied up next to each other. Sadly; that looked at Databyle Puppet and he was still completely out.

"Kaska! Kaska!" Sezar screams out as she enters the storage area looking hysterial as Zinna Tolay and Kaska Halio enter the storage area and file towards the two tied up puppets; " Someone's found us out!"

"Boss;" Zinna exclaimed telling her boss that she saw the furries in the cinema area through the peep hole; "...Oniz, Farris and two other furries are in Cinema#3."

"Zinna;" Kaska said as he corks an evil smile directly at Gregory AeroStar; it was a reminder of exactly what was going to happen to him;"......get ready for an early dress rehersal."

"What should I do?" Sezar asked acting even more hysterial than usual.

"SHUT CID UP!" Kaska screamed feeling like he was no longer in control of the situation. Kaska exits through the door leading to the top rafters of the stage and he was furstrated that the plan was going arye....Boy was he right....


Eric, Mercer, Farris and Oniz go inside the Cinema #3 and soon find out that they have been locked in. Eric and Mercer return to the double door and try to unlock the doors and were having no success whatsoever. Something was very wrong here and there was fear now that they would never get out. While the place was somewhat dark there was a surprising large amount of muted coming from within the cinema; even though there was no glass solar top on this cinema.

"Oh great!" Eric said showing a sign of fear and frustration; "Now we are locked in." Mercer then noitces that Oniz and Farris were completely ignoring them as they continue to walk forward in search for any signs of Gregory.

"This is dark and drearly." Oniz said gulping at the thought of being in this place of darkness and it was still mid morning here.

"It brings back memories of that day;" Farris said reflecting on everything doors are locked, in a dark room; all we need now is for furry beings to jump us from behind. It is all too familiar to me."

"Forget the theories!" Mercer cried out in total fear of the next move; "We're locked in a dark room with no way out."

"There is _always_ a way out!" Farris responded feeling that the Gemini Twins were showing their ture coward colors; "Besides that theory really did happen."

"Now that scares me." Oniz Mecha admitted shaking a little bit; " This is ironcally the only place in the Complex without a glass solar top." Both Oniz and Farris agreed to walk to the front of the stage; where Farris would look ahead and Oniz Mecha would look up into the rafters. Farris was having no luck and it looked like Oniz Mecha was going to find nothing until suddenly she looks up at the top of the rafters which extend from the storage area to the radio room where Databyle Puppet keeps the phono-record player. Oniz discovers that there are two sliouettes on the top of the rafters. Almost the instant Oniz see it one of the sliouette pushes the other slowly down as the silouette entire shoulderblades were tied by ropes. That silouette goes striaght downward headed striaght for Farris' head.

"Farris; LOOK OUT!" Oniz screams loudly at Farris as he took one quick glance and sees the silouette that is looking very familiar. Farris falls back to the inside of the first row of seats avoiding the silouette by a few feet. The silouette is raised about six feet off the ground. A spotlight out of nowhere shines brightly from an angle to reveal the silouette as Gregory AeroStar who is shown with ropes around his arms and is posing in a cross-like form....He looked exactly like a puppet from one of Databyle's Puppet's paper-mache puppet. Farris was in complete shock; Eric and Mercer were even surprised that someone would commit such an henious act (Read: Eric & Mercer love to rub it in; but not like this...although the shock will wear off soon.). However; Oniz Mecha wasn't surprised as she had seen worse than this.....

"Gregory?" Oniz asked looking directly into Gregory's closed eyes as he begins to stir and opens his eyes and sees Oniz Mecha and Farris Karnage looking directly at him. Oniz's arms are folded together and see smiles wickly.

"Now I know that you want to be a corprate puppet;" Oniz chuckled brightly;"....but this is ridiclous!"

"THAT'S NOT FUNNY ONIZ!" Gregory screams as Eric and Mercer Mann believed that being locked in a room with Gregory in a compromising position was a dream come ture for them. The Gemini Twins would walk to the front of the stage to see the hunged Gregory and Gregory begins to whince instantly as he sees them chuckling to themselves. He was going to have to answer to the compromising situation that he was in.

"Well Mercer;" Eric chuckled wildly; " looks like the arrogance has been hung out to dry."

"Yeah;" Mercer chuckled in unison; "......and the insercueness too!"

"Very funny!" Gregory shouts directly at them looking very cross; "If you haven't noticed; wwe are trapped in here."

"Calm down buddy!" Farris shouted out to the hanging bear; "We'll get you down from there."

"I'm afraid that I cannot allow that my old collegue!" the second silouette said who was still on top of the rafters. The voice was clear as rainwater: Kaska Halio has made his enterance...... When Eric & Mercer heard the frightening voice as only Kaska Halio can exclaim without execption; they attempt to turn around and try to force the door open. Sadly; they turn around and find that Cassium Victor was guarding the double-doors and were locked from the inside. Now there was officially no way out as all the exits will soon be blocked.

"Don't even think about it!" Cassium Victor smirks evily as he polishes his iron fist much to the fright of the Gemini Pilots.

"Your _that_ guard!" Farris said as he saw Cassium was in the same uniform that the guard was wearing juust before they entered into Cinema#3. This whole situation was a trap and Gregory was the live bait for it. Hold one; it was about to get even worse than this.

"Hey you?!" Sezar exclaimed as she enter from the left side of the stage of Cinema#3; "Methinks you remember me?"

Farris suddenly realizes the clear as mud theory that binds the soul; "You're _the_ ticketholder!"

"I have the power of revenge on my side." Zinna exclaims bitterly as she enters from the right side of the stage; wearing to usual black 'ninja-type' suit. Oniz figures her out right away.

"You're _the_ Black Ninja!" Oniz shouts as Zinna seethes even harder with jealousy, malicious rage and downright inhumane affection to torture her former colleuge.

"And _I'm_ the planner behind the plan." Kaska said as the spotlight is shined onto his silouette on top of the rafters. The seeds of the deadly plan have been officially sowed.

"We don't have a prayer!" Eric & Mercer yelled at the same time. They have heard about this brutal gang since they were young ones and they knew what kind of evil they can spew. Gregory AeroStar hung was thoughts racing through his skull. He wonders what Sally would think of this ordeal? Will he be the next victim of the AeroStar curse (if there ever was one to begin with)? However; those thoughts were being tested as he was seemly floating on air and was completely helpless; if he tried to free himself; he could face serious injury or death..........Meanwhile; back inside the storage room; as this mindless in-fighting continues. Databyle Puppet was starting to finally be able to pull himself together and wake up. As he was slightly dazed he quickly sees Cid Valez in the corner; all tied-up. Databyle apporches slowly at Cid looking somewhat dazed after being shocked with Kaska's shock stick last night.

"Maisbay I better get the license on that stick...." Databyle muttered at random as he slowly kneels down next to Cid and discovers that the electric collar around his neck had a push button on the left side of Cid's neck. Databyle pushes the button and the collar snaps open, folds up neatly and falls harmlessly to the cold wooden floor of the storage room. Cid Valez begins to wake up and sees Databyle Puppet's face for the first time in a long while as Databyle goes behind him and starts to untie him.

"Hello old buddy! I knew that we would meet each other again..." Cid said chuckling at the moment in which he was one step away from complete freedom; "..although this is not what I had in mind to be meeting you again!"

"Cid; I'm sorry that this happened." Databyle responded feeling a lot of shame and guilt from the events that have in fact unfolded ;" If I had known that you were going to be used as a puppet sooner; I....."

"Well; my greed was the cause of this." Cid nudges Databyle's shame off the room quicker than the sun; " Actually; you are the puppet here considering it was Kaska."

"The phone is in the office.." Databyle said as Cid Valez is now completely untied and is able to stand; ".....Can you walk okay?"

"Yeah I can..." Cid chuckled once again remaining calm at the situation'; "..Remember that I had to do the step of the 'Frog Dance' over and over again." Cid Valez and Databyle Puppet rush into the office and Cid finds the telephone on Kaska's desk. Cid sits down in Kaska's own chair (read: as a symbol of revenge againest him; in which Kaska forbids) and starts to dial the phone. The phone starts to ring-ding.....the difference here is that the phone is quickly answered just before the second ring was issued.

"Officer Konvent;" a deep male voice beckons; "Wesdon Police?"

"Yes; I need your help." Cid talks into the telephone; "I and Gregory AeroStar have been captured by the Nega Aces. Come to the Burimanger Complex Cinema#3 because the four Nega Aces have assulted Gregory AeroStar and is in a fight with four of Gregory's friends....."

"Excuse me sir; but who are you?" Konvent asks looking puzzled as the voice over the phone sounds very familiar indeed ;"You sound exactly like Cid Valez."

"I am Cid Valez!" Cid responded with full bravado. Officer Konvent did not buy the statement at all. After all; the Burimanger Complex was checked from inch to end inch and they found nothing. How could Cid Valez be there when he couldn't be found six months ago.

"Get out of town!" Konvent lashed out feeling that this caller was a defacto liar and jokester; "We checked the complex and found nothing related to him."

"Did you check the faux closet in Databyle's room?" Cid Valez asked which caused Konvent to reconsider that faux closets are typically hard to spot and wasn't completely checked. Konvent looked somewhat embrassed; however, his voice would be strong in this time of a grave error was committed by the Wesdon Police Force.

"I'm coming; but if I find out that this is a joke.." Konvent barks out strongly; "...there _will_ be charges of mass preportions. Okay; goodbye. I'll meet you at the front of the building."

"Goodbye."Cid said as Cid puts the phone down and turns around; "Databyle; we should.." Cid starts to discover that Databyle Puppet was no where to be seen ; "...Databyle?" Cid sighs in disbrief; "I better get to the front and let the police do their job." Cid exits towards Kaska's office towards the back end of the Burimanger Complex in order to show himself in front of the police who hasn't been able to find him for the past six months. Meanwhile; back in Cinema #3; Eric and Mercer Mann are now completely scared to death as they see Cassium Victor polishing his knuckles harshly and looking at them in a nasty mood. Farris and Oniz are looking directly at Kaska who was on the top of the rafters.

"This was a trap to get to me;" Farris lashes out angerly; looking bitter at the familiar criminal; ".....wasn't it Kaska?"

"Not really;" Kaska said looking confused since Farris was not part of his original plan; ".....although getting back at your father was one thing on my mind."

"What do you want with us?" Oniz asked concerned about trying to get out of here.

"You know what I want cross-dresser!" Zinna hisses violently; "Thank to you; I was careless and lost my job because you didn't take responability. Only because I am a _real_ woman and you dress like a man!"

"You're right Zinna!" Oniz admitted looking very serious and her tone was very firm; "I should've have been punished for my encouragement and you're also right in my opinion that I wasn't fired because I was a man. But; joining this gang is wrong Zinna. Kaska wants to believe that he is concerned about your feeling; but he is really using you for his own greed...."

"I'm sick of this lie!!" Zinna hisses at Oniz looking very upset; "You have no faith; so why should know right from wrong?"

"Faith is something that you believe in. It comes from the spiritual soul; not from the physical place like a chruch." Farris exclaims sounding with unlimited compassion; " All spiritual beings have faith: White Phoenix, Hawkeye, Divine Sparna and many others......To say that someone has no faith is shattering the innocence....Oniz is right! What you are doing is wrong Zinna!"

"Oh really?" Kaska chuckled unconvinced at the strong moral tone that Farris proclaim; "That is strong words and harsh ones at that coming from a family who is separate from the very words they preach." As the fight continues; inside the storage room; Databyle Puppet was searching the boxes for something. He looked very cross and the sense of rage was pumping right through his body.

"I trusted you mon ami!" Databyle hisses as his rage was starting to spiral out of control; " I thought that I was away from the evils of war in Freelanda; I was planning a way to get people; defenseless people away from the evil violence that plagues in the hearts of faux beings....I tried to restrain....I tried to reason with these weak-minded faux beings; but Kaska you have gone too far!!" Databyle looks around and finds one of Kaska's shock sticks lying next to a small box of garland and Databyle picks it up and stares directly at the stick wickly; "Okay; Databyle, thy fauxness shall be expose." Kaska continues the verbal battle as the sence continued in Cinema#3.

"I have an interesting proposition for you.." Kaska began with his attempt negoitations for the AeroStar as Maxim was an expert at that; "...if you wish to heed me of course....If you want me to let go of Mr. AeroStar; then Mr. AeroStar must agree to sell the asset of the AeroAvis to me; for free of course."

"For what?!" Farris said not believing that Kaska would ask for something he clearly wasn't going to get.

"I need the building for my base of operations...." Kaska admitted brightly hoping that Gregory's naiveness would show up again. However; Gregory was not going to buy that for one second.

"The answer is _no_ Kaska!" Kaska shouts out expressing anger and showing Kaska that he wasn't going to give up

"You are so rude; interupting me." Kaska said looking directly at the hanging AeroStar who was very mad now; " Didn't anyone tell you not to jump to conclusions?!"

"Look at how you treat people; _you_ tell me that Databyle was going to have a special puppet show and then you assult me; lie to me, use Databyle just because you hate someone who is greedy..." Gregory hissed violently; completely fed up of anything Kaska says; "..and on top of that you decide to kidnap my friends; our _spiritual kind_ just because your hatered clouds you judgement as a proper spiritual being. The answer is _NO_!" Kaska was surprising Gregory as he was very calm; despite the fact that Gregory refused and Zinna, Sezar and Cassium were hissing at their victims with increased rage.

"Very well;" Kaska said looking very calm, cool and collected at the situation; " I guess the compassion of your _late_ father didn't rub off after all..." Kaska turns a crank handle and Gregory raises to about fiftteen feet off the ground; rendering the young AeroStar vitrually defenseless and helpless. Then without so much as a second thought; Kaska's tone would finally change from calm to absolute anger and rage as he points the finger directly at the heroes inside the building; "...Cassium! Zinna! Crush them interlopers!"

"Right boss!" Zinna and Cassium responded as they started to size up to their targets. It was no surprise that Zinna Tolay would be sizing up Oniz Mecha; after all she was the one who wanted revenge on the former Falmouth shoveler. Cassium Victor decided to get rid of the bodyguards of Farris (Read: In Cassium Victor own mind; for he is not always the sharpest knife in the drawer.) and sizes up the Mann twins. Farris looked helplessly trying to find someway to lower Gregory down from the puppet assembly that Kaska Halio designed. However; the more he looked into the problem; the more it become seemly hopeless. Meanwhile Cassium Victor launches the first assult lunge which was an attempted spear-tackle on both of the Mann twins. Eric and Mercer manages to escape from Cassium's clutches at the last split second and Cassium stops on a dime just inches before hitting the door. ~These malevolent ceatures are tougher than I thought~ he thought.

"Time for a double-team!" Eric and Mercer said in unison as they lunge towards Cassium to tackle Cassium down to the ground. However; they completely telagraph the move and Cassium manages to jump up into the sky; an amazing feat for someone who was very tall and quite a bit slow afoot. In kind; Eric and Mercer Mann both miss their target and smash into the locked double doors of the complex. It was so bad that they weren't even to make a dent into the door. Once they made contact they slid down falling to their back completely knocked out from the force of blow. Cassium Victor couldn't believe that someone like the Mann twins could fail so easily in attacking him; after all his slowness was a handicap againest a two-on-one assult. Then again; Eric and Mercer Mann are _not_ boxers.

"Vulgar!" Cassium responded looking at the two knocked-out chipmunks with a combination of digust and malevolent happiness; " That's the first time that I actually knocked someone out without throwing a single haymaker."

"For once I actually feel sorry for them.."Farris said shaking his head as he turns around to see Cassium Victor smirking over the fallen twins of the Gemini; "..for once."

Cassium turns around and starts to sneer at Farris and size him up very carefully; "Why don't you be next in line for crunching?!"

"Well _Oniz_;" Zinna hisses violently as she jumps up and tackles Oniz down in between two sets of chairs in the second row; pinning Oniz onto her back; "now who's got the drop on you?"

"Zinna; please stop this!" Oniz responded feeling that this fight was totally meanlessing and unable to defend herself. Zinna take her backhand and starts to slap her in face at random; white-hot anger and in a fit rage that made her look more like a malevolent woman.

"Why should I?" Zinna said backslapping Oniz's face like an out-of-control mother; "You're the one who denies that my firing was caused by your recklessness."

"I'm not denying that..." Oniz exclaims showing sweat of fear from the insults and injury caused by Zinna's slapping of the flesh;" You're being brainwashed by a man who clearly doesn't care if you live or die."

"STOP THIS GUTLESS LYING!!" Zinna screams violently as she stops the assult of her face and leans her finger into Oniz chin and pins her shoulders down with her powerful legs. She seers at the mechanic like she was an excutator who wanted to torture its offender before killing her for high treason. The worst part was that Oniz Mecha could not defend herself. As for Sezar Poiler; she was in fact wise beyond her attempted courage and flees to the left side of the stage where Databyle keeps the phonographic player for playing music during the play. To the right was a small wooden spiral staircase (Read: This is _not_ a prop!) which leads up to the second floor. The room was barely lit; but Sezar managed to climb up the stairs and opens the door leading up to the rafters where Kaska was standing smirking over the young bear hanging from the rafters and unable to cut himself free and was at the mercy of the criminal mastermind himself: Kaska Halio.

"Kaska;" Sezar screeches widly; "....we got to get out of here!"

"Sezar; you worry too much!" Kaska exclaimed looking very laid back; "As you can clearly see; we are having the upper hand on them." Kaska points to the fight between Cassium and Farris showing that Farris was being kept at bay with repeated charges from the bare-knuckle boxer. Oniz and Zinna were wrestling with each other; and Zinna had Oniz Mecha in a near choke-hold. As for Eric and Mercer Mann; they were still completely knocked out from their own doofus actions and of course; Gregory AeroStar was still hanging around looking more and more like a helpless puppet. The only thing good about this was the fact that they failed to put the electric collar around his neck; but being hung 15 feet off the ground was enough to cause concern for the young boy.

"I'm not worried about our superiority over Gregory boss." Sezar exclaimed swallowing her pride just a little bit as she hears a strong siern-like sound beckoning Cinema#3 ; "Actually; I'm more worried about _that_ sound....Methinks that is the police!"

"Okay; Sezar! I see that we have been spotted." Kaska said concerned and gritting his teeth in pain. The first thought racing through his head was clearer than clear water;~How did they know I was here. CID VALEZ! How did he escape?!~ Whoever made the escape and called the police was unimportant right now for Kaska; escaping from the long arm of the law was in his sick and twisted mind; "Sezar! Exit the building now! We'll use the Maxim Special to escape."

"Gregory!" Farris shouts as he turns his body to the right to face the hanging Gregory; " They are stealing his love and joy...." Sadly; the moment distraction from Kaska's charge was all that Cassium Victor needed to slip a powerful striaght punch which connected flush on Farris' jaw. The impact was so intense that Farris didn't fall directly flat of his back like most people did with Cassium; instead Farris simply slumped to the ground flat on his left side and is not even moving a muscle. Gregory was in complete hysteria seeing his friend; his buddy slump to the ground. Did Cassium murder him?!

"FARRIS!!" Gregory screamed with tear rushing down. He knew that some people who were just about to die or were killed; would slump to the ground abnromally. All Kaska did was laughing and was touting the AeroStar; for Kaska was so sick that killing him would make him even stronger.

"Ooops..." Kaska smirks malevolently; "...Snakefang must have hit him too hard."

"Oh sure;" Gregory screams bitterly and in an array of rage; " him that while he's angry!"

"You better be lucky that the soliders of God are here;" Oniz said as she slaps Oniz down while springing back onto her feet back onto the stage and walking back to the right side stage exit; ".....or else justice would take a whole new meaning!"

~Why Zinna? Why?~ Oniz's only thought was racing. This clearly wasn't funny anymore. Cassium ran with Zinna towards the right side stage exit to the storage room. Meanwhile; Sezar decided to make her exit from the Burimanger Complex first; so she walks carefully towards the door which leads into the storage room. When she apporches the door; she opens it and without warning as if she was acting on instinct; runs back to behind Kaska's back. At first Kaska believe that Sezar was a coward; until he notices that Databyle Puppet had entered the rafters area carrying one of Kaska's spare shock stick and it was loaded with charges (Read: Databyle turned it on before entering). Kaska was beginning to see the signs of a new furry....Databyle was no longer the cheerful mime/puppet master that Kaska remembered; as he was now an out of control maniac who wanted revenge on Kaska; for Cid Valez and in his little mind for his own honour.

Databyle Puppet hisses violently at Kaska pointing the shock stick directly at him from about ten feet away; "Want to dance mon ami?!" Kaska took that statement as an open inviation to him and Kaska takes out his stock stick and points it directly at Databyle's face from the same distance; grinning like the wicked soul that he is.

"Well; well; well.." Kaska grinned looked very cross-eyed; " ..I guess one shock treatment wasn't enough for you.....I'll teach you some manners my young puppet in crime."

"SHUT UP!!" Databyle shouted violently; " How can you teach manners when you don't have any?!" That voice resonated into Gregory's heart. He knew that revenge was wrong and Databyle seeking of it would result in grave consqeuences for a man who was still trying to get into the country.

"Databyle?! Don't do this!" Gregory shouted at no one but he knew who he was speaking to; "Kaska is only trying to trick you into comitting a crime. Don't fall for it!"

"I'm sorry;" Databyle responded failing to heed the warning of the AeroStar's charges; "....but this has got to end....."

"Beside _mon ami_;" Kaska said grinning directly as he was going to release the ultimate revalation; "Databyle illlegally entered the country anyway...So he's already committed a crime."

"What?!..." Gregory said looking as if he was in complete shock; he was doing business with a potential criminal and one who under normal thoughts would be a stand-up citizen. Databyle Puppet believed that he was entered the life of Usland legally and was shocked even more than Gregory. His dream of a peaceful life in Wesdon was over even before it began now that he has criminal charge dancing through his head. Oniz Mecha came over to help Farris as she was released from Zinna charges earlier and discovers that Farris was slowly opening his eyes and was waking up; "..The punch must have not connected properly...Are you okay Buddy?"

"Just barely..." Farris said holding his jaw to comfront it feeling that is was broken; "...Buddy."

"How can this be?!" Cassium said looking steamed as he exmained his fist and wondering why he was unable to stop them; " _This_ used to floor a hippo; two tons down with ease."

"Never mind him!" Kaska yelled out realizing that the entire plan has officially been a failure and pointing fingers now would be useless; " I'm trying to escape here.." Kaska looks directly at Databyle with stock sticks in both he and Databyle's bare hands. The duel is officially open; "..En guarde!" And with that charge; the duel was on. Both sticks were turned on..... Databyle Puppet and Kaska each lunged at the same time; their sticks crossed together and the sound of sword-to-sword clanging was apparent in every single blow that the two fighters were fighting in. Sezar stayed even more far back as to stay out of the shock end of both shock sticks. Each side was trying to up-stage the other; however, the sticks clanged againest each other creating a deafening stalemate. There was no winner yet.....

"How can you do this to me?" Databyle shouted out as Kaska and himself exchanges charges with the shock stick as if they were in a swordfight and the stick clanging continued making for a deafening stalemate; "I was just trying to protect my family....."

"Your family is deceased mon ami......along with your ami Cid Valez's family." Kaska wailed causing a shurg of 'huh' to come out of Databyle's head. His family was dead? Cid's as well? Kaska is a murderous fiend in the eyes of Databyle; but at the same time Databyle felt gulity for he may have just as well abandon his family and left them open to death by Kaska; "Let's just say that I properly disposed of them ....Like I'm about to do to you!" That moment of heistation was enough time for Kaska to apply the shock end of the shock stick to Databyle's right arm (Read: The shock stick is in Databyle's right hand.) This is turn causes Databyle to scream once again and throw his stick wildly towards the back end of the stage and renders him to slump down to the ground; holding his arm in complete pain. However; Databyle wasn't knocked out yet althought that was going to be little salvation for him as Kaska Halio was stalking him.

"You'll never get away with this!" Databyle protested bitterly feeling the pain that was still present in his arm.

"Is this it?" Kaska said laughing out loud like a laughing heyna mocking the puppet master's own style of Parris culture; "That tres stupide line?!"

"" Databyle protested loudly; but was force to hold back his verbal charges due to the increase of pain channelling inside his arm. Kaska wasn't laughing any more; as he has had enough of Databyle's misplaced loyalites with Gregory AeroStar.

"You nothing my 'puppet'!" Kaska shouted back; eyeing a crossed-eyed look at Databyle in an attempt to scare Databyle into submission. However; Databyle didn't want to hold back and the pain in his arm was finally starting to ease.

"You bring my family back you murderer!" Databyle protested angerly as he finally felt the sharp pain return to his body; and the fear that Kaska was willing to kill innocent people for gain to his agenda was causing his body to paralize itself.

"I've got a better idea;" Kaska said as he raises his shock stick into the position of a thrust motion and ready to go in to the kill; "....why don't I just bring you to them! Goodbye _Puppet_!" It seemed over for Databyle Puppet; until without warning a black-bladed Regal Cutlass Sword was thrown towards Kaska and the pointed-end of the sword got stuck into the electric-pointed end of the shock stick which was still turned on to full blast. Kaska was forced upon instinct to throw the shock stick to the back end of the stage when it exploded ; with the concussion causing Kaska's hand to become quite numb.... Everyone just stood there absolutely stunned with silence that was more slient than a quiet nature area with no sign of life. Gregory looked into the direction of Oniz Mecha.

"What was that?" Gregory asked recluently as Oniz Mecha was looking directly at Kaska; who completely fell backwards and was holding his hands as if it was bleeded severely beyond repair. Then Oniz instantly looks to the right and sees something earth-shattering.

"I sense someone of great spiritual power." Oniz exclaimed as she saw a silouette coming from the side of the stage and that causes Zinna and Cassium to fall back in complete fear.

"See Oniz." Gregory yelled out looking at Oniz; "You _do_ have faith!!"

"And faith conquers all evil!" a strong voice beckons and a black raven wearing a black version of 17th centuary style clothing; "I am Captain Ravendorf!" The black raven who was wearing black boot was very tall; more than seven feet tall and looked meancing from the look of his glassy black eyes. He didn't look built like a seven footer as he was barely over 225 pounds and this character was special indeed. Nobody has apparently seen him and all that Gregory and Farris could do is look at the special being and wonder to themselves who he is and why was he here? Farris has never seen him and quite frankly; Kaska was the most shocked of them all. Kaska got a good look at the raven being who look exactly like him. Kaska was shuttering in absolute fear as Captain Ravendorf looks directly at Gregory, then at Oniz, Farris and finally at the Gemini Pilots themselves who are finally starting to stir and wake up directly on cue. Ravendorf first looks at Gregory and turns his attention to the strung up AeroStar. ~He must be freed!~ Ravendorf thought. And Ravendorf knew that Kaska wasn't going to be able to do anything about it.

"Boss..." Sezar screamed in fear; "...he looks like you!" The sad part of this event was that Kaska was totally speechless and was almost not moving a muscle in that fear....except for the clear numbness that exists in his arm and hand. Gregory looks directly at Ravendorf; trying to feel brave...something Ravendorf was clearly able to understand.

"Who are you?" Gregory asked almost forgetting who he was. However; Captain Ravendorf knew the question was expressed differently; more on the terms of asking 'What are you?'

"A friend of a friend of yours." Ravendorf said as Ravendorf takes out his sword; which is a dark blade and makes a nearly impossible fiftteen foot jump and cuts the puppet lines with the blade (read: He puts the blade back into the holder) and lands just before Gregory does and catches him just in jump in time; "Are you okay?"

"Yes I am." Gregory responded feeling much better and much more relief that he felt very secure. Sezar begins to scream in fear as Cassium confronts Ravendorf looking bitterly angry.

"I don't care who you think you are. Nobody scares the boss and gets aways with it." said Cassium as he forms a fist and thursts forward to strike Ravendorf in the jaw; however by some miracle the black eyed raven caught the iron fist in mid-stride surpising Cassium Victor and causing him complete fear. That fear would soon turn to complete pain as Captain Ravendorf squeezed that seemly obsencely hard fist into jello and causing Cassium to scream loudly; "ARRRUGH!"

"Is this all that you think about?" Captain Ravendorf responded calm and with a tone that would creep out any brave furry into absolute submission; no one has been able to do this before to Cassium Victor; "Taking a clenched fist and striking a blow instead of using your soul and talk about your conduct? Do you see the consequences of your actions?" Ravendorf then instantly lets go of Cassium's fist and Cassium steps back in horror holding his hand as if it was cut off with a sword or axe. Zinna comes forward to protect Cassium from Ravendorf; however Ravendorf was clearly not interestly. Kaska was clearly his target and Kaska knew it from the sight of Ravendorf's eyes.

"Who do you think you are; assulting my colleagues?!" Kaska screamed as he shuddered in complete fear. That would prove to be a mistake as Ravendorf hears him and jumps up into the air once again. However; instead of jumping 15 feet (an impossible feat for human or furrykind); he actually jump about 45 feet and lands directly in the center of the rafters safely and without swaying the rafters a single inch. Kaska is behind Databyle who was still breathing heavily after injuring his arm and not once looked at Ravendorf. That didn't matter since Ravendorf seemly had no interest in him. Sezar is now behind Kaska and is scared stiff. It was inhuman enough to save Gregory AeroStar's life jumping 15 feet; however that was childplay compared to the unbelievible jump that Ravendorf preformed onto the rafter and landed as if he had little cat's feet. It was so smooth. That made Sezar think the clear obvious: Ravendorf is not a furry being.

"Stay away from him!" Sezar defended. But Ravendorf simply stared at her causing Sezar to fall to her knees almost unable to strike back.

"I have no quarell for you my dear...." Ravendorf exclaimed as he stared down Kaska Halio; his near equal with his black, glassy, opaque eyes; "Did you think that your actions would not answered by stronger actions? Did you think that you would not answer for the action againest the spiritual forte? Is there any answer to your harmful silence?" Kaska was so pertified seeing a large mirror of himself that he would say anything to show faux bravey.

"I answer to no one!" Kaska screamed in terror as he get up as starts to run past Ravendorf who simply stood there and did nothing. He looked very unemotional as if these mortal and immoral creatures were of no importantance to him. Kaska runs to the exit the rafters area with Sezar in tow and Zinna and Cassium exit from the stage upstairs towards the storage room; "We are the Nega Aces and _don't_ _you_ _forget_ _it_!"

"You can run from the truth-stater; but you cannot hide from the truth-stater." Ravendorf responded unemotional and looking even more numb than Gregory could ever be; "The lord _knows_ _who_ _you_ _are_!"

"Sir?" Gregory asked approching Ravendorf. Captain Ravendorf looks down at Gregory AeroStar...~So that's the son of Maxim.....Is he real or just another truth-drifter?~

"Unbelievable?!" Oniz and Farris responded in a state of disblief. Every police force in Usland were unable to strike fear into this rogue gang and yet; Ravendorf was able to destory their plans in one split-second. This Cinema was starting to get more surreal than it is healthy.

"Gregory.....Do not be decived by the truth-drifters that walk this land." Captain Ravendorf said looking directly at Gregory AeroStar causing Gregory to gulp just a little bit; "The truth lies in the eyes of the lord....and the lord hath spoken that the truth shall be foresaken......Gregory? Honor thy father's word and seek the truth; but don't seek justice for the balance of peace will be knocked out of alignment if done so.." Ravendorf turns around and begin to exit the rafters area feeling an uneasy clutch of painc; "...I must go now. The truth-drifters are after me...."

"Wait! I want to talk to you. Why are you afraid of them?" Gregory said as he jumped onto the stage and exits from the stage and goes upstairs (read: where Databyle always goes after a preformance) and enters the storage room where he was held at. He looks around and find nothing: no Nega Aces and no Ravendorf; "Nothing.....Where are you?" What was going on around here? Why won't he talk to the police? What does he call a truth-drifter?

"I'm sorry my dear friend." Ravendorf's voice beckons from somewhere. He must be in Kaska's office.

"I don't understand." Gregory said as he exits the storage area and enter's Kaska's office where he was making the plans of evil. Gregory once again looks around and finds nothing. This was frustrating for Gregory and this thought made this offer clear ~This is like a Raven-and-Bruin game here!~ Gregory decides that Ravendorf must have gone after Kaska Halio after all and decides to exit the office and go downstairs and exit the Burimanger Complex where the wharf was and also where he landed last night and was attacked by the Nega Aces earlier. The skies were cloudy; with patches of sunlight were present all about. Gregory tries to get his bearings and then discovers something horrible. He finds the Maxim Special which was tied againest the pier is nowhere to be seen and that the tow rope was in fact cut off. Gregory falls to his knees and feels helpless. Although the entire event was over; the Nega Aces (or Ravendorf) got the last laugh on the AeroStar gang. The Maxim Special was Gregory's love and joy since the death of Maxim and is the most symbolic part of his father's legacy.

"I'm sorry Dad!" Gregory said as Farris enters the back of the Burimanger Complex through the same way Gregory exited the complex; " I've failed you."

"That Kaska!" Farris shouts out as he sees why Gregory was upset. Gregory gets back onto his feet and decides that it was best to shrug it off. He had pently of airplanes and besides he can always turst the police to find it.

"That's okay!" Gregory said smiling weakly; "The important thing is that we are all safe and that we are together; Buddy!"

"Buddy;" Farris said looking at his friend looking very concerned about the instant mood swings that Gregory was suffering right now; " are acting stranger and stranger."

"Officer Konvent; this way." Cid Valez exclaimed as a frog furry dressed in police clothing like a police officer entered from the side of the Burimanger Complex wharf. The loud sirens were gone now replaced with absolute slience.

"Officer?!" Gregory and Farris looked at Konvent and started to realize something.....They were not out of the woods yet and how do you explain what happened when the star witness has fled the sence? One thing was clear: Cid Valez must have contacted the police and that makes him a real hero in this case. The chief police officer was none other than Konvent Asias; a tall and big red/black toad wearing a blue police uniform with many pockets and his badge was flashing shiny across the chest; along with black pants and a blue berret hat. Although he was originally from the Windia Police Force (simply the greatest police force in all of Usland) he was assigned to the Wesdon Police because so many police officers were drafted into the war by the Usland government (read: Another one of those impacts of war). He was also fairly big ;although his was speedy for his size which was an asset of becoming junior police chief of the Windia Police Force. He was about thirty years old and looked like he had at least 50 years left in him despite the weight problem. Konvent was a sign of law and order and the place was instantly secured by police officers from the front. The nightmare was officially over for Gregory AeroStar; but......

Konvent looks down and asks the clear question;"Can you two come inside please?"

"Certainly Constable!" Gregory said ready to tell the truth before what happened last night.

"Now I know you're acting strange!" Farris said as he, Cid, Konvent and Gregory re-enter the Burimanger Complex through Cinema#3's back door. Now the real fun was going to begin. The scary part is officially over; but the tough part was about to materialize: Trying th explain all that happened last night and today without making the constable and his police group think that they should be in a mental hopsital....Meanwhile....


.......In the middle of the ocean; outside of Wesdon where no one can see or hear the Maxim Special drifting. Kaska Halio was sitting in the front seat along with Zinna in the backseat with Cassium and Sezar sitting on the wings. The Nega Aces gang has escaped from the police clutches oncew again. The Nega Aces will live another day; however, that doesn't stop Kaska from looking flush-white hot with anger and he started to point fingers and demands and answers to one clear question.....

"All right;" Kaska shouted with his temper nearing the boiling point; "....who's stupid idea was it to use AeroStar as a puppet?"

"YOURS!!" The Nega Ace Members snap back at twice the shouting tone. Kaska was at the boiling point now; people who defy his authority will suffer for their betrayal. And he knows how to make people suffer.

"No one overtakes my authority!" Kaska shouts out before realizing that he lost his shock stick during the fight; "But you are right. I was my idea; however, that is no problem right now." Kaska starts to smirk once again like he knew something that AeroStar didn't it seems; "While Gregory may have suceeded in ruining my gang; he has yet to dampen my spirits. He thinks that he has won; but he forgets that the war has forced many of the police to work with the military to stop it.....Not to mention that we are over free water which is lawless under international law.." Kaska was smarter than the police or Gregory AeroStar thought they were; "..So don't worry kiddies once we find an island to make our base of operations and then may greed beware of thy wraith." Kaska was proving to anyone who hears him just how digusting and demigothic that he has become now. He was taking advantage of the laws of the land and he knew it. He was _so_ evil now; that the price for his capture has gone way up......Why is he so certain that the long arm of the law wasn't long enough to catch them?

Cassium realized that Kaska did lose his shock stick and wondered how Kaska was now going to be able to fight; "Does that mean that you'll have to be shock-less from here on boss?"

"Remind me to hurt you Snakefang!" Kaska said as Cassium starts to sweat for the first time. The only good thing about that was that Cassium had stop whincing about his nickname...He knew that if he breathed wrong; Kaska would react in ways you don't want to know.

"I....will.....boss." Cassium said concerned and ending with a gulp as the Maxim Special slowly drifts out east. Where they will go is anyone's guess. However; as Kaska has demostrated in the past: as long as _he's_ alive, the Nega Aces will be back....and for AeroStar it will be much sooner than we think.....


It was time to explain the unexplainable.......Back inside Cinema #3; already inside the actual cinema itself was Gregory AeroStar, Farris Karnage, Oniz Mecha, Eric Mann, Mercer Mann, Cid Valez, Konvent Asias and four other police officers. There were three other officers that were also in the complex; they were questionning Tyrone Flyerknight who regain his senses after being knocked out by Cassium Victor earlier. Thank goodness that he wasn't seriously hurt. Another officer was checking behind the stage while the third officer was with Databyle Puppet. The first officer was talking to Eric and Mercer Mann over on the north eastern corner; Cecil LordAir was the police officer's name; he was a green/brown crested grasshopper wearing the same clothes as Konvent and he looked very tall (read: almost as tall as Captain Ravendorf and had about the same weight as Captain Ravendorf) and was the oldest police officer in this force. He lives in Wesdon and is Konvent's second-in-command for this force at this point. He was ironically the only member of the original Wesdon Police Force who is staying in the Police Force (read: Most of police officer were drafted or signed up to fight in the war through patroic means). The second police officer was talking to Oniz Mecha over on the north west corner of Cinema#3. He is Polandias Taper; a white cat who is very short (not the shortest of the Police Force) and was the thinnest of the group. He wears the same clothes as Konvent and lives in Windia. He was usually the full-time radio controller of the Windia Police Force before becoming a full-time police officer in the real world. He has been on the regular force for only 2 years now. The third police officer was talking to Farris Karnage on the south-western corner of the cinema. His name was Filtzio Agronaunt; the biggest officer of the entire police force (over 250 pounds) and sadly; not as swift as Konvent is. Luckly; he was a brown ape who was very strong. Some would say that he is stronger than Colonel Allen Forte. He wears an extra-large version of the clothing that is worn by Konvent. (read: The beret is one size fits all). He doesn't have a tendenacy to talk in third person; but very rarely. Filtzio also lived in Windia before moving to Wesdon and would like to move back to Windia after is purpose is served in the war. The last police officer in the area was talking to Cid Valez on the south-eastern area of the cinema. His name is Ila Aloz; a green/brown crested aligator who was as usual wearing the same clothing as Konvent and was the shortest member of the Windia Police Force (and also the youngest member by about a full year.) He is a junior police member who was still learning the tools of the trade of police work. Ila also lives in Windia and rounds out the main Windia Police Force. Konvent; however; had the pleasure of talking to the son of Maxim; Gregory AeroStar right in the middle of the Cinema#3.

"So;" Konvent states as he takes out his large notepad and pencil and start writing rough notes within; ".....let's start at the beginning shall we?"

"Yes;" Gregory started looking directly at the officer who was questionning him; " was yesterday afternoon when I attended the puppet show here at the Burimanger Complex in this very cinema."

"Did you notice anything strange at the cinema?" Konvent's first question beckons out in typical police fashion. For Gregory this question was proably the most diffcult to answer since this was the first time that he has ever been in formal questionning of an officer. However; Maxim's rearing taught him to always be polite and trust the officer that questions you. Distrust can often lead to an officer accusing you of crimes regardless of if you committed or not.

Gregory instantly realized that he would have to bring out his instincts in front of the public square which was something that the young bear was not use to; "I actually felt something was distrubing the moment I read that article in the Wesdon Gazette from Marion Garr about the puppets in Databyle's Puppet Show were _life-like_, that's when I first felt something was up.." Gregory said as Konvent continued to scribble exactly what Gregory was reporting in his notebook; "...When I was watching the puppet show near the beginning, I felt this sharp pain in my head when I looked directly at the lead puppet which in the end turned out to be Cid Valez..." as Gregory said that he points to his head to show where the pain was much to the surprise of Konvent; "..When I saw him in the newspaper yesterday and heard him on the radio; I felt this sharp pain once again...."

~This person must be pulling my leg. A sharp pain?!~ Konvent thought dismissing Gregory's charges as a childish prank; however, Gregory was looking at him figuring that Konvent was spacing out just like he always does. Konvent realizes that he was in a trance and quickly returns to his note-taking; "Sorry sir; I was spacing out."

"That's okay; I do that too..." Gregory admitting giving Konvent a good chuckle to remember; "..Anyway; I gave Databyle Puppet my business card and went home to the AeroAvis. I got a call from _Databyle's Secatary_; which I use rather loosely; that Databyle was asking me to deliver a puppet from Parris...."

Konvent was surprised that a member of the AeroStar family would forget that Parris was overtaken by the Airabus Government;"Did you know that Parris was taken over during the war?" That statement sent a huge chill down the young AeroStar's spine. He should have known right away that Kaska Halio had played him for a he did for Cid Valez. Gregory shook his head in disbelief knowing that he had placed himself in danger due to his igorance.

~How could I be so stupid? That's why Durin and Pledge were in Parris a couple of days ago. How could I let my guard down?~ he thought bitterly causing Konvent Asias to look at Gregory oddly; "Sorry officer; I was spacing out."

"Now that we got that sense of _deja vu_ out of the way;" Konvent states firmly giving Gregory a unwritten warning not to play games with him since he is no way near the mood to play them; ".....continue on......"

"Yes;" Gregory continued gluping at the thought of replaying the events that foreshadowed his demise; " I went to the complex during the night to check the accuracy of the address which I was later attacked."

"Can you please elaborate on that?" Konvent asked feeling that Gregory was leaving out important details.

"Yes; I tied the plane down and there was this guard who claimed that he was there to keep the peace." Gregory exclaimed feeling that he should have known better considering that there was no security force inside or outside the Burimanger Complex; "So I went towards the back door when a young girl called out to me. She had the same voice as the ticket master. This is when I realized that the voice of that guard was the same as Databyle's so-called secatary...."

Konvent was starting to get some sort of picture on this rogue group Gregory was mentioning; "Can you tell me what this young girl looked like?"

"Well; she looked like something out of a Shakephere play as least in her way of dressing." Gregory explained trying to be as honest as possible; "A black turtledove with a yellow beak and red eyes. She always seem to have an obsession saying the word _Methinks_."

"Excuse me Konvent;" Polandias said overhearing the conversation and remembering something about a unique furry being making that sort of statement; "....but we have a profile on that person....."

"She calls herself Sezar Poiler." Gregory said giving out the name. Konvent eyes lit up in clear fashion: The group seemed familiar to him and his police force.

"Now we are getting somewhere with this." Konvent said writing all the information down on his notepad;" Please Gregory continue...."

"Yes officer....the next thing I remember was being grabbed by two unknowns at the time." Gregory continues trying to sound as honest as possible; "I screamed for help hoping for the guard to hear; but the next thing I know; I feel a shocking twitch in my back and I was completely knocked out." As this was going on; Tyrone Flyerknight enters the cinema with yet another police officer. His name was Eralo Stevenflight, a brown lion wearing a dark blue police uniform and a navy blue police hat. While he was a little bit shy (strange for a person approching 50 years of age); he was a strong police officer who also works on the police cars and items that police officers use (read: he is a mechanic). He used to live in Farm Town out on the Outback; now he's living in Wesdon because he was hired to take over matters in the Wesdon Police Force. He loved police work and wouldn't want it any other way. Eralo was holding the shock stick that Databyle was using before he was shocked by Kaska.

"Constable!" Eralo said as he hands Konvent that shock stick; "We found this on the stage."

"Thank you.." Konvent said as he examines the shock stick in full; "..Do you know anything about this?"

"I've seen this before." Oniz said as her invention was being mentioned and somehow feels guilty about the whole situation; " That used to be _my_ invention. It's called a 'Jump Sparker' used to jump-start plane in which some planes might stall in midflight."

"Yes;" Gregory exclaimed still not believing that one of Oniz's inventions would cause such unbelievable harm; ".....but have you ever felt the sting of it when it connects to the flesh?"

"Never mind that!" Tyrone shouted looking very angry; " I want the person responsable for punching me like a punchbag! I'd give him one....."

"Calm down Tyrone!" Gregory shouted trying to maintain clam in a hostile enivorment ready to explode from within; "We're all upset all these events."

"Yeah sure!" Tyrone yelled out hating the fact that he should be told to calm down by a young moronic bear; "...And I wonder why your friends were so worried about you! Where have you been?!"

"Tied up and used as a puppet in a damp room." Gregory chuckled unhappily clearing not liking the concept of the joke at all.

Tyrone's old age was clearly unimpressed by the joke and took it as a sign of laziness; "Can't you find anything better to do than lazily dance around like a puppet?"

"I wouldn't talk about that old man!" Cid Valez said overhearing the old furry's charges; " Considering that I was dancing againest my will for six straight months."

"And well deserved you greedy toad..." Tyrone responds feeling like he should have abandon his family who was sadly killed by the Nega Aces. Gregory AeroStar knew he had to say something; this situation was completely spinning out of control and the Nega Aces would have won the battle of inducing fear into the hearts of the people who grazes the city of Wesdon and the country of Usland.

"Tyrone? You're the caretaker of the aviation complex right?" Gregory asked trying to make a valid point to a much older furry being who was understandably stubborn; "Since it opened; I might add?"

"Your point being?!" Tyrone asked looking sharp and very cross that Gregory AeroStar was upstaging him who was clearly much older than Gregory.

Oniz tries to figure out what Gregory's point was supposed to be; "Gregory was saying that everyone has a role to play in the social fabric even if the role doesn't sound obivous."

"I'm more surprised that you are not a believer of the faith and yet you sound otherwise." Gregory said amazed by Oniz added boost of being faithful. But Oniz's modesty was not going to allow her to be envious of the moment.

"Well; for your information, you are the one who preches that." Oniz points out showing that she wasn't going to take that kind of credit; "I just give the message..."

"You're getting too smart for your own good!" Tyrone states with an accusing finger pointed at Gregory AeroStar; " Where's your authorive voice to save you from yourself?"

"Maxim is dead!" Gregory said remembring who was his authorive voice before this war even started; " Thanks to this war!"

"Maxin is a wonderful young man." Tyrone continuing to defend himself; "Why are you angry againest your father's beliefs?"

"Tyrone; my father was againest this war; he basically was forced into the war." Gregory explains bitterly; " I'm stating a basis of fact......However; I realize that my father didn't want to be labelled as a traitor either. He believed that he had to put his beliefs aside for the greater good.... And one day I will have to preform my civic duty as a furry being."

"I knew that Maxim's faith had meaning and it's starting to show." Tyrone smiled weakly knowing that he soundly defeated by the younger bear; "I wish that many more had met him." Gregory felt a sigh of relief rushing through his body; it was wonderful to see that elders were very supportive of Maxim; since Maxim strikes the chord of peace and thoughtful relationship with all furry beings both young and old. However; Konvent believes now that the tender moment was warming out its own welcome.

"Excuse me please!" Konvent said looking very impatient; "We should be continuing the questioning?"

"Of course....." Gregory continued as Cid Valez and Oniz Mecha return to the investgators that they were talking to; while Tyrone exits to the storage room where Databyle Puppet was held; "The next thing I remember is waking up in a small room; hand and legs tied up and I saw two furries; a snake about six feet tall wearing a brown coat. He has crested red jewel-like cheeks and green glassy eyes and wears a brown hat. He also has a _really_ powerful right hook and calls himself Cassium Victor."

"Constable?" Eralo interupts as he overhears the name that sounds very familiar to him; "We have a profile on him too....He's from the Nega Aces."

"Who are the Nega Aces?" Gregory asked looking puzzled.

"Call them the most henious criminal organzation in the world." Konvent said with a tone that would spout fear into anyone's fragile mind; "They are wanted for countless offenses including robbary, smuggling of good, aiding illegal entry, theft, assult...Do you need a full...?"

"I get the picture." Gregory said looking shocked. ~This is just great! I go on one delivery and the next thing you know; I'm a puppet for the more ruthless gang in the world.~ he thought.

"You see the importance here?" Konvent explained looking a bit embrassed that the police had yet to capture this border-line terrorist group; " Anyway; we're not sure how many people are actually involved in this gang however we do have a profile on the leader of this gang." Konvent hands Gregory a paper containing the profile of the leader of the Nega Aces....A paper that will lead Gregory into a series of counter questions of his own....It reads as follows:


Name: Captain Ravendorf
Height 7' 3"
Weight: unknown
Blood Type: unknown
Resident: unknown
Spieces: Black Raven
Dressage: 17 Centuary Style Naval Clothing/ Black Boots


Wanted for: Murder; Theft, Robbary, Criminal Organzating, Goods Smuggling, People Smuggling, Spying, Fraud, Assult, Influence Peddling; Aiding Illegal Entry.

Reward: One Billion Usland Dollars for information. Considered armed and very dangerous. Contact the police at once.

  Gregory was stunned quite a bit by the picture of the profile that Konvent showed him look exactly like Captain Ravendorf and not the kidnapper. ~This is not right!~ he thought.~ I should ask Konvent about this!~

"Hold it!" Gregory said which caused Konvent to be quite puzzled at the fact that to him the kidnapper's looks should be undeniable; " My kidnapper called himself Kaska Halio and was wearing a trenchcoat and hat; although the color was grey. Plus; I'm positive that he looked shorter than this profile."

"Captain Ravendorf is a very cunning furry." Konvent explained assuring that they had the right furry; "Almost like the devil. Do not underestimate him...."

~Is this what Ravendorf meant?~ he thought as he attempts to get further answers from Konvent;"It's just that..." Gregory pauses for a moment before explaining; "..I saw two furries with the same face. One was wearing a trenchcoat using a stun gun which looks like a cattle prod and he kidnaps me; the other was wearing the same clothing as in the profile and wielding a black sword. That furry saved me..."

"...and fooled you in believing that we was the good guy!" Konvent shouts out still believing in his convinctions of the kindered furry being; " Look sir; as I said before Captain Ravendorf is like the devil. He'll do anything to trick you. He used a decoy to make you think that he was on your side when he really wanted to escape from us."

"So you don't believe my story?" Gregory asked feeling very unamused of the whole situation.

"I believe your story.." Konvent said hypocritcial of the previous statement he made; "...anyone can be easily fooled by the motives behind Captain Ravendorf."

"I see." Gregory said as the thoughts racing in his head once again didn't match the words coming out of his mouth. ~Who's the truth-drifter here?~ Gregory then decided it was time to turn the tables on Konvent and ask him one important question; "What are you going to do about my seaplane?"

"Well; there's not much we can do right now." Konvent exclaimed sliently shaking his head in frustration over this complex matter; "We are currently under-manned and lack enough resources to even fund a security force for the Complex; not to mention that there's no guarntee that the federal government will aid in the funding. Also; since the plane is proably over free water; there's not much we can do expect and wait and hope they come back with the seaplane."

~Who's water has been poisioned by this oversight?~ was the only thought that Gregory could muster as he saw once again; the latest blunder from the Usland government; "I see." was the only thing he could say as speaking againest the government was a poor idea in this wartime effort. From the stage area right; Databyle entered the cinema; wrists tied with steel handcuffs following in front of yet another officer. His name was Seliza Taro; a bronze rabbit who used to live in Jepang. Like Fuzi Nakasakai before him; he fled from Jepang days after Jepang joined forces with the Animea and Airabus governments in the war againest Usland, Lyndon and Thembria. He was only six feet tall and wore a brown police uniform with a navy blue beret. Like many in this police force; Seliza would love to return back to Jepang. Ironically; he was drafted into the war; however, the distrust of the Usland government towards Jepang citizens (another major blunder in the eyes of Gregory AeroStar) prevented him from joining directly into the conflict (including Fuzi Nakasakai) . Seliza motions towards Konvent.

"Here are the statements made by Databyle sir." Seliza said as he hands Konvent his very own notepad. Konvent quickly skims through Seliza's notes looking very carefully for questions. He was done in mere minutes and looks at Seliza sharply.

"So; he _is_ supporting the investigation..." Konvent responds shaking his head at the thought that this brilliant preformer was now considered a criminal; "..Okay; take him to the station for further questioning...."

"Yes sir!" Seliza exclaims as he, Eralo and Databyle exit through the double-doors of Cinema#3 and the last time Gregory AeroStar would see him for now "Come along......"

"Why has he been arrested?" Gregory asked as he turns to Konvent. Gregory was wondering why Databyle was charged even though the charge was clear: Databyle _did_ enter the country illegally and must be charged for the crime.

"We arrested him on the proable charge of illegal entry into an Alliance country." Konvent explains; " However; it's doubtful that we can even deport him back to Parris; let alone execute him."

"What do you mean?!" Gregory asked looking sharp at Konvent wondering why death was involved in this whole situation.

"Calm down sir.." Konvent said thursting his hands into a calm down motion; "...Okay; it means that since there is no evidence that Databyle Puppet is an Airabus, Animea or Jepang spy; we cannot charge him for spying.." Konvent catches his breath before continuing; ".....and we cannot charge him for high treason because he was only trying to flee from Freelanda and is not on the conscripition list."

Gregory started to feel a sign of relief coming; however, looked concerned Databyle lives in Parris and Parris was under control by the Airabus government; "You said that you may not be able to deport him back to Parris?"

"Under normal actions; we would deport him back to their origin country to face trial under International Law." Konvent exclaimed as he looks at his notes; "However; since Parris is _under_ seige we may have to try him here."

"Is there any way for Databyle to gain legal status into this country?" Gregory asked looking concerned that there is no way around the situation.

"Hmmmm....." Konvent said trying to remember a law that was in the books for years; "......there is a law provision that hasn't been used in decades. However; only a judge can rule on such matters and will take considerable convincing for Databyle to get legal status."

"I see." Gregory said as he knew that the consequences of Databyle's igorance was beginning to show and he might be the key to preventing future consequences down the road. His thoughts were racing through his head in partial fear and partial embrassment; ~I guess I might be the only one who can convince a judge.~ This was almost over as Konvent joins up with Polandias, Filzito, Ila and Cecil and they both exchange notes and examine notes quickly like ture professionals. Cid, Oniz, Farris, Eric & Mercer all join Gregory's party in unison and discuss their relationship with the police force.

Fianlly Konvent turns around and shakes Gregory's outstreched hand; "Okay; everthing seems to be in order now. We'll do what we can with what we have right now. I'll take you all home now since you don't have your seaplane...."

"Thank you Constable." Gregory nodded agreeing to the gesture given by Konvent. While Gregory still believed that Konvent somehow goes his facts all mixed up; he was relieved that Konvent was understanding when he didn't completely believe his story. Trust in the law is important for it is the foundation of the social fabric. Cid approches Gregory feeling a little bit guilty that his greed was the reason for his kidnapping and in the end the kidnapping of Gregory AeroStar and the fight between the Nega Aces and Gregory's friends.

"I want to thank you for all for finding me.." Cid said mincing words quite a bit; "..I'm sorry about being greedy."

"That's nonsense.." Gregory responded happily; feeling that Cid deserved to be the hero in this outfit; " called the police and that is the right thing to do." No amount of greed was going to change that!

"I wish that I could do something to repay you...." Cid said. He sees Gregory smiling ~ What is he planning~ Cid thought with a puzzled look.

Gregory's bright intellegence was churning up an idea; one that would please both him and would give Cid the right to repay a debt that he never should have got; "I think I have an idea for you...." Gregory and company exit Cinema#3 with Konvent and the Windia/Wesdon Police Force...One more step towards home......


Back inside the family room of the AeroAvis building, Sally AeroStar is sitting on the couch reading a book and looking increasely depressed. Phillip AeroStar on the other hand was sitting on a oak-wooden stool in front of a large classic black piano which weighs about half a ton; trying so hard to play the 'Frog Dance' song that Databyle Puppet was playing. However; he was having no success at all.

"How does Databyle do it?" Phillip said gently slamming his outstrached hand down on the piano keys; "I've been trying to get the beat of this tune and I still don't quite have it....." Phillip then instantly turns around after no response to see Sallly depressed yet again; "Ummm...Sally? What's wrong?" Phillip walks and sits right next to Sally on the couch.

"It's Gregory.....He is late yet again! I sometimes wonder what he does everytime he's late." Sally protested in digust as she clearly didn't want to talk about anything right now; "He always says to not worry about him; he'll always come back. I really long can he say that before his luck runs out?" Suddenly; a loud knock coments on the main wooden leading outside on the south side of the AeroAvis. It had a craved-out mailslot trimmed with brass metal around the slot.

"Sally?" asked Phillip to Sally as Sally was always the person who would answer the door according to her duty.

"You get the door." Sally said panicky-sounding; " I'm too upset to answer the door right now."

"Oh; Sally!" Phillip said shaking his head as he walks towards the door and shouts through the mailslot; " Who's there?"

"Your friendly neighbourhood bommerang!" a voice beckons.....It sounds like no other than.....

"Gregory?!" Sally shouts knowing the voice right away. Phillip opens the door and sure enough Gregory AeroStar; Konvent Asias, Oniz Mecha and Farris Karnage enter inside. Sally was a bit concerned however at Konvent since he is a police officer and that alone caused Sally to believe that Gregory was in trouble or was attacked by somone like he was with Zinna earlier.

"Hello Sally!" Gregory said as he and Sally both embraced together to hug them much to the grumbling surrounding Oniz Mecha.

"Don't you ever do that to me again!" Sally shouted as he looks directly at Sally and agreeing with everything she was saying ;"I continue to worry everytime that you always leave! From now on; always inform me if you are going to be late right?"

"I shall heed you and give you a surprise in return.." Gregory responded as he seperates from the embrace of Sally AeroStar in order to hatch his surprise;"..Do you remember the time when you used to wish to see the rich and famous in person?"

Sally was surprised that Gregory would mention something so trivial at this point; not to mention that she no longer liked surprises since getting that memo from Commander Wesdon; "I was a little girl at that time." Sally said being honest and thinking that the experience that Gregory went through It was excess spoilage on your mother's part." Oniz Mecha decides to sit on the piano seat and waits smiling to see the sight of Sally AeroStar when Gregory hatches his brutal plan for Sally.

"Well; I guess it's time to get really spoiled..." Gregory said as he turns towards the door to call the surprise in;"...Cid? Come in!"

"Cid.......Valez...." Sally responded looking like she was almost in dreamland almost causing Oniz Mecha to chuckle lightly on the very thought of it; "..I'" The mere presence of Cid Valez was enough to cause Sally to submit to the charm as a matter of self-flirtation. This was considered dangerous yet legal practice......very scary!!

"Hello Sally AeroStar...." Cid Valez responded understanding that Sally was a big fan of him; "You said that you were doing a little research paper on me; would you like to go upstairs and interview me?"

"Sure!..." Sally responded continuing to sound like she was in dreamland; "....I'!"

"Oh brother!" Oniz grumbled feeling that Cid Valez should be in love with her since she was supposed to be the hopeless flirt. Her symbolic pleads yield nothing and Sally AeroStar and Cid Valez decide to go upstairs and into Sally's bedroom. Cid walked upstairs with Sally following close behind looking like she was floating on a cushion of air. Oniz Mecha was grumbling at the sight of this vuglar behaviour.

"Serves ya right!"; Gregory said laughing feeling that this would teach Oniz that she should stop this hopeless flirting because it is not working for her; " Anyway; thank you Konvent!" Gregory comes over and take out his hand to shake Konvent's hand.

"No problem sir." Konvent responds as he shakes his hand in unison; " Remember if you need help; a police officer is always there to help you. Goodbye for now." Konvent walks out of the south exit of the AeroAvis building and closes the door. ~Konvent's a nice person...Policeman are nice people; but I think they are making a big mistake.....What do I know about Ravendorf? I've only met him for three minutes and he ran away....Something's not right....~ he thought.

"Of course..." Gregory said shaking his head in doubt; "Farris; do you remember that recipe that Salah made? Well; can you help create supper tonight?"

"Of course Buddy." Farris said saluting him as if they won something; "I can always help Eric and Mercer Mann later."

"Thank you Buddy." Gregory said nodding his head and then suddenly turns around and looks at Phillip; " Phillip? Could you please step outside? I'd like to talk to you personally?"

"Yeah; sure!"; Phillip said as he and Gregory AeroStar exit the family room out of the same door that Konvent exited from and was on the south lawn of the AeroAvis. As the sun was starting to descend; Phillip was starting to sound blunt. He was sick and tired of taking orders from someone who has yet to answer the justification of why he was late. Phillip twirl Gregory around before Gregory could have time to turn around by himself.

"Where have you been Gregory Axis AeroStar?" Phillip asked harshly; being blunt as he was demanding answers; "What happened to you? Why is the police involved?"

"Let's just say that I just became the 'Nega Puppet'." Gregory said sounding just as blunt as Phillip.

"The Nega Puppet?" Phillip asked sounding confused.

"It's means:" Gregory said as he slammed his left fist into his open right hand; "Never let you guard down!"

"No matter what?" Phillip asked sweating.

"No matter what!" Gregory said starting his usual preach-mongering explaination; "Now let me explain something to you: One day; you'll understand that trust may be a humpty-dumpty word; but is a must in a world where truth-drifters exist. Don't let the devil trick you into believing that no one is there to trust you. Remember that in the end of the day; we will always have each other.." Phillip nods his head knowing the strength of the tone of voice Gregory used to explain this; "...Now; let's go inside."

Gregory and Phillip went back inside the AeroAvis feeling wiser......or has it been wise at all. Is there another 'Nega' puppet?

++++ End of Chapter III ++++