By: Gregory Weagle
Guess what? I found another editorial to write for TaleSpin and if I get another winter like I did then that parody of snow will be back on the agenda again. This editorial is being written because I am awfully upset right now. As you are noticing by now; I'm doing reviews for TaleSpin and a tribute for the crew. As a webmaster and a fan of the TaleSpin fandom; I want to release as much information on this series (because Disney decides not to) and show everyone why this series is so great. However; I have one small problem: I only have 22 episodes on tape (21 complete and 1 episode with the last five minutes including the credits- Bullethead Baloo) and I cannot find the rest of the episodes needed to complete both my review collection and credits list. Of course Disney did release a number of episodes on eight VHS tapes. Now to be fair; there are a number of episodes on those tapes (Imagine That (contains Flight of the SnowDuck), Fearless Fliers (contains Mach One for the Gipper), Ture Baloo (contains From Here To Machinery and The Balooest of the Bluebloods), Wise Up! (contains Molly Coddled and another episode that I think that I don't have) and Search For The Lost City (For Whom The Bell Klangs). The other three tapes I already have episodes for.) that I don't have yet and I'm sure that I'll be able to find them someday. YEAH RIGHT?! Let me explain something to you: Nobody's selling TaleSpin tapes anymore, anywhere. The Bay was the last store that was selling leftover TaleSpin tapes (actually only one tape which I bought- Jackpots and Crackpots) and now they've destroyed their shipments of VHS tapes (apparently). I tried going to ValueVillage (a second hand store in Dartmouth and Halifax) to find tapes but there were none to be found (although that could change) . I tried going to flea markets and they didn't sell any either for some odd reason. Now of course I could buy them from eBay because people usually sell them on a regular basis. However; I refuse to buy from them because I don't have the time to put in a bid and besides; who knows if the person is selling it or not. What's even worse is that there are many people who share that very same problem as well. Everytime I read Usenet; there is at least one person who is looking for TaleSpin tapes and WhatsItGalore said it best that it is time for Disney to release entire season of Disney Television Animation onto video cassette and DVD. The fact that there are no tapes for sale (I refuse to rent them out because I want to own those tapes) has made me think the same way too. It is high time that Disney release TaleSpin episodes on DVD and bring back the memories for a generation who are hooked on the Pokemon/Digimon/Beyblade/Yu-Gi-Oh type-fads. A time where you were rewarded with praise and not with objects. Those type of moments where parents didn't have to cringe (much) on what their children were viewing.
However; this is the Disney company we are talking about. I mean it was Disney who thought it was a good idea to market TaleSpin to the 6-12 year old kids who proably didn't understand what a windsock, an alienron or what Kit meant in Plunder and Lightning Part Three when he was giving directions to Pirate Island was. The same Disney who gave FOX the boardcasting rights to TaleSpin and then in kind decided to screw them to become the company that we all know and hated so much. The same Disney who was downplayed the show and edited it (including cancelling of Flying Dupes and Lost Horizons) because it broke the kayfabe of realistic firearms, matches and the scene in which Kit was strangled by a neck from a rope while pretending to be a seal. At this point; I should be giving up the fight. However, I've decided to use my imagination just like Walt Disney would in the past and come up with the perfect DVD package for "TaleSpin- Season 1". All DVD's come with an assortment of Easter Eggs and if I decided to bring TaleSpin back on DVD then here's what I would do (VHS fans would just get the episodes only and a six hour VHS tape on EP would suffice). Please note that this is all just my opinion and that there is no word of weither or not Disney will ever listen to the fans. So without further aideau.......I would structure the episodes into nine volumes worth of DVD's; available separately (for $25 each) or place it in a special edition complete set (for $99). Believe me; it took a balancing act to make sure that every volume was represented with a balanced number of episodes per disc. Sadly; Molly only had six episodes I could think of that was the focus character so a few volumes have as many as eight episodes per disc. Here's a rundown of the total; plus the features that I would add for each volume:
· Plunder and Lightning (Almost unedited; the torso-less image in P&L Part one must still go!)
· The Making of TaleSpin from 1990 (unedited) · Digital Comic version of Plunder and Lightning adpation · Wide-screen and original screen format · French, French Canadian, Spainish, Japanese, German and Russian versions available · Dolby Surround Sound and Mono-Stereo sound. (Selectable from main menu) · Special Commentary from Jymn Magon; 15+ years later includes the origins of TaleSpin. · Official TaleSpin Bible (unedited) · Official TaleSpin Artwork · Official Cast & Crew List
Why is Plunder and Lightning the only episode which deserves it's own DVD? It's pretty obvious isn't it? It is the best pilot episode in the history of DTVA and should get it's own place on the disc. All four (or five depending on who you talk to) would be available; with nearly edit restored to the original. The sound sound be digitally re-mastered and the animation should be cleaned up (even if you have to re-animate scenes since I think that they're back to pre-1991 levels with Jungle Book 2) if possible. Since most people have never seen the original making of TaleSpin in 1990 (except on Baloo9's page) I would add that as well and that should fill up most of the void of having just four or five episodes total on DVD. Also; adding the P&L comic is important as a collector's item would be great for the people who want to compare the comics to the series. I would release it in those lanauages because I would love to hear it in Russian because of what I've been told. Special Commentary from Jymn Magon is sort of a morden thing for the series along with the Official TaleSpin Bible which includes every single thought of the original series. The rest is simply filler like artwork, a list of the cast & crew (by each episode credit) and the choice of Dolby or Mono sound. One final note: When I mean by unedited; I mean restore possible edits that were cut on the cutting room floor before it was released on television. Remember Disney; this is not public television so you won't have complaints coming.
· Bygones · Lost Horizons · From Here to Machinery · The Balooest of the Bluebloods · On a Wing and a Bear · The Golden Sprocket of Friendship · The Time Bandit · Vowel Play
· Completely uncut (include scenes that were on the cutting room floor before released on TV as needed.) · Wide-screen and original screen format · French, French Canadian, Spainish, Japanese, German and Russian versions available · Dolby Surround Sound and Mono-Stereo sound. (Selectable from main menu) · Special Commentary from Jymn Magon on each TaleSpin episode · Official Profile of Baloo · Commentary from Jim Cummings and Jymn Magon on Edmund Gilbert · Official Cast & Crew List · Official TaleSpin Artwork
The Baloo volume DVD was tough to come up with because he is in every episode. For each character-based DVD; I would include an official profile of Baloo (okay; they might ruin it but non-fans need to start somewhere.). Plus; I would give a special commentary to Edmund Gilbert and each TaleSpin episode (from Magon of course). Only From Here to Machinery is a perfect episode; with Time Bandit and Lost Horizons are there for filler reasons. Please note that I based the episodes on importance of character and not based on choronlogical order. Again; I state that the episodes become uncut with restored edits from the cutting room floor before released on television.
· Stormy Weather · Flight School Confidential · Polly Wants a Treasure · Captains Outrageous · It Came From Beneath the SeaDuck · A Bad Reflection On You · All's Whale That Ends Whale
· Completely uncut (include scenes that were on the cutting room floor before released on TV as needed.) · Wide-screen and original screen format · French, French Canadian, Spainish, Japanese, German and Russian versions available · Dolby Surround Sound and Mono-Stereo sound. (Selectable from main menu) · Special Commentary from Jymn Magon on each TaleSpin episode · Official Profile of Kit Cloudkicker · Commentary from R.J. Williams and Alan Roberts (if possible) on Kit Cloudkicker · Official Cast & Crew List · Official TaleSpin Artwork
There's no surprise as to which episodes I would use for the Kit DVD since I have each of them on tape. Only All's Whale is weak in this volume. As with the Baloo volume; I would include an offical profile of Kit and let R.J. Williams take over on commentary. I thought about putting Alan Roberts in the same area and let the two voices talk to one another; but I doubt it would work.
· My Fair Baloo · Feminie Air · Your Baloo's In The Mail · Bearly Alive · The Bigger they Are; The Louder They Oink · A Star is Torn · I Only Have Ice For You
· Completely uncut (include scenes that were on the cutting room floor before released on TV as needed.) · Wide-screen and original screen format · French, French Canadian, Spainish, Japanese, German and Russian versions available · Dolby Surround Sound and Mono-Stereo sound. (Selectable from main menu) · Special Commentary from Jymn Magon on each TaleSpin episode · Official Profile of Rebecca Cunningham · Commentary from Sally Struthers · Official Cast & Crew List · Official TaleSpin Artwork
Same as the Kit volume except that the profile and commentary for Rebecca Cunningham from Sally Struthers. Since some of the Rebecca episodes are on other DVD's I had to work out something; the episode selection is a bit weak compared to the other two.
· Flight of The Snowduck · Mommy for a Day · The Incrediable Shrinking Molly · Molly Coddled · Jolly Molly Christmas · Her Chance to Dream
· Completely uncut (include scenes that were on the cutting room floor before released on TV as needed.) · Wide-screen and original screen format · French, French Canadian, Spainish, Japanese, German and Russian versions available · Dolby Surround Sound and Mono-Stereo sound. (Selectable from main menu) · Special Commentary from Jymn Magon on each TaleSpin episode · Official Profile of Molly Cunningham · Commentary from Janna Michaels · Official Cast & Crew List · Official TaleSpin Artwork
Since Molly only had five episodes where she was the focus character; I had to make a hard decision (although Molly's preformance on television is nearly as good as Kit's). I decided to put the Rebecca episode “Her Chance to Dream” on this DVD because Molly was the reason why Rebecca did what she did. I know that Molly haters would be mortified that I gave Molly her own spot instead of Don; but Disney wouldn't give a heel his own section without someone calling it immoral; so there you go.
· Louie's Last Stand · Road to Macadamia · A Touch of Glass · For a Fuel Dollars More · Pizza Pie in The Sky · For Whom The Bell Klangs · Jumping The Guns
· Completely uncut (include scenes that were on the cutting room floor before released on TV as needed.) · Wide-screen and original screen format · French, French Canadian, Spainish, Japanese, German and Russian versions available · Dolby Surround Sound and Mono-Stereo sound. (Selectable from main menu) · Special Commentary from Jymn Magon on each TaleSpin episode · Official Profile of Louie · Commentary from Jim Cummings, Tim Curry and Kath Soucie · Official Cast & Crew List · Official TaleSpin Artwork
This volume concerates on Baloo and Louie and I included such episodes where Baloo and Louie were teaming up together. I include the profile of Louie Lamount and some commentary from Jim Cummings; plus a look at the two-parter “For Whom The Bell Klangs”. The best that I could come up with since Baloo/Louie episodes were inconsistent.
· Old Man And The SeaDuck · Destiny Rides Again · Baloo Thunder · Bullethead Baloo · Double or Nothing · The Idol Rich · Time Waits For No Bear · A Baloo Switcheroo
· Completely uncut (include scenes that were on the cutting room floor before released on TV as needed.) · Wide-screen and original screen format · French, French Canadian, Spainish, Japanese, German and Russian versions available · Dolby Surround Sound and Mono-Stereo sound. (Selectable from main menu) · Special Commentary from Jymn Magon on each TaleSpin episode · Digital Comic of "Old Man & The SeaDuck" · Official Profile of Colonel Spigot and Sargeant Dunder · Official Profile of Shere Khan · Commentary from Michael Gough and Tony Jay · Official Cast & Crew List · Official TaleSpin Artwork
What would be a TaleSpin DVD with Baloo and Kit episodes? The episode selection is mostly on Baloo and Kit; but it's a wide variety with includes Trader Moe, Shere Khan and Colonel Spigot. Since the comic adaption of Old Man And The SeaDuck is available; I decided to place it in this volume. I failed to mention this earlier; but the credit's list would be different to reveal who did what episode and also the TaleSpin Artwork would be different for each volume and include both pre-production and actual production stuff, some exclusive and some not.
· Paradise Lost · Whistlestop Jackson, Legend · Flying Dupes · In Search for Ancient Blunders · The Sound and the Furry · Ransom of the Red Chimp · Citizen Khan · War of the Weirds
· Completely uncut (include scenes that were on the cutting room floor before released on TV as needed.) · Wide-screen and original screen format · French, French Canadian, Spainish, Japanese, German and Russian versions available · Dolby Surround Sound and Mono-Stereo sound. (Selectable from main menu) · Special Commentary from Jymn Magon on each TaleSpin episode · Official Profile of Don Karnage, Mad Dog, Dumptruck and other Air Pirates · Commentary from Jim Cummings on Don Karnage, Hamilton Camp and Frank Welker. · Official Cast & Crew List · Official TaleSpin Artwork
The last two volumes deal with the rest of the TaleSpin crew and don't fit with any other episode. This is a pretty good selection for the most part and I decided to add Don Karnage and the Air Pirates profile to the list. Commentary for WhistleStop Jackson and Wendell end this list.
· Waiders of the Wrost Twreasure · Sheepskin Deep · Stuck On You · Gruel and Unusal Punishment · Save The Tiger! · On A Wing and a Bear · A Spy In the Oniment · Bringing Down Babyface
· Completely uncut (include scenes that were on the cutting room floor before released on TV as needed.) · Wide-screen and original screen format · French, French Canadian, Spainish, Japanese, German and Russian versions available · Dolby Surround Sound and Mono-Stereo sound. (Selectable from main menu) · Special Commentary from Jymn Magon on each TaleSpin episode · Official Profiles on WildCat and Other characters in the series · Commentary from Chuck McCann, Charlie Alder, Patrick Fraley Jack Angel · Official Cast & Crew List · Official TaleSpin Artwork · Digital Comic of "Stuck On You" (if completed)
The second volume of the rest of the TaleSpin crew and once again; I include a balance of episode quality in this one. This will include profile from the one-shot characters of TaleSpin. I would include Klang, Katie Dodd, Mrya Foxworthy, Joe Macgee, Dan Dawson, Oscar Vandersnoot, Whistlestop Jackson, Perry, Douglas Benson among others. Chuck McCann and Charlie Alder talk about Mad Dog and Dumptruck with Jack Angel talking about the High Marashall and Thursday roles.
Other things that I might add include a couple of interactive games for the special edition version and maybe a couple of extras. However; I would keep the menus simple and not require a lot of complex skill to pull off (and I would put no surprise Easter Eggs on the discs either). Personally; I would not include Disney ads in the DVD version; however, if they are placed in a separate menu then I have no problems (but I would blow a gasket if I saw ads on VHS.) If this was successful and I discover that there were lost episodes (35 episodes minimum) then I would divide them into five additional DVD's called “TaleSpin – The Lost Episodes”. But again this is me. To close out this editorial (which was a mess; I'd admit); if Disney wants to increase the sales of DVD players and show the world that they even remotely care about the series they actually created, then give the TaleSpin team a call and create this set. It can only help your cause.
Then again; this is Disney and they still don't care. They ignore their own ratings and rarely ever change their spots. That's my opinion; I welcome yours. See you next time.