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Dave The Barbarian: Lederhosen of Doom/Floral Derangement

Reviewed: 09/14/2014

It's A German Flower Store!

So our next episode up for grabs in this show involves Fang as the focus character as Fang wears evil lederhosen and becomes super Fang; and then she must channel Kick The Habit from Kick Buttowski and not break her promise to never torture Dave ever again. Both episodes sound interesting in fact; if only because Floral Derangement cannot be any worse than Kick The Habit. Couldn't it? Let's rant on shall we...?!

Lederhosen of Doom is written and story edited by Ralph Soll. Floral Derangement is written and story edited by Earl Kress. Animation was done by Wang Films.

Opening Moment #1: Castle crumble shot of the day shows the family doing the football cheerleading pyramid spot. That was amusing to me. Flappy is on top using his tongue to balance himself while Dave is on bottom. As usual.

Lederhosen of Doom: We begin this one with a shot of Greek temples as the sun animates at the hard camera. The narrator talks about strong warriors like Hercules as we see a shot of him battling an eight headed dragon, which would be Tiamat in Final Fantasy II and capturing a boar. Yawn. So we head to Udrogoth and we see Dave The Barbarian in front of the castle crushing wood logs into pulp to make stuff and bending iron bars to make a gazebo, just to piss off Fang and make her do the Gruffi pose. Fang is complaining that this is a waste of muscles. It may be a waste of muscles; but damn it to hell if it is not funny. He is also craving stone to make a lemon juicer too; as Dave proclaims that once he makes those things, she'll thank him. Fang grabs Dave by the headband and blows him off because she wants to smash things and is basically tired of being a defenseless little girl. She walks off and a mailman arrives with a package for Fang. This causes Fang to grab it and growl like a monster (or the average stereotypical video game player); making the mailman scream and run for the hills. Defenseless indeed! Not. So Fang reads from the paper that it's a present from Throktar and Gilima. It's written by Throktar in which Fang blows him off because his handwriting is crappy. We get a split screen of a flashback of Throktar at a table inside a stone building writing the letter at 100 miles per hour. Let's just say that Throktar's spoken English is better than his writing English; and the guise of this is that he has sent the family a bunch of lederhosen which is very dangerous to wear and can do evil things to the wearer. Fang's reading of the letter is in fact funnier than Throktar's bad writing, so owls and donkeys for all here. Fang opens the present and it's a full on green lederhosen. I never understood the appeal of this plot device; but it's not as horrible as the overuse of the gnome plot device, so I'm all right with this. The lederhosen is in all green and this turns Fang into a green German dude. That is scary. Bad sign #1: The lederhosen is too big for her and as she dances around, they shrink to her size. Bad sign #2: Candy comes in and is in horror because the suit is UGLY! Yeah.

Candy is a stereotypical teen who thinks everything that is not to a rigid set of taste is ugly. Candy closes her eyes and tries to remain calm and thinks good thoughts like new shoes and an unlimited credit line. Okay; even I would have no problems thinking about that last one. So she walks covering her eyes like a complete moron and falls into an out of nowhere hole dug in the ground. Candy wiggles her legs a bit as she accuses Fang of digging for buried treasure; which has to be the most thoughtful thing she has ever did in her entire life. Fang claims that she only did a little digging, which involves half of the countryside of Uodrogoth. Candy demands that Fang gets her out of the hole and so Fang grabs Candy by the legs and throws her into the air so hard that she flies about 300 feet; causing Fang to channel Robin (Holy Reduced Calorie Sandwich Spread! Because god forbid that mayonaise is a forbidden word on this show!); and she flies, grabs Candy and lands perfectly on the ground with her. Candy is set on her feet and Candy turns around, thanks Fang and then cowers in horror because she hates lederhosen. What is her problem today?! So Oswidge, Dave, Flappy and Lula arrive as Lula proclaims that Fang is as strong as she smells. I love real comments that aren't supposed to be real comments. Fang and Oswidge literally exchange notes; and that is because they are reading from their scripts. Now; I know that some people are going to say: "This show did the same thing that you condemned in the Mighty Ducks episode. BIAS!". However; Dave the Barbarian is a lot more subtle when they do these fourth wall breaking jokes and make it sound like the narrator is in the show rather than outside the world. Second; they don't do this spot nearly as often as Mighty Ducks does. Finally; Mighty Ducks has a lot more problems with quality than Dave The Barbarian in terms of this spot. So yeah; there's no case for these ducks. So Fang thanks the green pants of doom and Lula acts like an asshole claiming that there had to be a simple explaination to this. Fang declares herself a superhero and we HIT THE MONTAGE~! Complete with German yodelling.

So we smash rocks, Easter Island rocks, more rocks, more rocks, more rocks and more rocks. Then she pries rubies from the eyes of statues worshipped by men in red hooded robes praying to some god that no one cares about anymore. They now worship half; so the god is half of what it is now. Weak! Note that Fang's eyes turn red for some reason as she runs in and we have the FCC FRIENDLY CLOUDDUST FIGHT OF DOOM with an ice monster; and she not only breaks the ice monster's nose, it is straighten out now. Now the ice monster has to have plastic surgery on his icy nose; which would be a riot to see I might add. Fang teases having remorse for the poor guy and even teases giving money to him; but then mocks him again. Then we get an ultra funny moment: The ice monster points out that she is turning heel and the narrator shows why she is evil by pointing out that she has pointed ears (BOGUS! That means Link from Legend Of Zelda is evil too!), pointed teeth, red eyes and even an evil laugh. Now for the fun part: Fang bashes the arrows away and refuses to do the evil laugh because it is so corny and cheesy. The narrator responds by saying that she'll give her a treat; and that is enough for Fang to do the most awesome evil laugh ever (Irmaplotz & Zolthara: DAMN YOU FANG THE MIDGET BARBARIAN!) and then opens her mouth; prompting the narrator to toss a doggie treat into Fang's mouth, to which she chews on it. This was great. The narrator even states that she's a good evil girl, implying that the narrator was the one who developed the evil lederhosen. Of course; the writers will never take advantage of this booking hope chest; so lets return to the dinner table with the family eating eggs, ham, spinach, and weiners (in the case of Oswidge). Except for Dave; who is staring as Oswidge eating too fast. We zoom out and Candy is eating blindfolded because Candy apparently discriminates against German lederhosen. Or something. Lula at least sees that the pants are the least of her problems as we see Fang at the end eating like a messy warthog and causing a huge mess. Other than that; this seems to be normal Fang eating.

Then Flappy shows up and speaks nothing; but the family manages to understand what he is saying; which is Throktar and Gilima are on the crystal ball. So we head to the crystal ball room as the family says hello to the mom and dad who are fighting evil in Hawaii; with Throktar dressed up in splash Hawaii style gear sipping coconut milk from a straw put inside a real coconut, while wearing a straw hat. There is a volcano in the background as Gilima is wearing a lot of pink in polo shirts and visor hat. They are fighting an evil volcano monster as she asks how the family is doing. Dave sezs that it's pretty good as Fang looks like a dumber cave person than usual growling and walking away looking deranged. Gilima then mentions the beat garment of Yourgoonsod and if they got it and I ask this question: Why are they sending stuff that is so dangerously evil to a bunch of teenagers who are so stupid that some of them need help just to cross the street? Anyhow; Dave asks if it's the lederhosen and of course Throktar sezs no making Dave breathe a sigh of relief; only for Throktar to basically say that it's pure evil disguised as lederhosen. See; the lederhosen is evil and will take control of anyone wearing it in order to gain revenge on the person who stained in, which they admit that it's Oswidge. Oswidge finally admits that he has seen this lederhosen before as we hit the flashback. I'm not going to call this over than: Oswidge is wearing the most absurd hippie outfit he could find and is eating vanilla soft serve ice cream on a cone. A guy with the longest beard ever walks around in the evil lederhosen pick pockets a denizen and then goes over to Oswidge who has male pattern baldness even at age 35! The are a lot of ugly noses in this scene too; but at least I am not going to blindfold myself like a total coward unlike a certain shoe loving teenager that I know and don't like. Long story short; they exchange notes. Oswidge asks if he wants Rocky Road even though it's clearly vanilla and the scoop of icecream lands on the lederhosen in slow motion because they think it was cool on Powerpuff Girls. At least violence in slow motion is pretty cool in it's own perverse way, but not ice cream on lederhosen.

So the evil man is not thrilled as Oswidge proclaims that it will wash out; which the narrator points out that it didn't. Did I mention that the pants have evil eyes and a mouth and wants revenge on the one who stained him. Personally; I think this is dumb because it's so contrived and forced. They had a perfect booking decision right in front of them to have the pants brainwashing the user into poisoning the well on their pet peeves and Fang's biggest pet peeves are: Dave being a wimp and Chuckles calling her a monkey all the time. It's a perfect setup and they went for the one to whom Fang doesn't have a personal grunge against; by having the pants wanting revenge for some minor incident. So Fang does the twist the head around the neck like a bottlecap spot, which is always cringeful to see. So Oswidge comments on Fang hating evil laughs (This is your fault narrator; for giving her a treat to save your hide!) and then Dave yells at Oswidge to run. Oswidge bails and we do the old Scooby Doo side run sequence of doom from west to east to west to east, so on and so on. The narrator claims that this chase sequence was very expensive. Riiiiiiigggggghhhhhttttt. I'll believe that when this chase sequence (and this entire show) has a Studio Ghibli budget. So Fang chases Oswidge out of the castle, through the mountains at midnight, under the sea, in the forest (Ah! They are parodying Walt Disney Feature; which is a fools errand at this point, since everyone cares more about Pixar than WDFA.) , the north pole, the desert, row boating (complete with Fang walking on water. Those pants have given her Jesus Christ powers now!) to shore and running on the left fork in the road. Fang follows him and we hear a toilet flushing. Then Oswidge runs from the right fork in the road and we go back the other way in reverse sequence. The narrator is appalled by this; implying that Oswidge did all this just to find a toilet to clean his pipes, if you understand what I am talking about. Apparently the writers decided that the kids are so stupid, that they cut out all the spots in the original sequence, other than the rowboating spot and just have Oswidge run into the castle and shut the front door.

Oswidge bails and Fang goes through the wooden door. We head into the throne room and Fang stalks Oswidge. Candy and Dave run in as Dave yells at Fang to fight this because she is more than just a girl who smashes things and then catches himself to realize that this is exactly her character. Way to go Dave; way to go! So Fang is struggling to fight the lederhosen as Oswidge claims that the free will part is in the script; so yes, this episode is doing the TMNT spot and making it make more sense than Mighty Ducks ever did. Fang struggles and then simply gives up, but not before yelling at someone to turn the air conditioner up because it's 90 degrees in here. Whatever; it's time for revenge. Dave grabs Oswidge and they do the Scooby Doo chase sequence which even Oswidge notices that they have gone past the same door fifty times while doing this. That was funny. Oswidge runs off as Dave stops because he has found the way to stop the lederhosen. So Fang jumps up beside Dave and Dave rips the tag off the leaderhosen, which is the actual washing instructions. The lederhosen is in pain because apparently; that tag is his weak point. Dave reads the tag and it's douse in cold water and then dry clean only; which is contradictory in so many ways. The lederhosen panics as we head to a room as Oswidge is taking a bath with ships and rubber duckies. Dave runs in and yells at Oswidge for taking a freakin bath in the middle of the finish! Oswidge blows off Dave because he was dirty after the chase scene; so he took a bath. Kind of like me when it's a really hot day. So Oswidge is thrown out of the tub as Dave apparently grabbed Fang off-screen and throws Fangs into the bathtub. The lederhosen wrinkles to the point where Fang is simply popped from the lederhosen and into Dave's arm. Fang then blows off Dave because she hates baths. Remember Citizen Khan where they had to change a line that Clementime said that "A girl has to take a bath once in a while" to "after her bath; a girl is ready for anything" in second run syndication because girls not taking baths was forbidden by BS&P? Well; now we not only have a girl who takes baths once in a while; but who hates them!

I realize that times change; but it's still a double standard. Candy walks in blindfolded because she hates lederhosen. Listen; I'm not a fan of liderhosen, but when Doofensmirtz wears it, he is at least funny. Oswidge is wearing a towel which somehow got added the second Oswidge came out of the tub fully. Whatever; let's see the lederhosen bite Dave in the head, that is much funnier. HAHA! Candy yells at them to dry clean the bastard in which Fang claims that the dryer hasn't been invented yet. So Candy yells at Fang to get the hairdryer; which was invented 90 years AFTER the clothes dryer, and Fang gets out a hairdryer complete with long cord extension. So she uses the hair dryer on the lederhosen and it shrinks to the size of a hand glove and then dies; doing the most underwhelming death chant ever. Apparently; the stain finally came out and no one cares. Dave assures Candy that the lederhosen is gone and she takes the blindfold off to see Oswidge in a towel; and then screams and puts the blindfold back on. This is supposed to be funny; but it's ageism and horrible. Listen; it's okay for her to hate the lederhosen because it's an article of clothing and not a person. She just hated Oswidge for having a hairy back. Not because he is useless at magic. Not because he lied about being a great magician. No; it's because she used a blindfold because she saw Oswidge in a towel. Shame on you Candy! The ending to this was funny: Fang and Dave go over the moral that it wasn't strength that won the day; but knowledge of laundry instructions. Which is in fact true. Fang claims that Dave is right in her learning something, in that Dave has tender eyebrows. If you recall; the lederhosen went after Dave's eyebrows because Dave was screaming loudly about it when the lederhosen attacked his face. So Fang jumps on Dave's neck and pulls on those tender eye brows and forces Dave to smash rocks on command. HAHA! See; Fang no longer has to smash stuff, she can simply get Dave to do it with tender pulling of weighty eyebrows. That's funny as we end the episode at 10:26. This was a really good episode for the most part; but please tell Candy to grow up and get better reasons to be repulsed by Oswidge then being in a towel. He actually looked better in a towel at least, so what is her problem? *** 1/2 (70%).

Floral Derangement: We begin this one with a shot of Uodrogoth castle as the narrator is trying to tell us how peaceful it is; but Dave is having problems as he is screaming while coming in on horseback. I hope it's Twinkle Gunplay; I hope it's him. We need more Twinkle The Marvel Horse on this show; most so in a focus episode! Sadly; it's a regular horse. Dammit Earl Kress! You have a good punchline to use; and you ruined it! Dave is also wearing a viking helmet; and apparently, the narrator changes the script and apparently, nothing is peaceful because Fang is teaching Dave to ride a horse in order to be a barbarian. Dave manages to stay on the horse; which prompts Fang to say that he is making progress. HA! Dave is pissed off at Fang claiming that she glued him to the saddle; which Fang acts like an asshole. Dave orders Fang to stop doing this to him and Fang slaps his back; which somehow manages to shock the horse into galloping away with Dave glued in the saddle. Yeah; she is tormenting him now as we hit the montage as Dave is against the wall and the little kids (some of them were seen in the episode with Chuckles and Knuckles (being the harvest hog; which was hilarious)) who are blindfolded and are throwing dodgeballs at Dave in the castle. Also Fang showed her safety side in putting the viking helmet on him during the horseback sequence. Then we bring out a box of water containing rabid brown seals with sabretooth teeth. Two of these icicle like teeth per seal and there are three of them! Dave bails screaming, to which I reply: Of course! Then we get the rabid seals being blindfolded and throwing dodgeballs at Dave; and missing by a country mile. In spite of this; Dave has had enough of this stupidity causing Fang to come in and blow the whistle. Dave is angry beyond belief and demands that Fang stop messing with his life; and threatens something if she does one more thing to mess up his life, but he doesn't know what it is. Candy is filing her nails again and basically tells Dave to send her to Miss Bluelung's School For Cute Little Girls; in which Fang is shocked and horrified. So we HIT THE DREAM SEQUENCE~!

I don't have much to say about this other than Miss Bluelung likes tea, make horrible faces and dressing dolls as we see the girls dressed in pink tutus and Fang is there dressed up looking cringeful and appalled. Jackhammer jump cut zoom in occurs and then we return to reality (no, not really) as Dave loves this idea. Fang pleads for mercy and Dave decides to grant her that on the condition that Fang stop screwing with Dave's life. Fang prays and promises that she'll never mess with Dave ever again. Dave feels relieved and walks stage left; and of course ten seconds into the promise, it is broken and Dave is hanging upside down by his ankle from a rope; while hovering over an open trap door containing lions. Fang does the "starting now" thing; and at least this one was unintentional since the trap was set well before the promise was made. So technically, she didn't break her promise. So we cut to a shot of Udrogoth castle as we head to inside Dave's room as Dave is using an eyedropper on a purple tulip like flower in a pot in the table as Dave is attending a flower show and this is his main entry in the show. It's called the purple winky which is so lame, only Dave The Barbarian would name it that way. So Dave is talking to the flower like it's a human being as Fang is looking on from the locked door peeping through the keyhole; and she is breaking her promise without even trying to not break her promise, thus turning heel. So she is going to screw with Dave's flowers because she still wants him to be a pyschopath, blood thirsty monster barbarian. So we head into Oswidge's room as Oswidge is snoring and Fang practices the fine art of not being seen and finds the wand which has a child safety lock on it. So the implication of this is that Oswidge is so stupid that he will unintentionally hit someone with it while sleeping that he needs a lock on it, like a gun. Again; if magic is real, then gun control would be nothing compared to magic control. So then she sneaks to the magic table and throws away magic keys, magic feathers, a talking frog who is not magical and a shiny bag of magic growth gravel which sparkles neon green.

So we scene change to Fang putting a growth gravel pebble into the pot and that does absolutely nothing, thus it's just as useless as Oswidge's magic wand. So Fang pours the entire bag into the pot which I ask: How did she get into Dave's room? So the plant actually grows and has three tulips like flowers who apparently can talk now. They look like purple tiger lillies now that I think about it. Then her brain clicks into five year old corrupting balloons of doom as there are two versions of it. One is the good one where she gets a pie; and the other one is Dave telling her to draw better at Bluelung's School as Fang's eyes get all scrambled. Fang panics like mad and does the stupidest thing possible: Put the Weeping Winkies into her tunic just so that it looks like she has gained weight and a set of breasts. Why didn't you just jump out of the open window and leave the plants alone? How would Dave even know that you messed with his life? They don't look like they have done anything horrible to anyone. Yet. Dave of course comes in and asks if she gained weight. Fang stammers like an idiot. Yes; we have to spend the next five minutes with Fang having to keep this secret from Dave. So Fang lies that she is there to inform him that there is a poetry contest in the village and Dave runs out as Fang's cover was blown about three times during this and Dave has to pretend that he didn't see it. Yeah. Fang gets tied up by the spiky vines and screams as she runs out of the room as she must hide the flowers. Never mind that Dave should have noticed that there is no pot ON the table. STUPID! So she goes into a room from downstairs and throws the vines away off-screen as Dave is on top of the stairs with his sheet of poems as Fang has to stammer like an idiot to explain that there's nothing out of the ordinary going on. Then we get a huge explosion and rumbling as Lula calls it a huge earthquake. So winkies cause earthquakes? Good to know. Fang claims that it's Dave's stomach of course, which makes no sense at all since Fang's the big eater of the family.

So Fang claims that Dave is hungry and so he gives him a picnic basket (must...resist..Yogi..Bear..joke...) and then pushes him out the door on the welcome mat outside. There are minotaur peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the basket and no one cares. Dave decides to go and recite his poetry and then the Winkies grow and rise from the ground and raises the entire castle into the air like in Jack In The Beanstalk, yelling "Feed Me". Fang looks up and claims that this is not the end of the world; and she is not afraid. Then she tries to bail; but the plant leaves on a stalk cut her off and grab her. She is risen up as Fang is kicking and yelling that she is going to kick it in the plants. That is a neat way to say that she is going to kick it in the balls. So the plant hisses at Fang and drops her on her ass, managing to BS&P the spot so much that she only drops about one foot off the ground when she started to fall. Fang is pissed off and runs into the outhouse. She returns wearing a suit of armour, helmet and a mace. She threatens to mulch the plant, and of course she cannot handle the mace and it screws her as she falls flat on her back. So then we see Candy and Oswidge getting chased inside the castle by the winky as Fang is in a moral dilema: She either goes to Dave and get exposed with messing his life or she lets Oswidge and Candy die, or do the right thing. Which she now has three arms. Whatever. Fang is grateful that she cannot count past two; which is a lie of course. Look; it was Oswidge's magic that caused the plant to grow. So tell Dave that Oswidge was trying to help Dave in making the plant better and the plant turned evil. Even if it is lying by omission; it makes perfect sense. Even funnier; we head to the Clotted Scuffles as we discover that Fang was in fact telling the truth about a poetry recital. How about that?! So Captain Hook Pink Edition is on stage and he calls for some bigass sailor to come forth on stage; and he recites a poem which involves presents and hair and shampoo; and keeping it real. The crowd is dead; except for Dave jumping up and down and cheering like a cheerleader in Japan. That was great.

Captain Pink Hook isn't angry about this as he calls for Dave to come on stage with a poem in which he calls it an ode to a winky. Oh; this is going to be fun to mock! Lula is right there ready to help me as Dave doesn't disappoint me as his poem reciting is as bad as his courage. Then Fang runs in and yells and screams that she blew her cover admitting that she messed up his life and giant hungry winky plants are going to kill Candy and Oswidge; and she needs Dave's help. The crowd pops like the Road Warriors showed up and got into a bar fight; as Captain Hook Pink gives Fang the trophy and she wins the poetry reciting contest. Fang grabs the trophy; and of course it's too big for her carry and she gets squashed and goes through the stage. Dave then gets pissed off for Fang messing up his life for real. Not because Fang turned his winkies into horrible evil monsters; but because she screwed him out of winning a poetry recital contest. See; THAT'S funny! Fang tells him to get mad later and stop that winky and so we head to the castle which is now like a beanstalk tree of doom. I know this because during this scene; Jack is shown climbing towards the castle and he proclaims that he is going to find the goose that lays the golden eggs. Whatever sir. So Dave uses Fang's hair to blow her up to normal again; and makes the head too big. So Dave pokes at her nose and lets some of the air out. Fang is fine with this of course as Dave begs for mercy. Even when he's in the right; he is still a coward. So Fang pulls on his eyebrows and Dave finally submits to Fang's will of squashing and smashing the beanstalk of winkies. So Dave uses the sword on it; and there is no damage whatsoever. Lula claims that she is 20,000 years old and as sharp as a bowling ball. Even though she had no problem sticking to a stump in the first episode! So Fang orders Dave to climb and they climb up. This is the point where Jack appears and Fang grabs him and drops him into three leaves before falling on his back off-screen to a fart. Oh; and he also claims that he's all right. No you are not Jack! You broke your back and farted. You are not all right!

So Fang and Dave climb to the top by simply running on the main vine and they open the door to the castle. They pant and then get wrapped up by the vines and of course Dave yells about being squeezing and then gets an idea as he yells at Fang to go into his pocket because one of Fang's arms are free. So Fang struggles over and grabs the DOUBLE FLUTE OF DEATH from Dave's pocket. She tosses it into Dave's mouth and Dave plays snake charmer music. Where have I see that before and not liked it? Oh yeah; Easy Come, Easy Grows from Darkwing Duck! They manage to get free and then bail through the door into the hallway as the vines recover and chase after the babyfaces. So we do some running through doors like in a Scooby Doo episode; only it's with the most awkward camera angle ever devised. Then they enter into the dining room; and we get the shock or all shocks as Oswidge and Candy are having baked goods and tea with two winkies as if nothing had happened. Remember that these two were being chased by the flowers before Fang bailed to get Dave's help. The winkies act like this is all cool as Candy wants to bail to the pantry, but the winky proclaims that it's all good that it goes to get it. Fang and Dave are confused as Candy and Oswidge laugh in their faces, making Fang look like a complete dork. Yes; we discover that the winkies wanted to meet the family and thought that Fang was an insect, which is true in fact.

Fang is done and she damn well knows it! Now let's see how they book themselves out of this mess because booking Fang to see Bluelung and become a pretty girl kills her as a character. I betcha that the bookers will send her there anyway and not care because the series is nearly over at this point. And damn; I'm good, but they just had to tease Dave being mad at Fang as Fang begs for mercy and then Dave simply stops selling and forgives her because he cannot stay mad forever. So Fang promises to stop screwing with his life and then walks out and falls into the exact same trap he did in the beginning of the episode; only it's tigers clawing at him. Fang claims that it starts now; but this time she is in Bluelung's School For Cute Girls in a ballerina outfit as she is going to be forced to do girly things. And we are supposed to have sympathy for her despite the fact that this was in fact all her fault. Look; I hate rigid gender roles, but Fang made a promise twice in the same episode and she broke it three times in the same episode within minutes. She got what she deserved for torturing Dave...WHO WASN'T ACTING LIKE A RIGID GENDER BOY! So we end this episode with a green tunic guy presenting a blue ribbon to Dave for his winkies on stage while being upside down because the plant grabbed him on the ankle when they zoomed out. It wasn't Dave upside down by the way. The judge is voiced by Phil Morris and according to Wikipedia (DANGER! DANGER!): Morris's first acting role was as a child when he appeared in the 1966 Star Trek episode "Miri". Star Trek was, at the time, shot at the same studio that produced Mission: Impossible, where his father was working. He made his feature film debut in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock in a small role and later guest-starred on Babylon 5, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and Star Trek: Voyager. In the mid-1980s, he portrayed law student (later attorney) Tyrone Jackson on the CBS daytime drama The Young and the Restless.

During a major storyline, his character used heavy theatrical make-up to appear Caucasian, in order to go undercover to expose an organized crime organization. In the 1990s, Morris played a recurring character, the Johnnie Cochran-inspired defense attorney Jackie Chiles, on the hit comedy Seinfeld and co-starred in the remake of Mission: Impossible as tech wizard Grant Collier (son of Barney Collier, who was played in the original series by Morris's real-life father Greg Morris). Morris voiced the supporting role of Dr. Sweet in Disney's 2001 film Atlantis: The Lost Empire as well as its 2003 sequel, Atlantis: Milo's Return. He played one of Will Smith's college professors on the NBC show The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and played Dr. Clay Spencer on the then-UPN television show Girlfriends. In the January 25, 2007, episode of the The CW television series Smallville, Morris also portrayed the DC Comics superhero The Martian Manhunter/John Jones, which is a recurring but small character in the series. He reprised that role on the show's sixth season finale on May 17, 2007, as well as the episodes "Bizarro" and "Cure" in the seventh season and the episodes "Odyssey", "Prey" and "Bulletproof" in the eighth season. He reprised this role in the ninth season episodes "Absolute Justice", "Checkmate" and "Salvation". As a voice actor, he portrayed the villains Imperiex on Legion of Superheroes, and as the Immortal Caveman Vandal Savage on Justice League and Justice League: Doom. He appeared on one episode each of the series CSI: Miami and Seven Days. Though largely unnoticed, Morris also was the voice of Paul the Apostle in Zondervan's The Bible Experience. Morris also made a cameo appearance as Miles Dyson in photographs in the television series Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

He played the voice of the character 'Doc Saturday' in the animated show The Secret Saturdays. He also played a major supporting role in the PlayStation 2 game Ratchet: Deadlocked, Merc, one of the combat bots that accompany Ratchet during his journey. He also voiced the character of "Thurgood Stubbs" on the animated show The PJs, after Eddie Murphy's departure. He did several voices in the animated film Dead Space: Downfall (2008) as Hansen and Glenn. He currently plays Delroy Jones on the T.V. One series Love That Girl!, Saint Walker on the Cartoon Network series Green Lantern: The Animated Series, and Ultra Richard on the Cartoon Hangover series SuperF*ckers.[2] In 2012, Phil Morris also made an uncredited appearance in Aqua Something You Know Whatever as Zucotti Manicotti. He also voices Plank in "Sofia the First", starting from "The Floating Palace". He began his career as a boy in an army helmet in Star Trek in 1966 in an uncredited role. Dave The Barbarian is his DTVA debut and he also appeared in American Dragon Jake Long (Colonel Hank Carter) and Kim Possible (various roles). Instant is his most recent credit and he has 150 Acting credits, 19 Self credits and three writing credits (All involving the Jackie Chiles Knows Series) to his resume. This ends the episode at 10:26. This was a dumb episode with enough funny moments to make it worth watching. *** (60%).


Well; this was mostly a Dave The Barbarian love-in with some really funny moments; but nothing that I would want to watch again. Lederhosen Of Doom was good for the most part; but not outstanding or anything. It was just a fun episode with Lederhosen and Fang turning evil. It wasa funny; but Candy blindfolding herself to prevent seeing Oswidge was stupid. Floral Derangement was fine; but mostly stupid, although Fang screwing Dave out of winning a poetry recital was priceless to see. Fang is pretty much done as a likable character at this point since they booked it for her to lose to Dave in the promise department as she broke two promises three times and thus got what she deserved. Her psychopathic behaviour is so old now that she bores me now. I will say this though: This was leaps and bounds better than Kick The Habit, mainly because they didn't really screw it up and also figured: Fang broke her promise anyway; so let's book it to appear as if other possible things could happen to take the heat off Fang. It failed; but the effort was certainly there. So that is that and next up is the last non-finale segment of the series which I believe is where the offensive moment for me happened and the spot that made me not watch the show anymore. So....

Thumbs in the middle for both shorts and I'll see you all next time.


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