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AeroStars VI

Chapter Final of Saga IV: The Waltz of The Wind

**About 150 years ago......**

It all began with a war...A war that engulfed Usland for the last four years....A war for freedom....Freedom from Lyndon....Freedom from a commander named Vice Howe..Freedom that the Usland Liberation Army was now winning..It was a confidence in the domination after years of struggle as somewhere in northeastern Usland at a log fortication about two miles east of North York. Gunfire cannons could be heard both inside and outside of Fort York with cannon balls both reaching the defenses and blowing off chunks of the log fortications. Fort York was a 70 square mile fort containing 14 log buildings scattered inside in which much of them were either damaged or destroyed. Usually there were 2500 soldiers who work to protect the fort and to fight in the actual Revolution War of Usland; however, only 1500 soldiers remaining and they were scattering around as they were caught completely off guard by the opposition. The soldiers were various types of furies wearing red coats, black pants and carrying rifles. Another 400 soldiers were lying on the ground killed with blood spilling from their wounds; another 250 soldiers are seriously wounded and clutching their chests in acute pain. It was complete devastation as a cannonball manages to nail seven soldiers who couldn't get away in time; basically killing them and causing a small crater where the impact of the cannonball hits. Despite all the planning and cunning from the Lyndon army; this was their main fort and if it went down; the war was pretty much lost for them. The commander of the Lyndon army realized this and decided to flee the place completely like a coward instead of surrendering as he was inside what was known as the War Hall which was an underground passageway underneath Fort York in order to escape. The War Hall was made of rock walls and muddy floors with logs lining the ceiling. There were dozens of rats everywhere crawling around waiting to bite someone on the foot. A tall slender middle-aged, brown ferret wearing a red coat, black pants and a black soldier helmet and a slightly shorter slender black swan wearing the same gear minus the black helmet and was carrying a long sword with him were running with an nun female fury wearing black robe who's face was covered with an iron mask helmet which had a cross cut in the facial area to allow the nun to see. Her eyes were icy blue and seemed rather odd and familiar. The commander's name was none another than Vice Howe and the general beside him was Benefit Arnold; a man who betrayed Usland just because he wanted to win a war and only wanted to fight on the winning side. He was the ultimate example of a vain warrior who had little respect for humanity in general.

"Where's my aide?" Vice demanded sounding panicky.

"He was killed trying to get wine sir..." Benefit responded which just makes Vice angry now. His plans for King Gram III was foolproof. He wanted to bring Usland to it's senses that the only way the country of Usland would flourish is not to rebel against Lyndon. The problem was that Lyndon didn't believe in dissent and offered little to convince Usland that Lyndon's king even cared about them as fury beings.

"Swell..” Vice protested bitterly; “..We have run out of food, gun power and our men are getting killed out there."

"How in limbo did they know our plans?” Benefit chimed in also acting angry; “ When I find that traitor; I'll...."

"You will surrender to the liberty of Usland!!" a shrill male, emotional voice beckons as Vice and Benefit were forced to stop to notice that the pathway was blocked by a half dozen of Usland male soldiers wearing blue/white uniforms, white pants, white socks, black boots and were carrying rifles. They were known as the Usland Main Force #1 which consists of tall furies such as a white mallard named Carbos, a black dog named Hale, a blond cat named Joilet, a white panther named Cruz, a brown bear named George and a silver hawk named Kris. Their leader was Lucid Barrier; a medium build black bear who was also the Commander of the Usland Liberation Army. He wore some red iron armor, leather brown pants, brown boots and carried a sword known as the Wassil Rapier; a thin sword that could cut through larger swords. It was pretty powerful for a thin bladed sword.

"Liberty?!” Benefit protested bitterly; “ You are a swine to our King Gram the Third. Spitting on his majesty's crown is an abomination!"

"How ironic and hypocritical considering that you betrayed our cause!" Lucid responded strongly.

"What do you mean _your_ cause?!” Benefit snaps back; “ I only got into this battle for the sake of battle...I just wanted to be on the winning side!" That announcement didn't sit well with Vice at all. Benefit agreed to help him because Lyndon was in the right; but because he wanted to win the battle. Vice felt that Benefit was now betraying his cause and he was angry as heck now.

"Lucid!! He's insulting our cause!!" Cruz yells out feeling insulted as he raises his rifle and points to towards Vice and the nun. However; Lucid waves his hand to inform him not to shoot.

"Wait! There's a nun present!" Lucid said as Cruz lowers his rifle.

"You only joined us because you just wanted to fight?!" Vice protested bitterly; this time to Benefit.

"You already knew that commander!" Benefit responded calmly and that causes Vice to panic. He was the only one left (besides the nun in his own mind of course) with a belief to the cause now that Benefit had revealed that he was lying to him.

"So you want to fight eh?! You can have your wish!!” Vice proclaims strongly as he grabs the nun and runs away screaming; “ You are on your own coward!!"

"Look who's the coward!!" Benefit grumbles as he draws his sword at Lucid.

"And look who's the traitor?!” Lucid responds as he draws his sword at Benefit; “ I've been waiting a long time for this!!" Benefit Arnold had a lot to answer for. His beliefs in fighting and his flip-flopping betrayal of everyone including Usland and Lyndon itself. Benefit was alone against the world and he didn't care.

"Vulgar beings!” Benefit screamed out showing absolutely no fear whatsoever; “ You shall all die....REPENT!!"

"You are without a doubt..” Lucid responds strongly; “..the most dellusional fool in this war Benefit! Now die traitor!! Soliders?! Watch my back!!"

"YOU SHALL DIE SCUMBAG!!" Benefit screamed out as Benefit and Lucid rushed each other and clashed swords together. They were playing for keeps. Someone was going to live; someone was going to die. There would be no draw; or mere injury. Meanwhile; Benefit's unintentional distraction was enough for Vice and the nun to escape into the forest through a secondary passageway from the War Hall. Vice was no dummy even if the rest of his soldiers were. Vice's footsteps were breaking branches as he went deeper and deeper into the forest. While the Uslandian plan was a success; it didn't account for the blind spot that Vice was now able to exploit.

"[I finally got away...]” Vice said under his breath as he finally stops to catch his breath and lets go of the nun to allow her to be free; “I'm sorry madam. Things seem hopeless and I fear that faith was against us."

Suddenly; the nun did something unusual. She bursts into fits of laughter; "HEEEE...HAHAHAHAHAHA"

"What's so funny?!" Vice protested bitterly as that voice sounded very familiar.

"That's exactly what I wanted to happen..." The nun responded smirking. Her voice sounded similar to ...Madill Vainfukai.

"What kind of sinspawn is this?!" Vice protested bitterly as he was had because the nun takes off her iron mask to reveal her true self: Madill Vainfukai. Vice is shocked and appalled at this deception; “You're the spy!”

"You fell for the Usland plan..” Madill responds with a smile; “...Hook...Line..and sinker!!"

"My lord!! You're supposed to be...." Vice stutters looking absolutely shocked that Madill Vainfukai was a nun who knew everything that was going on...and Madill was supposed to be dead....


**Two years earlier....**

Inside the town of Manhatten, North York was the house of Vice Howe which doubled as his main office. He was inside his office looking at his papers on the wooden desk. The room had wooden floors with unpainted logs for the ceilings and walls. Nine soldiers await his commands who are wearing red coats, red hats, red pants and carrying rifles while standing at attention. Vice Howe puts down his paper and stands up ready to proclaim his orders. The war had been going smoothly at this point as the Usland rebels were on the run and the battles were being lost by the Usland Liberation Army. A couple more months like this and Lyndon would finally force surrender.

"Now my soldiers of the Lyndon King Gram The Third; you're job is to find these spies and execute them from this mortal coil.” Vice Howe ordered strongly; “ We shall not forsake our mission to crush the rebels of disloyalty to the crown of Lyndon. If this disloyalty succeeds and the colony of Usland falls then what's next?! Every colony would rebel until every furry who is different is fighting against each other..." However; he was forced to stop talking as he could hear a foul mouthed person outside his room shouting at some females who were screaming to get out of his way. A short, fat black cat wearing noble Lyndon clothing which seem to be torn in several places was carrying Madill Vainfukai who appeared to be completely dead. Vice is completely shocked and appalled that some scummy nobleman would interrupt his orders to his own men and scare his wife and servants who were merely doing their jobs with his sleazy voice.

"Hey?!” the nobleman shouted out profanely; “ Is this the offices of Lord Howe?!"

"What is the meaning of this?!” Vice demanded as he discovers Madill was dead in his arms; “ That's a spy!!"

"Name's Bahluke sir!” Bahluke Montvais announced who was from Boastan; “ I saw your Most Wanted in the paper and this woman is on the list..."

"That's.......!" Vice could only say as his face was full of glee and happiness....


...Which was finally changed to anger, panic and frustration. Madill Vainfukai was alive and well. Madill had dressed herself as a nun who helped Vice Howe with religious duties. It basically allowed her to do anything she wanted; including relaying information from Lyndon to the Usland Liberation Army. It was so easy and Vice Howe had no idea it was happening until it was too late.

"Madill Vainfukai!!” Vice Howe protested loudly as he took several steps back; “ The underground leader spy for the Usland Daughters of Liberty!! You're supposed to be dead!! I saw you..."

"...dead? Bahluke set you up as he was the real spy!” Madill proclaimed giggling softly; “ That's how we won our first battle against you in Princeton! Bahluke wanted to bury me himself. You should have refused that order!"

"CURSE YOU MADILL VAINFUKAI!!" Vice screamed from the top of his lungs in a panic state as he takes out his rifle and tries to fire a deadly shot of bullets right into the head of Madill. There was click; but there was no explosion sound. The rifle was completely unloaded as Vice pulled the trigger numerous times. Madill could only smile as she shows him the gunshells that she herself removed from the rifle.

"Looking for this?!” Madill proclaimed as Vice finally saw the bullets; “ Forgot to realize that the nun was the one loading your gun.. Think of this as the last trick I need to win...” Madill pulls out her sword as Vice Howe was backpedaling away; “ ... Surrender Vice! It's it now and I'll let you be alive again."

"I admit! You are a tough gas you fool!" Vice proclaimed laughing hard. Vice had finally been driven insane now that there was no hope in the firepit for him winning this battle or the war in general. Vice took more steps back.

"What joke are you playing?" Madill demanded as she drew her sword at Vice while walking forward as the same pace as Vice.

"You have no idea where we are!!" Vice said laughing as they were drawing near to the outside of the forest. What was Vice saying was unknown to Madill as Lucid and Benefit continued to fight each other with swordplay inside the War Hall underground passage. The soldiers of Usland didn't interfere once and they were clearly not needed as Lucid was dominating Benefit with his swordplay as Benefit was forced down to his knees.

"My lord! You're stronger than I thought..” Benefit said struggling to get up. Even though Benefit had betrayed everyone; he was no cheater and fought an honorable battle. He was a man who only believed in battle and that peace was a sin in itself to take advantage of by those who were weak; “..Time to end this!!"

"You're right! Time to end your feeable swordsplay!!” Lucid smirk as Benefit finally stood up looking really tired and that was Lucid's big opening. Lucid lunges at Benefit and stabs him right into the heart; “ See you in the firepit of death traitor!!"

"Noooo...You fiend.....!!" Benefit cried out as he slumps down to his knees as blood shot out from Benefit's wound to the chest. Benefit didn't even bother to clutch his chest in pain. He was dead and even Benefit knew it. Benefit had finally felt the justice and judgment of his wicked ways and beliefs. His betrayal was answered with death. That only left Vice Howe left alive as the only main general that King Gram had left in Usland. He was backpedaling as he stepped back out of the forest and into a lily meadow which was about 10 square miles in size and was filling the air with pollen. Madill Vainfukai enters the Lily Meadow with her sword drawn as Vice finally stops in the center of the the meadow.

"Draw your sword...and En Grade to your death!!” Madill yelled out as Vice Howe didn't even bother to raise his own rifle which doubled as a sword. Madill lunges at Vice and stabs him in the midsection without even a counter from Vice Howe. Blood flows from the wound as Madill pulls her sword out of the midsection and looks at the blood; “ That's it?! No defense...?"

"You win Miss Vainfukai!!” Vice declared as he clutches his chest and slumps to his knees while laughing; “ You have won the war of freedom for your false country...I shall resign to my fate!"

"So now you surrender?!" Madill asked sharply as the wind was whipping the pollen of the lily meadow around violently.

"Yes..” Vice declared laughing as Madill breathed a sigh of relief as she believed that the war for freedom was completely; “..but you will never see the new country of Usland alive...Look around you.." Madill looks around; but there was nothing that was unusal.

“What do you mean?!” Madill responded looking sharp at Vice; “ It's over. Usland has it's freedom. I'll return you to Lyndon from where you belong..”

"Maybe so Miss Vainfukai..” Vice responded laughing harder; “.. However; this is no ordinary lily meadow...It is...poison...!" Madill then just realized it. Vice intentionally lured her into a trap. A trap only known by Vice Howe. Even Vice Howe didn't reveal everything to his charges as he always had a trump card.

"WHAT?! I....CANNOT MOVE.....!" Madill screamed as the pollen had gotten into her lungs and her body couldn't move anyone. Vice Howe's plan had worked despite the fact that it was over for him as the war was won by Usland. Back inside the underground passageway as Benefit Arnold was flat on his back on the ground resting in a pool of his own blood which Lucid Barrier spilled. Lucid sneers at the dead fury as he places the sword back into his sword holder. Everyone who was betrayed by Benefit and who were killed by the Lyndon Army as a result were avenged. Benefit has been made to answer for his crimes against freedom and human peace.

"May God have mercy on your soul!!” Lucid proclaimed with a sneer as a tear drops from his eye. It didn't have to end this way; but Lyndon didn't want to talk peacefully since to them it would make them weak; “ It's sad that it had to end this way! I wanted to bring Benefit Arnold alive so he would face the charges of treason.” Lucid then heard a weak surrender flourish music sequence outside; “ What's that noise outside? Is the battle over?" A tall, slender,black swan fury wearing the same armor and clothes as Lucid enters with his rifle on standby. He was known as Second General Hale Newhead and he was a true ally of both the Usland Liberation Army; but was a former Postmaster General for the Usland colony. He salutes Lucid as Lucid turns around to see him.

"Commander Lucid..” Hale announces strongly; “...I have great news; the Lyndon army has surrendered. Usland is free."

"Excellent. Take the men outside and secure the area..” Lucid said breathing a sigh of relief while maintaining his professionalism; “...I don't want any mistakes... Understood?"

"Yes Commander!" Second General Hale said saluting him as he and the six soldiers who watched his back turned around and walked away to secure the area.

"I better go find Madill...” Lucid said as now the attention of war has ended and he can now focus on revealing his hand in marriage to Madill Vainfukai who to him was the real hero of this victory since she basically handed the information needed to defeat Vice Howe; “...My beloved will soon be together..I'll pop the question to her as soon as I find her." Lucid was running in the opposite direction which was towards the passageway which leads to the forest and the Posion Lily Meadow as Madill fell to her knees and was barely able to talk as her breathing was slowly being stopped.

"I...cannot...move...!" Madill said stuttering as she was clutching to her chest. How could she have fallen for this setup?! She was smarter than that. However; Vice Howe was known to emitt negative emotions in anyone.

"You fell right into my clutches..” Vice laughed out loud as he slumped onto his midsection; “...just as Lezar the necromancer expected!!"

"What the heck?!” Madill yelled out in a clutch of pain. Vice was basically admitting that he was a believer in the discreation of those who have passed way which was considered unforgivable by the White Phoenix believers; “ You're in line with the defilers of the dead?!" As she said that an odd light blue pentagram encased in a circle lines the lily meadow behind Vice Howe. The pentagram circle spilts into two and scans upwards to reveal a tall , male, blond leopard who was wearing brown overalls, a black cape which contained a white pentagram circle, multicolored leather armor with a white mystical cross embolden on the front and is wearing glasses. He looked sleazy and downright evil as his giggling was deafening. He was the necromancer that Vice Howe revealed as his savior: Lezar Vanclef.

"Nice job Vice..” Lezar said as Madill tried to move but she couldn't as the pollen completely paralized her; “...I see that my beloved is kneeling before me. I ask for your hand in marriage?"

"I refuse..” Madill said blowing him off; “...I'd rather die than marry a scum sucker like you!! Lucid is my future husband!"

"Believe all you want to believe..” Lezar responded giggling softy. The pollen seemed to have no effect on him; “...You shall be the true beloved of Lezar Vanclef!"

"I guess...I'm dead now...UUUGGGGHHHH!!" Vice screams as he closes his eyes and finally dies as the combination of blood and poison pollen did him in quickly.

"Nonsense...” Madill protested weakly as her breathing was close to being completely stopped now; “..I can't....breathe!"

"The poison lily destroys the muscles inside your very existence.” Lezar proclaims loudly with a insane giggle in his voice; “ You're dead and when I find your soul; you will marry me. I'm immortal...The bathing in blood has made it so I cannot die of natural causes!

"NOOOOOO.....It cannot be....!!!" Madill screams out one more time; but it was no good as Madill falls to her back and dies as the remaining pollen was blown completely away from the forest. The lily meadow's poison was completely gone as Lezar goes over to Madill and kneels down beside her.

"We shall meet again; my sweet..." Lezar said as he grabs Madill's head and kisses Madill right on the lips deeply. After the long kiss was over; he stood up and created another pentagram circle below his feet and it spilts into two and scans Lezar as Lezar disappears completely. Lezar was gone as Madill and Vice laid there completely dead.

"Madill?! Madill?! Where are you?!" Lucid's voice beckons as Lucid enters the Lily Meadow which was completely safe for him to enter as he notices Vice Howe who was dead. Lucid didn't feel bad about him; but then his indifference was changed to horror as he notices Madill Vainfukai right in front of him dead as blood was flowing from her mouth; "Oh my God!!” Lucid yelled as he ran to Madill's dead body and kneels down quickly. He cradles Madill in his arms and checks for any signs of life. There were none and the only thing he could do was scream into the heaven's the name of what was supposed to be his future wife; “ MADILL!!"


** Present Day**

For some reason; that scream resonated into the mind of one Spirit Valk who was standing on a mountain cliff about five miles away from the fortress country of Church Junction. Even though she was far away; Church Junction was easy to spot. Valk was stunned as that scream was a bother to her.

"How this past has continued to haunt me.” Valk proclaimed bitterly as Lucid Barrier enters looking at Valk's back; “ This double soul has become a nuisance."

"Valk?! Are you all right?!" Lucid asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Don't you ever ask me that question!!..” Valk proclaims bitterly; not even bothering to look at Lucid; “..And for your sake; you better realize that you cannot marry me..I may be Madill Vainfukai; but furries and spiritual forces can never have real love!" Lucid could only shake his head in sorrow. Valk was in pain; but refused to show it to anyone as a tall blue jay and a short green sparrow arrived behind Lucid. The blue jay wore blue armor suit all around and was carrying a 12 foot long sword which was clearly taller than he was. The green sparrow was wearing a red/pink robe with violet pants and was carrying a ruby staff. She was the priness of Artosa known as Angell Artosa who died in 1065 when she was turned into a demon by Ghoul Powder from a necromancer. She has learned the fine art of magic by this time. The blue jay was the Bounty Hunter Sword Knight known as Artuze Godhand. He was in a hallowing story which included betrayal and was somewhat responsible for Angell's death. He killed himself in a fit of insanity after finding the real man who betrayed Angell which was a court mage bent on forcing a war between Artosa and Virone.

"Hey Lucid..” Atruze asked ribbing Lucid which Lucid ignored without looking at him; “...Forget about all this love...We have a mission to complete!"

"Valk?!” Angell asked sounding a little bratty; “ Can't we summon Caskell to assist us instead of Lucid. All he wants to do is marry you.” Despite the request; Valk simply refused to answer as she bit her lip; “..Valk?"

~Why do I know this Lezar?~ She could only think and that thinking was hurting her mind as she could hear Lezar chanting out a haunting message even from this very spot on this very day. She knelt down and took the message of Lezar's dread despite the pain it would cause...

** To the world that shall inhabit the space of time....
   To all who shall live the miserable life....
   It shall be engraved upon thy very soul.....
   Lezar Vanclef......!!! **

She would also hear one more message; one scream from Lucid from hundreds of years ago; ** MADILL!! ** It was painful; but she didn't show any emotion from it. It would be a show of weakness as a death goddess to show otherwise as she wonders through her pain and suffering....


April 1st, 1937

It was another day, another dollar on the docks of Higher For Hire as WildCat was checking the engines of the SeaDuck like he was paid to do by his boss Rebecca Cunningham. WildCat was off the wall when it comes to technology as he would use eggbeater and various objects to remove objects from the props and would give diagnosis that would sound quite human. No one except one little girl could completely understand him and she was a little six year golden bearcub named Molly Cunningham who was watching on the docks.

"So whatcha doing there Willy?" Molly asked with a sweet tone.

"Well Mollykat...I'm currently checking the pipes to see if they are clogged.” Wildcat explained in his usual way which leaves Molly amazed; “ Clogged internal props can cause the engines to pop like popcorn and melt like butter."

"So how's the props?" Molly asks giggling softly at WildCat's use of words.

"The props are in perfect condition.” WildCat proclaimed as he finished checking in full; “ No popping...Mollykat..."

"So what's next Willy?" Molly asked.

"One more thing to check out before the SeaDuck can fly the skies..” WildCat said in a cute tone; “ as a chicken!"

"Oh! A chicken..." Molly responds giggling at that one. It was true irony at it's fineness point. However; Molly was in trouble as a familiar 12 year old bearcub wearing a green sweater and baseball cap pulled backwards walking out of Rebecca's office towards the docks. Molly doesn't even notice that Kit is sneaking up from behind and then he pulls on her blue ribbons which are tied behind her fury ears playfully which causes Molly to squeak loudly.

"Uh oh! Nasty Kit's after you again..” WildCat responds with a sharp tone. You cannot tell if he's playing along or is mad at Kit for playing with Molly's mind; “..You know who to call..."

"Dangerwoman!!” Molly declared as she turns around and makes a fist to indicate that she has a sword in her paws which Dangerwoman uses; “ Prepare to meet your creator EvilKit!!"

"Uh Oh!" Kit states with a case of faux fear (he's playing along with this) as he takes a couple steps back.

"Dangerwoman is going to still your black heart!" Molly proclaims as she rushes towards Kit and places her fist near Kit's hear as to play stab him right into the heart. Kit clutches his heart and yells in dramatic fashion as if he was dying. Even at a young age; Kit's acting was top notch. He had to act many times to save himself and at one point his new family made by love rather than by blood.

"Curse you Dangerwoman...I'm...dying...." Kit yelled out as Kit slumps to the ground and looks to be dead. Never mind that he wasn't covered in blood; but he was playing Molly like a fiddle now as WildCat is confused. He knew that Kit was only playing dead.

"Molly?” WildCat asked as Molly goes towards Kit's arms; “ Are you sure that....?"

"Don't be silly Willy...” Molly states as Kit opens his eyes instantly and grabs Molly's left foot while standing up. Molly just made a big mistake; she let Kit play her and now she was caught; “...Uh...Oh!" Kit stands up as Molly was hopping on one foot now in deep trouble as Kit had that evil smile of his.

"The ticklish fish is about to get his sweet revenge.." Kit proclaimed. Molly had played a trick on him while he was apologizing for destroying her doll Lucy in order to save them from Don Karnage many months ago. Kit hopped around laughing like a hapless little boy as he was thrown right off the docks and into the harbor by Molly when she let go of him. It was embrassing to Kit and he wanted some payback.

"You dare tickle me?" Molly asked calling Kit's bluff which was another mistake. Kit has waited too long not to tickle Molly's feet and get it over with.

"Yeah!" Kit responds with an evil smile as he is about to tickle Molly's foot and get back at her for doing the same thing to him. And his fingers were close to the bottom of Molly's foot when suddenly, a familiar female voice beckons out...and she's not pleased with Kit at all.

"Let...her...go...or...I'!” Rebecca demands slowly as Kit's fingers stop just inches short of the mark as he takes a quick glance towards the office and sees Rebecca Cunningham outside of the offices with her arms folded and looking quite cross; “ Now remove yourself from my daughter..” Kit gulped in fear as he lets go of Molly's foot; “... That's it....Now Molly; walk away..."

"Yes Mommy!" Molly obeyed without question as she walks towards Rebecca Cunningham.

"Now Kit...” Rebecca said in an angry mood; and then her mood switch to being so sweet with a smile; “..You may resume your work now sweetie!" Kit was played like a fiddle back at him and he pretty much deserved that one as Kit flops onto the ground doing a faceplant. Kit was screwed and he knew it as he gritted his teeth in frustration.

~I'll get you yet Molly!~ he thought as he got up again and decided to walk towards the SeaDuck "Yes Miss Cunningham..." he said admitting defeat as he walks to the pilot's door of the SeaDuck and opens it. He goes inside the SeaDuck to check the navigational equipment. Rebecca and Molly have a meeting of the minds and this one won't be at the water cooler. Unless you consider the sea to be the water cooler.

"Now Molly; don't let that sneaky little navigator drop your guard down.” Rebecca tells Molly which Kit manages to hear; “ Remember that you tickled him earlier and threw him into the bay."

Kit grits his teeth even more. Rebecca was teasing him for trying to get back at Molly for tickling him and throwing him into the sea. Of course; Kit should have known better since he was the one who tickled Molly's foot first on the first night that they met. ~I cannot believe that she's egging on me.~ Kit thought as he continue to check the navigational equipment. Kit was somehow at his best when he was bitter at something no matter how trivial it was "The compass is in perfect working order." Kit said quietly.

"Check!" Molly proclaims saulting her mother as a fat grey sloth bear waddles out of the offices of Higher For Hire wearing a yellow hat and red pilot's cap. He is Baloo Waladaze, the pilot for delivering cargo at Higher For Hire. And of course; he is not Rebecca's best worker as Rebecca turns around to notice him and she's more upset at him than she ever was with Kit as she is tapping her foot on the ground.

"Well you finally got out here buster!!” Rebecca said looking in a fowl mood; “ Luckly for you; the truck with the cargo hasn't arrived yet...." As she was saying that a large green truck with wooden fencing at the back arrives and stops just short of the docks. The driver seat opens and out hops a short mouse fury wearing a beige shirt and blue pants. The shirt reads Ken Beelive's Truck Service Company in black bold letters on the back as he had a clipboard with him. The passenger side opens to reveal a tall slender brown jackal fury wearing a crimson red robe bearing a small yellow cross in the mid-section. He was known as Palsms Genesis who is the client of Ken Beelive's Truck Service Company and a known communications director of Church Junction. He was overseeing the delivering of religious documents, bibles and other such blessed items. He was known to also be a true religious believer in some circles of the press actually and known to have a bad temper when people question him.

"Is this Higher for Hire?" Ken asked looking at his clipboard to check to see if everything is in their proper order.

"Why yes this is...." Rebecca responds as she notices him. Kit jumps out of the SeaDuck as his deeds of checking the navigational equipment were completed on time as usual.

"Navigational equipment checked and in perfect working order Miss Cunningham." Kit proclaimed strongly as Palsms notices the kid and for some reason it was like he knew him from somewhere as his eye lit up.

~That kid looks familar.~ Palsm thought with a surprised glance as Kit was walking towards her. However; Palsms was a gentleman (despite the bad temper) and decided to play nice for awhile by saying; "Greetings Miss Cunningham."

"It's a pleasure for Higher For Hire to be delivering all religious documents, bibles and such to Church Junction..." Rebecca declared as Kit and Baloo were surprised. Anything involving Church Junction was a really big deal since the religious right is a powerful force in the government and even in the private. Anything involving them would be big money and it would make a name for your own company.

"Church Junction?!" Baloo and Kit said at the same time.

"Yes..” Palsms proclaimed strongly with self-rightousness; “..Tomorrow; the high church of God is going to have our annual summit of the high priests. We're going to discuss the topics of great importance including the crisis inside the religious orphanage and about _child correction_.” That word really got under Rebecca's skin considering that she heard horror stories about the Church's art of _child correction_. Particually from her own 12 year old navigator who suffered being based with a chair from a White Phoenix Orphanage; “..Are you all right Miss Cunningham? I meant no offense." Palsms corrected himself which had little effect on Rebecca's soul. To Rebecca; child correction equals child abuse and Kit's own scars demonstrated that. Kit still won't tell anyone who is so called master was that hurt him.

"I understand.” Rebecca responded like a professional even if it did little to ease her soul. She then went to Baloo and WildCat; “ Baloo?! Help Palsm with the cargo. WildCat?! Please play with Molly.."

"Yes Miss Cunningham..." Baloo and WildCat nodded without question.

"Kit?” Rebecca ordered to Kit as Kit felt a lump in his throat; “ My office...I need to talk to you..."

"Okay Miss Cunningham..." Kit responded looking shameful as he walk into the Higher For Hire offices. Baloo was surprised by this.

"Becky?! I..." Baloo asked; but Rebecca was standing firm. She didn't want Baloo questioning her authority.

"No questions..” Rebecca snapped back as WildCat goes over to Molly; “ Mr. Beeline with the cargo." Rebecca turns around and walks into her office behind Kit and closes the door. Something was bothering her and Baloo didn't know that it didn't involve Kit being naughty rather it involved Kit's own past.

"Hey Mollykat let's go into my office and play with the wrenches." WildCat asked cheerfully.

"Of course Willy.." Molly squeaked as she and Wildcat run to his boathouse on the opposite side of the Higher For Hire docks. Palsm looks at them with amazement. However; he still wanted to know why he sees something in Kit.

"Cute kids..” Palsms said offhand as he looks at Ken; “..Umm Ken? Can you please help Mr. Waladaze with the cargo...I need to make a phone call."

"As you wish sir..” Ken said nodding his head and then focusing on Baloo; “..Baloo? Come over here please.."

"Okay...I'm comin..." Baloo grumbled as he and Ken go to the truck to unload the cargo and put it in the right place inside the SeaDuck. Meanwhile; inside of the office of Higher For Hire, Rebecca gently shuts the front office door behind her as Kit looked awfully defensive. His thoughts were simple: He went way too far with his antics on Molly this time around.

"Rebecca...I'm sorry about Molly...” Kit said stuttering on every word; “... Honest!!" If only that were true. However; Rebecca just shook her head. She really wasn't interested in Kit's revenge on Molly. Something else was eating at her.

"Kit...don't worry. I'm not mad at you..” Rebecca said; “..I just didn't want to Palsm seeing you doing that...Some religious people think that it is dirty."

"That's sad..” Kit responded feeling bad about the world; but he had to go on. He had a real life and no one can take that away from him. At least not now anyway; “..but that's life I guess."

"That is true...” Rebecca said as she embraced Kit with a hug. As she was hugging and talking; Palsms Genesis like a peeping tom was looking behind the window which was the same one that Kit overlooked when he saw Rebecca hugging Molly on their first night together; “...Actually; I'm a little concerned. I mean; the orphanage in Wesdon is owned by the church. You don't have to go if you don't want to."

"[Wesdon orphanage...Then he is that same boy...]" Palsms realized whispering under his breath. This was a turn of events. Why would Palsms Genesis know about Kit or the Wesdon Orphanage anyway? He's merely a communcations director for Church Junction and that place is usually a secret sacred country anyway.

"Rebecca; I'm the navigator.” Kit responds shaking his head to indicate that Rebecca shouldn't worry about his past anymore. If only so he could forget about it being mentioned again. Kit knew how to choose his words carefully in these situations; Baloo needs me and besides; I cannot nurse personal grudges against people forever. I've got a life to live."

"I understand..” Rebecca responded with a weak smile; “..Just be careful Kit."

"Thanks Miss Cunningham...." Kit said with a sheepish grin as they separated from the embrace as Palsms Genesis enters the room completely unannounced with a sharp eye on Kit Cloudkicker himself. Kit ignored the pass in spite of it being difficult to ignore.

"Mr. Genesis?" Rebecca asked wondering why he had a sharp eye on her navigator. It's none of his business whatever Kit was doing to Molly or even the hug with Rebecca.

"Excuse me Miss Cunningham..” Palsms said glancing at Rebecca for a moment; “..Can I use your phone please?"

"Come on Kit; you need to help Baloo with the cargo..." Rebecca ordered nicely as she left the office to allow Palsms some private time with the phone.

"Rodger Miss Cunningham!" Kit said cheerfully back at her as he was about to leave..

"You will pay for your sins pagan!" Palsms snaps back pointing his hateful venom towards Kit Cloudkicker which makes Kit stop in his tracks just in the middle of the doorway.

"What did you say?!" Kit protested back. He had somehow heard that insulting name to him before. Kit was no pagan which was a Wikkan term which was used as an insult by bigots who wanted to slaughter the Wikkans who were a persecuted race. The comment shook Palsms a bit and he sounded like he was backpedaling.

"I'm sorry son..” Palsms responded sounding like he was in a panic mode; “...I was trying to get rid of these demons."

"Don't fool yourself...” Kit said sounding cold and self-rightous; almost like Spirit Valk was ; “ call me a pagan and calling a child that is a holy crime." Then Kit just shrugged his shoulders wondering why he would ever say that. It didn't excuse him; but still he was wondering why since he never sounds like that when he speaks to his own family.

"Kit?" Rebecca asks again as she wonders why Kit hasn't left the office. It's not like him to stop so quickly.

"Coming Miss Cunningham.." Kit called back as Kit cheerfully walks out of the office without any more incidents from Palsms who was shaking in fear.

"'s the divine child.” Palsms said as he suddenly starts to giggle softly; “ I must inform Zurt at once..” Palsms walks to the phone on Rebecca's desk and picks it up with glee; “...If he dies we will win the war at last!" He dials the phone and waits for it to ring. After just one ring a male voice beckons.

"Hello.." the male voice saids looking a little impatient.

"This is Palsms Genesis...I have interesting news....Zurt Saintlord...” Palsms speaks into the phone; “...I have found the Divine Child...He's coming to Church Junction..." As he was talking; Kit Cloudkicker was walking towards the SeaDuck as Rebecca approches him looking deeply concerned about something.

"Why were you arguing with Mr. Genesis?" Rebecca asked looking sharply at him. Kit almost never argued with customers before; even with MacKnee who was her worst customer in her own opinion.

"He called me a pagan..” Kit responded shrugging his shoulders which didn't sit well with Rebecca; “..I don't know why?"

"I don't like my employees arguing with the customers..” Rebecca states as Baloo and Ken walk out of the SeaDuck through the cargo doors; “..However; I'm not exactly happy with customer calling anyone a pagan..."

"What?! My navigator's called that degrading name?!" Baloo protested bitterly as Palsms comes out of the office after finishing his phone call to Zurt which was awfully quick.

"Relax you two..” Kit said trying to defuse this situation and trying to say that it was no big deal in as few words as possible;”..I was just taken off guard." Palsms goes towards them with an evil smirk. For some reason; Kit has now become the piece of Palsm's desire to punish him for something Kit doesn't really know of.

~Just wait until you get to Church Junction!~ he thought with an evil smirk which Baloo notices right away and looks mad. Palsms quickly shifts gears and looks very defensive; "Sorry...I must've slipped my tongue. I shall repent!"

"You better repent buster;” Baloo protested right in Palsms face; “ 'cause I'm the kid's...” That was enough for Rebecca as she grabbed Baloo by the ear and Baloo winces in pain and was paralized by the power of Rebecca's earpull; “..OUCH!!"

"Excuse me Mr. Genesis..” Rebecca said sarcastically; “..I need to talk to my pilot...Come on Baloo..."

"But Becky...I...." Baloo protested as she pulled Baloo right into the SeaDuck which left both Kit and Palsms shocked at these events. Those two successfully managed to make Kit and Palsms stay away from each other.

"I cannot stand those two..." Kit said shaking his head in stunned silence.

"Are they married?" Palsms asked.

"Afraid not..” Kit responded shaking his head; “..but how can you tell?"

"Agreed...." Palsms said off-hand as they heard Rebecca giving Baloo a piece of her mind as usual. They were like a married couple indeed despite the fact that this family was not of blood which didn't sit too well with Palsms' belief system. Then again; it was fun to see Baloo put in his place since he did insult a customer after all; regardless if Palsms deserved it or not it was irrelevant. Business was business as usual for Higher For Hire......


Inside a large room somewhere in Church Junction; the city of religious faith and moral purity (or so the Head of State would say which is the pope.). The room was oddly in semi darkness; as if it was hiding something. A large fury who stood nearly nine feet tall (taller than almost every fury on Earthia) wearing crimson red robes bearing crosses all around. He was wearing an iron mask with a cross at the face to show his eyes which looked a familiar crimson red tint with black pupils. This fury claims that his face is covered because of an injury that has never healed due to the evils of the world. It's irrational true; but it is normal in a church of beliefs. After all; irrational beings are pretty much the norm in the face of science and rational reason. He was sitting on the pope's pulpit as he puts the phone down. He was not pleased at whomever was calling him....

"If the divine child is coming here it presents a huge threat to this war..” the fury said with a growel voice which sounded somewhat familiar; “ .. However; if the soul is in a 12-year old boy; who doesn't know..nor care..then..." As he puts the phone back down under the pulpit; a white cardinal fury flings open the doors leading into his chapel appears. He is about two feet shorter than the masked fury, wearing white robes with crimson red crosses in the front and in the back. He was wearing a gold cross around his neck with the crufixation of the White Phoenix that symbolized the faith as it was in the minds of them. The answering of repentance of sins and sinful behavior.

"What are you doing here?" The white cardinal demanded.

"My lord Peter Randolls the sixteenth; I was answering the phone..” The masked fury responded.; “..Palsms called and informed us that the Seaduck shall be at Chruch Junction in six hours." Peter Randolls was the son of Cellabane Randolls the fifteenth; also a white cardinal who used to live on the Island of Zabone before returning to see the world once again. His son return to Church Junction and became the youngest pope in history who looked barely 20 years old.

"Good high priest Zurt leave my quarters at once.” Peter responded looking sharp at Zurt; “ You're needed inside to check the security." Despite the name; Zurt sounded odd since no one outside Church Junction knew anything about him. Apparently; that's what Zurt liked too.

"As you wish my lord." Zurt nodded as he got up and left quickly. He wasn't very happy with Palsms for some reason; but he felt that Kit's presence might be put to good use. ~If I can place blame on this one kid for the crisis against the churches and the loyalty of the masters of the religious orphanages then we shall rule the world in the image of our true master. ~ Zurt closes the double maple doors as Peter sits down behind the pulpit and feels a bit paranoid. The Randoll's family has been having problems with delusions over the years; but this one doesn't seen to be caused by Locoweed which was the drug of choice for Kaska to successfully use Cellabane as a puppet to give Duwain revenge over Walker Zabone. Peter Randolls closes his eyes and prays for God to clear his mind.

"I can sense a devil commencing in this house of God's keeper...I pray for guidance.. Please show me the demon who intends to destroy our furrykind..” Peter asks kindly to his creator and Peter's vision shows up to be the image of Kit Cloudkicker himself. Peter cannot believe this; “..What?! It cannot be him! No 12 year old could be a demon or a devil..." Peter was in denial and had a pained look on his kisser as Zurt was walking down the marble hallways of Church Junction. The walls were made of brass and the floors were made of golden marble. The ceilings were vaulted with gold-plated steel metal and hymn music played with a flourish. For some reason; the music was a problem with Zurt as if it was demonic to him. However; a real demonic voice beckons and it sounded familiar.

"Does he suspect you now?" Lezar proclaims as he is behind Zurt Saintlord. This was an amazing occurance as Lezar couldn't possibly be alive for so long since he was seen around York in Usland more than 200 years ago. Unless there was something about that necromancer that he wasn't letting on. Apparently; Zurt Saintlord didn't care about that problem and seemly didn't want to deal with Lezar.

"Of course not you freak of nature." Zurt snaps back.

"The last thing I need is you calling me a freak.” Lezar responds with a sharp look; but he doesn't seem to reveal any emotion. This was a sign of a madman; “ Now Misty; I can understand... Just remember our deal."

"Right..” Zurt responds bitterly; “ get the death goddess and I get your services to rule Earthia."

"Of course...and don't worry..” Lezar giggles; “..Randolls' head is so fragile that he thinks that a small child is the spawn of the devil."

"Wow..” Zurt responds looking amazed even though no one could see him; “ you got the ability to mess up minds to whatever image you wish. This could work out after all...Now if you would excuse me; I have to meet the sercuity team..."

"Of course..." Lezar nods as he puts his fist up and it casts the lost magiks spell Teleport Occult which creates a pentagram surrounded by an aura circle around him. Then the pentagram circle splits into two and basically scans him, allowing Lezar to disappear and re-appear basically at will. Zurt just laughs out loud as the music drowns him out anyway.

"Soon..” Zurt proclaims as he walks down the hallway towards his security force; “..Earthia will know who God truly is....." Zurt was making a deal with a member of the occult that the church would clearly hate? What is Zurt thinking? Then again; Zurt has been masking himself up for goodness knows what reason....


Baloo was inside the SeaDuck as he was starting the engines and they were beginning to roar like they always do. That old plane still had a lot of life left in it as Kit Cloudkicker was sitting in the navigational chair checking the rest of the equipment again to make sure. Kit has checked it about four times already just to make sure everything is ready and safe.

"All set Kit?" Baloo asked.

"Check Poppa Bear..” Kit said saluting him; “..I guess it's time to go..."

"Yeah Kit..” Baloo responded as something was still eating him. Rebecca wanted to talk to him about something and Baloo wasn't about to let Rebecca influence him without him knowing about it at least; “.Hey?! What did Rebecca want with you?"

"Nothing special..” Kit said shrugging his shoulder; “..She asked me if I wanted to go."

"You said yes?" Baloo asked looking a bit concerned. After all; Kit was going to Church Junction which hasn't been too kind to little kids recently it seems with the news of dead children being circulated and the church pastors being the prime suspects.

"Of course Poppa Bear. I'm the navigator..” Kit responded with a sharp smile; “..I'm not going to take a break as long as you're squirming under the light.."

"Oh come on Kit-boy..” Baloo chuckled to Kit as he slapped his back gently;”...You need to take a rest; your body's not invincible you know." The back of the SeaDuck opens as Palsms enters the cockpit looking quite amazed at the invention that he was looking at. However; his amazement wouldn't last long.

"Every time I leave the SeaDuck you're goofing off..." Kit said off hand and that was enough to change Palsms as he was white hot with anger and looked really paranoid, ready to explode.

"Don't stand for that!!” Palsms shouts out as he points an accusing finger at Kit; “ Punish the boy!!"

"Why should I?" Baloo asked looking shocked and quite appalled at this occurance. Kit was in shock; but for some reason he wasn't as surprised as Baloo was. He knew that off-hand Pagan line wasn't off-hand. Palsms was sounding like he meant it too.

"He's defying your law!!” Palsms screams at Baloo loudly; “ PUNISH HIM!! NOW!!"

Baloo shouts back and would have his fists ready to clock him into next week if it wasn't for the fact that Rebecca was near the window with easy access to look if he even said a word; "Kit's not my son you self-rightous little...."

"BALOO!! Don't argue with the customer..” Rebecca snaps back as she looks sharply at the group; “..Palsms?! You may be a customer and the customer is usually right. However; parenting is none of your business and attacking a child is wrong." Palsms then just turned into an apologist as he was nodding his head many times and acting like he was sorry which chance are he was not. He just wanted no one to notice that he was acting like a jerk at best.

"I'm sorry Miss Cunningham..I overstepped my bounds..” Palsms said; “..I shall repent!"

"Why is Palsms here?!" Kit asked looking a little upset that Palsms tried to yell at him even though Kit was within his rights to tell Baloo the truth in order to make sure he tried not to get into any more trouble with Rebecca. Even though that was a tall order to say the least.

"He need a ride to Church Junction." Rebecca answered.

"Sounds all right to me..” Kit responded shrugging his shoulders; “..It won't do any harm..." He decided that he was a guest and he wasn't about to cause any more trouble with him. Still that wasn't enough for Mr. Genesis as he thoughts were filled with paranoia and hatred for that young bearcub. ~ This incident proves that we need to assault child to make them loyal to the pure race of furrykind. That little pagan needs to be punished until he is behaving to the standards of God.~ he thought as he returned to the belly of the SeaDuck and closed the door. Baloo took control of the stick and the SeaDuck leaves the harbour and flies into the sky towards Church Junction. Rebecca looks into the sky as the SeaDuck leaves Cape Suzette and goes out of sight. Still; she was not happy as that customer was acting like a jerk all day and really his actions against Kit were unbecoming of a pastor who believed in the prince of peace. She just didn't want the customer to know since that could hurt her business.

"I hope that I never hear from Palsms ever again.” Rebecca responded bitterly; “ That is the worst customer I have ever had outside of Vincent MacKnee..” However; she turned around to return towards the office and sees Derek Thursday behind her. He was on a personal visit to see how Kit and she were doing; “..Oh hello Derek..."

"Religious folks are tense nowadays Miss Cunningham.” Derek explained feeling bad for those who had to put up with folks who would go against the teachings in order to preserve their own lack of self-control towards children, or lack of understanding of children; “ They believe that children are out of control and should be purged of all thought that is threatening to them."

"You know something about the summit?" Rebecca asked with interest.

"There are many priests who have stated that the world is out of control because kids don't have respect for authority.” Derek said taking a deep breath and feeling down about a faith that doesn't know what it believes anymore; “ Personally; the religious self-rightousness and the problems with the killing of small babies in the orphanages because they were different or in their own eyes defective pretty much destroyed their creditability."

"The holy bible allows for such correcting of behaviour such as spanking and the paddle." Rebecca points out knowing how much she likes to point out truth.

"...and you condone such behaviour?" Derek responds looking sharp. It didn't matter to him if it was a true statement. The bible has been known to be taken out of context by those who believe violence is an answer for even children and then outlaw violence against adults. It wasn't common sense and to Derek; that lack of common sense and lack of belief in moral realism is the death kneel for people who believe in moral absolution which is even more dangerous than moral relativism.

"No I don't..There is no way I'll ever use violence on Molly.” Rebecca responds shaking her head to indicate that she never would attempt to touch Molly in a way that would hurt her; “ Sure Molly can be out of control; but it's better than a zombie. I'm thankful that Ivan Freeman is against such punishment; although my pastor is not welcome in Church Junction."

"That just erodes the creditability of the church even further..” Derek responds shaking his head; “..Look Rebecca; I believe in God and go to church every Sunday. However; the highest church failed openness is creating a justifiable athesim."

"Furry beings having no faith? That's awful!" Rebecca responds feeling terrible.

"A price the social fabric pays for a faith that has lost it's way.” Derek responds looking at the heavens; “ The good news is that there's still faith in openness from Paul Ninto and his small group of the priesthood of openness from a merciful God."

"The priest of Gregory AeroStar.” Rebecca said recalling the times when Gregory and Paul would talk about faith and the ways of the White Phoenix through the gospel ; “ I remember that he and Paul talked about a lot in faith. Paul Ninto always was open to all people and all beliefs..I hope he's strong since the death of the AeroStar family . The fact that Don Karnage killed him and his wife Jennifer has weaken Ninto...."

"Still; I feel evil in the air and I'm in fear.” Derek responds shivering at the air even though it was a warm day; “..that Kit Cloudkicker is going to be in a situation where the entire world is on his lofty shoulders."

"...again?" Rebecca responds looking shocked. Why can't anyone leave this boy alone? Perhaps the problems won't leave him until Kit redresses the sins of his past and his present.....


However; there were sins abound as about 30 miles outside of Church Junction; there was a forest were Lezar Vanclef and a tall, fat lizard snake like fury wearing just red rants and red elf shoes were running away. It was a forest filled with various trees and plants; but there was a somewhat semi-transparent fog rolling in which made the whole forest seem odd. The fury was carrying a tied up female jackal fury less than five feet tall with green hair and brown eyes along with elf-like ears. She is wearing a brown suit robe and brown shorts with brown elf shoes. She looked weak and knocked out cold; but had an amazing voice like all of the Elfins who lived in Elfinheim about five miles west of where Lezar and his servant were standing. The singing which surrounded the area was ear piercing despite their beautiful voice as it attacked the inside of weak beings and killed them cleanly.

"Boss? They're after us..” the servant complained loudly; “...Their singing is killing me..."

"I should have created you without hearing...Curses!!” Lezar cursed loudly as he stopped and let his servant run in front and away from him. He wasn't going to run anymore; “ Servant Gross?! Keep going... I'll stop this foolish advance..."

"As you wish my lord...." Gross proclaimed loudly as he ran away and completely out of sight with the Elfin in tow. Even though the singing was annoying; for some reason Lezar was enjoying this. As if this was some sort of game.

"Hmmmm..” Lezar mused; “..these descents of Elfenhiem are as lethal as they were 1,700 years ago... No matter..."

"Come back here you kidnapper!!" Elfin voice number one backons as Lezar saw three Elfins with swords coming towards him. They were of the same spieces: tall female jackals (the kidnapped one is merely a child) wearing the same clothes as the girl and having the same looks and same green hair. And they were ticked off that one of their own has been kidnapped

"HALT!!” Elfin #2 screams out drawing her sword at Lezar; “ Give us back Miss Hailana..."

"or else?” Lezar mused giggling; “ You mean that you are going to sing me to death?!"

"You dare mock us..” Elfin #3 yells in protest drawing her sword as well. She sees in the corner of her eye a couple of ice blue sphere coming down and forming a tall, slender ice-blue jackal wearing an icy dress and an ice crystal tiara. She looked like a being that was literally ice and a heart which appeared cold as ice as well; “...Queen Nefiliheim?"

"Lezar Vanclef..” The queen declared with a frosty tone in her voice; “..You are a pagan thief!!"

"That's a funny one to say the least;” Lezar responds with a shrugging of his shoulders; “ considering that you are of the same dirty blood."

"How dare you?! REPENT!!" Elfin #2 screams as she lunges carelessly as Lezar like he wanted to kill him. He was a mere necromancer with magical powers and had no defense against the steel power of her sword. However;....

"Even you elfin's power is no match for this..” Lezar declared and he swiftly gets into position to attack with his dark occult arts magic with hands out streched; “..FLAME SPEAR!!" He shouts out loud with an echo as two flaming objects fire from his hands which are shaped like lances land squarely into Elfin #2; basically doubling her over and making her fall down to the ground with a resounding thud as the lances cause some burns onto her fur.

"CURSES!!" Elfin #2 screamed in agony as she struggles on the ground. Lezar merely shrugs his shoulders again and seems to not have a care in the world at all.

"Not impressed....” Lezar muses as the remaining Elfins lunge towards Lezar with swords drawn ready to kill this calm and boostful mage. Lezar wasn't shocked and just outstreched his paws again; “.I don't like to be selfish so here's your presents....RAINBOW PYRO!!" As he shouted that spell; eight different spheres of rainbow light; each sphere representing a color of the rainbow admit from his fingertips and they zoom towards the remaining Elfins with such speed that the Elfins couldn't dodge them even if they wanted to; creating a tail of color behind them before disappearing. The Elfins are hit with four sphere apiece and that's enough to force them down to the ground with a resounding thud. The Elfins struggle in pain and agony as Elfin #2 can barely get up.

"Perish Pagan!” Queen Nefiliheim shouts out in anger as she had a trick or two of magic up her sleeve so to speak, pointing her wooden staff at Lezar; “ FREEZING FAIRY!!"

However; Lezar countered almost instantly after the queen called out her attack as if he was ready for it; "REFLECTION WALL!!" Lezar's body admits a green aura as the attack deflects back right at Queen Nefilheim as an ice-blue fairy with an Icebrand sword slashes her three times. Two from side to side and one more from above. However; the attack had no effect on the queen as she was immune to ice attacks (she is the leader of the Freezing Realm.). Still; she wasn't pleased at all.

"Darn it!” The queen protested; “ I cannot touch him!!"

"Lucky for you..” Lezar proclaimed as his tone was a lot more serious this time as the Elfins manage to get up and lunge at Lezar again; “..I'm not interested in fighting you..I still have a marriage to commence..." Lezar gets into position once again and begins to chant once again. This chant sounded so familiar as the sky grew into pitch darkness in ways that only Lezar and the Elfins were left showing. Lezar was glowing in multiple colors as if he was chanting a really super manifesto....

To the world that inhabits the space of time....
To all whom shall live the miserable life.....
It shall be engraved upon thy very soul....
         Lazer Vanclef!!

As he finished; a purple aura surrounded the area as the sky returned to daytime. The Elfins were stopped in their track as they were paralized completely and couldn't move. They could only yell; "What the...? I cannot move!" The attack had no effect on the queen oddly enough as Lezar stopped glowing as a ten foot Harpy arrived just behind Lezar. Lezar jumps on it and it rides him away to safety from the vengeful queen.

"Grrr...Why you?!” the queen protested realizing that if she used magic it would just be deflected back due to Reflection Wall; “ Get back here you coward!!"

"I'd be more worried about your soldiers than me my queen of ice..” Lezar giggles loudly; “..The spell I cast on them is Poison Lily Spell."

"What?!” The Elfins cry out and scream as their hearts slowly became still; “ Nooooo...." The three Elfin soldiers fall onto their faces and die right there quickly.

"Curses!” The queen protested as she kneels down and prays towards the heavens; “ I must inform Lady Valk at once!" As the Harpy rides away; Lezar takes a glance at the kneeling queen of ice and starting giggling.

"Go ahead...Inform Miss Madill..” Lezar proclaims as the Harpy rides him out of sight; “...That'll make it a whole lot easier...." Lezar giggles away as his crackling insane voice could still be heard miles away from where Nefiliheim was praying....


Spirit Valk was going impatient by the moment as she was staring right at the fortress like city of Church Junction about ten miles away. Even at a mere 2,000 feet you could clearly see the state of holy divine. She was still unemotional in appearance; but even she was growing bitter by the moment.

"Church Junction..” Valk declared with self-rightousness; “..the high church of God. They are fool to think that they will make a difference. The rapture starts here and the divine...."

*Spirit Valk!! This is Queen Nefiliheim..Someone from Elfinheim has been kidnapped..* Queen Nefiliheim's voice shouted out from out of nowhere. The spiritual forces could talk to each other even when they are miles and even worlds away.

"Why should I care?!” Valk asks bitterly; “ You're a powerful witch..."

"The kidnapper was Lezar Vanclef..” The Queen of the ice realm responded which does get Valk's attention despite not showing it; “..He's already killed three Elfinihiem soliders! Judging from my position; he's going to Church Junction..."

"Why does Lezar want Elfin's?" Valk asks looking amused for a change to her emotionless visage.

"I have no idea.” the queen responded; “ Lezar's only personal grudge was against a Wikkan woman named Rydiana."

"I cannot wait for Lady Friya to give me orders." Valk proclaims as Lucid, Artuze and Angell return from their scouting the area to see if Lezar or anyone working for Lezar was setting traps or monsters. They didn't find any oddly enough.

"If you go in there now; we'll be in a war with the White Phoenix.” Queen Nefilhiem proclaimed strongly; “ Although God has given the Aseir asylum and roles in the heavenly court of God, we must not interfere in the affairs of the disbelievers of our existence and our presence of allies."

"If we don't interfere then Lezar will...." Valk shouted as three white pure spheres descended from the heavens and reforms onto the ground to reveal a slender female that looked middle aged; but in reality was over three thousand years old give or take. This tall self-rightous leopard fury was wearing a tight green dress with red trim , a green cap and green boots. She appeared as if she was floating on air. She was the goddess of love and morals of the Aseir known as Lady Friya. She also had an much more self-rightous attitude than Spirit Valk had.

"Lezar is no threat to us..." Lady Friya proclaimed strongly.

"Madill?!” Lucid spoke with great concern towards Valk; “ I think we should wait."

"The last thing we need is to anger God and that the Norse be destroyed by him." Artuze chimed in as Valk finally decides that she would wait despite being against her principal to stop Lezar from destroying more lives...Including her own.

"Very well..” Valk proclaimed bitterly; “..I hate them!"

"Don't worry Madill...I have a feeling that they will need our help..” Lady Friya explained looking more cheerful than usual; “..The war with the Vanir has been successful; but the vile evildoer Zurt Saintlord is missing... along with the Magical Dragon BloodVeine and Dark Fenrir."

"WHAT?!" Valk responded with a disgusted look on her face.

"Lady Valk?!” Angel asked; “ What does this mean?!"

"BloodVeine is the strongest dragon in existence; almost impossible to defeat.” Valk explained; “ Dark Fenrir is an impostor to Gaia's servant who is slightly weaker; but can freeze anyone to death. Zurt is a weakling compared to them..."

"I also bring news on the divine child.. “Friya continued on;”..He's coming to Church Junction."

"Huh? That little brat?!"Angell responds to that feeling a little upset. As if she was above him. Then again; Angell is considered a spoiled tomboy princess from long ago who was killed by necromancer power so it's not like this wasn't unexpected of her.

"Don't underestimate Kit Cloudkicker." Lucid responds to that sounding a little snippy.

"But he still denies his existence as the messiah.” Valk proclaims; “ If he doesn't snap out of this.. then the devil SCUDS will have no resistance to destroy this world."

"I thought the bible said that God was almighty and would stop all this evil?" Artuze asks with a confused look. He was a believer in the White Phoenix despite his bounty hunter ways.

"I'm afraid that the bible was written by furries..not by God.” Valk responds closing her eyes; “ The merciful lord has waned in power and scope. He cannot last for very long..I'd say his power will completely fade in about 15 years from _now_...He must accept his fate or Earthia is dead for sure."

"Be patient Valk...and stay focused.” Lady Friya proclaims sharply; “ If we fail here then Earthia will be dead and the messiah will not have a chance to breathe..." Valk nodded as she had to go on and make sure that Kit was still alive; even if Kit denies his role in the whole world itself...


Gross was no rebel to say the least as he entered the circular underground torture chamber which was used thousands of years ago to burn witches and anyone who stood in the way of the White Phoenix. It was a relic which Church Junction would like everyone to forget as the Temperance Movement assured that it was remain hidden from the prying eyes of anyone who would use it to construct the church as an evildoer. Never the less; the torture chamber which was made of granite stone as walls had little light other an a large candle on a wooden table. The various torture devices like the Iron Maiden were still there; in fact, the Iron Maiden looked very similar to Gross in looks. The chamber is about 30 feet in diameter and about 15 feet high with a stone staircase which wraps around the circular chamber leading to a wooden door about ground level. Gross goes down the steps with his captive still in his arms and plops her down on the stone floor hard with a thud on her belly. Gross takes a moment to compose himself and then looks oddly upset at something as he stares at the iron maiden and walks to it slowly.

"What an odd little girl....She” Gross said in a female like voice even though his entire body was male except for his face; “..A race that is misunderstood. I don't even know my existence...". Lady Hailena was finally starting to stir as Gross' voice was heard loud and clear. She wakes up and looks around unable to move due to being in bondage. She takes a moment to compose herself and then notices Gross talking to the Iron Maiden.

"Why can't I cry?! I feel lonely is this state! I don't remember anything...” Gross cried out in pain; “ Why me?! Please answer thee..."

"I thought...he...He's as confused as I am..” Hailena said under her breath; “..Maybe...just maybe...I could..." Now personally she didn't care about Gross that much. She merely wanted to escape; but if she could convince Gross of a better life than that would be a bonus to her and a make Lezar pay for kidnapping her from Elfinheim.

"Why does Lezar want this girl?" Gross complained at the iron maiden; unwilling to see what Hailena had for him.


Back inside the SeaDuck as it was zooming in the cloudy sky which seems perfect for Kit's all time favorite pastime which was cloudsurfing. For Kit Cloudkicker that was no where near his mind was thinking as he was using his chart to navigate Baloo towards their final destination: Church Junction. And do it before Palsm blows a gasket for no reason other than to attack him again.

"We are coming to Church Junction from the west; 16 miles south-east of Lyndon.” Kit said calmly as he wrote the coordinates and other data on the side of the map; “ We have three hours until landing..." Baloo was looking quite cheerful which was odd considering that he was pretty upset earlier and with Palsms on board, it should only have made him grumpy. No such thing this time around.

"Pilot to navigator..” Baloo chuckled; “..I see lots of clouds on my horizon."

"" Kit asked looking at Baloo with a confused look as he missed the point here.

"So; it's time for a good ol'cloudkicking time Little Britches!" Baloo declared cheerfully.

"Cloudsurfing?” Kit asked with a shocked look on his face; “ You mean it...?"

"Hey kid..” Baloo said nicely; “ haven't been having fun for three weeks since we've had nothing but clear skies.."

"But Baloo..” Kit tries to explain that cloudsurfing could come later; “..we have..."

"Job to do?” Baloo said shaking his head; “ Yeah; I know Kit-boy. But look at your life. You still have four more years of childhood left son...You never know when like will throw the signal of death." Kit could only smile at that. For all the time that Baloo would try to get out of work; he only wanted Kit to have some fun after he basically had to defend Baloo and teach Baloo not to incur Rebecca's wrath. This was a rare sight for him and it showed that Baloo trusted him to trust Baloo.

"Okay Poppa Bear..” Kit said with a sheepish grin; “..I'll do it for you..How's that?"

"Okay partner..” Baloo said saluting his navigator; “..time to hit the mist!"

"YAHOO!” Kit shouted out as he grabs his airfoil from underneath his sweater and jumps out of his navigational seat and give a wink to his mentor; “ Thank you Poppa Bear!" Baloo turns a wheel on the control panel of the SeaDuck which opens the bomb bay door at the back of the SeaDuck. Inside the cargo storage area where all the divine cargo is tied down tight; there was Palsms Genesis on his knees praying under his breath in a silent prayer. However; his silent prayer is completely broken as the tail-section door of the SeaDuck completely opens up allowing the wind to whip into the SeaDuck and cause a lot of noise.

"What the--?!” Palsms protests loudly as the door from the cockpit opens and Kit gleefully runs towards the tow rope at the back while opening his airfoil. However; Palsms is white hot with anger again as he grabs Kit by the throat; forcing him to drop his airfoil right in front of Palsms; “ What are you doing pagan?!"

"I...was..just..." Kit coughed violently as Palsms kicks Kit's airfoil away so hard that it falls right out of the SeaDuck. Kit knew this was a big mistake and was hoping that Palsms would be more tolerant towards his skills; but it was clear that Palsms was beyond reason and logic.

"You broke my silent prayer you naughty pagan!!” Palsms screams right in his face as he slaps Kit hard in the face with his free hand. It caused Kit to whince; but he took it like a man considering that he was hardly a boy now that his childhood was almost gone because of his past life. Palsms then slammed him harshly against the SeaDuck's wall causing Kit to whince a little stronger; “ You children who have free spirit must be spiritually crushed for the sake of the higher calling of God. You selfish pagan!!” Palsms was ready to give him the ultimate insult to a child as he twirled him around and was ready to spank him bum so hard that Kit would cry no matter how mature he was. However; before Palsms could strike the slapping blow; Baloo grabbed his arm and was unable to strike him; “What the heck?!"

"Let go of my navigator....NOW!!” Baloo ordered with an angry look on his face. Seeing that it was useless to attack a fat bear with a foul mood; Palsm releases Kit and lets him drop onto his seat with a thud; “ What the heck are you doing?!" Kit was coughing quite a bit from Palsms choking him. However; he was able to get up without much trouble.

"I don't want your kid breaking my silent prayer.." Palsm protested bitterly.

"Look; I'm sorry...I didn't realize.." Kit said feeling bad for the priest. However; Palsms was not about to let the kid get the better of him; even though Kit did nothing to really offend him.

"DON'T YOU TALK BACK TO ME PAGAN!" Palsms screams right into Kit's face which was the tipping point for Baloo. No one was going to bully his navigator; not even Kit Cloudkicker himself.

"Why you self-rightous little..?!" Baloo protested as he had his fist ready to punch this guy in the face so hard that he would only be able to count his teeth with one finger. However; Kit got in front of him before he he had a chance to move. He didn't want any violence and he didn't want Palsms to win knowing that he would use this show of violence to prove his point of Baloo being a bad mentor to him.

"Baloo?! Please don't fight him!!” Kit protested sounding like he was ready to take whatever Palsms had to dish out without interference; “ I'll take his punishment."

"Kit?! Don't..." Baloo tried to tell him not to give in to this creep; as Palsm was nearing that status right now.

"Leave us!!” Palsms ordered loudly; “ Let me do my job...or God will not forgive you!"

"All right Little Britches... We'll play it _your_ way..." Baloo sighes bitterly as he re-enters the cockpit.

"Now! I order you to march into the cockpit and tell your pilot to close the tail-section door.” Palsms hisses bitterly at Kit; “ Isn't that too much to ask?!"

"As you command my lord..." Kit nodded acting nice to him all of a sudden without any questioning whatsoever. Kit marches into the cockpit and closes the cockpit door gently behind him. Baloo returns to his pilot chair as Kit jumps into his navigational seat.

"What did he do to you?!" Baloo asked bitterly looking upset that Kit had to allow himself to take orders from a self-rightous religious person.

"He told me to tell you to close the tail-section door.” Kit said looking stone-faced and not showing signs of emotion; “...Look; I'll do some cloud surfing after the delivery...Okay?!"

"If you wish Little Britches..." Baloo said as he rotates the wheel counter clockwise and the tail-section door closes behind Palsms Genesis as he kneels down to pray again.

"I'm getting into that immoral bear's mind..Perfect!" Palsms proclaims quietly under his breath as he resumes his silent prayer. Inside the cockpit; Baloo continued to fly the plane normally as he notices Kit was looking out the window looking stone-faced and hadn't changed emotions since he was ordered by Palsms to do what he was told.

"Kit...” Baloo asked to Kit and Kit gave him no answer; “....are you all right?!” Still no response from Kit which got Baloo steamed again at Palsms; “ What did that self-rightous little freak...?!"

"He hit me..." Kit responded unemotionally without even looking at Baloo once.

"What did ya say?" Baloo asked again as Kit turned around looking really annoyed at Baloo.

"Palsm slapped me in the face and called me a pagan..." Kit proclaimed with a self-rightous tone which caused Baloo to stand up instantly with his fist clenched. He had given Palsms enough leeway and he wasn't giving him anymore. There was no Rebecca to stop him now.

"What the heck?!” Baloo protested bitterly; “ That fiend...!" Baloo tries to go to the cockpit door; but Kit hops out and blocks his way.

"Please Baloo..” Kit pleads for Baloo not to kill him; “..don't go in.."

"Kit...” Baloo responds shaking his head and looking angry; “..That's child assault. I'm just not going to let some bible-thumper creep assault a kid without consequences!!"

"....and if you attack him then he proves his point!” Kit responded with the same anger; but with compassion and without malice; “ Listen Poppa Bear; the religious right is very powerful and has a majority control of government.... Palsms is playing mind games with us to justify his abuse..Don't play his game!" Baloo was amazed by the way the boy explained his own actions to stop an act that Palsms deserved to have. Baloo relaxed his fist and grabbed the boy gently; holding him up smiling like a silly confused bear.

"Kit?! You are amazing..” Baloo said with a tear in his eye; “..and that amazement is frightening...almost like a god." Kit smiled sheepishly back even though the god thing was completely blastophmus. Still; Kit was a forgiving boy in this case since he help show Baloo the way to deal with that creep.

"Now let's go to Chruch Junction.." Kit proclaimed as he jump from Baloo's arms and back into his navigational seat.

"Rodger will-do Little Britches!" Baloo saluted as he returned to his pilot's seat. They were happy and so was Palsms. He thought it was charming; but his views with Kit were unchanged. In his mind; they grew only stronger. ~Clever kid...but cleverness is nothing more than a way to destroy our beliefs and morals. Your cleverness will be paid with forced repentance and your soul shall be engraved straight to the death of the firepit!~ he thought was a giggle under his breath as the SeaDuck continued to fly towards the destination of Church Junction. Baloo was hoping that the trip to and back would be a smooth one. If only that were true....


Back inside the torture chamber, Gross continues to look at the iron maiden as Hailena manages to get on her knees and looks at Gross. It was time for her to spring her attack. She had to work quickly and without Gross noticing that she is going to control her.

"[Time to get out of here...]” Hailena said under her breath as she hands were still tied to her back. She closes her eyes and begins to speak quietly into Gross' mind; “ Gross...."

"I wish that someone would respond and feeling my ever suffering pain..." Gross complained bitterly as he looked at the iron maiden with great sorrow. He never knew where he came from and doesn't remember why he exists. It was easy for Hailena to get to him despite being a young child.

** Gross....I can feel your pain....** Hailena chants into his mind which causes Gross to stop looking at the iron maiden and look around not being able to see who is talking to him.

"Huh?! Who's speaking to me?!" Gross asks feeling like he's in pain.

** I'm Haliena....the general of Elfiheim...A condemned race like yours. I can help you escape your oppressed life....** Hailena shouts out to Gross' mind as Gross walks towards the kneeling Hailena and notices she is the only one in the room so he is assuming that it was her talking to him.

"Are you the one speaking to me?" Gross asked looking at her.

** Yes I am...please untie me...then I'll show you the way to your freedom from pain...** Hailena responds in his mind and Gross nods without question. Hailena had gotten past his feeble mind without any trouble.

"Very well..” Gross states as he manages to touch Hailena's bonds behind her back. However; he stops and starts to hold his chest in pain as if it was set on fire; “...UUGGGGHHHH! NOOOOOOOOOO!" As he spoke purple blood comes sputtering out of his mouth and he drops dead on his back with a resounding thud on the floor; nearly touching Hailena in the process. Hailena is shocked at these events as her plan was going up in smoke.

"Gross?!” Hailena screamed out as the pentagram circle aura appears in front of her and it scans to reveal Lazar Vanclef; “ What the...?!"

"You were pretty clever to attempt to brainwash my own creation." Lezar said shrugging his shoulder to praise a small child for fooling even a servant of his.

"Your creation?!” Hailena sneered as she was horrified to hear that Gross was merely created by Lezar. An obscene act to say the least as that blood letting from Gross was Lezar killing him from the inside out to prevent his victim from escaping. Lezar slaps her in the face as punishment for trying that stunt.

"Stop assuming a furry tongue you Elfin tool..” Lezar said looking slightly amused; “..If Gross were not my creation then it would have been harder to kill."

"YOU DEMIGOD!!” Hailena screamed out in protest of this abomination and rightfully so. Not that Lezar cared about what God thinks anyway; “ Only God can allow the pro-creation of non-furies!!"

"God is so weak now that he needs the very pagans that him so hated nearly 10,000 years ago." Lezar giggled softly as the child's voice was amusing him. Like some peeping tom would be as he seemed obessed with eyeballing Hailena whenever possible while acting calm and collected.

"What do you want with me you fiend?!" Hailena demanded.

"You're not fooling me with your furry tongue Elfin..” Lezar said pointing at her with an amusing smile; “..Let's just say that my next creation is with you..."

"What?! I'm your creation?!" Hailena blurted out looking confused.

"Before I begin....I would love to know where I can find a suitable flower girl..” Lezar responded giggling; “... and a best man."

"There are no men in Elfinheim..” Hailena responds bitterly shaking her head; “...and no lady would ever agree to marry you..let alone be a flowergirl..."

"Hmmm...I guess I'm going to have to adjust my plans a bit..” Lezar said shrugging his shoulders; “..and you shall be my flowergirl."

"You're mad necromancer!!” Hailena protested bitterly; “ I'd never be your flowergirl!"

"Of course you would not...not willfully anyway..” Lezar responds giggling loudly; “..However; I will give you a chance to escape..if you kill me!"

"Heh..” Hailena said figuring that Lezar was completely insane to suggest letting her go and even giving her a chance to get rid of an abomination; “ are either stupid or insane or both..."

"Thank you for the comment...” Lezar states as he points at Hailena's bonds and burns them allowing Hailena to get up free as a bird; “..Now try as you might.." Lezar zooms about a few steps back and allows her to take the first shot of him. He was really insane to allow that as Hailena jumps into the air and beings her chanting.

"MYSTIC STAR!!” Hailena screams out as stars come out of her fingertips and they nail Lezar right in the stomach and drop him down to the ground like a bad habit. However; instead of finishing him off, Hailena runs to the steps where the exit of the torture chamber was. However; before she can even climb up one step ; she crashes into a red aura surrounding the torture chamber and she falls back down onto the ground in a heap of a mess; “ UGH!!” she shouted as Lezar comes near her looking unimpressed at all this.

"I always knew that you Elfins have no courage; but you don't even get it...” Lezar declared as she gave her no choice. He hated cowards and he was looking for a fight even though Hailena was barely a teenage herself and her magic was weak for the most part; “.. You have to kill me to get out!"

"I'm against killing; even the likes of you!" Hailena shouted back as she had an honor code which the Elfins practiced to never actually kill their opposition. Any demon that needed to be killed was handled by the Angel Knights. Lezar could only giggle at the suggestion. This was going to be a pointless battle for him if Hailena won't even try to kill him despite given the chance to.

"Then you have failed lady Hailena..." Lezar sneered as Hailena gets back up to her feet and throws her arms up.

"FLAME SPEAR!!" she screams out as two flames that look like spears fire from her hands and they go towards Lezar. Lezar was too prepared not to notice them as they were slower than the average Elfinheim soldier's magic.

"Same old stuff...” Lezar yawned as he chanted his next spell; “.REFLECTION WALL!" A green aura surrounds Lezar as the flame lances deflect right back at Hailena. The spears nail her in the gut and she is thrown to the ground with a thud.

"Ugh..” she winces in pain as she struggles to get up; “..You fiend!"

"You're becoming nothing to me Elfin Hailena...RAINBOW PYRO!!” Lezar chanted loudly as eight rainbow missiles fire a steam of color from his fingertips and nail Hailena's gut so hard that she is forced down to the ground again and this time, she doesn't get up as she flops around on the ground in pain; “ Come on mistress of Elfinheim....Is that all you got?" Lezar taunts her as he goes towards her. However; Hailena was playing around as she rises to her feet and her eyes glow a bright icy blue glow. She was ticked off and she wasn't going to take anymore of Lezar's abuse.

"You shalt not defile thy soul! Thou shalt go straight to the firepit of death!!" Hailena screamed as she floats a few feet into the air as the torture chamber goes pitch black as a blue pentagram circle engulfs the floor below her feet. Lezar is paralized with the power of the grand magic which was the necromancer's hidden powers and Lezar was still pleased to see such a small child being able to wield such power.

"Now this is what I'm waiting for..." Lezar giggled to himself as Hailena disappeared and the ground beneath Lezar began to shake.

"Hark!! It is an omen! As hymns resound; thy give a noble gift upon the feast of madness..” Hailena chanted out loud with emotion as a bloody crimson red wave like river flows along the stone walls and completely engulfs Lezar in a steaming hot river of blood; “..CARNAGE ANTHEM!!” The bloody river seeps into Lezar and Lezar falls down completely as Hailena screams loudly; “ Now die you fiend...DIE..DIE...DIE!!!

It looked like Lezar was done despite being covered with about six inches thick of blood that was so hot that it would rip off flesh from the bone. However; Lezar was still standing and laughing his buns off as this was so amusing to him; "That was refreshing indeed. You are quite a gas!"

"That's super-heated blood. “ Hailena said looking stunned. That blow should have killed him and render him mere bones; “It should be ripping the flesh off your body!"

"While it is possible to kill me; my necromancer powers make me stronger....” Lezar proclaims as he waves his hands which made the blood disappear without a trace. The result is that the grand magic had no effect on Lezar at all; “.You didn't even smudge me!"

"You submarining fiend!!” Hailena protests as she lunges towards Lezar to punch him; but Lezar was ready for the strike as he lowers himself to the ground and punches up right into Hailena's midsection hard. Hailena winces in agony as she slumps down to the ground in pain; “ UGGGHHH!"

"I could do this all day long for all time..” Lezar said as he steps back once again; “...However; I have a marriage to commence."

"Sorry to dissappoint you..” Hailena proclaims as she forces herself up and casts one more desperate spell to save herself from Lezar; “..DARK SWORDS!!” Three black swords rain down on Lezar nailing him. However; the magic was so weak that the two swords that hit him had no effect on him and he manages to grab the third sword with his hands and thrusts it into the very heart of Hailena. She falls down onto her knees almost like she was begging for mercy now as she was clutching her chest in pain; “ What is...going on?! You cannot....!" Lezar had finally had enough playtime with Hailena as he jump backwards and gets into position as the torture chamber darkens up and he glows multi-colored as he chants a chant that sounded awfully familiar....

To the world who shall inhabit the space of time.
To those who shall lead the miserable life.
It shall be engraved upon thy very soul.
Lezar Vanclef!!!!

This time a lime green aura surrounds the torture chamber and then narrows to attack the slumped Hailena. She was finished as her body turns lime green and her breathing completely stops. Her eyes turn white as the red aura shield which kept the two magic warriors inside was gone. Hailena had lost the battle and her life as she was turned into a zombie by Lezar Vanclef. "There's no escape from the Zombified Lily Aura..” Lezar said with a smirk as he gave his first orders to his new slave; “..Now; please find me some flowers?"

"As you wish my lord..." Zombie Hailena said nodding her head as she walks away from Lezar up the stair and exits the torture chamber. Lezar can only giggle as he slaughtered another innocent life though the use of the Zombified Lily Aura.

"Now that was longer than I expected...” Lezar proclaims looking at his hands of the power of occult magic that he wields; “.Still; Valk, the spiritual force of judgment and fate...The death goddess still has to agree to the marriage...for it is useless otherwise. You see; I've always wondered what these spirits process and who they are..” Lezar then looks down at the ground where Hailena once stood and grabs some of the live skin that melted from Zombie Hailena just before she died and became a zombie of Lezar to be enslaved; “...This is small; but it should be enough.." Lezar laughs as his fiendish plot was going to continue without incident. He was truly a horrid fury being and his lows have yet to be seen....


...And Valk wasn't amused that she couldn't get to Lezar either. Lucid Barrier and Spirit Valk were on that cliff where they had a clear view of the almost fortress like city of Church Junction which in reality was an actual country in and around itself. Lucid couldn't understand why Valk was showing signs of emotion when Lezar's name pops up since the spiritual force of fate was unemotional otherwise. There was another problem though; the presence of Lezar was overwhelmed by forces only the Angel Knights could feel.

"Spirit Valk?! I feel something." Lucid asked looking at Valk as Valk was simply looking at the fortress city.

"Agreed..” Valk responded; “..I feel feel Lezar's presence..."

"I still wonder why he wants you so bad?" Lucid asked again which showed a sign of pain on Valk's face.

"I still wonder why you continue to ask me that stupid question?!" Valk snaps back without even bothering to look at Lucid. Lucid was growing impatient with Valk lack of answers concerning her feelings about Lezar as Artuze and Angell re-enter the cliff from behind them. They were doing some further scouting of the area and there was nothing that would be declared as obvious.

"I'm getting sick and tired of that no answer.." Lucid snaps back as Valk completely ignores him again.

"Lucid stop it!!” Artuze demanded; “ Don't question her..."

"Lucid..." Angell could only say as Lucid continued to look at Valk and his anger and frustration turned to sadness. Valk was still praying on the cliff for something; but it seemed so pointless.

"I don't know what we should do?" Lucid asked to himself shaking his head as Valk's mind gets a sharp pain riding into her mind and soul as she stopped praying and stood up. Her face lit up as she looked away from Church Junction towards the west. Her praying was finally answered.

" I feel it..” Valk proclaims strongly; “...the presence of the dead is close by.."

"At Chruch Junction?! But Valk..." Lucid asked looking concerned. Spirit Valk was ordered by lord Odina never to go to Church Junction and interfere with the servants of the White Phoenix for fear of creating another holy war between them and the holy order.

"No...not at Chruch Junction.” Valk responded as her eyes were pointing beyond a foggy forest to the west; “ It is at the Holy Garden of Elfinheim.."

"Well; that is not out of bounds for us.." Artuze said licking his chops which annoys Angell.

"Can you think of anything else other than fighting?!" Angell protested bitterly.

"You always whine..." Artuze snaps back as Valk floats up about five feet in the air and begins to close her eyes beginning the Soul Communication. She had used it many times before trying to gain warriors for the battle of Raganrok. She twirls around the cliff waiting for an answer from someone.

"Queen Nelfilihiem...Please respond..." Valk chants as she also tries to get a visual of the ugly scene that would fold as she sees the Holy Garden of Elfinheim which was about two miles east of the village of Elfinheim itself. The garden was huge and nearly 2000 feet square surrounded by mystical oak trees which were used as it's barrier to protect the garden from the fog. Over 1000 rows of various fruits (many of them that aren't even discovered by furry beings), vegatables, herbs, spices and even flowers (again; most of these plants aren't even been discovered outside of this area.) were planted in their various rows. In the center of the Holy Garden stood a 100 foot thick, 500 foot tall holy oak tree with three large icy blue eyes, a branch nose and mouth. This was the fabled tree which became folklore in the various texts of the Norse scripts and various other books written throughout the history of the furry race: Yasegridrill. This was the holy tree of life and beauty which protected Europa's fragile environment and was the life giver of the Holy Garden itself. There are three additional holy trees on Earthia: One is the Divine Tree in the Outback, the second is the Sakura Tree in Jepang and the third one is the Kanata Tree in OakTown, Kanata. All three trees serve the same purpose as Yasegridrill. The holy tree of Europa seemed bored as he couldn't see what was about to happen to him

"Ho...hum....another beautiful day in the holy land..” Yasergridrill hummed to himself as he was shaking the sap from his leaves. Zombie Hailena enters the garden and she walks towards the rose garden part of the Holy Garden which was the closest to the holy tree. She kneels down in front of the holy tree and turns her back on him as she starts to pick the blue roses; “...Welcome are you today?!” The tree asked as Hailena doesn't respond at all as she was picking roses. There was clearly something wrong with her as Yasegridrill noticed the lime green skin that Zombie Hailena was showing; “Are you all right?!" The same basic question nets the same basic result as Zombie Hailena picked more flowers and put them in a wooden basket. Yasegrildrill could hear footsteps coming as 12 Elfin soldiers, all female jackals wearing leather green suits, leather pants, black boots and was carrying swords with them. They were the Holy Garden's squad of colors sworn to protect the garden from intruders. Each was wearing a helmet signaling a color which became their name.

"HALT!! Intruder!!" Grey demanded with his sword drawn towards Zombie Hailena.

"Wait!!” Yasegridrill snaps back as Zombie Hailena stands up; “ It's Hailena..Don't defile this garden just to escort an Elfin..." Zombie Hailena turns around and the Elfin Soldiers are in deep shock as the lime green skin and white eyes made her look frightening

"Mistress Hailena?!” Blue responded ; “ You look ill..."

“Hello pagans of enternal condemnation.” Zombie Hailena responded giggling and looking insane; “ Your deaths shall be at my own hands!” Zombie Hailena laughed so hard that her mere giggle caused a small portion of the flower garden to decay instantly.

"What the...?!" Red said strongly as she backs up looking frightened.

"It's not Hailena...” Pink discovered; “..That's a dead zombie!" Zombie Hailena was pleased that it didn't take long for them to figure it out. That made it easier for her to begin killing them as she kneels down and palms the ground with her hands harshly. The entire garden begins to shake violently as Yasegridrill's leaves fall to the ground.

"What are you doing mistress Hailena?!" Yasegridrill demanded as Zombie Hailena give him no answer.

"I'm going to report this to Valk at once!!" Cyan proclaimed as she turns around and tries to head out of the garden. However; the ground opens up completely in places which destroys nearly half of the entire holy garden. The dead rises from the ground with seven zombie furies (Lime green skinned Cat, Bear, Dog, Pig, Frog, Hawk and Cardinal of various heights) wearing grey pants only with black belts and red hair, three Unburied Dead monsters which are merely cloaked skeletons and a large (about 10 feet tall and weighing about 3000 pounds) ,nasty, grey dragon only known as Dragon Zombie. The Dragon Zombie was right in front of Grey and it strikes with it's ten foot tail which comes down straight into the top of Grey's head and goes down through his body in a straight line. Grey is killed instantly and without being able to scream (Read: He didn't even have the time to even feel the pain of a tail going through the top of his head) as his body falls into pieces as a result which frightened even the most brave of the warriors in the group. The rest were almost scared to death.

"My beautiful garden!" Yasegridrill cried out in tears as Zombie Hailena continues to laugh and she jumps up over the Elfin Soldiers with ease and well away from their swords and lands behind the zombies. All the talking zombies were doing was chanting death to the Elfinheim soldiers.

"Destroy them!!” They chanted loudly and strongly; “ The interlopers of Lezar Vanclef and the dead shall not interfere!"

"You follow my orders..” Hailena ordered pointing at the Elfinheim soldiers; “...Kill them!"

"As you wish servant of Lezar." The zombie responded which surprises Yasegridrill.

"Lezar?! That means...." Yasegridrill anounced realizing that Lezar was behind Hailena's now dead form.

"Zombie Hailena's not doing this on her own free will." White shouts out as the zombies lunge towards the Elfinheim soldiers. The soldiers draw their swords and slash right through the zombie furies easily and without much trouble. The cleaved zombies fall to the ground and vanish instantly as the Unburied Dead get into position. The zombies were merely a decoy to set up the real attack since the Elfinheim Soldiers of the Holy Garden couldn't use magic.

"FLAME SPEAR!!” Zombie Hailena ordered since the Unburied Dead couldn't talk. The Unburied Dead rise their sickle spears and they fire two flaming spears apiece directly at the Elfin Soldiers and White, Green and White are hit directly which causes them to double over and fall down in acute pain; “ Dragon your DEAD TEMPEST!! Blow them away!!" Zombie Hailena demanded as the Dragon Zombie obeyed without question as he couldn't speak either. However; the Dragon Zombie howled into the heavenly garden as a huge sound wave engulfs the garden completely.

"MY EARS!! I CANNOT....!!" Yasegridrill screams loudly as the Elfin Soldiers flipped right off the ground due to the power of the sound wave and are slammed right into the ground hard. Dead Tempest was a deadly spell which only Red, Orange and Purple manage to get up and even then that was a struggle as they fell to one knee once again. However; the remaining soldiers were killed by it as six of them turned to stone and two were frozen solid. Dead Tempest had a random effect of paralizing, putting them to sleep, poisoning them, pertifying them and freezing them solid just for starters. It was surprising they weren't turned into toads, pigs or even shrunk to a small size.

"We need some help..” Red stutters as she bit her lip to ease the acute pain that she was!"

"My God..” Orange screamed out clutching her chest violently; “...Help me!!"

"VALK!!” Purple screamed out hoping someone were hear their cries for help; “ QUEEN NEFILIHEIM!! HELP US!!" Their cries would be heard as Queen Nefiliheim was sitting down in her icy throne inside the ice palace of the Freezing Realm of Nefiliheim. The entire palace was made of ice and snow as it was literally snowing inside the throne room. The throne room was small and sweet and in the center of the three story castle. The ceiling was vaulted with a giant ice chandelier which contains thousands of ice crystals. The ground begins to shake even here and that ice chandelier separates from it's icy bonds of the ceiling and falls down to the snow floor below, shattering into a million pieces hard. This awakes Queen Nefilihiem from her train of thought as she quickly stands up.

"They are after the Rod of The Freezing Realm...” Queen Nefilheim proclaims as she closes her eyes and tries to communicate with Spirit Valk; “..I must act at once...Spirit Valk; you have my full blessing into Elfinheim.....Hailena has turned into a zombie!" This was the message Spirit Valk and the Angel Knights were waiting for. All their scouting of the area while awaiting orders from Odina were finally over as the monsters of the undead have finally launched their attack.

“Come to me my warriors battle awaits us at the Holy Garden.” Spirit Valk proclaims in an echo as Artuze draws his nearly 20 foot blade.

"About time..." Artuze proclaims loudly.

"All right...Lets's do this!" Lucid chimes in drawing his sword to the sky.

"They shall face the wrath of our true power!" Angells joins showing her Divine Rod as the four disappear in a ripple of light spheres and they drift towards the foggy section of the forest. However; Lezar's trap was sprung according to Lezar as he looked at the floor of his torture chamber giggling at the image of the Lady Valk Batto-Mayden.

"Come to me Valk...Come to me...” Lezar taunts the image as he takes a glance at a large container on the south side of the torture chamber which contained a large rod about three feet in length with the image of flames on top of the rod; “..The Rod of The Melting Realm is already in our procession...thanks to the Gaintlord.” Lezar laughed insanely as now he was focused on one item: The Rod of the Freezing Realm.....


The battle inside the Holy Garden of Elfinheim was a struggle; but the Unburied Dead were destroyed by the sword of the Elfinheim warriors who swore to protect one of the four sacred gardens. Zombie Hailena and the Dragon Zombie were the only two remaining in the fight; but the warriors were weakening in strength as the Unburied Dead put up a surprising front with their Fire Spear attacks and Dragon Zombie nearing wiping out two thirds of the forces with the Dead Tempest spell which turned them to stone or froze them dead in their tracks. Yasegridrill was all right; but Hailena didn't seem interested in having Dragon Zombie attack the tree. Something wasn't right for some reason.

"Hailena?! Hailena!!” Yasegridrill shouted out with great concern; “ You're destroying a sacred ground which makes the ground flourish!"

** Hailena?! The goddess of fate is arriving...Get rid of her warriors and poison the devine tree!** Lezar's voice commanded in her head. Lezar's plan had worked and now that Valk is coming; his next plan of attack was to destroy the Holy Garden of Elfinheim.

"As you wish my lord Lezar..." Zombie Hailiena giggled as she turned her back on the fighting and Dragon Zombie as the warriors still couldn't get up from the Dead Tempest attack. Zombie Hailena gleefully walked towards Yasergridrill and extended her arms into a hugging position while giggling softly like a little child.

"What are you doing?" Yasegridrill asked with panic and confusion as Zombie Hailena embraces the holy tree fully while giggling.

"I love you...” Zombie Hailena giggled loudly and then her face turned into a wicked evil look as she had the tree right in her grasp; “..I love to kill you!! POISON CIRCLE!" Zombie Hailena was point-blank on target as a large purple sphere surrounded Yasegridrill and goes right into his soul.

"UUGGHH!” Yasegridrill whinces loudly as his bark and insides turn completely purple and he is poisoned as he feels weaker by the moment;” What's happening?!" Zombie Hailena is laughing out loud as if she was insane. That was the power of the Zombified Lily Aura spell that Lezar used.

"Yasegridrill?!" Red shouted out barely onto her feet trying to draw her sword.

"Hailena. Please stop this madness!!" Purple cried out as Zombie Hailena stops laughing and turns her back on the poisoned holy tree. Now her look was serious and she was ready to finish the job at hand.

"Dragon Zombie?! End these infidel lives with your SOUNDWAVE attack!!” Zombie Hailena commanded as the Dragon Zombie opens his mouth and breathes out a loud ear-piercing noise which causes visual sound curls to be shown in the air. The noise was loud and strong enough to attack the insides of a being and kill it quickly as the three remaining warriors are flipped into the air by the sound waves and dropped to the ground with a resounding thud; “ You cannot stand before thee..."

"Hailena...No...." Red tried to speak; but her body was completely stilled as she falls to her midsection despite a feeable attempt to get to her knees. She was killed by the sound waves; however, somehow Purple and Orange managed to last through the attack which annoyed Zombie Hailena.

"I still feel the pulse of two Elfin's left...Dargon Zombie..finish them off... KILL THEM ALL!” Zombie Hailena screamed loudly as Dragon Zombie went to Purple and raised it's ten foot tail above her. It was all over for Purple as she couldn't move anymore. Despite living through the attack; she had no strength to counter as the dragon thrusts his tail to deliver the fatal blow. However; at the last split second; a swan silouette looking similar to Spirit Valk appears out of nowhere and slashes the dragon's tail clear off it's body. The Dragon Zombie's tail drops to the ground on top of a flower garden patch that was still flourishing with life as a pool of green zombified blood drops onto the ground and seeps into the ground decaying what little plant life was left; “ What?!" Zombie Hailena was surprised as Spirit Valk arrived entering the gate with Artuze, Lucid and Angell behind her with weapons drawn. Spirit Valk walked with confidence as the Dragon Zombie turned around and wasn't in any pain even though his tail was basically sliced off. Zombie Hailena was annoyed; but not surprised as Yasegridrill stared with a panic into Valk's eyes.

"Valk! Please be careful..” Yasegridrill warned Valk strongly; “..this sacred place.."

"I know that Hailena is already dead..." Valk responds completely ignoring him while pointing a finger at Zombie Hailena.

"What?!...Miss Valk...this" Purple protests which was all she had left as the talking finally pushed her life beyond saving. Purple slumps down onto the poisoned ground and dies

"I'm sorry but it is true..” Valk declares unemotionally; “..Hailena is dead in heaven; therefore I cannot hold back.."

"But the garden?! Please..." Orange spoke which was enough for him to slump to the ground and die as well. The Elfinheim warrior elite was wiped out and only the Angel Knights could protect Elfinheim now as Zombie Hailena giggles her head off.

"I'm sorry Yasegridrill; but this garden is nearly dead..” Valk responds which causes the holy tree to glup in fear;”...It cannot be saved.."

"Good..” Zombie Hailena giggled loudly; “...since you're the one who must be saved.."

** This is priceless indeed..** Lezar's voice laughed out loud with her from the heavens. Valk wasn't happy to hear this as she pointed her sword up to the heavens.

"Lezar Vanclef!!" Valk yelled out in bitterness. Despite trying to eliminating Madill from her mind; the necromancer kept reminding her of the memory of being killed in a poison lily meadow.

**Please my Dragon Zombie destroy this place....But leave our two girls our of this! ** Lezar's voice commanded as both Valk and Zombie Hailena were surrounded with pentagram circle aura's on the ground. The circles split into two and scan Valk and Zombie Hailena to make them disappear from the area just before Lucid Barrier could reach Valk in time. Valk and Zombie Hailena were gone. Where was unknown.

"What the...?! Valk?!" Lucid protested as that was to no avail which amused Lezar enough to burst into laughter.

** Now you will all die! Now attack Dragon Zombie!! Kill them all...** Lezar's voice commanded as Atruze now was going to get his chance to fight after all. The bounty hunter's life is one of violence indeed.

"Ha!” Artuze proclaimed drawing his taller than his body sword; “ Time for me to take charge..No mercy to all!"

** Too bad you don't know anything more than how to use a blade... ** Lezar responded mocking Artuze's bravado.

"Maybe so..” Artuze proclaimed as the Dragon Zombie lunges it's body towards Artuze to kill him. However; Artuze drops his giant sword and pulls out a small green sword from his hilt and stabs it right into the Dragon's stomach. Green blood flows from the open would freely; “..But the Dragon Holy Slayer is all I need..." Angell backs up and streches out her arms to cast a spell.

"MYSTIC STAR!!” Angell shouted out as stars come out of her hands and fling right into Dragon Zombie. Since he was an undead creature; divine magic was enough to sap Dragon Zombie completely of his strength and power; “ Dragon Zombie is no match for us..." Dragon Zombie falls to the ground and dies while it's green blood flowed freely and it was seeping into the ground. Lucid looks down and notices that the plant life was slowly starting to decay.

"Wait...” Lucid said in a panic as he realized that Dragon Zombie typically don't attack by lunging at single targets. They are too big for that. Dragon Zombie wanted to be slaughtered; “..That was too easy!"

** Very perspective Lucid....Everyone knows that creatures of the dead contain the deadliest poison which can destroy all plant life in Elfinheim; wiping out the Elfins...Thank you for killing a sweet race. ** Lezar proclaimed laughig his butt off as his voice slowly died away. Apparently; Lezar got what he wanted and was going to tend to other matters which made Lucid really angry.

"Curse you LEZAR!!” Lucid screamed loudly as he looked panicky; “ CURSE YOU!!"

"Calm down..” Artuze said as he shook Lucid's shoulders to calm him down which Lucid does a little bit; “..We'll find a way to stop the poison."

"I'm afraid that's going to be a problem.." Yasegridrill said looking concerned about something.

"What do you mean that's a problem?" Angell asked sounding whiny.

"Now I have the antidote to purify the holy sacred place of Elfinheim..” Yasegridrill proclaimed as everyone gasped in horror. If they couldn't get the holy tree to release the antidote which was a way to purify poison attack then the holy tree and Elfinheim would perish from the face of Earthia; “..However; Hailena placed a poison in my purification sac..I'm paralized to do anything."

"Do the Banish Potions work?" Lucid asked.

"I don't know..” Yasegridrill responded which caused Lucid to wince; “..I've never been poisoned before."

"We've got to try..” Lucid proclaims as he was panicky again. It seemed that the death of Madill has made him somewhat irrational; “..Or we will be responsible for the genocide of the Elfins."

"Don't blame yourselves for this..” Yasegridrill assured Lucid in an attempt to at least stop being so panicky and focus on the task at hand.”..Lezar Vancelf planned this!"

"Now what is his plan?" Artuze asked wondering. Something wasn't adding up for him. Even though his smarts were somehow lacking and his magical skills were non-existent; he knew something wasn't adding up. Why didn't he want Valk and Hailena to fight each other?

"How many Banish Potions do we have?" Lucid asked as Angell digs into the large sack of treasure that they compiled during the campaign towards Raganrok Angell found six vials of blue liquid in the sack which were the banish potion.

"Only six left Lucid." Angell said showing them to Lucid. Lucid was unhappy with this as Yasegridrill was a very large tree and the Banish potions were only designed for fury beings. He was going to need more than six Banish potions.

"Oh crud!! Let's get started..” Lucid responded in frustration. However; he knew he had little time to spare. Hopefully; he would only need enough Banish potions to unparalize the purification sac inside Yasegridrill and use the antidote to rid him and the ground of the poison; “..Angell?! Artuze?! Find the Elfins! Maybe they have some Banish Potions left."

"Okay Lucid!” Artuze responded with a nod as he calls over Angell; “ Come on Angell!"

"Stop acting like a big brute infidel!" Angell whined back as Angell and Artuze run away from the holy garden and leave Lucid Barrier to tend to the tree. Artuze basically ignored Angell's whiny remark as he was still bothered with Lezar's odd tactics.

"All right...” Lucid declared as he had the Banish potions in his procession and proceeds towards the tree; “...let's do this!"

"Something bothers me..." Artuze speaks out after a while of running into the foggy forest which was decaying even more since Yasegridrill was poisoned and therefore his life giving sap was unable to reach the trees.

"Everything is bothersome to you." Angell snapped back.

"Why did Lezar teleport Valk and Hailena away?” Artuze asked looking annoyed as Angell realized that Artuze was using his brain for a change and the whole thing made sense; “ Unless..."

"Wait a minute..” Angell responded; “..didn't Mumspelhiem state that someone stole the Rod of The Melting Realm?"

"Sorry Lucid..” Artuze proclaimed as he ran faster and faster towards the Elfinheim village; “..but I now know what Lezar is up to..."

"We got to get to Nefilheim..." Angell proclaimed as she followed him close behind. Lezar was playing several hands. The whole poisoning of the holy tree was merely a diversion to lure Valk away so Lezar could get the Rod of the Freezing Realm which is the second treasure of the elemental lords of heat and cold. Queen Mumspelheim was similar to Queen Nefilheim; but was dressed in fire robes and was the queen of flames. She had in procession the Rod of the Melting Realm which kept the entire realm in a blaze. Without it; Mumspelheim would turn into stone which is a sign of the realm cooling down. The Rod of the Freezing Realm maintains cold and if that goes.....


Valk wasn't impressed. Not by a longshot as Valk is teleported to a deep, dark stone cave which looked absolutely lifeless and had no meaning whatsoever. It seems that it's passageways were endless. Not that Valk was concerned with that. She was the spiritual force of fate and walking the path to paradise was a walk to Valhalla for her. Valk walked down the cave.

"I'm not impressed Lezar..” Valk responded without showing any signs of emotion. Valk was almost like a male in these situations; “..Where's the zombie?"

** Now come on Madill.....** Lezar's voice responded sounding pretty smug.

"Stop assuming me as that women!” Valk responded bitterly; but without any true anger or frustration; “ I'm Valk; the spiritual force of fate..."

** You are so touchy...I'll give you a guess on what I'm planning with the Elfins..** Lezar responded giggling his butt off. He had Valk in the palm of his hands and the more Valk refuses to show any emotion; the more he see her as the one he truly loves.

"I don't care what you do..” Valk responded again without any sign of emotion even though she almost gave Lezar a sign that she didn't really care about anyone which is false; “....I do know that Haliena has the combination to open the vault towards the Rod of The Freezing Realm."

** That's right my Valk...Very perspective...** Lezar responds with a smug sound in his voice.

"You are beginning to be an acute piece of garbage now." Valk snaps back at him.

** I love it when you insult me...Haliena is my flower child and she will steal the rod for me..** Lezar giggles insanely.

"You are one sick freak of nature..." Valk proclaims in a loud; but still bland monotone voice.

** Grr...You are so touchy. While my flower child gets my shall fight. Just to see who will get the pants in the family. ** Lezar revealed with a frustrated tone as Valk had insulted him. He didn't like being called a freak of nature. Now being called sick wasn't going to upset him as he was ready to make Valk suffer for her actions. A flash of white light consumes Valk for a moment as the occult blue star (Read: a pentagram) is revealed on the floor behind Valk. The occult image splits into two and separates upward to reveal a splitting image of her wearing the same kind of armor and weapons. The only difference was she was dressed in black rather than in indigo colors. It was her rival and Valk knew her all too well.

"Well...well...well....the impostor spiritual force of fate...Hreistov..." Valk proclaims as she draws her sword from the hilt. She was the third spiritual force of fate and one who has betrayed Odina after the War of the Creators ended and the birth of Earthia began: Hreistov Batto-Mayden: The true death goddess. Unlike Allision and Madill; Hreistov was one who truly snuffed out souls in order to prevent God and Odina from preparing them for Raganrok. Hreistov had enough of Valk interfering in the natural order of things and wanted revenge for a deed that no one spoke of on Earthia since much of the history has been removed from the ruins where it stood.

"Earthia shall be taken soon." Hreistov responds with some emotion in her voice as she draws her sword at Valk.

** Enjoy...** Lezar laughs out loud as his voice fades away slowly allowing Valk to hear him for quite a while.

"Not impressed...." Valk responded unemotionally as the battle of the rivals reveals itself. Valk had known this day would come and Hriestov would have to be put in her place for good if Valk's mission was to succeed.....


Artuze and Angell ran right into Elfinheim village after an uneventful run into the forest inbetween the Holy Garden and the actual village itself. However; the smell of death was in the air as they went past the oak tree gate and fence which surrounded the village. There were bodies lying everywhere on the ground filled with stab wounds to the body. At least 250 Elfins laid dead around the village. Most of the houses and shops were made of solid oak trees as a symbol of them living as part of nature itself; plus the windows were made of crystal. Most of the trees were still strong enough to at least take some of the poison. However; the ground was full of poison and a few tree houses were starting to collapse due to rot as a result of the poison. There were a few stone buildings which housed weapons, armor and even items which eliminated poison. However; the shop keepers were dead and the Banish potions needed inside were tainted with poison thus eliminating Lucid's plan right from the start. Artuze and Angell gasped in horror of the sight as four female Elfin jackals were barely able to walk towards the two Angel Knights and they looked awfully mad as well. They also had deep stab wounds and blood was coming out of them. One of them was just a young child about Kit's height and size. The villagers wore the same leather robes, brown pants and brown elf shoes while having the same green hair. There was nothing but devastation around and the Elfins seem to know who did this...

"What's going on?!" Angell demanded with compassion as she extended a hand to help her.

"You witch!!" Elfin #1 sneered at Angell as she refused her hand to help her. They were blaming the Angel Knights on this outrage.

"You fiend!! Do you two know what you have done?!” Elfin #2 screamed loudly as she refused Artuze's extended hand; “ MURDERERS!!"

"Mommy..” the young Elfin child wailed out as Artuze and Angell couldn't believe all of this; “...Help me?!"

"HOW DARE YOU!!" Elfin #3 screamed to the sky as the Elfin's finally collapse onto the poisoned ground and die right in front of Angell and Artuze. Artuze kneels down beside the bodies and checks their pulses. There was none to be found. They were all dead and Artuze could only shake his head in sorrow. He wanted to cry; but he was too proud of a warrior to even try to do so.

"What's wrong.” Artuze demanded; “ Who did this to them?!"

Angell checked the other Elfins and they had the same stab wounds as the other Elfins. The poison didn't kill them; somebody's sword did them in; "They've been slaughtered!"

"They accused us of killing them!" Artuze shouted out. It couldn't have been Artuze since he and Angell just got here and they were with Valk all this time. They didn't even enter the Elfinheim village since only Valk had permission to be there at anytime and Valk would do whatever it took to forbid that.

"But we didn't...” Angell tried to say and then laughing is heard from two voices that sound familiar; . Angell was now angry at Artuze,“..Artuze!! This is not funny you fool!" Problem was; Artuze was not laughing, he was really angry at Angell.

"I'm not laughing you spoiled little brat!!" Artuze snapped back sounding really heartless.

"You are such an heartless scumbag!!" Angell snaps back at him like a little child as they sneer at each other.

"This is so easy!!” a male voice which sounded similar to Artuze beckons and he was laughing; “ My TurtleDove; it's time to harvest the misguided souls of Odina!"

"Yeah; “ a female voice which sounded similar to Angell beckons as she was giggle; “may you be engraved with the soul of the right and rightful rulers of all reality!"

"Huh?!"Angell said as the sky grew dark and the moon up above was turning a crimson red with blood.

“Up there! On the center Treehouse!” Artuze called out as he was pointing directly up the tallest treehouse in the center of the village which could be seen from any point of the village. The moon was slowly turning red as two furries which look exactly like them in every way was standing on top of it. The only difference was they were black in skin color and wearing black clothes which were otherwise a mirror image of what Artuze and Angell were wearing. It was like they were facing their polar opposites. The black jay was the evil BloodHawk who was known as the Dark Sword Priest while the black sparrow was the evil Turtledove who was the Demon Mageness.

"Hello Angel Knights!!" Bloodhawk declares as he jumps into the air across Artuze and Angell and lands at the gates to block the Angel Knights from escaping.

"Insolent fool!" Angell protested bitterly as Turtledove jumps down and lands right in front of Angell. They were ready to fight and let Angell and Artuze join the Elfins in their death and dying breath.

"Foolish furries...You cannot match us..” Turtledove giggled right in Angell's face to rub it in as she draws her staff at Angell; “...Our Gaintlord will destroy you all..."

"You are the ones who slaughtered the Elfins!" Artuze proclaims loudly pointing an accusing finger at Bloodhawk.

"You're not as dumb as I thought.” Bloodhawk responded with a smirk; “ Perhaps this battle will be longer than a two degree rotation of the Moon of Blood!"

"You cowards!!" Angell screams out.

"Too bad all the blame is placed on your lofty shoulders." Turtledove proclaims giggling as Bloodhawk draws his sword and the battle was on and Artuze and Angell would have to fight them to make their way to Queen Nefiliheim. Meanwhile; Lucid Barrier had put drops of the six Banish potions into the sacred tree of Europa known as Yasegridrill. The infusion was working; but the tree still wasn't able to move the purification sac needed to create the Pure Drop which would be enough to purify the entire area and rid the zombie's poison effects.

"Why isn't this working?" Lucid asked with a clutch of panic.

"I'm a very large tree Lucid.” Yasegridrill said calmly ; “ It's going to take a while before I can release a drop of the Pure Drop. We only need one to purify Elfinheim."

"Thank God you are strong!" Lucid said with a smile.

"Too bad; you are too weak to save that insolent tree!" a familiar voice beckons and it sounds similar to Lucid Barrier's voice. However; Lucid's own mouth didn't move when the voice said it. Someone else was in the Holy Garden with them and Yasegridrill noticed him coming from behind. It was a black bear with fangs wearing the same clothes that Lucid was wearing except they were black in color. He was also carrying a bloody sword with him

" Oh my goodness...” Yasegridrill screamed loudly which allows Lucid to turn around and avoid the first sword strike from Bloodfang who was the Elder Vampire Lord of Demons. Valk had faced him once before during her first assignment to purify the undead during the soul gathering for Raganrok; “..behind you!! He looks like you Lucid!!"

" like me!" Lucid protested as he was in shock to see someone that looked just like him.

"I'm the Vampir Kknight Blood Fang and I'm going to make sure that one quarter of Earthia slowly dies in agony..” Blood Fang yells out as he draws his blood sword; “..Goodbye Yasegridrill...See you in limbo! The limbo I suffered at the hands of Valk!!"

"I'll cleanse you demon spawn!!" Lucid protested bitterly as he drew his Wassil Rapier.

"You couldn't save Madill from the Poison Lilly Meadow!" BloodFang snapped back laughing.

"How in limbo's dance do you know that?!" Lucid responds looking shocked at that statement as Blood Fang lunges at Lucid.

"Let's just say that I have it on good authority..not that it matters to you...” BloodFang yells out as he thursts towards Lucid and Lucid sidesteps him. Lucid grabs Bloodfang by the neck from behind and throws him away so that the poisonous Blood Sword doesn't make contact with the Holy Tree. BloodFang falls down with a resounding thud about 20 feet away from the tree; “...UGH!!"

"Stay away from the Holy Tree!" Lucid shouts out as Yasegridrill breathes a sigh of relief. If that sword was six inches further it would have cut right into Yasegridrill and poisoned him even more.

"That was too close..” Yasegridrill said breathing heavily; “..That Blood Sword can kill life easily!"

"Very perspective...” Bloodfang giggled as he rises up to his feet without even moving an inch and draws his sword straight at Lucid; “..and you will still fall!"

"Not on your dead life!!" Lucid snapped back harshly as he lunges towards Bloodfang and they clash swords together in a stalemate. Which as was Valk and Hriestov inside the dark cave which was still unclear where Valk really was.

"You're always trying to upstage me...” Hriestov protests bitterly as she and Valk circle around each other waiting for the opening to strike each other; “..trying to stop me...trying to kill me..."

"You defile souls...and team up with a spawn of sin.” Valk said without any emotion; “ Lord Odina is not about to allow you insolence..."

"Insolence?!” Hriestov snapped back harshly with venom at Valk; “ You disgrace the dead by enslaving a select few into a war that should be taken care of by God. You disgrace God and you enslave thyself to a Pagan Lord!"

"But you enslaved thyself to the Sin Queen Devilis..” Valk responds to that; “...the ultimate abomination. But she is sealed forever in the firepit!"

"And you will join her soon!" Hriestov responds bitterly as she draws her sword and thrusts straight at Valk and they clash swords together. This was a battle between the death goddess'. One was one who snuffs out souls without prejuice while the other collects souls who have been slain by the souls themselves or others. There were three fights going on as the Elfinheim village fight was at a stalemate between Angell, Artuze against BloodHawk and Turtledove. Artuze battled with his sword on BloodHawk while Angell fought Turtledove with her magic spells. It was a fight that required great timing and liberal use of the village as both shields and places to jump and dodge both sword blows and magic attacks. However; Angell finally gained an advantage by jumping into the air in front of Turtledove.

"STONE SABER!!” Angell screamed out as a grey sphere comes out of nowhere engulfing Turtledove and a stone saber pierces Turtledove right into her body. She fall down onto her back onto the poison ground. However; a spilt second later, Turtledove rises to her feet without moving at all. It was really disturbing to see and it shocked Angell;” What the--?!" That distraction was enough for Turtledove to warp out and back in right in front of Angell and she slapped her in the face about ten times hard.

"PLACID IMPLUSE!!” Turtledove chanted as Angell was stunned by the blows. Those slaps were really powerful as Turtledove took three steps back and chants once again; “ ICICLE DAGGERS!!” Four huge icicles fall right onto Angell's head and body. She didn't have anything to block that spell and she was encased in ice like a child ice statue. Turtledove giggled at the sight; “ A beautiful ice statue indeed!" However; the spell didn't freeze Angell's insides as she was still able to talk.

"BURN STORM!!” she chanted in a muffled voice as fire wraps around the ice which melts it quickly. Angell breaks free from her icy bonds and jumps into the air to chant again; “ HOLY IMPALER!!” Five white-fire javelins containing a mystical cross slam down on Turtledove; basically cutting into her flesh as green blood comes out of the wounds; “'re a dead necromancer..."

"Haven't you noticed that this blood is poison and will destroy Elfinheim?!" Turtledove responds giggling loudly as she falls to her knees.

"We know how to purify Yasergridrill so you're in no shape for vulgar dialogue!" Angell declared as Artuze and Bloodhawk continue to battle each other while Angell had Turtledove right where she wanted her.

"TA! YA!” Artuze yelled and repeated loudly as the two sword knights clashed swords together and met each other strike for strike;” DIE!!" However; BloodHawk managed to find a small opening in Artuze's strike and ducks under one of Artuze's Hack Blade attacks and cuts Artuze under from the knees which stuns Artuze and throws him into the air. Bloodhawk then glow bright yellow as the sky darkens completely.

"The heavens are poured in blood and disgrace!” Bloodhawk yelled as he chanted for his special attack; “ OUGI!! DARK FINAL SWORD BLASTER!" Bloodhawk thrusted his sword straight into Artuze's heart which exploded into a black flame that engulfed both him and Bloodhawk. Bloodhawk then uppercuts his sword (which is an amazing feat for a swordsman who had a 12 foot long sword causing Artuze to feel the black flame explosions and the sword itself pulsing through his body. The black flame burns him and throws Artuze down onto the ground with a thud as Bloodhawk lands on his feet in front of him. BloodHawk looks at the seemly lifeless body of Artuze and grabs Artuze by the neck.

"Only one degree of the Moon of Blood has pasted and you're already dead?!” Bloodhawk said laughing out loud; “ Really disgraceful...” However; that opened the door for Artuze as he picked up his Zombie Slayer Sword (a lime green bladed sword) and he manages to thrust it right into the heart of Bloodhawk. Even Bloodhawk's armor couldn't match the power of Zombie Slayer as green blood poured out from the wound and it caused Bloodhawk to wince in pain; “...UGH! You don't realize that my blood is..."

"Didn't you hear Angell?!" Artuze asked as he pushed Bloodhawk away from his grip on the neck and Bloodhawk is thrusted down onto the ground harshly.

"MYSTIC STAR!!” chanted Angell as five stars fly out of her fingers and that pushes Turtledove up into the air; “ HOLY IMPALER!!" Angell chanted again as three more white-fire javelins fall right onto Turtledove's body and drives her right into the ground in a small crater. Turtledove was finished and was out of life energy.

"Curse you...I cannot...die here..." Turtledove stutters as she turns into dust and disappears from the face of Earthia.

"Now that's divine punishment!" Angell declares as she gives the victory sign as Artuze starts to glow yellow as well in preparation for his special attack.

"I'm tired of you devils!!” Artuze chants as he basically does the same move that Bloodhawk does. However; instead of black fire; he was using red and white fire to blast Bloodhawk into death; “OUGI!! FINALITY BLASTER!!"

"Darn it! You'll never succeed in burning our undead souls in the firepit..” Bloodhawk screams as he falls to the ground burning in the flames of the fiery attack. His life energy completely ran out; “...UGGHHH!" he screamed as the fire goes out and Bloodhawk turns to dust and disappeared completely as well. The battle in Elfinheim village was over.

"HA! No problem...!” Artuze declares raising his fist in victory. However; Angell comes over and slaps him in the face harshly causing Artuze to wince in pain a bit; “ What?!"

"Impudent fool!" Angell yelled.

"What was that for?!" Artuze protested bitterly as he rubs his face.

"Didn't Valk teach us not to sumbit to arrogence?!" Angell asked bitterly.

"She also told us not to submit to evil too!" Artuze snaps back.

"Without my high art of light magic you would be dust!" Angell snaps back at him and they sneer at each other for a moment.

"Forget it!” Artuze said as he walks away from Angell; “ We've got to find Queen Nefiliheim!"

"Wait!" Angell said holding her hand as she apparently heard something unusual. Both of them stop yelling as they hear the clash of swords echo throughout the air.

"That sounds like..." Artuze said realizing that the sword's echo was one of the Wassil-Rapier which makes a unique sound.

"Lucid!!" Angell said nodding at Artuze as they realize that a monster was attacking Lucid and they would have to go back to help him. Back inside the Holy Garden as Lucid and Bloodfang continue to attack each other with their swords and meeting each other strike for strike. Yasegridrill was trying hard; but he still couldn't release the purification sac to allow for the Pure Drop to purify the poison ground below.

"Oh dear!” Yasegridrill said gritting his teeth; “ I still cannot release my purification sac."

"Keep trying!! We cannot fail!" Lucid yelled back taking a quick glance at the Holy Tree which provides the distraction as Bloodfang swipes his Blood Sword at Lucid's head; but Lucid ducks at the last split second and the Blood Sword misses the mark.

"Sorry my young Lucid for distracting you..." Yasegridrill responds sounding apologetic.

"I won't be!! YA!!” Bloodfang responds as Lucid manages to get back to meeting Bloodfang's Blood Sword strike for strike as they fight pretty much around the entire garden exchanging blows and dodging about every third blow or so. However; the Wassil Rapier was glowing with each strike and Bloodfang was for some strange reason starting to tire out as his body looked weaker and weaker by each blow; “ What's happening?! My energy is draining!!"

"The Wassil Rapier is glowing." Lucid proclaims as he slashes Bloodfang right into the face and that forces Bloodfang down to his knees. Bloodfang started to panic as he was losing energy by the breath and blood was flowing from his cheeks.

"It's a sword that absorbs my power..” Bloodfang pants harshly as Lucid manages to stab Bloodfang right into his black heart. He screams in pain; “....UUUGGHHH!"

"You're finished demon spawn!!" Lucid proclaims as he grabs Bloodfang from behind quickly and puts the sword underneath Bloodfang's neck as he gulps. Bloodfang is finished and he knew it. He was now too weak to counter Lucid on any way. Meanwhile; Hriestov and Valk continue to exchange strikes and neither of them could break the other one's guard once. They were almost equal in power and strength.

"YA!! TA!! YA!!” Valk yells as Hriestov slashes at Valk and it is met by the sword of angel's tome: The Glance Reviver. Both spirits float up into the air as they trade blows and are met by each other swords; “ You are as obscene as you were when Odina banished you from Asergard!"

"Odina is a fool and a weak spiritual pagan!” Hriestov snaps back harshly; “ He doesn't even have a clue that God would kill us in one second and would."

"Nonsense!!” Valk snaps back as Valk smacks Hriestov around as Hriestov was unable to keep up anymore with the Glance Reviver sword which was draining her energy even if she blocks successfully; “ God gave us another chance because him is fading in power!" Hriestov disappears for a second and then reappears on top of a ledge fuming.

"Lying scumbag!!” Hriestov snaps back harshly; “ God revived us just as an excuse to kill you all! God is an absolute sadist who enjoys seeing his creations suffer. He's molded from the same bond that was the Gods Before Thee..” Valk lunges at Hriestov; but she was ready for him as she fires a black laser beam from her fingertips; “...SEEKER LASER!!" Hriestov yells as Valk tries to dodge the laser by jumping upward; but the laser than shoots straight up and hits Valk which paralizes her in mid-air.

"What kind of defiling is this?!" Valk demanded bitterly as Hriestov was laughing out loud.

"Looks to me that Lezar is going to wear the pants of this family after all..” Hriestov declares as she starts to glow crimson red as Valk struggles in vain to get free; “..So it shall be engraved upon thy very soul! Shingi!!” she chanted as she slashes Valk with her Dark Reviver Sword twice and then thrusts Valk right into the air six feet above the ground. Three black spears glowing with crimson red impale Valk from the ground as Hriestov backs up and jumps into the air. Hriestov grows red angel wings from her back and forms a black spear engulfed in red light; “ DARK VELOCITY NIBALUNG!!” Hriestov screams as she throws the spear right at Valk which bursts into red flame of a phoenix as it impales right into Valk's heart. Then 32 red energy sphere wrap around Valk and explode right on contact of Valk's own body. Valk falls down onto the ground with a thud as Hriestov lands right in front of her; “ This was about as fun as a walk in limbo. Lezar get the pants in the family after all...” However; Hriestov was about to be disappointed as Valk rises to her feet quickly as the blow seemly had no effect. ”...WHAT?!"

"Not even a scratch!!” Valk proclaims as she checks herself. Hriestov was a weaker death goddess than Valk was despite being more powerful than fury beings. She overestimated herself once again; “ I'm not interested in wearing _pants_!” Valk lunges at the stunned Hriestov and cross-slashes her which paralizes Hriestov in her tracks. Valk then began to glow yellow and begins to chant; “ I shall wipe out thy form!!"

"NOOOOOO...” Hriestov screams out as Valk lunges towards Hriestov to unleash her special attack; “....My attack was all I've got!" Hriestov's overestimation would prove to be her downfall as Lucid continues to have Bloodfang at his mercy with the Wassil Rapier still underneath Bloodfang's neck as he was kneeling..~I've got to find his weakpoint!~ Bloodfang thought sneering as the back of his head grows eyes as he looks squarely at Yasegridrill. Blood fang then begins to smirk with a wicked smile ~Why didn't I think of it sooner?!~ he thought as Lucid sneers at his ugly mug which the eyes disappear from the back of his head back to the front of his head.

"Make one sudden move and I'll kill you...” Lucid yells as Bloodfang suddenly disappears; “...What?!" Bloodfang appears about ten feet behind Lucid and then dashes towards Yasegridrill quickly.

"What are you doing?! I almost..." Yasegridrill said with a clutch of pain. If that Blood Sword makes contact with the tree; Yasegridrill was pretty much dead as a doornail.

"Time for you to die!!" Bloodfang yells out as he draws his Blood Sword.

"Yasegridrill!!" Lucid screams out as he runs towards BloodFang and manages to catch up to him. However; Bloodfang was way too close to the tree and was about to thrust his Blood Sword into the Holy Tree. Lucid had to think fast so he circled around Bloodfang and takes the vicious thrust of the Blood Sword right into the midsection which saves Yasegridrill. Lucid's Wassil Rapier flies out of his hands and flies thirty feet away from the tree and nails a stone statue of a dead Elfin right on the top of her head. Bloodfang suddenly felt refreshed as Lucid fell to his knees in deep pain clutching his chest.

"You are too easy..Don't you realize that the Blood Sword refills my energy?!” Bloodfang declared as he grabbed Lucid by the neck and slowly squeezed it to cause Lucid to scream in pain; “ You Angel Knights are too gullible! Your sad attempt to protect worthless trees will be the end of you..and you Yasergridrill.." Bloodfang crackled gleefully as he threw Lucid aside as he bounces a few feet before landing with a thud.

"Oh nooo...I finally..." Yasegridrill panics as he was almost there in releasing the Pure Drop; but it wasn't going to matter as Bloodfang draws his Blood Sword at the Holy Tree. He was at full power and nothing could stop him now.

"You'll finally die!!" Bloodfang yells out as he raises his Blood Sword to strike the final blow on the Holy Tree and finally put it out of it's misery forever. However; a familiar bratty voice beckons out of nowhere....

"MYSTIC STAR!!” Angell chants loudly as four white stars appear out of nowhere and nail Bloodfang heavily on it's back and gets pushed up into the air; “ HOLY IMPALER!!"Angell screamed out again as three white-fire javelins nail Bloodfang in mid-air and effectively paralize him. Even though he was powerful; he still had the weakness to light and divine magic.

"UGH!!” Bloodfang screams out; “ This cannot be....!" Lucid struggles to get up as Artuze and Angell enter the Holy Garden from the gate. Artuze lunges towards Bloodfang and thursts the Zombie Slayer right into Bloodfang's black heart.

"Thank God you're here!" Lucid said gracefully as Bloodfang falls to the ground as his Blood Sword shatters upon impact and crumbles to dust. Bloodfang has completely run out of energy.

"Now die and be silent!!" Artuze proclaims strongly as he lands on his feet right in front of Bloodfang as he drops to his knees and starts to giggle softly.

"Don't you realize that my dust will poison this plane faster?” Bloodfang looks around and sees that his plans to kill Yasegridrill would fail as the Holy Tree was finally able to squeeze a Pure Drop from his purification sac. Bloodfang screams in agony; “....Nooooo!!"

"Next time you use a poison to slaughter a race;” Lucid states as he comes over and slaps Bloodfang right into the kisser; “.... make sure to use a hard poison that _doesn't_ affect a Banish Potion.."

"It..doesn't matter...” Bloodfang declares; “..The Rod Of The Freezing Lezar....UGGGHHHH!!" Bloodfang screams once more as he crumbles to dust as the Pure Drop drops to the ground and starts to purify the entire area where the poison had spread. While the Pure Drop couldn't bring the slaughtered Elfin's back; it could at least allow the entire area of Elfinheim to regrow and flourish once again into the Holy Garden paradise that it once was before the attack.

"So that's why Valk was teleported out.." Lucid realized as he was shocked at Bloodfang's haunting words.

"Lezar was distracting us!" Angell chimed in.

"We've got to get to Nefiliheim Castle at once!" Lucid proclaimed as Yasegridrill nodded with approval. The Angel Knights turn around and run out of the Holy Garden in order to reach Nefiliheim castle and prevent the theft of the Rod of The Freezing Realm. Grave consequences could happen without it in it's rightful place ~Wonder how Valk is doing?~ Artuze thought as Valk was doing fine as she was kicking Hriestov's butt in the Icestone Cave which was about a few miles north of Nefiliheim Castle. Hriestov's power was completely useless against the awesome power of the spiritual force of fate.

"Shingi!” Valk yells out as she jumps into the sky and purple angel wings appear out of Valk's back and she lifts her arm to grow a large purple spear; “ NEBUILUNG VELOCITY!!” She throws the large purple spear which flies towards Hriestov (who is pierced through with three spears and floating about six feet off the ground) which bursts into purple flames in the shape of a phoenix and nail Hriestov right into her black heart. The blast turns into 32 purple energy balls and they explode right on impact Hriestov is nearly destroyed as she is thrown right onto the ground with a thud; “ Hriestov you are nothing! You call yourself a free spirit! How appalling?! How vulgar?!" Valk proclaimed bitterly as Hriestov is barely able to get to her knees. The blows left her terribly weak.

"I'm not dead yet..." Hriestov said struggling to her feet. However; before she could blink again, a pentagram circle shows up below Hriestov's feet and it splits into two as it scans Hriestov out of the dark cave before Valk could deliver the final blow. Valk was not amused.

** That's all I need to see...So you do get to wear the pants in the family after all. ** Lezar's voice said giggling softly.

"You're obscene!” Valk yells at Lezar; “Where's Zombie Hailena..?!"

** Take one guess...and that passageway shall reveal thy answer!! ** Lezar respond with a slick tone in his voice.

"I'm sick of playing this game!" Valk yells at Lezar's voice. Normally; Valk was unemotional when anyone was in her presence. However; with Lezar and being alone she was pretty emotional. Lezar has caused her a lot of pain.

** That's hardly an answer befitting the great and powerful _goddess of fate_!** Lezar points out as Valk walks in the opposite direction looking for a way out.

"Don't insult me!" Valk yells again as Lezar was looking at the image of Valk running towards the exit of the dark cave.

"She's still peachy!" Lezar said with a giggle as the pentagram circle produces itself and splits into two which scans to reveal Hriestov who was still gritting her teeth after getting her butt kicked by Valk.

"Agreed...” Hriestov nodded bitterly; “..The slave has been shaken..but why do you want her?!"

"Peachy indeed....." Lezar proclaims as he laughs out loud as the image of Valk is snuffed out. Lezar had one more task to perform before he could prepare for the ultimate disgrace to God himself....


Back inside Queen Nefiliheim's throne room as Queen Nefiliheim has knelt down in front of her throne and looking at the heavenly symbols on it. She was praying that the Angel Knights would arrive in time to stop Lezar and Zombie Hailena from stealing her rod. Eight female jackal guards; all around the same height and weight wearing chain mails, chain pants and iron helmets were guarding her as she continued to pray. However; the sound of a teleport beckons as that was a sign that the trouble was about to start.

"God help us!” Queen Nefiliheim prayed to the heavens; “ Zombie Hailena is approching."

"I'm already here..." Zombie Hailena's voice beckoned out as she walked right into the throne room without as much of a struggle. She was carrying a dead Elfin soldier in her paws as if she was a small child. Zombie Hailena throws her aside as Queen Nefiliheim turns around.

"Guards!!” The Queen demanded as the eight guard run around and surround her. Zombie Hailena seemed unamused at these tactics as she showed no emotion; “ Appear before thee!! Stop her!!"

"Unimpressed!!” Zombie Hailena shouted out suddenly and strongly as she outsterches her arms and that allowed green gas to fly in all directions consuming the Elfin soldiers easily without as much as a peep from them. The green gas kills them instantly and their skin turns to rotting flesh. They have become part of the undead now.

"What have you done?!" Queen Nefiliheim demanded as she ran behind her throne as Zombie Hailena advanced forward a few steps

"Now my lady...I'm planning to take the Rod of The Freezing Realm for my dear lord Lezar Vanclef..." Zombie Hailena proclaimed as the queen of frost touches a panel on the back of the throne room; "That's right....Open the vault....reveal the Rod of The Freezing Realm to Lezar Vanclef...” Hailena kept egging the queen of ice on as she pushes a blue button on the back of throne and a section of ice wall opens up behind the throne to reveal the glass case containing the Rod of the Freezing Realm. Zombie Hailena giggles with glee as the Zombie Elfins surround Queen Nefilheim; “..Perfect!! Now my Elfin Zombies; use your DEAD BREATH and blow this traitor of the Gaintlord to her death!"

"Yes my die infidel!!” they proclaim as the queen close her eyes willing to resign to her fate; “ DEMON...."

The spell of purple death was about to come to pass which even the Queen of Nefilheim cannot withstand. However; before the word breath could be executed; Angell's voice screamed out; "HOLY IMPALER!!" The holy spears of light thrust down onto the eight zombie guards; piercing their hides as Lucid Barrier, Artuze and Angell enter the throne room. Queen Nefiliheim notices them right away and breathes a sigh of relief which freezes into the air.

"Noooo..” Zombie Hailena squeaked as the holy spears emitted a holy aura light of purification as it consumed the entire throne room. Everyone covers their eyes to prevent them from going blind as the holy light consumes the entire throne room for a moment and then it completely disappears. The zombie Elfin soldiers revert to their original selves as the light purified them enough so they could be revived quickly. Zombie Haliena was too far gone to save as she was kneeling down and looked really weak; “..What's happening?!" The light was affecting her acutely since she was a member of the dead and the divine power was their major weak point.

"It's over....your plans have failed..” Lucid declared as he draws his sword to kill Zombie Hailena for good; but Lezar's laughing beckons. And it was getting on Lucid's nerves; “..What the--?" Zombie Hailena swipes at him; but Lucid dodges as the pentagram circle appears behind her with the Rod of The Freezing Realm in his procession. He took it while the white light from the Holy Impaler spell was in effect.

"Thank you for the rod that shall spoil the beautiful children that I'll soon have." Lezar declared giggling loudly as Queen Nefiliheim noticed that the glass case was broken in pieces.

"You fiend!" Artuze protested bitterly as he lunges at Lezard with his Bahamut Tear sword which is a two-handed sword that is about three feet taller than he was. Lezard was not fooled by the bounty hunter's advance and quickly waves his hand from left to right.

"REFLECTION WALL!!” Lezar shouted as the green magical barrier shows up again and it causes Artuze to be thrown back about ten feet away. Artuze lands on his feet though as Lezar giggles at the sight; “ Tell Valk that if she wants to slaughter me then I'll be at Church Junction...."...and then he starts to chant again as the sky darkens once again and Lezar glows multi-color bound. Another lily spell perhaps?!

To the world who shalt inhabit the space of time!
To those who lead the miserable life...
It shall be engraved upon thy very soul!
            Lezar Vanclef!!

It wasn't a Poison nor a Zombified Aura Lily Spell this time. It was a mimic spell which allowed another flash of white light to consume the entire area once again; "What's happening?!" Lucid complained as the bright light even flash through the castle as outside the castle; Spirit Valk was running towards it and see it. She is mighty ticked off now since only a necromancer could perform such combination of dark and light occult magic.

"I go away for a few moment to fight an abomination...” Valk protested bitterly as she was close to the castle gates when she sees a pair of green orbs flying out of the palace and heading towards the direction of Church Junction; “...LEZAR!!" Valk enters the ice palace as she presumes that the Angel Knights are there as the bright light disappears completely. Everyone opens their eyes once again and discover that Zombie Hailena and Lezar Vanclef were gone. Queen Nefiliheim drops to her knees and appears to be melting.

"Valk..." The queen yelled out as Valk entered the throne room. Water drops were falling from the queen of frost as she was appearing to be weaker and weaker.

"Nefiliheim...!!" Lucid yells out as Artuze, Angell and Lucid run to her aid; but the queen wave them off. She knew there was nothing they could do. Curing poison was easy enough; but re-freezing her required the Rod of the Freezing Realm.

"Leave me...” the queen responded in pain as Valk is sneering to herself; “..Until the Rod of The Freezing Realm is return to Elfinheim; there is nothing that can be done to..."

"Lezar..” Valk declared strongly as she turns around and leaves the throne room without saying goodbye or anything nice. Valk had a one track mind; stop Lezar Vanclef at all costs; “..You will be mine....!!"

"Valk..” Lucid yells at her; following her close behind; “..please?!"

"Artuze?! Angell?! Stop Valk!!” The Queen ordered the Angel Knights were wincing in pain. She then motioned to her soldiers; “ Elfins?! Get me to the freezer. That'll slow the melting down for a while. Valk cannot unintentionally start a holy war with the temperence fabric..."

"Right!!" The Elfin soldiers, Artuze and Angell nodded as the remaining Angel Knight run out of the throne room to follow Lucid while the soldiers attend to Queen Nefiliheim.

"When the Rod of the Melting Realm was stolen; Mumselpheim is slowly turned to solid stone..” The Queen proclaims feeling more pain by the moment; “..If my rod isn't returned within a full cycle of the moon; I'll be nothing but a puddle of water..” She closes her eyes as if she was shameful of something; “.But we cannot afford to start a holy war with the White Phoenix followers. God's successor isn't ready yet and Valk is..." The queen stopped talking as the water droplets pouring from her made her stop speaking as she could keep going. Meanwhile; back inside the torture room; Hriestov was waiting inside sitting on a chair next to a wooden table pondering to her thoughts. She really wanted to kill Valk; but decided to play Lezar's game for a while. The aura pentagram circles line the floor and scan up to reveal Lezar holding the Rod of The Freezing Realm and Zombie Hailena just behind her right on the top of the staircase. Lezar is giggling as he walked down towards the death goddess.

"Your Gaintlord is going to have this world on the platter of furry blood.” Lezar proclaims giggling softly as he hands the Rod of The Freezing Realm to Hriestov; “ Here; never say that I'm just a useless mage. I don't want Misty to think of me as just a freak of nature."

"I never doubted you..” Hriestov declared with a wicked smile as she looked at the Rod of the Freezing Realm with glee; “...Your free spirit has been highly regarded. Our great lord of giants will be pleased." Zombie Hailena comes down the stairs behind Lezar and she didn't look like Lezar had control over her anymore.

"He'd better not forget our deal...You know; I don't want to waste my newly formed flowergirl...” Lezar said looking unemotional and cold as Hriestov comes over and sees Zombie Hailena trying to embrace him for a hug. Hriestov takes out her sword and stabs Zombie Hailena right into her back. Green zombified blood pours out of her as Hriestov grabs Zombie Hailena and proceeds to cut her into so many pieces that she basically desinagrates. Even though he lost her flowergirl; Lezar showed no emotion at all as he really didn't care about her as a being at all; “....Well; thanks a lot..Don you know how many people I had to kill to find the perfect flowergirl? They don't grow on Yasergadrill's tree you know..."

"Yes they do..” Hriestov giggles softly as she looks into Lezar's eyes; “..Besides; I want to be your flowergirl."

"Now why would you want that job?!” Lezar asked as he obviously knew the answer well in advance; “ Oh; I get it now, you want to tick off Odina."

"You guess correct Lezar..." Hriestov nodded with an evil smile.

"Now all I need is two more furries and I can complete my wish for happiness.” Lezar said laughing; “ But first; I must distract the divine child for a while."

"The Gaintlord informs me that the divine child is arriving via a metal wing bird..." Hriestov informs him.

"Then it's time to play with such a fragile mind..." Lezar smirks as he rubs his hands to get ready to play some more mind games with the already fragile mind of Peter Randolls. The curse of the Randolls clan just marches on without as much of a challenge....

To be continued....