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Unforeseen Impact Chapter Three

Chapter Three

Editor's Note: There are scenes in flashbacks from "It Came From Beneath the SeaDuck", "Plunder and Lightning Part Two and Three" and from "Mommy for a Day". Those episodes were written by Don Rosa, Len Uhley, Alan Burnett and Libby Hinson. The flashback involving Molly's depressed state by Kit leaving Higher for Hire for Daring Dan in "Stormy Weather" was my idea.

While it appeared that Kit Cloudkicker was giving up; a certain detective wasn't about to. However; he needed help (and premission) from his boss, Arnold Zwicker. He gave premission to Gregory Skywinds to help find his brother and figured that Arnold would give him the premission as well. He appeared in Arnold's office as Arnold was sitting in his desk shuffling his paper looking quite annoyed at Derek's presence.

"Yes Mr. Thursday;" Arnold asked looking quite impatient with the presence of some two-bit gumshoe detective; " what is it?"

"Yes Chief.." Derek said without any fear from his boss; he was afraid of what the world might do to Molly; "..I would like to discuss..."

"You want to file a missing persons report now..." Arnold interrupts him knowing exactly what he wants which causes Derek to jump slightly.

"Please understand Chief.." Derek said sounding concerned as Arnold's eyes were getting sharper; "..this is an eight.."

"Well; that's _her_ problem!" Arnold snaps at Derek like a beartrap; " Two years ago; the Windia Police tainted our reputation as the swords of God. They committed gross misconduct beyond anything that is considered just. Police forces everywhere have been under fire and cannot afford more misconduct." Derek was flustered even though he should have known better. There was no way that Arnold was going to allow even a good friend to file such a report. The laws had changed since the Windia Police Force was found for corruption; and many laws that didn't even apply to the corruption were changed. Derek still didn't think that the law for not filing missing reports after 24 hours was right. It was like sending Molly to her execution.

"An eight year old girl is missing and Rebecca's friends won't be enough.." Derek said with his face looking like a steamroller had flatten him; "..I need to file that report at once!"

"Forget it! We are doing things by the law now!"; Arnold snaps back yelling in his face and having enough of Derek's attempt to change his mind even though Arnold knew that Derek had a great point; " Besides; it serves Rebecca right anyway! Single mothers still don't get it...!" Derek was simply flushed white hot with rage after he heard that. It was one thing to say that you couldn't allow someone to file a missing persons report because of rules and regulations was one thing; but to imply that Molly Cunningham, through no fault of her own needed to be punished because Rebecca refused to marry after Stephen Cunningham died was taking it way too far.

"TAKE THAT BACK!!" Derek screams right back in Arnold's face. Arnold cannot even respond to that and was completely stunned. He wanted to just say to Derek that he was fired; but something told him that if he was to fire Derek; it would only prove that Arnold was a cold-blooded furry. He simply looked at Derek sharply.

"I'll let this go once.." Arnold finally spoke firmly; "..but if you ever yell again; I'll fire your hide!"

"Can I look for her on my own time?" Derek asked trying to convince Arnold to let him off duty so he could check on Molly himself. It was at least give Rebecca one more furry to search for Molly. However; Arnold simply shook his head no. He needed Derek on another matter of importance even if Derek didn't quite see how important it was compared to what was happening with Molly.

"No. You are needed elsewhere." Arnold said;" Now leave my office at once!"

"Chief...I.." Derek attempts to respond but it was too late. Arnold has spoken and wasn't going to put up with Derek anymore.

"NOW!!" Arnold shouted out loud in a rage of his own. Derek realized that there was no point in fighting his boss to prove that he was right. The law is the law and Arnold had no interest in breaking it; and Derek should have realized that it was good reasons. Derek just puts his head down in shame.

"Yes sir..." Derek said quietly; almosted muted as he turns around and walks out of Arnold's office. As Derek closes the doors; Arnold gets up and stares directly at the door, shaking his head as he felt quite ashamed himself.

"Poor girl....but if we violate our rules there will be no police force left.." Arnold said as he turned around and looked at his title on his own wooden desk;" ..Criminals can run wild....I'm not calling her a criminal; however, Miss Cunningham should have foreseen this problem. A stable family requires a mom and a dad. There's no law againest marrying another male after the husband has died. Why is her church so blind to see that? Derek; I would understand your situation; however, reality is very _cold_ and it shows otherwise...." Arnold sits back down and resumes his work on the latest police reports from the force outside. Arnold's ture colors arised from the ashes; he was deeply concern with the laws; but he realized that it would take willing politicans who were elected to the positions to serve the people to change such laws. Maybe Molly's death in his own mind would be the thing that changes those rules. Arnold sadly had a point about single motherhood; he felt that Molly would be best served with a mother and a father. Rebecca was a believer in the principal that when they say death do us part; it meant that both parents must part from the plane of mortality; meaning that she couldn't marry after the fact. Still; that was little comfront to Derek Thursday as he returned to his office and slammed the door behind him in a fit of rage. He sits down on his desk chair and slams his fist down on a stack of papers.

"My boss will regret this.." Derek shouted which could probably heard from miles around; "..If she dies the blood is on _HIS_ _HANDS_..." Apparently someone clearly heard the slamming door because the door opens and Officer Glenn Marlarky enters the office looking quite annoyed.

"..and if he allows the report then the blood is on everyone's hands and then it's goodbye police.." Glenn said with a cross look at Derek for sounding unprofessional; "..hello martial law!"

"You stay out of my affairs!" Derek snaps back not even listening to reason as he puts his head down on the desk;" What you are speaking of is streching the facts..."

"Think about it.." Glenn explained sounding like the most rational person out there; "..Konvent fooled us for six years. The Windia Police is just getting back on its feet...One more screwup for us and the concept of law and order is gone...The public will call in the army which equal to war and there are few rules of wars and none that protect rights.." Glenn then saw Derek lying his head on the desk and realized right there that he shouldn't have yelled at him; "...Derek? You're upset about something else aren't ya mate?"

"Yes I am. Arnold insulted my martial status.." Derek said as his voice cracked;"..and Rebecca's too."

"If I'm not mistaken Derek;" Glenn said; "... that can be misconduct...although he's right about the report."

"That girl won't last an hour in this curel world." Derek said as he shook his head. Glenn approches Derek to comfront him even though it was clear that Derek wanted nothing of it.

"If it would help you; I may have gotten a lead." Glen states as he places a piece of paper on his desk which causes Derek's face to light up in some hope. There were at least several people who were upset with the law as well; " Some furries called in and saw a little blonde beargirl wearing a Dangerwoman-type outfit was riding on a black car..."

"That's Molly all right!" Derek said firmly as he rose his head up and felt like the hope was returning to his soul; " She was obessed mostly with that bad influence of a show! But...Glenn; how much time do I have left?"

"Aye; judging by the last call to Rebecca.." Glenn states as he checks his gold-plated watch; "..fourteen hours to file..."

"Darn it!" Derek shouts again as he slammed his fist onto the desk again; making Glenn jump. Then Glenn suddenly got an idea; as there was someone who could help. Gregory Skywinds was officially free if Decto Mental Hospital would allow him to leave. Derek has always stated that Gregory was behaving quite well and his brother was starting to become a lot more civil. Maybe there was a chance that he could help them once again. However; Glenn was never told exactly what happened to Gregory Skywinds.

"Why not call Mr. Skywinds?" Glenn asked sounding more cheerful; " He was helpful the last time and he's not binded by the police anymore..."

"Decto won't let him leave..." Derek said drifting off. He hasn't heard from Gregory since he checked into the hospital. He assumed that Decto wouldn't allow him to leave.

"I thought that Gregory was cleared." Glenn responded acting puzzled.

"You don't understand.." Derek proclaims and decides to admit that Gregory wasn't the same furry that he used to be; "..Craig Skywinds is _IN_ Gregory....Nercomancer magic..." Glenn eyebrows raised in semi-shock as he was hearing the truth about the dual-soul furry. He was a believer in the White Phoenix and such magic was disallowed; thus condemning Gregory and Craig to the firepit where he and Craig's souls would die completely. It was a creepy thought to say the least.

"Well; I'm going to phone them anyway. It cannot hurt.." Glenn states as he turns around; shrugging off the whole statement from Derek; "..Derek? Don't worry; your friends will find her....Kit's friends, parents, Sara,....." Glenn couldn't say anymore as he cleared a lump from his throat. He left the office and gently closed the door behind him. Derek stood up and looked directly at his water cooler with a sad look on his face. He knew that without the police force on full search; Molly was dead and even one hour was too long in his mind.

"Usland's main island is bigger than anything in the entire country. I wonder where Rebecca is now?" Derek asks himself as he sees the reflection of his own face looking like the devil now;" ...Why am I a criminal now?!" He shook his head as he returned to his desk and prepared himself for whatever orders he was going to get from Arnold. One thing was for certain; they won't be to find a missing girl. Where was Molly's savior now should have been the real question?


As Derek Thursday continues to wonder about why the world was againest the police force in general; Higher For Hire was almost empty except for WildCat who was sitting in front of the radio talking to someone. For some reason; he was doing a fine job of keeping himself together in the maelstorm that was the disappaerance of Molly Cunningham. Kit was still in his room and the quiet sobbing had in fact stopped much to the relief of WildCat.

"Anything to say Sara?" WildCat asked as his voice was beginning to tremble a little bit.

"We haven't found her yet Frank..." Sara responded gently and sounding quite sad. WildCat's composure was starting to wear pretty thin now.

"I'm...just choking up like a clogged sewer pipe.." WildCat said putting his hands around his throat to simulate the clogged pipes and falling out of his seat; "..the sewage just flows and it kills ya...."

"You loved Molly very much..." Sara said with a hint of compassion in her voice and was choking up herself in sorrow as well as she couldn't finish her sentance.

"Yeah...I did...We played a lot together. She was so cute and cheerful...Now..she's mad about something. She thinks Kit killed her Dad."

"Dear God.." Sara shrieked; "..that's terrible..."

"I know.." WildCat said shedding a tear;"..I liked the old Mollykat better..."

"I can see why.." Sara said in agreement as WildCat wipes the tear from his eye; "..I'll leave you to the radio now ok?"

"Very well....thank you..." WildCat said with a weak smile as Sara signs off; but his smile would turn to sorrow as his voice drifts off; "..Mollykat..." He turns the knobs on the radio as the scene shifts to Kit's bedroom where Kit was now standing up beside the door. He had stopped crying and was trying to overhear WildCat talking. However; his face was in a deep shame as the time was passing. Molly was still not found and in his own mind; he was responsible for not only Molly's disappearance; but also her father's death as well. As far as he was concerned; he couldn't save Stephen and he couldn't explain to Molly what happened.

"Wildcat isn't giving up.." Kit said shaking his head and looking down at his own feet; "..but I've done nothing to earn anyone's respect." Kit felt that he was safe to express his own mind; however, the forces from within him were starting to resonate again. The same ones that created the images of Stephen's graphic body were not pleased with Kit this time.

*YOU STUPID KID!* Someone screamed out into his mind which shocked Kit. The pain of the scream in his mind forced Kit to hold onto his head and he began to whince.

"What's happening?" Kit screamed out to no one as the pain was increasing. There were no images this time for Kit to see.

*You couldn't save me! That's in the past.... let it go now....!* That voice screamed out into his mind once again as Kit was whincing in pain.

"Leave me alone..." Kit screamed again; but he was running short of breath quickly. Kit sits down againest the door continuing to hold his head in pain.

*You said that you would never let another furry being die on your watch!* the voice screams into Kit's mind again and for Kit Cloudkicker; this was starting to become more annoying by the minute. Even though Kit had problems trying to hear whom was trying to scream in his mind; the voice sounded very familiar and for some reason; he had met this furry somewhere before.

"What's the point?" Kit asked as he was yelling at no one; sounding like he was becoming insane; " Many furries die on my words are worthless!"

*They weren't worthless when you told Baloo he was the best!* the voice responded lowering his voice.

"That was different.." Kit responded shaking his head feeling like he was being tortured in his own mind.

*I don't see _ANY_ difference!* the voice raises his voice again *Your words spoke volumes. It made _you_ what _YOU_ are...Now prove to me that you are not hypocritical and get your mindset into finding her....Now!* The voice was now becoming so much of a torment to Kit that he couldn't take it anymore. He just wanted to scream his problems away.

"ALL RIGHT; I'LL LOOK FOR HER...!" Kit screamed so loud that WildCat could hear him from outside the bedroom. WildCat gets up for second to look up towards the bedroom door and sighs in a sad tone.

"Kit?" WildCat said shaking his head as he looked up the door leading to Kit's bedroom; "Poor guy..." Kit holds his face into his head and was about to cry until he realized something as if it was earth-shaking to him. Kit never gave up on his life; the whole experience of seeing Stephen being Rebecca's wife was something that Kit wasn't going to let him go down with. He made another promise before he did with Oniz and Gustove; a promise that he would never let another furry die on his watch. He was through seeing people die just because someone didn't care. This was the higher calling for him and he couldn't just back away from it. Molly needs Kit to tell her what really happened before Molly is forced to face the heavenly judge way too soon for her age. There were zero sure things in heaven.

"Whomever is telling me right.." Kit said looking towards the bedroom window and sounding like his old savior self; "..If I stay here then I'd be betraying my own words. That would be the worse offense." Kit then became a little somber and because he was a realist; he needed something that he could use to start looking for his surrogate sister; " Still; how do I find her? I need a lead..." Kit walks back and forth as WildCat was getting a transmission from someone...Hopefully; this would be the answer Kit was waiting for.

"This is WildCat calling over..." WildCat spoke over the radio as he was hoping for someone to tell him that Molly was found or at least even spotted at this point.

"Hello WildCat; How are you doing?" a shrill southern female voice beckons over the radio. Kit noticed the voice right away. It was Airplane Jane; a hippo pilot who has always given Baloo a hard time. They met for the first time near Walla-Walla-Bing-Bang where Baloo was supposed to deliever paperweights to Queen Gwace for her assention to the throne. It ended with Baloo and Jane giving Gwace the Wuby Wings; a heirloom to her assention to the throne according to tradition. Jane also defeated Baloo in a contest with unusual tactics which Baloo has yet to live down completely because Baloo didn't think of it first.

"I've been better Airplane Jane." WildCat responds looking quite surprised to hear her voice since it has been a long time; " This thing is hitting me like a striaght-down punch from Dumptruck...Yeah; it is..."

"The feeling is quite mutal.." Jane said feeling WildCat's pain; "..Anyway; I've been out on the town tonight and I found something quite bizzare."

"Bizzare?" WildCat asked looking puzzled as was Kit which was thinking that this has to be the lead he's been looking for.

"It's unbelievable that's for sure.."; Jane explained as Kit places his ear next to the door to hear Jane's voice was was slightly muffled; but was loud enough to hear; "..Some were in the entertainment district and saw a little golden bearcub in a Dangerwoman-type costume hanging on a black car."

"Mollykat!" WildCat let out a yelp as Kit slowly opens the door and exits the bedroom as he has heard the thing that he needed to start his search; " Do you know where that car is headed?"

"According to eyewitnesses.." Jane explained as Kit went down the stairs quietly in order for WildCat not to hear his footsteps as he needed to get past him; " Saint Peterdora; I think..."

"Thank you.." WildCat spoke as Kit gets behind WildCat and opens his collapsed airfoil; "..I'll contact the SeaDuck at once..."

"I'll do that for you WildCat.." Jane stated to show her support to the search for Molly; "..You still need to contact Derek after the 24 hours are up. All right?...Over and out.." The radio goes dead as WildCat puts the mircophone down and breathes a sigh of relief.

"Oh; WildCat?" Kit asked acting pretty smug as he sets up for the windup with his airfoil pulled back.

"Hey Kit; you feeling better?" WildCat asked as he makes a big mistake by turning around to see if Kit was there. That was the opening Kit needed as he jumps into the air and whacks WildCat in the kisser with his airfoil with extreme force before WildCat can even respond. The force of the blow knocked WildCat silly as he falls down flat on his face and then turns to his back seeing stars and was completely knocked out. Kit breathes heavily as he looks at the fallen WildCat slightly frightened that he might have killed him; however, WildCat was clearly breathing so he was alive. Kit then turns his back on WildCat and walks towards Rebecca's desk.

"Forgive me WildCat....but I cannot stand here and watch Molly suffering any longer...." Kit said as he sits in Rebecca's chair and opens the top right drawer. Kit proceeds to grab a fountain pen and a notebook; and would put those two items on the desk. He then takes out the broken photograph of Rebecca and Stephen which he broke last night and looks at it; "Mr. Cunningham? I know my role now. Thank you for making me see the truth. I am the messenger!!" Kit knew who was screaming into his mind. It was Stephen Cunningham all along. Kit realized that Rebecca wasn't joking after all; that a boy messanger would meet Rebecca and tell her the story of her slained husband and that boy was Kit Cloudkicker. Kit's role had played out according to Stephen's wishes and now Kit knew that his next role was to find Molly and tell her the truth; that Kit tried to save him....

Kit proceeds to write something with his printing skills as he looked at the photograph once again talking into it;"...and now I know where to look. Molly; I'm back to save you....Again!!" Kit continues to write as the clouds continue to increase in numbers. A storm was about to brew; both physically and spiritually.....


As Kit was writing his final swan song; back inside Detective Thursday was reading through a large black book with white letters entitled "New Rules of Police and Detective Conduct & Ethics Version 12.2"; shuffling through the pages in order to find a loophole in which would give him the justification to find Molly Cunningham right now. However; the book would give him no miracles whatsoever. He just continues to maintain his temper as the book continued to deny him proper recourse. The Windia Police Force's corruption was so acute that nearly every law was adjusted; even those that had nothing to do with the corruption in the first place. It was like the laws were designed to protect criminals and evil-doers instead of the citizens and was declaring the police to be incapable of making proper judgement or call for proper duty.

"Thanks a lot Konvent!" he shouted as he slammed the book down onto the desk looking flustered; " Thanks to your police force, there is no way that I can conduct an independent search without getting myself fired; not to mention bring down the entire police force. Six years of corruption and an entire clean up has destroyed all emergency checks and balances that might have has Molly home safely...Rebecca.." Derek proceeded to put his hands onto his head feeling a headache coming on; "..what did you do....?" he asked himself as Glenn re-enters the office looking quite concerned as he heard the slamming of the ethics book. He walks towards Derek as Derek looks up for a moment.

"Mate?" Glenn asked shaking his head in a show of agreement with him; "You seem distaught..."

"Why am I even trying?" Derek proclaimed in a defeated tone as he looks down at the book which he would curse forever; " Gregory Skywinds might have gotten justice and rightfully so...However; I betcha he has no idea that his justice has created worse problems then ever before. I guess we were better off..." Glenn could only nod his head in agreement; however, in a way he couldn't blame Mr. Skywinds for this. Someone was going to spill the beans on the dark side of the police and it was going to happen even if Gregory had done nothing. Glenn knew that it was Konvent and his squad for betraying the trust of the police principals and condoning the action of the criminals known as the Air Pirates. Sure; Gregory Skywinds' actions shouldn't be condoned either; however, Glenn still couldn't help but think that without Gregory's information and cooperation, the Air Pirates would have poisoned the police force completely and it would be a lot worse than it originally is now. The police force was stuck with these rules and had no one but themselves to blame.

"I talk to Decto's Mental Health Chief.." Glenn told Derek trying to break the news gently as this wasn't good news either; "..They want to release him; but Mr. Skywinds won't allow that."

"What?!" Derek asked with his face lighting up with shock as he thought that this was going to be good news; " Greg planned this?"

"Aye mate.." Glenn responded as Derek laid his head into his head feeling an acute case of pain in his mind; "..Greg think Criag is not ready yet."

"Eighteen months.." Derek said sounding very upset as his best hope was seemly fighting his own demons long after they combined together; "..I need his help and he said he cannot control himself... That's just swell..." Derek then decided to ask the question as he had lost track of time once again; looking through that book for a long time now; " How much more time?"

"12 hours left sir.." Glenn responded shaking his head as if he was already proclaiming Molly dead before it even started as he replaces his police officer hat and decides to leave Derek to his own thoughts;"..I'm returning to full duty now..I'll see you later.." Derek raised his head and nods to him for good luck as Glenn opens up the door and walks out of the office to leave Derek alone. As the door closes; Derek stands up and looks towards his water cooler wondering if he will be blamed for Molly's death now. He knows how angry Rebecca can become when anything goes wrong. He was shuttering himself to thinking how angry Rebecca could be if Molly was found dead....Derek realized that if Molly dies; that book of ethics would become the downfall of the police force rather than the savior that the Cape Suzette government thinks it is.

"Rebecca.." Derek said quietly as he was looking at his reflection on the mirrored glass of the water cooler; "..I cannot do anything now.." As Derek was deep into his reflection; the phone suddenly begins to ring off the hook causing Derek to frown and grumble sliently..What now?" he asked as he walks quickly to the phone and picks it up; " Hello?"

"Derek?" asked a female voice which sounded exactly like Sara Mandate; " Can you assist us?"

"I'm sorry Ms. Mandate;" Derek exclaimed sadly as he confirmed the person calling as Sara Mandate; Ernie's mother; "... but I cannot forsake my duties or the law."

"Why?" Sara asked with a surprise tone in her voice; " Is this the consequences of the Windia Police Force....?"

"I'm afraid so." Derek responded; shaking his head sadly.

"This is a disgrace!!" Sara shouted out bitterly as Derek nods his head in agreement; " I came to call you that I got a phonecall."

"A phonecall?" Derek asked sounding quite interested. Normally; Sara doesn't get phonecalls late at night and she was usually asleep at this point.

"Yeah; It was for Ernie and Ernie looked like a ghost after the call." Sara responds as Derek's face was showing signs of shock since Ernie wasn't supposed to be even up at night; " He said it was from Kit.."

"Kit?" Derek asked sounding extermely suprised and realizing without any thinking that something was wrong at Higher for Hire if Kit was calling in the middle of the night; " What did he say?"

"Kit said that he wouldn't be able to attend Jungle Ace meetings anymore and then he said goodbye forever.." Sara said sounding quite panicky in her voice now and was sounding like she was ready to cry; "...I think Kit's run away."

"That is just great." Derek snarled as he slapped himself on the side of the head in disgust and frustration; " Now I've got two missing kids now!" This was the last thing Derek Thursday needed. He had heard Kit's story plastered on the airwaves on how he rany away from the orphanage. His thoughts started to ask the question: ~ What did Rebecca say to that kid? Doesn't she know that Kit might run away from this?~ He was at this point trying to keep his composure.

"I've tried to call WildCat;" Sara said looking quite upset in her own right; " but he won't respond."

"I'll contact Miss Cunningham about this, all right?" Derek said trying to calm down Sara's hysteria. Sara calmed down rather quickly.

"Okay.." Sara spoke quietly; "..I'm going to bed now."

"You and Ernie do that.." Derek said trying to get the proper words across and having limited success; "...We don't need more kids lost tonight; don't we?"

"Thank you.." Sara said sounding like she was feeling somewhat relieved; "..bye for now...." Derek said goodbye in unison and then replaces the phone back to its original spot and then something managed to hit him in the head. It was as if the obvious was starting to come back to him. He started to feel a certain amount of relief return to his own soul.

"You know something.." Derek said smiling and realizing that he should have known Kit a lot better than he was giving credit to; "..I think Kit ran away to find Molly himself and if that is ture than Molly's chances to live have been enhanced. Kit's been on the streets before and judging by his instincts he can find anyone quickly. My only hope is that he hasn't lost those instincts from his days at Higher for Hire. I fear that he is going to revert to that old save her...." However; as quickly as he said that the depression and worry started to settle back into his mind; this time towards Rebecca; "How do I break this to her?" he could only ask as he was left wondering to how this whole situation was breaking down before his very eyes. He knew that time was going to run out for Kit if he doesn't find Molly quickly. Derek just shook his head in sorrow again as he stands up and walks out of his office. He needed to talk to someone....and keep his own words; not to mention his own soul which was miles apart from his body at this point.....


As Derek was pondering; action was taking place at Louie's main docks. The place was pretty quiet now mainly because the majority of pilots were on search for Molly apparently. Louie Lamount was pretty annoyed as Rebecca seemed distaught and was ready to snap. Louie had told her that they couldn't find her anywhere in his place or on any of the planes. Rebecca didn't buy it since Molly was a first class sneak and was better at hiding away from people. Baloo just looked like he was unable to control anything and sounded like the most mature furry in the group here. Baloo had no flight plan and the SeaDuck's gas tank was quite low. This was one of the few times where Rebecca and Baloo agreed that going to Louie's was a good idea. Sadly; it wasn't in happy times though....

"I tried to tell her Louie;" Baloo whined as they walked back towards the SeaDuck; " but she wouldn't listen..If.."

"Hey buster!" Rebecca snapped back sounding raspy now; " Molly could have hid in the cargo hold and no one would have noticed."

"Look Miss Cunningham because of _standards_ all cargo is checked." Louie responded as he was starting to sound irrated; " My attendents would have found her by now and we would have called you."

"Come on Rebecca.." Baloo said as he looks at Rebecca's eyes and he didn't like the look of that face; "..let's get going."

"Louie.." Rebecca said attempting to sound like she wasn't blaming him for anything; "..If you do manage to find her can you please contact us..."

"Of course.." Louie said as he folded his arms and looked angry; "..but only because Baloo loves her."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Rebecca growled back hating that insult. However; before she could do anything; Baloo came in between them. The last thing that was needed was for these two to be fighting and wasting valuable time. Louie decides to back off as he knew how powerful Baloo Waladaze was.

"Beckey?" Baloo asked calmly; " Please go into the SeaDuck..."

"But Baloo.." Rebecca protested but Baloo holds up his hand to calm her down. Rebecca felt absolutely insulted by that act considering that she was Baloo's boss.

"Let me talk to my best friend okay..." Baloo said nodding his head. Rebecca started to calm down and realized that arguing with Baloo was a waste of time and that she was acting exactly like him during this time. She was seeing a different Baloo; a more mature Baloo that wasn't apparent during his time at Higher For Hire.

"All right..." Rebecca said as her words drifted off. She opens the SeaDuck front door and steps right in and then slams the door behind her. Louie only got more cross as a result of this.

"Cuz; she could've ruined your doors.." Louie said with his arm folded as Baloo just shook his head in sorrow for his boss; "..Baloo; I think that it's time that Rebecca gave you back Higher for Hire." Baloo's jaw simply dropped as he knew Rebecca wouldn't do that. Sure; Baloo was going to buy the SeaDuck from Rebecca; but as far as the actual company is concerned, Rebecca owns Baloo's Air Service and she can keep it.

"What are you talking about?" Baloo asked looking stunned.

"Rebecca's got a daughter and she's missing." Louie responded sounding very serious as Baloo's face was turning into anger with every word Louie was saying; " Beckey's letting this business get in the way of her parenting duties. She's the poster lady for why single families shouldn't have children..."

"Let me tell you something you so-called expert!" Baloo growled bitterly as he was shouting directly into Louie's face as he was fed up with everyone pouring on Rebecca; " Since when do you ever take care of children? For your information Louie Lamount; Molly's dad died two years ago at the hands of Don Karnage. Beckey's had to tred lightly in order not to break her heart. Now Molly believes that Kit killed her dad and I don't know what to say to her.." Baloo's voice was breaking as he wasn't really thinking about anyone but Rebecca's reputation; "..But I'll say this: If Beckey didn't come around; I would be grounded and dead for good!" That last statement was an absolute shock to Louie Lamount; that Baloo of all furries out there who was come to Rebecca's defense. For years; Baloo has hated what Rebecca has done; even though in the end it was for the best. Louie couldn't say anything as Rebecca was watching in the SeaDuck sitting in Kit's navigator chair. She was watching her action towards having resposiability for her own daughter's development.

"Baloo...I've never seen him like this since the Lightning Gun battle.." Rebecca said looking down at her feet as the two friends argue with weither or not Rebecca was a good mother or not; " ..I forgotten all about him.." As Rebecca tilts her head up she was realizing that she couldn't hide from the reality of her situation. She wasn't keeping her word about spending her time with Molly Cunningham; that promise that she made when Molly got a strange pet from the Valley of Yenerka where a bounty hunter nearly drove a magical creature to its own distruction; "..Louie has finally exposed what I've been lacking all along. What have I been doing all this time...?"

"I have no idea;" a southern female voice beckons on the radio; " but at least you manage to keep that tub of lard in line." Rebecca grabs the transmitter as speaks into it looking quite surprised. She had heard of this voice before.

"Airplane Jane?" Rebecca said looking quite surprised; " What in limbo dance are you here for?"

"Oh come on!" Jane protested; " A fine refined girl like ya shouldn't be using that dialogue sugar."

"Hey.." Rebecca snapped back harshly; "..I'm trying to find my daughter. Can I help it if I'm desparate?"

"I guess not.." Jane responded believing that the desparation was a blessing; "..Anyway; I think that I have a lead on Molly..."

"You do?" Rebecca asked as her eyes light up with hope.

"Uh huh.." Jane explained as Rebecca looks outside the SeaDuck and sees Baloo and Louie resuming their debate on her parenthood; "..I've heard from the grapevine that a little girl bearcub in overalls wearing a cape and a colinder on her head was spotted in the Entertainment District of Cape Suzette."

"That's Molly all right.." Rebecca said as she realized that it had to be her; "..Where is she?"

"I cannot pinpoint her location.." Jane responded firmly; "..however; she was on a black car headed on the road to Saint Peterdora.."

"You don't know how thankful I am.." Rebecca said as she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Considering that Baloo has continued to claim that I cheated in a stupid flying race;" Jane responded with a joke in her voice; " the feeling of respect for you is noted."

"I see..." Rebecca said as her eyes were pinpoint on the debate going on between Baloo and Louie. They were not stopping at this point.

"I'm just saying that Rebecca should concerate raising her daughter and let you prove that you can be responsible for her Air Service." Louie explained his case as Baloo refuses to heed him; " Beckey's livelihood depends on it now."

"Beckey would never accept this." Baloo protested knowing Rebecca's mindset; " This was supposed to be an experiment for the empowerment of woman in this line of work..."

"...and she has succeeded in that." Louie snaps back with a hint of compassion in his voice; " However; her singleness is burrying her Cuz. I'm only saying that Beckey actually...." 

"Baloo?!" Rebecca shouts out as she opens the SeaDuck and her head pops out of the plane; " Airplane Jane was on the radio..."

"Now how did she get my radio frequency?" Baloo asked shrugging his shoulders again and looking quite annoyed. He hated Jane because she continues to rub it into the fact that Baloo lost an air race to her because she was innovative and Baloo still thought she was cheating.

"Forget that!" Rebecca shouts out again; " Jane just told me that someone might have seen Molly in the Cape Suzette entertainment district..."

"Button Nose is still inside the city somewhere..." Baloo said as his eyebrows rose up. Molly hasn't hitchhiked onto a seaplane yet; and she was spotted somewhere in the city. They have been looking in the wrong place all this time.

"Jane also said that she was on a car headed to Saint Peterdora.." Rebecca continued; "..This is our first lead Baloo! We must return to Cape Suzette at once!"

"Saint Peterdora's small compared to Cape Suzette." Louie said wiping the sweat from his forehead and feeling much calmer now;" Plus; there is a landing strip down there. Boy; got a lucky break there."

"I'll take what I can get." Rebecca responded. It was a small break for her; but a much needed one. Prehaps there was a furry watch on tap in that area to spot Molly Cunningham and they must have either called the police or the pilots in that area. There was hope left for her; even if it was slight. Baloo was ready to take his leave as he steps inside the SeaDuck and closes the door. Rebecca returns to the navigator's chair and Baloo sits down onto his chair as he starts the engines. The Superflight 100's roared like a lion on drugs as Louie gets out of the way in order to prevent himself being blown away by the power of the engines.

"Beckers loves her..." Louie said shaking his head realizing just how right Baloo was; "..Cuz is right on one thing. Rebecca loves her and I'm no child expert..." It was a truce to be sure as the SeaDuck starts to leave from the docks. It glides onto the water for a while as it gains speed and then it rises high up into the sky. Louie watches the SeaDuck as it flies out of sight and out of mind on a quest to find a small little girl bearcub. Louie turns around and notices that one of his grease monkey's was standing there wiping his hands on a white towel with was partly covered in oil. He was just under five feet tall and was wearing white overalls and a orange shirt. Louie then started to realize something wasn't exactly right here.

"Louie?" Grease Monkey said as Louie looks at him and has a sharp look on his kisser;" Wiley Pole's on the radio..."

"Wait a minute!" Louie shouts out as he approches the Grease Monkey;" Weren't you supposed to be filling up the SeaDuck?"

"Sorry Louie; but the radio was on and I had to answer it." Grease Monkey said looking a bit firghtened; " I never got the chance to look at the SeaDuck." Louie was ticked off now. The SeaDuck's tank was barely one eighth full and Baloo stated that he needed the gas tank filled. Louie's face was flush hot with rage now.

"Baloo said to fill the was near empty." Louie shouted out as he was now pulling onto Grease Monkey's overalls and lifting him up into the air and then forces GreaseMonkey down hard on his seat; " He's going to make it to Saint Peterdora and he'll be lucky to even make it to Cape Suzette!"

"That's not the worst of it." Grease Monkey said looking worried as well; trying to get onto his feet again.

"What did you say?" Louie asked sounding angry beyond belief for his own standards anyway.

"Wiley said there are massive stormclouds between Cape Suzette and Saint Peterdora." Grease Monkey proclaimed as he pointed up towards the sky as there were more clouds in the night sky than usual around here; " The conditions are almost unflyable there."

"Just great.. " Louie said as he threw his straw hat down on the boardwalk dock; "..Baloo is sunk. No thank to you!!" He ended his rage by pointing directing at Grease Monkey who did manage to get up to his feet. Nothing seemly was going right for anyone tonight and for Baloo the worst was yet to come...and sounded like Louie wasn't just blaming Grease Monkey for this madness....


Back inside the offices of Higher for Hire; WildCat was starting to finally wake up after getting hit from behind by Kit Cloudkicker. He manages to get onto his feet; still feeling a bit dizzy as he tries to get his bearings back. That was something that was quite hard for him considering his condition.

"What happened?" WildCat asked himself as he walked around in a dizzy state; only it just wasn't that funny; " That hit was harder than a bunch of bowling balls on pins.." WildCat looked around as his eyes began to refocus again and notices that the door was flung wide open and Kit was nowhere to be found; "..Kit? Where are you? Kit?! Don't tell me that squid came back to eat ya? Kit?!" WildCat calls out again as he goes to Rebecca's desk and notices that Kit had indeeded left a note. WildCat picks up the vanilla note with a pencil printing written by Kit and reads it carefully. His jaw would simply jaw as if something was considered earth-shaking;" Uh Oh?!" WildCat wasted no time as he runs to the radio; adjusts the mircophone and operates the radio. He adjusts the frequency to the one that responds to the SeaDuck's two-way radio and he beckons out a message; " Baloo? Come in Baloo?"

"Wildcat? I see that you're here." Baloo's shrill voice beckoned over the radio which gave WildCat a certain amount of relief and he figured it could've been worse. It could be Rebecca screaming right now for him; " I was calling ya twice on the radio. Why didn't you respond quickly?"

"Ummm..Baloo.." WildCat attempted to explain; "..we have a problem..."

"Well; our problems been solved." Baloo responded thinking that WildCat's only problem was keeping track of time; " Mollykat's been sighted going to Saint Peterdora. Beckey and I are going there..."

"Baloo.." WildCat said taking a very deep breath before letting the truth out; "..Kit's gone..." Those two words were the noise that someone in the SeaDuck clearly didn't want to hear....

"NO! KIT! WHY?!" Rebecca screamed at the top of her lungs which caused Baloo to hold his ears to muffle the volume of those vocal cords; forcing him to let go of the transmitter.

"Owww!" WildCat whinced as he was holding his ears in agony; " My eardrums are popping like party balloons."

"Wildcat?!" Rebecca shrieked uncontrollably as she now had the transmitter in her hand and was squeezing it harshly; " How could ya let him go run off like this?"

"He smacked me with that airfoil of his..." WildCat tries to explain but Rebecca instantly cuts him off in mid-stream.

"I should strangle you for that!!" Rebecca snaps back at WildCat as she was unfit to hear any excuses at this point.

"Beckey;" Baloo said grabbing the transmitter out of her hands; "... please calm down."

"SHUT UP!" Rebecca screams right into Baloo's face and just simply let her feelings out without any thought at all; " I can't take this!! If you want Higher for Hire you can have it!!"

"Rebecca...I.." Baloo said shocked at what he was hearing. Before he could go any further he talks into the transmitter; " ..Excuse me Wildcat."

"Baloo..." WildCat tries to ask what was going on; however, Baloo turns off the radio and it goes slient. He then replaces the transmitter back into it's holder. He wanted to handle Rebecca on his own; even though he wasn't an expert on trumatic experiences either. Something was eating Rebecca's heart alive; otherwise she would never give up Higher for Hire back to him. After all; it was Baloo laziness that caused Baloo's Air Service to become Higher For Hire in the first place; and as far as Baloo was concerned; she can keep it that way.

"What's wrong with ya Boss Lady?!" Baloo asked with a worried look that was pure; " I've never...."

"I love him!!" Rebecca snapped back at him like a snapdragon ready to eat insects, but with compassion; " I don't want him to die!"

"Little Britches has been on the streets before...." Baloo states but Baloo should've known that those statement in front of Rebecca would cause more pain to her. Kit's sad song was playing out in Rebecca's head once again. She had completely changed. Her shrewdness was completely gone and what was left was a soul who didn't want to see Kit leave her. This is what Baloo originally feared when he knew that Kit would never accept adoption. Not because Kit didn't want to be Rebecca's son; but because Kit's childhood was officially dead in the water. It would be best to leave Kit as he is now....

"How can you be so" Rebecca wails as she was crying hard now, frailing her arms in a level of helplessnes that was typical of Rebecca; "..thoughtless..."

"Beckey.. "Baloo said shaking his head at the sight of Rebecca, prehaps Louie was right after all; "..Kit left because he wants to find Molly...because I know that Kit Cloudkicker would never give up on her.." Rebecca looks up and stops crying; " you wouldn't either."

"Baloo.." Rebecca said drying her tears and realizing that Kit was going to do this from the start; "..I know where he's going..."

"Saint Peterdora....." Baloo said as his voice drifts off. There was no more to be said as the SeaDuck continues to fly at its own top speed towards Cape Suzette. However; it was still at least another half-hour away. Kit would be long gone by then.....


Kit Cloudkicker knew that time was not on his side and the world was bigger than he was. Luck was going to have to play a role in finding Molly and even he feared that it was going to run out soon. Kit was now inside the Harbour District side of the city and was seeing hundreds of planes dotted along the harbour side. There were various fish and grocery markets lined along the area as well; however, they were unimportant to Kit. Kit stops for a moment and tries to get his bearings; hoping no one will see him.

"I've got to find a plane that I can hang to Saint Peterdora....." Kit said under his breath as Kit looks around and tries not to be seen. He knew that he was a mascot now that everyone knows him as the grand son of diplomat Maxim and the son of the famous pilot Gregory. Not to mention that Baloo has probably started to realize that he was gone and got the search party ready for him. Luckly for Kit; no one seemed to care. It was just like old times; only this time it was helping him in a sense. Kit looks towards the harbour hoping to find a seaplane that he could hitchhike on and would allow him to go to Saint Peterdora. He walked along the boardwalk until Kit was at a place called the Swicker Docks ;which was a popular place for pilots who were flying solo. Kit saw four seaplanes lined side by side along the dock. Right in front of Kit was a large square wooden building called the Potluck Cafe where the pilots hanged out before going on their marry way. Kit runs there and tries to look around; but he sees a large white sign close by that read: CLOSED UNTIL 8 AM!. Kit was not happy at these events. His plan was to find a pilot that didn't know him and talk him into giving him a ride to Saint Peterdora because Molly was missing. Those plans were shattered.

"Oh great!" Kit whinced as he kicked the ground with his foot; "It's closed! How am I..?" Kit was then interrupted by the sounds of a familiar engine. It sounded like a bunch of Phoenix T-100 engines; made by a competitor of the Superflight team that made Baloo's plane. Kit turns around and sees a blue/orange splash scheme seaplane which looked brand new. Kit noticed the style had to be a Teyold model T-1 plane because it was in production in the last few years. Kit walks towards the seaplane and starts to wonder...

"Should I....?" Kit questioned himself as he pondered for a brief moment about the ethics of hitchhiking; however, the plane slowly began to move and Kit's decision was made for him as always in these moments; "No time...." Before Kit could catch his breath; he was running and made a huge leap of faith and landed right on the plane's back wing as the seaplane gained more speed and altitude. Kit is feeling quite giddy that he was still able to pull that stunt off after the last couple years of not having to fight for his life on the streets. Kit hangs on the plane for dear life as he crawls up towards the center of the seaplane and squirms around as the seaplane flies away. The question was only one: Did he choose the right plane?


As Kit ponders his fate; the rain was starting to fall down as the black antique car drives on a windy road outside the city limits. Molly was hanging on for dear life as the black car was heading for the junction. The surrounding areas was filled with mixed stands of forests and various flowers. The road was completely muddy and the mud was threathening to throw up into the air and hit Molly Cunningham. Molly was shivering and sneezes once with the cold air getting into her lungs.

"Are you okay Lucy?" Molly asked as she looked at her doll and starts to get angry without a hint of prokovation;" Why are you looking at me like that?! HOW CAN YOU LOVE KIT?!!" she was screaming at the top of her lungs as in a fit of rage; she throws her doll Lucy away with a mighty throw as Lucy plops down to the muddy road. Molly's minds starts to wonder as she continues to scream loudly; " Everyone's againest me! What's happening to me?!" Suddenly; Molly's eyes begin to close and she was starting to see black and white flashblacks pounded into her mind. Molly could see herself free-falling out of the sky which continues to haunt her to this very day. It was at a time when Kit and Molly were babysitting and Molly caused all sorts of troubles including getting Kit late and in trouble with Rebecca. However; the biggest trouble was that she was being attacked by a gaint squid with loves her favorite icecream; Frosty Pep. Kit defeated the squid by giving the squid the Frosty Pep filled with hot red pepper. However; Molly became selfish and took the Frosty Pep away and got caught by the squid who ate her icecream and threw Molly off the SeaDuck. Kit persued after her.

* I gotcha Molly..* Kit yelled out as he and Molly hold on to each other and Kit gets upright*..hang on!* Kit then proceeds to reach underneath his sweater and grabs his airfoil. With a flick of the wrist; he opens the airfoil to create a fan-like shape and places it under his feet as Molly's frightened state changed to glee because it was the first time she was able to ride with Kit. Kit glides his airfoil gently down onto the water and Molly squeals with glee. When Kit hits the water; he brakes to a complete stop and both kids dismount off the airfoil and fall into the ocean safely. Kit treads waters with Molly in tow as they grab the airfoil and use it as a floation device.

* As soon as Baloo picks us up..* Kit said looking quite concerned as both kids would be soaked and probably catch cold quickly *..I'll take ya home.*

*Awww.. do we have to?* Molly squeaks smiling from ear to ear as she was enjoying herself* Let's do that again.*

*[Always' the troublemaker...]* Kit wispered to himself as Molly was hugging him and Kit could only groan in pain as the real Molly was holding her head in pain. She couldn't believe the images that she was seeing as they were all putting Kit into a good light instead for the light she wanted to see which was that he was a murderer.

"Get out of my head!" Molly screamed out as another black & white scene was playing her head; this time they were in Rebecca's apartment family room where Kit was on all fours and Molly looked happy as she was on top of Kit. Rebecca Cunningham and Baloo Waladaze were watching the two and smiling in unison. It was when Molly reunited with Rebecca after the squid battle and Kit was given another chance to babysit Molly.

*Come on kiddo..* Kit said as he crawls towards the bedroom *..I'll put ya in bed and read you a story.*

*Oh goodie...Kit?* Molly asked looking quite smug as she was testing Kit's patience again * Will you klonk your head on the chairs for me again?!*

*Ah no....* Kit said looking annoyed at first; however, he couldn't keep his ture feelings as he started to crack a smile.

*Oh yes you will!* Baloo and Rebecca said at the same time as they burst into laugher; with Molly starting to giggle as Kit was blushing in acute embrassment. The real Molly Cunningham however; wasn't impressed as her head was casting positive images of Kit.

"This is a lie!" Molly screamed in acute denial; even though those events turely happened;" This is nothing but a lie!" This ordeal of images was starting to give Molly headaches. However; there was another image to beckon on the poor girl as the next scene took her to a forest somewhere as Kit and Molly hid behind a large rock. To the west there was a large river while there was thick forest to the east. Behind the rock was a large grey dog wearing a black coat and pants with a black cowboy hat handling a musket loaded with bullets ready to shoot to kill. Molly was scared as she was holding a grey buffalo with wing which was known as an Yenkara which Molly named Henry. This was when Kit and Molly escaped with Henry from a bounty hunter who was bringing Henry to a zoo. Molly manage to beheld the strange beast and had him as a pet. Kit and Molly recluently agree to bring Henry to his real home despite the fact that it could separate Molly from her mother forever. The crazy, insane bounty hunter was known as Vincent MacKnee; a resident of Windia who was making up crazy stories about mystical beast and was persuing the Yenkara to prove his point that mystical beast walk among them.

*Don't worry..* Kit said as he and Molly held hands together and Kit looks forward breathing heavily * ..He won't find us.* Vincent looks around and getting more impatient by the second.

*Hey kids! I know you're out there!* Vincent yells out sounding insane * Come out into the open!* Molly of course; being a little kid who didn't understand that Vincent was smelling blood decides to pop up from the rock as Vincent's back was turned.

*Not a chance creepface!* Molly squeaks as Kit pull her down and cover her mouth harshly. The last thing Kit wanted was for her to be spotted because that would be the end of Henry the Yenekara.

*Would you be quiet?!* Kit said quietly so that Vincent couldn't hear. Vincent turns around towards the rock and sees absolutely nothing.

*I haven't got all day!* Vincent shouts out as he looks around once again. Kit Cloudkicker had to think fast because their cover was very close to being blown. He then had an idea; which was of course to risk his life to protect both a young girl which came within an eyelash of being shot by Vincent MacKnee and a mystical beast.

*Listen Molly..* Kit speaks into Molly's ear as Molly nods her head. Since Kit was experienced in being a bodyguard and babysitter; Molly wasn't about to disobey him *..You run to the river...I'll cover you.* MacKnee is still looking around as Kit springs into action to fool MacKnee into thinking that Molly had run off deeper into the forest and instead of running towards the river and making Henry big again since Henry becomes 12 feet long when he was wet with water. As Kit reveals himself; Vincent turns around and sees Kit who was in a panic state right next to the huge rock.

*Hey! There she goes!* Kit shouts out as he points towards the east; deep into the forest. Vincent turns to the east and walks forward; looking around the general area away from Molly who at the same time runs to the river as fast as her little legs could carry her. She manages to make it to the river in time so that MacKnee couldn't even see her now. Vincent looks around a little bit more but he sees nothing and realizes that he was probably had by the bearcub. He turns around and decides to corner Kit; looking quite angry.

*BLAST YOU BOY!* Vincent screamed as he looks cold towards Kit as he backs up againest the rock *There's nothing there!*

*[Here Henry;]* Molly wispers to Henry as she prepares to put Henry into the water knowing that Kit was in trouble with Vincent *[Let's get you into the river. Kit needs our help...]* Henry nods in agreement as if he could understand her.

*If you're lying boy...* Vincent said as he looks sharp into Kit's eyes and was licking his chops to make Kit feel afraid of him and confess that he lied to him. However; Kit's fear instantly changed to a smile as he snaps his fingers and looks at him with a tremendous bravado.

*Now I remember!!* Kit said with bravado as Molly places Henry into the river. Kit's plan had worked to perfection; all he had to do is have Henry grab him and MacKnee was defeated *She dried up and shrunk!* Kit then changes to a controlled state of agressiveness as he shoves the evil MacKnee backwards causing MacKnee to stagger a bit; however, before Kit could run off, Vincent regains his composure and grabs Kit by the collar.

*I've had enough! YOU'RE DEAD CLOUDKICKER!* Vincent screams into Kit's face as he grabs his silver colt pistol and points it at Kit's head. However; that was exactly what Kit wanted MacKnee to do because Henry had soaked himself with enough water to grow back up to 12 feet and he flies towards Kit and grabs him by the midsection with Molly Cunningham sitting on his back. That raised MacKnee off his feet and up into the air which causes MacKnee to lose both his musket and pistol as he was helpless in the sky *WHAT?! LET ME GO!* he screams as Kit and MacKnee struggle with each other. Kit finally had enough and he shoves MacKnee again and gives enough force to dislodge himself from MacKnee and that causes Vincent to fall into the river before and it was running out of sight and out of Kit's mind. Kit breathes a sigh of relief.

*What do you think of me now?* Molly asked Kit looking cocky as Kit could only smile and look at his savior; even though it was his plan to begin with.

*Pretty good for a kid.* Kit admitted with a smile as Henry flies up into the sky and goes to its destination. The scene fades to black as Molly was continuing to fight the images which she considers a lie and nothing more.

"Why are you...?" Molly asked herself as the pain was starting to subside. She was trying to think of an image that would prove that Kit did in fact kill her dad and she might have one in mind as another image was starting to show itself as Molly was playing with a somber look in her face inside Rebecca's apartment with a brown kitten who was about Kit's age who was wearing white overalls, blue shirt and black shoes. They were inside the family room as her name was Jerry Knitenbottom and she looked very concern not only for Molly but also for Kit Cloudkicker because she had heard that he was going to become a stuntfurry for Dan's flying circus and that she was replacing Molly as her new babysitter. It was almost the evening as the sky was growing dark; as Rebecca Cunningham finally enters the apartment wearing her purple coat. She goes towards the coat hanger and she places her coth on there as Jerry approches Rebecca,

*Ah; Miss Cunningham!* Jerry said acting very nice * Thank you for the job. It was a pleasure to babysit Molly.*

*So you didn't have any problems with Molly?* Rebecca asked as she notices that Molly was looking somber or bored or both. Things haven't been the same since Kit Cloudkicker left Higher For Hire.

*Well; she hasn't been her cheerful self lately..* Jerry said looking at Molly as Molly refuses to look at her. Rebecca notices this and her smile disappeared quickly.

*Maybe I should talk to her.* Rebecca said as she shakes hands with Jerry * I've been having bad luck this week myself.*

*Thank you..* Jerry said as she walks out of the apartment and waves goodbye as Molly stands up *..I'll take my payment at the end of the week. Take care...* Rebecca nods as Jerry closes the door behind her. Rebecca goes towards Molly and gently picks Molly up.

*What's wrong pumpkin? Why so glum?* Rebecca asked looking somber as she strokes her hair.

*Where's Kit?* Molly squeaked out * Kit's supposed to be babysitting me!*

*I'm sorry honey..* Rebecca said not changing her tone at all *..I'm afraid Kit's having a tough time...*

*Why?* Molly asked looking quite upset right now.

*Kit decided to leave us for a while..* Rebecca said struggling to explain that Kit wanted to become someone else other than the navigator and future pilot of Higher For Hire *..He thinks that he is cut out for more than just cargo...and wants to be a stuntman.* The image finally fades to black as Molly was shedding tears and looked very angry. This was all the evidence she wanted to see; or prove that Kit was evil and no good for the world. She couldn't understand that Kit Cloudkicker was merely trying to prove himself that he was more than just a sidekick and he didn't understand that Rebecca was planning to have him become the future pilot of Higher For Hire once Kit reaches sixteen.

"He only cares about himself. Just like Baloo..Just like Mommy." Molly screamed as she started to sob lightly and the sound was slowly becoming louder "..I'll avenge you Dad! Oh Dad!!"

"Who's talking out there?!" the driver asked as the sound was beginning to annoy him now.

"I'm not going to check the thief.." the female passenger protested; " do that."

"I'll do it at Saint Peterdora Tourism, ok?" the driver asked as he didn't want to go out into the rain just yet.

"Very well...." the female passenger responded bitterly as the black car continues to drive towards the new destination; with Molly continuing to cry. As that was happening; the scene returns to Lucy who was thrown away by her only friend Molly Cunningham because for goodness knows what reason. The rain was coming down harder as the doll gets soaked and caked with mud. Three bicycles stop next to the doll and it turns out to be those three bullies again as Boris, Dustin and Salet dismount off their bicycles properly and place the bikes right next to the trees. Boris walks towards the muddy doll of Molly's and picks up Lucy.

"Feh.." Dustin speaks with a giggle in his voice; "'s that cute girl's doll."

"Yeah;" Salet said looking at Dustin; " that girl is pretty careless with her processions."

"Shut up you two!!" Boris screams out looking quite cross at his train's stupidity; " I don't care about worthless dolls...I want the girl herself.."

"Wait a minute boss." Salet said as he points towards the direction where the black car was headed; " If I'm correct, the car's heading to Saint Peterdora.."

"You're dumber than stone Salet!" Dustin said as he gently knocked onto Salet's head which completely annoys Salet; " The path breaks into three paths at the Junction Checkpoint: Saint Peterdora, Pazuza and Wejerek. Honestly; you are..."

"...smarter than Dustin; that's for sure." Boris said as he slaps Dustin silly which makes Dustin whince in pain; " Pazuza and Wejerek's gates are closed at dusk to prevent us from entering. But Saint Peterdora's wide open..."

"Yeah; and that's our base of operations." Salet said laughing out loud which was annoying Boris now; " This will be easier than I thought..."

"Yeah right!" Boris snaps back as he slaps Salet silly and he now whinces in pain; " We still have to get past the Junction Checkpoint. If Pierce doesn't blow a gasket; they will. Let's go." Salet and Dustin clear the cobwebs out of their dumb minds as Boris, Dustin and Salet go back to the trees and remount onto their bikes. Boris has Lucy in his hands as they rode towards the Junction Checkpoint; the place where the path converge. Molly was still in trouble and there was no one to protect her; not that she wanted protection at this point....and who was Pierce anyway?


As Kit finally manages to stand up after a long time of crawling to the centre of the plane where he would walk onto his feet now; he looked around to get his bearing. He took out his yellow plastic compass and pointed it towards the sky and noticed that the direction that the plane was taking him was south of Cape Suzette; which was completely away from his original destination of Saint Peterdora. The closest city to the south was Jadd; which was near a cold climate area just west of the Outback. Kit was getting very frustrated once again as he clearly picked the wrong plane to hitchhike on. He could feel the reality setting in as prehaps his luck was finally running on empty.

"Oh shoot!" Kit shouted out without a second thought as he took his foot and kicked it in the air which in turn caused him to fall backwards onto his seat. The impact caused enough pain to make him grit his teeth and he was pretty upset that little was going right for him; " This plane's not headed to the landing strip....I'll have to wait..." However; his voice was clearly too loud because he started to hear someone grumbling inside.

"Someone's on top of my plane!" a familiar voice which was northern in tone; but as shrill as a southern; " Someone's hitchhiking..."

"Uh oh!" Kit said with a clutch of panic; lowering his voice to a dull roar as he attempted to look for a place to hide and couldn't find anywhere;" Oh great! I'm stuck!" Kit shouted out before turning to wispering as he notices that there was a hatch that swings up when opened and allows for a temporary hiding spot. The hatch seemed big enough for Kit to hide from as Kit got into the proper position; " [I'll sneak behind and....]" As Kit expected the hatch swinged open and Kit was able to hide behind the door completely out of sight. What came out of that was a familiar yellow armidillo who was barely over five feet tall and was wearing a grey leather jacket and brown scarf. He looks around and he sees absolutely nothing.

"I swore that I heard a little boy's voice.." the armidillo exclaimed wondering if the hitchhiker actually killed himself. He then makes the mistake of turning around to look at the front of the plane as Kit instantly jumps up and grab onto Dillo from behind by the neck and he squeezes him tightly as the armidillo struggles quite a bit; "..What the devil?!" he shouted as he struggled and then he stopped because he noticed those warm medium siena-brown bearcub's hands right away and started to smirk; " Wait a blasted country minute!! Kit?!"

Kit was instantly stunned as he had grabbed someone he clearly knew;"Dillo Vane?" Dillo Vane; the person who gave him the airplane flight away from the Wesdon Orphanage to Dover Downs; the start of the five years of a nightmare which ended with him joining the Air Pirates. It was a somber; yet happy reunion for them.

"Well blast my button shell...You're okay!" Dillo said as he gently grabs him and sets Kit down onto the steel plane and Dillo was giggling a little bit "But honestly child; did you have to hug me so hard?!"

"Sorry..." Kit said as his words drifted off because he was looking quite sheepish.

"If you wanted a ride son.." Dillo exclaimed holding his hands on his hips seriously;"..then you could've asked..."

"You took off before I could..." Kit responded looking serious back which took Dillo off guard a little bit. It was hard for him to realize that Kit always dealt with adults on an adult basis.

"Oh yeah kid.." Dillo said laughing; "..I forgot..."

"Speaking of taking off;" Kit asked looking quite worried for seemly no reason; "... who's supposed to be flying here?!"

"I am...why?!" Dillo said looking puzzled.

"Then we're dead.." Kit shouted as he jumps into the plane itself; "..Look!" Dillo looks forwards more closely and sees that a huge mountain was right in front of him and was within 100 metres from making contact and causing a crash. Dillo started to panic...

"Oh dear lord...! Get my bloody body in there!!" Dillo screamed as he pops right down into the seaplane quickly where the storage room was. The storage room was filled with bottles of applesauce stacked on top of one another. Dillo runs towards the seaplane cockpit and notices that there was the steel crowbar was directly onto the floor. Pilots did this as standard practice as an auto-pilot. Dillo was about to panic; but he then turns his head towards the left and sees Kit kneeling on the pilot's seat handling the steering control of the seaplane.

"Why is the...?" Dillo gasped loudly as Kit sturggles with the controls to pull the plane up;" Kit? Kit!" The seaplane was approching the mountain at a pretty quick rate as the seaplane was only 50 metres away from crashing now and Dillo was in a clutch of panic. The last thing he wanted to see was a teenage boy with apparently no formal experience in flying at all handling a plane that was in big trouble now. However; for some reason, Dillo couldn't even get close to Kit as if Dillo had realized that Kit did in fact know what he was doing....

"Come on body.." Kit shouted out putting all his weight and his might to pull the seaplane up and away from the mountain range as the seaplane was now only about 20 metres away from crashing; "..Pull this plane up!" Kit continues to pull up and he finally hears a click from the steering wheel as the the nose of the plane was starting to point upwards and the seaplane would in the end go up into the air missing the mountain range by just a matter of metres;"" Kit then decides to show what he has learned over the years of seeing both Baloo and other pilots that he bonded with by flinging the controls to the left and pushes down on the stick to fall into a familiar corkscrew; only he was doing it with a much shallow grade from the original. He was doing Baloo's famous Baloo Corkscrew before Dillo's very eyes and Dillo jaw simply dropped upon impact. He was seeing Kit Cloudkicker as a real pilot and he was doing one awesome trick. Dillo's face was dropping with sweat; not because of his safety but because he's never seem anyone other than Baloo ever do that stunt before.

"What?! There's only one other furry who knows that move..." Dillo speaks looking quite stunned that a young boy would even remember the exact moves of a move that only the legendary pilot Baloo could do. Kit then pulls the control steady in order to release the seaplane from it's corkscrew dive and allows the seaplane to fly away from the mountain range ; missing the range by just a few feet. Kit was breathing a sigh of relief as Dillo just stands there looking stunned beyond belief; "...Kit?!"

"" Kit said looking absolutely stunned. Years ago he promised to do one of those over Thembria during an air show and he needed Baloo to bail him out. While Baloo wasn't here to see this; he then realized that he finally did it and starts to screams and cheer like he had just won the lottery;"..I FINALLY DID IT! YAHOO! I did the Baloo Corkscrew! YAHOO!.." Kit then looks at Dillo who looked quite cross and had his arms folded; he was losing his own words very quickly right now; ".. Dillo...I...Okay.." Kit looked ashamed as he decided to jump out of the pilot's chair and sits right back onto the navigator's chair as he usually does; "..I'll return to the co-pilot seat...." Dillo instantly returns to his seat and look with a sharp glance at Kit Cloudkicker before he finally brusts into laugher; which was quite annoying to hear. Kit was quite startled and he wasn't very happy to hear him laughing at the fact that they could've been killed. ~Could he be...? Did that pilot Baloo take him in?~ Dillo thought wondering....

"What's so funny?!" Kit asked harshly thinking that nearly getting their lives killed by Dillo's carelessness wasn't all that funny at all.

"You son of a witch.." Dillo said as he stopped laughing as he sits down onto his pilot's seat and regains control of the seaplane; "..GOOD SHOW!! You're a better pilot than I could ever dream of."

"Then why are you cross at me?" Kit asked not buying it. He was acting like that old adult soul that has haunted him for so long.

"Well; if anyone were to see you flying;" Dillo said honestly; " both of our lives as free spirits would be toast...For now; let the legit pilot do his thing okay..." Kit now crosses his arms and looked sharp into his eyes. Dillo could only shaked his head as he knew that it was Kit's quick thinking that saved him and his seaplane.

"...Thanks kid." Dillo said honestly; " I still have much to learn."

Kit was smiling at first and then he bursts into laugher; "Contact!" Dillo was simply smiling as Kit was making him look bad out there.

" _are_ something else." Dillo said holding his head like he was ashamed of being outclassed by a teenager; " It's been too long already!" As he said that Kit stopped laughing and gives Dillo a thumbs up for approval as Dillo returns in kind. The seaplane flies around the mountain and returns to it's original flight path. Kit was feeling all right; but he knew that he couldn't stay with Dillo for too long, there was still a little girl left to find.....


The SeaDuck was flying high into the sky making good time as it approches Cape Suzette. The skies were starting to get more infested with storm clouds; however, Baloo wasn't worried. The SeaDuck has handled many of a storm before without incident. Rebecca was still sitting in the co-pilot seat looking distaught as usual. Two children were gone and it was all because she was more concerned about her business than Kit and Molly. In Kit's case it was understandable because Kit wasn't techinally her son; but it wasn't excuseable in Molly's case. The consquences were becoming graver now that Kit has run off to find Molly apparently. It was also too quiet and Rebecca was becoming nervous.

"Saint Peterdora is only a half-hour ride now.." Baloo said as Rebecca looks at Baloo with glaring eyes.

"Baloo.." Rebecca attempted to ask; "..can you use the overdrive?" Rebecca was pretty desparate now since she knew that the overdrive motor could get them to Saint Peterdora within minutes. However; she forgot about something; that Baloo's overdrive motors were nearly finished the last time she saw Baloo used them.

"Sorry Beckers.." Baloo said shaking his head for Rebecca was sounding quite desparate; "..but it was dead..."

"How could you.." Rebecca attempted to shout until she realized that those overdrive motors were used to save Kit from a ten-thousand foot fall from the Iron Vulture. Her voice simply drop into deep despair; "..I'm sorry Baloo"

"I swear Beckey;" Baloo said looking serious; " Molly and Kit will be found."

"You wanted Kit to leave!" Rebecca snaps directly into Baloo's face which makes him jumpy; " Can't you see that Kit's luck is going to run out! He's going to kill himself...and....I..." she could only shake her head as a tear was coming out of her eye; "..just don't want to see Kit die like Stephen did."

"Rebecca?" Baloo asked sounding concerned; " Is there something eating ya?"

"Baloo..This is none of your.." Rebecca said as the tear streamed down her cheek as she realized that she couldn't step away from this matter; "..All right.....I'll explain...It happened a week after my husband died..." Rebecca looked outside the SeaDuck as she wondered if her decision to leave her father's business was the right thing to do.....


, 1936 - One Week after Stephen was killed by Don Karnage

It was about a week after Stephen Cunningham was murdered by Don Karnage and his body had been thrown into the sea. Rebecca was just finishing the arrangement for the private furneal to begin the very next day. She was lonely since Molly wasn't around. Molly was at her grandmother's house and she had yet to even tell her about what happened to her father. It was a painful week for her to say the least; but at least she was having company to comfront her as Patty Pauldine and Dalton Pauldine- her mother and father were visiting her to prepare for the furneal so that part was going to be quite painless. Dalton and Patty were both lightly brown colored bears with Patty being about a few inches taller than Dalton. Dalton was wearing a brown shirt with black pants while Patty was wearing a green blouse with a navy blue shirt. They both had a sweet look on their face with Dalton being the more serious of the two. While Dalton was a businessman; he was a caring one at that and was willing to give Rebecca something big tonight apparently; so this visit was more than just a sympathy visit.They were currently in the dining room eating their supper together for the first time since Rebecca left to walk in her father's footsteps as a business woman. They were eating Rebecca's old favorite cuisine: Baked Salmon with Dill; Macroni Cesar Salad using Spinach and Cream of Red Onion Soup. Patty decided to cook the special for Rebecca while Dalton and Rebecca would prepare the costs of the furneal. The dining room of the former Cunninghams house (before she moved to the waterfall apartment in Cape Suzette) was fairly large (about 20 feet X 15 feet) circular room with a dark varnished wooden floor and it was the main room in the house. The walls were made of a vanilla stucko which had black & white photos of Stephen Cunningham, Molly and Rebecca doing various things including playing horsey; hide & sneak and having a picnic with her dolls. There was also a colored painting of the family with Rebecca playing rabbit ears to Molly in a funny moment. The Pauldine's sat as an english-style wooden table made of honey-polished wood. Most of the food was gone and the family was finished eating as Dalton saw Rebecca feeling much better now that she had some time to express her feeling with her dad which was something that was diffcult to do since he worked like a horse at his company. He had to say something and prepare for Rebecca's future since Stephen's death has affected his business as much as their personal lives in general.

"My dear;" Dalton asked as he wiped his mouth with a napkin; " I wish to talk to you about something.."

"I thought that you invited me here in order to help me mourn the death of my husband." Rebecca responded sounding quite surprised; but she never thought of her Dad as being insenstive to her husband.

"We did my child..but you have to go on.." Dalton responded nodding his head to let Rebecca know that she could count on his support as a caring father; "..What we wanted to talk about was your future..."

"My future..?" Rebecca asked with her face acting like she was in absolute shock; " Dad?!"

"I've been thinking about what you are going to do now that Stephen is gone.." Dalton explained as he looked striaght into Rebecca's eyes just like any business man would do; "..I have an offer for you."

"You do?" Rebecca asked still in shock.

"Yes pumpkin.." Dalton said excusing himself for a moment in order to clear his throat; "..My offer is for you to become my vice president of my main company business; Pauldine Widgets Inc." Rebecca's eyes just simply lit up as this was a ground breaker for her. There has been zero females in the entire private sector that have ever been offered such a position. Sure; there were a few woman who have gained those positions in the public sector, but this was a real eye-opener for her.

"Vice-President?" Patty exclaimed as she unintentionally spits out water that she was drinking while he was speaking; " Honey; that's the toughest position in the company."

"That's right honey." Dalton said without a hint of delay in his voice; " However; noticing your work for Pauldine Shipping Company for the past number of years I am quite impressed."

"You are?" Rebecca asked again; thinking that this was a joke, but the seriousness of Dalton's voice was killing that possiability almost instantly.

"Sure Rebecca..." Patty said as she and Rebecca hold hands together as Dalton continued to state his terms and the duties of Rebecca's new job. She had worked as a shipping manager and on accounts for Pauldine's Shipping Company which was a sub-company of Pauldine Widgets Inc. which was third in power only to Miniversal and Khan Industries. Neither of them had a woman in the position of vice-president before.

"Here's what I've been planning for your duties as vice president of my company." Dalton explained as he went through the duties as if he had scripted the entire process himself; " Some of the duties include the usual that you were doing as the main branch ladylord of my service company. However; it goes even further than that...Some of the duties include being a chairperson to the finance and business committees of the company."

"You mean;" Rebecca said attempted to get her words back to express herself; " I can bring input to this company."

"Ummm...yeah; I guess. There are other duties like business meetings, seminars, trade shows and basically lots of travel around the world.." Dalton said as Rebecca's eyes light up even more; "..and you will be paid the same salary as I am! Plus ten percent of the profits and other benefits to your name. You'll never face hardship ever again."

"Wow! Rebecca?" Patty said as she sounded very excited; " This _is_ a big deal. What do you say?"

"I don't" Rebecca said sounding stunned and overwhelmed by the whole thing; she couldn't just say yes without letting it sink in considering that she was still in mourning of her husband; "..Can I think about it?! This is so overwhelming to me..."

"I'll give you five days to decide.." Dalton said seriously as he was shaking his head; "..Remember this Miss Cunningham-Pauldine; this is the best offer in the world. No one else can give you this."

"Thanks Dad.. " Rebecca said smiling weakly as not to be rude to her own father as she stands up; "..Can I be excused?!"

"Certainly honey.." Patty said noding her head with approval; " need your time."

"Thank you.." Rebecca said as she walks away from the table; exits the dining room and head for the family room which was a small walk away in the hallway; "..I'll see you later."

Patty looks at Dalton as her smile is erased and a growing concern beckons on her kisser; "Honey?!"

"I hope she makes the right choice." Dalton said as he turns around and looks at the hallway.

"If only she knew what the right choice was." Patty said shaking her head wondering if Dalton was putting her daughter into a situation that was new to females; let alone her. Dalton turns around and they start to talk to each other; leaving Rebecca to her thoughts. Rebecca was walking down that hallway so slowly that it was like it was taking forever to get to the family room. Her head was cluttering with thoughts; some of them were a cause of concern for her. She had never been asked to fill a position that she wasn't experienced in before. She wasn't much of a leader at this point; although her work as a manager would state otherwise. She was like her father in that she was afraid of failure and there was no way that she can say that she was assured that she wouldn't fail in this position.

"I've been thrown a huge screwball here." Rebecca said quietly so Dalton couldn't hear her; " Dad wants me in a top position; but I don't know. Vice President requires three times the workload; I just don't know..." Luckly for her; the hallway was ending and the family room was showing itself. The living room was slightly smaller than the dining room and it was square in shape (17 feet X 17 feet) with the same polished wood floor as the dining room; but the walls were made of yellow painted drywall. In the middle of the room there were two blue cotton love seats and a comfy green sofa. On the back wall there was a stone fireplace and on the top of the firplace was a cukoo-clock that read 4:59 PM. As Rebecca took one step into the family room; the clock finally stuck five o'clock and the small bird came out from it's house and chimed its tune five times as it was designed to do so. However; just a split second after the bird chimed it's fifth ring a flash of white light would consume the entire family room which in turn caused Rebecca to cover her eyes in instinct. The flash only lasted for a split-second as the white light faded and Rebecca would open her eyes. At first; she thought she was dead as well; however, she noticed that she was still in the room alive and well. However; there was one major difference; a golden bear wearing the same leather jacket and white pants that Stephen was wearing was sitting on the sofa looking into Rebecca's eyes. Rebecca noticed the face and realized that it was the late Stephen Cunningham. He was an angel now and that was proof that Stephen had indeed gone to heaven. Rebecca looked excited.

"What in heaven?" Rebecca could only say as she approches the faded bear; " Stephen?!"

"My ture love..." Stephen said in kind as he stood up and embraced his wife like he promised to do. Despite the fact that death due to murder he forced them apart physically; spiritually, they were still together under the laws of heavenly marriage. The embrace lasted for nearly five minutes or so; they didn't keep count, it could have gone for an hour for all we know. They finally separated and Rebecca began to speak.

"You're an.." Rebecca started with a huge loss for words to see that God would allow Stephen to visit her after all this.

"...angel?" Stephen said giggling as if it were some kind of joke; "Yes I am."

"Thank the lord you are in heaven." Rebecca said kindly as she knew that Stephen wasn't going to be here for long. Her happiness was tempered by sorrow; knowing that this may be the last time she will ever see him in any form.

"I'm sorry that I cannot stay long my dear;" Stephen explained; " but the purpose of my visit from the heavens is to inform you of your future."

"My future?" Rebecca asked as she was surprised again since her father was already planning for her future; " Honey...I...."

"Miss Cunningham; as you know.." Stephen said as he was now acting serious; "..I was killed by the Air Pirates and Don Karnage's hand."

"I know..." Rebecca said as she shedded a tear. Stephen take his finger and wipes the tear out of her eye and looked at her with a sense of determination.

"I have heard that you have been given a better position at your father's company.." Stephen admitted as he placed his hand on Rebecca's face; "..Well; if you want to presue that path; I will not stop you. However; I do have a preposal for you which would enrich your life further."

"Come again?" Rebecca asked as she was feeling quite surprised that he was preposing something that her father wouldn't give since her father believed that not even Stephen could provide him with the best deal. However; Stephen was now in heaven under God's heavenly hand and God knows the world better than her father ever could. Rebecca just had to listen to Stephen; just like she had to when he was her husband.

"In a matter of time; you will meet a boy seeking redeempation for the sins of those who killed me." Stephen said in a preachy tone as Rebecca was afraid now beacuse Stephen never explained who the boy's name was; " This boy saw me die..right there. He tried to save me; but it was in vain as fate precribed. He is troubled; he is without family, a role model..."

"What must I do?" Rebecca said as she shaked her head in sorrow. A little boy was out there seeing acts of violence that shouldn't be done by adults; let alone a little kid; " I'll do anything for you honey."

"Do you remember the share of inhertiance money from your late grandfather?" Stephen asked as he remembered that Dalton had given Rebecca a 12% share of the money when her grandfather died in 1924. Rebecca refused to touch that money unless it was needed for important things. Apparently; Stephen had found a real use for it. Rebecca had a real puzzled look on her kisser now.

"Yes I do.." Rebecca asked with her eyes still looking directly at her husband;"..why?"

"Use it Rebecca.." Stephen said firmly as he lets go of Rebecca's face and looks down at the ground; "...Use it to enrich your life...Use it to buy yourself a new business...away from this life."

"Honey.." Rebecca said acting like she was in shock. To actually follow her husband would be acting dishonorable to her own family if she decided to leave the family business that her father built for so long; " mean that I should..."

"Rebecca.." Stephen said as he reconcerated his sharp look at Rebecca once again; "..Oniz has already empowered the world of females with her work on the Great War and recently as the leader of Usland's official opposition. Her public service is legendary. It's time Rebecca...destiny awaits."

Rebecca didn't know what to say; it was too overwhelming for her and she didn't want to make a snap decision and then regret it later;"Can I think about it?"

"Certainly me love...You don't have to do this.." Stephen admitted as he shrugged his shoulder. Rebecca took it as a sign that he was dissapointed and probably was the wrong choice at this point; "..There is more than _one_ path. Before I leave; can you please tell our duaghter that I'm all right and that I love her."

"I'll.." Rebecca said looking distaught as she didn't want to tell her daughter that her dad was dead mainly because they got into an arguement; "..tell her..." 

"I understand that you are having a hard time trying not to hurt her." Stephen said kindly; understanding that there was potiental harm in telling Molly too early right now." Remember that she must know where I am.. " Stephen rises up from the floor as he was apparently being called back up to heaven again; "..I'll see you in heaven, my love." The last thing Rebecca would see is Stephen's bright smile as another flash of bright white light would consume the scene again; forcing Rebecca to close her eyes again for a second. Rebecca refocuses and sees that Stephen was finally gone as the scene returns to normal. She walked around the family searching for Stephen as Dalton and Patty Pauldine (who apparently heard something) enter the family room and watch a female bear simply acting like she had lost everything without the screaming and crying that went with it.

"Rebecca?" Dalton asked as Rebecca was looking around for her husband; but found nothing.

"Are you all right my dear?" Patty asked as well. Rebecca decides to give up looking and slumps onto one of the blue loveseats. She stared at her feet for quite a while; and then as Dalton sits down on the other loveseat opposite to Rebecca, Rebecca stares into Dalton's eyes and decided that she had finally made her decision.

"Daddy..I have made my decision..." Rebecca said as the scene faded to black. Her decision was to presue the dream that Stephen Cunningham laid for her. While Dalton was dissapointed in her decision; he was very supportive and for some reason he probably figured that Rebecca was going to be a successful business person after all. Although he warned Rebecca of having massive hardships in attempting this Rebecca was not going to be denied of her destiny. In the months that followed; Rebecca would go to night school and get her Business Major Plus credit and waited for the moment to buy a failing business in order to turn it around.....On September 10th, 1936; the bank called Rebecca and informed her that Baloo's Air Service can be bought now because of the failure of it's owner to pay the bills. She had no idea what memories she was going to have in that wooden art-deco building. She had no idea until Kit Cloudkicker himself told her that he was an Air Pirate himself and that was the first sign that maybe Kit was the kid Stephen was talking about. Years later; the story was proven ture and now Kit knows exactly who he is: Christopher AeroStar; son of pilot hero Gregory AeroStar, grandson of diplomatic hero Maxim AeroStar; friends of the opposition leader Oniz Mecha and the messenger of the late Stephen Cunningham.....


Rebecca was standing up in the SeaDuck as she was looking at the city below her wishing that she had better vision to see if Molly was down there; but alas her prayers would not be answered. She felt quite helpless as fate was clearly againest her at this point. A fate that she clearly created on her own terms.

"So you decided...?" Baloo asked knowing the answer even before Rebecca could say it.

" use the money to finance my further schooling as a Business Major and then after that I waited for a call for a failing business." Rebecca responded.

"...and that was Baloo's Air Service." Baloo finished her statement as Rebecca looked at Baloo again.

"Yes." Rebecca said directly.

"I guess you're still waiting for those riches; huh?" Baloo asked wondering if Rebecca was going to be angry with him; but Rebecca was wiping the tears off her face and started to crack a refreshing smile.

"The money riches..yes.." Rebecca said smiling weakly as the SeaDuck flies past the city; "..but those other riches? I have seen them all.." However; Rebecca was also seeing the problems of her decision to be a single mother....and the SeaDuck was suffering from a problem of its very own. It was basically running on fumes as the storm clouds got thicker and thicker. The rain was soon going to pour down and the real trouble for Rebecca was going to start.


As for Kit; he was pretty safe at the moment inside Dillo Vane's seaplane. He was looking worried right now as he sat on the navigator's chair with his left leg propped up and his right leg was loose which was a clear sign of insecurity on his part. As much as he was grateful that he picked a plane in which he knew the pilot and above all; knew that the pilot wouldn't turn him into the orphanage or worse; to the police. Wesdon was still pretty sore about Air Pirates in general and Kit's past was a liability to him at this point. However; his real mission to find Molly was basically on hold because Dillo was going to Jadd instead of Saint Peterdora.

"Molly...." Kit said as his word drifted off as Dillo was on the radio. Kit knew better not to bother a pilot who was on the radio unless he needed to. Dillo was apparently contacting his contractor in Jadd.

"Breaker, Breaker.." Dillo spoke on the radio; "..come in Cherry Doublo." Cherry was a regular dealer for Dillo Vane on this route as he would be delivering various bottles of applesauce to him from Kanata; which was a popular sauce for certain meats. He had a Hawkeyish-accent and was a believer in the same faith. Cherry and Dillo were good friends since Dillo was a freelance cargo pilot at best. However; Cherry was prudent when it comes to time. Although Dillo hasn't been late once for Cherry; he does get a little irrated when Dillo would come very close (within 2 minutes by Cherry's standards) to becoming late.

"Come in Dillo, I hear you." Cherry responded in a monotone.

"Cherry.." Dillo said as he pointed to Kit; "..I'll bringing a guest to your home in Jadd."

"Fine by me.." Cherry said without hesitation as he was often alone since his wife perished a decade ago to illness; "..just make sure he behaves."

"As you wish." Dillo responded with a smile. Kit smiled in unison; but he knew that he couldn't accept Dillo's request. Molly was still out there and if he doesn't find her soon; Rebecca will probably find her dead and then who knows?

"I'll see you at midnight sharp.." Cherry said; "..10-4"

"Of course." Dillo responded as he puts the mircophone down and that allows Kit to speak up right away.

"Dillo," Kit said shaking his head to refuse the invitation; " I cannot accept coming with you.."

"I would like to know, how you got to this point?" Dillo asked as he looked directly in Kit's eyes. He wanted to catch up with Kit's adventures since they last met. " It's been nearly seven years since I last saw you...You said Molly.." Kit looked surprised that Dillo would noticed how he drifted off into despair like that; which Dillo didn't exactly like; "..why is she so important to you?"

"She's Molly Cunningham and she's run away from her family." Kit said as Dillo's eyes lit up. Even though Rebecca was only a single parent; to find any sort of family after what he went through for son long was amazing. Dillo was in shock as he knew that he was in the presence of the boy who had nothing and now he had the most important part of his life. A home to call his own.

"You found a family?!" Dillo said gasping for air in disbelief; " That's unbelievable!"

"Yeah; I guess it is.." Kit said blushing a bit from the truth; "..Anyway; I'll make my story short."

"Good idea kid. Gory details don't impress me. I'll tell you what kid.." Dillo said with a wide smile; "..I'll land on Jadd and try to find a job involving the location at Saint Peterdora. Ok?"

"All right.." Kit said as he turned himself around and sits on the edge of the co-pilot's seat and looks as Dillo sharply as if he was being tough again much to the relief of Dillo; "..After I left Dover Downs; I was on my own. I slept in doorways, small hangers, under docks even. I was forced to eat whatever I could salvage. I was miserable for the most part; although I never experienced the really sick acts of furry kind until I was 11."

"Did you have any adventures?" Dillo asked wondering off key.

"Yeah; I thought that I finally started to make friends at that time too.." Kit said looking somewhat distaught; "..However; they either betrayed me or died because I was a burden to them."

"A burden?! Blast you!" Dillo shouted out looking quite cross and somewhat threatening as he hated furries who acted like they were hopeless; " If you were ever a burden to me,; I'd kill you where you stand!"

"Sorry if ever I considered you the rule." Kit responded looking stunned at Dillo as he rarely showed anger towards him and it was for pretty good reason; " Anyway; the last year on the streets were the roughest. I was in Pazuza at the time and I saw nothing but murder, beatings...things that Badwin stated that would happen."

"Badwin.." Dillo snapped off as he hated Badwin with a passion as he was reponsible for destroying the intsution of the orphange which was supposed to help children who had no parents; "..scum of the earth!"

"I've been associated with many of scum.." Kit responded back getting almost as angry as Dillo was; these people were considered unredeemable to many; "..Klang.....Borleas....Don Karnage..."

"Don Karnage?! That poor sap! The prince of pirates?! And the others.." Dillo said frailing his arm in disbelief; "..your name stained forever stained by them! Kit?! I'm surprised that you are still standing!"

"I was surprised too.." Kit said as he explained why he could see one of them as redeemable; "..Surprised that the scum was the one that saved my life..." Dillo listened with interest as Kit was beginning to recall his darkest hour; that hour inside a dark area of Pazuza that would be signalled the end of his life if it wasn't for the biggest scumbag of them all....


September 11th, 1935 - One year before meeting Baloo

It was a clear night inside a dark alleyway somewhere in Pazuza. The stars were beautiful tonight as Kit (who didn't know his last name nor his real name) was shivering in the cold as he was sleeping on the cold hard concreate. His sweater which was dusty and dirty simply wasn't protecting him. The boy's face wasn't happy at all; a sad despair was found his kisser. He had witnessed a gang beating and a couple of assults over the last three days. Finding food was becoming increasely diffcult as the climate of Pazuza wasn't very warm. He slept opposite to a couple of boxes. Suddenly; as if a gun shot went off within Kit's ears, a large bang was heard as the stacked wooden boxes topple to the ground all over the place. A tall golden bear who was about 25 years old and was wearning a red suit with brown pants and a white cape appeared inside the alleyway next to Kit. He appeared white hot with rage and he had an urge to murder someone at this point. He was carrying a shotgun which had a long thin swordblade on the end of it in his left hand. Kit was beginning to stir as the golden bear lifts Kit up by the sweater and pulls him off the ground. The bounty hunter proceeds to put what many called the BladeGun down onto the ground.

"On your feet boy!!" The golden bear screamed into Kit's face as Kit wakes up and notices that he was looking face to face with one angry bear. However; Kit showed absolutely no fear as he had seen this act play before again and again. He had been beaten up and tormented for various reasons before and this was just other one of those days. Kit decided to play cool on this guy.

"How can I be on my feet if you are dangling me like that Buster Phoenix!" Kit said revealing the bear's name. It was clear that they had met before. Buster Phoenix was a bounty hunter who lived on the edge and didn't play by the laws of the land. While the police force at first depended on bounty hunters to catch criminals that couldn't be caught otherwise in the early 1920's; the Windia Police Force fiasco (which caused massive reforms in police forces everywhere) was also extended into the banning of the police force to use of bounty hunters all together and then the bounty hunters was restricted for military purposes in Usland. However; a few bounty hunters saw this as being soft on crime and became vigilantes as a result. Buster happened to one of them; and was considered the most brutal of them all. He would snap on criminals on the most trivial of things.

"Don't play cutesy with me boy!" Buster screamed again into Kit's face; " You stole my watch! Give it to me!!"

"I didn't steal anything you moron!" Kit snapped back even louder hoping someone would hear him. There was no one within a hundred feet of him to even care about. Just like it has always been. Apparently; Kit stole a watch from Buster Phoenix and Kit was seeing how brutal Buster could be. Buster didn't buy it at all and he slaps Kit hard with his right hand causing Kit's face to recoil on impact.

"Liar!" Buster screamed into Kit's face to give him the message as if Kit was deaf instead of defiant; " Where is my watch?!"

"I don't have it!.." Kit snapped right back making Buster even more angry; "..and wouldn't tell you anyway!"

"You stupid, immoral kid!" Buster shouted again as his temper and voice was becoming much colder now as he thought of seeing the sight of Kit screaming in pain; " I'll torture you beyond your wildest dreams!"

"Whatever.." Kit said as he matched Buster voice just to tick him off; "..Like that's going to wash.."

"Your mouth is so filthy!" Buster screamed as he slapped Kit in the face again and this time Kit's mouth was bleeding slightly as he unintentionally cut his own lip with his teeth. The blood trickled from his mouth; " I should wash it with your blood!"

"Blood?! You don't deserve anything.." Kit said suddenly sounding quite self-rightous and preachy; something that Kit often did and couldn't explain it himself. Many people considered that a sign of the divine within his soul; "..because you're a pagan; loner and dishonable to the swords of God!" Kit simply looked confused (Read: He shrugged as his face looked puzzled for a moment) for a moment because that's not what he wanted to say to Buster. He shook his head and finally got out the words to express his disgust to Buster like so many evil people that he came across; "Your nothing but a lowlife piece of sincrud!" That was all Buster needed to confirm that this kid wasn't just a criminal; he simply insulted him. Buster hated being insulted and calling someone sincrud was the second worst thing you can call someone; calling someone the devil himself was the worst. Buster; in his fit of rage forgot all about the watch and all civilized behavior for that matter; threw Kit hard onto the ground back first. He had hoped that the impact would kill Kit; but Kit was struggling to get up. Buster grabs his BladeGun instantly as Kit struggle to get to his knees.

"You pitaful piece of junior garbage!!" Buster screamed as there was no stopping him. Kit had pushed the personal button and had taken a furry's emotion way too far. Now Kit must face his fate of death as he realized that one day; he was going to stop suffering. Only it was going to end in death. Buster takes the BladeGun and points it at Kit who has now managed to get up to his knees; " Your going straight to the Fire Pit!" Buster presses a button on the side of the trigger which opened up the BladeGun's swordblade and reveals the gun's launcher; " SAY GOODBYE!!" Kit manages to look at the barrel of the rife and simply closes his eyes and doesn't move a muscle. He was finally going to die; however, would he go to Heaven, Limbo/Spiritual Disconnectness or the Fire Pit? He didn't care anymore; it couldn't be any worse than what he was already suffering. ~I guess I'll be going up now...~ he thought as he believed that it could be his last on this mortal coil. Buster's finger was now on the trigger and he was in such close range that there would be no escape from death for the little bearcub. However; as it always seens to happen with him; something unusual suddenly happened as Buster starts to feel an acute pain in his chest just as his finger was able to pull the trigger. His expression changed to shock and then to utter panic as he looked down towards his chest and he sees the one thing that all bounty hunters seem to fear the most as the tip of a sword was showing protruding out of his own body. Red blood came pouring out of the wound as he had been clearly stabbed in the heart by someone. Was it the wraith of God; who is supposed to be merciful? It didn't matter to Buster as his signs of life were beginning to be snuffed out.

"UUUU...GGGGGGG.....HHHHHHH.." Buster screamed in a blood-crudled scream as he was in pain as his body was completely shutting itself down for good; "..GOD......HELP ME!......" He could say no more as the eyes completely went white indicating that he was in the final stages of death physically. As that was happening; the cutlass was pulled out of his body as Buster slumps to the ground flat on his midsection and the last signs of life were gone. Buster was officially dead as the blood continued to pour slowly from his body. As Kit slowly started to open his eyes he noticed that a fox/wolf hybrid wearning a navy uniform was licking the cutlass of his sword and replacing it in the holder was standing right in front of Buster Phoenix as a bulldog and a ferret came behind the furry swordmaster and carried Buster away in such a matter that Kit wouldn't have noticed that Buster was killed by the swordmaster's hand. Kit stood there in absolute awe and wondered what was going to happen next. Why was it always him that people were after?

"Who are you?" Kit asked looking quite puzzled. One minute he was chanting his own death and the next minute he was alive and looking at a wolf who was pretty puzzled at him. The wolf simply looked surprised and acted in such a pancahe matter.

"What is this? You do not know the fearless, most feared, panic-prevoking pirate Don Karnage?!" Don Karnage stated his name as Kit whinced and closes his eyes again; fearing that he was about to kill him. However; Don Karnage just simply kneels down and looks at him; ""But do not worry my child of the rat.....I was trying to stop that terrible hunter-type person from making you chrip those cute golden harps..No hard feelings..Yesno?" There was no doubt now that it was Don Karnage; the feared Prince of Pirates and those two furries were his posse; Dumptruck and Mad Dog. This was their first meeting together and Kit had no idea what was in store for him.

"Thanks.." Kit said blushing a bit; "..but why?"

"My boy it is unfair for someone with intellegence such as yours to be in a fight that you could die from." Don Karnage said quite honestly. He was such an expert in sounding honest even though Kit had no idea that he was pretty evil.

"I...better be going..." Kit said as he stood up and was about to turn around; however, Don stands up and turns around to face Kit in the opposite direction. He had a crimson red book with the black letters: Standard Flight Manual. Apparently; Kit dropped it unintentionally while running from Buster Phoenix. Kit stopped and was looking at Don who was looking quite innocent and not the usual evilness from within.

"Wait a minuet!" Don said as he give Kit the book; " You dropped this.."

"Why that's my dream.." Kit said with excitement as he thought he had lost it forever; "..Thank you for finding it."

"So you want to be a pilot?" Don asked as Kit checked the book to see if it was damaged. Luckly it was not.

"More then just _a_ pilot." Kit said as his eyes were still in that book which gave Don an idea as his eyes grew sharp; " The _best_ pilot in all of Earthia!"

"Such lofty goals for such a young lad.." Don said with a type bravado that was so dramatic that it sounded like a whopper of a lie; "..Say; why not join me group? I'll even teach you how to fly."

"You would?" Kit asked as he turns around to see Don and his eyes light up with excitement; " Really?!"

"Anything for you my son." Don said as he put his paw in Kit's shoulder; " Not only can I make you the greatest pilot in the world...I'll teach you skills beyond your wildest dreams...You will move Earthia beyond it's mortal coil. What do you say my protogee?"

" be your partner?" Kit asked as his sub-consicence was seemly telling him not too. He has had many relations and almost all of them had betrayed his own trust. He wasn't sure if he should trust another adult again even though Don Karnage did in fact save his own life; " I...I don't know. I've met many people who made that offer before."

"Oh.." Don asked looking quite puzzled; "..You don't trust people like me anymore?"

"Yeah; but there are some who died..." Kit said looking down at the ground.

"Do not worry my child of discontent. My crew makes sure that no one does me in.." Don explained as Rachect approches Don Karnage from the side with Buster Phoenix's BladeGun and Don notices him right away and looked a bit annoyed; " ..Yes? What is it Rachect?"

"I found this with the murderer and I got this interesting idea." Rachect said as he showed the BladeGun to Don.

"Can't you see I'm trying to make a deal with the boy here." Don snaps back as he thought about slapping Rachect silly; but since Kit was around he didn't want to give him the wrong idea before joining him so he restraint himself beforehand and allowed his creator and mechanic to explain himself.

"But boss.." Rachect said as he point to the swordedge of the BladeGun; "..we could replace the bullets with a grappling hook and create a new useful device for our cause."

"Okay...okay.." Don said acting quite cool under pressure; " what you can with the new toy..but leave this boy to me."

"Of course boss." Rachect said as he left Don Karnage to handle Kit walking away from the scene. Kit thought about what he saw and realized that considering that another person could kill him if he stayed on the streets. He had nothing to lose and everything to gain by trusting Don Karnage. Plus; he couldn't say no because Don did save his life from a bounty hunter gone out of control.

"You sound honest.." Kit said as he finally made his decision; "..Okay; I'll join you."

"Thank you kid...You won't regret it.." Don Karnage said with approval as they shook hands and sealed the deal; "..Who _do_ people call you anyway?"

"They call me Kit......" Kit drifted off as Kit and Don walked side by side away from the alleyway. This was the beginning of Kit's life as an Air Pirate. He had no idea that he was going to become a criminal and probably a terrorist at the age of 11. However; he never saw the action that he wanted; apparently because Don made sure of that. The cloud came rolling in as Kit walked into Buster's own blood.....

We return to the seaplane and Dillo slammed his fist on the console. He knew Buster Phoenix and he didn't like him one bit. Dillo hated bounty hunters because they often went too far on the most trivial manners. Their unbinded powers allowed them to kill furries without even a just cause for something like stealing a watch.

"Buster.." Dillo shouted as he looked right at Kit to let him know how angry he was; "..That idoit! As much as I hate those pirates. Buster was nothing more than a thug!"

"Anyway; I stayed with Don for a year. However; six months in, I started to have my doubts about him. I was bored." Kit continued without a second thought as Dillo was a little surprised that Kit wouldn't respond to him anger. Dillo was seeing Kit being a ture adult right in front of his eyes; " That was until one day; Don summoned me to his _torture chamber_ and was tormenting and assaulting a golden bear with a whip."

"What happened then?" Dillo asked wondering even more as he was picturing Kit watching a grown man tormented and he didn't like the result.

"When I saw that golden bear chained inside cell number seven with Don using a whip to beat him up. I was appalled until Don called me and handed me a dagger.." Kit paused for a moment to regain his breath and put what Don wanted him to do to the letter, sounding cold-blooded; "..and ordered to kill him."

"That disgusting fiend!" Dillo screamed loudly causing Kit to cover his ears for a moment; " Using children as murderers!"

"I refused to do so and turned my back on him. I paid the price for that move.." Kit said shaking his head and feeling quite bad. The memories were still a painful reminder of the evil of Earthia; " the bear was killed by Don and I was beaten up."

"Good lord!" Dillo gasped in horror as he couldn't believe what he was hearing. He thought that Kit experience with Badwin with the punishment was bad enough. However; for Don Karnage to tie him by the ears and beat him to a pulp just made him feel Kit's blood-curdling screams even though he didn't scream at all because he was knocked out. The story was becoming a swan song of dispair for Dillo as he never felt anything like this.

"I met Karneaux Pierre-Bossuard after I came to. He trained me in many arts...however, he was killed by Don because I was used to flush out a traitor." Kit said shaking his head wondering if he was doing the right thing; but Dillo nodded his head to show him support; " I decided to leave the first chance I got. Don Karnage had returned to the Iron Vulture after stealing a powerful stone from Shere Khan. I decided to make my move and I took the stone from him!"

"Boy; you are either brave or foolish or both!" Dillo responded shaking his head in disbelief. No one makes a fool of the Prince of Pirates and yet Kit Cloudkicker was managing to do that and wasn't showing signs of regret as a result.

Kit continued on with his story without thinking about how he was foolish in attempting to stand up to Don Karnage; "I hid from Don by staying with a pilot named Baloo..."

"No kidding.." Dillo said slapping himself gently; "..he was the most notable pilot in the world. He's not the best role model in the world either; but at least he's a lot better than Karnage ever was."

"I had many adventures with Poppa Bear.. " Kit said cracking a weak smile to show some respect for his mentor; "..I lived in Cape Suzette for the last couple of years; safe from the streets. Baloo was forced to work after he was late on one too many payments and Rebecca took over the business. We were like family....However..."

"However what?" Dillo asked looking quite puzzled; " I don't understand.."

"I found out last night that the golden bear that was killed by Don was Stephen Cunningham, Rebecca's husband." Kit said looking quite sad; " I was ashamed of myself; I didn't know what to do. I wanted to run away; but I couldn't. I couldn't believe that she wanted me back so badly. I basically failed her. I betrayed her trust once already to save her and her daughter."

"So why didn't you?" Dillo asked.

"She loved me.." Kit responded; "..she wants to adopt me."

"Seriously?!" Dillo said as his eyebrows rose with interest; " You realize that you will be a child instead of an adult...and your childhood is dead. So why are you running off now?"

"Molly; Rebecca's duaghter has run away..she thinks I killed her father." Kit responded; " I'm trying to show that I didn't, so I'm looking for her."

"Son; I don't understand why." Dillo said shaking his head thinking Kit has been punished and tormented enough; " Kid; let the police handle this. You're only putting yourself in more dispair.."

"The police won't help us." Kit responded in monotone.

"What?!" Dillo said loudly as Kit jumped in shock. Dillo wasn't liking what he was hearing right now.

"Derek Thursday said because of what happened with the Windia Police; they were forced into new laws." Kit said looking into Dillo's eyes to show that he was telling the truth; " They cannot file a missing persons report for 24 hours and therefore cannot conduct a proper search & rescue because of legal issues from the reforms of the police...." Dillo then slammed his fist on the console again; looking quite angry now. He had clearly heard enough. If there was one thing he hated is that the traditional instutions were not being respected by the very people who worked with them. The police force was one of the few which he felt a lot of respect for them; now it was gone...It was time to help Kit; as he needed it right now without delay.

"That's it! I'm turning this plane around!" Dillo shouted as he places his hands on the stick with a look of determination; " Kit?! I'm taking you to Saint Peterdora!"

"You mean it?!" Kit said as his eyes light up with disbelief; but then he realized that Dillo was risking his job doing this knowing how Baloo would do stuff like this without any reason; " But...won't you get..."

"Fired?! I don't care!" Dillo screamed as he turns the stick to the right and down to make a seaplane turn around on a 45 degree angle; " I am not letting another instution kill anymore furries!"

"Thanks Dillo." Kit said as he smiled. He got want he wanted and all he had to do was tell the truth about the police force. Dillo smiled back.

"Anything for my favorite kid..." Dillo responded as the seaplane finally turned around enough to fly in the opposite direction. It was back to the storm cloud skies again; however, Kit wasn't about to let those storm clouds get to him. Now the only question was; how much time would be needed to get to Saint Peterdora as they were three hours away from Cape Suzette at least. Molly would still need to tough it out then and she was still in anger over the death of her father....At least something was turning around...


However; Molly Cunningham had not changed a bit as the black antique car in which Molly Cunningham was sitting on the trunk of the car. The black car was finally at the main intersection which was 10 feet away from a huge concreate wall. This was known as the Junction Checkpoint, which was a large concreate wall extending in three directions shaped like an upside down Y. The wall was 20 metres wide and 100 feet high. The wall was made of vanilla concreate and it was cracked in several places. About 30 feet on the eastern wall; there was a blue scumbag message spraypainted. The muddy road was to intersect into two directions; with the left road going 25 degrees to the west. That route goes towards Wejerek and Pazuza while the right road went towards Saint Peterdora; which the black car takes. The black car drives towards a huge gate which was made of concreate about 100 feet high X 30 feet wide by 25 feet long. This was the same on the western gate as each gate had a small guard building made of wood and brick. The wood trim was painted white with the wooden roof painted red which was the standard for locked gates. The gates were designed due to Cape Suzette's lackluster laws which basically allowed criminals to run wild in the city. The black car approches the gate and then comes to a complete stop as Molly was hanging on.

"Lucy?! Where are you?!.." Molly shouted as she looked around and then realized that she threw her away because she disagreed with her doll on Kit; "..Oh...I threw her away.." Molly then quickly jumps off the car and hides behind the car as a tall, male, middle-aged black panthar wearing a biege uniform and a brown beret which was the standard clothing of the Junction Gate Security Force. He was known as LePrince Fortan who was a lonely guard. As that was happening; the driver of the black car opened its doors and finally came out to reveal himself as an average height orange cat wearing a white suit, white pants and a white hood. He looked like a champion fencer; although his epee wasn't present with him. He was a champion fencer known as Cecil Saint-Pierre who was famous for winning a gold in the 1936 Summer Olympics in Animea a year ago. The two furries couldn't see Molly Cunningham; so she felt safe for now as Molly was able to get a good look at the guard.

"[He's creepy....!]" Molly wispered as LePrince approches Cecil. The black car was apparently going to be inspected for dangerous materials and/or criminal gangsters which was a large problem in Saint Peterdora judging by the added security.

"Hello Mr. Fortan." Cecil said waving his hand at LePrince.

"How are you doing?" LePrince asked as they shook hands. Apparently; they knew each other pretty well.

"I've seen better days." Cecil admitted feeling quite somber; " Gunshots in Cape Suzette."

"There's some brave souls in that city." LePrince responded gently as the passenger side of the car finally opened and out popped the female passenger inside who was a short, blond cat wearing the same fencer clothing as Cecil was and was slightly older than Cecil. She was Leslie Saint-Pierre; the wife of the champion fencer. They were out on an outing to Cape Suzette at the Fencing Regali that was taking place this evening. She looked pretty cross at the two.

"More like immoral souls to me!" Leslie protested bitterly; " I'm never coming back to that city."

"LePrince; can you help me with something?" Cecil explained; " I think we have a stowaway on our Bendz."

"Yeah;" Leslie said without any concerned, treating it as an annoyance; " was sobbing and screaming while we were driving."

"Well; if it's a stowaway; I doubt it's one of Pierce's henchman." LePrince chuckled slightly; " I still need to check your trunk though; so you two can check the car while I check the trunk. All right?"

"All right...." Cecil proclaimed as Molly gasped slightly. Unless she found a way to move it without being seen; she was going to be caught for sure.

"[I'd better move...Mommy could have called that officer....]" Molly wispered as her opening was suddenly coming to light as Leslie approched Cecil on the other side of the car. That allowed the opening Molly needed as she ran on the right side as fast as her legs could carry her towards the guardhouse as Cecil and Leslie walk behind LePrince as he approches the trunk. Molly hides behind the guardhouse and starts huffing quietly "[Now how am I....I wish Lucy were here.]" LePrince finally makes it to the trunk and opens it as Cecil and Leslie check the black car from every possible position. There was no little girl in sight.

"I don't see anything illegal or unusual." LePrince said as he closes the trunks after seeing that there was nothing special; just the epees that he used during the Fencing Regali which were checked on the other side of the gate.

"Darn it!" Cecil swears off; " I cannot find anyone around here. She must have jumped off!"

"If it's a she then it is doubtful that it could be a henchman of the Street Pirates anyway." LePrince said as Cecil breathes a sigh of relief.

"[Huh? Street Pirates?]" Molly gasped softly as she was confused once again. Now she was wondering just how safe was Saint Peterdora was? She decided to shrug it off. In her own mind it couldn't be any worse than being in Cape Szuette right now...where Kit was.

"I guess I imagined it.." Cecil said shrugging his shoulders.

"It's good that you checked with me." LePrince said nodding his head; " I mean it would be a sad day in your life if the police arrested you for aiding a criminal."

"Yeah; it probably would." Leslie said blushing a bit at the though of being referenced with Pierce; " Can we pass now?"

"Of course.." LePrince said as he runs into the guardhouse quickly; "..I'll open the gate..."

"Thank you.." Cecil nodded; "..I guess that is that."

"That was turely a waste of our time." Leslie protested bitterly as she opens the passenger side door and hops inside; " If Cape Suzette wasn't such a moral sewer; then we wouldn't need this foresaken gate."

"I hope that Oniz Mecha becomes prime minister of Usland." Cecil said as he opens the driver side of the car and hops inside as the couple closes the doors quickly; " She's tough on crime."

"She's friends with the group which history shows that they are soft on kids committing crimes. " Leslie protested bitterly; "What about that relationship with that bearcub who was an Air Pirate?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" Cecil asked as he started the engines.

"Everything...Face it honey.." Leslie protested bitterly as the engines began to roar; "..That kid's a criminal; like it or not..." Leslie was a furry who believed that criminals regardless of age had no redeeming value whatsoever; while her husband thought that kids should be accountable; but not punished like adult since it was often the adults who brainwash kids into criminal behaviour. It was a moral/legal crossroads as the concreate gate slowly started to slide parallel to the concreate wall to allow just enough space for the black car to pass through. The black car slowly crosses the gate as Molly Cunningham finds another opening and runs quickly past the gate as the gate closes behind her. Molly then hops right into the trunk of the black car and sits down.

"[That....was....close...]" Molly wispered under her breath as she was huffing and puffing as Leslie was sounding cross again.

"I hear something huffing and puffing again." Leslie said bitterly.

"I'm not checking again!" Cecil protested as the black car drives off into the open forest path towards Saint Peterdora. Meanwhile; back at the gate guardhouse which the concreate gate was completely closed; three bicycles were riding towards the gate which were cycled by three furries wearing full suit burkas which covered them from head to toe. They looked like servents from the Cardinal religion; but they were actually Boris, Dustin and Salet in disguise as they were attempting to get back into Saint Peterdora without them being seen or caught. The bicycles come to a complete stop.

"Now what brings you here?" LePrince asked as he runs out of the guardhouse and looks at who he is dealing with. The good news for Boris was that LePrince was quite a bit dense so LePrince didn't have a clue that the Street Pirates were disguised. Hopefully for Boris; no one will be able to screw up this routine.

"We were about two hours late from a gathering..." Boris starts sounding like a woman; but the sound was closer to a girly man's voice. Luckly for him; LePrince couldn't tell the difference.

"Uh yeah;" Salet said in a normal voice; " we had to talk to a...."

"Forgive me.." Boris responded smacking Salet in the head lightly to correct him; "..he has a bad cold."

"Ah yeah; I've heard of it.." LePrince said nodding his head; "..It inflicts on female voices and make them sound like a man."

"Yeah..:" Dustin said in his normal voice; "..that's what we have.." Boris smacks him lightly on the head to correct him as well; "..Bad cold..." LePrince decides to look around the bicycle area to make sure that there was no funny business which was ordained in his contract when he took this job; but didn't see anything unusal either.

"I don't see anything troublesome." LePrince said seriously as he ran into the guardhouse; " I'll open the gate..."

"Why thank you kind sir.." Boris said as he grinned at the ease of making it through the gate to Saint Peterdora; "..You've been very helpful indeed." Boris was giggling softly as the concreat slowly opens as Dustin, Boris and Salet remount on their bicycles and ride past the gate without incident. LePrince comes out of the guardhouse and looks at his watch as the gate slowly closes.

"Well; that was a quiet evening." LePrince said as he heard a yawn beckoning; " Ah! Sleepyeyes got up on time for a change. Time for the graveyard shift Yeo." A male, tall, black jaguar furry named Yeo Pearlow exits the guardhouse yawning a bit as he approches LePrince. He was wearing the same uniform as LePrince was; however, he is not loved by LePrince because he talks in what LePrince believes is a dishonest and a disrespectful way.

"Very funny dude." Yeo said shruggin the yawn off.

"I hate that pop-culture talk." LePrince grumbled.

"You are a real no funguy at all.." Yeo snaps back; " what happened?"

"Nothing exciting.." LePrince said shrugging his shoulders; "..just a bunch of Cardinal priests who had cold which made their voices sound like men."

"Man; you are so dense." Yeo giggled.

"Are you calling me stupid?!" LePrince asked looking cross.

"Yeah; first of all;" Yeo explained; " the Cardinal religion doesn't allow women to be priests and most husbands of that religion do not allow their wives to be out at night."

"Are you some kind of racist bigot?!" LePrince said sounding very angry at Yeo's dialogue. LePrince didn't like racism as well and that was uncommon among people; although those thoughts were rising.

"Second...there's no such cold that magically turns ladies voices into men voices." Yeo chuckled more loudly this time; " Honestly; your intellegence is so low that I actually saw a little blonde bearcub girl wearning a makeshift Dangerwoman are so d-"

"Isn't that girl who ran away from her single mother?" LePrince asked as the description sounded very familiar to him; "...Shouldn't we be calling them...?"

"Nah.." Yeo said sounding cocky; "..You wanted to teach these people about the importance of marriage, so..."

"I'm calling the police in Saint Peterdora to be on the lookout for a runaway girl." LePrince said bitterly as he enters the guardhouse; looking for the phone; " I may not like single mothers; but to ignore this is a lack of compassion..."

"More like a lack of morals if you ask me dude." Yeo said looking serious.

"STOP CALLING ME DUDE!" LePrince screams out which was so loud that it was hurting Yeo's eardrums. It seemed that even with the progress made by Oniz and Rebecca; there were still some who believe that the past was the right path to take towards the promised land....


We go beyond the Gate Junction towards Saint Peterdora on the path. The rain was still coming down; but it wasn't coming down as hard as the rain was before the arrival at the Gate Junction. The ground was still very muddy as the three biycles continue to ride on the muddy path. Boris, Dustin and Salet has just ditched their burkas and threw them away in a nearby ditch to get rid of the evidence. Boris; however, was really upset now as the whole cover was very close to being blown as a result of their bad girly voice acting.

"You two almost ruined everything." Boris protested; " I'd kill you right now if I had gun power right now."

"But boss;" Salet responded as he was ignoring Boris and concerating on the road; " was your idea to kidnap her."

"I'd pistol whip you again if I wasn't biking.." Boris protested again as he pumped his fist towards Salet; "..For too long I've been waiting for action. To destroy the lives of all who destroyed mine. My mother was one great furry who was killed by my father's drug habit. I joined a gang because the drugs were from a rich kid's foundation."

"Umm...boss?" Dustin asked as his voice sounded frightful because that wasn't what Boris told him; " I thought the reason you joined Pirece because your mom refused to let you eat a lollipop because it was encouraging naughty acts on."

"Wait a minute.." Salet chimed in as even that wasn't what Boris stated; "..Didn't the boss say that he couldn't make the Deans list and his mom kicked him out." Boris was looking even crosser than usual; despite the fact that he's been lying about the fact that he himself was into drugs and the overall drug trade.

"How dare you make fun of my mother?!" Boris screamed violently as his bicycle almost started to slide off the ditch; " She may have kicked me out of her life because I was into drugs and acted like a psychopath. However; this has been the best arrangement I've ever had. Pierce has been a father to me and I will not dishonor him."

"But boss.." Dustin points out; "..I thought that Borleas Icebolt was your father?"

"He is nothing more than snot.." Boris exclaimed violently as he didn't want to be reminded that he was the son of a famous gangster; "..He is not my father and he can rot in limbo for all I care." Borleas Icebolt was a famous gangster who Kit Cloudkicker knew all too well as he met him in his travel and then saw right through his evil and left him.

"I know how that feels." Salet said acting sad as he remembered his life as a terrible waste before meeting Boris; " My dad drunk himself to a death sleep."

"My dad was pretty normal." Dustin chimed in kind even though he really didn't have any good excuse to be involved in crime; " I drank myself to sleep."

"...and that's why we joined the Pierce Street Pirates." Boris exclaimed; " We wanted freedom from our troubles and the sins of the fathers."

"The police will never understand our pain." Dustin chimed in.

"They are designed to punish those they don't understand.." Salet said in kind as Boris looked even more irrated then before; "..Bunch of fools..."

"...just like you two suckups!!" Boris screamed as Dustin and Salet stop their bicycles almost instantly; as if something was forcing them to stop; " Let's just get there and when I do; I'll make sure Pirece blast your hides!!" Boris look behind him and noticed that Salet and Dustin had stopped and looked very scared.

"What's wrong with you two?!" Boris protested in a defensive tone; " That was figurally speaking of course."

"HALT!" a male voice beckoned as Dustin and Salet are frightened even more.

"That's not why we stopped." Dustin and Salet said pointing their fingers forward as Boris turns around and sees a white and black police car with it's emergency headlights on; but there was no siern. Boris faces a clutch of panic as he stops his bicycle and it slides on its side and stops just inches short of the police car. Boris dismounts off his bicycle and grabs onto it to use it as a weapon.

"What do you want copper?!" Boris asked in a tough guy voice which frightens Dustin and Salet even more as the wind was starting to get stronger and the wind was whipping around. For safety sake; Dustin and Salet dismount off their bicycles and approch Boris to restrain him again.

"Boss?" Dustin exclaimed; " I don't think that's a good idea."

"I don't want to go to prison." Salet said looking frightened as Boris throws his bicycle onto the police car which just slides off the police car and there was little damage present. This causes Boris to become frightened as he steps back a couple of metres.

"I'll defend thee honor againest thee fiends of freedom." Boris screams as he grabs his pistol and points it at the police car forgetting that he had no bullets to swoon anyone.

"But boss;" Dustin said as he tries to restrain Boris away; "...there are no bullets in that gun." Boris then realizes that he was right as he grabs the front end of his pistol; ready to use it to pistolwhip the police officer as the driver side door of the police car finally opens and there was a short, male, grey beaver furry who looked about 20 years old wearing a blue police officer uniform and had a black nightstick in his right hand which causes even Boris to shake in fear. He was a two-bit coward; that was for sure as his lack of firepower was going to finally bury him forever.

"Is there anything wrong officer?!" Boris asked as he was shaking as the police officer approches him and frisks him a bit to frighten him even more. Then he suddenly bursts into laughter.

"You are so gulliable." the police officer chuckled violently as Salet and Dustin suddenly breathe a sigh of relief since that violent laugh was done by none other than a scouter for the Pierce Street Pirates. He was known to the beat as Toval Zero; a scouter for the section leading to Saint Peterdora.

"Hey; it's Tova!" Salet proclaimed as he lets go of Dustin.

"Why so he is?!" Dustin chuckled as he dusts himself off of Salet's germs; " He's cool!"

"It's Toval you freaks!" Toval protested as he hated that pet name. Even evil hates pet names like Rebecca Cunningham openly does. Toval lets go of Boris right away.

"You are a sight for sore eyes." Boris proclaimed as the fright was out of his system and he brushes his clothes off from the frisking that he suffered.

"Why are you here?" Toval asked look sharp and Boris gluped slightly.

"Well you see;" Boris attempted to explain; "... our sector is running low on weapon power and we need to see our overlord."

"You were told to stay in your sector and lay low if supplies are low. The last thing that our overlord needs is for you to blow our cover." Toval barked violently which caused Boris to jump slightly. However; Toval pauses for a moment and then decides to return to the police car and opens the back doors of the car; " Get in here! I'll take you to our overlord...but I will not be held accountable for what happens to you." Dustin, Boris and Salet felt a sigh of relief as Dustin, Boris and Salet guide their bicycles towards the police car as Toval walks to the back of the police car and opens up the trunk.

"So; how did you get that police car?" Salet asked wondering since this was pretty surprising that someone from the Street Pirates was able to find a police car.

"Can you believe it?" Toval responded shrugging his shoulders; " An officer left his keys in the car, along with his uniforms yesterday."

"What a careless copper?!" Dustin chuckled strongly.

"I call that a helpful cop." Salet responded in kind as Boris, Salet and Dustin put their bicycles into the trunk and quickly close the trunk door. Toval proceeds to open the passenger side of the front door as Boris apporches Toval.

"I know...not to mention that I have seven colt pistols and a machine gun." Toval said with absolute glee as Boris' face lights up thinking that Toval could give him some weapon power now and they didn't have to see Pierce; " Along with flares and other tools....and no Boris; you cannot have any." Boris' smile turned into a frown and he starts to grumble as he, Dustin and Salet jump into the police car with Dustin and Salet entering in the back seat of the car where the criminal sit after being arrested and they were looking as excited as little kids on Christmas morning.

"Did you see a little girl on a black car?" Boris asked as he continues to grumble.

"This is so cool!" Dustin exclaimed smiling from ear-to-ear.

"We're like criminals and we aren't even arrested!" Salet responded reflecting on the irony of all of this as Toval opens the door to the driver seat and hops into the police car.

"Yes I did.." Toval responded as he closes the door; "..why?"

"She looked like that girl who was kidnapped by Convington...." Boris explains as the police car makes a U-turn and drive away towards Saint Peterdora. The rain then started to come down much harder now as Molly Cunningham was in trouble now......If only Kit can convince Molly that he wasn't the one who killed Stephen Cunningham....However; this was Earthia and nothing is what it always seemed....


The SeaDuck had flown past Cape Suzette and was approching Saint Peterdora which was just an hour away. However; there was a storm that was increasing in strength as Baloo was flying right into the intense storm as the wind was very strong; looking like hurricane force, the rain was coming down very hard and the cloud were gathering around and looked like a very thick fog present. However; Baloo was not afraid as the SeaDuck has flown in such weather before. However; Rebecca wasn't so sure as there was no point in killing each other since Molly was in Saint Peterdora. However; Baloo knew that the real world was an ugly place at times and Molly was in trouble either way...

"Baloo.." Rebecca said looking worried as she looked out of the window; "..I think this weather is looking bad."

"Don't worry Beckers!" Baloo exclaimed looking serious; " The SeaDuck's been through worse..."

However; the radio starts to fizzle out as a familiar elder's voice beckons on the radio; "16-Seaduck come in....over!"

"Wiley this is Baloo over?" Baloo said as he picked up the transmitter to answer to Wiley Pole who was leading the search for Molly Cunningham with the main pilots; " Have you found Molly?"

"Negative Baloo.." Wiley answered with a hint of panic in his voice; "..however; we have bigger problems now."

"How so?" Baloo asked as he felt that Wiley Pole was sounding like a coward.

"The entire area of Saint Peterdora is covered with thick cloud and very strong winds..." Wiley explained as the SeaDuck was finally starting to have some minor problems handling the wind; but it wasn't something that Baloo couldn't handle; ".... hurricane force according to weather reports. You got to turn back!"

"Sorry; but a little girl is in that storm.." Baloo responded seriously as Rebecca's eyebrow lit up at something and made her feel worried as she was reading the fuel gauge and it was at empty; or was very close to being empty ; "..I cannot abandon her."

"You're insane Baloo!" Wiley protested; " The conditions are unflyable."

"Baloo;" Rebecca responded tugging at Baloo's hand; ".... we have got to land right now." Rebecca looked frightened as she knew that the SeaDuck was in trouble. ~I thought Louie said that his GreaseMonkey filled up the tank.~ she thought with fear as Baloo looked at her calmly to reassure her that the SeaDuck could handle the hurricane very well.

"Beckey.." Baloo said as he comfronts her; "...I thought that you wanted to find Molly. The SeaDuck can handle a class-five hurricane."

"Baloo.. " Rebecca explained trying to convince Baloo to land; "..there is no point in killing each other....Besides we have a bigger problem."

"You should listen to her Baloo..." Wiley responds in kind as Baloo looks angry.

"Come on Wiley." Baloo asked looking cross; " What could be a big problem then Molly running away?" As Baloo said that the SeaDuck finally started to cough violently and the engines finally cut completely dead as the SeaDuck was in mid-air; " What was that?!"

"We are out of gas." Rebecca said in monotone as Baloo realized that Louie's GreaseMonkey did in fact forget to fill the tank of the SeaDuck and he felt that clutch of panic.

"Oh baby!" Baloo said in fear; " That is a _BIG_ problem!" The SeaDuck was in complete and total of mercy of the hurricane as the strong force wind forces the SeaDuck to ride uncontrollably in the wind by itself as Baloo attempts to regain control; but it was no good as the engines were dead and there was no power in the steering of thr SeaDuck "ARRGH!"

The SeaDuck then does a number of barrel rolls as Rebecca falls right out of her seat and land on the steel floor of the SeaDuck with a thud as her seatbelt came lose; "BALOO?! STOP ROCKING THE DUCK!" she screamed bitterly as Baloo tries to turn on the SeaDuck again; but the engines were dead due to a lack of gas and the SeaDuck continues to be at the mercy of the hurricance. When the SeaDuck was at full power; even class five hurricane can be ridden out with no problems; which gave the SeaDuck its legendary status. However; without power; it was nothing to a hurricane.

"My baby's completely shut down.." Baloo shouted as he was on the radio with Wiley Pole as the SeaDuck continues to be bashed around in the hurricane; "..Mayday! Mayday!"

"What's happening?!" Rebecca said as she struggles to get up and she sees a bright white light consume the entire SeaDuck; which blinded both bears completely; " Are we going to die?!"

Meanwhile; Wiley Pole, who was a 65 year old blond lion who was wearing a red coat with red shirt and brown pants who lived in Cape Suzette. Wiley was sitting inside his Gorman Goose XS-11 seaplane which was green/lime in color and was called the Mountain Few by several of his known friends; Baloo included. Wiley attempts to gain contact from the SeaDuck and growing more frustrated by the second. "Baloo?! Come in! BALOO?! REBECCA?! CURSES! When will that bear ever listen?!" Wiley said acting very upset as he sees that the radio to the SeaDuck had fizzled out and was dead. Wiley was afraid as he adjusts his radio and calls out the red-alert to any airplane in a large sweep; " Mayday! Calling all pilots within 100 mile radius!! I need help! The Conwing L-16SE SeaDuck has been caught in a class five hurricane!...Please come in! I beg of ya....! The SeaDuck is in peril...." This was a very serious matter as Molly was missing now; and if the SeaDuck is dead; then the whole operation is pretty much dead as well. Wiley Pole continues to call his Mayday and prays that someone will answer the call.....


As the SeaDuck was in the process of being ripped apart; Dillo Vane's seaplane was approching Cape Suzette and was about a half-hour away from the storm's location. Dillo was flying the airplane as Kit Cloudkicker was sitting in the navigational seat looking quite concerned as he felt that he was being rude. He hadn't said how thankful he was to Dillo and was feeling pretty bad that he was about to cost Dillo Vane his cargo job. However; Dillo decided his own fate and he wasn't going to make any excuses for Kit on his own decision. It would be a betrayal of trust to Kit to say otherwise. Still; the whole airplane cockpit was too quiet for Kit to stand any longer. He needed to say something....quickly.....

"Dillo?" Kit asked as Dillo notices that he was talking; apparently wanting to thank him for listening to him and help him search for Molly. However; Dillo saw this whole exercise to prove that he was heartless like so much of the world was acting like in the last decade.

"Kid...I'm doing this because I seems too many instutions fail before my eyes." Dillo explain looking serious into Kit's eyes; " The Usland government used the War Measures Act without consent from the entire collective; used the orphanage to bring in an order of abuse and the opposition has offered little to give them a reason to change..."

"I'm a friend of the leader of the opposition; Oniz Mecha.." Kit responded shrugging his shoulders wondering why Dillo was so bitter since he had a real life; "..Why are you so bitter?! Forgive me if I sound uncaring; but you already have a secure job and a family if I remember from the last time I met. I had no family; no home; a life on the run and was considered a criminal...I should be the one being bitter and acting hopeless..."

"So why aren't you?" Dillo asked wondering why Kit would be saying this.

"Because I had a dream...I had a reason to trust adults and instutions." Kit explained as Dillo looked at Kit in shock for even remotely defending the instutions that he believed caused all the problems in the social fabric and then turn around and claim that they are the foundations of the social fabric; " They are the people who can teach me how to fly and get my licence to fly. Since I didn't give up on my hopes; I found a family and I have a home to go to..."

"Kit; I just remember. You're only half-right now." Dillo said as he looked down at the instruments as he was admitting that there was another instution that he didn't like anymore and it was the most sacred of them all...marriage; " I used to have a wife...We divorced six months ago. She wanted to move to Reno; I said it was too costly and I didn't like the people there since they are too snobish!" Kit just looked at him and shook his head in sorrow that someone would leave just because someone felt that they were spending beyond the means of the marriage. Kit was starting to understand how Dillo was feeling. He had seen many instutions falter for him before his very eyes; but never imagined that marriage was failing the social fabric as well. Kit then started to hear the radio start to fizzle and a familiar male elder's voice beckoned.

"Mayday! Mayday!" Wiley Pole shouted as Dillo instantly grabbed the transmitter; " I need help!

"This is the Abagail Mark III over..." Dillo said over the transmitter as Kit was pondering the name of the airplane as he remembered his first unintended meeting with Dillo. ~That's his wife's name.~ he thought sadly as the voice was sounding so familiar he had to shout out something.

"Wiley?!" Kit shouted out within earshot of Dillo; " Is that you?!"

"Kit! You're all right!" Wiley responded as he heard Kit's voice loud and clear; " Rebecca started to panic when you left...Molly's in Saint Peterdora."

"I know.." Kit said blushing waiting for Wiley Pole to snap on him for not obeying Rebecca earlier; "..I heard it on the radio at Higher For Hire."

"Well; I'm glad that you're searching for your little sister." Wiley responded kindly which gave Kit a sigh of relief; " I thought the rumors were ture."

"Gossip is a death wish.." Kit admitted as his word drifted off and he said something else under his breath in unison; "..[and she's not my sister!]"

"Enough!" Dillo protested as he sounded quite upset that this mayday was sounding nothing but a reunion instead of an emergency; " What in limbo dance is your emergency? Over!"

"A Conwing L-16SE yellow seaplane is caught in a class five hurricane.." Wiley Pole said sounding serious; "..and we've lost complete contact!"

"That's the SeaDuck!! Baloo!..." Kit protested as he looked at Dillo with a clutch of panic; " "Dillo? We must..."

"I'm not flying into a hurricane son!" Dillo protested as Kit looked very upset now. Baloo was in big trouble and he was going to die if nothing is done as Kit is now sitting on the navigator's chair arm.

"But BALOO...." Kit shouted loudly.

"There's nothing we can do.." Wiley Pole interrupts him sounding very sharp; "..If the SeaDuck cannot handle this hurricane; then our planes would tear up one hundred fold."

"He's right.." Dillo responded in kind looking at Kit sharply as Kit returns to his seat looking very concerned for Baloo safety right now; "..and judging from our position we're still a good five minutes away."

"Well; what do you know?" a southern female voice beckons on the radio; " The kid is all right sugar!"

"Airplane Jane!" Kit exclaimed in shock as the voice was all too familiar to him. Jane had already contacted Rebecca to inform her that Molly was heading to Saint Peterdora.

"Man;" Dillo exclaimed in disbelief as both Wiley Pole and Airplane Jane were close firends to Dillo and Kit had never met them on their first meeting; "... you have made great friends Kit!"

"Wiley.." Airplane Jane said sounding serious over the radio; "..I'm overlooking the southern sphere of the hurricane. Look up Wiley! You won't believe this!"

"I'm looking up.." Wiley Pole said as he looked up in his plane and he noticed that the stormclouds were not moving at all; but they were disappearing right before his very eyes; "..Oh my God!" he shrieked in horror; " The clouds...they're vanishing."

"WHAT?!" Dillo and Kit shouted back in unison and in total disbelief. Kit knew a lot about weather as a navigator and he knew that clouds don't disappear that quickly and not until the storm starts to die off; but it was too strong to disappear right now. Something was very wrong going on here and it was becoming apparent that this was no ordinary storm.

"Yeah sugar!" Airplane Jane responded in kind; " The clouds are disappearing.."

"This must be some sort of trick!" Dillo protested; refusing to believe this; " It must be those pirates again!"

"I doubt it.. " Kit said remembering that the Air Pirates were defeated by him and Amber Bossuard a couple of months ago when he met Oniz Mecha for the first time; "..Don Karnage is in prison. I put the Air Pirates out of business for good."

"What?! Don Karnage is facing justice.." Dillo responded in disbelief as he was seeing Kit Cloudkicker once again seen as a hero; "..Good show boy!"

"Dillo;" Airplane Jane explained as apparently Dillo hates the newspaper as well; ".... you need to read the paper again..."

"Lay off _Sugar_!" Dillo snapped back as he looked to his right and found his telescope placed on hinges. He grabs it and tosses it to Kit which Kit grabs perfectly; " Anyway; I'm now on the tail-end of the storm. Use your skills Kit. What do you see?!" Dillo demanded as Kit nodded without question and looks right into the telescope. He then began to see exactly what Airplane Jane was talking about as the storm clouds were fading way too quickly for any type of storm. Kit was in shock as well.

"Oh my gosh!" Kit said fumbling his words slightly; " Jane's right; the clouds aren't moving; they are fading quickly."

"Give me the telescope!" Dillo demanded as Kit tosses the telescope and he uses it to look forward into the sky. He then sees the very scene Kit saw as the black clouds were not moving; but they were fading away way too quickly for a class five hurricane as he began to shout in fear; " Oh my lord! The clouds are fading too quicky...What is going on?!" he could only say and then it happened again. In one split second; another flash of bright white light consumes the airplane and the surrounding area as Dillo swears out; " What the devil....?"

"That light.." Kit said covering his eye with his arm as the bright light finally stops and the scene returns to its normal state. Kit lets go of his arm and then he sees something shocking as the black storm clouds were completely gone as if the storm never existed at all. The skies were completely clear as Kit saw Wiley Pole's Gorman Goose flying on the northeast side. Kit's jaw dropped as he was almost ready to shed tears on the death of his friend; "....The's gone! BALOO!" he could only scream out as Dillo's jaw was dropping as well.

"My...God!!" Dillo could only say in absolute disbelief as Airplane Jane's pink Gorman Goose XS-13 seaplane appears in view from the northwest; " This wasn't a pirate's trick!"

"I almost fought it was for a minute there." Wiley said responding as he could only sigh.

"Now there is nothing we can do.." Airplane Jane responded looking down and praying. She was a grey hippo was was very big and a foot shorter than Baloo. She wore a brown leather jacket, leather goggles and brown pants. She was normally a cocky little lady; but that was the time nor place for it as she was feeling Kit's pain of losing Baloo as well.

"Kit.." Dillo said feeling ashamed as Kit was looking at the window of the clear sky in front of him and for some odd reason he couldn't cry anymore; "..I'm sorry..."

"Baloo.." Kit said as he felt like he was being hit by a piano and the pain was becoming a problem for him as his voice started to rise to shouting status; "..Can someone PLEASE give me a weather status report?!"

"Sure son.." Wiley Pole said as there was a slight pause before Wiley Pole responded once again; "..I've just been informed that the storm is completely gone. I have no idea what has happened to Baloo now. I cannot even see him."

"Oh that is just great!" Dillo protested as he smashed his fist on the console again which made Kit twitch quite a bit in fear; " How can the SeaDuck disappear like that?"

"Baloo..." Kit could only say as that clear sky was clearly haunting him. He felt like he had thrusted Baloo into a storm; however, he couldn't show Dillo that he was blaming himself for this entire mess; considering what kind of man Dillo was. He was a lot like Rebecca in one way; he didn't like people feeling sorry for stuff they didn't do.

"Kit? I'm sorry.." Dillo said as he looked at Kit sharply trying to make him snap out of his funk; "..but you've got to find Molly..."

"Why?" Kit asked still unable to take his eyes away from the window as Dillo puts his paw on Kit's shoulder.

"Because that's all you can do now...." Dillo said as Kit finally started to look at Dillo straight into the eye. Kit realized that Dillo was right. Baloo and Rebecca may be dead now and there would be nothing that Kit could do to save them. However; Molly Cunningham was still pretty much alive and well. She still has a chance to be found safe and sound. Kit also knew that only he could convince Molly Cunningham that he didn't kill her father either even though Molly's mind wasn't sound of judgement anymore. Kit then nodded his head and looked at him with determination.

"Then let's go.....!" Kit shouted out as Dillo's seaplane flies right past Wiley Pole and Airplane Jane and heads directly to Saint Peterdora. Hopefully; Molly Cunningham hasn't been harmed just yet...However; Molly's luck was pretty much ready to be running out very soon.


Now; the truth behind Saint Peterdora; unknown to the denizens of Saint Peterdora was showing itself inside a dark office somewhere inside the city. The office had a few candlelights lighting the room. Sitting down on a chair on the backwall was a male, tall, young, iguana furry wearing a brown suit, brown shoes and brown fedora hat. He was the mob leader of the Street Pirates #2 known as the dreaded and hated Pirece Iguana; who was sitting down in a pratically empty room. He was currently being fanned by two cat furries (one was black, the other was blonde) wearing red bikini's which cover all their bodies expect their heads and their legs; and a crystal tiara. They looked quite dirty as Pierce was looking straight at a short, fat, yellow canary furry wearing a black and white checked suit, black shoes and a black fedora hat who was tied up to a chair. Pierce looked extremely meance at one of his hitmen known as Motiaf Bulgrade who was apparently being punished for failing him. Pierce looks at him for a while before finally deciding to stand up and the two girls stop fanning him on cue.

"All right SSugar & SSpice.." Pierce said with a clear snake-hissing like lisp looking at his crew; " can take five..."

"Of course my love." Sugar and Spice proclaimed as Pierce places a 20 dollar bill inside each of their bikinis. Sugar & Spice respond by blowing kisses at him which make him blush. For information sake; Sugar is the blond cat while Spice is the black cat; they are not twins either. Anyhow; Pierce walks towards Mortiaf who is sqruiming and sweating bullets at Pierce; but he couldn't escape as Pierce looks at him in a meance look and tone. Mortiaf was a failure in Pierce's eyes and failure was even worse than a zero tolerance policy.

"Now you little weed whacker.." Pierce asked with a meance tone; "..Why did ya ssquealed?"

"I didn't.." Mortiaf squeaked in such a high c-pitch tone that it sounded like he had inhaled helium; "..I never squealed."

"YOU DID!" Pierce protested loudly pointing his finger directly at Mortiaf to scare him even more.

"I didn't.." Mortiaf squeaked whining out loud in a high pitch that caused Pierce to cover his ears; "..I would never squeal."

"Your whining is ssick!" Pierce threatened; " You are going to ssing! Ssing like a canary."

"But I am a canary boss!" Mortiaf squeaked again looking so scared that he was ready to cry.

"You are right.." Pierce said smacking his own head; "..I am ssuch a sscrewup!" He then looks towards his female fanners.

"SSugar?! SSpice?!" Pierce asked as he point directly at a small wooden door and threathens Mortiaf again; " SShow him the sshoot closset!"

"Nooo!" Mortiaf protested in fear as Sugar and Spice grab the tied up hitman and they drag him towards that closet door. Pierce opens the door and blows two more kisses at Sugar and Spice as they throw Mortiaf into the small closet. Sugar and Spice enter the closet and Pierce quickly close the door as Pierce giggle softly; "I didn't squeal.." Mortiaf screamed in a high pitch; "..I beg you!" Pierce giggles as he look into the keyhole; " AAAAHHHHHHHHH!" That would prove to be Mortiaf's last words as Pierce steps back and two loud bangs were heard muffled inside the Shoot Closet. The whole room goes quiet as Sugar & Spice open the door and walk outside holding two pistols (Read: hidden in their bikinis) as Pierce claps his hands in glee as he looks inside the Shoot Closet and see Mortiaf on his back with two bullet holes in his midsection and a small amount of blood coming out of it. Mortiaf was officially dead; killed by a gun. This was the terror that Pierce Iguana would provide and his lack of conscience wouldn't stop killing his own kind for failing to live up to his lofty standards.

"You two are sso naughty!" Pierce said with glee as Sugar and Spice put their pistols in their bikinis as they apporch Pierce; " Lookss like he'll never ssing like a canary anytime ssoon." Pierce was laughing out loud as Sugar and Spice blow kisses at Pierce once again ;"I'm the naughty boyss! Where'ss Borleass?" Pierce asked himself out loud as he looks at another door which was the exit out of his dark office as it opens and an octopus furry arrives. He was tall and fat red octopus wearing a black fedora hat, white suit, white boots and white pants. He was known as Borleas Icebolt; the illegit father of Boris; and the second in command of the Pierce Street Pirates #2. He was a famous gangster who had all the power many years ago. However; he lost all of his control on the world when Kit Cloudkicker was on the streets and the young boy exposed Borleas' syndicate to the police force. Borleas escaped; but not before his empire crumbled to the ground. Now he was forced to play second fiddle to a cocky Pierce who was basically repeating the same mistakes that he committed.

"Yes my lord..." Borleas asked looking very annoyed.

"I've losst another hitman.." Pierce said pretending to act sad; "..The sshoot closset hass claimed it'ss one thoussand life."

"Why not us sir?" Sugar asked blowing a kiss to Pierce.

"Yeah boss.." Spice responded in kind "..We have the pistols to spare..."

"I'd love to give you the job.." Pierce laughed violently much to the annoyance of Borleas; "..but I'll have to whack ssomeone to make it official honeysspices!"

"OHHHH SHOOT!" Sugar and Spice said poupting as Borleas looks very annoyed at the thought of all of this stupid activies. Borleas had no remorse or compassion; but at least he realized what zero compassion can do to an empire...make it crumble to the ground.

"You summoned me..." Borleas asked looking annoyed as Pierce continued to laugh even harder.

"I didn't ssummon you for anything.." Pierce chuckled violently; "..I just to wanted to ssee if you can grab my attention."

"Of course my lord." Borleas said looking very annoyed again. That word lord started to get under his skin as Pierce stopped laughing and started to look mean once again.

"My...lord?!" Pierce said sounding very angry; " I'm not ssome God! I am the bossss."

"I'm sorry boss!" Borleas said covering himself; " Please don't whack me!"

"Why would I want to whack you?" Pierce asked with an arrogant tone; " I hate ssusshi..." Then the fireworks were about to start as the door flings open without warning and a grey, fat peacock entering the dark room walking backwards. He was wearing a grey suit, grey shoes, grey pants and a grey fedora hat. He was known to Pierce as Jose Visions who was the mob's main cleark who was responsible for finances and recruiting. He was sounding pretty angry as he was walking backwards as Boris, Salet, Dustin and Toval all entered the dark room as Borleas annyonce quickly turned to anger as he hated to see Boris reappear again after being a failure in his own two eyes.

"Hey!" Jose protested; " You punks aren't allowed in here..."

"Move over clutz!" Toval said shoving Jose hard and it almost made Jose fall down flat on his back; " We have business with da boss."

"That's it.." Jose shouted out as he pulls out his pistol; " clowns need to be whacked big time in the shoot closet...!" He was about to shoot them; but Pierce quickly grabs the gun and whacks Jose with it right on the back of the head "NOOOOO!" he screamed out as Jose falls onto his belly and is knocked out cold as everyone looks at Pierce with a loaded gun shudder in fear.

"Sso.." Pierce asked pointing the pistol at Boris; "..You have bussinesss with me?"

"What kind of grunts are you?!" Borleas protested bitterly; " Aren't you supposed to be guarding your sector?!"

"Sshut your mouth PIKE!" Pierce screams as he points the pistol at Borleas' head as he looks into Boris' eyes with an ice cold look that would freeze anyone to death; " Sso Boriss, I ssee that you have left your musst explain why...or I'll ssend you to the sshoot closset!"

"Shoot Closet! Shoot Closet!" Sugar and Spice dance a cheerleading jig; " RA..RA...RA....!"

"Well boss; we ran out of bullets." Boris explained as he gluped in fear; " You see; we are chasing this little girl who we want to kidnap and use as ransom...."

"That's it?!" Borleas protested bitterly as he slaps Boris in the face; " If you wanted supplies you could have gone to Sector Crimson Blood in West Cape Suzette...and what kind of grunt are you to kidnap a trivial little..." Before he can finished his statement Pierce shoves Borleas aside and he falls to his knees looking quite angry. He has never been treated this way by his boss before.

"Who'ss thiss little girl?.." Pierce asked as he spat into Boris' face to scare him even further; "..TALK!"

"Well; she's a golden girl bearcub wearing a colinder on her head, a blue cape, pink shirt, blue overalls and blue ribbons tied around her ears...." Boris said as Pierce turns around and walks back to his chair and sits down. Boris feels somewhat relieved as Pirece looks toward the left side of his chair and grabs a newspaper and read it. He flips to page three of the page and folds the page in a way so that anyone could see it.

"Did it look like thiss?" Pierce asked as Boris approches Pirece and he shoves the page right into Boris' face. Boris' relieved face turned into shock as if he saw a ghost. He saw a picture of Molly and Kit hugging each other about 18 months ago. The headline read as followed: Young boy save a baby girl from an Insane Bounty Hunter. That was the story which happened with Vincent MacKnee as Boris just lost any way of expressing himself; "What'ss wrong?"

"That's the girl..." Boris shouted out in fear as he then points to the picture of Kit Cloudkicker; "..and that boy....we've seen him before!"

"What do you mean you've seen this kid?!" Borleas protested again as he got up and slapped Boris in the fact again; " You have been told time and time again to report all incidents to us at once!"

"Kit Cloudkicker..?" Pierce asked himself pondering about this young bearcub; " Hmmmm.... ssounds like a challenge to me....Thiss boy of AeroSStar ssounds like a threat."

"He's nothing boss!" Boris said with glee assuring that there was nothing to worry about; much to the fear that Borleas was expressing; " We kicked him like a wounded dog.." Boris brusted into laughter as he remembered that time when Kit was in their territory and destroyed him like they were his witch; "..We smashed his steel board to dust."

"You idoits!" Borleas shouted bitterly slapping Boris in the face once again; " That kid ruined my mob business years ago!" Borleas looks at Pierce and acts very concerned as the fear was present on his own kisser; " Boss? With all due respect; we should tell all members to lay low..."

"What's wrong with him?!" Dustin asked giggling; " We gave that kid a black eye!"

"Yeah!" Salet chimed in as Borleas goes over to the group and strikes Salet in the face as he was burning it up with anger over the entire crew who was underestimating this young bearcub.

"You...just.." Borleas screams as he then proceeds to slap Dustin's face; "..don't.." he then slaps Boris' face once again as Boris' face was getting really red now; "!" Pierce apporches him as Borleas turns around to slap Pirece in the face to snap him out of it; however, Pierce smacks him in the face before Borleas can react;" OUCH!" Borleas screamed as they all held their faces in pain.

"Thiss iss a time to make a sstatement to Earthia.." Pirece said beaming up at the dark ceiling and sounding really serious now; "..We are the Sstreet Pirates! Our command iss abssolute!"

"How are we going to do this boss?" Boris asked as he removes the hands from his read face.

"Thiss Molly Cunningham that hass run away will be our bait.." Pierce said as he grabs Lucy which was right inside the pocket of Boris and he looks at it with an evil look on his kisser; "...and you will be the pre-bait." Pierce bursted into laughter once again as Jose was beginning to stir; " Molly will be our ticket to global domination."

Jose finally starts to wake up and looks around in a daze asking; "What's going on?" Pierce notice him right away and is acting very cheerful.

"Oh Ssugar?! SSpice?!" Pierce asked motioning to the two fanners.

"Oui boss?" Sugar and Spice asked each blowing a kiss at Pirece with made him giggle slightly.

"Would you pleasse sspeak to Josse.." Pierce asked as he goes from being lightheart to serious as he points to the Shoot Closet again; " the Sshoot Closset!" Apparently; Jose's actions were beyond forgiveness and Jose must pay the deadly price as Sugar and Spice quickly grab Jose before Jose knows who got him.

"No.." Jose screamed as he had snapped out of it too late as they drag Jose towards the closet and they throw him into the Shoot Closet hard right on top of Mortiaf which was still open to plain view; "..not that!" Sugar and Spice then enter the closet and close the door as Pierce claps for joy.

"Lookss like I got my two new recruitss after all.." Pierce laughed as he puts his shoulder on Boris; "..Now; let'ss go to the war room...The sstatement sshall be made..." Boris, Dustin, Pierce, Toval and Salet all exit the office quickly as they were cheering and laughing together; closing the door leaving Borleas alone in the room to hear Jose scream loudly.

"NOOOOOOO!" Jose screamed as that would be his last words; which two more loud bangs beckoned the entire dark room which starled Borleas. They have lost so many men now within Saint Peterdora that the recruiting process was becoming more diffcult for the cause to be justifed anymore. ~We're losing men this way. Pierce is going to fail...I know it!~ Borleas thought as he knew that this was the same thing that happened to him when Kit exposed his empire. History was repeating itself as he looked at the newspaper photo of Kit and Molly hugging each other and slowly walks away towards the door. There was evil in the air....and it was going to get surreal now....


In a odd location there was nothingness; a black void. It was completely empty; except for two round balls of light. One of them was blue in color which is the sign of the Alpha; which is the beginning of time and the second ball of light is read in color which is the sign of Omega are spinning around looking below at the chaos sphere of howling wind which was coming from the hurricane it seemed. Something crazy was going on and the spiritual balls of light knew it.

"Another rift in the fabric of reality." Alpha said as they runs rings around the large chaotic sphere.

"We must act quickly.." Omega said in kind both sounding very unemotional; "..God would purify us if we fail."

"I hate abominations!" Alpha said without showing any sign of furry traits. Apparently; these two spirit balls are the keepers of time and reality and seemly have a job created by the almighty himself. The secrets of the world of Earthia were getting stranger and stranger with each mistake within the grand design being exposed. How can this be possible since God according to many who believe him was in fact perfect? Maybe Spirit Valk was right about God's power waning after all....

"Agreed..." Omega responded as the balls of light drop down into the sky below them; apparently ready to fix a great big mess below them. Meanwhile inside the SeaDuck; Baloo and Rebecca slowly start to stir and wake up as the grey skies were around the airplane. Baloo is rubbing his head in pain.

"Oh; my aching head....can someone get the number of that hurricane.." Baloo said grumbling; as Rebecca struggles to her feet;"..Beckey?!"

"Oh...Baloo...what happened?" Rebecca asked with a clutch of panic as she looks around; " Are we dead?"

"Doesn't feel like it.." Baloo said pinching himself and feeling it; "" he looks right out of the cockpit window and sees a sight that could be described as horrible; "..What is going on?!"

"What are you pointing at?" Rebeeca asked as she looks directly outside of the cockpit window and sees that the SeaDuck was still in the air as if the plane was still flying; but the engines were still dead as a doornail; " Oh my goodness!" her kisser looked in horror as as she sank down to her knees on the navigator's seat where Kit would sit right now if Rebecca would have allowed him to come along; " The SeaDuck is floating!"

"It looks like time has stopped.." Baloo asked as Rebecca looked scared right now; "..Where are we?"

"I don't know Baloo.." Rebecca cried out as tears rolled down her cheeks; "..and I don't like it one bit!"

"Well; the good news is that we are still in the air." Baloo said as Rebecca started to sob louder.

"So what?" Rebecca sobbed loudly; " Molly is somewhere out there and we're not sure where we even are....and...I don't like this..."

"Why not?" Baloo asked as the wind starts to blow around again and time has officially resumed and that means the SeDuck is about to fall again as Rebecca stops crying; "Uh oh!"

"We are still out of gas.." Rebecca states folding her arms as she then starts to scream as the SeaDuck goes directly into a tailspin; "...WAHHHHH!"

"The controls are stuck," Baloo screamed as he tries in vain to get the nose up by pushing on the controls; forgetting that the without gas power; the SeaDuck is unable to do anything and it is basically dead as a doornail; " I can't pull up!" Baloo and Rebecca close their eyes as they await for their death from the crash of the SeaDuck if it could find the bottom ground. The SeaDuck was taking a nosedive into the clouds of death. However; a miracle of sorts was about to occur as two shark-like seaplanes appear from the clouds above and descend down towards the SeaDuck. The first seaplane (a purple striped green splash) was driven by a female brown cat. The name of her was apparently on the side of the plane in yellow letters: Miff-Cat Seinor Commander Lord. She was fairly young and looked like Mad Dog; but there was no nasel-like whining present from her. She was wearing similar clothes to Mad Dog; but was also wearing black pants which clashed with the rebellous clothing. The second seaplane (a blue striped yellow splash) was driven by a female grey poodle who was as large as Dumptruck. Her name on the side of the seaplane in green letters: Mini-Van Seinor General Lord. He's wearning the same clothes as Dumptruck does. Those seaplane fly into position and they fire grappling hooks from the cannons preched from the sides of the seaplane. The rope attach themselves to the wings of the SeaDuck as the two female sky pilots were talking on their radios.

"The bird's been caught Captain." Minivan states on the radio transmitter.

"Tres Bein Sky Pirate!" a colorful female voice beckoned as they confirm themselves as Air Pirates; " Get the plane secured and fly it to the Sky Shark...I need that plane..."

"Yes Captain dear..." Miff Cat responded cheerfully. How could this be? Don Karnage is the only Air Pirates Organization around Earthia...and they were arrested a couple of months ago. Something was a wash here as the voice on the radio was sounding awfully bitter.

"If you call me that one more time.." the female voice responded changing her voice into some loud angry tone which sounded cold; "..I'LL KELHUL YOU! Understood?!"

"Yes Captain!" Miff Cat gulped at the thought of death from this Air Pirate Captain. Baloo and Rebecca have no idea what has happened right now. It's like they are in some sort of altered world or something....

"Good.." the female voice stated as she finished her statement; "..OUT!" The radio finally went dead as Miff Cat and Mini-Van breathe a sigh of relief as they switched the radio fequenecy to someone else.

"Jobber? Wrenches?" Mini-Van calls out on the radio; " The bird is caught! Catch the nose!"

"RUDY!!" Two more female voices exclaimed. One of the voices was sounding like a female version of Rachect and the another one sounded quiet; although it was a lot louder than Gibber was. This was getting really strange since Rodger was the standard call of response to obey orders. Miff Cat and Minivan proceed further by placing their seaplanes directly under the wings to keep the SeaDuck afloat. As this was happening Baloo and Rebecca stop shaking as slowly open their eyes to notice that the clouds were completely gone and it was clear night skies from here. There were lots of stars present in the sky as they start to wonder again.

"Baloo?" Rebecca asked him as he looks at her pilot worker; " We should've crashed by now."

"Yeah; something's jamming our wings.." Baloo said as he looked forward at the nose of the plane and he sees two more shark seaplanes towards the SeaDuck at greatneck speed; "..I still cannot control the plane. Oh No! AIR PIRATES!!" The seaplanes fly in opposite directions as Rebecca is in complete shock.

"This cannot be happening...The Air Pirates were caught!" Rebecca screamed out in horror as she looked at Baloo in a panic state; " They look like...women! What kind of world would let women be so corrupted?" Rebecca asked as she shook Baloo harshly.

"I have no idea." Baloo asked himself as the two seaplanes manages to nudge againest the SeaDuck's nose. They were same type of seaplane as Miff Cat and Minivan with the shark-like noses. The one that was on the left side of the SeaDuck's nose was a grey dog wearing the same clothes that Gibber was wearning and was a bit taller than the quiet one. The name was on the side of the red striped, purple splash in white letters: Jobber Wacky. The seaplane on the right of the SeaDuck's nose was a brown wolf who was wearing Rachect's clothing and was fairly tall. The name was on the blue-striped, red splash seaplane in black letters: Wrenches Kora. Like the other pirates; they were on the radio as another shark-nosed seaplane which was yellow-green splash color lands right on top of the SeaDuck...

"Rudy back.." Jobber said on the radio; "..the bird is caught."

"This is going to be fun." Wrenches responds cheerfully; " This is one unusal seaplane..."

"It makes me want to sing our song of terror and death...." Miff Cat sounded off as the four Air Pirates both began to sing and for some reason their chant was both great and horrible at the same time.....


Die, Die, Die, Die
Die, Die, Die, Die
Die, Die, Die, Die
Die, Die, Die, Die!
We are the Pirates of Doom
Thy powers promote thy gloom
To dreams thy days are swoon
Our chaos shall fully bloom
Die, Die, Die, Die
To all that shall attack us;
We are the Sky Sharks
Pirates of enternal death
You will be forever spent..
To serve our queen...
The power of freedom
The speed of thought
The magic of chaos
The spirit of life....
Die, Die, Die, Die
Die, Die, Die, Die
Die, Die, Die, Die
Die. Die. Die. Die!
Die & Be Slient!
Die & Be Slient!
Our queen is absolute!
Die & be slient....


The singing continues as Baloo listens in shock; "What are they doing?"

"They're singing about the gloification of death!" Rebecca protested in horror; " What women ever talks about that; let alone sings it?"

"I have a bad feeling that we're not on Earthia anymore..." Baloo said as Rebecca's eyes light up as she remembered listening to the famous Gregory AeroStar referring to this same situation about ten years ago at Icicle Island Ski Resort.....

** I've had belief that there are five sphere in the creation of God: Length...Width.... Depth....Time...and reality. Most say that there are only four spheres in the world. However; I have been involved in worlds which don't exist in this reality. Robots, Androids, Women who are men.....** Gregory explained.

"I've heard that story before." Rebecca said in response; " Gregory Aerostar has always claimed that the creator of the universe..God....created an infinite number of realities; all based on the choices his creations make..."

"Where are these gals taking us?" Baloo protested bitterly as he grabs the transmitter; " Hello? Anyone who flies; can you hear me?!"

"What a gas I hear?!" Miff Cat said laughing out loud A man flying a plane."

"Our queen Diana will be interested." Minivan giggled back in response as Baloo is in shock.

"What are you talking about?!" Baloo asked shrugging it off; " Most pilot on Earthia are men."

"Earthia?! Lady; this pilot's delluisonal." Jobber said laughing quietly; " This is Gaiaria you fool!" It was now official; they weren't in Earthia and the rift of God's time has happened again; just like Gregory had thought it did. Why wasn't this in the bible?

"This is a gas!!" Wrenches responds sounding quite goofy; " And your oxygen will fall to absolute zero!" Baloo wasn't believing any of this. However; the problem was about to get worse as Baloo looks forward again and begins to gasp as the last thing he wanted to see was slowly coming towards them. A very large airship about one mile long and one mile wide and 355 feet in height was commencing towards the SeaDuck with it's mouth open. It looked like a whale and something was very strange as the whale-like structure was made of the skin of an actual whale; although it didn't appear to be an actual whale as there were clearly some steel beams attached to the material. On the backside; there were two sharks fin propelling the airship. It was twice as large as the Iron Vulture. Rebecca began to gasp in horror as well.

"Oh my God.." Baloo could only say in disbelief; "..Look at the size of that airship!"

"Show your proper respects to Gaia; the creator of this planet." Miff Cat protested; " Anyway; welcome to the Sky Shark; the place where no women sleeps and lives to gossip for it."

"Heh. Heh, Heh, welcome to your deathbed!" Jobber giggles softly; " HAHAHAHAHA!"

"The ship looks twice as big as the Iron Vulture!" Baloo expressed in horror.

"It looks like a.." Rebecca screamed in horror as well; "..REAL WHALE FLYING!"

"Excuse me; but are you a pilot in distress?" a shrill female voice beckons on the radio; " Come in?!"

"This is the SeaDuck, Conwing L-16SE, Baloo Waladaze, over.." Baloo shouts out on the transmitter; "..Please help us!"

"This is the AirWolf; Celica L-16SE; Jaloo Gaiadoze; we have you within our sights.." Jaloo responds ; "..WOW! I hear a male pilot on the radio!. Male pilots are non-existant on Gaiaria...."

"Baloo?" Rebecca said as she looks directly at the backdoor heading into the cargo hold was getting some knocks on the door; " Something tells me that this wacky trip isn't going to be over anytime soon...." The SeaDuck door is kicked off its own hinges and enters a young siena-brown female bearcue who was wearing a green sweater, multi-pocketed black pants and a baseball cap. She was barely Kit's age and size; yet she was able to hold a raiper-like sword with ease. Another difference was her brown hair was over one of her eyes. Rebecca suddenly had a double-take as the young bearcub was pointing the sword straight at Rebecca's nose.

"Stop...right...there..." the sweet young voice squeaked.

"Mid? Mid Gaiamoon?" Jaloo asked on the radio as apparently she knew about this air pirate; " Is that you?"

"You just don't quit Mommabear!" Mid shouted out loud as Mid goes to the transmitter within a split-second and cuts the wire clean off the transmitter and the radio goes dead; " You're trying to call for help you infidel!"

"I cannot believe that I'm being taken in by a pony-tailed girl." Baloo grumbled as he attempted to get into position to catch Mid and take her sword. However; Mid was ready for Baloo as she jumped into the air and take out an oval silver piece of metal which looked exactly like Kit's Airfoil. She then in one motion whacks Baloo right in the face with it; causing Baloo to slump to the ground with a thud. Mid then lands on her feet and starts to giggle loudly as Rebecca gets another double take. Mid replaces the airfoil into her shirt as she looked at Rebecca again.

"Lovely..." Mid giggled as Rebecca was angry now about some child upstaging an adult like that. Even worse so then Kit could ever do....

"How dare you?!" Rebecca shouted in anger as the SeaDuck was within 100 feet of the Sky Shark. Mid wasn't impressed as she takes out her pistol and points it at Rebecca which in turn forces Rebecca back.

"How dare who?!" Mid said with a wicked smile that would make even Kit blush; "Hee...Hee... Hee... you some mouth Miss...Miss...."

"Rebecca Cunningham.." Rebecca responded still looking defiant; "..and you would never be like Kit."

"Who's this Kit?" Mid asked not looking amused; " Where is he?!"

"He's a pilot in training 14 year old.." Rebecca responds with bravado; but then turns somber to realize that he wasn't asked to come here; "..and he's not here." At this point; Rebecca was figuring out that maybe not bringing Kit on this mission to find Molly wasn't a good idea after all. He would put this child in her place indeed; at least that was in Rebecca's mind.

"You act like some big Momma.." Mid said giggling softly; "..My queen would be happy to see you."

"Who's this queen?!" Rebecca asked looking quite annoyed and her fist was pumped; " I would love to give her a piece of my mind..." Rebecca then looks to her side and realized that she was about to get her chance as the SeaDuck goes right into the Sky Shark. This was even scarier than going into the Iron Vulture.

"Here's your chance big mouth!" Mid said as Rebecca just gulped; " I thought so..." Mid continues to laugh out loud as the SeaDuck was fully inside the Sky Shark and the lights inside the SeaDuck go completely out. The Sky Shark's mouth closes completely and locks the SeaDuck inside. The Sky Shark flies slowly in the night sky. About five miles east of the airship was a medium-sized seaplane which looked very similar to the SeaDuck. It was mostly green with a red nose; but it was the same model as the SeaDuck; except for the triangle nose. It held 35 passengers; or 2000 pounds of cargo. That was the Air Wolf; the Celica L-16SE seaplane (as it was called). Inside the AirWolf there were three furries. The pilot flying the plane was Jaloo Gaiadoze; a tall, fat grey bear who was wearing a green pocketed shirt, red pants and a red pilot's hat which looked ver similar to Baloo's pilot cap. The second was a male black panther known as Bahgeera Winningham; who was a average size and height wearing a blue sweater, white shirt and green pants...looking very similar to Rebecca Cunningham. The third furry was a six year old black panther named Jolly Winningham who was the father's young son. Less than three feet tall and was wearing red overalls, a blue shirt and a fake yellow rose pinned in his hair. Unlike Molly Cunningham; he seemed very quiet and concerned. There was a hush inside the AirWolf as Jaloo was still on the radio praying that the SeaDuck's radio was still working. But it was all for not...

"Mid?....MID!!" Jaloo screamed into the transmitter continuing to click the button for a response;" Come in...!"

"Save your breath Jaloo." Bahgeera said shaking his head in sadness; " Their radio is dead." Jaloo replaces the transmitter back into the holder as she admitted to herself that the radio is dead.

"Jaloo?" Jolly said in kind; " Mid's a bad girl now...She'll never..."

"You don't understand..." Jaloo protested as she slammed her fist on the console harshly. Jaloo was a lot like Baloo; a big temper and a large frame to boot.

"Hey; don't damage my plane!" Bahgeera shouted in protest and was breathing heavily as he attempted to act calm in the face of this ordeal; "Jaloo? There is nothing we can do for Mid."

"I'm going in!" Jaloo said as her emotions were running her already for some odd reason. It was like Mid was some sort of friend of hers. However; Bahgeera looked very cross as he had a contract to keep.

"No we are not!" Bahgeera protested as he grabbed Jaloo by the shoulder; " We don't stand a chance againest Diana...."

"That distressed plane doesn't stand a chance; but I do.." Jaloo explained as she looked directly at a photo of her with Mid which was taken a couple of years ago; "..and...because I'm the one who drove Mid to join this evil and violent gang."

"I promised that the cargo would..." Bahgeera began to speak; however, he looked at his son Jolly who was looking at his father with a look that was visually moralistic.

"Father?!" Jolly asked as he looked at his father with wide eyes; " Would denying the chance for Jaloo to apoligize be as wrong as Jaloo mistreating Mid?"

"Jaloo..." Bahgeera said shaking his head as he admitted that there was no way to change Jaloo's mind and that Jaloo must be given the chance for redeepmation; "..I cannot believe I'm doing this...All right Jaloo...I guess we better save this Baloo..."

"All right Daddy!" Jolly said in glee pumping his fist in the air.

"But if they as much as scratch my property then it's coming out of your hide.." Bahgeera said seriously as he pointed his finger striaght at Jaloo causing her to back off quite a bit; "..Understand?!"

"Crystal, Baggy..." Jaloo responded as Bahgeera sounded quite irrated hearing that pet name.

"It's Bahgeera, not Baggy!" Bahgeera shouted right into Jaloo's face as she gulped in fear. Even though this new world looked like it was run by females instead of males; they still experienced pretty much the same problems and the same type of arrogance that was present in a world run by males. That pretty much proves that furry beings are all the same when given half a chance.


The SeaDuck was now at the mercy of the Sky Shark's Pirates inside the massive organic whale. The insides was litterally like a gaint whale. While there were steel beams and a steel floor on the launchpad. Otherwise; this was exactly like the Iron Vulture; but was much larger. There were dozens of shark-nosed seaplanes lining the sides of the launchpad. This was like being caught by Don Karnage all over again. Inside the SeaDuck; Mid Gaiamoon still had Rebecca breathing heavily as her raiper was pointed directly at her. Baloo was slowly starting to stir as the SeaDuck was about to land.

"I'd better get going to ground level.." Mid giggles softly as she finally turns her back at Rebecca; "..The queen might get mad at me if I don't land my plane on the floor this time..."

"You...have...a...plane? You're a pilot?!" Rebecca shierked in shock looking quite stunned; " But...children aren't supposed to fly!"

"Lady; your boy pilot is going to be jealous now isn't he?" Mid giggles loudly as she finally walks out the door as Baloo finally starts to wake up; " I'll see you on landing...Don't move!"

"Ow! My aching cranium!" Baloo said as he got to his feet rubbing his head in agony; " Someone get me the number on that...airfoil?" Now even Baloo was starting to get a double take that they were not on Earthia anymore...At least for now...

"Baloo? I think we're in worse trouble now...LOOK!" Rebecca shouted as she pointed to the cockpit. Baloo looks out and sees that the SeaDuck was being forced to land onto the steel floor due to the shark-nosed seaplanes that would controlling them. As that was happening Mid was on stop of the SeaDuck as she jumps into her own seaplane and started the engines. The seaplanes finally landed as six more female pirate furries walked towards them. They were just as meancing as the first four. One of them was a black cat who looked exactly like the Air Pirate Hal and dressed like Hal. She was somewhat tall and very fat and looked Dull; so she was called Dull Bladetal. She also housed a swordblade that was very tall. The second pirate looked exactly like a female version of the Air Pirate Sadie and dressed like Sadie; except that she was 20 pounds heavier than he ever was and didn't have a beard. She was called Badie mainly because she was the only female pirate in existance who was bald. The third pirate was a biege ferret who was dressed like Hacksaw completely right down to the dynamite she wore around her chest. She was taller than Hacksaw (more than seven feet tall). She was known as a buzzsaw; so she was called Buzzsaw Doggin. The fourth female pirate was a relevately short white cardinal who wore a orange robe like dress with a red headband on his forehead. She is apparently the religious part of the organization and is known as Tillo Cole. The fifth pirate looked like a fairly tall; female black dog who was dressed in armor like a knight; known as Witchis. The final pirate was a taller silver hawk wearing a black ninja suit and was known as Poindextro. Back at the SeaDuck; Miff Cat enters the SeaDuck with her pistol drawn at the two prisoners as the shark-nosed seaplanes finally come to a stop and the engines are cut off. Mid flies her plane off the SeaDuck and does a number of barrel rolls right in front of Baloo and Rebecca as they stare in absolute shock. The seaplane lands onto the deck perfectly on the far side of the Sky Shark's launchpad.

"I...I...don't.." Baloo said losing his words; "..she just flew."

"Why are you surprised?" Miff Cat said giggling as she approches Rebecca; " 12 year olds are allowed to fly...." Miff Cat then quickly grabs Rebecca by the hair and she screeches in pain.

"OUCH!" Rebecca screamed violently as Miff Cat was grabbing the hair literally by the roots; " Let go of my perm!"

"Then get out of the plane!" Miff Cat shouted back into Rebecca's face as Miff Cat goes towards the back of the cockpit and throws Rebecca violently towards the open cargo door. Rebecca slides out of the cargo door with the momentum. Baloo is ticked off now as he walks towards Miff Cat as she turns around laughing.

"Hey you.." Baloo said clenching his fist violently; "..Keep your grubby paws off my boss!" Baloo tries to punch Miff Cat's lights out; but Miff Cat grabs Baloo's fist before he can connect and crushes it a bit causing Baloo to whince in pain; " Wha?"

"You violent fat bear!" Miff Cat shouted in his face as she opens the navigator's side window of the SeaDuck and throws Baloo with one hand into the open window. However; Baloo was clearly too fat so he couldn't fit through the window and was stuck between the window. Miff Cat backed up a bit and pointed her finger directly at him in glee; "HAHA!"

"Now that's why I told you to lose some weight you big lug!" Rebecca protested as she gets up and notices Baloo was stuck on the navigator's side window.

"Hey; who's side are ya on?!" Baloo snapped back in protest as Mid jumps out of her plane and walks towards a large entrance leading into the bowels of the ship. Those doors open as a female orange fox/wolf hybrid appears from the top of the deck. She was about the same size and height as Don Karnage and she dressed exactly like Don Karnage. However; there was one major physical difference; she was wearing a patch on her left eye; and her ear was intact.

"Hello Queen Diana Carnage!" Mid said addressing the clear leader of the Sky Shark Pirates as Diana jumps down from the top of the deck which was about 20 feet above the launchpad and she sticks the landing perfectly without even hurting herself. Rebecca and Baloo were scared stiff now.

"Queen Diana?!" they could only respond as Mini-Van and Jobber grab Rebecca's arms and put them to their back. Wrenches stands to the side to cut off the escape route and Miff Cat gets off the SeaDuck and jumps down to ground level. Mid apporches Diana as they look at each other with evil thoughts running through their heads on what to do with their captives.

"My queen.." Mid said saluting her without question; "..we bring you the plane just as you ordered."

"Good job mais aime; you're flying is usual." Diana responded looking as coy as Don Karnage was. However; her cockyness instantly turned to coldness towards Rebecca who was struggling to get free. Diana unleashes her yellow claymore-type which was half as big as she was and points it directly as Rebecca; " You struggle..You..DIE! QUE?!"

"Que.." Rebecca responds with a gulp as Diana turns back to being coy as she giggles out loud. She was completely in charge in the situation and no one was going to control her at this point.

"Welcome to the Sky Shark;" Diana responds laughing out loud; "... which shall be the last thing you'll ever see!"

"This lady's got a boy pilot in training.." Mid said as the entire Sky Shark Pirates group brust into laughter. Rebecca looks shameful as Mid was smearing her navigator's good name again. Luckly for her; Kit was not here to hear this.

"A male pilot?!" Wrenches said as he was giggling; " That's a laugh!" Every bad gal was laughing out loud....except for Diana Carnage.

"I don't CARE!!" Diana shouted out as everyone stops laughing and shakes in fear; " It can be an experienced female or a unexperienced male pilot for all I care...None shall stand before me!" Diana walks around and sees the SeaDuck. She jumps up and enters into the SeaDuck quickly. She looks around and acts quite surprised at what she sees; " So this is the plane that you captured?! Wow; this may not be the Animeaux DeAvion; but it is close.." Diana walks into the cockpit and notices Baloo's behind which he was stuck inside the window. She sticks out her tongue in disgust of seeing the bare bum before addressing him; "..Who're the creators of this beautiful plane?"

"Mr. Conwing.." Baloo responded bitterly; "..if that means anything.." Diana growlled instantly as she was angry at the response. she takes her left foot and kick's Baloo in the bum so hard that he pops out of the window like a cork and flops right down onto the steel floor with an sickening thud; "..OUCH!"

"Don't lie to me mon fountaine!" Diana shouted in protest; " There's no such person!" Diana opens the door and jumps right out of the SeaDuck and lands on her feet once again as she kicks Baloo on the butt once again; even harder this time; " And no one can create such a plane except for the air marshalls of the government!"

"What's this Animeaux DeAvion anything?" Rebecca asked in confusion.

"What?! You don't know?" Mid said with a cocky tone in her voice; " For a big mouth Momma you certainly are dumb!"

"...and you have a really smart-aleck mouth to boot." Rebecca snapped back not realizing that this was Diana domain and she had no right to speak. Diana rage was white-hot now as she decided to walk away from Baloo. Baloo struggles to get up as Miff Cat, Wrenches and Dull grab him by the arms and force them to the back.

"ENOUGH!!" Diana screamed coldly as she looked at Rebecca with stinging eyes; " The Animeaux DeAvion is a top-notch spyplane made by the governments of Themland and Usbria. It is one of the biggest threats that I have ever faced.." Diana..You should know that since the government explained it to YOU!"

"We don't work for the government!" Baloo protested back.

"Don't play thy game of thyme mon aime.." Diana hissed bitterly as she pointed her claymore at Baloo in denial; " are disqualified..You are trying to set me up! You are all spies!"

"We are not spies!" Rebecca whinced in disbelief at this delluisional woman would ever think of them of being spies since this world shouldn't really exist; " We are just trying to find our daughter Molly; she's..." The moment she said that Diana Carnage drops her claymore on onto the ground and everyone qivers in fear as Diana's rage was approching beyond that of white-hot. A painful memories was touching her nerve as she looked so angry; as if Molly Cunningham was a threat. She looked absolutely paranoid now.

"That proves it! You are spies!" Diana screamed in pain as she ordered her crew to Minivan?! MiffCat?! Take them to the brig....NOW!!"

"Yes Captainess!" Miff Cat responded as he took a large mace-like object and nails Baloo with it on the back of the head. Baloo does a dumb face before falling down to his knees completely knocked out cold. Miff Cat, Wrenches and Dull grab Baloo and take them to the entrance leading downstairs.

"BALOO!" Rebecca screamed in pain; " WHY YOU...?!"

"What is this problem with this Molly....?" Mid asked looking confused as she looked at Diana looking for an answer from her. However; Diana turns away from Mid and approches Rebecca.

"I don't want to talk about this.." Diana shouted right at Mid's face and Mid looks stunned as Diana was usually open to her about matters; "..Take the prisoners to Cell #19..Let them resign to their fates as they shall be stilled by morning! Spies shall face their execution!" Diana looks straight into Rebecca's stinging eyes as Mini-Van and Jobber grab her and stand her up; "Now my dear; admit that you are a spy and I might spare you!"

"If Baloo dies then I would rather die with him!" Rebecca snaps back directly in Diana's face.

"You have some spunk girl.." Diana said smiling weakly before looking angry once again; "..But you are a fool to take orders from a weak man!" Diana then slaps Rebecca with her backhand right into her face in a act of defiance; " WEAKLING!" Mini-Van and Jobber take Rebecca away as she struggles. Baloo and Rebecca are dragged away as they were forced to enter the doorway leading to the prison cell. This was a lot more violent than being involved in the Iron Vulture with Don Karnage and these Sky Shark Pirates were not bumbling idoits like the Air Pirates were.

"Okay troops! Our queen demands the best.." Diana said turning to all the Sky Shark Pirates;" march into your assigned security formation...NOW!!"

"Yes my queen!" The rest of the crew responds as they exit the launchpad in different directions towards their assigned positions. Mid was the exception of course as she just stood there and still looked awfully confused as she and Diana were alone.

"My queen;" Mid asked; " why are you upset about this Molly...?"

"I told you that I don't want to talk about it!" Diana shouts at Mid again as she jumps up onto the top of the deck and lands on it with ease; " Just leave me alone!" Diana looking very amazing that she was able to jump up to such height; like a superhero could. Diana enters into the hallway leading up to her quarters as Mid looked concerned for her teacher and basically her mother.

"I don't understand.," Mid said shaking her head; "..She's _never_ like this before." Mid then shrugs if off thinking that Molly was unimportant anyway as she giggles loudly; " Well; never mind! I'll go downstairs and taunt the prisoners before they die. That'll impress my queen." She looked mighty evil as she walked towards the entrance leading to the dungeon. However; Mid had no idea of the pain of this Molly which clearly haunted Diana to this very day. Nothing was making sense here for some odd reason and it was going to get even stranger now....


As Baloo and Rebecca were being forced to walk the face of death and Diana had everything under control; the Sky Shark was about to get an unwanted vistor as Jaloo's AirWolf seaplane manages to fly above the organic shark-like structure without anyone noticing and lands right on top of the shark which had a portal hole placed about 25 feet away from the seaplane as it stops with little problem. Apparently; the organic sturture didn't have the slippery properties of a shark. The skies were getting clearer with the orange sky; however there was a lot of wind whipping around; apparently some strength that was left in the hurricane.

"That was easy." Jaloo chuckled as she cuts off the engines of the AirWolf as Bahgeera looks pretty mad right now.

"Stop acting like this is a given." Bahgeera hissed at Jaloo; " No one has ever saved an airplane from the Sky Shark."

"Then we shall become the first." Jaloo declared as she stands up and pumps her fist in the air; " I must tell Mid how sorry I am."

"I understand..." Bahgeera said shaking his head thinking that his business was about to go up in smoke as a result of this dangerous act.

""Bahgeera; I want you to stay here.." Jaloo said as he walks out of the cockpit; "..I don't want Jolly involved in this."

"But I want to come too!" Jolly protested as he hugged his father.

"Sorry my dear;" Bahgeera said kindly as Jolly whinced in response; " but it's better this way!"

"One furry has a better chance to find them than three without being caught." Jaloo said as he opens the side door of the AirWolf and jumps out; " Wish me luck!" He waves at Bahgeera.

"Right Jaloo..." Jolly responses with a big thumbs up as Jaloo crawls onto the steel floor looking for the entrance and finds the pop-up hatch which was 25 feet in front of her. She crawls towards the pop-hatch and opens it. She then proceeds to jump down below and closes up the hatch; leaving Bahgeera and Jolly behind. Bahgeera then looks extermely serious as he unbuckles his seatbelt.

"If Jaloo thinks that she's going to hog all the glory then she is mistaken.." Bahgeera said; "..Come on Jolly; we have work to do..."

"But Daddy.." Jolly said grabbing Bahgeera by the hips; "..Jaloo said..."

"If we get lucky;" Bahgeera said ignoring him completely for a moment; "... we can disable this airship and end the reign of the Sky Shark Pirates!"

"Isn't it wrong to disobey a command?" Jolly asked with his arms folded and looking very cross at his father as Bahgeera turns around. Bahgeera needed a good excuse for his son since his own ideas had usually become failures.

"Honey; it is wrong to allow such criminal terrorist to run wild." Bahgeera explained as he gently grabbed his son by the hips and looked at him sharply; " The Sky Shark Pirates have kidnapped, tortured, assulted and killed hundreds of thousands of furries; regardless of who they are. These criminal cause terror to all. Countless police officers, bounty hunters, soliders, and others have tried to stop this group and got absolutely slaughtered. My wife was killed by them...and is not coming back!" Jolly was shedding a tear; remembering the pain and suffering that his dad had suffered a long time ago; " Jolly? This is our one and only chance to end this terror and become heroes.....martyrs...."

"But we don't know how..." Jolly said shrugging his shoulder wondering how you defeat a terrorist cell that has never been stopped by police or the air force even.

"I have an idea..." Bahgeera started before Jolly shook his head and looked pretty mad as his arms were folded again. Jolly wasn't liking this idea at all.

"Oh no...we're not doing it!" Jolly protested; " You're going to get us killed."

"Don't worry.." Bahgeera said in a defensive tone; thinking that his idea would work; "..I'm not going to get us killed."

"Like your plans ever work.. " Jolly said reminding himself of the many crazy ideas that his dad always came up with; "..Remember your crazy idea of delivering cream by making it out of milk inside the plane being done by kangeroos...The joint smelled like stink for weeks on end. The health inspector of Cape Samette almost put me in a foster home; remember?" Jolly ends with sneering at his dad as Bahgeera began to blush in embrassment since those event did in fact happen. Even in an alternative world; there were really stupid and crazy ideas out of the best of businessmen.

"Okay; so the whole idea was a wash and it almost cost us everything.." Bahgeera stated as he looked at Jolly once again to make his point that this was a public duty to preform this act of selflessness; "..but Jolly; remember what I told you years ago about the death of your mother and my wife after she was slaughter by Diana?"

"Yeah; you" Jolly asked shedding a tear remembering the long and tough he had with Bahgeera. Bahgeera was seemly different in the parenting style compared to Rebecca; whom he wasn't afraid to tell the truth to his son no matter how much it hurts.

"Well; I made a dreadful mistake.. "; Bahgeera admitted shaking his head in sadness; knowing that his beliefs about this alternative were in fact wrong after all ; "..You see; I assumed that the military and the Themland police air force would crush the Sky Shark Pirates and bring the scum of Gaia; Diana Carnage to justice. I made a mistake in judgement because of international laws preventing Themland from presuing these terrorists; Diana has gone unabaited. This may be the last chance for Gaia to ever stop this group..." Bahgeera sheds a tear as he was feeling very bad about telling his son the hard truth about this world; again it was a complete difference between him and Rebecca.

"...and we should be the ones doing it? " Jolly asked as he realize that there was nothing that was going to stop Bahgeera now and decides to shrug it off and support his father; "All right Daddy; if you say so. I cannot dishonor my father or my late mother."

"Thank you honeybear!" Bahgeera proclaimed as he and Jolly embrace each other; " Now here's what we are going to do...." Bahgeera then whispers into Jolly's ear as he begins to hatch the plan to show the world that the Sky Shark Pirates can be defeated....If only they had listened to Jaloo; she might be a bumbling little idiot, but she was smart when she needed to......


Diana Carnage was sitting down on her bone-made throne pondering about her life up to this point. The word Molly was still pounded into her brain so heavily that it was like she had a spliting headache. The throne room of Diana Carnage was not like a king's place at all; a constant reminder of her belief of riches being a danger apparently; a strange belief for a criminal. It was made completely of shark bone studs; shark flesh and skin. It was completely organic; similar to the Sky Shark airship. The floor was made of steel with a clash of lined red/blue striped carpet made of cotton and nylon. There were several crystal mirrors framed with bone on the side of the throne and she was looking at her reflection for some odd reason. The room is 60 feet square and 12 feet in height. The ceiling is made of bone studs and shark fins. In the centre of the room was a large wooden table and on that table were several navigational maps. There were two main doors; with the first being a set of double 10 inch metal doors in front of Diana's throne; while the second is behind Diana's throne which leads to her bedroom. Diana's heart was beating at rapid pace as she was breathing heavily. The word wasn't going away and it was becoming more painful by the second.

"Molly..." Diana said drifting off as she was trying hard to separate her mind from her words; ~ Everytime I hear that word; my blood runs cold....~ she thought bitterly as Diana shakes her head and stands up instantly.

"Operation Molly occured so long ago; and it almost killed me as a result!" Diana responded bitterly as she walked towards the wooden table and looks down at the location on the navigational charts. The navigational charts show the world of Gaiaria which looked very similar to the real world today. For reference; Earthia (which is the world of Baloo and Rebecca) is similar to the real world 65 million years ago. She stares down at a small island which looked like the shape of the piece of rice in the middle of the navigational maps In black letter the name was causing acute pain on the kisser of Diana: Pilaugh Rice Isle. " Mid?! The less you know about this operation; the better. It was a few years before you were born that I was leading my troops towards the island to extend my empire to rule all of Gaiaria with an iron fist. The attack was to infilitrate the hanger and release the airship known to intellegence as MollyGagging. Little did I know...." she said. Her anger and laughter was gone and it was showing a woman who real ordeals were so serious that even she felt terror; which was different considering that she was considered a terrorist herself...It was like she was feeling the pain of those who suffered under her wrath....


**** 15 Years ago; on the area where Pilaugh Rice Isle was....****

The map suddenly becomes real and the island formally known as Pilaugh Rice Isle. The island itself was about 12 km square in area and was shaped like a short grain of rice; very similar to the navigational maps. The island was mostly jungle; except fot a small beach to the east. Seven CA-11's spiral down towards the island. Leading the charge was Diana Carnage who looked more like a teenager than a middle-aged woman and was wearing the same clothes as she was wearing right now. She was piloting a red/blue splash color shark-type seaplane. The other six seaplanes were yellow/green splash shark-type seaplanes. All seven seaplanes land perfectly onto the island with Diana landing about six feet from the jungle. Diana and her crew cut the engines and instantly dismount off of the seaplanes. All of the pirates that Diana had were from an ally organization called the Mesa Pirates. Mesa Tainbomb was a friend of her's and considered to her to be a realible ally in times of trouble. Or so she originally thought. Mesa had over 200 crew members; all females. The first Mesa Pirate was a female black snake known as Salenoose who was Mesa's second in command. She wore a white shirt, green pants and a red cape. The second Mesa Pirate was the offensive sniper known as Dillighte who was a female white snake. She wore a black shirt, red pants and a blue cape. The third Mesa Pirate was the navigator major of the organization known as FiveSpice (Read: She is named for her love of five spices: Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Cinnamon and Fennel Seed.) who is a grey squid. She wore a blue sweater, blue pants and a white undershirt underneath. The four Mesa Pirate was known as the bodyguard of the group known as Jacell Tea; a green mantis (Read: Her Pirate Swords are built in to her hands.) who wears a red sweater, red pants and a white undershirt. Jacell has a small scar on his forehead in the shape of a teacup. The fifth Mesa Pirate was a tall green sparna who is the main mechanic of the group known as Muserunt. She had no scars present and wore a red tunic, black pants and white boots. The final Mesa Pirate was a female silver hawk "Jill-Of-All-Trades" known as Sabrevalk who wore a Green Tunic, Brown Pants and White Boot. She was the slient type of the Mesa Pirates; similar to Gibber of the Air Pirates on Earthia. The pirate crew awaits for Diana's order as she turns around and addresses the crew with a strong moral leadership tone.

"All right train. Our most vital mission is now upon us. Our conquest to rule the whole world.." The young Diana said barking out and looking quite meancing to the crew; "..We need a second airship in order to create a backwater group to aid in our recruiting. However; I have a warning...if you pirates so much as screw up the plans; then there will be vast _executions_! Understood?!"

"RUDY!!" The Pirates responded saluting her; " You can count on us Captain!"

"Excellent! is the plan." Diana said nodding her head as she went to her seaplane and grabs a blue piece of paper and places it on the nose of her seaplane; " Gather around!"

"RUDY!" All of them respond as they gather around with Diana as she unfolded the blueprints. The foot-square blueprint show a secret base map with eight different rooms with the largest room being in the dead centre; and the scale was shown on the bottom right stating that one inch equals four feet.

"The largest square in the centre of this building is where the secret airship known as the MollyGagging; according to my intellegence reports from the Mesa Pirates. Now there are three major points of entry. The reports suggest that as many as ten soliders on each of the entrances. Now; I don't want you to defeat them since you'll be easily killed.." Diana explains pointing to the blueprints on the map as the gang nodded their heads in approval of their role; "...Now; I want SabreValk and Muserat to take the west entrance; Jacell and Fivespice will take the eastern entrance while the rest of us will assult the front. Now; I want you to incite them and let them chase you around the island. If you must kill them; do it only in self-defense. We need to conserve firepower here. Once I penratrate inside the centre; I'll open the shell onto the top of the base and gly our newly aquired airship...and then I'll pick you all up at the beach here. If you need to use the planes; use it only to escape in case the plan goes sour. Understood?"

"Yes; Captain Carnage!" All of the pirates responded; saluting her without question.

"Good.." Diana snapped back strongly; "..Now no mistakes!....Go now..."

"RUDY!!" All of the pirates said as they all entered the jungle and went into diffrent directions; except for Dillighte and Salenoose who were the one who would help Diana with the main assult team. So far; so good for the young captain as nothing as gone wrong....yet.

"Salenoose? Dillighte?" Diana asked looking at the two female furries directly now that everyone else has left to take their positions in the heist; " I'm counting on you to blow a direct path into the base..."

"No problem!" Salenoose responds with an evil smirk as she takes out her bazooka out of her seaplane which looked almost as big as the seaplane itself; " This weapons has enough to blow through fifteen-foot tick metal in two seconds flat."

"I'll spray them their death wish!" Dillighte responds with an evil smirk in kind as she takes out a machine-gun from her seaplane which was next to Salenoose. Both furries could smell blood. However; Diana wasn't exactly intrested in killing people on a whim. Sure; she would if they threaten her; but not for sport. She looked a bit cross and wanted her train to calm down as this was a kind of mission where there was turely no room for error given the amount of resistance that was apparent from the Mesa Pirates' Intellegence Core.

"Just be careful.." Diana said looking a little bit bitter; "..I cannot afford to lose bodies at this point. Let's go..."

"RUDY!" Salenoose and Dillighte said saluting her. They then turn around and enter into the steamy jungle to prepare for the massive operation.

"This is going to be rough...." Diana could only say as she unleashed her Claymore sword and runs close behind them as the scene fades to black.....

** The plan was going so smoothly that I had no idea just how much of a sucker that I turned out to be...** Diana voiced over as the scene now shifted to the front entrance of the MollyGaggle Secret Base. It was over 3000 metres square in size and almost 1000 feet in height and made of solid steel with no windows whatsoever. The roof was completely flat; except for a cone shaped area which was shaped like a turtle-shell (and was probably made of turtle shell too. That was the size of an airship. The front entrance was guarded by three guards surrounding a 15-foot iron set of double doors. This was not part of the intellgence that Diana gathered for some odd reason. Not to mention that the three soldiers were dozing off as if nothing was going to happen. All three soldiers were wearing red suits, red helmets and black boots carrying machine guns. The first soldier was a female silver cat and was the smallest of the group. She looked quite ugly though with several scars on her face. The second soldier was a female silver dog who was of average height and weight. She sported no scars and had a slightly high pitch voice. The third soldier was a tall, female silver hawk wo had a very deep voice to match it. Diana could only think as she was behind the bushes around 10-15 feet from the base that this was starting to look too easy. However; she couldn't think that, there was a mission to complete and she must take on all comers to spread her terror to the rest of Gaiaria.

"So..." Soldier #1 said deciding to kill off time and start a conversation; " does those Maldina Bluesox win all these years?"

"You know.." Soldier #2 responded off hand which got the attention of Soldier #3 who looked shocked; "..I was thinking about this for a long time and I think there's a curse on them."

"Get out of town!" Soldier #3 protested bitterly; " Lady; the moment someone states that some curse is on something; it boils my blood."

"If you are so smart;" Soldier #1 chuckled; "... then why do you always believe in the tooth elf?!"

"I've always denounced the tooth elf!" Soldier #3 sneered bitterly; " Where in limbo's dance did ya get that idea from?"

"Your husband stated that during a baazar last year.." Soldier #2 responded giggling out loud; "..He was cute!"

"What?! It was a joke! Honest!!" Soldier #3 sneered at his comrades; " Anyway; the Bluesox spend millions of dollar every year to outbid the other teams in the race to get the best players. They basically buy every World Series."

"Then explain to me why the Maltiese Cardinals spend up to twice as much as the Bluesox do and lose a hundered games five of the last six seasons." Soldier #2 lamented; " Sounds like a curse to me...and it's ruining baseball."

"Wise management will always..." Soldier #3 responded as a large bang sounds off. All three soldiers look confused until a large bazooka rocket flies towards the soldiers and lands right on contact with the iron double doors. There is a large explosion to follow and the concussion forces the soldiers to fly in many directions and smoke and fire was to follow; "...UUGGGHHHHH! " Soldier #3 screams as the three soldiers drop onto the ground harshly. There were massive wounds on Soldier #1 and #2 with blood flowing freely. They were dead instantly as the smoke clears in the mists. Diana, Salenoose and Dilligthe enter the scene as Salenoose shows off her bazooka.

"[Shoot!..]" Soldier #3 said under his breath as she struggle to get up. He manages to get the least of the blast; but he still had some big injuries in her own right; "[..Got to get up!]"

"Now that was perfect.." Diana giggles as she looks at the door as the blast created a massive hole in the thick 15 foot double iron doors. Soldier #3 struggle to get to his feet; "..I guess the Mesa Pirates wanted me to be fully alert..."

"Hey; I missed one.." Salenoose said as she notices Soldier #3 getting up right away;".. Dillighte! Take out your machine gun. I wouldn't want to be called a liar."

"Rudy! Time to spray the bloody spray...." Dillighte said taking her machine gun out and points it at Soldier #3. However; Diana notices this and for some unknown reason she actually punches Dillighte in the face causing hr to drop her machine gun and she was holding her jaw in pain; "What did you do that for?!"

"Didn't I already say not to waste ammo in this fight?!" Diana protested bitterly as she goes towards Soldier #3 and punches her hard into the midsection; causing her to slump to the ground. Diana turns the Soldier around on her back and searches her pockets. A moment later; she finds what she was looking for: a small credit-card like key in her left pocket; "Besides; I don't want access to the airship to be damaged since this card-key might come in handy." Diana then looked at Dillighte with a very mean look on her kisser as Salenoose came to Dillighte's aid.

"Oh; we almost forgot!" Salenoose said as she shurgged her shoulders and helps Dillighte up to her feet right away.

"Sorry Captain!" Dillighte said bitterly as she struggles onto his vertical base. Diana looked pretty angry about this. While she was routing the forces of good with the two terrorists; Diana was acting a bit soft on them. Although Diana was acting soft; she wasn't interested in blood; she was interested in stealing an airship away and with the upcoming forces left to come. She was going to need as much ammo as possible left in the tank to win.

"You better thank Gaia that I didn't kill you both from where you stand!" Diana protested bitterly as Salenoose and Dillighte gulped in fear which sounded a little false. However; Diana didn't notice it in her anger; " Understand?!"

"Rudy!" Salenoose and Dillighte saluted her without question as Diana continues to ponder. Dillighte grabs her machine gun and looks a little bitter.

~Looks like this might be too easy!~ Diana thought looking quite confused. Her intellegence stated that there would be hundreds of soldiers defending this airship. What kind of country would ever create such a paper tiger defense such as this? Diana still couldn't think of that as she and her crew ran into the base quickly as she screamed ;"Let's go!" As Diana and her crack crew managed to get out of sight from the soldiers view; even though they were clearly dead. Somehow; Soldier #3 manages to open her eyes and struggles to speak. The blast didn't completely kill her; but she was nearly dead now and losing function in her body quickly.

"The...Molly's....been....gagged.." Soldier #3 gags; "..We....have....won....the...UUGGGGGH!!" Soldier #3 closes her eyes and dies as her eyes turn white. The gunfire and blood-crudling screams continue as Diana and her crew advance deep into the base without incident. Now Diana was one hallway away from hitting paydirt as they were walking towards the main doors and making it towards the airship. However; between the airship and Diana's dreams were four more soliders each wearing green suits, a green helmets and black boots. Interestly enough; the last soldier who looked like the biggest was wearning a white mask; apparently to protect its head from gunfire. It also masked it's gender as well. The remaining three soldiers were female; the first being a tall golden bearess, the second solider was a shorter golden cat while the third soldier was a rare breed; shortest golden hawk. All were carrying machine guns and apparently; Diana and company were trying to make them run out of ammo from the start because they exposed themselves (no nudity by the way) to the protectors of the airship right away. Solider #4 pressed a red button instantly and looked concerned since none of the remaining soldiers were coming to their poisition. The sercuity was breeched to no return so this was the last stand for them.

"Intruders!" Soldier #4 screams out as the red lights flash around and the sirens blare out;" HALT!!" The four soldiers take their machine guns and fire them at Diana and company. Diana hides behind the left corner while Salenoose and Dillighte to dodge the bullets coming from the machine gun. Salenoose was becoming impatient.

"So; can I use my bazooka again?" Salenoose asked Diana.

"NO! You'll damage the airship.." Diana shouted back ;"..It's too powerful!"

"So how do we....?" Dillighte asked as Diana bites her lip. She had enough of this foolishness. She was the ultimate terrorist in the eyes of the nations.

"" Diana said slowly as she grabs a gerende from her pocket; pulls the pin and throws it at the soldiers feet; "EAT ON THIS!" The gerende falls at the soldiers and it explodes; releasing a mass of knockout gas at the soldiers causing them to slump down to the steel floor. Even Soldier #7 who had his mask on was apparently knocked out as well. It probably didn't adjust it's mask properly as the gas clears. The gas clears completely as Diana and the group laughs it up. They move to the steel doors.

"Well;" Salenoose said with glee; "... this will be the easiest spoils to date...."

"Yeah; and our intellegence state that there were supposed to be dozens of soliders here." Dillighte responded in kind; " This was not a challenge at all." However; Diana wasn't so sure... This was way too easy; as if they wanted her to steal the airship for some odd reason. Then again; a conscience always seems to play the caution card all too much. It is a struggle between the body which wants to take risks (and sometimes rightfully so) and the conscience which wants to play it safe (and sometimes rightfully so). Balance is a huge problem when the temptations of one side clash with the temptations of the other side.

"Yeah.." Diana pondered to no one in particular as Salenoose looked confused; "..way too easy..."

"Are you all right?!" Salenoose asked.

"Yes I am.." Diana responded shrugging off the notion that she was weak and that she was having second thoughts at getting what she wanted; "..Now let's get our airship and get out of here. Both of you watch my back."

"Rudy!" Dillighte said as she and Salenoose both salute her without question. Diana heads to the door and sees to her right the control panel where there was a slot where a card key could be used. There were a couple of button on the side of that very same control panel. Diana places the cardkey's edge into a slot and slides it across. The red alarm light actually grinded to a halt as Diana then proceeds to press the yellow button which in turn stopped the siren. Diana was pleased and her smile was getting wider and wider as her greed was clearly showing at this point. She then proceed to push the green button and that button struck a jackpot as the 12-foot thick steel doors finally slided open. Diana suddenly bursted into laugher as she realized that she has finally done it. Her dreams were about to come true after all.

"At last! The keys to my future and to finally create my divine empire has finally commenced. Behind these open doors will stand the end of Gaiaria as a world of three hundred separate nations.." Diana laughed out loud as she entered the large room; "..and the beginning of a brand new world order." A criminal terrorist greatest dream; take over the world and create it into a place where everyone around the world feared you....It showed that regardless of gender; anyone with evil and the knowhow and guts to use it will spread that seed of evil and terror to all. Gaiaria was just like Earthia in all senses; except for the changes of gender.

"[Remember the plan....]" Salenoose said under his breath as she ribs Dillighte a little bit.

"[Right!]" Dillighte said under her breath giggling softly as they decide to join Diana after a split-moment of heisitation. For some odd reason; they seemed to have an actual pla of their own.

** I was about to grow up before my very eyes...and this was the reason why my dear sweet Mid should never know about this very day....** Diana voiced over as Diana was now inside the large storage area where the airship was supposed to be located. The room was almost 600 metres sqaure in size and surrounded by 12-foot thick steel walls and a 16-foot thick steel ceiling. In front of Diana was a large object overed by a larger blue cover. It looked more like a blimp than an actual airship as Diana advances forward as Salenoose and Dillighte enter the room following close behind acting like they were watching Diana's back. Diana looked around smiling at the results.

"Wait; something is wrong here!" Diana said out loud as she inspected the area and her smile and glee instantly turn to a frown and suspicion. That object clearly didn't look like a ship.

"Yeah; you're absolutely right.." Salenoose said offhand and unemotional which caught Diana off guard a little bit as Dillighte approches Diana from behind apparently watching her back litterally. Something was wrong here; "..There is something wrong here..."

"YOU!" Dilligthe screamed loudly as she laid a paw on Diana and that really irrated her. Although the irratation was on the assumpation that it was only a joke; which sadly would be proven otherwise.

"What the..." Diana asked looking shocked as she made the fatal mistake of turning around. Dillighte uncorks her right hand and straight-punches Diana right into her face. The force of the blow caused Diana to slump to her knees onto the iron floor as a trickle of blood ran down her nose and she looked stunned and woozy as a result; "...Why?!" That was all she could say as the pain of the punch was irrating. Then Soldier #7 enters the site which indicated that the mask that he was wearning on his face was in fact a mask which protected him from the sleeping gas. It was official; Diana was set up and she knew it. Even though she had no idea why this crew has betrayed her.

"I knew your greed would bring you here.." said Soldier #7 with glee as he took his mask off to reveal his true self; "..Welcome to your grave!" Diana's jaw dropped in horror as she was looking eye to eye with a red chipmunk face wearing army gear. It was Mesa Taninbomb; the father of the Mesa Air Pirates Organization. He has a large scar on his left cheek; a sort of memento from an incident long ago that no one remembers.

"Captain Mesa!" Diana protested looking very woozy as she manages to see Mesa and looked quite bitter now; " You set me up! I thought that...."

"The Mesa Pirates aren't a pirate organization at all. We are a splinter cell for the government of international waters!.." Mesa giggled loudly looking at the woozy Diana; "...and for your information; you set yourself up for this you greedy little terrorist!"

"Since international law prevents Themland from asserting its power without full-scale war;" Salenoose said smiling; "... they have to use bounty hunters."

"That's right!" Dillighte said laughing as the rest of Diana's crew enters and they instantly side with Mesa; thus completing the backstab treason on Diana Carnage; " Besides; I owed you one for punching me in the face you little witch!"

"What is this?! You were all into this from the start?!" Diana shouted as she attempted to grab a grenade from her pocket; but Salenoose and Dillighte grabs her and wrap her arms behind her back. Mesa checks her gently and takes out all her weapons. (Read: six gernades; a knife and her Claymore sword.) Diana was outraged now at the betrayal; " You filithy rats! You.." Before she could say anymore; she looked around and noticed that there was no one to save her now. She had made the fatal mistake that many evildoers had warned her and never listened to. Diana's time was up and she knew it. She had no choice but to resign to her fate and hope that her crew could fight back againest them now; "...I guess; I'm finished...The law has finally reached me and it's time to face the judge...." The moment she had said that; everyone began to laugh; causing Diana to become confused. However; she should have seen this coming considering what Themland was now becoming...

"Okay....enough!" Mesa screams in order to make the Splinter Cell group stop laughing; " So; you think that you'll be going to Themland to court to face justice...Well; you are _DEAD_ WRONG!!"

"WHAT?!" Diana gasped in shock. This was in her eyes a sense of injustice. She figured that if she was found by Themland police; then she should face her accusers. There was no way that she was going to be found innocent anyway and she probably would face death anyhow.

"Since international waters are considered the equalivant of martial law;" Mesa stated giggling loudly; " we are going to administer justice here."

"You are insane!" Diana protested bitterly; " Only a jury and judge should determine my fate...It's not like I'm going to be found not gulity anyway...Not to mention that I'm probably going to face death."

"You should have thought of that before you _decided_ to hide from us you terrorist! Once we kill you from where you stand; your crew shall be caught and killed.." Mesa responded laughing out loud; "..The world will finally be safe from infidels like you....GOTCHA! SabreValk?! Show Miss Carnage her death reward!"

~That idiot! This proves that their so-called freedom and democracy is such a crock!~ Diana thought bitterly as she realized that she was going to die now. Even though she was a criminal; she respected the concepts for equality and justice and that if she was ever found and faces justice; she would accept her fate. Now she saw the real truth; it was all a lie. Although she should have known that this was coming. Themland had no power outside its own waters to bring her the justice thanks to what they considered International Free Zone of Gaiaria. So; they decided to bring bounty hunters who were trained to kill those who destroy within their borders outside as a way to teach the United Nations of Furries a lesson in the use of crime-coddling laws.

"Rudy!" SabreValk said as she walked towards the blue cover and pulls the cover off the surprise. Diana is turned around so she was forced to watch the unveiling and her jaw simply dropped in horror as she sees that her airship was not an airship at all. It wasn't even a blimp for that matter; as it was a five-tonne canister shaped like a blimp. On the middle of the canister; it read in white letters: DANGER! HYDROBOMB V1.0. CONTAINS HIGH CHARGE EXPLOSIVE! Diana gasps in horror as she was had. The whole thing was proven to be a setup; although she figured that out when Dillighte nailed her in the face with her fist.

"That's....A HYDROGEN BOMB!" Diana screamed in horror and her gut sank;"..GOOD GAIA..IT'S HUGE!"

"You got that right terrorist.." Mesa laughing out loud as she looked square into Diana's eyes; "...It is filled with three tones of exploding power; just enough to blow this island, plus an extra mile radius in all directions...Not only will this island be ripped off the face of Gaiaria; it will also create the first ever man-made volcano in the history of the world!"

Dillighte chimes in with a giggle of his own;"...and it will kill you of course!"

"You are a fool Mesa!" Diana responded giggling like a wolf on laughing gas; " You honestly think that my death will destroy terrorism?! You think that your vigilante justice will stop the demigaia's of the world?! Thanks to your plan; I will go to heaven as the terrorists whom shall replace me continue to wreck havoc on international waters....Gaia is so great after all!" That statement was the last straw for Mesa as it was the ultimate insult which was to use Gaia (or God depending on which earth you are on) as a terrorist tool. Mesa face was flush white hot with anger and rage.

"ENOUGH!!" Mesa screamed bitterly as the whole place went silent and Diana glups in fear for the first time in her life; " It doesn't matter to me....I'm killing you this way because it is so ironic...You destroyed Mindia with a hydro-water laser cannon and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of furries in your sick game...and since hydrogen is two parts in water.." Mesa continued to giggle softly increasing the volume with every word; "..HAHAHAHAHA! Dillighte?! Salenoose?! Tie Diana to the bomb at once!"

"Rudy!" Salenoose and Dilighte responded without question as they tie Diana tightly againest the bomb with chain and thick ropes in the curifixation position. Mesa was laughing louder and louder now and it was annoying Diana; but she couldn't do anything about it.

"Well; isn't that swell?!" Fivespice giggles softly as Salenoose and Dilighte walk back to Mesa as he is laughing out loud now. Diana tries to struggle; but the ropes were too tough to break. Mesa was clearly ready for her.

"Now it is time for the execution! May your soul be cursed by Gaia and placed in the fire pit; left to burn in flames!! You have _TEN_ minutes to cheat death!!" Mesa said as he takes a small device and pressed a small button. The hydrogen bomb turns on as Mesa's Splinter Cell group leaves at once; except for FiveSpice " Now Diana....let's see you get out of this one you Terrorist infidel wolf! Fivespice?! Throw your sleep powder at her and make it a little more challenging.." Mesa giggles loudly; "..HAHA!" Diana grits her teeth is horror as her chances of escaping was about to become absolute zero now.

"Rudy!" FiveSpice states as she takes out a container and throws it at Diana's feet. " Cover your face Mesa!" The container breaks and both Mesa and FiveSpice run out of the area; closing the door behind them for the last time.

"Goodbye TERROR CELL #666!" Mesa laughed out loud as the orange sand covers the entire area; engulfing Diana's senses to no end. Diana attempted to struggle to get free; but to no avial. Diana was finished and she knew it. Diana realized that she could only resign to her fate as she was going to be vaporized.

"You....are....the...terrorists...!" Diana squeaked out as Diana closed her eyes and falls to sleep.

** I didn't remember anything after that....until I woke up....ALIVE!!** Diana voiced over as Diana's eyes slowly start to open. She was expecting to be in the firepit with the Devil Queen. However; she woke up to see Miff Cat, Mini Van and Wrenches standing in front of her as she was in her throne room; sitting in the bone throne. She looked surprised.

"Are you all right Captain?" Miff Cat asked.

"Goodness?!" Diana asked looking around in shock; " Am I dead?!"

"No Captain..." Mini-Van said shaking her head to confirm that she was safe and well.

"How on Gaia's green world did I get free?" Diana asked as she stood up violently which caused Mini Van and Miff Cat attempt to calm her down; " I was tied up next to the hydrogen bomb and it was locked from the inside..."

"I'll explain...We managed to caputre one of the government splinter cell members and made him talk.." Wrenches stated as Diana stops and looks at herself to realize that she came within moments of being killed; "..She stated that the whole intellegence report was designed to lure you into a trap. Miff Cat and your train raced there and managed to kill the Mesa Pirates Splinter Cell group before it managed to escape. We found you inside the base with about five minutes to go before the bomb blew up. The rest is history of course."

"So what this is the intellegence report called?" Diana demanded bitterly.

"Operation Molly Captain.." Miff Cat said as she pointed out a large window; "..and look outside. You're not going to like this!"

Diana walks slowly towards the window still weary from the sleeping gas and takes a peep outside. Her calmness turns into a scream as she saw something earth shattering and a moment which shows Diana something that stayed with her for the rest of her life."OH MY GAIA! THAT'S......!" Her eyes were open so wide that some wonder if she would ever sleep again. She has seen the very terrorism done to her like she had done to them....


Before anyone could see the awful scene that changed her life forever; the scene return to the throne room of the present day as Diana was gritting her teeth. She for all those years would never forget; nor forgive. Still she understood who she really was in the eyes of the allies and they would do anything to stop her now.

"It was a setup that changed my ways. It showed that the victims of terrorism are willing to use those tactics to protect themselves;" Diana stated with a tear in her eye as she went towards a wall where a large painting with golden trim showed what was left of Pilaugh Rice Isle. The island was nothing more than a crater which was 15 km in diameter and ocean seawater falls from the ocean. Diana shook her head in fear; "If Miff Cat wasn't there to kill the Mesa Pirates and find me quickly; the Sky Shark Pirates would be no more....Greed is a curel minister my sweet dear Mid; and I can never let that happen to you or anyone else ever again." Diana said as she turned her back on the painting and return to the throne room. However; little did she realize that her decision to hide this would prove to be even more fatal to her cause.


...And she wasn't the only one who was scared as Borleas Icebolt was already second guessing Pierce's decision to grab onto Molly just to get to Kit. He was inside a very large room where hot liquid steel is being poured into a huge vat. It was very similar to a steel mill. Borleas, Pierce, Salet, Dustin, Sugar, Spice and Boris were standing on the catwalk over the steel mill as the heat was intense. Borleas was sweating and feeling like he was almost inside an actual wok being fried.

"This heat...." Borleas complained bitterly as Pierce was giggling at him for complaining about the heat.

"If you cannot sstand thiss heat;" Pierce declared with a cocky tone; "... go and leave.."

"If I do that then I'll go to the police..." Broleas snapped back bitterly.

"...and if you do that;" Pierce proclaimed pointing a finger at him; ".. then you'll go to the sshoot closset!"

"Shoot closet!! Shoot closet!!" Sugar and Spice chanted as they do their goofy dance. However; they unintentionally touch the hot rails; " Ra...Ra...Ow!!" They scream as they were fanning their burns; " It's too hot in here..."

"Ssss...All right troopss.." Pierce hissed strongly; "..Here iss the plan...All of you will ssearch for thiss girl around Ssaint Peterdora...Then once we find her; then we will usse thiss doll as a decoy and catch her..."

"Ummm.." Boris added with a gulp; "..then we put her up for ransom right?!"

"Not quite Boriss.." Pierce responded sharply; "..That'ss a mere bonuss to me...What I want iss Aerosstar.."

"But why boss?!" Borleas asked as Pierce is angry that Borleas was questioning him in a matter that appeared to be defiant.

"You little pike...That iss not for you to know. Boriss, Ssalet and Dusstin will take the lead position in this mission.." Pierce commanded as Boris, Salet and Dustin lick their chops as this was going to be their first important mission. Which shouldn't have surprised them since they found this Molly Cunningham first; "..You; Borleas will radio in to inform me when Molly iss found.. hopefully thiss powerful child will come out to defend her and hiss death sshall be at hand!" Pierce was giggling and hissing at the same time as he clenched his fist in powerful unison. Salet, Dustin and Boris giggled with him as Borleas looked very cross.

"Yeah; that will be a death wish!" Salet laughed out loud as Borleas was irratated.

"Oh yeah; we're here.." Dustin chimed in as Borleas was really mad now. He knew something about this Christopher AeroStar that Pierce didn't know; "..We're dear and we'll snuff fear!!"

"You idoits!" Borleas protested bitterly ready to slap Dustin and Salet once again; " This is going to..." However; before Borleas could get his hand ready; Pierce Iguana quickly went to Borleas and slapped him right in the kisser. Borleas whinces in pain as Pierce waves his finger directly at Borleas' face to indicate that he was in charge.

"" Pierce proclaimed strongly; "..Sshoot Closset!"

"Shoot Closet! Shoot Closet! Ra! Ra! Ra!.." Sugar and Spice chanted as they did their goofy dance once again. However; they unintentionally hit the hot rails and they screamed out loud as they attend to their burns; "..Ow! Too hot!"

"Where in limbo's dance do you get those girls?!" Borleas demanded bitterly as Pierce simply shurgged his shoulders. He didn't really know what the purpose was for those two girls other than for pleasure; but he didn't see them as annoying unlike Borleas Icebolt.

"Don't know.." Pierce snapped back; "..and DON'T CARE!! Now...When we find her...we'll usse thiss as a decoy...then...the end!" Pierce ended his statement laughing out loud as Pierce Iguana turned around and went out of the room by the doors which led outside. Boris, Salet and Dustin followed close behind laughing as well. They felt that the situation was well in hand and that nothing would stop them from telling the world that they own this world and was willing to kill to prove that statement. Borleas just stood there looking at the vat of molten steel and he looked like he was in pain. His thoughts were that of bitterness; not just towards Pierce Iguana; but towards Christopher AeroStar as well. For he knew something about Kit Cloudkicker. ~He still doesn't get it! That boy is a meance to our organization... He's already taken the Air Pirates down..Don Karnage's on death row awaiting trial for terrorism. Klang is dead because of him! My organization is dead! ~ He pounded his fist on the rail; but forgot that it was hot and whinced in pain as he was forced to raise his fist. He rubs his hands to cool them down as he was even angrier than before. ~ I had half of the Usland's court system and drug dealing for ten years...No politican was going to stop me. Alcohol prohibation was the ultimate decoy...The temperence groups got rid of one meance and they unintentionally created another. The perfect crime..until _he_ arrived!~ he thought as he remembered those faithful moments that proved that you can never underestimate a child; no matter how moronic and navie they could be....It all started five years ago somewhere in Usland....In Windia to be precise....


December 7th, 1933....Somewhere in Windia....

Inside a dark alleyway there was Borleas with a total of 12 male gangsters wearing black fedora hats, Blue suits, Black shoes and Black pants with pistol hidden in their clothes. They were mostly as tall as Borleas and there was a brown cat, black dog, yellow canary, white snake, pink pig, black toad, green frog, brown cobra, black crow, grey salmon, blue jay and a silver hawk. Borleas was ordering his men at this point and apparently they were successful in stealing something as Borleas has a pair of blueprints for a chemical plant from the Green Ace Drug Company.

"Move out men!!" Borleas ordered harshly; " Spread yourselves thin and don't get caught!! I don't want to lose these plans!"

"Right!!" The Gangsters responded as all but the silver hawk gangster scatter in different directions. Apparently Borleas needed a bodyguard to use as he looks at the plans that he stole with glee.

"These plans we stole from the Green Ace's Drug Chemical Plant should instill the fear of the world." Borleas giggled softly as he and the silver hawk gangster run through alleyways looking for an exit out of this maze.

"What do ya plan to do boss?!" The silver hawk asked as Borleas was laughing.

"It involves blood, sweat, tears and death..All of Earthia shall tremble before me.." Borleas responds laughing out loud as they turn into the next alley; "..and you had no business asking me that...." However; before Borleas can try to punish his charge for asking him such a stupid question; Borleas trips over something (or someone) and falls flat on his face.

"Are you all right boss?!" the silver hawk gangster protested as he uncorks his silver pistol; " Don't worry; I'll whack that some witch..." He points the pistol directing at the thing that tripped Borleas Icebolt: A small brown bearcub wearing a green sweater and white undershirt who was slowly waking up from his sleep. It was Kit Cloudkicker himself who has spent several years on the run running from the orphanage that he hated so much. He was spending the night in Windia and he wasn't too happy as the silver hawk gangster pulls him by the sweater.

"What?!" Kit protested; " I was only sleeping that's all!"

"How dare you trip me up?!" Borleas snapped back looking angry and nodding for his charge to shoot him; " Do you know who I am?!"

"I'm sorry.." Kit responded as he looked straight at Borleas with his cute face; "..Mr....Mr.." Borleas looked surprised as he wasn't trying to mock him. Borleas then started to uncork an evil smile. He had a plan to use this young wayward soul and it would be important for his plan to work....

"Darcey?! Drop your pistol.." Borleas commanded; "..NOW!!"

"But boss...he tried..." Dracey protests bitterly as Borleas takes out his pistol and threatens him.

"NOW!" Borleas screams right in Darcey's face as Darcey puts his pistol back inside his pocket and restrains himself. He didn't want to incur the wrath of Borleas Icebolt as Kit looked surprised now.

"Yes boss.." Darcey relents; "..I hope you know what you're doing here."

"Of course I do.." Borleas snaps back as he changes his tone to faux kindness towards Kit; "..So; what are you doing here?!"

"I'm not sure.." Kit responds shrugging his shoulder in confusion; "..I've been on the run myself sir."

"I'm Borleas Icebolt so you're running from the law too?!" Borleas asked as Kit doesn't seem to know that Borleas is trying to brainwash him into joining and is using half-truths to gain Kit's trust.

"Yeah; I guess so.." Kit responded looking confused.

"What kind of crime were you wrongfully accused of?!" Borleas asked.

"I don't know.." Kit responded shrugging his shoulders again; "..All I know is that the police wants to send me back to the orphanage in Wesdon."

"Is that so?!" Borleas responded with a grin as he sounded very sharp; " The infamous Wesdon Orphanage is a devil spawn. I feel your pain."

"Really?!" Kit asked looking surprised.

"Sure.." Borleas responded with a smile; "..Darcey?! You can share your room with him...We have a new family member."

"Name's Kit.." Kit proclaims and still isn't sure about this; "..and I'm not sure.."

"Don't worry Kit.." Borleas proclaims strongly to assure that Kit can trust Borleas Icebolt; "..I'm not like Badwin. I'll be your friend.." However; their dialogue was broken by the wails of sirens begin to roar as the police are fast approching as Borleas has a clutch of panic; "..Darcey?! Take the boy with you! The cops are coming!"

"Cops?!" Kit asked looking confused as Darcey grabs Kit by the hips; " Hey?!"

"Don't worry kid.." Darcey assures Kit as he exits south as Borleas covers him ;"..I'll protect you from the police... that's what cops are really called." Borleas uncorks his two pistols and starts to fire them as officers arrive and dodge his gunfire. The first officer was a medium build male green gator while the second officer was a medium build female blue jay who were wearing blue police uniforms, blue hats and black pants. They were armed with pistols which are disguised as black batons.

"Stop! You will answer for this Borleas!" Officer #1 yells out.

"Surrender your weapons in the name of law and justice!" Officer #2 chimes in loudly as the gunfight continues to ensue as Borleas was hiding behind a corner of the alleyway. Borleas couldn't keep this gunfight up as he was already outnumbered as it is. However; he gets a brainstrom as he stares at his right pistol.

~Just what I need.~ he thought as he throws his right pistol right at the police officer's feet and scream; "Invoke justice on this!!" As Borleas runs away the pistol breaks easily and some blue air substance spills out right in the presence of the police officers; " I freeze justice in its tracks." The officers scream in agony as the blue air substance actually freezes them solid and stopping their hearts as they were killed by the blue air substance; " The ether freezing spray pistol works like a charm." Borleas proclaims as he laughs out loud as the scene fades to black as Borleas was running.

Borleas explained just what kind of furry being that he was; *** I loved ruining people lives. I had the ultimate plan to bring Usland to its knees. To put it into martial law status. I took this boy in and I would use him to get into the mayors office in Windia and have him murder her with a drug known as the NervousToxin which kills the nervous system of furry beings. Think about this: When a child commits the ultimate crime of murder againest an authority figure; the social fabric begins to do whatever it takes to prevent kids like him that they would oppress the world. They would never think of bringing their kind of justice to real criminals. Kids were supposed to be dumb; but this one was different and one who destroyed me... *** The scene return to inside a large war room somewhere in Windia which was used by Borleas Icebolt. It looks like a royal palace throne room complete with gold-plated walls and spotless marble floors. The left wall features 20 posters with famous furries riddled with bulletholes. One of them was Oniz Mecha and Jinet Cheriten as he seemed to clearly have a personal grudge againest them and wasn't above thinking about trying to kill them as well. Borleas Icebolt was sitting on a wooden chair behind his wooden desk as he was firing his gun at the left wall at the posters creating more bullet holes. He seemed to be enjoying himself until a knock on the gold-plated door befell his train of thought. He was pretty angry and point his pistol directly at the door.

"The next person who opens that door and comes into my vice is going to get a big surprise!" Borleas said sarcastically as the door slowly starts to open; then it opens completely as a male yellow canary wearing a green suit, green fedora hat, and green pants called Dejimon Slack. He had no idea that Borleas was shooting to kill...

"Hey boss?" Dejimon speaks in a very high pitched voice like a Mezzo; " I have an idea for how...." Borleas pulls the trigger and fires five times at him. All five shots nail him into the heart as Dejimon falls down flat on his black and appears to be dead. Borleas gets out of his chair and runs towards Dejimon.

"Oh come on! Stop acting!" Borleas protested with glee as he kneels down and checks on Dejimon;" The shots are only blanks!" Borleas looks and realizes that he finds only one bullet hole on Dejimon's midsection and a trickle of blood was exiting the wound. He starts to panic; " Oh God! I must have packed a bullet in the pistol...Silly me!! Hey?! Someone get some help for him!!" Borleas screamed as Dejimon basically bled to death as the scene fades to black.

Borleas continues his story feeling disgusted with himself as if he was regretting something. *** I was like Pierce in the past...Careless with my men..Accusing my men of doing whims and then shooting them dead...I decided to spring my plan into action while I at least had a large army of mobsters, gangsters and hitfurries. I could still take over Windia and send it into a state where everyone is oppressed of expression, speech, religion, due cause.. the list is endless. All because one kid happened to be sending her the flowers from death. ***

December 24th, 1933

The scene returns to that office as Borleas is sitting in his desk once again flipping a coin into the air and catching it with his hand. The posters containing the famous persons that he was shooting at where missing although the bulletholes were still there. Sitting on his desk was a stack of roses (of various colors) covered with white tissue paper. Beside the roses was a snake-shaped glass vase containing a clear, colorless and tasteless liquid inside. Sitting in three in front of the desk of Borleas Icebolt were three furry hitmen wearing black tuxedos, black pants, black bow ties and black shoes. They were also wearing three vampire masks above their heads. The first hitman was Milyo Killosack who was a medium build male zebra. The second hitman was Drud Crackson, a tall male rhino who was an expert in cracking safes with his nose (hence his last name). The third hitman was Seacil Millowill who was a medium build brown gerbil who was an expolsive expert and all three had experience in being spies for Borleas Icebolt as well. Borleas saw this tradition as a way to send a message againest the world for degrading his beliefs and convictions.

"Tonight is the night of our freedom." Borleas declares flipping his coin; " Tonight is our time to strike."

"But boss; it's Christmas Eve.." Milyo asked gulping; "..Don't you think that this goes againest the White Phoenix's policy?!"

"The White Phoenix has been degraded by the forces of secularism." Borleas responds with a self-rightous tone in his voice; " The mayor of Windia dines in decendence and thus can not be tolerated.."

"But boss;" Drud asks looking confused; " the White Phoenix is supposed to be againest such violence?!"

"Besides; "Seacil declares; "I thought that you considered the White Phoenix to be a piece of s.." And before he could finish his sentence; Borleas' coin falls to the ground quickly which causes Borleas to become really angry; "..boss?!" Seacil gulps as Borleas takes out his machine gun out of his desk ans shoots right at the ceiling; which causes the pieces of the ceiling coming down right on top of the three furries.

"Did..I...ask..for...your..." Borleas screamed out slowly; "...opinion...or....for...your...DEATH?!"

"" The mobsters responded in the same matter; " didn't!"

"Good..Now!" Borleas hisses as he puts the machine gun back into his desk. He then grabs the vase with the colorless, tasteless liquid and shows it to the hitmen; " This liquid created by our famed sciencist in crime Zenox will be our ticket to complete freedom. The liquid is known as the NervousToxin.." Borleas goes to the transmitter on his radio and pushes the button on it; "...Doctor Zenox; please enter..." he demanded as the doors open and a tall, male crow furry wearing a white lab coat and black pants known as Zenox Alfabaska who was a rogue sciencist and chemist who turned to the side of evil after his rat poison was rejected by the government since it was considered too dangerous to furries. Doctor Zenox had a lot of disdain on his face as he looked at the dumb-founded hitmen.

"Hello good doctor." Borleas said nodding at him.

"Yes.." Doctor Zenox said nodding back; "..So you want to explain that liquid. Do you want my two minute explanation or my cannot-fail full two hour explanation?!"

"Two minutes.." Borleas demanded as he pulls out his regular pistol; "..or two bullets!!"

"Then it shall be two minutes.." Zenox responds as Borleas puts his pistol down on the desk; "..Since your men are so dumb I'll use the Level Thirty Method of talking."

"Who are you calling dumb?!" the mobsters protested as they try to stand up. However; Borleas puts his hand into his desk where the machine gun was hidden.

"Do I have to bring out my MACHINE GUN OF DEATH again?!" Borleas screamed as the mobsters gulp in fear.

"No" The mobsters respond with panic on their face as they quickly sit down.

"Good.." Borleas said as he now had their attention; "..You may proceed Doctor."

"Yes...This liquid is known as the NervousToxin; a poison which attacks the person's ability to feel and move; paralizing it victims. Without a cure; they slowly face a very painful death. Now; those rose's stems will be placed inside the vase." Doctor Zenox explains unemotionally and sharply; " The liquid will be absorbed into the stems which in turn will be placed into the stuff which causes the nice smell when you smell the flowers; so to speak. When the mayor starts smelling the flowers she will start breathing in the toxin and she will be paralized from the inside. In the end; a slow and painful death when the person's entire body shuts down completely and forever. There is no cure for this which is the best thing about this _weapon_."

"Impressed my boys?!" Borleas responds clapping his hands with glee. This was a sercet weapon to him as it would be perfect to place inside a mayor's office without anyone noticing that the liquid is actually a deadly poison that was a modified version of the rat poison that Zenox created before he went on the run due to his dangerous chemical productions.

"So what boss?" Drud points out the obvious flaw in the plan; " We tried murdering her; the Windia Police Force is corrupted by the Air Pirates and yet it wasn't enough to force martial law. How will this enforce our freedom from them?"

"Who said you three were going to kill her?!" Borleas snaps back pointing a finger at the three hitmen as if he thought that they were failure; " Remember that kid we've saved from the gutter?!"

"Yeah?" The mobsters asked looking confused.

"He's going to deliever those flowers to the mayor as her last Christmas present." Borleas declared with a deep evil smile on his kisser; " Now put on your masks on so you won't be spotted...!"

"Right!!" The Mobster said saluting their master and lord as the mobsters put on their vampire masks. Doctor Zenox turns around and leaves the office as Borleas went to his transmitter and presses the button. Borleas remembered what the plan was it was one that he hoped to never repeat again...

*** I called for my maiden to bring Kit into my office. Zenox was the creator of the deadly poison while working for Thaddeus E. Klang and his group known as the High Pre-Monks. However; the police found Klang's hideout and driven him underground. Zenox escaped with the recipe and a small vial of the NervousToxin. Once Martial Law was complete; Zenox would get his new lab in order to create the poison. However; convincing the little boy to run an errand for me would be easy... *** Borleas voice over as he was waiting for a moment and then the door opens and both Kit Cloudkicker and a short female pink parrot (known as Maiden Agent #1) wearing a black cowl, and a black dress robe and she was sweating bullets because Borleas looked really impatient.

"What took you so long?!" Borleas demanded bitterly.

"We found the boy outside the kitchen running back to his room." Maiden Agent #1 responded as she was sweating bullets. She was in trouble and she knew that Borleas wasn't above killing her. However; Kit showed no fear and looked quite confused in fact. Borleas was in a jam. He couldn't punish Kit Cloudkicker since he needed him and he also couldn't kill the agent in front of Kit either.

~I cannot punish him and I cannot do it to her in his sight!~ Borleas said sharply; "I'll discuss this turn of events to you later. Please leave my office agent!"

"Yes sir..." Maiden Agent #1 said feeling that she was getting at least a respite as she runs right out of the war room quickly.

"Hello Kit.." Borleas said nodding at Kit and acting nice; "..I've heard that you've been earning your keep.."

"I don't ask for chairty sir..." Kit responded nodding back as he salutes him. Even in the past; with his experiences on the run; Kit couldn't mess around and was willing to work to prove himself.

"Of course you don't.." Borleas said with a grin; "..I just didn't expect you to work so hard. Anyway; I need you to do one more assignment for me and then we can have a feast for Christmas...I'm even going to give you any gift you want...Name it and once you complete your task and return here; it is all yours."

"Really?!" Kit beamed with interest." You mean I could get an airplane?! I could learn how to fly?!"

"Yes...You clearly have a dream and I'm more than happy to make it come true.." Borleas responds with a cocky look on his face; ".. Now; I need you to deliever a secret present to a personal friend of mine. She is Jessica Tanamock; the mayor of Windia. I want to show that I'm in the giving mood this year."

"Are you sure?!" Kit asked looking concerned; " I mean; what if the police find me?!"

"Don't worry; the mayor isn't going to call the police as long as she sees you. You are a kind and gentle child.." Borleas declares as Kit's worries were melting away quickly. Borleas stands up and takes the vases and roses from the desk. He walks over to Kit and give them to him; "..Here is the gift. When you meet Jessica; place these rose stems into the vase. The boys over there will drive you to and from the Christmas Party in the mayor's office...No pressure on you..Okay?!" Borleas asked nicely as Kit looks at the hitman and they were wearing goofy vampire masks right in the middle of the Christmas season. Something wasn't right for some reason...

"Why are your men wearing masks?!" Kit asked looking curious and that causes Borleas to gulp along with his hitmen.

~I didn't think he would notice.~ Borleas thought as he tried to explain this little gaffe in his plan "Ummm.... Jessica decided to combine Saint Hallows Eve and Christmas Mass this year...Jessica is a very creative lady."

"Oh; I see.." Kit responded nodding his head with approval; "..Very well...I will do your wish."

"Excellent.." Borleas responded clasping his hand with glee; "..Boys?! Please escort Kit to the car.."

"Yes sir!!" the mobsters salute him as they grab Kit and race out of Borleas' office. Borleas goes directly to his radio and grabs the transmitter.

"That was close.." Borleas said breathing a sigh of relief. He then speaks into the transmitter as he had a wicked evil smile on his face; "..Agent; you may re-enter my office."

"You called sir?!" Maiden Agent #1 said as she re-enters and she looks very scared.

"Come closer...." Borleas speaks softly with a wicked smile as the Maiden Agent apporches the desk very slowly as the scene fades to black. You could hear a lady screaming out loud and even begging for mercy as multiple gunshots are heard. Borleas Icebolt laughs out loud as he had slaughtered the Maiden Agent in cold blood and with no remorse whatsoever at the time. However; that moment was hurting Borleas now because he was rapiding losing resources quickly.

*** I thought I had the city in the palm of my hand. I continued to think that I would never be touched at all. I would never have to answer for killing various people; both recruits and non-recruits alike. A few hours later; as I dragged another body to slaughter; I was waiting for my future to unveil...Little did I know... *** Borleas voiced over as the black scene was replaced with Borleas sitting at his desk with his feet on it. He looked at his watch and it read that it was a few minutes towards midnight. He grinned evily as he saw that it was very close to the end of democratic rule in Windia. At least; that was what he believed anyway. He believed that Kit had finally pulled off the plan perfectly and that the mayor of Windia was dead; all the blame would be placed at the young child's feet and he would be famous for putting Windia into martial law status. Then nothing would stop the mobsters from ruling and torturing the city as Borleas sees fit.

"This is just perfect. It's near midnight now.." Borleas grinned with a devilish smile as he put his watch away into the desk; "..I expect my office in command who happens to be the military police commander of Windia Army Base outside the city; will walk into my office and give me the keys to the city. Soon; I shall have control of this decedence city. I'll be able to use the Green Ace's Drug Chemical Plant to recreate the NervousToxin and give it to other gangster organizations to pull every other city into Martial Law status. Usland will be mine and then the entire world will realize just how dangerous freedom is.." Borleas' speech of oppression was ironically slienced by a knock on the door. Borleas feels giddy as that might just be the guy who will inform him that he is now the ruler of Windia. Borleas gets his feet off of the desk; "...That must be him now..Come in?!" As he was saying that he suddenly heard the sound of gunfire outside his office along with blood crudling screams from some of his men. Something was not right to Borleas; " ..What is going on here?!" Borleas asked to himself as he stands up and the door is flung open harshly. A male beige bulldog fury wearing beige camoflague jacket, pants, helmet and black boots barely enters into Borleas office as he was crawling on the floor trailing blood behind him. He had been shot by someone. He was the corrupt commander of the army in Windia known as Ulrisa Sorrygale; who took brides from Borleas in order to keep vital information from leaking out to the police and armed forces who were keeping the mayor of Windia safe from terrorists. Borleas' devilish smile was gone and it was replaced with fear as gunfire sounds continue to break the peaceful slience of the building; " What the heck is happening here?!" Borleas demanded as Borleas tried to walk; three bullet were fired straight at Borleas from pistols. Borleas barely manages to duck and the bullets miss Borleas' head by six inches. Borleas crawls quickly towards Ulrisa as he was lying on his back and out of breath. There was a gunshot wound on his midesection and the blood was flowing out of the open wound.

"We've been had." Ulrisa responded barely able to speak as his lungs were hit as well and some blood was coming out of his mouth; " The police are raiding this building right now!"

"How can this happen?! This was fullproof!!" Borleas screamed loudly shaking Ulrisa and making the injuries even worse; " ANSWER ME NOW!!"

"Someone squeaked out to the mayor and she called the police somehow. My offices have been raided; there are gunfights everywhere inside the building and in various areas of the city." Ulrisa responded as Borleas stops shaking in disbelief. No one could have betrayed him. He was absolute; " You must leave...Our organization is dead!"

"Who squeaked out?!" Borleas demanded loudly as gunfire continued to echo inside the building; " ANSWER ME NOW!"

"It.....was lord.." Ulrisa said with one last gasp of breath before he finally died as the blood flow was impossible to stop now; "..UUGGGHHH!" Borleas for the first time was shaking violently. A young boy has basically tattle-taled on him and he was done for now. His dreams of rule were over and he knew it. He underestimated Kit's navieness and he was paying the price for his evil and underestimation.

"HOW COULD HE?!" Borleas screamed loudly;" IT'S NOT POSSIBLE!! THIS ISN'T HAPPENING!!" Borleas quickly crawled to his desk and opens it to grab his ether pistols and machine gun. He also presses a small blue button inside the top drawer of his desk. He looks to the bookshelf back wall of the desk and it starts to crumble down as it reveals a large room with an ice blue seaplane which was a Viper SX-71SE single passenger propellor plane and a launchpad with an opening towards the outside (which was on the blind side where the police couldn't see it). It had a engraving in gold letters called: Selroth- The Sacred Ice Plane which was a tribute to the cold hearted sacred ice monster of the same name in mythology. Borleas slowly crawls to the seaplane as a military male black bulldog general wearing dark brown camoflague suit, pants, helment and black boots storms into the office along with three medium build brown bulldogs wearing green camoflague suits, pants, helmets and black boot close behind him. All five soliders of the army had their rifles ready; but they wanted Borleas alive to see justice...To prove that the justice system works even.

"It's over Borleas.." The General barked out as Borleas' heart has been ripped out realizing that his empire was completely destroyed; "..You can no longer ruin life anymore!" Borleas' face told the tale as he was in deep trouble. ~He's right...The heart's been stabbed!~ he thought. However; he wasn't about to go quietly just yet as he made it to the Selroth seaplane. He then fires all of his ether guns and they create a three foot thick icewall which encases the opening between his office and the seaplane launchpad. That was enough to buy him some time as the soliders fired on the icewall to put holes into it and wasn't having much success as the bullets were stuck right into the ice. Borleas gets into the Selroth and starts the engines as they begin to roar. The General was really ticked off now as the leader of Borleas' empire was finding a way to escape now.

"Someone get the blow torches!!" The General barked with harsh venom at his troops; " NOW!!"

"Right!!" The Officers responded as they exit the room quickly. The general's face looked like a madman as he seemed bent on stopping Borleas Icebolt at any cost now that Borleas refused to surrender to justice.

"I'll promise you this Borleas Icebolt!! You're days of terror are over! You have no one left now!" The General declared as if he knew everything now; " You slaughtered your own soliders of terror because they breathed wrong! You might as well get out of that plane face the harsh judgement now!"

"NOT YET!" Borleas screamed loudly like a madman. He will never forgive or forget what Kit has done now; " NOT UNTIL I KILL KIT!!" Borleas' seaplane flies off from the launchpad and flies out of the building and out of sight just as the officers return with a rocket launcher which completely confuses the General.

"A rocket launcher?!" the General hissed bitterly.

"Someone stole our blowtorches a few days ago." Officer #1 gulped as the General slowly began to giggle loudly. This was the perfect weapon for him as he not only could destroy that ice wall in one shot; it can seek out and destroy Borleas' plane.

"Close enough!!" The General screamed as he grabs the rocket launcher and points it at the ice wall and that causes the officers to panic in fear. Their general has gone completely insane because if he fires the rocket into the ice wall; the ice will break into pieces which would fly around the office and kill everyone in sight.

"What are you doing?!" The officers protested as they try to restrain the General; " If you fire that you'll kill us all!!" The General uses the rocket launcher to whack his officers to the ground; knocking them out.

"Consider this a noble death for the end of terror.." The General screamed as he pulls the trigger; "..Die..die...die...die...die..DIE!! SAY GOODBYE!!" The rocket shoots out of the rocket launcher with great neck speed into the icewall and breaks through it cleanly as shards of ice fly into the office and impales the General and his officers who were struggling to their feet. They all slump to the ground with blood coming out of their wounds and they would slowly die due to the force of the ice implaing them. The General basically committed suicide just to stop Borleas Icebolt as the rocket flies out of the launchpad and goes towards Borleas' seaplane the Selroth. Borleas' plane was already flying away as fast as it can as it was over a forest inside the Usland Islands. He was angry as heck as everything that he worked for to make people suffer was gone and now he was suffering. A fitting end to a terrorist who thinks he is above the law.

"I'LL GET YOU!! YOU LITTLE DEVILCHILD!!" Borleas continued to scream and curse as many times as he can while Kit Cloudkicker wasn't in his presence. He thought that he was going to at least get away and prehaps find a way to rebuild his life back somehow. However; the rocket that the late General fired was close to Selroth just as Borleas notices it; "!!" The rocket was too fast to out-fly and the tailsection is clipped by the rocket and Borleas' life flashes white before his eyes as an explosion is heard. The Selroth was clearly destroyed and Borleas thought that he was dead along with his empire...He thought wrong....

The flash before Borleas' eyes didn't last long as he was lying on the ground completely knocked out inside a stand of maple trees. However; Borleas was not alone as three familiar furries were standing before the fallen Borleas: Boris, Salet and Dustin. They were poking Borleas with their toes; proding him to wake up.

"Who's this shady character?!" Boris asked poking Borleas' left arm; " Is he dead?!"

"I don't care.." Dustin proclaimed as he stops poking Borleas' right arm; "..Let's check him for cash.."

"Yeah; this will be easy." Salet chimed in relucently as Boris grumbled.

"Oh right..Oh right...I'll check him!!" Boris protested as he goes over and checks him. He didn't feel squishy at all; " You are a bunch of cowards!! He's not that squishy!!" Boris goes into Borleas' pocket and that would prove to be a mistake as Borleas suddenly stands up while grabbing Boris by the neck all in one complete motion. Boris was gagging as Borleas was choking him hard.

"Where's your leader and whose's his name?!" Borleas demanded harshly as Boris was slowly turning blue. However; a familiar iguana enters the scene and was hissing mad as well since Boris was one of his men. It was Pierce Iguana, the leader of the Street Pirates #2. Borleas has crashed in Saint Peterdora; right in the middle of his own turf.

"Let go of my men.." Pierce demanded loudly; "..PIKE!!"

"The name's Borleas Icebolt to you!" Borleas snapped back as he drops Boris like a bad habit. Pierce for some odd reason was impressed with Borleas' spunk.

"Borleass Icebolt?! Yessss.." Pierce hissed with glee; "..Thiss iss great. Would you like to be my advisser?! I'm trying to overtake Cape Ssuzette?!"

"Sure...Mr..." Borleas stumbled with his words. He didn't exactly like the prospect of playing second banana to Pierce; but it was still better than being caught by the police..and Pierce appeared to be trustworthy and young enough for Borleas to mold and shape him into a proper leader.

"Pierce Iguana.." Pierce responds extending his hand to Borleas; "..Ruler of the SStreet Piratess #2..."

"You sound like the perfect one to lead us back to the promised land..." Borleas responds by shaking his hand. It felt warm as Borleas beamed. He now had a chance to get back at those who tried to put him in jail or worse killed him. He went from being a leader to being an advisor to a young future leader. It was a simple matter of passing the torch to create another evildoers and slowly undermine justice for their own sick pleasure.

"Indeed.." Pierce hissed with glee; "..Pike!! Now let uss go..."

"Right!" Borleas responded strongly as he, Pierce and his men walked out of the forest and towards Saint Peterdora. Borleas now had a home and a spot where he could influnece Pierce. However; that was five years ago and the influence of Borleas was waning since then as Pierce was slowly acting like Borleas did in the past.....


Borleas clenches his fists and stated to realize that Pierce was slowly becoming like him and he couldn't let that happen; "After losing my empire; I owed a debt of gratitude for Pierce. He saved my life and gave me another chance. However; I cannot help if I recall the moment when that General stated how I was defeated. I'm beginning to see the same thing happening here as with me years ago. If that boy can take three of the most feared and powerful organizations down and out; Pierce hasn't got a clue what he's getting into. Pierce hasn't even listened to a more experienced person who can guide and shap him into someone who would not repeat the same mistakes I did. Pierce Iguana is holding my past as a deathwish. If this plan fails and I'm certain that it will; then I shall have to cut my losses.." Borleas shadow punched the darkness as he ended strong; "...Again!!" Borleas walked into another room which was right beside him. He was angry and he went inside to muse about what had happened. He couldn't let Kit destroy another organization; but does Kit know that his former boss is still alive? Does Pierce even know what he is doing? All Borleas does know is that his relationship with Pierce is starting to go south and Pierce isn't about to let go of his ideals either....


Baloo and Rebecca were having problems of their own as Jobber, Wrenches, Miff Cat and Mini Van were carrying them towards the Sky Shark Pirate's version of death row. The prison area was made of the same whale blubberskin as the walls on at the top floor. Each cell has been made of strong solid bone with the ribcage bones representing the bars. They were strong and sharp to the touch. Each cell was like a regular jail cell with iron floors. There were ten prison cells available and none of them were used as they were probably killed or escaped. No one really knows as there was only one Sky Shark Pirate guarding the cells. She was known as Silk Brass, a tall grey octopus who wore a white dress shirt and black pants. She was carrying a rapier and pistol on her hip, plus a pocket containing a bone key to the prison. She notices the Sky Shark Pirates and feels quite giddy as more prisoners were set to be executed. Baloo was still knocked out and was literally being carried (with lots of effort) by Miff Cat and Mini Van. Rebecca was a lot easier and showed little resistance despite dragging her heels the entire way.

"Ah; new fish to fry at sunrise eh?!" Silk Brass asked.

"Yeah.." Miff Cat chants the song of death; "..They're going to die! Die! Die! Die!"

"Die and be slient!" Mini Van chants along which angers Rebecca even more; " Die and be slient!"

"You woman ought to be ashamed of yourselves...!" Rebecca shouts out in protest. However; Jobber covers Rebecca's mouth before she can finish and she is unable to bite Jobber's hand.

"You talk too much." Jobber said looking at her with eyes which personified evil.

"I agree.." Wrenches responds with a smirk as she smiles straight in Rebecca's face;"..Should we gag her?!" The four pirates go to the first cell on the right side of the room. Silk uses the bone key from her pocket and unlocks the cell, opening the cell door. Jobber and Wrenches throw Rebecca harshly into the cell. Rebecca bounces againest the back wall and falls flat on her face on the floor. Wrenches and Jobber step aside as Miff Cat and Mini Van throw the knocked out Baloo right beside her. Due to Baloo's weight he only bounces once onto the floor. Rebecca was able to talk once again.

"How dare you call yourselves women?!" Rebecca shouts out as she struggles to get to her feet as the door slams in front of her. She and Baloo were trapped.

"Hey?!" a familair girl's voice beckons which stops everyone from talking; " I love it when you shout falsehoods at us!"

"Mid?!" The Sky Shark Pirates respond with a stunned tone as Mid Gaiamoon enters the prison area. Rebecca looks straight at Mid and she is angry beyond belief. Mid was struting in as if she was on top of the world and yet she was working for a terror cell.

Yeah!" Mid said saluting Silk and nodding at Jobber and Wrenches;" Our queen Diana wants you all to assemble in her chambers at once!! Silk?! I'll take it from here."

"Here.." Silk shouts out as she take out a bone key to the prison cells and gives him to Mid; "..Guard this key with your life!!"

"Don't worry.." Mid said as she grabs the key and salutes Silk; "..This is _my_ life!"

"Come on you air-lubbers!!" Silk said motioning at the rest of the Sky Shark Pirates; " Don't want to be keelhauled by our Queen now don't we?!"

"Oh no! No! No! I'd like to keep my head on my shoulders." The Sky Shark Pirates squeal in unison as they leave the prison as quickly as a seaplane at full blast. Mid just giggled as it was no easy to command a bunch of lowly rank-in-file pirates without consquence.

"Don't worry...Diana needs ya anyway.." Mid states as she turns her attention to the prisoners and starts to smirk from ear to ear with evil intentions; "..Now it's time for my favorite sport: Taunting the prisonners."

"I don't understand why someone like you would join such a brutal terrorist?!" Rebecca asked sharply.

"How dare you call my queen a terrorist?!" Mid protested bitterly;" I'll have you know that Diana is a saint compared to the real terrorist: Jaloo!" Rebecca was surprised as she thought that Mid was talking about Baloo but was talking about someone else.

"Jaloo?! Why?! I've never heard of her.." Rebecca said just as Baloo starts to stir; "..Baloo?!"

"Will someone get the number on that ball-?!" Baloo wimpered as he was clearing the cobwebs and sits up; " Where are we?!"

"You are at my mercy and wouldn't you love to hear my story on Jaloo?!" Mid giggles; " Maybe you'll then understand the mistake you made in being in league with that pompus jerk!!" Baloo and Rebecca were not impressed and were becoming more annoyed by this child's mere presence.


As Mid was looking for some fun; there was no happiness inside Diana's throne room. Diana was looking straight at the door with a blank stare. She was still thinking about Operation Molly ; the plan that almost brought the Sky Shark Pirates to their death as a terror cell. It was still a painful memory and it was brought back because Mid is now looking for answers in Rebecca just because her daughter first name was Molly.

"This whole ordeal with Operation Molly has made me wonder if that could happen to me again and I don't even realize it?! I don't know.." Diana mused; "..but I must not concede defeat to the fiends who commit hypocritical acts in the name of democratic rule." Just as she was going into deeper thought a knock on the door beckons to interrupt her. Diana was not happy to hear that knock "Come in?!" Diana ordered as the door opens and Miff Cat, Mini Van, Jobber, Wrenches and Silk all entered.

"Hey my queen.." Miff Cat said kneeling down before her quuen; "..You summoned us?! " Diana quickly goes to Miff Cat and slaps her hard in the kisser. Miff Cat whinces in pain as everyone else shudders in fear.

"I didn't summon you idoits!!" Diana barked loudly and with anger; " I should keelhaul you right now!!"

"I'm sorry my queen.." The Sky Shark Pirates squealed out, shuddering in fear as they kneel down and beg for mercy; "..It's just that Mid told us that you needed us...Please forgive us..."

"You are so careless.." Diana growls loudly before returning to her seat, sitting down and acting calm once again; "..but I'm personally glad you are here."

"My it?!" Miff Cat asks standing up for her feet.

"Yeah; Operation Molly is haunting me again." Diana admits looking down.

"That was 15 years ago my queen." Miff Cat responds; " You have matured since then..."

"Wait a minute.." Diana said sharply; "..did you say that Mid called you to come up here?!"

"Yes my queen..." Miff Cat said with a gulp as Diana instantly shudders in fear. Mid was looking for answers in Operation Molly and her prisoners would be happy to talk about with Mid instead of her in her own mind anyway. It was time to regroup.

"It's time to have that important meeting.." Diana said slowly as she walk to the back of her throne chair. There is a black skull button in the shape of a shark's skull. Diana presses the button and the entire throne sinks into the floor and closes for a moment. Then the bottom opens and a large skull table arises from the floor and stay in it's proper position. The end of the table on Diana's side contains a control panel and a microphone. As the table was locked into position; as many as 55 chairs appear from the floor and are placed right around the table.; "..Take a seat ladies!"

"Rudy!!" The Sky Shark Pirates said saluting their queen in unison before finally taking their seats for the meeting of a lifetime.

" me..." Diana said with a tear in her eye as she pushes a red button on the control panel and the red alarm sound beckons throughout the Sky Shark. Diana was up to something and why would she call a meeting because of Mid?


The red alarm sounded all throughout the Sky Shark as 33 Sky Shark Pirates scatter down the hallway and enter into Diana's throne room. Above the ceiling was a vent that lead into various rooms. The vents were also used as a means of communcation for Diana Carnage's radio network inside the Sky Shark. The vent leads to the bridge where a big female white shark wearing a white shirt, black pants and a blue banadana was taking over with the wheel. However; Diana's voice would break her silence.

"All Sky Shark Pirates over the age of 12 report to the throne room at once." Diana commanded strongly; " Fisheyes?! Put the Sky Shark on autopilot for now."

"Rudy!!" Fisheyes Lockheed, the wheel master of the Sky Shark exclaimed as she lets go of the wheel and exits out of the bridge. The bridge is the second largest room in the Sky Shark. It had a huge window in the front of the wheel. In front of the large window is a long control panel streching from end to end with various buttons, levers and switches; all made of shark bone. In between the control panel was a large captain's wheel made of bone and cartlidge. Most of the area is cleared and clean. As Fisheyes closes the door behind her; vent above the center of the room comes loose and in the end come crashing onto the floor. Bahgeera comes down and lands on his feet on the floor. He looked determined to stop the Sky Shark Pirates even if it killed him.

"Okay my dear.." Bahgeera said holding out his arms to grab Jolly; "..Jump down; I'll catch you."

"No way!" Jolly squeaked; " If you want to stop Diana; then I'm staying here."

"Are you still upset about that day when you were still a baby?!" Bahgeera asked sounding sharp.

"You're butterfingers Daddy!" Jolly protested as he is holding onto the vent kicking his legs as Bahgeera sighs.

"I had to give birth to a head-strong tomgirl." Bahgeera curses under his breath;" I hope Jaloo find them soon..."

"What did you call me?!" Jolly demanded as he clearly saw his mouth move and he doesn't like the mouth movement.

"Oh nothing my dear.." Bahgeera said as Jolly drops onto Bahgeera's head and they both fall to the floor with a thud. Jolly bursts into quiet giggling.

"Okay!!" Jolly giggles as Bahgeera grumbles under his breath as the alarms continue to wail. More Sky Shark Pirates enter into Diana's room as they are running into a room with a large set of double doors. All thirty four Sky Shark Pirates including Fisheyes enter the room.

"Someone close the door." Diana demanded as Miff Cat goes to the double doors.

"Rudy!" Miff Cat responds as Miff Cat closes the double doors behind him. As the doors completely closed the alarms stop and the doors reveal Jaloo Gaiadoze. The doors were big enough to conceal him from the Sky Shark Pirates. He had been hiding the whole time.

"[Wonder why those pirates went to a meeting?!]" Jaloo wondered under his breath as he leans againest the door and listens it. He hoped that they would revealed where Mid was so he could apologize to Mid. Meanwhile; Mid Gaiamoon noticed the alarms have stopped as Baloo and Rebecca holding their ears. She was hoping that the sound of the alarm would be enough torment to make them talk; but no luck however.

"What was that?!" Rebecca screamed holding her ears as Mid looks at the radio pipe just next to the first cell.

"It seems my queen is having a meeting." Mid said licking her chops; " I'm going to check for a minute before I continue to taunt you."

"Take your time creampuff!!" Baloo said sarcastically as Mid takes her pistol and points it at the ceiling. She pulls the trigger and fires a shot which Baloo is forced to duck. The bullet misses Baloo's head by a foot. Rebecca looks really mad now as she harshly covers his mouth.

"I WISH YOU WOULDN'T DO THAT!!" Rebecca screams loudly as Mid goes to the radio pipe and opens it.

"That's more like it!" Mid proclaims as she speaks into the pipe; " Queen Diana?!"

"Yes my servent to the sky sharks?!" Diana responds sounding a bit off. It was like she was shaking a bit with her words.

"It appears that you are having a meeting?!" Mid responds looking confused.

"Yes...ummm...You don't need to attend this meeting." Diana responds sharply; " Taunt the prisoners to your hearts content."

"Thanks my Queen..." Mid said nodding her head in approval as she closes the pipe and returns to the front of Rebecca and Baloo's cell.

"Something's not right here..." Rebecca wonders looking suspious as she let's go of Baloo's mouth.

"What do you mean not right?!" Mid snapped back bitterly; " My Queen's in a meeting right now!"

"Well;" Rebecca explained; " I've faced off againest pirate minds before and if a pirate is told that they can do what they want that means that..."

"You are saying that my queen is going to betray me?!" Mid protested bitterly; " That is obsence you stupid ..."

"And probably true too you big mouth!" Rebecca snapped back looking at Mid straight in the face.

"Why you?!" Mid shouts in disgusts as Mid tries to slap Rebecca in the face. However; Rebecca dodges Mid's hand and Mid's hand strikes the cage door harshly causing acute pain. Since the door is made of shark bone, a part of her hand get scratched deeply and some blood comes out; " OWWW....You witch!! I'm not supposed to be embarassed!" She was grinding her teeth in pain as she holds her hand in pain and is angry as Rebecca looks angry as well.

"Oh; I'm _so_ sorry that you didn't die!" Rebecca responds sarcastically with anger; " I have no forgiveness for ladies who do not believe in anything but terror. Men might be slobs; but I see now that people like Kit Cloudkicker can show true class!"

"Maybe so;" Mid points out bitterly; "... but I don't see your classy Kit around and I suspect that he's really Jaloo in disguise!"

"Why do you have a problem with such a lady?!" Baloo asked.

"You know...You look like sound like Jaloo.." Mid screamed loudly and bitterly; "..and I REALLY HATE JALOO!!"

"Why cupcake?!" Baloo asked wondering why Mid had such a personal grudge and one that creates guilt by association for him. If only he knew Mid's past as a meeting was currently taking place inside the captain's throne room. Diana stands up as all fifty Sky Shark Pirates were sitting down in their seats including Miff Cat, Mini Van, Jobber, Wrenches, Fisheyes, Silk, Dull, Baldie, Buzzsaw, Tillo, Witchis, Poindextro and thirty-eight additional Sky Sharks wearing various color shirts, various color pants, various color bandanas, cutlasses and pistols in their holders. There was a black raven, pink pig, brown bear, gold bear, almond bear, blue jay, red cardinal, beige jackal, brown leopard, black panther, green frog, black shunk, brown moose, grey rat, black cat, green grasshopper, black fly, green gator, brown dog, yellow goose, begal tiger, brown lion, another black panther, gold fish, grey octopus, brown nutria, panda, polar bear, yellow canary, brown cat, gold hawk, red pelican, white frog, brown huskie, black bear, green snake, yellow mallard and silver hawk. They were watching Diana Carnage who didn't look like a strong leader like they were used too. Diana looked like she was shaking and apparently Mid was the reason...

"Everyone zip their lips or I'll go and do some kehauling!!" Diana screamed as everyone goes silent instantly. Terror always worked for making people obey her.; " Good! My crew of Sky Sharks; the day that I've been dreading has arrived. I want to ask the following before I continue: Did anyone hear about our young Sky Pirate Mid?!" Diana asked strongly.

"My queen;" Buzzsaw explained; " Mid stated that she went down to the holding cells to taunt the new prisoners." Diana could only gulp as as knelt down and began shaking. Everyone was concerned; particually Miff Cat who feared that Diana was thinking about Operation Molly again. Even 15 years of time hasn't slience that frightening moment where Diana almost died at the hands of the rogues the government used to root her out.

"My queen?!" Miff Cat asked as she went to consult her queen. Diana was shaking violently as she realized what Mid wanted. Miff Cat had never seen her so distaught since Operation Molly and it was clear that her past was haunting her once again...

"Mid's been asking me about Molly.." Diana explained with a tear in her eye. For a terrorist who is supposed to act without remorse or regret; she didn't play that part very well; "..Operation Molly. She must want to torment the spies in order to tell her what happened 15 years ago. If she finds out...I cannot believe that my best pirate has become suspious of me...My successor..." Mid Gaiamoon's purpose was clear and it mirrored Kit's destiny with the Air Pirates. Don Karnage wanted a successor to take over knowing that young blood would find way to terrorize people...and she remembered the day they met. A misguided soul who didn't understand how her actions had consquences.....


Two Years Ago...

Mid Gaiamoon was clearly upset about something and it sounded too familiar as she was stomping her way into a steamy jungle somewhere in Gaiaria. She didn't seem too concerned with the fact that the jungle was a very dangerous place to be. Then again; Mid had seen dangers much worse than this. She apparently believed that a former friend of hers was using her.

"All she cares about is her stupid plane!!" Mid protested as she went deeper into the jungle; " All she wanted is to use me!! Well no more!! I'll buy my own plane and I'll beat Jaloo into Hal!!" However; her train of thought would be broken as Diana Carnage appears just as Mid stopped to catch her breath.

"Well, well, well.." Diana proclaims sarcastically as she puts away her sword. Mid is force to turn around and she sees in her own mind a person worse than Jaloo right now: A Sky Shark Pirate.; "..look who is all alone..."

"What do you want terrorist?!" Mid demanded bitterly as she steps back.

" are an honest little girl.." Diana proclaimed as Miff Cat, Mini Van, Jobber and Buzzsaw surround her in a circle. Mid has nowhere to run; "..Having problems with someone?! Hating someone?! Like Jaloo..."

"What's it to ya terrorist?!" Mid snapped back bitterly as Mid giggles softly.

"It seems that this Jaloo is a bother to you..I know how you feel; Jaloo is such an annoyance." Diana proclaimed as Mid's frown turned into an expression of interest; " She doesn't care about anyone but herself. She put me into this life." Mid was amazed and Diana was so smooth like a con artist that Mid's tension was actually decreasing. ~She'sbuying it! I don't know anything about Jaloo's personal life to care!~ Diana thought with a smile that was hidden to assure that it wasn't evil.

"Really?!" Mid asked looking interested; " She's that bad?!"

"Yes.." Diana responded; "..She works for the government police force."

"I thought that she was just a lonely cargo pilot?" Mid asked shrugging her shoulders with suspision. Diana had to think fast as she was losing Mid again.

"Ooops...that was Saloo I was talking about.." Diana responded feeling dumb to make that simple mistake; "..My fault!"

"Yeah;" Mid declared sharply; " All I know is that Saloo's not very happy to see you exist!"

"Touche!!" Diana gulped as she was punked out by Mid. The Sky Shark Pirates were restless; but Diana's commanding hand was assuring that they didn't try something rash that would foil her plans to brainwash the poor child who seemed misguided.

"Actually; Jaloo is an incompentent pilot." Mid explained; " Without me she couldn't even exist. I was almost killed by a gangster a few months ago and almost left for dead."

"Even a pirate wouldn't stoop to that low. Is this gangster Teastaff?!"

"Yes..." Mid said as Diana gasped in horror. Even though Diana was a con artist; her face was geninue at the time about children getting killed. Even though she was evil; she realized that children were naive enough to be used as pawn to maintain a group like the Sky Shark Pirates. She was angry and her thoughts demonstrated it. ~I'll kill that fiend!! Leaving children for dead and assaulting them!~

"I was going to expose Teastaff for killing my mother who was a secret undercover agent... but I was caught.." Mid explains as she remembers that infamous day like a bullet in the leg. It was very painful as she wasn't just brutally assulted physically; but she was attacked verbally by the very people who loved least that's what she thought anyway...

~~Six Months Ago~~

And boy was she caught...She was inside a dark alleyway somewhere in the city known as Cape Samette (Read: Gaiaria's version of Cape Suzette) grabbed by two thugs harshly. They were holding her arms to her back. Mid has also clearly picked a fight with them as Mid's left eye was blackened. The first thug that had her was a female black bear wearing a brown suit, white shirt, black tie and black pants. She was a local thug called Baris Naveloff. The second thug was Sally Dustbin a short black porcupine wearing a brown fur jacket, blue shirt and white pants. They continue to rough Mid up a bit by folding her up a bit just to stop her from struggling and that was having limited success.

"Let me go you psychos!!" Mid screamed loudly; but there was no one to save her from the leader of this outfit as a tall female, brown iguana wearing a gold suit, gold fedora hat, white shirt and gold pant appears and looks at Mid straight in the face as Mid spit in her face in kind screaming; " You murderer!!" Sally then covers Mid's mouth as the gold devil gangster leader tightens his fists. She was the devil who killed Mid's mother: Teastaff Iguana. She was the face of evil as she was giggling loudly knowing that no one could touch her now.

"Ssso...The daughter of a police officer Mid Gaiamoon." Teastaff hissed; " The one I murdered yearss ago who sstuck her nosse into my bussinessss. Jusst like you big mouth!!" Teastaff wasted no time in brandishing her acts of terror (justice in her own eyes) as she punches Mid harder and harder in the midsection seven times. Mid's body arched back but Mid was unable to react properly due to Sally holding her mouth. Blood was coming out of Sally's finger as she uncover's Mid's mouth and Mid spits the blood and it trickles down her mouth quickly. She was in pain but Mid didn't scream; " Now; do you know why no one can sstand before me...Age doesn't matter to me...I rule Gaia!! I'm higher then Gaia!!" Teastaff was beyond reason and she deserved to die a hundred deaths for her blastomphy and vainty as she then punched Mid in the face seven times causing Mid's nose to become bloodied. She was literally taking a beat and yet Mid took it without screaming at all despite the pain that she was in; " Now I want you to apologize for sspying on me; for having your mother attacking me; for your father being in my way...SSAY YOUR SSORRY!!"

"No...You're evil.." Mid hissed spitting blood right into Teastaff's face. She could barely speak; but she was heard enough; "..You're nothing but a spawn of sin... I'll never say my sorry..." Teastaff was really mad as Mid was defying her. Mid was then backhanded by Teastaff right in the kisser and Mid's face snapped back in pain.

"Then you sshall ssing...Ssing like a canary!!" Teastaff screamed as she grabs onto Mid's neck and squeezes it tightly. Even Mid Gaiamoon was going to scream loudly after having someone grabbing her like that. However; Mid unleashes one last shot as Teastaff as she double kicks Teastaff in the groan area and that causes her to roll onto her midsection screaming profane words at Mid; " YOU WITCH!!" However; Mid's act was a fatal mistake as Sally and Baris force Mid hard onto the ground face down as Teastaff took out her pistol. Teastaff next blow was near fatal as she kicked Mid in the head hard like a soccer ball. Mid's head snapped back with the concussion force before settling back down. Mid had nothing left to fight anymore as her body was nearly close to expiring.

"I hate you..." Mid responded softly as her eyes was closed shut and she was finally knocked out. It seemed to be over as she was at the mercy of Teastaff and it the mental state that she was in; Teastaff would have the power to kill Mid without a second thought. However; Mid knew that was not the case...

*** I thought I was dead..I heard a click; but there was nothing I could do.. The next thing I remember was waking up in a bed.... *** Mid voiced over as the scene flashes white for a moment and Mid slowly starts to open her eyes and look around. She was inside a hospital room on top of a white hospital bed. The room was painted light green with a peach ceiling. Mid had banadages on her arms, legs and chest. She couldn't move other than her eyes as she saw Jaloo to her left and Bahgeera to her right. She couldn't believe it; she was alive and her surrogate parents were teary-eyed as it was a miracle that Mid Gaiamoon was alive.

"Mid?!" Bahgeera cried with compassion; " You're out of your coma.."

"Mr. Willingham?!" Mid asked quietly; her voice was barely audible; " What happened?!"

"Teastaff has been arrested." Bahgeera explained sobbing loudly as Jaloo looked very cross; " The police found you near death.. You've been in this coma for almost two weeks now. Oh Gaia!" Mid noticed that Jaloo was angry at her as her hand were clenched and appeared ready to hurt Mid.

"Mid?!" Jaloo shouted bitterly with venom towards Mid as Mid was shocked. However; she was unable to move; " How dare you disobey me!!" That was all Jaloo could say to Mid as Bahgeera just looked at her with tears coming down his cheeks. Jaloo turned around and ran out of the room without saying anything else. Mid had no idea just how much she had hurt the feelings of Jaloo or Bahgeera.

"Jaloo? JALOO!!" Bahgeera protested back; but he was talking to a doorway as Jaloo was out of sight; " How can she be so insenstive.."

"Jaloo.." Mid asked looking at Bahgeera; "..What did I do wrong?!"

"Mid?!" Jaloo cried shaking his head; " You shouldn't have tried this!"

"But Mr. Willingham; my mom and dad are dead!" Mid try to protest but the pain of her limbs were barely able to let Mid talk at regular levels; " I just couldn't let Teastaff win!!"

"I understand that my dear.." Bahgeera responded sharply; "...But what you did was reckless. I don't want to see you die for no reason and...." As he was about to explain how worried he was and how she made Bahgeera and Jaloo suffer; a middle age male pink parrot wearing a blue jacket, white pants, white shirt, white hat and a white apron beckoned. He was Mid's nurse Dortis Macbaine. He looked pretty stern right now...

"Excuse me sir.." Dortis explained in a stern voice; "..Visiting hours are over...Please leave..."

"I'm sorry Mid...I must leave.." Bahgeera said teary-eyed as he stood up and walked out of the room; "..Please realize that self-preservation is a virtue and not an evil.."

"Time for you to rest..." Dortis proclaimed sharply as Mid struggled to look at Bahgeera.

"What does that mean.." Mid protested; "..I'm selfish?!" As Mid opened her mouth; Doris brings out a spray bottle and spray a substance in Mid's mouth and that is enough to knock her out.

"Children these days..." Dortis responded shaking his head as he left the room to allow Mid to rest. Mid Gaiamoon never knew what Bahgeera Willingham meant; other than she knew that her life as she knew it before she presued justice for the death of her mother was never going to be the same again...


"I was no longer trusted by Jaloo. All because I believed that I was right. I wasn't allowed to fly with Jaloo on anymore missions and was placed in a private school for study. I was basically treated like a child instead of someone.." Mid explained bitterly; "..I found an seaplane and hitchhiked into the jungle for the last four days...I've survived on berries and water... My mission was to find someone who will help me get my wings and touch the face of Gaia!"

Diana paused for a moment as she saw the perfect candidate to take over as her successor to the Sky Shark Pirates. Mid had become so desilluisoned and disenfrancished that she no longer wanted any part Jaloo anymore. Even for the most misguided of reasons. Diana could only think ~So I have found someone. Interesting.~ Diana then finally after a moment to think about her plan she finall spoke kindly to Mid; "How would you like to be flying right now?! I could teach you how to fly?!

"Not a chance you terrorist!!" Mid protested bitterly; " I want to touch Gaia; not destroy it!!"

"Who told you that I was a terrorist?! Jaloo prehaps?!" Diana responded sarcastically as Mid gulped for a moment and then realized that Diana had a point there; " You don't trust Jaloo anymore so why are you trusting her to tell the truth about me?! I'm a pirate captain!"

"You are?! Not all pirates are evil.." Mid responded with glee and then realized that there had to be some catch to all of this; "..What do you want from me in exchange?!"

"Nothing except you staying with me.." Diana responded which was pretty much the gospel truth even if she was hated by the police force and considered really evil by them; "..I'll show you the wonders of the life of a pirate. My dear; you will never be betrayed by trust again." Diana simply smiled as she had Mid right in the palm of her hands...Until now it seemed....


"This is the first time I felt sad.." Diana responded looking teary eyed. It was hard to tell if she was being geninue or crying crocodile tears because she was considered to be a good con artist as well; "..I killed Teastaff in prison as she thought that she would be free. Mid accepted and turned her back on that selfish witch Jaloo..However; there were moments where I wondered if Mid turely trusted me."

"Captain?!" Miff Cat asked looking concerned; " What should we do?!"

"If Mid ever finds out that Operation Molly was an attempt to kill me then she will try to seek and destroy the Themlanders and thus expose this orgainzation to possible capture by Themland." Diana responds sharply; " Therefore..."

"You don't mean?!" Mini Van gasped in horror.

"I have no choice but to kill her so she doesn't put us in jeopardy!" Diana proclaims strongly as everyone gasps in horror at the decision that Diana had made. Mid was a loyal pirate and she wasn't about to betray Diana. However; Diana felt that Mid's loyalty to her was an act of betrayal. Jaloo didn't think that was the case and that Diana was acting exactly like herself. That she would use children who didn't understand that they were being used for evil.

"No...I must warn her..." Jaloo said quietly as she backed away from the door and quickly ran down the hallway towards the dungeon. However; just before she could go out of sight a medium build female grey fish pirate wearing a striped olive shirt, blue overalls and a black banadana called Olive Walwurst manages to notice her running away towards the dungeon. Olive quickly goes to the double-doors of Diana's throne room and thursts them open harshly. Everyone gasps in horror

"My queen! My queen.." Olive shouted as she runs right to Diana. Diana was angry as heck as she grabs Olive by the neck which causes everyone to gasp in horror once again; "..UGGHHH!"

"Haven't I told anyone _not_ to interupt me while I'm in a meeting...And you're late as usual Olive!" Diana protested bitterly as she gave Olive the stinkeye while Olive was shaking in fear; " This had better be good or I'll keelhaul you to Hal!"

"There's someone on board the ship my queen!" Olive responded looking frightened; " It looks exactly like Jaloo; the one who save Themland from us years ago."

"Looking for Mid no doubt.." Diana responded giggling softly as she dropped Olive on her can like a bad habit; "..I've had it up to here with Jaloo butting her butt into my business. I smell double-jeopardy here!!"

"We'll get her right away my queen!" Miff Cat responded as the Sky Shark Pirates stand up in unison and awaited order as they draw their cutlasses and guns. However; Diana wasn't too keen on doing it as she had an evil smile a foot long. She had a plan and it was typical of a terrorist.

"STAND DOWN!!!" Diana commanded strongly as everyone lowered their weapons right away; " Mid is in the holding cell area now. Let's see if Jaloo can brainwash her into believing that she's really sorry for her actions. Secure the exits; but don't confront Jaloo. Let's let them try to escape and see if Mid can justify her betrayal of me."

"Should I return to the bridge?" Fisheyes asked.

"No...Keep the ship on auto-pilot.." Diana ordered; "..We'll need every pirate on board to prevent Jaloo from turning us in...and for Mid to be peacefully disposed of...along with the spies!"

"Yes my queen!!" All the Sky Shark Pirates responded saluting their queen. Diana then grits her teeth to drive the message home.

"Let the endgame commence!!" Diana proclaimed strongly as the Sky Shark Pirates left the throne room at once. Diana's true color's were exposed as she was indeed a terrorist who would stop at nothing to kill anyone who stood in her way of paradise. And she wasn't the only one.....


Saint Peterdora: A small town in the northern part of the Usland Islands. It was north of Cape Suzette; west of Wjenjerk, a 14.5 mile square city with a population of just over ten thousand. Ten thousand people who believed in the narrow view of the White Phoenix and it shows. There were no public schools in Saint Peterdora; only private schools (Read: Home schooling) who taught religious values mixed in with educational skills. Everyday life was basically based on the principal of anti-materialism as there were no shops in the town that were considered sexual or materialistic in nature. There were no seedy resturants, no cinemas, radio stations played only religious music, lots of chruches and all stores that were considered legal to open couldn't open on Sundays. It was a White Phoenix paradise where there was no separation of chruch and state. To them; Separatation of Chruch and State equals to the removal of God from their lives. That was something the denizens could not stand. They thumb their noses at outsiders because they believed that they were better and that no crime could exist in their fair and decent city. Morality rules over all in this town. However; the real truth was that even Saint Peterdora wasn't immune to crime. In fact; Saint Peterdora's crime wave was in fact more apparent in the city. Saint Peterdora's attempt to cover up with window dressing appeared convincing; but one place was creating a culture of crime. It was about a mile away from the town near an abandoned steel workers plant because of a lawsuit by EnviroPeace a decade ago and moral detrust by the people who worked there. The steel plant known as the Firepit Grotto (formally known as the Miniversal Steel Workers Plant) was a gift at one time from Miniversal Corperation and contains huge sludge pools on either side of the factory. The result of this was because portions of that lawsuit which included cleanup were overturned due to safety concerns; and it was considered by the courts that EnviroPeace should be responsible for the cleanup. However; EnviroPeace refused on moral principle that Miniversal created the mess and they should clean it up. The appeals process has been tied up in court ever since with no end in sight. The Firepit Grotto was called as such since the temperture inside the plant can be as hot as the firepit which evil sould are condemned to their deaths. The steel plant was a iron/steel box-like building about 200 feet by 250 feet by 30 feet in height. It was on top of a hill overlooking Saint Peterdora and it was an ugly sight. However; while it was abandoned, it is still in use: As the hideout for the Street Pirates #2. Outside the main steps of the Grotto in front of the building stood Pierce Iguana, Boris, Salet, Dustin, Sugar, Spice and 12 other male mobsters wearing various color suits, fedora hats and pants. A short brown fox, green parrot, grey ape, orange cat, yellow dog, a brown turtle, a tall white eagle, black hound dog, a zebra, a medium build grey elephant and a grey hippo. All had their pistol loaded in their holders and were facing their master and saviour who was sniffing the air. It smelled like stink; but to Pierce that was a blessing. He owned this town and until Saint Peterdora captures him; he will continue to own this town and ruin lives.

"I love the ssmell of sstink in the air...and the water." Pierce hisses with a beaming look in his eyes; " iss the girl who iss on the run. Find her.." Pierce takes a black & white photographic of Molly Cunningham out and shows the mobsters; " ..and once you do; do not capture her. Contact Borleass at once!"

"Yes sir!" the mobsters respond saluting his in tribute.

"Now go.." Pierce hissed sharply; "..or it'ss the SShoot Closset!!"

"Shoot Closet! Shoot Closet!! Ra! Ra! Ra!" Sugar and Spice chant as they do their goofy dance.

"Ssugar and Sspice will stay her until we find her." Pierce declares as the air of the two hot girls when completely out of their sail. They groan loudly and they have been rejected for this mission.

"Ah! Drat!!" Sugar and Spice poupted bitterly as they walk back into the Firepit Grotto through the double steel-doors; probably to continue to bug Borleas Icebolt who was probably in the radio room making calls.

"Boriss?! Ssalet?! Dusstin?!" Pierce commanded as they nod in unison; " You'll join the mob and sstay on contact with Borleass. The resst of you; sseek out and find Molly Cunningham.." The mobster salute and they scatter down the hill in various directions in order for them not to been seen by possible police spies; "..Ssoon...The sstatement sshall be made and then Martial Law!!" Pierce laughs out loud at his latest plan; " Perfect!!" He was so low as he wanted to go after an innocent seven year old girl just to use as bait to lure in a fourteen year old boy who has gained a reputation in the world as a order to kill him. It was naive to think that this city was immune to crime and murder.

However; Saint Peterdora's police force knows better as we head to the Saint Peterdora Police Station in the center of the city. The building looked more like a chruch than a police station and it was intended to be that way. It was a religious city and the police officers were considered the _swords of God_ so to speak. The building itself was a builder's dream with it's scared wood and multi-colored stained glass containing images of the White Phoenix. The building was like Chruch Junction in many ways but was way smaller with just three floors and 20 rooms inside. In the sixteenth room was the main office where the police chief was stationed and it looked like a small chruch; about 25 feet X 20 feet X 10 feet in size. There were wooden pews strung on in rows of three bolted to the crimson red carpet floor; enough to seat about 30 officers. The ceiling was vaulted and painted crimson red along with the walls. The back wall behind the main wooden desk had a golden statue of the White Phoenix nailed to the cross. On each side of the cross there were a real sword stabbed into the floor. The staute was equal to the real life White Phoenix. Just above the statue was a golden plate that has an engraving that reads: The Swords of God: Wield them with honesty, integrity and morality. Bless them with the spirit of the Messiah. Six police officers are sitting in the pews while the police chief was sitting in his chair behind his desk. The Police Chief is also a current pastor and runs the Police Chruch as well. He is a tall male white horse known as Edgar Moses. He lives in Saint Peterdora like all the police officers in his presence (Read: Local law forbids outsiders from taking public office.). He is wearing a white suit, white pants and a white police hat which indicates his position as police chief and pastor. He also believes in the narrow viewpoint of the White Phoenix and will do anything to protect it...He hates the outside world for it's excesses. The six police officers were all male and wearing the standard blue police uniforms, black pants and blue police hats. They also use the standard gear of a police officer. (Read: Local law has no problems with how an officer looks or what they use to serve and protect.) The first two officers are almond bears, although one of them is shorter and a lot younger than most of the officers in the police force. The tall almond bear is known as Escobar Marion and the shorter bear is his son, Cody. The third officer is a loose cannon of the force (Read: Edgar has no problems with loose cannons as along as they believe in the religious code of the town.), a tall, beige jackal known as Justin Jericho. The fourth police officer is a short, fat brown hog known as Touras Exodus who is a rule enforcer of the police force in case Edgar isn't around. The fifth officer is a medium build, white goat named Yitaka Mustokai. He is the first Jepangese decent officer who converted to the White Phoenix willfully from the Devine Sparna after becoming a great police officer in Edgar's own eyes. The last police officer was a tall grey moose called Tumble Trilium who became a police officer after being injuried in an explosion caused by Trader Moe and his goons a few years back during the Cape Suzette Friendship Festival. Colonel Spigot was there to present a whacky present known as the Golden Sprocket of Friendship. It was a very quiet week for the police force as there was very little illegal activity in the town. However; Edgar took it as a sign of grave danger ahead and he wanted to brief his squad of defenders of the town known as the Holy Sweepers. The task is to sweep through the city at night to scoop up any criminals and violators of the cerfew that was imposed by the police department. No one ever accused Saint Peterdora of not being a police town that's for sure.

"It's midnight and the criminals come out and play." Edgar declares strongly as he stands up; " It's time to make Pierce's playtime burn in flames in the eyes of God and apparently there is less violence and drug crime in the streets. I say Pierce is regrouping for a massive assault on our citizens. Cody, Escobar, Justin?! You three will lead the team to seek out and arrest any of Iguana's mobsters. Tumble, Touras and Yitaka will sweep the streets for the night. Only shoot to kill if they try to kill you first and chances are that will happen a lot...Understood?!"

"Yes Captain!" The officers responds in unison; saluting their boss. Edgar nods in kind as he raises his hand over his heart.

"Good.." Edgar said sharply; "..Now please kneel and start the prayer of God..." All of the officers kneel down into the prayer position and start praying. Edgar kneels down and prays with them. The Police Prayer of God and The White Phoenix goes like this....

To God; the White Phoenix and the beings that step on God's green earth....
Give us strength and selfless sarcifice to thwart the evils of the flesh...
And the demon who tempt the minds of furrykind....
As the swords of God; we shall not fail in our resolve to destroy evil....
And help furrykind retain the balance of peace as ordained by the White Phoenix...
The son of God; the holy ghost and the holy spirit of the devine and ever loving truth.

Everyone stands up as Edgar issues one final command; "Now go into that town and prove your resolve."

"Yes sir!" The Officers responds saluting their chief one more time. Justin, Touras, Yitaka and Tumble walk to the hall in between the pews and then quickly exit out of the office. Cody and Escobar are about to follow them. However; the phone on Edgar's desk begins to ring. Edgar picks up the phone and answers it. He doesn't sound too pleased at the call as Cody and Escobar stop in their tracks and take a glance at Edgar talking.

"Hello?! Why are you calling me?!" Edgar demanded; " I don't do any favors for Cape Suzette. I only answer to my juridication; so if that six year old there is being threathened by Pierce in my town; then fine, I'll do something. Otherwise; mind your own business...Derek.." Edgar hangs up the phone harshly and then notices that Escobar and Cody were still in his office and he looks very cross that they haven't gone to their post yet; "..What are you two still doing here?"

"Sir?!" Escobar asked looking confused; " Did you say that a six year old is in danger?"

"I don't know and it's none of your business!" Edgar snaps back; " Now do your job and leave...!"

"Yes sir!!" Escobar and Cody respond saluting their boss before Cody quickly leaves the office. Escobar is about to exit and then Edgar starts clearing his throat as Escobar is forced to stop again.

"By the way; if you do find that girl and she is being threathened; protect her at all costs." Edgar demanded harshly; " I hate Cape Suzette's decendence; but I hate Pierce even more and I'll be condemned to the depths of the firepit if she dies on my watch!"

"Thank you sir.." Escobar responds with a strong smile as he walks out of the office and closes the door; "..We shall not fail!"

"Rules be not proud.." Edgar exclaimed bitterly as he glanced at the red book which was the Book of Reforms which was delievered to him by the government of Usland. He takes the book and puts it where it belongs in his own mind and the minds of the denizens of Saint Peterdora: In the trash. "..The Windia Police should have been cleansed and replaced with Martial Law until a new religious wing can cleanse the city. Now the entire concept of police being the swords of God has been thrown out and replaced by a god-less; tooth-less reform. Craig Skywinds got away with murder and Greg Skywinds got away with kidnapping innocent children; all because of Konvent's pact with the devil pirate Don Karnage... Now I have to follow godless rules...and people wonder why criminals laugh in the face of us?! Not on my watch!! NEVER ON MY WATCH!!" Edgar declared strongly as he continued to work on how he was going to make his police force in work in the face of these reforms. You couldn't exactly blame him since Greg Skywinds and Craig did basically get away with criminal behaviour and saw the justice system as a weak-kneed piece of trash. He wasn't about to lose morality to a bunch of bleeding heart beings. As Edgar ponders his ways; all six police officer go outside and go down the concreat steps to the parking area where three police cars (same as regular police cars) parked by the sidewalk. The parking lot is a small square with a border which extends all around the property which looks like a green cedar square. Yitaka and Tumble quickly enter the first police car and close their doors quickly. Police car number one speed out of the parking lot and onto the street without incident. Torus gets into the passegner side of the second police car as Justin goes to the driver's side. As he opens the doors he stops for a moment and notices that Escobar and Cody are just exiting the bulding slowly. They seem to be taking their time and Justin was not happy. Anything that looked like showing off displeased him badly.

"Thirty seconds.." Justin protested bitterly; "..It took you thirty seconds to get out here! That's not like you."

"Look; the boss got a phonecall from someone named Derek." Escobar explained.

"Derek Thursday no doubt." Justin snapped back; " There's been god-less gossip all round the island today. Look; we have a job to do..."

"But there's a girl..." Cody chimed in and Justin looks very cross now. Cody was around seventeen years old and in his first year as an officer. Justin was around the force for around the same time as Escobar and he didn't like rookies popping him like they know what they are talking about. Justin had a pecking order and wasn't afraid to use it as long as Touras and Edgar weren't around.

"Officer!! No more word from either one of you." Justin demanded bitterly; " The last thing we need is for Pierce to escape due to your rookie son."

"Rookie?!" Cody protested bitterly;" Why you?!" Cody didn't like Justin one bit and wanted to pound him so hard for some unknown reason. Escobar gets inbetween them and stops Cody right on the spot.

"CODY!! STAND DOWN!!" Escobar ordered harshly; " Cody?! Get into the car right now." Cody pauses for a moment and Escobar is unsure that his son would obey;" That's a direct order as officer and father...!!"

Cody snaps out of his anger and decides not to defy his father; "Yes sir!!" Cody salutes his father in a sloppy manner and goes to the passenger side of police car number three. He opens the door and hops inside; closing the door harshly. Escobar then looks sharp at Justin as he opens his door wide open.

"" Escobar said slowly so that Justin could understand him. Justin clearly had no interest or any heart towards a little girl in a sea of a town in dire straights due to Pierce Iguana.

"Welcome to my life.." Justin responds unemotionally as that makes Escobar more cross at him. Justin was heartless; " can numb us to a death culture. Just do your job and the only thing she has to worry about is hunger. You should know all about terror Escobar. Just make sure your son and partner doesn't screw up and create more terror. Understand?!"

"Yes sir.." Escobar nodded bitterly; "..and Justin?!"

"Yeah?!" Justin asked as he enters into police car number two.

"Edgar has one additional order.." Escobar states sharply; "..If the runaway girl is threathened by Pierce; then we protect her at all costs!!"

"Whatever...." Justin responds shrugging it off as he closes the door behind him. He was more concerned with getting Pierce than protecting a girl who could be killed by him. Escobar could only shake his head as he went to the driver's side of police car number three. The second police car drives into the street without incident.

"Has Konvent drove us paranoid now that we're so heartless.." Escobar said quietly as enters into police car number three and shuts the door more gently than Cody did earlier. He notices that Cody is looking out the window and looking sad; "..Now son..."

"I don't know if I can do this..." Cody responds with a bit of heisatation as he looks straight into his father's eyes.

"Look; I know that this is your first time as a seeker and you struggled through the entire ordeal as an officer." Escobar responds gently as he starts the car engines and it pur like a kitten; " But son; Justin doesn't like rookies very much and he's trying to get into your head. Please don't play his game. You're just assuring him that he can use this to get you demoted or worse; terminated..."

"Dad?!" Cody asked looking at the ceiling.

"Just do what you can to the best of your ability." Escobar said with a smile.

"What if it isn't good enough?!" Cody asked looking worried. Justin seemed bent on making sure that Cody wasn't good enough for anything; let alone being a police officer.

"If it was good enough to get to the rank job as a seeker to take down Pierce Iguana and the Street Pirates #2; then you should have no problems here." Escobar responds patting Cody on the shoulder; " Take it slow and calm."

"Thanks Dad.." Cody responds blushing and then decides to change the subject; "..So who's is this girl that Edgar was talking about?!"

"She's Molly Cunningham.." Escobar explained; "..She's a golden bear with blue overalls; pink shirt; blue ribbons around her ears, a white cape and a steel colinder on her head."

"How do you know about her so much?!" Cody asked looking confused. It was pretty unusal for Escobar to know something without talking to his bosses about the missing girl. Then again; the reforms of the officers have prevented such actions for 24 hours.

"Well; one of our neighours at the apartments happens to be a Mr. Ian Wiser who now works as a freelancer reporter in Saint Peterdora." Escobar exclaimed as the police car number three pulls away from the sidewalk slowly; " He knows her mother and was going to search for her in the city. I told him to stay home and I promised him that I would search for her."

"Really?!" Cody asked looking concerned. The last thing he wanted to see was Escobar breaking the rules just because of Edgar's hatered towards the rules put forwards by the polticians of Usland; " But what if Justin..."

"If Justin tries to stop me then he will violate Edgar's orders." Escobar responds assuring Cody that this was the right way; " Sure; Edgar is violating the reforms; but he has a huge problem already and therefore he will take full resposiability for our actions. A girl's life _is_ at stake and it's _our_ business." Escobar drives police car number three out of the parking lot and into the street as Cody looks out of the window and suddenly looks very bitter at someone.

"I know how it feels to be threathened.." Cody exclaims bitterly as the police car rides into the streets of Saint Peterdora; "..Curse you Air Pirates!!" Cody Marion was angry at Don Karnage and his band of Air Pirates and why? Only Cody and Escobar knew...and they knew that the Air Pirates were probably the reason that they became police officers. It takes an event were you are very close to being murdered that changes a furries' soul to change course and become something that you never thought that you would be...It was the harsh reality that plagues this world, particually in Saint Peterdora. The police in the town knew it; despite the navieness of it's denizens.


The reality of Saint Peterdora was nothing compared to the alternative reality of Gaiaria as Mid was about to finish her revisionist story of her hatered for Jaloo and her love for Diana to her prisoners inside the dungeon. Rebecca was unimpressed with Mid's story and quite frankly thinks that Mid is nothing but a revisionist.

"And that's my true story." Mid finishes her story with a wicked smile. She looked really proud of herself when she decided to betray her partner and do it in a violent fashion.

"True story?!" Rebecca snaps back bitterly; " HA!! That was the most self-serving tale I have ever heard. If anything; this Jaloo just saved you from being killed by that gangster. You show absolutely no gratitude nor a sense of self-perservation. You're no Kit Cloudkicker..."

"It doesn't really matter what you think!!" Mid snaps back at Rebecca angrily.

"You really have a comtempt for God.." Rebecca responds which makes Mid really angry which forces Rebecca to correct herself; "..I mean Gaia!"

"Comtempt?!" Mid responds giggling; " You worship a false idol you Gaialess coward!! You even worship that fat bear!!"

"Hey; watch the weight Miss Self-Rightous!" Baloo protests bitterly.

"Baloo?!" Rebecca responds looking cross as Baloo was only making her even more angry now.

"How dare you?!" Mid screams violently as she takes out her pistol and points it at Baloo; " I am a pirate!! I will not be insulted by the likes of you!"

"Wow; the little Sky Pirate pulls out a gun.." Baloo responds mocking Mid and making her even more angry than she needed to be; ".. Very mucho girl missy!"

"Baloo.." Rebecca complained bitterly trying to close Baloo's mouth; but it doesn't work; "..Shut Up!"

"Too late! I won't wait till the morning sun to kill you!" Mid shouts out looking angry as she puts her finger againest the trigger and aims directly for Baloo's head first; " You, Rebecca and Jaloo shall be in Hal together!! Say goodbye!"

"I guess it's too late to ask her for a last meal." Baloo said looking frightened as he and Rebecca close their eyes knowing that they are finished and there was no place to go.

"Yeah; just remind me to have God force you to repent for you to mess with a woman for more than five minutes!" Rebecca snaps back at Baloo as Mid tries to pull the trigger. However; suddenly; a large female grey bear pilot enters the dungeon rushes Mid. Before Mid could respond and shoot her gun; the bear grabs the gun from behind and pushes her to the ground. Baloo and Rebecca open their eyes and realize that Mid can no longer shoot them dead because there is no gun to shoot them dead.

"Oh come on!" Baloo protests loudly; " How can you cancel me if you cannot see the canceller."

"Can you ever keep your big fat mouth shut?!" Rebecca protests as she covers Baloo's mouth.

"What?!! Where's my gun?!" Mid protested bitterly as she looked around her hands and finding no gun in the close area ; " Who stole my gun?!"

"Looking for this Little Britches?!" a familiar strong female voice beckons as Mid looks annoyed as sin.

"Little Britches?!" Baloo asked looking confused as Baloo, Mid and Rebecca look towards their left and sees Jaloo holding the pistol. However; she wasn't pointing it at anyone. Jaloo opens the pistol and takes the bullets out of the pistol. She then drops the pistol onto the ground as Baloo looks in complete disbelief. She looked almost exactly like him. They proved it to Baloo and Rebecca. They were not in Earthia anymore; " How...?! She...looks like a copy of me!!"

Jaloo stares directly at the prisoners and she is in complete shock as well. Baloo looks almost exactly like her and they bicker just like she does with Bahgeera;"Well; son of a gun! You two argue just like me and Baggy!" Jaloo said with a smile.

"Oh swell.." Rebecca groaned; "..Our saviour happens to be a female version of Baloo..."

"Momma Bear?! You have some gall appearing here.." Mid shouts out in disgust as she runs to the radio pipe and speaks into it; "..My queen!! Jaloo's here!! I need assistance.." There was no response from her queen Diana Carnage as Jaloo walks towards Mid; "..My queen!"

"Diana's not going to respond Little Britches." Jaloo responds shaking her head as she was now right in front of Mid. Mid was really upset now as that pet name that she was given was completely degrading to her. Kit was never this upset about being called little britches.

"I HATE THAT PET NAME!!" Mid screamed in protest as she takes out her rapier and points it directly at Jaloo's neck. Jaloo stands her ground; but is sweating as Mid was really ticked off and had the urge to kill.

"Excuse me Mid.." Jaloo asked with a slight hint of panic as the rapier point was really close to Jaloo's neck ; "..but don't you think it's quite odd for Diana not to respond to you since you're supposed to be her favorite..."

"Nice try you selfish bear!!" Mid snapped back as she put the rapier back into the holder. Jaloo had made no attempt to subdue her or anything so Mid calms down quite a bit; " My queen is at a meeting and doesn't want to be distrubed."

"Mid; I was listening to that meeting.." Jaloo said unemotionally as Baloo and Rebecca gasped. Diana was supposed to be Mid's favorite and they appeared to be close. However; Jaloo heard the truth about Diana and that she would throw away that friendship in order to live;"..Diana has decided to kill you!"

"You're lying!!" Mid protested bitterly; " Just like your opinion of my decision to stop Teastaff!"

"Mid?" Jaloo could only say as Mid wasn't buying into any of this.

"Wait a mintue! Mid's been asking about Molly.." Rebecca chimed in looking interested in this whole Molly; "..Molly's my daughter and...What's wrong?"

"Operation Molly was an operation created by a rouge group of Themlanders disguised as Air Pirates to lure Diana's crew to an island that had a hydro bomb capable of destroying entire cites during the Hal War; which was diguised to look like an airship." Jaloo explained as Mid was shocked beyond belief. That Diana Carnage was considered a terror cell instead of merely being a gang of free spirited pirates in the skies. Diana had lied to her; " That was fifteen years ago. Mesa Tainbomb was assigned to lead the killing; but the Sky Shark Pirates killed the group and saved your _queen_ before the island was wiped out! The government of Themland approved of this tactic since they were unable to attack the Air Pirates due to the International Air & Water Space Treaty. So they used rogues who weren't techinally part of the government in order to cover their tracks. Diana's group was known as Terror Cell #666, the most serious of branding."

"Why didn't Diana tell me this?!" Mid demanded bitterly.

"Did you tell your queen about me?!" Jaloo asked strongly.

"Yeah.." Mid snapped back looking annoyed; "!"

"Well it looks like your _queen_ figures you as a loose cannon after all. You're so willing to persue justice that Diana's only trying to protect her own backside. Mid?! " Jaloo responds shaking her head looking sadden by Mid's moronicness and lack of reason to eat her pride and admit that she was making a fatal mistake by getting revenge; " I'm really sorry for not trusting your abilites; but I'm not sorry for your needless persuit of justice...Now that you know all about Operation Molly; what will you do now?! If the answer is to kill the government responsible for this and anyone believing in them; then don't expect me to save you from Diana.." Jaloo turns around and walks away stage right; "..Just like I saved you from being completely crippled by Teastaff..."

"I thought Teastaff wanted to kill me?" Mid asks looking panicky as she kneels down in front of her pistol and then turns around and looks at Jaloo shaking at the prospect that her queen had betrayed her and that Teastaff was going to do something worse to her.

"You know..You have bragged for so long that Teastaff had payed for her crimes and yet killing was merely an icing on the cake for her." Jaloo explains lowering her head; " She wanted to send a message to everyone on how low she would stoop. Remember that you were unable to move for nearly three months?! The truth is; she shot you twice in the arms apiece and twice in the legs apiece. It was terrible...." Rebecca and Baloo looked at Mid carefully and saw bullet scars on her arms and legs. Their opinion of her swiftly changed; as she had turely suffered and was enraged about losing her parents, even to the point of joining a vicious gang to protect herself from people who wanted to screw with her life long dream to become a pilot. It was similar to Kit's experience, but even more violent than before...and Mid didn't come out as well as Kit did...Mid's face was in complete shock at this revelation and a picture of that scene with her completely knocked out was about to unfold in her own mind....


She started to see the moment when she was beat up, face down and completely knocked out. Teastaff goes over and points her pistol directly at her out streched right arm and shoots two bullets at it. The bullets make entry wounds through her right arm and breaking her right arm. Jaloo was heard explaing just how low Teastaff would stoop. ***I felt so upset and angered at Teastaff as she shattered the bones of your body one by one...She was only one bullet away from killing you...*** Teastaff continued the assult as she did the same thing to her left arm, and her legs. She was bleeding heavily from the wounds in her legs and arms. Mid was completely defenseless and helpless as Teastaff's actions were beyond forgiveness, obscene and criminal. Teastaff was now as much a terrorist in the past as Diana Carnage was now.

"Sso...You cannot walk; you cannot grab and you cannot hear..Now I will make ssure that you will not think!!" Teastaff hisses as she takes her pistol and points it to her head;" The world will ssee thiss and bare witnessss to my future rule of Gaiaria!!" TeaStaff yell was going to be her final words as she tries to pull the trigger; but suddenly out of nowhere an airfoil flies and connects with the back of Teastaff's head. Baris and Sally are in shock as gunfire is heard in the background. Teastaff's eyes close as she falls to the ground and drops her pistol. She was completely knocked out as Baris and Sally try to respond. However; pistols are thrusted againest their backs and they are forced to stop.

"Hands up! You three gangsters are under arrest!!" A large male grey bear wearing a blue police uniform, black pants and a blue police hat who looked like Baloo who was responsible for thrusting two pistols at the back of the two mobsters. Teastaff was finally caught and was going to pay for her crimes as five police officers wearing the same outfits as the grey bear and all of them were females. One was a brown dog, a black cat, a white dog, a white cat and a tall silver hawk. The grey bear was known as Saloo Gaiadoze and she approches Mid as the five officers take care of the mobsters and handcuffs.

"Oh Gaia! Thank Gaia you were there.." Saloo pleads feeling relieved; "..Sister Jaloo!" Jaloo then enters quickly with Mid's airfoil in her hands. She kneels down quickly and attends to Mid who was bleeding badly as the five police officers leave with the mobsters in tow. The nightmare was officially over for Mid Gaiamoon; but the consquences of her actions were only beginning.

"Mid why did you?!" Jaloo screams out sobbing loudly; " GET SOME HELP HERE!!"

"[Foolish girl...]" Saloo responds under her breath as she was angry that Jaloo couldn't control Mid from vengence. Jaloo continues to explain *** Saloo and Bahgeera were pressuring me to stop allowing you to live the life of a cargo pilot. Bahgeera threathened to fire me and Saloo hung child abuse charges on me. I got so flustered and angry at them that I badmouthed you for no good reason. They said that their social engineering at a private school in Dimia would change you into a good adult. I knew they were wrong and in turn; you joined a group even worse than Teastaff: The Sky Shark Pirates *** Jaloo's explantion became clear as they return to that infamous jungle where Diana and the Sky Shark Pirates were talking to Mid and finally Jaloo enters the scene and that annoys the Sky Shark Pirates to no end. However; Diana seems only amused.

"Mid!!" Jaloo responds looking compassanate as Miffcat pulls out a rifle and points it at Jaloo; " Thank Gaia you haven't been killed.."

"Hey you..." Miff Cat protests bitterly as the finger was resting in the trigger which Diana notices and has a clutch of panic since Mid was in the same scene. If she see Miff Cat try to kill Jaloo; Mid will think that she is a terrorist and therefore turn to Jaloo anyway; selfish bear or not...

"STAND DOWN!!" Diana commanded loudly as Miff Cat gulps with fear and lowers her rifle; " Normally; I would keelhaul the Themland infidels; but I'm in no position to harm Mid."

"What do you want terrorist?!" Jaloo demanded with red hot anger.

"So you're Jaloo.." Diana responds with amusement as Mid looks stunned; "..the selfish bear..Mid's been talking all about you."

"Come on Mid.." Jaloo orders as she grabs Mid while she is stunned. The Sky Shark Pirates lift their rifles as Jaloo runs away from them. Diana puts her hand out.

"Lower your rifles..." Diana demands as the Sky Shark Pirates lower their rifles on command; "...Let's see if the child can mature into my image..." Diana giggles loudly as Jaloo is running deeper into the jungle with Mid in tow. Jaloo runs a bit slower as she looks behind her. Diana and the Sky Shark aren't following her at all...

"I must've lost them.." Jaloo huffs as she stop on the dime; "..Mid; are you okay?"

"I have a splitting headache;" Mid finally speak as her slience was broken; " I need to lie down Momma Bear.."

"Okay Little Britches.." Jaloo said with a smile as she was relived that Mid was all right. Jaloo attempts to kneel down in order to put Mid down on the ground. However; Mid punches Jaloo right into the mid-section hard and Jaloo is forced on onto her knees as she drops Mid harshly and Jaloo is stuttering violeny; "..Mid?! Why..." Mid stands up and looks really angry.

"I'm sick of being with a disgraced pilot!!" Mid screams loudly as Mid jumps up and takes a dagger out of her pocket; " Goodbye TerrorBear!!.." Mid screams as he drives the knife right into the mid-section causing Jaloo to gasp in horror and run out of breath. She falls onto her back and is out cold as blood comes out of the wound. "..I've made my choice...." Mid declares as she steps on top of Jaloo as she was licking the blood off of the dagger as Jaloo's life flashes white before her eyes. She had lost her friend to the Sky Shark Pirates.

*** I thought you would show no mercy and kill me..and then I woke up...*** Jaloo slowly begins to stir and wakes up to find that she was in a hopsital bed resting from her injuries. Saloo and Bahgeera were watching over her and Saloo looked appalled while Bahgeera looked really concerned for Jaloo's well-being. There was a banadge around her mid-section which was as a result of Mid driving the dagger near her heart which was already broken due to her betrayal.

"What happened to you?!" Bahgeera asked looking concerned; " Mid's..."

"A Sky Shark Pirate.." Jaloo said whincing in pain from her injuries; "..I know..CURSES!! OUCH!! I could feel it..."

"I'm dissappointed in you sister.." Saloo hisses at Jaloo bitterly; "..You're reckless life..."

"!" Jaloo shouted bitterly; " I warned you both that she wanted to be a pilot! Bahgeera Willingham!! You told me that Mid would change for the better if she went to private school... instead it changed her for the worse!! Saloo Gaiadoze?! HOW DARE YOU BASH ME?! You're the one you threatened charges of abuse and yet you abused your own power and stuck your nose into my friendship's business!! GO AHEAD AND FIRE ME!! GO AHEAD AND ARREST ME...BECAUSE I'M ALREADY FINISHED!!" Saloo and Bahgeera were shocked and Saloo was really appalled at Jaloo's response; " I should have apologized to her and told her the truth. Now she doesn't trust anyone but someone who is worse than Teastaff. CURSE THEM ALL TO HAL!!" Jaloo slams her fist on the bed as Saloo looks digusted by her sister's actions.

"Saloo...Let's go.." Bahgeera could only say as she turns around and wanted to give Jaloo some time to recover on her own; "..Jaloo needs her space..."

"Space?!" Saloo protests bitterly; " She should be in jail!!" As far as Saloo was concerned; Jaloo was a child abuser and should be in jail for causing Mid to join the Sky Shark Pirates.

"SALOO!!" Bahgeera snaps back as Saloo storms out of the hospital room in disgust and probably planning to press formal charges againest his sister; " Jaloo...I'm sorry.. for ever doubting your instincts..." Bahgeera walks out of the hospital room slowly as Jaloo lies down and starts to cry. Her heart was broken as she lost not only her friend to the Sky Shark Pirates; but lost her sister because she believes that Jaloo's reckless life was killing others even though Saloo was completely heartless.

"I'm sorry Little Britches..." Jaloo could only say as she could only wonder if she could ever continue living. She would; but with a sense that the first time she sees Mid ever again; she would apologize for her actions. It was a long time; but it finally happened....


The dungeon was very quiet as Mid was staring at Jaloo and there was no reaction from either one for a few moments. Mid then realized that she was decived by her own queen; the one for whom she had trusted since betraying Jaloo. Her fate was sealed and she knew it now thanks to Jaloo finding out that Diana was going to kill her. Mid takes the bone key out of her pocket.

"Hey Jaloo?! Catch!!" Mid responds strongly as she throws the bone key right at Jaloo. Jaloo catches the bone key without any trouble and smiles at Mid. She was doing the right thing ; " I'll help you, Baloo and Rebecca escape the Sky Shark. But I cannot leave here."

"But; Diana will kill you." Jaloo responds with concern at the exception that Mid made. Jaloo runs to the cell and puts the key into the jail cell lock of Baloo and Rebecca. The door clicks and it unlocks easily.

"I know; but if I go with you; you'll be aiding a terrorist.." Mid responds shaking her head with a tear in her eye. She didn't want Jaloo to be in jail and have Saloo gloat all over her;"..and Saloo..."

"Kit Cloudkicker used to be an Air Pirate and most looked the other way." Rebecca chimes in as Baloo and Rebecca slowly walk out of the jail cell.

"But this isn't _your_ world Miss Cunningham..." Mid responds looking very sad.

"I don't know about _your_ world;" Jaloo responds; " but that sounds a lot like Themland culture to me."

"Huh?!" Mid asked looking confused; " But Saloo..."

"My brother tried to say that Mid was a terrorist and everyone on the force laughed it off as some kind of joke.." Jaloo chuckled loudly similar to how Baloo laughs; "..Her heartlessness force her into early retirement." Mid sadness turned into a weak smile and a sheepish grin. The police turned the other way realizing that she was probably duped by Diana as well. Jaloo had not only saved her; but also protected her indirectly from the people who hated her personally.

"Thanks Momma Bear.." Mid nods sheepishly as she walks over to her pistol and grabs it. She reloads it and puts it back into the holder along with her rapier; "..and I'm sorry for what I done...Follow me..." Mid and Rebecca start to walk towards the door as Baloo and Jaloo simply stared at each other. With the expection of their gender; they were exactly alike.

"Wow; you _do_ look like a copy of me." Jaloo said pointing a finger at Baloo

"Ditto to you too.." Baloo responds with a grin; "..Man; it's sad that Gregory has bitten the bullet or he wouldn't believe it either."

"You know Plumpy.." Jaloo exclaims as they walk together in unison towards the exit; "...this could be a marriage in heaven..."

"In your dreams Plumply." Baloo responds nicely as both bears giggle in unison. For some reason; Baloo and Jaloo were one in the same in spite of their gender....and they were able to get along as they exited the dungeon. It was not over yet as they still had to escape from the Sky Shark and there was still Diana to handle along with the fact that the Willinghams are playing hero at exactly the wrong time....


While Rebecca and Baloo were still fighting to get out of a reality that they didn't belong in; Kit and Dillo were above the city of Cape Suzette as they were heading to Saint Peterdora in search of Molly Cunningham. Dillo was now flying the plane and looking at Kit who was sitting down and looking bored. Dillo hasn't spoken to Kit in nearly seven years and it was probably a good time to talk to him.

"So you now live in Cape Suzette?" Dillo asked.

"Yeah; and despite the moments of near death; I have never left Baloo..." Kit proclaimed as he was looking down at the city that he once saved with his Poppa Bear.

"Are you sure?!" Dillo asked as that statement triggered Kit's memories back into the fold. He ran away from the Wesdon Orphanage, he ran away from the Air Pirates, he ran away from Baloo to the air circus and a Thembrian Flying School that was fake. He even betrayed Baloo and Rebecca to save them from death at the hands of Don Karnage. Kit's loyality had to be questioned after all this.

"I guess I'm not a loyal _child_ after all." Kit admitted looking pretty stupid to even think that he never betrayed their trust as much as the adult betrayed his.

"Listen Kit;" Dillo began to explain; " you've got to understand that the more you run away; the more your family will be on you so much like a hawk that you will never be able to fully understand the responsiabilites of freedom."

"That's absurd...They're never been like that.." Kit said trying to laugh this off; then Dillo looked at him sharply, not buying his response at all. Kit then realized that Rebecca actually forbidded him to help search for Molly eariler; "..Well; they have been a little more intrusive in my life since the..."

"Face it Kit.." Dillo proclaimed strongly ;"..If they love you; they will hug you tighter..."

"I know but...I'm dangerous.." Kit said looking insecure as he stared at the window; "..I still carry baggage from my drifting life and the Pirates..."

"The more dangerous you are; the more they love you; the more they hug you tightly.." Dillo responded thinking what Kit was saying was absolutely nonsense; "..Gosh darn it!! You are special Kit!"

"I refuse to be such; it's just more trouble." Kit protested loudly looking straight at Dillo now; " I'm just a furry being."

"If you're _not_ special; then why did you leave the orphanage?! Why did you live a life no decent _adult_ would ever speak of?!" Dillo responds sharply pointing out every abnormal act Kit has done in the last seven years; " Why did you join the Air Pirates and stand up to them?! You put a terrorist on death row! You stopped a baby murderer!! You stopped two religions from fighting each other! The rest of the world envys you!! People think you are the devine child!! Like it or not; you are special and you denial is only going to make it worse."

"Being special stinks!" Kit responded looking cross as he folded his arms feeling unhappy that people still saw him as some sort of savior.

"It certainly certainly does...But you are stuck to this fate.." Dillo said shaking his head. He didn;'t blame Kit for acting this way; since being special was a pretty unlucky thing to be. So he decided to change the subject; "..So?! How much time do we need to get to Saint Peterdora?!"

Kit takes a look down at the ground and then looks ahead of him before returning to his trusty map; "Since we are 25 miles south of Saint Peterdora and judging by our speed; we should arrive at the airport in fifteen minutes!" Kit exclaimed as Dillo was very happy.

"Good eye as always you hawkeye of the skies." Dillo said with a smile as he goes to the transmitter and turns it on. He speaks calmly into the transmitter; " 12-15; 12-15 calling Saint Peterdora Air Field. Come in!"

"12-15; this is the Saint Peterdora Air Field.." Controller #1 responds quickly. The controller was a male voice which sounded almost like a computer talking; "..Please state your name and business!"

"12-15; this is the Abagail Mark III." Dillo speaks into the controller calmly;" We request premission to fly into Saint Peterdora air space and land at your airport field; special emergency to look for a missing young girl who was spotted heading to your fair city...over!" There was a long pause as Dillo and Kit await for an answer.

"Premission to fly inside our airspace is granted." Controller #1 finally responds in a monotone voice, almost sounds like a computer; " However; your emergency is not enough and therefore premission to land is denied. Thank you for following the rules of our airspace." Dillo was mad at that response. A young seven year old is lost in that city with lots of problems and they don't even consider that to be an emergemency. It was clear that Saint Peterdora wasn't very interested in children, particually runnaway children.

"12-15, 12-15.." Dillo barks into the transmitter; "..Come in! I request clearance to land!!" The transmitter goes dead and Dillo is so angry that he slams the transmitter into the holder and almost breaks it in the process; " CURSES!! Darn them and their paranoid beliefs!!"

"Wait! Dillo?! I have an idea..." Kit said holding his hand up.

"Woah!! Are you insane kid?! I cannot land on the strip or anywhere in Saint Peterdora. It's againest the law to..." Just as Dillo was going to finish; Kit takes out his airfoil from his sweater and opens it. Dillo looked surprised.

"Who said I wanted you to land?!" Kit asked with that smile that sezs that Kit has an idea;".. Now let's find Molly with some cloudsurfing....Do you have any rope?!" Kit asked.

"Yes I do. Out in the storage in the back of the plane.." Dillo points out towards the back. Kit nods and walks towards the back;"..and Kit?!"

"Yeah?!" Kit asked as he stops from heading into the back.

"Don't have any regrets!!" Dillo said sharply; " Don't run away from a fight you must fight even if you don't win."

"Thank you.." Kit said as he goes into the back; "..Now; let's get surfing!" Dillo could only smile at that kid because he could never come up with an idea like cloudsurfing. Dillo's seaplane flies towards the mountains which separate the holy town of Saint Peterdora and Cape Suzette....


While Kit and Dillo were racing towards Saint Peterdora airspace; Molly was already in Saint Peterdora riding on the back of the black car that Cecil and Leslie were driving. The black car was nearly home as they drive on a virtually empty street (Read: cerfew was enforced in this town) until they make it to an intersection known as Dune Crescent. Cecil then turns right and drives down a cul-de-sac road which had 25 white houses all covered with iron gates and brick walls to protect them from some hidden intruders just like most of the houses in Saint Peterdora. It looked like a ghost town at night and that was a frightening sign. If Saint Peterdora was so religious; then why do they need protection? It seemed that Saint Peterdora was hiding from the fact that mobsters were wrecking havoc and killing people piece by piece without knowledge from the police. Otherwise the houses looked like works of art. The black car finally grinds to a stop in front of an iron gate right at the end of the cul-de-sac, directly in the middle. Just as the car stops; Molly Cunningham jumps off and runs away quickly; making sure that she avoids the lamp posts that would show her in the light. The driver side door opens and Cecil hops out. Cecil takes another look around the car; but sees no one as Molly had turned the corner out of Dune Crescent and was out of sight. Cecil just sighs and was tired from the fencing.

"Well; that voice is gone again..." Cecil states as he goes to the right side of the iron gate and goes into his pockets. He had enough of Leslie's moral self-rightous games for one night at least.

"Good; it was probably another witchy criminal." Leslie responds with a self-rightous tone; " If she left then feed her to the police. Maybe a decade in prison would make the little witch see the light." This was probably the normal attitude in this town since Saint Peterdora is considered a religious town.

Cecil decides to give up his search for the phantom girl on his car as takes an iron key out of his pocket puts it into the keyhole. He turns the key to the right and then sharply to the left which causes the gate to unlock with a click. Cecil then pushes the gate to the left sharply and the gate opens wide; "[Man; I'm going to sleep w ell tonight....]" Cecil states quietly as Cecil goes back to the driver seat and gets in.

"What did you say?!" Leslie asks sharply as the door closes. Apparently; Cecil wasn't quiet enough for her to notice.

"Nothing dear..." Cecil responds without any sarcasm as he drives the car into the driveway. Molly continues to run down a sidewalk looking around. Molly finds a place that looks safe enough and runs into an shallow alleyway. She then sits down to catch her breath and plan a way to find a family who would keep her safe from Kit.

"I'm safe.." Molly said as she was wheezing and trying to catch her breath; "..Now; I just need to pick a random house and hope they will take me in...I'll tell them that a kid killed my daddy and they'll protect me.." However; just as Molly was about to execute her plan, those painful images were returning to her mind once again."...NOT AGAIN!! I WON'T...!!" Molly screamed loudly as she just couldn't shake these strong images of Kit Cloudkicker being kind to her and her mother.....


September 10th, 1936

The images in Molly's head started back when Kit and Molly first met each other in that messy office formerly known as Baloo's Air Service. Rebecca had gotten Baloo to agree to work for her after Kit basically reminded that working with Rebecca was the only way to get the SeaDuck back. Rebecca didn't know this, but she did notice that Kit was being very nice to her. Molly was standing inbetween them while Baloo backed away to grumble in his own sorrow as a young lady was butting into a business she really didn't know what she was getting herself into.

"Now...who do we have on staff?" Rebecca asks nicely at Kit as Kit blushes slightly. Then he remembers that he is in the presence of a lady and takes his cap off to greet her properly.

"Kit Cloudkicker madam.." Kit responds proudly and nicely to boot;"..I'm the navigator!" Kit puts his baseball cap on backwards as Molly gets onto the arm of the red chair. Rebecca was very impressed with Kit's behaviour thus far and wonders just how long he really has been staying with Baloo. It was not very long she thinks.

"Hey?! Can I be the tailgunner?" Molly asks as she jumps right onto Kit's back. Kit then runs around Rebecca in a couple of circles with Molly making gunfire noises like she was having so much fun. Rebecca was smiling as Kit ends his run with Molly by heading towards the red chair that Baloo was sleeping in.

"Sorry honey; you're too young." Rebecca responds as Kit flops Molly gently onto the red chair backwards. Molly groans at the thought of being denied by her mother to help Kit and then stand up onto the arm of the red chair.

"I think being a pilot is the funnest thing in the whole world." Molly proclaims with fanfare as she flops back onto the seat of the chair once again. It was a pretty funny sight.

"Used to be..." Baloo grumbles realizing that his life would never be the same ever again.

The scene fades before Molly can respond as the image of outside to the docks of Higher For Hire were shown. Rebecca, Molly, Baloo and Kit were standing as one of the truck drivers with the mangos was filling the SeaDuck cargo hold. Kit and Baloo were wearing soda jerk outfits which were so silly that no one would be caught dead in them....except when Rebecca was around. Molly goes to Rebecca's pantleg as she wants to do on the first maiden voyage of the SeaDuck under Rebecca's command.

"Can I go too Mommy?!" Molly asked grabbing onto Molly's pantleg;" Please....?!"

"Sorry honey." Rebecca said nicely looking down at Molly which completely disappoints Molly.

"Uh; but I promised Lucy." Molly whinces as she looks at her doll Lucy.

"Aw Lucy looks scared.." Kit said as he kneels down in front of Molly; "..Maybe she can come some other time."

"Okay Kit.." Molly squeaks as she hugs Kit.

"Thanks." Rebecca responds nicely as Kit stands up after the embrace and walks with Baloo into the SeaDuck. The scene flashes white for a moment and then returns to later in the evening. Inside the office of Higher For Hire; we see Kit and Molly playing around. Molly was sitting in a chair wearing her pink pjs as Kit was pushing the chair from behind. Molly was making gunfire noises while Baloo was sleeping in the loveseat. Molly and Kit were having a blast playing shoot down the pirates.

"Look out you pirates.." Molly squeaked as Kit pushes the chair around; "..It's Dangerwoman!!" Kit rides Molly into the hammock that he slept in the previous night and Molly bounces off of it as Kit falls on his seat and the chair falls down beside him. Molly goes flying into the air and lands right on Baloo's midsection. That causes Baloo to wake up and look surprised as he saw Molly on his tummy looking surprised herself.

"Say?" Baloo asked cheerfully as he grabs Molly by her hips and sits her down on her seat facing the door; " Did you get clearance for that landing?" Baloo then proceeded to tickle Molly in the ribs and she brusts into laughter. Kit stands up and heads towards Molly and Baloo.

"Hey..don't steal all the fun Baloo.." Kit exclaims as he starts ticking Molly's left foot and she squeals loudly.

"Hey...No..Fair.." Molly protests in a fit of laughter; "..that tickles!" Baloo finally stops as Kit continues to tickle Molly's feet as Molly grabs onto Kit. Rebecca comes down the stairs (wearing a purple robe) with a pillow and blanket in her arms as Molly starts tickling under Kit's chin which forces Kit to stop tickling her. Kit giggles loudly and struggle a bit as he was pretty sensetive to tickling himself. Kit then tugs onto Baloo's pilot hat that Kit put on Molly's head while they were playing tailgunner; tugging it down over Molly's eyes.

"Time for bed Molly." Rebecca giggled softly.

"I want to play some more!" Molly groans as she pulls the hat away from her eyes.

"Sorry honey;" Rebecca responds kindly as Baloo yawns and stands up with Moll in his arms;" Kit and Baloo need to rest too."

"Yeah shortstuff;" Baloo chimes in as Baloo pokes Molly's belly which causes her to kick her legs and giggle a bit; "....even aces need their shuteye." Molly places the pilot's car back onto Baloo's head. Baloo gets out the way as Rebecca proceeds to put a pillow on the chair. Baloo then gently puts Molly in the chair as Rebecca then puts a blanket over Molly as Kit looks at her with a sweet face. Rebecca goes over to the desk and gets two blankets and pillows.

"Now remember Baloo.." Rebecca states sharply as she gives a blanket and pillow to Baloo;"..We have lots of cargo to deliever don't think of dilly-dallying.." Baloo grumbles a bit as Rebecca goes over to Kit;"..Here; so my flightcrew doesn't get chilly.." Rebecca said with a sweet voice as she gives the pillow and blanket to Kit.

"Gee..Thanks Miss Cunningham.." Kit said with a blushed look on his face as Kit and Baloo walk towards the door; "..G'Night.."

"Night..." Baloo chimes in as Kit and Baloo walk out and waves to Molly.

"See ya later navigator..." Molly responds waving back to Kit as the scene fades to black. These images were being ingrained in Molly's mind and she wanted nothing with it.

** GET OUT OF MY HEAD YOU LIAR! ** she screamed loudly as the images continues. It was the next morning as Rebecca was working at the desk of Higher For Hire. Molly comes down the stairs and apparently she is looking for Kit again.

"Mommy? Where's Baloo? Where's Kit?!" Molly asked; " I want to play some tailgunner..."

"I don't understand why Kit follows that lazy, fat bear who'll amount to nothing.." Rebecca exclaimed as she was cleaning the desk with a feather duster; ".Kit's too nice for that."

"Maybe Kit's hiding in the SeaDuck somewhere?" Molly squeaked as goes outside to check.

"I doubt it..That would be way too easy. " Rebecca responds nicely. However; the peaceful day was to become shattered with the scream of Molly's voice; "Molly?! MOLLY!"

As Rebecca stands up and is about to run outside; the door gets knocked down violently and Don Karnage, Dumptruck and Mad Dog enter the door. Molly is grabbed by the neck by Don Karnage as she struggles to get free; but cannot; "!"

"Ooo.." Don responds with glee as anything that makes him look more evil actually turns him on; "..I like that!!"

"MOLLY!!" Rebecca screamed as she tried to walk toward Don Karnage as Mad Dog and Dumptruck run around. Mad Dog grabs Rebecca and Dumptruck knocks down everything in sight; " What the---?" Rebecca tried to protest ; but Don Karnage points his cutlass at Rebecca's nose.

"So you're that annoying business lady of that miserable bear-type boy." Don Karnage sneers at Rebecca; " Where is the stone?"

"I don't know what you're talking about! What stone?!" Rebecca responds looking confused. Kit nor Baloo had mentioned that Air Pirates were after them for some treasure that they were hording.

"I'm not in the mood for guessing type games you unimportant silly bear-type person." Don Karnage snaps back; " That bothersome boy must have told someone as trusty worthy as you that he is hiding from the most dashing pirate in all of the Earthia-type planet: Don Karnage!"

"Kit never told me anything like that.." Rebecca protested bitterly; "..and even if he did I wouldn't ever tell you; you terrorist! You're the one who murdered----" Right at that moment; Rebecca covers her mouth. She had said too much in front of Molly and Molly was stunned to hear this.

"Mommy? Did that evil, creepy man do something.." Molly asked as Rebecca was completely slient; "..Mommy?!"

"Mad Dog?!" Don Karnage ordered as Don throws Molly to him. Mad Dog catches her without incident;" Take the girl to the boat.. We'll need the cute annoyance as a worm for that traitor boy: Kit Cloudkicker."

"Why do I always get the ankle-biters?!" Mad Dog whines as Molly bites Mad Dog right on the hand to try to get free; but Mad Dog hangs on despite yelping in pain; " Why you little---?!"

"Don't you dare speak ill-type words to her." Don Karnage snaps back at Mad Dog; " I need her for bait. Now go!"

"Yes Captain..." Mad Dog whines bitterly as he leaves with Molly Cunningham struggling to get free. It was no use as Don turned his attention to Rebecca Cunningham.

"I guess that traitor never told goody-too-shoes like you that he was a pirate." Don declares with an evil smile as he points the sword directly at Rebecca's nose; " Yesno?!"

"What?!" Rebecca responds with a shocked look on her face as she had just found out that Kit not only knew about the Air Pirates; he was one of them. Molly had taken this as Kit was lying to her about his past. Rebecca couldn't believe that a 12 year old boy would even decide to become a part of this terrorist group. She believed that Don was lying to her; but Don had a motive to tell the truth: To rip this friendship apart. The scene fades to black for a moment.

** You lied to me when you were in my presence. I never forgot what you did to Lucy, Mommy and Me! ** Molly shouts out as the scene goes to inside the main room where the Lightning Gun was. Kit and Don Karnage were on top of the platform as Baloo and Rebecca dressed in pirate's clothes were huddled together looking frightened as the Air Pirates have their guns pointed at Rebecca and Baloo. Kit had just betrayed Baloo and Rebecca and Don was ready to execute the prisoners. Molly manages to wiggle out of the bag outside of the circle of Air Pirates and looks straight at Don Karnage and Kit. Molly was carrying her doll Lucy with her and she looked confused and frightened.

"Kit?" Molly asked looking confused as Don's teeth were clenched and the Air Pirates had their guns ready to aim and shoot.

"Ready...Aim.....!!" Don Karnage commanded as all the Air Pirates place their fingers in the trigger of their guns and were ready to blow the heads of Rebecca and Baloo clear from their shoulders. Rebecca and Baloo look frightened as Kit looked concerned. Kit takes a quick glance and sees that Molly has come out of the bag....and then something awful was about to happen.

"Wait!" Kit waved to stop the Air Pirates from pulling the trigger and killing the only family he had; " Aren't you forgetting something?!" Molly is stunned as Kit runs over to the stunned Molly and grabs her doll.

"Hey!! You're hurting Lucy!!" Molly squeaks in protest as Kit pulls the head off of her doll. Then Kit would proceed to do the unthinkable; if you don't see the world through his own eyes.

"OH SHUT UP!!" Kit snaps right in Molly's face and almost actually spits in her face as well. Molly bursts into tears almost instantly as Baloo and Rebecca are in shock over this mean streak inside Kit.

"MOMMY!!" Molly cries out loudly as she heart was instantly shattered in one blow. She was not only betrayed by Kit but her doll was killed; a doll that she always talked to when times are tough. Rebecca could only watch in horror. ~ Kit? Why are you doing this?~ she thought shaking her head in sorrow.

"I..I..[Oh Kit...]" Rebecca responds under her breath. There was nothing she could do to change this. Kit had convinced everyone that he had rejoined the Air Pirates.

"Ooo...He's even mean to children!" Don Karnage responds with glee as Kit places his paw inside the stuffing of Molly's doll Lucy and takes out the Sub-Electron Power Ampifilier and throws the doll right into Molly's face with an evil smirk. That smirk turned Molly's crying into red hot anger.

"I hate you.." Molly screams out in protest; "..I HATE YOU KIT!!" Her screams went unanswered as Kit completely ignores her. Kit goes towards the platform as Baloo is so angry at him that he appears ready to kill Kit at a moments notice. However; there was no point in doing so since there were fifty plus pirates ready to kill him if he tries. Baloo was completely helpless to do anything now....

"So...What do you think of my plan?" Kit asked as he jumps up onto the platform to give Don Karnage the Sub-Electron Power Amplifiler.

"Son.." Don Karnage delcares with glee; "..You are a refreshing part of my order.." Don then gives a mean look to Dumptruck and Mad Dog which Mad Dog and Dumptruck respond with a loud gulp; "..unlike you two foolish fools." Molly then looks at her headless doll and starts to sob loudly.

"Lucy?! He killed Lucy!!" Molly screams out in disgust; " YOU'LL PAY KIT!!" That was a day that Molly would never forget and now thanks to the revelation of her father being dead and in her mind caused by Kit Cloudkicker himself she could never forgive.....


The voice in her head was finally in control as Molly nodded her head. She needed to end this running and find someone who can help her slay the murderer who killed her father. She had that look of determination as she walks out of the alleyway and heads quickly into the Dune Crescent cul-de-sac. Surprisely enough; the gate that belonged to Cecil and Leslie Saint-Pierre was still open for some unknown reason. Probably because the gate's automatic shut off was very slow and Leslie was still in a foul mood over the phantom girl's voice on the back of the car. Anyhow; the gate finally started to close as Molly runs very quickly and manages to get into the property of Saint-Pierre before the gate completely closes. There was a tight squeeze; but she made it in. Molly then runs behind the gate huffing and puffing. She needed to get her bearings and come up with some way to inform this couple that she is in danger.

"Good.." Molly puffed quietly as she looked at the house; " for the hard part..." Her plan was simple. Ring the doorbell and ask for help. She was afraid of police officers; but the couple sounded all right despite Leslie moral self-rightousness. The large house was like every single house in the neighbourhood with it's white siding and brick-laid founations (along with the enclosed properties which made the area seem more like a prison rather than a neighbourhood. Again; with the Street Pirates #2 running around casuing havoc it was understandable. Even the house's size was the same; about 50 feet by 25 feet by 20 feet in size. Tne roof was made of red stones and the front entranceway had a deck attached with wooden steps and was vanilla in color. Just like the rest of the neighbourhood. There had to be some moral building code in Saint-Peterdora in order to make this neighbourhood look so bland and somewhat bleak. The house was two stories tall just like the rest of the neighbourhood (The broken record continues to play). Molly looks around for a bit and sees to her left a cedar tree which is about two feet higher than the gate. To Molly's right there is a stone well with a wooden crank handle. Molly walks slowly to the vanilla wooden door (which also had a smaller door the size of a pretty large dog.) and gulps. She looks around and finds a cord of rope which is attached to a bell. The rope was also six inches above Molly's reach. Molly jumps up and grabs onto the rope. However; the rope is a bit sticky and that causes Molly to squeak as she is forced to hang on as the bell rings loudly. That is enough to get Leslie angry and she was already in a foul mood.

"Hey Cecil!!" Leslie shouts out from inside the house; " Someone's ringing the doorbell!"

"But that's impossible.." Cecil responds from inside the house; "..I closed the gate and it was locked!"

"You are so careless." Leslie snaps back; " No wonder this world is so corrupted!"

"I'll let o'Sparky out to _bite_ the intruder.." Cecil responds sarcastically; "..Would that make you feel better?!"

"Sparky?!" Molly squeaks out looking confused and a little bit scared. If he is refering to biting; then Sparky must be a dog...

"Okay.." Leslie responds loudly; "..But make sure it doesn't bite you. I'm not taking you to the doctor to have you de-rabied again!"

Cecil grumbles a little as he apparently has had trouble with this dog before. However Cecil starts to whistle; "Sparky...O'Sparky...Hear boy...Good...Now greet our little guest who has ring the little bell.." Cecil commanded as Molly was sweating and she was more frightened.

"Sparky?!" Molly asked quietly as Molly was kicking around trying to get down; however, it was no go. This was bad because the smaller door attached to the main door opens violently and out comes Sparky who was a brown dober hound dog with large sharp teeth. The teeth weren't large enough to make his a Saber Dog so to speak; but this was close. Sparky was about six feet tall when on his hind legs and weighed about 120 pounds. He also appeared vicious as well as Molly screams; " EEEEEEKKKKKK!! " The scream was enough for Sparky to notice Molly right away and unless Molly gets out of the property she was a dead girl as well. Sparky jumps towards her with his mouth open ready to bite Molly. Thankfully; Molly was able to unstick herself from the rope and falls on her seat with a slight thud just before Sparky grabs onto the rope with his mouth. Sparky kicks away; almost hitting Molly as Molly rolls away and stands on her two feet. The bell was ringing constantly and it was causing a stir as light from the other houses lit up and constant yelling of 'SHUT THAT BELL UP' were heard. Molly runs down the steps as the dog jumps down and finds Molly. It growls and leaps towards Molly as she screams. Molly goes towards the gate; but it is clearly locked. Molly turns around and sees that Sparky has her in his sights. Molly does run left just as Sparky leaps towards the gate and bite the gate bars for a little bit. Molly goes towards the tree and manages to climb it which was something that she never had to do in her life. Tears were coming from her cheeks as she realized that even this neighbourhood didn't care about anyone but themselves;"!!" she screamed out; but there was no one there to save her. To Saint Peterdora's denizens; she was nothing more than a nuisance. Ol'Sparky finally stopped jawing on the gate bars and runs towards the cedar tree. He climbs up the tree as Molly is scared beyond belief now. However; the weight of Sparky was causing the tree to sway violently. Molly tries to hang on; but she is swept off the tree and flies right off of the property. Cecil Saint-Pierre finally comes out and looks around.

"Sparky?! Now where's the intruder?!" Cecil asks looking puzzled as the tree swing so violently that Ol'Sparky flies right onto Cecil's face and Cecil crashes into the house as the force of Cecil and Sparky falling causes the main door to swing back and it closes ; " Sparky?! NOOOOOOOOO....." Cecil screams as a chomp sound is heard and Leslie screams violently. Apparently; someone was bitten inside.

"I told you to defang that son of a...." Leslie protested bitterly as Molly is flying and manages to grab onto a lamp post about a half a mile away and sprials down to the ground. She lands perfectly on the sidewalk and runs back into the alleyway looking upset and frightened beyond belief. She runs for a bit before running out of road and bumps into a wall and falls onto her back as she was sobbing loudly.

"Why?!...Daddy?!" Molly cries out; sobbing for a long time as the tears flowed from her cheek;" I NEED YOU...NOW!! HELP...ME!!" She had never seen such heartlessness in her life. She had seen a lot of creepfaces in her life but nothing like this. She wanted help and they not only closed the door on her; but nearly tried to kill her with a dog that simply didn't know any better because it was trained by the family to weed out intruders...and Molly was nothing more than an intruder in their eyes. Molly was now seeing exactly what Kit Cloudkicker was afraid of a few years ago. The distrust of adult due to the heartlessness of them....and Molly hasn't seen the worse...yet...


Back inside the Sky Shark as Baloo, Rebecca, Jaloo and Mid were running down a hallway towards the SeaDuck which was currently being refueled by several Sky Shark Pirates at the launchpad dock.

"I suspect that Diana will find as out.." Mid said looking forward towards the end of the hallway.

"So we're not going to make it home..??" Rebecca asked looking concerned.

"I don't know..but I'll fight to the last breath if need be.." Mid proclaims; ".I owe you three that much."

"Are you sure that your son is like this?!" Jaloo asked running.

"Kit can be stubborn; but he's seen enough death and destruction to believe that he has to fight to protect those he loves.." Rebecca responds to that question with grace. Jaloo just smiled as well as Baloo. Mid wasn't so sure; but even she responds with a weak smile.

"Yeah; but if we hurry we may be able to escape this blubbering sharkbait.." Baloo said as they run to the end of the hallway and stop at the door. Mid opens the door slowly and has her rapier drawn in case the Sky Shark Pirates ambushed them. They were at the launchpad dock where the SeaDuck was sitting there being refueled by Jobber and Wrenches. Baloo is very happy;"..Oh baby! There's my baby!"

"[Wait Sillybear?!]" Mid said stopping Baloo in his tracks before he can walk into the launchpad and blow their cover; "[There are two Sky Shark Pirates guarding the plane.]"

"[Only two?!]" Jaloo responds in a sarcastic tone as she nudges Mid's face gently; "[How do we ever get past those two over-bearing pirate scum?]"

"[Geez; how would I ever live this down?]" Rebecca responds shaking her head.

"[Leave it to me Momma Bear...]" Mid said under her breath giving Jaloo a thumbs up. Jaloo gives her a thumbs up in response.

Jobber was refilling the SeaDuck with gasoline with a rubber hose into the fuel tank from a large yellow oil drum labelled in black letters: Gasoline Airplane Fuel. Wrenches simply walked around side to side to look at the SeaDuck, sizing it up for whatever reason Diana had in store.

"Diana shall be pleased with our work." Wrenches proclaims with glee as she smirks with a wicked smile.

"Yeah;" Jobber responds as she siphons fuel from the oil drum with the hose into the SeaDuck; " I still wonder why our Queen wants this metal bird?!"

"I gather that she probably wants the spare parts for weapons no doubt?!" Wrenches said looking at the wonder of Baloo's yellow seaplane.

"Oh ladies..." Mid said with a cocky tone as she throws a stone at Wrenches and bops her in the back of the head. She falls to the floor on her face which knocks her out cold with a huge lump on the back of the head. Jobber turns around and sees Mid with her rapier drawn. Jobber takes a glance at Wrenches and looks upset for a moment; but then sees that Mid is alone and wide open for attack. She thinks it will be easy to take Mid down and then bring Diana in to kill her.

"Oh Mid wants to play sword fighting.." Jobber said sarcastically as he presses a button on a remote control behind his back. Nothing happens although it says on the remote that it is a slient alarm. Jobber drops the remote control box and draws her Claymore out into the open. She points it at Mid looking sly; "..I'm up for a little game of jousting! Prepare to lose you little tyke..." Jobber proclaims as Mid nods and both Mid and Jobber clash swords together. They duel each other with dodging their blows and parries each other. The sword fight was a sight to behold as Mid was backing up with every step as if she was allowing Jobber to win this fight it seemed.

"HA! You call that parrying?!" Mid said mocking Jobber's decent parrying skills; " That's weak beyond Gaia's sword!!"

"You dare call me weak you limp little girl..." Jobber protests as the parrying continues. Mid parries Jobber's blows until she backs up towards the door.

"You like talking trash.." Mid squeaks as she passes the door and walks into the hallway. Jobber follows her as Jaloo is hiding behind the door. However; Mid backs up enough and then kneels down and throws her rapier to the side and looks at Jobber with a sly tone; "..Okay..I give up! You win!"

Jobber smirks as she closes in on Mid. However; Jaloo gets behind Jobber just as Jobber begins taunting her; "Looks like the traitor is going to get her just desserts..." Jaloo pokes lightly on the back of Jobber and he makes the fatal mistake of turning around;" What--?"

"Goodnight pirate scum!!" Jaloo shouts as Jaloo uncorks a powerful left cross and it connects with the jaw of Jobber.

"UGH! Diana.." Jobber whinces as he collapses to the floor completely knocked out cold; "..I'm...doomed.."

"That felt gentle." Jaloo said as she rubs her fist to relieve the pain; " Now slap me some skin Little Britches!"

"Aye, Aye Mommabear!!" Mid cheers with glee as Mid and Jaloo slap their hands together just like Baloo and Kit always did when a plan works.

"It's official!" Baloo said shaking his head in disbelief; " They're just like me and Kit-boy."

"How touching indeed.." Rebecca said shrugging her shoulders as Rebecca, Baloo, Jaloo and Mid head towards the SeaDuck; "..Let's go..."

"Hey! They actually refueled my baby.." Baloo cheers for glee as they are at the SeaDuck; "..Let's get out of here.." However; Baloo hears guns clicking and Baloo's cheer turns to fear; "..UH OH!!" Baloo, Rebecca, Jaloo and Mid look around and see that almost all of the Sky Shark Pirates that Diana had in her crew (fifty in all) appear from all directions and form a circle with guns pointed. There is no escape as the pirates had sealed off all the escape routes including any way to enter the Seaduck as well.

"The seaplanes have circled..." Jaloo said looking concerned as Diana enter from the top of the deck. She then jumps to the ground about fifteen feet below and behind the circle of Sky Shark Pirates. She land on her feet perfectly without any problems. Diana giggles softly as the situation was in her favor now.

"The queen..." Mid said as she stares straight into the eyes of the terrorist who wanted to kill her simply because of some operation that the Themland government had to kill Diana and her Sky Shark Pirates.

"I knew that you would betray me someday...Little Mid.." Diana said with a sarcastic tone as she looks at Mid with sharp eyes. "..So; Jaloo?! You finally manage to say your little sorries to my former pirate..."

"Jaloo?! Baloo?! Rebecca?!" Mid demands sharply while not taking his eyes off of Diana;" Get in the SeaDuck and fly out of here!"

"Forget it!!" Jaloo protests bitterly, grabbing onto Mid's shoulder; " I'm not leaving without you."

"I can stop them.." Mid said and just as she was ready to blitz Diana; the Sky Shark starts to rumble and the entire Sky Shark shakes violently causing everyone falls to the ground except for Mid. Every Sky Shark Pirate is knocked out completely except for Diana and Fisheyes; "..What's happening?!" Mid protested bitterly as someone has ruined her blitz.

"The Sky Shark!!" Fisheyes shouts out; " Someone's controlling the whale!!"

"What?!" Diana commands sharply; " Where in Gaia are we going?!"

"Judging from my bearing;" Mid said looking at her compass and looks directly at the nose of the Sky Shark and then turns around and looks straight at Diana; "... we're heading south towards Themland!!"

"NOOOO!!" Fisheyes screamed as she gets up to her feet first.

"Now how did...?!" Jaloo asked until she realized that she knew who was doing this. Jaloo knew that Bahgeera wanted to get back at the Sky Shark Pirates for killing her wife and turning Mid into a terrorist; " OH NO!!"

"Fisheyes?!" Diana commanded loudly at Fisheyes; " Get back to the wheelhouse and find whoever is trying to screw me!!"

"Yes my queen..." Fisheyes said as she turns around and carefully walks away towards the cabin house to see who was driving the Sky Shark.

"Diana!!" Mid screams as she draws her raiper and points it at Diana's face and takes the advantage.

"What do you mean oh no?!" Rebecca asked looking sharply at Jaloo.

"Did I mention that my plane the SeaWolf isn't really mine?!" Jaloo said gulping as she struggles to her feet.

"I'm listening..." Rebecca said looking interested in hearing this conversation.

"Oh baby.." Baloo said as he struggles to his feet; "..I'm still living in a coo-coo world.." Rebecca struggles to her feet as well as they wonder if this parallel could get any more weirder. Little did they know...

Meanwhile; inside the cabin house, Bahgeera had successfully turned the Sky Shark towards Themland. They were about thirty miles away from the country and once they are inside Themland space; the Air Soliders of Themland will attack the airship. Bahgeera breathes a sigh of relief and starts to beam as he has made his dreams come true. He has stopped a terrorist...or so he thought.

Way to go Daddy!" Jolly said sarcastically clapping his hands with glee; " You didn't mess up for once."

"And you thought that I was going to mess up.." Bahgeera proclaims with a cocky tone flexing his muscles which causes Jolly to fold his arms looking mad at Bahgeera arrogance; "..Okay my dear. I almost messed up on the steering...but that's it!"

"That's better Daddy.." Jolly responds looking sly;"..Let's get out of here before we're discovered."

"Wait!" Bahgeera proclaims as looks around as Jolly looks cross; " I'm looking for something to keep anyone from flying.. Bahgeera finds a crowbar right beside the console and grabs it; ".Here we go... Time for this terror cell to go bye-bye..." Bahgeera uses the crowbar and whacks the control panel hard repeatly until the control panel was sparking and was destroyed; " the Sky Shark Pirates are no more.." Bahgeera raises his fist in victory as he drops the crowbar into the control panel.

"Uh Daddy." Jolly said looking scared; "..I think we are going to die..." A gun was pointed to Jolly's head as Bahgeera turns around and sees that Fisheyes has Jolly captured in her grasp.

"Nice try little police man!" Fisheyes said giggling softly.

"Oh Gaia!!" Bahgeera gasps in horror as he raises his arms up.

"Our queen would love to see you.." Fisheyes proclaims laughing as she grabs Jolly by her collar and has the pistol still pointed at his face; "..NOW!!" Jolly and Bahgeera look scared as their plan to become heroes was wiped out in one instance. It was looking bad indeed....


The nightfall was a listless sleep for Molly Cunningham as she had no way to eat and no one seems to care about her in this city. She was lucky that the dog she encountered didn't kill her right there as she finally stopped sobbing and was sleeping the night away. Maybe tommorrow morning will bring her better memories; if she lasts that long. However; her sleep was about to be distruped by a familiar sound...the sound of a doll.....

"Mama!" Lucy squeaks out as Molly slowly starts the stir the instant she hears Lucy and wakes up. She looks around and manages to see the last thing she would expect to see: Her doll Lucy which was cleaned up completely from the mud that was on her when Molly threw her out in a fit of rage. Lucy was sitting on the ground just in front of the exit out of the alleyway.

"Lucy?!" Molly asked as she rubbed her eyes and stands up; " Where are you?" Molly tries to get her hands on Lucy; but before she can grab her doll, Lucy is being dragged away from Molly as if she were cursed by magic; " Lucy?!" Molly asked looking confused as Lucy stops about fifteen feet away from Molly. Molly just shrugged her shoulders in confusion. Was this a trick being play by someone? Or is that someone Kit?

"Mama!" Lucy squeaked back doing nothing but staring at Molly like the non-living doll that she was.

"Hey?!" Molly squeaked as she walked towards Lucy. However; just as she gets into arms reach of Lucy, Lucy is dragged to the right corner; " Get back here...." she protested as Molly follows Lucy as the cat and mouse game continued. Lucy was dragging herself for some odd reason as it goes onto the sidewalk and goes towards another intersection and then turns left into another alleyway which was longer and even darker than the one Molly was in. It headed straight into the bowels of the bad side of Saint Peterdora where no one was safe; let alone a seven year old girl. Lucy drags into the alleyway and Molly follows her right into a path of doom as hiding behind a large oak tree was Boris with a radio transmitter in his hand. And considering that he went after Molly before, there was a gut feeling that he was somehow behind this.

"Boss; she's been found." Boris speaks over the transmitter as he watches Molly following Lucy; " The trap is set..."

As Boris was talking; Borleas, Pierce, Sugar and Spice were inside the radio room of the Firepit Grotto. The radio was a rigged up one similar to the one Don Karnage used in order to prevent police officials from spying on them. It was on a large oak table. There was nothing else inside the radio room and it was way behind the metal processing plant so it was the coolest place in the entire building. The room was also very small and there was only enough room for five people at it's maximum. Borleas was answering the radio and Boris who was speaking on the other end. Borleas was getting very frustrated with Pierce now as he was obessed with killing Christopher and not creating the empire to rid the order that was law.

"Pierce?! She's been found.." Borleas states as he was still not very keen on this plan; "..I still think this idea..."

"Remember.." Pierce proclaims wagging his finger at Borleas; "..Sshoot closset?!"

"Shoot Closet! Shoot Closet!! Ra!! Ra!! Ra!" Sugar and Spice scream out gleefully as they do their goofy dance; " OUCH!! TOO HOT!!"

"Will you two stop that?!" Borleas protested righfully as this act was getting on his nerves; " There's nothing hot in here!"

"Sshut up Pike!!" Pierce shout out looking angry at Borleas for being mean to his two girl bodyguards. " Now you two ssweetheartss.." Pierce continued looking coy at Sugar and Spice; "..Pleasse entertain Borleass for me while I'm gone..I've got desstiny on my handss.."

"Yes boss!" Sugar and Spice proclaim gleefully as they giggle and blow kisses at Pierce as Pierce soaks them up. Borleas puts his head over his head as if he had an ice cream headache.

"Bye..." Pierce proclaims as he blows a couple of kisses to Sugar and Spice as he leaves the radio room quickly. Sugar and Spice giggle softly as they focus their attention at Borleas and decide that they want to seduce him. Which was going to be really hard to do because Borleas had no interest in girls.

"Boris?!" Borleas stated trying to keep his eyes off of Sugar and Spice as they were being very coy at him; " You, Dustin and Salet follow the boss..I'll be waiting right here..."

"All right.._dad_..." Boris ends his transmission as the radio goes dead. Borleas was pretty upset with that response as it sounded very sarcastic to him.

"I really hate that name." Borleas protests under his breath; " I'm no dad to that scumbag!!"

"Hey Pike?! Want to do some crunches with us?!" Sugar and Spice say with sultry voices blowing kisses at Borleas and that really annoys Borleas in the very least. Borleas wasn't in the mood to handle two of Pierce's girls with their sex appeal.

"Will you...?!" Borleas begins to protest and then something hit him hard in his mind. ~Wait a minute?!~ he thought as his kisser was an evil ear-to-ear smile. He finally had an idea; "Um..yes I will do some crunches with you... Boy; do I have something for you!" Borleas proclaims with a big smile as he stands up

"Really?!" Sugar and Spice ask looking confused as they were blowing kisses at Borleas.

"Really..." Borleas said with an evil smile. ~Pierce is going to be surprised once this plan reaches the end.~ he thought as he apparently has had enough with Pierce and was up to something with those girls. What was the plan no one knew; but Boris who was outside in the alleyway behind the oak tree calling his friends on the radio finishing all his orders to them. He had no idea that his father couldn't stand him anymore.

"Salet?! Dustin?!" Boris speaks into the transmitter; " Let's go...We have a kid to slaughter.." Boris then turns off his transmitter and runs towards the dark alleyway where Molly went into. As he was turning into the alleyway, a police car drives forward and it's headlights shine on Boris for just a few seconds. Boris completely ignores it, assuming it was just a regular car and goes into the alleyway, going completely out of sight. The police car stops at the intersection and the doors open. Escobar and Cody Marion both get out of the car as the headlights were turned off along with the police car engine. Cody looks at the alleyway and seems charmed by it for some reason. Escobar goes over to Cody and gives him a gentle pinch which does nothing to Cody.

"What's wrong Cody?" Escobar asked as Cody was staring directly at the intersection where Boris disappeared.

"I thought I saw something..." Cody responds with his eyes focused on that dark alleyway that the police car light flashed for a moment. Escobar then realized that he had seen a fur jacket walking in that same direction...and he knew fur jackets don't walk by themselves.

"I thought I saw one of Pierce's men too.." Escobar said sharply as this revelation might blow this case wide open as the radio beckons with a piercing signal. Escobar grabs the transmitter with purpose. He was hoping for Justin to listen to him at least once; "..I saw that fur jacket before. ..11-12; come in Justin?" Escobar speaks into the transmitter.

"11-12; this is Justin Jericho.." Justin responds and he wasn't happy with the fact that Escobar was calling him so quickly; "..Why aren't you at your spot yet?!"

"11-12; Cody and I saw something very preculiar.." Escobar speaks over the transmitter; "..Looked like one of Pierce's men roaming the streets..."

"Oh great.." Justin protested in disgust; "..Your son's dellusional mind is clouding your thoughts again. Where's your location?!" Justin demanded as Escobar looks around and sees the sign corner post which is metal and teardrop shaped. It sezs Dune Crescent and Jude Street.

"We're on the corner between Dune Crescent and Jude Street..." Escobar responds gritting his teeth in partial disgust; trying to keep his cool./P>

"Good.." Justin said over the transmitter; "..Now stay around that spot and let Group B sweep inbetween. You know the routine.. and make sure your son doesn't screw up this time!"

"Yes Captain...I'll make sure my son gets it right.." Escobar speaks as the transmitter signal goes dead and Escobar forcefully replaces the transmitter onto the holder in disgust;" ..Idoit!"

"What did Justin say?!" Cody asked looking a little cross. Escobar shakes his head a bit and doesn't look upset anymore. It was as if nothing had happened even though Justin's ordering was becoming annoying and borderline abusive.

"The usual trash talk.." Escobar said unemotionally as he rubbed the shoulder of his son to prepare him for the hunt; "..I agree that I saw something son. However; orders are orders no matter how stupid they are..."

"Yes dad..whatever you say.." Cody nodded as his thought were of anger. ~Cruse that Justin! I'm going to prove my worth tonight!~ he thought bitterly as the night sky was starting to cloud over once again. The weather was becoming as unpredictable as the hunt for mobsters in the street...


The launchpad of the Sky Shark Pirates was filled with pirates who was knocked down by the unforeseen quake inside the airship. Mid was ready to attack Diana would was just getting to her feet. Diana was worried ; but not enough to consider herself helpless. As long as they don't enter Themland space, she was all right. Jaloo, Rebecca and Baloo stood next to the SeaDuck as Mid handled Diana by herself. She knew Diana much better than Jaloo having worked for her since the betrayal....

"Well Miss Carnage?!" Mid asked looking sharp and completely focused to end this battle with Diana; " Do you still believe in your honor as a captive terrorist...or are you just another genocidal beast?!"

"I think you should be more concerned about your life than obtaining justice little girl.." Diana responds with a smirk;"..I could send a beast worse than Teastaff after you.. " Suddenly; all fifty Sky Shark Pirates finally got up after the quake knocked them out of commission for a while and surrounded Mid Gaiamoon with a furry ring of death; " fifty or so Sky Shark Pirates.." There was no way out for Mid. However; Mid just stood there unimpressed and raiper was drawn.

"I guess I should've" Mid said with a smirk on her kisser as Mid opens the bag on her hip and starts throwing some golden powder into the faces of the Sky Shark Pirates without any warning and screaming; "...EAT MY GOLD-DUST!!" The Sky Shark Pirates thought it was simple dust and decided to absorb the blows that Mid was throwing at them.

"Hey?! Am I in a B-movie or something?!" Baloo asked looking confused as he was remembering that he did exactly the same thing to the Air Pirates when escaping from Pirate Island.

"That's a joke...right?!" Rebecca asked folding her arms thinking that response was lackluster.

"Actually; you mean AA-movie right?!" Jaloo responds to that. The Sky Shark Pirates were being blinded by the gold dust which looked like regular golden dust.

"Looks like it.." Baloo responds as the Sky Shark Pirates cough and wheeze for a bit before collapsing onto the floor looking completely knocked out. Thankfully; the stuff didn't kill them; "..What is that stuff?!"

"Gold Para-Dust!!" Mid proclaims as it was frightenly similar to Greg Skywinds Sleeping Dust that he used on Kit and the Air Pirates; " Paralizes everyone for a while..." Diana takes a step away from the dust and was not hit by the dust thankfully; or it would have been lights out for her and her crew. Now she was outnumbered once again and lacking other options at this point.

"Well, well, well my little angel of death." Diana proclaims in tribute to Mid as she takes another step back; " You still have some guts left in you."

"Don't sidestep the facts Miss Carnage.." Mid protests as she raises her raiper and gets ready to fight Diana to the death; "..You're finished!"

"Not quite.." A voice beckons as Fisheyes herself enters the dock with Bahgeera and Jolly in tow. Both were being carried by their necks. Mid is forced to stop her attempt to attack Diana; "..I just found our two little _heroes_..."

"What?!" Mid responds in shock as she sees the only other adult who remotely cared about her being threathened by Fisheyes; " Mr. Willingham?!"

"Who's Mr. Willingham?!" Baloo asked looking confused.

"That's..._my boss_; Bahgeera Willingham.." Jaloo chews Bahgeera off; "..and I told him to stay in the SeaWolf!!"

"Sorry Jaloo...Daddy got overzealous.." Jolly said as he sees Mid for the first time in months and waves at him; "..Hi Mid!" Diana sees Jolly and brainstorms her as her ticket out of this mess.

"Jolly!!" Mid shouts out loudly realizing with Diana around, Jolly was dead. She has her rapier recoiled; " Don't you dare harm"

"Terrorist?!" Diana giggled loudly as Baloo and Jaloo come forward beside Mid to back her up. Diana sees this and backs up towards Fisheyes. She then pulls out a pistol quickly and places it next to Jolly's ear; " Last time I checked; I held the trump card. Now; Fisheye, take Bahgeera to the control room and re-direct this ship out of its course.."

"My queen; we have a big problem..." Fisheyes speaks looking terrified at Bahgeera as Bahgeera looked like he was cracking a smile.

"What do you mean we have a big problem?!" Diana asked not looking happy at all.

"This _man_ destroyed the controls and forced the ship on autopilot." Fisheyes responds with a clutch of panic; " We don't have anything to fix it. We're heading straight for Themland!!" Diana was really angry now as her dreams of ruling Gaiaria with a cutlass fist were ruined by a man.

"WHAT?!!" Diana screamed right into Bahgeera's face as Jolly wiggles free and walks towards Bahgeera slowly;" WHY YOU...YOU...YOU...?"

"Hero?!...You're finished Diana.." Bahgeera proclaims loudly; "..They'll kill you on the spot.." Fisheyes regains her mettle and places the spout of the gun into Bahgeera's mouth to shut him up.

"This should shut you up!!" Fisheyes said sharply as Bahgeera nods his head in agreement. Jolly takes a few steps back slowly.

"Wait a second.." Diana said realizing that Jolly's right beside her and she grabs him and places the pistol right againest his right ear. Jolly is scared stiff; "..I think the police will think twice..."

"What are you doing to him?! You murderous..." Baloo protested as he tries to move , but Diana rests her finger gently onto the trigger and looked like she was ready to fire right there and kill him instantly. Baloo backs off completely as Diana giggles softly.

"Looks like I've got the trump card after all.." Diana muses as Bahgeera twists his eyes towards Diana. He manages to get his arm underneath Fisheyes throws Fisheyes away which makes her drop her pistol. Fisheyes flies about thirty feet and crashes into a glass door which shatters on impact. Fisheye falls to the ground and is knocked out and has blood flowing slowly out of small cuts from the glass; "...What?!" Diana shouts out as Bahgeera grabs the pistol and points it straight at Diana's face.

"Kill Jolly and you'll be in Hal you terrorist!" Bahgeera shouts out as Diana is paralized and unable to move. Diana wasn't about to let herself die to a man like Bahgeera. Not in this lifetime...

"Now that's an improvement.." Jaloo said with a chuckle; "..He usually points the gun at himself...Right Baggy?!"

"Oh shut up..." Bahgeera snapped back looking cross as Baloo chuckled at the tension. It was so familar to him.

"I can only guess who does that huh..." Baloo chuckles as he remembered Rebecca's misadventures with a gun in Thembria while he and Rebecca were being used by a mail man who delievered the wrong packages. That almost cost them torment in that wacky country.

"Baloo..." Rebecca said sharply as she elbows Baloo for his rudeness towards a dangerous weapon.

As Bahgeera keeps the trigger pointed at Diana, Diana looks around for any open target and doesn't see one at the moment. "You got me..You're right...I have nothing left.." Diana proclaim as she dropped Jolly and Jolly goes to Bahgeera as Bahgeera was moving to Baloo and Rebecca. However; Diana sees her opening as Mid was wide open. Diana points her pistol at Mid quickly and screams once more to save face "..GO TO HAL MID!!" Diana finally does the unthinkable as she pulls the trigger and a bullet comes out, missiling striaght towards Mid. Mid was stunned and was unable to move away from the bullet since it was going faster than she could do herself. It was aimed straight for her head and would kill her instantly. She was going to die in the most gruesome way......

However; Jaloo at the very last moment was able to push Mid away from the bullet to protect her from being hit. However, that act of courage would come at a heavy price as Jaloo takes the bullet right into the ribs. Jaloo's eyes simply went blank for a moment as the bullet went through him clean. "Ugggghhhhh!" he screamed loudly before stopped for a moment; "..Mid...." Jaloo looked at Mid and gave a smile as if she was saying goodbye to her forever for a moment before collapsing down to the ground on her midsection. Blood was pouring out of the wound quickly and was pooling in a small pool of crimson red blood around Jaloo. Diana laughs out loud.

"JA-LOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOO!!" Mid screamed as she runs over and kneels right beside Jaloo. Diana giggles sliently as she had done her job. She finally killed Jaloo; or at least wounded her seriously.

"YOU MURDEROUS SCUMBAG!" Baloo screamed as Diana points the pistol at Rebecca, Baloo, Bahgeera and Jolly to keep them at bay.

"You should have seen it coming..." Diana proclaimed looking at Mid while keeping one eye on the other intruders. Mid brust into tears as she tried to revive Jaloo; but Jaloo was barely able to keep it together.

"Typical pirate scum.." Jaloo spoke at Diana with one brust of energy before talking queitly at Mid; "..Mid...I'm sorry that I won't be able to see you touch the face... of Gaia...." Jaloo was slurring her speech and was barely able to keep her eyes open. The bullet had found it's mark or came close enough to finding it's mark that Jaloo was slowly dying before Mid's eyes. Mid was sobbing as Jaloo's eyes slowly close on her. Mid felt helpless and felt like she was responable for Jaloo's wounds.

"Please don't die on me!!" Mid cries out as she begins to cry loudly. Diana points the pistol at Mid while Mid isn't looking.

"How charming?! It's all _your_ fault you know." Diana responds giggling without any remorse. This pirate was even worse than Don Karnage ever was; " If you kept your stinkin nose out of my life...This should solve my problem.." Diana was about to fire the pistol and killing Mid. However; Bahgeera shoots his pistol successfully for the first time in his life. The bullet pierces the hand that has the pistol which causes Diana to drop the pistol onto the ground causing it to skip right in front of Mid; "..OUCH!!" Mid grabs the pistol and without even a moment of thought to reflect on what actions she was going to take; she rushes the wounded Diana (who was holding her hand in pain) and pistol whips Diana right in the face forcing her to the ground quickly;" What the....?!" Diana whinces in pain as Mid jumps onto Diana's back and points the pistol directly into her left ear while holding Diana right by the throat. Diana tries to speak; but Mid was choking her and was unable to do so. Mid's eyes were so white hot with anger that she wasn't thinking at all and didn't want to think about the consequences of her actions.

"BAHGEERA!! JOLLY!! GET JALOO OUT OF HERE!!" Mid screams at the top of her lungs with tears streaming down her face; " GET HER TO THE SEAWOLF!!" Baloo then realizes what Mid was planning. She was going to kill Diana even if it means she becomes a murderer herself.

"Please Mid...don't do this..." Baloo pleads as Mid doesn't move and give an inch to Diana. Diana was known for sneak attacks and Mid wasn't about to listen to reason as her only friend left was clinging to live right now.

"Come on Baloo?!" Rebecca tugs on Baloo's pilot shirt; " We better get out of here.." Bahgeera and Jolly try to get to Jaloo to help her; but they are stuck and cannot move for some odd reason.

"Not until Mid puts the gun down...." Baloo protests as he tries to stop her; but he stops moving."Huh?"

"'T...BLOW...YOUR...HEAD...OFF?!" Mid screams as she tries to pull the trigger on the pistol; but her finger wouldn't bend to allow the trigger to press in and fire the fatal shot on Diana once and for all. Diana was surprised and realizes herself that she couldn't move either. Something wasn't right here..

"I cannot move my touche..." Baloo grumbles as he cannot move either so it wasn't just Mid who was dealing with unforeseen forces. This wasn't a good sign at all...A sign that the Time Spirits were arriving.

"I have a bad feeling about this douche...UUGGH!!" Rebecca screamed as the white flash of light appears for a second. The white light quickly fades as two balls of light appear in mid-air right on top of Jaloo. One was a blue ball and one was a red ball. They float down towards Jaloo as everyone is in shock; " What is going on here?! I cannot move...Is this the Time Spirits Gregory was talking about?" Rebecca exclaimed as the two opposite colored balls re-materized into two furries wearing opposite color robes.

"Time Spirits?!" Mid said looking confused as they were staring at two male bald eagles who were the same height, same weight, even the same age which looks to be just above eighteen years old. Both were wearing the same type of robe and the same type of crystal tiara. However; the colors were different as the one wearing the red robe had the Alpha symbol on the tiara and the front of the robe while the one wearing the blue robe had the Omega symbol on the tiara and the front of the robe.

"Who is this?!" Mid protested as she struggles to pull the trigger; but everyone was stuck as if they became paralized by the mere presence of Spirit Alpha and Spirit Omega. Spirit Alpha and Spirit Omega each place their paws on Jaloo and were checking on her without saying a word.

"It is only a flesh wound." Spirit Alpha finally speaks without any emotion at all. Mid was really mad at this since Jaloo just got shot in the midsection and blood was pouring out of the wound.

"What do you mean?!" Mid yelled looking angry; " She's dying for Gaia's sake!!"

"Our power shall right the injustice of the tears of reality set forth by evil..." Spirit Omega responded completely ignoring Mid's protests. Baloo, Rebecca, Bahgeera and Jolly wanted to say something; but they couldn't really say anything since the presence of the Time Spirits was overwhelming.

"You haven't answered my question!" Mid continues to shout loudly with tears streaming down her cheeks; "... Who are you?!"

"We are Alpha and Omega.." Alpha and Omega said in complete bland monotome as they rise above Jaloo's battered body as if they were almost dead themselves; "..the beginning and the end and this is the end of this tear.." Spirit Alpha and Omega both raise their arms towards the heavens and the entire environment starts to spin violently.

"What the...?!" Rebecca said as everyone was holding their heads (expect for Jaloo who still couldn't move.

"Oh baby...Not another one.." Baloo responds in kind as the spinning was going faster and faster now.

"I hate false Gaia's!!" Diana protested even though there was nothing she could do about it.

"Jalooooooo..." Mid screamed at Jaloo.

"Midddddd...." Jaloo shouts back slowly holding her hand on the entry wound where the bullet entered her body.

"My life's spinning before my eyes..." Bahgeera shouts out as the spinning has now stayed at a constant rate.

"Oooo...Pretty...." Jolly said as suddenly another white flash of bright light bleeds into the enivornment. Apparently; the Time Spirits were fixing the tear and using their teleporation skills to remove Baloo and Rebecca from this reality... Back to Earthia it seems as that nightmare was apparently coming to an end...And another one was still in progress.

***** END OF CHAPTER 3 *****

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