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Klangs of A Feather

December 13th, 1936

It was somewhere in the world; a place where only a few know of its location. However; the people who do know are conjuring up some heinous plans of revenge. There was a large room that seemed to be underground and the solid block doors were wide open. Sitting down on a box; a white bear who was in his late 20's that was wearing a red cape, red shirt and black shorts. He looked liked Gregory Skywinds except for his clothes and the fact that his fur had a red hue along the edges. He was very angry and was known to lose his temper very easily. He was Craig Skywinds; the owner of the Murasame sword. He never called himself the last name Skywinds as if he was disconnecting himself from that name. It was as if it was evil and devilish in his own eyes. He was seething violently as he was reading the front page of the Cape Suzette Gazette.

"I cannot believe this!" Craig growled bitterly as if he was close to swearing and sounded like his was close to a full scream; "I've finally been betrayed!" He throws the newspaper away in digust; causing the paper to fly all over the place. As if it was on cue; a white swan suddenly appears before the young bear. She was wearing a white robe with a cross necklace around her neck. She was very tall and she was emitting some strange light around her as if she was actually an angel. She looked very familiar; a similiar look to Madill Vainukai; a diplomat to Usland from Lyndon. However; she died before Usland became an independent country more than 150 years ago. Is there really spirits as Lord TerraStone foretold? It didn't matter at this point as the white swan approches Craig; kneels down and prays for him it seems.

"Are you in pain Craig?" Madill asked feeling the sorrow that Craig was emitting. Craig sees Madill and he was looking very much outraged by the presence of this furry. This was at last count the fourth time that this furry has appeared and he was getting frustrated.

"Pain?! IF YOU CALL HATERED PAIN.." Craig barked back into the swan face; "..then yes I'm in pain!"

"Please let the lord come into your heart Craig." Madill explained pleading with compassion; " The pain is so intense."

"I DON'T NEED HIS HELP!" Craig screams back even louder than before; " I CAN FIGHT THIS ON MY OWN!"

"Please don't throw the White Phoenix away Craig." Madill explained once again; not backing down from her faith and showing the compassion that the White Phoenix has given to the furry race; "The lord wants to help you; but the White Phoenix cannot of you do bring him into....."

"I SAID I DON'T NEED HIS BLOODY HELP!" Craig screams his loudest as he places his head harshly onto the desk breathing heavily; "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Madill shakes her head as it was clear that she was not getting through the stubborn young bearcub's head. She simply stood up and turned around getting ready to exit.

"Poor delued soul!" she calmly said with some sorrow in her voice as she walks out of the room as if nothing had happened. Craig looked very bitter at her. He didn't care if she was an angel; to him God has failed to punish Konvent Asias for taking part in ruining the lives of the Skywinds and reducing the twin brothers to absolutely hating each other.

"Why hasn't the White Phoenix done anything to Konvent?" Craig asked bitterly as a metal green king cobra enters the room wearing a familiar black hat and a black robe. It was none other than Thaddeus E. Klang or as he wants to be called: Klang NEO. So Klang did in fact escape from the police after all. Klang hired Craig Skywinds to rebuild his collection empire and get revenge on Kathy Dodd; whom with Baloo and Louie thwarted his plans to rule the desert with the Bells of Tinabula. For some reason; he looked like a younger Cassium Victor who separated from the Nega Aces 12 years ago. However; Klang was as evil as ever and it was sort of fitting that they would team up, mainly because Craig so far has done nothing to help his on resolve.

"Will you stop your screaming?" Klang NEO protested as he slittered forward like he was walking on air; " This is the fourth time today you've been doing that."

"It was that stupid angel again." Craig admitted causing Klang NEO to smirk. He didn't believe in angels at all.

"Oh; come on!" Klang NEO exclaimed smirking at the misfortune of his disobient colleague; " You really believe in that squid. Honestly; you are a crazy bruin."

"I WOULDN'T TALK SNAKEFANG!!" Craig snapped back letting out a full scream as Klang notices the thrown-down newspaper and notices the first page was in plain view. He starts to read it as Craig Murasame started to get even more bitter by each passing moment or each word that Klang was about to read.

" 'Gregory Masamune found in Decto. Gregory Skywinds talk to police; charges dropped.'" Klang proceeded to read the newspaper loudly word for word to seemly teach Craig a lesson; "' Police persue Craig Murasame with charges of murder and Gregory will lead the search.' Well; this explains everything; doesn't it?"

"Thank you for rubbing it in." Craig said bitterly.

"Your welcome.." Klang responded with a smirk on his kisser as he slitters towards a stack of newspapers and read the latest headline on page one of the Cape Suzette Gazette and this time Craig Skywinds starts to see a real eyeopener on Klang's speech; "...'Hmmm....Air Pirates Plot Foiled.... Kit Cloudkicker, Baloo Waladaze and Frank WildCat stopped a one million dollar ransom from the attempted kidnapping by Don Karnage of Oscar Vandersnoot, the son of multi-millionaire Ted Vandersnoot.' "

"Hold the phone!" Craig said calmly for the first time as he stands up on his own accord; " I just thought of something."

"Funny;" Klang responded looking very confused as his partner (and that shall be used rather loosely) for saying something out of character since all that Craig has done so far has complained about his petty work; " I don't remember making a call."

"Kit Cloudkicker was kidnapped by my brother; the same person who was behind this plot." Craig responds as he sees the headline himself seeing Baloo Waladaze, Kit Cloudkicker in a pirate's captain outfit and the almond bear who was a misunderstood member of the upper class Oscar Vandersnoot and that picture made Craig's eyes grow wide; " He seems to know this kid pretty well."

"Hmmmm..." Klang NEO ponders as he sees the picture of the big rounded-shaped grey bear; " this the same Baloo I saw in Tinabula?"

"I've got an idea." Craig starts rubbing his hands together as a signal that it was time to start working; " Maybe we can kidnap this rich kid...."

"Now you're off your royal rocker.." Klang NEO protested as he held his partner as if Craig was absolutely insane; " you realize that this kid was smart enough not to fall for that and you'll bring the entire police force after us...."

"That's exactly what I want..." Craig said calmly and coldly... It was almost as if Craig had turned into Gregory Masamune; his own brother in one fell swoop.

"Now your really crazy!" Klang NEO protested yet again and this time he speaks much louder and that on cue would provoke Craig into the hot-tempered fiend that has done so much damage to the social fabric since he busted Gregory Skywinds out of jail.

"YES I AM CRAZY!... However; this idea is designed to bring Gregory out of hiding and make him finally come to his senses.." Craig explained clearly and controlling his temper the best he could which wasn't saying very much; "..Besides; you said years ago that you were screwed by a bearcub. Maybe this is the one...."

"Never seem him.....Wait a minute!" Klang NEO re-examined the picture and notices that the pirate captain suit-wearing bearcub did in fact look very familiar; " He looks like that eight year old kid that blew my plans in Dover Downs. I employed him to deliver plans of a material that shuts down lung functions when inhaled. However; thanks to him the operation failed and half of the criminal sydincate crumbled down because of it." Thaddues E. Klang was in fact a drug dealer and a creator of a man-made material which would destory many lives and be even more dangerous than Locoweed; if you can believe that. Again; it seems that Kit Cloudkicker's own past was about to come back to haunt him once again. This only proves the importantance of the police to catch this felon as soon as possible as he was about to strike again.

"Now; you get your chance for revenge." Craig responded laughing forcefully; " With this plan; the Windia Police Force will never be seen as a crediable, law-obience force and change will finally come."

"I still think _you're_ crazy!" Klang NEO snaps back as he slithers away exiting the room and that comment made Craig really angry now.


"Why did I ever hire this _loon_?" Klang NEO pondered as he walks back towards his room and questions himself over the deal that he has made. Klang was supposed to be the boss of this outfit and yet he is the one who is getting beat up and talked down to by Craig himself. The fireworks have merely begun......


However; the players of this gig were still at the old hangout of pilots everywhere. Louie's Island; a small island where a monkey wearing Hawaii-style t-shirts and a straw hat named Louie Lamount makes his home and of course his living. His business is to provide a room at night; clean exotic dancing; and good food and drinks like juices and coconut milk ice with many exotic fruits such as mangos, starfruit, and many others. Inside Louie's Resturant was a two floor with bamboo/straw covering all the framework in the place. Sitting at the counter where Louie served the food and drinks was Baloo Waladaze; the big, grey pilot wearing a red pilot's cap and a yellow shirt. Behind the counter was Louie Lamount polishing a glass beer mug with his hands and a yellow cloth. (Read: He had been warned twice by health inspectors not to use the feet.) Beside these two who were great friends and friends long before Kit Cloudkicker arrived; there were six waiters (all monkeys who wore grey shirts and black suits carrying plastic brown server trays. There were 12 tables with 10 patrons with only one of them being female (Read: as it was a slow day and couple night wasn't until next week) sitting in various seats. Three of them are dogs (one brown, one black and one white); three were cats (two were orange with black spots, one was black with white spots), two pigs (one is female), one buffalo and one grey chimpmunk who wearing various clothing. Baloo was looking rather low to care about dancing as Kit was clearly not here and that was making him

"I cannot believe this is happening to us." Baloo whined as Louie shook his head in digust. Baloo still didn't get it. Just because Kit Cloudkicker was more mature than most adults doesn't mean that he can skip school. Education was of top importance in Cape Suzette and despite Kit's past he needs a real education and for Kit's sake at least it would be a turning point for Kit and the risk of coming back to Don Karnage or the streets would be reduced greatly. Sadly; Baloo continued not to see it that way. His past with school was terrible as he once called it brainwashing and it tackles only in theory instead of real pratical stuff that the real people on earth actually learn.

"I'm not surprised considering that you keep saying that at least five times every day that you come here cuz.." Louie said as he polished the inside of the beer mug; "..But the law _is_ the law. Kit _must_ go to school. He _needs_ an education."

"Look at the _education_ they're giving him: Math, English, _Pig Latin_.." Baloo protested counting down all the bad things that _education_ has given him and showing more digust than ever before; "..I mean; they're brainwashing him; not educating him!"

"So; what can _you_ give him?" Louie asked smirking seriously showing short bursts of giggles to follow; "Indigestion?!"

"Not humorous at all...." Baloo snapped back feeling sore for what he considered a vulgar statement even though Louie Lamount considered it common sense.

"I'm not laughing cuz..." Louie explained bitterly and seriously; ..The shortstop's not exactly had many role models or friends to interact with before you met him." It was ture that these two used to goof off and show off. However; Kit Cloudkicker presence has limited that activity greatly. It was important not to however; despite Kit's moronicness, he was not that naive not to fall for such insensetivity. If they fail; Kit Cloudkicker will be back on the streets and there was that worry that Kit's luck would finally run out.

"Yeah; but the kid's relationship with authority figures is hardly good." Baloo complained looking at the many times he had been chewed off by the young 12 year old bearcub; " I mean it _always_ seems that I'm the kid of this outfit."

"Well; when you are 75% late with all them deliveries..." Louie reminded Baloo as it was considered worse then failing to pay the tab for Louie; "...and ol'Beckey cannot keep an eye on you 24/7 someone has to be that check and balance and it's clear that Kit's the one."

"Yeah;" Baloo whinced bitterly as he could imagine the laugher coming out of his own boss Rebecca Cunningham ;" and ol'Beckey must be laughing the uptake believing that a 12-year old kid can overrule a respective adult."

"Well; I don't know about you being 'respective'.." Louie snapped back causing Baloo to whince once again knowing that Baloo wasn't going to squirm his way out of this one; "..So let's change the subject...Speaking of education; I see that thee shortstop is not here."

"Tell me about it bro.." Baloo complained once again; "..Lil'Britches has been gone for ten hours now thanks to _education's_ latest stunt...."

"Oh really?" Louie asked thinking that this couldn't be any worse then what Baloo was giving him. That teenager attitude was starting to take his toll and if Dan Dawson could charm Kit into leaving his friends then Baloo's attitude could stop Kit from being his ture self. ~This educational stunt might just do the skipper good and maybe Baloo will finally become a real adult. Maybe not...~ Louie thought.

"Oh yeah bro.." Baloo protested once again; " navigator who should be working for me is now on a three day airbus trip trip to the city of Grafhia on a _history_ trip."

"Wait a minute cuz..." Louie exclaimed as he places the root beer mug back in the island cupboards; "...Wasn't Grafhia _that_ place where we met Katie Dodd?" Baloo and Louie remembered that just before they met with Kit Cloudkicker they were on vacation (if you can believe that since Baloo's work was awful at the time.) that they met Kathy Dodd who were researching the lost city of Tinabula before being kidnapped by Thaddeus E. Klang, a weapons collector and criminal of the high state for drug dealing was trying to destory Grafhia with the mystical bells found in the city. That plan was thwarted by Baloo and Louie and Klang was forced underground. Sadly for the two; Kathy Dodd decided againest having a date with either one of them and that alone has caused them to be bitter ever since.

"That backstabber?!" Baloo hissed bitterly causing some of the patrons to hiss back quietly as a phrase for him to simmer down; " We go out for a quiet vacation only to get entangled into _Miss Dodd's_ own mess with a crazy cobra snake only to find out that she's _not_ interested in going out for a date with me.."

"With that Kettle-Calduron belly of yours..." Louie said as he point at Baloo's huge girth and Baloo cringes at the thought; "..In your dreams! Anyway; what _is_ shortstop studying cuz..."

"He's studying the history of Tinabula...." Baloo responded still hurting from the last comment.

"Hey cuz.." Louie said remembering those misadventures down the memory lane; "..Wasn't that what Katie Dodd was studying?"

"Yeah; so she was..." Baloo said as he picked up a newspaper called the Cape Suzette Post off the table and notices the headline on the first page as he saw Gregory Skywinds mug; " ...Hey Louie! Check this out: 'Gregory Masamune Found In Decto - Charges Dropped.' " Baloo then simply shuddered in fear. How could Gregory be found so quickly? By the sound of the newspaper he was found alive. How was that even possible? No one has ever surivied a fall from 9,000 feet and hit the water at full speed. It was like Baloo was living a nightmare; even though Gregory had face redemption by stopping Don Karnage's plan to cleanse Cape Suzette with the Emerald of Purifaction. Gregory was a frightening furry.....

"Now why would they be dropping charges on that jailbear?!" Louie wondered as he saw the headline and the words; " Those cops are crazy cuz!" Suddenly; Louie begins to shudder in fear in realizing that Gregory Skywinds had indeed surivived the fall off the Iron Vulture. He couldn't think straight as this was sounded extermely irrational. It was like divine intervention was alive and well in this brutal world.

"According to the article:" Baloo started as he tried hard to stop shuddering; " 'Gregory Skywinds was found alive on the island beach of Decto. Doctors were shocked to discover him alive considering that he fall 9,000 feet and actually hit the water at full blast which always means death.' "

"Boy;" Louie responded shaking in fear at the amazement of it all; "... that was certainly creepy considering that no one has ever survived that kind of fall." The irony is that the press was not sensatizing this event-- it sounded too good to be ture and yet it was perfectly ture. Derek Thursday and Sara Mandate must be shuddering as well with them.

"Kit fell from 1000 feet higher than Masamune did although I did catch him before he hit the water;" Baloo said recalling that he caught Kit Cloudkicker from a much higher fall during the Pirate's Lightning Gun battle with Cape Suzette; " it doesn't count."

"I wonder what they plan to do with Mr. Skywinds now that he is in protective custody?" Louie asked shaking those fear cobwebs from his memory and realizing that this was reality and the police must deal with it as they must with the social fabric.

"Well; the article says: 'Gregory has been considered a free man on the condition that he cooperates with the police.'..." Baloo said as he chuckled at the thought that Gregory would be a free considering that he kidnapped innocent kids and tortured them; "..Good luck guys!"

"They'll need it...." Louie chuckled back as they enjoyed a good giggle from the otherwise bleak press...... The police know that all the chrages againest Gregory Skywinds were dropped in exchange for the stopping of the murderer of Craig Skywinds.. This was going to be a rough time for the police in all cities as they must weave out all of the corruption that has been taking place in the world; partiucally with the Windia Police Force.....


The quest to find Gregory's brother begin in this rather large room. This was Derek Thursday's office and it was a customized room to say the least with its various police degrees from the University of Cape Suzette which was home to the police academy. The center of the room stood a wooden desk which was littered with papers. To the left of the desk were three brown metal filing cabinets. To the right of the desk was a small palm tree as it was considered to be the only major plant life in the city that was related to the tropics. A medium-build (for an officer) pink pig who was wearing a navy blue police uniform and hat named Officer Glenn Malarkay was sitting down in front of Derek Thursday's desk as Derek was sitting down shuffling papers and organizing them. Glenn was surprised at the ruling that came down only a couple of days ago; stating that Gregory Skywinds was with conditions a free man. It was painful; considering that despite the fact that all of the parent of those innocent children had decided to drop the charges againest Masamune, it didn't change the fact that Gregory would never be able to walk inside the social fabric without someone plotting to invoke vigilante justice on him. Not to mention that the corruption in the Windia Police Force only made things even worse. Glenn believed that Gregory was safer in prison than in his office.

"Aye;" Glenn stated bitterly as he looked cross-eyed at Derek; " I still don't get the reason why you want to give this child abuser a chance to come into the social fabric. What can he provide you with besides trouble?" Glenn was right about one thing; Gregory was going to be trouble because Derek had no idea what he was dealing with. Still; Derek had to take this risk, he was assigned to dig up the dirt on the Windia Police Force and Gregory was the only witness to the corruption.

"One;" Derek began counting the possible reasons with his fingers; "....he can provide the proof we need for the investigation into the gross misconduct of the Windia Police Force. Two he is the only one who can find Craig Skywinds and most importantly; he can finally bring closure to the deaths of his parents caused by the Air Pirates."

"Aye;" Glenn responded still not completely convinced that Gregory's presence will change anything; "....but the people want to know why Cape Suzette taxpayers have to pay for the huge mess in the Windia Police Force?"

"Look; I don't like the idea that the mayor has put this mess on our laps as much as you do...but the evidence that Mr. Skywinds saw corruption in the Windia Police Force sets a precendent.." Derek said as his words were breathing a stronger and stronger tone as he continued to talk; "..if we don't take responability to clean up whatever corruption is in our building; then the breakdown of civilization will follow. We can not afford to act foolish like this....and Skywinds is the only one who can stop this madness..."

Finally; the door opens and in steps the man who surivied the biggest fall of his life; Gregory Skywinds. As Derek Thursday approches him there was a chill in the air and it was suddenly starting to get really creepy. Gregory was smiling as if he was already forgetting that he was supposed to be dead right now ;"Hello Mr. Thursday!" he said cheerfully. He appeared to be quite a different man to say the least as he sounded like he had some compassion in his tone of voice. It was a good sign to be sure. Gregory proceeds to shake hands with Derek Thursday and amazing enough; Derek didn't feel anything cold on his hands. As if the coldness from Gregory's heart was turely gone.

"Welcome Mr. Skywinds. This is Glenn Malarkay; my senior advisor.." Derek explained as Gregory extended his hand to Glenn; "..and Glenn; I need your support in this matter." Glenn recluently extended his hand and they shake together. For Glenn was not so lucky however. He touched an icecube of a palm there.

"Aye; your hands are as cold as ice!" Glenn protested as he rubs his palms together to get some heat back into those frozen hands there; " Derek? How do ya stand those cold hands of an iceman?"

"You forgot the first rule of being a good officer." Derek smiled as he takes off his transparent glove from his left hand; the hand that he was shaking with; " Always be prepared!"

"I'll.." Glenn tried to speak however; he was blushing with embrassment that a second-rate detective was upstaging him ; "..get some food mates!" Glenn turns around and exits the office quickly. It was apporching lunch time anyway and Derek was straving; although Gregory clearly didn't seem hungry.

"No more liver and fries for me.." Derek proclaimed in a proud, bravado voice; "..That's the stuff that makes me and Glenn fat!"

"Is he a senior officer?" Gregory asked looking at the door in a way that caused Derek to pause for a moment.

"Why yes he is.." Derek said looking serious that Gregory would even show concern for another officer; a sign that he was trusting the police even more; "...Why do you ask?"

"Aren't senior officers usually the people who represent the city of district in public places?" Gregory asked as Derek Thusday's eyes lit up at the amount of concern that Gregory Skywinds was expressing.

"Yes they do.." Derek said as he finds the large file folder on Gregory Masamune; the original file in which Gregory was wrongly accused of multiple murders and other counts which were trumped on him by the Windia Police Force; "...However; that's not why I asked you to come here.."

"I came to find my brother;" Gregory said calmly; "... or risk becoming just another jailbird."

"No; you'll just become another coward in the social fabric.." Derek shouted as Gregory opens up the file folder and examines it from top to bottom; "..of course you'll risk being _just_ another jailbird. At any rate; I'm going to warn you that if you do anything againest the law that will be a violation of your condition and you'll be charged for kidnapping innocent children. Understood?!"

"Yes; officer....." Gregory said sounding very solid. Derek was a little surprised at the tone; but was all right with the response. Gregory was surprised at the number of convications that were now being overturned because they were either false or were as a result of Konvent's plan with the Air Pirates. Gregory felt sadden that it has now come to this.

"Now that we have striaghten this out.." Derek said as Glenn quickly enters the room breathing very heavily and was not bringing any food with him; "..Ahh; Glenn you have finally decided that you do not want to turn into a blimp anymore?"

"Aye; that was very funny.." Glenn chuckled ; "..actually I have gotten a report from Arnold Zwicker of an assult againest a police officer..."

"Oh come on Glenn.." Derek said as Gregory approches Glenn; "..that goes to the regular squad...I understand that these issues are important but..."

"May I see that please?" Gregory asked as Glenn hands him the piece of paper that was in his left hand.

"Why certainly mate.." Glenn said as Gregory reads the piece of paper; "..that's why I came to see you." The writing was very offensive; however, the handwriting was clear as crystal. It was Craig Skywinds' hand-writing. It was the hardest to forge in Gregory's own mind so he knew that it had to be his writing. Gregory's teeth clenched in bitterness over the letter.

"This _is_ my brother's handwriting!" Gregory hissed bitterly and turns to Glenn for answers; " Who gave you this letter?"

"I don't know." Glenn said a panicky mood; " The furry is downstairs in the holding cell and he did assult a police officer."

"With what?" Gregory asked harshly.

"Actually;" Glenn said recalling seeing the police officer getting punch and spit on; " only his fist sir."

"Tell him that I want to meet him in ten minutes." Gregory ordered like a general; " I believe that I've got a lead."

"I'll inform him sir." Glenn said as his exited the office quickly. He didn't want any part of Gregory Skywinds. Derek approches him to tell him to calm down. Although clearly; Gregory didn't break the law, however the ethics he showed was not very good and in turn could lead to law-breaking. Derek could see Gregory's expression: there was a lot about Craig Skywinds that could be important and Gregory was scared enough not to tell them.

"I don't understand you.." Derek said approching Gregory Skywinds as if he was hiding something ; " do you know?" Gregory was flash hot with anger and bitterness; as the letter contained vulgar statements againest him.

"He wants to kill me! He disowned me as a brother.." Gregory protested bitterly as the letter's word were like poison that Gregory was clearly trying to get rid of; "..and gave me the accursed weapon of light Masamune. If I refuse; the accursed weapon of dark Murasame will kill a child." Derek was stunned for just a moment. ~ Gregory actually has a sword? His brother has a sword too? I'm no expert; but those weapons Gregory mentioned are sacred!! Baloo and Kit never told me this!~ Derek thought.

"You don't know where he is?!" Derek explained thinking that Gregory wasn't thinking straight with all that mystical talk. However; Gregory seemed pretty calm.

"That's where the informer comes in." Gregory said pointing at the paper that Glenn gave him. He may have assulted a police officer; but this paper proves that he did it for a reason and that reason was not as revenge at the police but was to bring Gregory out of hiding. Gregory realized that he must do this sooner or later and many will suffer otherwise.

"He's just an assulter;" Derek explained thinking that getting information out of him was a waste of time; ".... do you honestly think that you can trust him?"

"If we don't trust him; then _our_ names will never be cleared.." Gregory protested; ".. Policeman will never be taken seriously and chaos will follow. Come on Derek! We have a lead to flush out!" With that Gregory crumples the paper in his hand and walks out of the office quickly as Derek looks at his hands in the pain of stunness. Gregory was acting like a police officer who wanted justice so badly and he was doing it by the book as well.

"Of all the things I have seen;" Derek said as he looked up at the ceiling looked defeated and realizing the importance of Skywinds idealism was starting to flourish in bright light; "... it is ironic that this furry who has had a wind that was cold as ice that through him. I never thought that I would have to look at myself and see my organzation for what it has become now. The arrest of Craig Skywinds and how it goes will determine where the lawful forces will be seen as the leaders of justice and peace." Derek exits the office behind Gregory and now it was time to believe in him for the sake of the police's own future.... Craig Skywinds plan was shaping up....


The holding cell area was in the basement of the Cape Suzette Police Center and it contained 45 cells each 8 X 10 X 10 feet in volume with brick backwalls and iron bars in the front and the sides of each cell. Each cell also had a toliet, sink and sitting benches made of oak wood. There were three furry officers staring at the prisoner who was in cell number 16. The prisoner was a tall white snake wearing a dirty white shirt, tan pants and black boots. He was according to sources; a former resident of Saint Peterdora and was pretty young as well. He was considered an informant of Thaddus E. Klang who wore those red robes during the assult on Grafhia; however, he escaped with Klang underground. He must have returned under Craig Skywinds' orders now that Klang has hired him. His name according to intellgence reports is Sheldon Frye. The first two middle-age officers were Officer William Telephone, a white rabbit and Officer Steven Stovetop; a brown camel each wearing a blue police uniform and a black police hat since they are considered rank-in-file employees of the police department. The third was Brigadeer Jimmy Mircowave; a big black beaver who wore a brown police uniform and a black police heat. He was not a seinor officer; however, he was a point guard for the police's lockup unit. He was younger than the other rank-in-file officers in the area however. Despite that it was still clear that their denial that the police force beared any responability for the corruption that took place during the time Konvent was in power at the Windia Police Force was clearly showing in their handling and somewhat passive agression againest Sheldon.

"Yeah;" Jimmy asked bitterly as he stared at the dirty little young lad in jail; " Why is he in holdup right now?"

"I know why.." Steven said as he points the accusing finger at Sheldon; "..he doesn't want us to beat him up."

"Yeah;" William said as Sheldon still continued to look down at his feet and say nothing; ".... this dirty flithy furry thinks he's smart not to open his mouth."

"Come on mates!" Jimmy protesting that he was clearly not going to pick a fight with them; " At least he's behaving."

"I won't say anymore other than I refuse to answer questions unless I see Gregory Masamune." Sheldon said calmly as William and Steven's blood pressure was rising. That were disbelievers in the charges that were laid againest the police in Windia and they wanted

"Who do you think you are mate?!" Steven shouted spitting into the jail cells and missing Sheldon by about a half a foot; " You will answer to us at once!"

"Yeah; nobody's going to defy us;" William proclaimed in a biblical tone that sounded like blastomphy; "....the swords of God's justice."

"Hold it you two.." Jimmy said as he looks at Sheldon and puts his arms out as a motion to say fall back and leave him alone; "..The last thing we need is a Windia Police Force like _that_ around here."

"Easy for you to say..." William protested towards his boss causing Jimmy to consider if that was turely insubordation. Sadly; firing William on the spot was useless as Sheldon was turely acting like he was above the law and causing more stress towards a police force already in trouble.

"Yeah; for we _are_ the swords of God." Steven proclaimed unaware that Gregory Skywinds, Derek Thursday and Glenn Malarcky had entered downstairs and Gregory looked pretty upset with the use of the word God. It was offensive to him to use the word that way.

"What you say is very apalling.." Gregory said as he approches the officer William who was coming to him like he wanted to pick a fight with the root of the problem; " is taking the good name in vain..."

"How dare you?!" William hissed into Gregory's face; " You talk as if you are a _real_ police officer."

"Until his brother is found;" Derek proclaimed in words stronger than the biblical tones of the church in order to bang the message home into those who are in denial; "... he is a member of _our_ police force."

"Unbelievable!" Steven protested in a loud voice and was angry to say the least at Gregory's presence as he wanted to slap the cuffs on him or even worse assult him; " Here we are; allowing this _kidnapper_ to be above the law just to find a murderer....What about our buddies?!"

"Our _buddies_ were the ones that caused this monster to exist and caused.." Derek said before realizing that he mentioned monster in the same breath as Gregory Skywinds causing Gregory to look at Derek and Derek was looking squarely into Gregory's cold eyes and thinking of a way to say I'm sorry; "..I'm sorry Gregory; I didn't mean to imply...."

"I'm okay.." Gregory said as he closed his eyes and smiled weakly at the comment as if it was a complient rather than an insult;"..I know that _they_ are behind this treason...."

"I understand.." Jimmy said now knowing that they would have to deal with the fact that they were going to have to work with this guy and Jimmy seemly didn't have a big problem with that despite his strong beliefs of law and order that would make him like Steven and William; "..What do you want us to do?"

"Watch _my_ back.." Gregory asked calmly and with precision; "...while I talk to this person."

"Who are you to give orders?!" William protested feeling that he was turely above Gregory and not below it.

"I am giving the orders in here..." Jimmy shouted at his men bitterly and he decided to sign with Gregory Skywinds on this one since there was no easy way out of this one and he was indeed needed to clear the name of police officers everywhere; "...and my order are to obey the commands of Gregory Skywinds."

"Yes Brigadeer!" both cadets said as they salute Jimmy and William opens the cell door making sure that Sheldon doesn't even try to pull of a quick escape; " You better hope that you know what you are doing sir!" However; even though the cell door was opened wide; Sheldon made not attempt to escape. Gregory realized that he wasn't going to leave until at least he brings the information to him. That seemed to be his purpose from Craig and Klang.

"Be careful sir.." Jimmy warned as a way to give Gregory caution and not recklessly go in there unprepared; "..this person just assulted a police officer...He could be dangerous."

"Was he armed?" Gregory asked as he walked into cell number sixteen very carefully; enough not to cause panic and prehaps create a violent confortation with the prisoner or the police officer who were as tense as ever and ready to strike againest orders to protect the degraded police force that they think that they knew.

"No sir!" Jimmy responded with a tense tone in his voice feeling the pressure of a non-police member handling this situation; " However; he _did_...."

"That'll be my first question to you..." Gregory said as he sat down next to Sheldon and looks sharply at him although Sheldon clearly wasn't looking back at him

"I'm only going to tell what I know.. " Sheldon said refusing to look up at his questionning furry who was the one who was supposed to be giving information to him; "..nothing else!"

"Hey!" Steven protested and almost spit into Sheldon's face and hit Gregory's back which Gregory didn't notice because he was clearly ignoring Steven; " You will answer his question buddy!"

"Tell me.." Gregory asked knowing that Sheldon is going to share information and wants to elimante the harshness of the tense scene inside the jailcell; "..what do you know?!"

"Are you sure about this?" Jimmy asked wondering if this line of question was such a good idea.

"Your collegue's harassment is what's not helping this situation." Gregory snapped back causing Williams to seeth jealous thought once again through his head. He was fed up with this vigilante style of questionning and using a civil member who has no experience in police training was even more of an embrassment.

"Because Sheldon is acting above the law..." Williams protested again and that was clearly enough for Derek to handle.

"And we wouldn't be in this situation if the Windia Police Force used proper proceduce and didn't go above the law." Derek shouted bitterly at the two igorant officers who were supposed to uphold the laws and moral of the social fabric and yet have failed to do so; " Let Gregory do the job he's supposed to do."

"Thank you.." Gregory said feeling greatful that there were finally some authorities who actually turely respect the law and don't create justice on a whim; he then turned his attention to Sheldon; "..Sheldon?" Despite the setting; Sheldon had orders from Craig and he wasn't about to go againest them. He looks up at Gregory and begins to speak calmly.

"Listen to me very carefully because I will not be repeating myself ever again; particually with the company that you are keeping right now.." Sheldon explained without any second thought and it was done rather quickly; "..The message comes from my master Craig Murasame and he is displeased with your relationship with the corrupt police force..."

"Why you....?!"

"Keep that mouth shut!" Gregory shouted bitterly at Steven so that he could hear the statement which could lead to his brother; " What is my brother planning?" was his question and that started to iratate Sheldon as it related to Craig's relationship which was servered years ago.

"You clearly forgotten the fact that he has disowned you...never mind..." Sheldon continued as he shrugged his shoulders over the reasoning behind Craig's disowning of his own brother; which showed his lack of experience with Craig's personal problems; "..He has issued a kidnapping againest a young child of a certain age....find out who he is and you'll find Murasame!"

"Child?!" William protested wondering why more children were about to suffer because What kind of infidel is this?!"

"The only thing I have left to say is this:" Sheldon decided to end his instructions from Craig with a wimper; " The sands of the hourglass will reveal the well-off kid's fate. That is all..." As he finished that statement; Sheldon slumps to the floor and quickly falls asleep as if he was poisoned by that orange gas that Gregory used to make Kit and his friends go to sleep almost a month ago.

"Hey wake up you infidel.." Steven protested loudly as Sheldon made no attempt to wake up or even stand up; "..we still have some questions for you!"

"Sheldon?!.." Gregory responed by shaking Sheldon and was getting no response; "...He's not responding.." Gregory decided that it was useless to talk to him now and it was time to leave the cell and research the lack of information that Sheldon gave; he could always interogate Sheldon later if he wasn't pleased with what he had; "..Jimmy? Tell your force to keep the subject guarded at all times."

"That shall be done!" Jimmy commanded forcefully; " William? Steven? Close the cell door at once!"

"As you command Brigadeer!" Steven and Williams said saluting their officer as Williams proceeds to close the door. All were surprised that Sheldon made no attempt to escape as if he was going to be freed anyway. Gregory of course knew better than that.

"Sir? The criminal has not responded to your questions." Jimmy said expressing disappointment to Gregory; " There was just a bad pile of riddles in that speech." Gregory on the other hand was actually feeling quite relived that Sheldon gave him anything at all. He was surprised that he didn't just give out the confession; however, Gregory was patient enough to figure it out for himself.

"Those riddles are the best thing we have right now.....Jimmy?" Gregory asked as he points to Sheldon and proclaims in a tough-guy voice; " Book _him_ for assulting a police officer...." Sheldon wakes up instantly as he was faking being asleep; stands up quickly and was angry to the bone. He thought that he would get away with his actions and yet he was stopped in his tracks by Gregory. Gregory knew better and that he knew that Sheldon was an informat of Klang and was wanted on outstanding charges as well.

"You're insane!" Sheldon protested as he lashed onto the cell bars and screams at Gregory; " The police put you in jail for threatening them to sue them for wrongful death and they treated _you_ like a criminal...."

"I was treated _like that_ because you're _friend_ Craig Murasame destoryed the police station in Windia.." Gregory protested bitterly into Sheldon kisser which was a complete 180 degree turn from his calm voice which surprised Sheldon even more; "..He turned he into a criminal."

"What have the police done to you son?!" Sheldon asked harshly; figuring that Gregory was brainwashed as Gregory exited upstairs and he knew how to respond to that question. The one he should haven given a long time ago.

"Turned me into a better person for starters...." Gregory said as he was plain out of sight and out of mind. Sheldon was gritting his teeth in bitterness at the fact that Gregory wasn't going to take this game anymore. Derek Thursday exited upstairs behind him along with Glenn. Gregory's progress was showing signs of recovery and remorse......


The two furries of Gregory Skywinds and Derek Thursday returned to Thursday's own office and looked fairly disapointed with the results of the informer. However; Gregory was showing less of it than Derek as he returns to his desk and sit down onto his chair looking at his office papers once again and notices that Gregory is not sitting down.

"Boy; " Derek said proclaiming some tribute to the strong statement that Gregory made to Sheldon; "....your statement was very powerful!"

"I mean those lines too!" Gregory responded sounding just as strong as he was to Sheldon. Derek nodded his head and was seeing the progression of Gregory leaning towards law and order was in the law's favor now. However; there was still a long road ahead and very little information to go on; if you call Sheldon's riddles information.

"I pray do tell..." Derek said as he goes back into his papers; ".the last thing I need is for you to commit such a backstab."

"I see.." Gregory said as he looks up into the vanilla ceiling constantly allowing the riddle to pound into his head and trying to forecall a solution to the puzzle; "..I'm trying to put together this complex puzzle since didn't mention his kidnapper's name."

"What do you expect?" Derek asked in a protestive mood; " He's not going to put any information that would compromise his bosses' safety.."

"Craig has no experience in the actions of a terrorist..." Gregory said in a defensive stance before sounding like he should have retracted that statement. After all; bombing the Windia Police Force Jailhouse was considered an act of terrorism. Derek stood up and approches Gregory as he looks at him with scared looking eyes.

"Gregory;" Derek said shaking his head feeling sorry for Gregory's igorance; " you should heed my advice: Never underestimate the power of a furry being."

"Wait a minute!" Gregory said as he remembered something about the physical attribute of the phrase well-off; rich is a slang term; " Well-off is another term for rich right?!" Gregory should have guessed that.... Political correctness has reared its ugly head again.

"I guess so.." Derek said shrugging his shoulders thinking it wasn't the big deal that he was making it; "..why?"

"Well;" Gregory explained looking at Derek with smart-looking eyes; "....if we can find out who would be rich...."

"Hold it!" Derek explained as he walks towards the magazine rack on his right and picks up a newspaper and returns to his desk to hand the newspaper to Gregory Skywinds; " I have something that might help you."

Gregory picks up page one of the Cape Suzette Post and begins reading the headline and the body that follows it and it seemed that Gregory was starting to get hit by hints that were present in the paper;" 'Kid Foils Kidnapping Plot' 'Kit Cloudkicker, Frank WildCat, Baloo Waladaze and kidnap victim Oscar Vandersnoot managed to foil a one million dollar plot created by the Air Pirates to kidnap Ted Vandersnoot's son Oscar.....' So; this kid could be a target..Now what about the sand...?" It made perfect sense. Kit and Oscar are considered best friends and he is rich. This puzzled Gregory a little bit since in money terms; Oscar Vandersnoot doesn't seem to need any help. However; Gregory saw that Kit was not a normal kid in the sense. Despite his street smarts would normally shun the rich for being snobs. Kit must have seen that Oscar was a misunderstood kid who wanted to be just a child until at least sixteen. Kit's insight must be the reason for the friendship and it would make an easy target.

"I know Oscar Vandersnoot attends the same school as my son Will.." Derek explained as this was the law and Ted was too much of a cheapskate to bother with private schools; "..and both are currently on a school trip to Grafhia; a desert city in north Africain...."

"I know Ernie is in that group because I'm now living with Sara...." Gregory explained as his social life was sounding quite different from the days of hiding from a law that was considered too blind.

"You are living with Sara?!" Derek asked looking quite surprised as that was one of the parents who dropped the charges of kidnapping and torture againest Gregory Skywinds; " How did she managed to accept you?"

"It didn't take very much.." Gregory said as he was pondering the answer and was finally able to get it before he could elaborate any further; "..Anyway; you said that Oscar is supposed to be on a class trip in Grafhia. That was proably what Sheldon meant by the sands of the hourglass.." Gregory then realized that if Oscar was already apporching Grafhia then Craig would be waiting for him and who knows what he has planned for him; ".. I need to go to Grafhia at once."

"I'm afraid that only the grand officer Arnold can authorize such an escort...." Derek explained shaking his head. Gregory looked very bitter at Derek as if he refused to call this grand officer.... He didn't care who was in charge; there was grave consequences in store if nothing is done at this time.

"Can you ask him to? Derek? Will might be pushed into this too.." Gregory explained as Derek's eyes open to realize that Gregory wasn't kidding around and that his only son would be an unintentional target as well; ".. Ernie and Kit as well.... They must not be involved in adult affairs again...."

"I make no promises.." Derek admits as he picks up the phone and dials the number to Arnold, the connection is made without as much as one ring;"..Hello?"

"So the wild goose chase begins...." Gregory said quietly as he awaits the grand officer and knows that he needs the skills of a diplomat and a debater in order to gain the right to follow this lead...... However; plans for Gregory's arrival from the bad side were being planned full circle as well.......


The plans and the frustration of Craig Skywinds was starting to mount as Craig is currently sitting in his desk and he was looking more and more frustrated. Sheldon Frye has yet to come back and Sheldon promised to pay Craig full for the resources needed to capture Oscar Vandersnoot in exchange for being an officer to the cause.

"Why hasn't Sheldon come back yet?!" Craig yelled out as Klang NEO re-enters the room holding his ears as Craig was screaming like a harpy on drugs. Klang NEO approches him harshly.

"You don't get it do you.." Klang NEO hissed into Craig's ear; "..Sheldon was arrested....Look at this article." Klang NEO takes page three of a newspaper article and slithers towards Craig and hands him the newspaper

"WHAT?!" Craig screamed causing Klang NEO to shudder from the loud noise as Craig takes the newspaper harshly from Klang and reads the headline out loud; " 'Informer of the killer Murasame was caught after assulting a police officer.' See?!" he proceeds to throw down the newspaper with authority and was hissing at Klang; " Once again the police officers act beyond the acts that God intended them to do such as commit slanderous libel."

"What did you tell Sheldon to do?" Klang NEO asked wondering what this unstable furry was telling him to do.

"I only told him to insult a police officer and demand to take him to see my disowned brother..." Craig explained with a panicky voice wondering if Sheldon revealed his hand much too soon because he was tortured by the police. He was hissing venom as Klang NEO realized that he shouldn't have done that. These troubled times have put the police on edge and the laws have been tighted because of the potential violence and verbal violence was trouble when said at a police officer.

"Sir; Insulting a police officer can be grounds for assult?!" Klang NEO said as he hung his head in shame for allowing Craig to come up with this stupid ideal; " Read the laws carefully! Konvent used that as an excuse to put your brother....."

"DON'T YA DARE MENTION THOSE TWO WICKED NAMES AGAIN!...." Craig screamed from the top of his lungs as a brown cow with as white tail wearing brown leather pants and a black leather shirt entered the room. He looked very native to the area of Grafhia and he didn't look like a bad guy at all. He was big and tall at the same time and appeared to be working as a travel agent for the Grafhia tourism industry.

"I'm sorry;" the voice beckon as Craig turns around and sees the cow; " I bothering you?"

"Ah; Senail Carryaway. You're an hour early.." Craig said much more calmly as he approches Senail with a much more calm voice than he was demostrating againest Klang NEO; "..That was good timing indeed."

"I am ready for stage one of your plan; my master." Senail explained as he knelt down before his master and commander; " I shalt obey you every command."

"Excellent!" Craig explained as he showed that he was impressed with Senail handling of him which caused Klang NEO to be jealous in a hurry; "Your mission is to kidnap _this_ child!" Craig Murasame proceeds to hand Senail the picture of Oscar Vandersnoot that was cut out of the newspaper. Senail smiles giddy along with Craig as a sign that this plan was about to work.

"It shall be a pleasure to aduct this greedy kid...." Senail said as he knelt down once again to salute to his commander.

"One more thing to remember.." Craig screamed bitterly in Senail's face in order to get the message across; "..DON'T GET CAUGHT LIKE SHELDON DID!"

"Don't worry my lord;" Senail said as he gulped at the tone of voice that Craig was using and it was brutal to say the least; " I work as a travel agent so my cover cannot be blown."

"Goood." Craig said calmly once again as his inconstantness was showing full circle and Senail was starting to stand up slowly as Craig continued to express further instructions; ".... now remember the plan: black out the light; go underside the airport hotel and meet us within three hours. Got it?"

"As you command my lord!" Senail said as he salutes him and starts to turn around. Craig pumps his fist into the air as Senail startes to exit the room.

"Do not fail me!" Craig shouted out as Senail finally exits the room and goes out of sight and out of mind for Craig as he now concerates on Klang NEO; " Now Thaddus Victor.,..." So; Thaddus' real last name is Victor. If that is ture then Cassium Victor is turely Thaddus' father and that he did live in Freelanda. Considering that Cassium Victor's secret past has contained nothing but criminal acts and terrorist acts; it is no wonder that Thaddus has fallen prey to crime. However; the pain was too much to bear for Thaddus as the name Victor was ringing pain into his thoughts. It was real poison to him.

"It's Klang NEO!" Klang NEO shouted as the words of poison affect him in ways that was hurting him. However; Craig Skywinds gave no remorse nor did he even give a care about Klang's feelings. He was slowly turning from the red hot-tempered master into the cold-hearted master that Gregory Skywinds; his own brother used to be before he was redeemed legally by the courts.

"Whatever...I have a job for you.." Craig said as he shrugs off Klang NEO; "..You get the job of distracting the loose end."

"You want me to...." Klang NEO said as he shuddered at the device that Klang NEO himself created. It was ugly and he knew that this vulgar animal that Klang NEO trained would be perfect to get the revenge on his borther.

"UNLEASH THE METAL WORM!!" Craig screamed bitterly. Klang NEO knew this: Gregory Skywinds has absolutely no idea what he has gotten himself into....Craig was ready for the first stage of operation revenge on his _disowned_ brother.....


Gregory was thinking about his brother as well; only he still didn't believe that he deserved to be disowned. It was on an undisclosed location at an air base outside of Windia. The area is 1.5 km wide by 1.2 km wide with five airstrips and on those airstrips were three airplane fighter airplanes already on the ground. Behind the airstrips was a large zinc/steel hanger-like building while Commander Patton; the leader of the Usland Air Force. The entire area was encased in a brick/steel gate about ten feet thick and the only opening by foot was closed off by a 300 metre gate made of ten foot steel and iron combined with barbed wire on top. The gate was controlled by special rope pulleys. Outside of the gate was a wooden toll booth painted vanilla with a lever gate painted orange and red with the words _STOP!! Authorized Personnel Only!_ painted in large black letters on the front. Sitting next to the toll booth was Private Max Tobain; a bluejay with crested white hair who lives in Windia. He was wearing a green solider uniform with green pants, a brown beret and black boots. He was only about five and a half feet tall and was considered a ladies man. He looked kind of bored until a small yellow beetle taxi car approching the front of the base and Max instantly stands up. The taxi comes to a stop just before the toll booth gate barrier and the opens of the taxi open. Jimmy, Steven and Williams each get out of the car instantly and walk towards Private Max. Max was smirking quite a bit; laughing at the sight that the democratic rule would need the airforce to step in and restore order. Gregory Skywinds however; was in the back seat and looking down at his feet feeling quite defeated. It's been a hard six hours for him and for his sake; it had better be worth it.

"Stay here sir!" Jimmy said as he looked at Gregory who Gregory didn't see him; " We'll give you the proper clearance...."

"Yes sir!" Gregory said quietly as he looked at his feet.

"He looks depressed..." Steven said looking concerned at Gregory. He went through the fire pit and won; despite the fact that he clearly wasn't the same person that he used to be. It took two hours just to convince the commander that this was such a good idea and about two more hours just to get here.

"Awfully depressed Brigadeer!" William said smirking as he looked at the depressed Gregory. Gregory simply couldn't defend himself againest Williams this time as he looks at his feet. ~ I'm depressed all right!~ Gregory thought nodding his head in approvement ~ It took nearly two hours to convince Arnold to follow this lead.~ It was tough to swallow and it was a death wish to say the least. However; Gregory knew that it was going to be worth it. It better be worth it in his own mind because he didn't want to debate againest Arnold Zwicker again.....


The scene shifted to Arnold Zwicker's office; the largest office in the Cape Suzette Police Force. That room was one room Gregory hoped that he would never have to see again. It is 14 feet by 16 feet by 11 feet in size; the desk was near the backwall which was mostly made of glass. The left side of the office contained six five foot wooden cabients. The right side of the office (read: the walls were made of drywall panels) contains a mini-room which was a washroom for the commander to washup. The room is painted a dull vanilla. A simple color for Commander Arnold Zwicker, a 40 year old male, brown chipmunk who wore a blue police uniform, a black hat, blue pants and black boots. He looked like a normal police officer in the force. He was tall and lived in Cape Suzette all of his life. He was sitting in his desk; debating long and hard with Gregory Skywinds standing up and countering all of his charges with assertiveness and grace. It was a powerful struggle; both giving out excellent points (Read: Gregory's attempt to stop serial murder vs. Arnold's lack of resources and having a problem calling the army to assist a force that was distrusted by a lot of the furry race.) Finally; Arnold decided it was time for Gregory to prove his point and he breathes heavily.

"Very well! I'll give one chance to prove your lead.." Arnold said grumbling and feeling a little defeated but still strong enough to know that he wasn't about to let Gregory off that easily; "...but only one chance because if you're wrong; you would have violated your term....Do you understand me?"

"Yes Commander sir!" Gregory said saluting Commander Arnold without question.

"Thank you....Hello Commander Patton!" Arnold said as he picks up the telephone and dials before still seeing that Gregory is still in the office; "Get out my office before I lay charges on you! Sorry about that Commander!" Gregory hears his fearful words and threats of charges and quickly leaves the office like the wind as Arnold continues to talk to Commander Patton.**

The scene returns to that place where Gregory was thinking long and hard. ~I shall not fail.~ Gregory thought knowing that he was taking a giant risk here. If he was wrong on his own lead then he would have to answer to charges that he simply couldn't defend himself againest. Sure the murder charges and most of the charges caused because of the Windia Police Force were dismissed without question; the kidnapping and torture charges were only stayed because the parents asked for them. If Gregory fails; the police reserved the right to charge Gregory under those stayed charges. It was time to make those leads stick....

"Halt!" Max shouted strongly holding his hand to stop the three furries outside the taxi; " State your business here!"

"We are here to see Commander Patton at once!" Jimmy exclaimed as he hands the guard some cash and a secret document proably outlining the business that Gregory Skywinds was supposed to be doing around these parts. Max looked at the document and he was laughing. Jimmy, Steven and William were laughing as well; as they all see this whole idea as a very bad joke.

"What will the swords of God think of next?" Max chuckled strongly; " They're chasing fruitless leads!!" Gregory Skywinds clearly didn't see this as being a laughing matter at all and he exits the taxi and looks at Max was a cross look. Max doesn't see him at all as he was looking directly at Jimmy.

"This is one guy who suggested that we follow this lead." Jimmy said as he points at Gregory Skywinds. Max looks at him directly and sees that the person in question was a civilan. This in the eyes of Max was clearly the one that Commander Patton was ordered to let into the base.

"Why didn't you say so....Commander Patton was very surprised at the type of lead that a civilan would process to the army or maybe it was because someone except his aide wa coming up with this kind of lead.." Max said as he looked at Gregory Skywinds and Gregory keeps his eyes on Max; "..But; enough said... You must be the one who spewed this unusal order... Come this way.." Max lends Gregory his presence and both proceed to enter inside the base as the gate opens. Gregory takes a deep breath and enters beyond the gate and as he was finally inside the base fully; the gate quickly close unseen to Gregory's own two eyes. Jimmy, Steven and Williams both return to the taxi smirking at each other as William re-enters the taxi laughing violently at the sight of Gregory. They finally got rid of him and that he would cause no more trouble. Although they would still have to face the public which was growing more and more distrust among the forces that were supposed to protect them.

"Good luck..." William said as the gate closes on Gregory and Private Max hiding them inside the airbase.

"He'll need it..." Steven said smirking with a wicked smile as he re-enters the taxi; "..Commander Patton's going to _crave _him_ _up_!"

"Yeah; at least he's off our hands now...." Jimmy said as he re-enters the taxi and the yellow car begins to back up. Meanwhile back inside the base Gregory Skywinds is following Private Max towards the hanger-like building. As they approch the building; two furries approch the small group. One of those cadets was a male green parrot wearing the same army uniform, green pants and black boots that Private Max Tobian was wearing. He was known as Private Jerlad Sufferdash; a cadet who joined the army five years ago in Windsolaz. He like Max is a second-rank pilot and was a ladies-type man as well. Although he had nothing on the third cadet in question; she was a white swan who wore a strange outfit: a purple suit of armor, purple pants, a purple beret and purple boots. Nothing that was according to standards and practices for the army. However; she was here on special training and was considered an ace pilot. She also has a mysterious side as she had no age, no residence and was taller than most of the soliders here. She was known as Special Private Valk Bato-Mayden. Although she claims to have no relationship with the death goddess; for some strange reason; the fact that she points to biblical and mythological references is proof that she was someone special. However; she was clearly good at hiding it; as she looked at the group coldly and seemly without a care in the world.

"I didn't know women were allowed to enter the military forces..." Gregory commented as they approched her and Jerlad.

"Actually; there are no laws againest that.." Max explained smiling at the prospect of the opposite gender joining forces with the male counterparts; "..many women before have decided againest enlistment because they are againest violents acts that war would cause....However; _this_ cadet is certainly changing the landscape..." Max points at her causing Private Valk to be irrated. She still believed that it wasn't polite to point so to speak.

"Who is she?" Gregory asked wondering what she was doing in a place like this.

"She only calls herself Valk sir.." Jerlad said as he points his finger at Pirvate Valk which in turn causes Valk to be very annoyed now and her face was tight right now; "..but my name is Jerlad Sufferdash..We will be your escort to Grafhia under orders from Commander Patton....."

"It's a cause for your untimely death if you dare point at me again!" Valk responded in a serious and cold tone that made both Max and Jerlad bug out in complete fear. Private Valk has been known to make even commanders fear her own wit. Gregory looked stunned; but wasn't scared of her and he was a solider of a different kind. A hunter of sorts.....

"Ummmm! Jerlad?" Max said trembling at the words of a private solider; " Do you want me to go to Commander Patton and inform him that the civilan lead has revealed himself?"

"I'll join you Max!" Jerlad said as both furries entered the hanger-like building; " This Valk is giving me the creeps!" Private Valk was insensed at the comments that were made of her. She hates vulgar acts and that was in her own mind; one of them.

"Such vulgar acts!!" Valk protested bitterly and in a strong preacher type voice that would rumble through your body, mind and soul in a hurry; " They better clean up their act or they shall face certain death!"

"Excuse me.." Gregory said looking puzzled and sounding quite cross; "..your sounding quite biblical...!"

" Oh; I'm sorry.." Private Valk said as she turned around and saw Gregory Skywinds with his arms folding and looking quite cross with her treatment; "..I'm just againest any form of war except for the war of the undead..."

"Undead?!" Gregory asked looking confused Isn't that from Norse mythology?!"

~I'd love to smack him for being a non-believer of the spiritual force.~ she thought bitterly as she couldn't believe that such a free spirit could forget his roots, however; her words were calm and somewhat gentle compared to her thoughts; "You _are_ Gregory Skywinds."

"Yes I am.." Gregory said looking more confused at this woman solider as if she was some type of fortune teller or even worse, a spiritual force personnel; "..but how do you know my name?"

~I'm a sixth level spiritual being and he should know better!~ she thought bitterly as she continued to talk as if she have multiple personalities and this time she sounded like she was feeling the pain of the lost souls, the pain of a soul which was screaming in pain; "Your brother is _in_ pain...."

"You know my brother?" Gregory asked as her expression has made Gregory jumpy. If this is the person who knows the location of his own brother than this the lead that he was looking for and he guessed right on to follow that lead. Arnold is going to thank him for this....

~ Of course I know your brother!~ she thought with those thoughts hissed with venom; "Sometimes I believe that I do.." Private Valk decided to say something different;"..Besides; I could tell by the blue tint in your white fur."

"Oh; I get it now.." Gregory said with a smile; " presence in the social fabric is how you knew me..." Private Valk's face was bright red now and she was ready to explode.

~Wrong! It's because....Oh great! Here comes Jerlad.~ she thought too slowly because before she could have the chance to smack Gregory Skywinds for being such a jerk, it so happens that Jerlad and Max have exited the building and have returned to the group; Valk had been think some thoughts other than her honest one or her cover might be blown; " "Ah.... the soilders are coming back."

"Civilian!" Max states as he salutes Gregory Skywinds; " Commander Patton has realized _your_ presence and has given the order for you to see him at once.." he pauses before giving out a warning to the civilan; "..And he will not take no for an answer."

"Then I request to see him at once as an invitation to his cause." Gregory asked without acting like he was demanding or barking out orders.

"In that case; come this way sir!" Jerlad said extending his hand towards the hanger's thin metal, double doors before noticing that Private Valk was still in the area.; " Oh; Commander Patton wants to see you as well Private Valk!"

"I already known that he has summoned me...." Private Valk said without flinching an inch off her own face. Gregory was amazed since to him there was no such things as mind-readers or even fortune tellers and yet her attitude showed that she was very serious of the matter.

"Do you know ESP?!" Gregory asked as Private Valk was looking at the second floor of the office and notices for an instant Commander Patton's backside of his own face.

"No; I saw Commander Patton looking out the window from the corner of my eye.." Private Valk said as Gregory looks at the large window on the second floor and sees no one. Not even Commander Patton. Gregory figured that Private Valk was joking around (read: good luck saying that to her face) and decided to focus on the task at hand: stopping his own flesh and blood; "..Very well Max; let us go!"

"Lead the way Jerlad!" Gregory said as Private Valk and Private Max re-enter the building without a moment delay.

"Very well sir!" Jerlad said as he re-enters the building with Gregory following their lead. Meanwhile; the inside of Commander Patton's office with in fact the Commander himself; Commander John Patton. He was a built-up beige bulldog who was very big and very tall. He was nearly 50 years old and has lived in Cape Suzette most of his professional life; but still had a tough side to him that made most tremble before him. He wears the most stylish of clothing by military standards as he wore an oversized green uniform with a red sash tied around it; an oversized red beret; and oversized black boots. He was a very strong leader despite the fact that he was looking down at his desk and was wondering if this mission was a good idea. He had support behind him with his aide Charlie Saymore; a black-nosed raccoon who was only half of Patton's size and height and wore a blue trenchcoat, a red bowtie, a white shirt underneath the trenchcoat and a blue hat. He was considered very talkactive and loved tennis as his own son was a tennis legend. He was only four years younger than Commander Patton. The office was huge even though there are only chairs in front of a desk for the most part with an oversized water cooler to the right of the wooden desk. The floors were covered by red carpets and the walls were made of solid aluminum and painted blue. The ceiling was vaulted like a U-shaped piece of steel and zinc metal. The back wall was made of pure glass and it streched from office to office wall and that gave a look out point of the front of the base. Commander Patton begins to stand up.

"Commander Patton?!" Charlie asked as Commander Patton leans onto his desk with his hands in bitterness. Commander Patton normally doesn't normally act this way. He would express confidence in his position and always commanded respect. However; Gregory's arrival was frustrating for Patton because civilans do not have to follow military law and civil law prevent Patton from commanding respect and authority to Gregory. Charlie wasn't impressed either.

"I'm okay;" Commander Patton said looking very bitter as if he wanted to take his frustrations on something; ".... thy aide!"

"Commander?!" Charlie asked as he looked at the locked doors where Gregory could easily knock his way down; " Is it about the civilian that will graze your presence in a few short moments?! I call tell you Commander; I will be by your side to counter this unruly civilian's charges..."

"Don't bother Charlie.." Commander Patton admits knowing that they were going to have to treat him differently ; "..We _are_ dealing with a civilain and _that_ will be a huge challenge ...however; _we are_ dealing with a demigod terrorist here and believe me, we need all the help we can get." Patton realized that this civilan was the only way to hunt down Craig who was in danger to attack again until he was caught and punished to the fullest extent of the law.

"But sir; this _guy_ claims to be this so-called demigod terroist's _brother_." Charlie explained; " Don't you think that calling his brother that could cause an uproar?"

"I'll be ready for him if he as much as mentions that statement...." Commander Patton sneers bitterly.

"Why are you so concerned about him knowning what you said?" Charlie asked as Commander Patton sits back down in his seat.

"It's Private Valk that worries me. This lady gives me the creeps." Commander Patton said as he remembers the reports from her colleuges which in term casued actue fear in the mind of the healthy mind of Patton; " She's an excellent pilot and from our intellgence reports she can wipe out anyone with just a mere gesture...That's not a normal furry being Charlie...."

"Agreed.." Charlie nodded as the doors open and Pirvate Max, Jerlad, Valk and Gregory Skywinds each enter the office; "..Ahh! Here he is!" The door close as the four furries approches the seemly large room towards Commander Patton's desk.

"Excellent!! Private Max?" Commander Patton ordered as he pointed at Jerlad and Max; " Private Jerlad? Go down to the first floor and await further instructions...."

"As you command; sir!" Max and Jerlad both saluted at the same time. They would turn around and exit the office and close the double-door with a light slam. Valk was unimpressed with their attitude. It was unconvincing and unprofessional in her own eyes. Commander Patton stands up once again and approches Gregory Skywinds.

"Welcome to _my_ base my son!" Patton said as he puts his left hand at Gregory and shakes his hand in a resolve that would be unbroken for the time being at least;" Please sit down..." Patton uses his right hand to offer his civilan counterpart a seat.

"Thank you Commander!" Gregory said nodding his head with approval and starts to sit down on the chair. Private Valk looks coldy at Commander Patton and looked unimpressed by the gestures that Patton was giving to him.

"The commander did call your brother a 'demigod' terrorist'. " Valk states bitterly causing Patton to fly onto the defensive; knowing that Private Valk was right. It was like she was a fortune teller and that she can see into the future. It was spooky and it caused a certain amount of fear to Charlie and Commander Patton.

"I.....I...." Patton responded in an almost patheic state. Gregory was very annoyed at Valk's comments; as he felt that this was equal to insubordation. The problem was that she sounded so biblical that she was frightening even the one with the most courage.

"Valk?" Gregory asked sounding very annoyed at her and not angry at Patton for the hurtful comment to his brother; " You already told me about this...."

"She....she....already told you?" Patton asked shaking as he saw Private Valk's glow frightened him to pieces. He was supposed to be a tough commander and a female has scared him to death.

"Of course she did....I understand." Gregory said as he nodded with approval that Commander Patton would be forgiven after all; Gregory's search had only made this situation worse about five years ago; " I just want to stop my brother from causing any more harm." Gregory was starting to sound like Kit.... a realist in every sense of the word. Craig Skywinds was certainly acting like a demigod; pushing his brother around thinking that he will listen to reasons that are irrational.

"You're more loyal to the social fabric than I thought...." Patton said smiling moderately at the group as Valk continues to be unimpressed with the conduct of Commander Patton.

~That's because he doesn't have real choice in this world.~ Valk thought as she knew that Commander Patton was believing that Gregory turely has changed completely by choice than by force; of course Private Valk knew better as she concerated on the task at hand; "We are here to get _our_ orders." Her words did however managed to impress Commander Patton as he returns to his desk and sit down looking at both Gregory and Pirvate Valk.

"Ah yes! I personally glad that some people are willing to listen to my orders...All right... Here are your instructions and remember that I'll be only asking you once for security reasons ....At any rate; here are the instructions." Commander Patton explained with a sound tone in his voice; one of an assertive; " In about ten minutes; Jerlad, max and Valk will accompy the civilian to the planes on the first floor and fly exactly 1.57 degrees south-southwest of this base and you will fly at an altitude between 500-750 feet. If you fly below 500 you'll crash and if you above 750 feet; you'll be under Grafhia's International Airport radar systems..The last thing we need is an international incident...and also don't fly beyond one mile from either side of the original flight plan. You should be able to reach the small airbase about 11 miles south of Grafhia. Valk and Gregory will go to the back of the airforce base and meet with our informat; who will then take you to the Grafhia Police Force by a civilian car. The entire trip should take about seven hours in all.." Patton then pauses and looks at Gregory Skywinds to see if he had anything to response to; prehaps complaints; "..Any questions? "

"Only two.." Gregory counted as he listened to Patton's word with great interest and sparked some confusion; "..How do I know that I have found the informat and why aren't Max and Jerlad joining me with Valk?"

"I can explain that sir.." Charlie responded as he stepped forward to approch the white-blue hued bear; "..Max and Jerlad must return to base because they do not have official citizenship or for the informat; he is a snake furry wearing a trenchcoat...." That revalation sparked into Gregory's head as only one furry could fit that discription off the back. Cassium Victor was alive and apparently well. However; the revalation that he was working for the good guys made this reality very tough to swallow.

~That discription sounds so familiar.~ Gregory thought realizing that he was starting to understand that a lot his changed since the Icicle Island incident involving the last time the Nega Aces dared showed themselves; "I see...." Gregory said letting out a small gulp.

"You'll get further instructions from the Grafhia Police Chief at the time of your meeting. Okay?.." Commander Patton asked and saw that there were no additional questions and it was time to begin the journey to Grahfia; "..Good! Valk; escort Gregory to his plane at once!"

"As you wish my lord.." Private Valk explained coldly as a purple glow was being emmitted from her armor and that surprised Gregory a little bit as if she was an real angel; "..Come; let's go!" Gregory nodded quickly as he and Private Valk turns around and walk out of Patton's office. Private Valk exits first out of the office with Gregory close behind her. The doors close as Charlie looks directly at his commander and see that Patton was scared half to death. Nothing in his training as a senior commander of the Usland Air Force has ever prepared him for the sight of Private Valk.

"That glow.." Charlie said with a fear that could destory anyone's courage quickly; " was coming of her."

"_That scares me_!" Patton said slowly as he was swallowing his pride. Courage and commanding respect was supposed to be Patton's strongest points and yet he was beaten to the punch by this unknown force coming out of Private Valk. If she is glowing like an angel; does it mean she really is from the heavens? Then again; the Boar race's demise at the hands of Fenrir was seemly real to the Gaia race at least.


It had been three hours since takeoff and the three military airplanes were flying in triangle formation and making excellent time. Jerlad and Max's planes were both twin-engine Slyphia Alton SA-21's painted with clamoflague color to cover them from the blue sky. They were also armed with Viper L-2 cannons. The Valk airplane; however was painted purple and white shade at random and was also a twin-engine Slyphia Alton SA-21. The only other difference was that Valk's airplane was double-seated with Gregory sitting in the backseat. Jerlad and Max were very worried about their safety as they should be. Valk's plane was a sore thumb and would be easily spotted. Of course; it was ironic since they were both armed to the teeth with weapon guns. Both interacted with each other with local ham radios installed in their planes.

"Hey PB-12?" Max asked talking over the radio; " Do you think that PB-00 is a flight risk?"

"Yeah PB-17!! Look at the color of _that_ plane..." Jerlad said looking quite scared at the presence of Valk's airplane; "..Normal people can spot it; let alone Air Pirates....That thing is like a sore thumb in the middle of the room."

"PB-12?" Max responded as the interaction continued; " Do you think that PB-00 is listening to us?"

"It makes no difference to me PB-17.." Jerlad said looking even more scared at the sight of Valk's plane which was at the front of the triangle formation; "..I just believe that PB-00 should know better."

"Agreed PB-12..." Max answered bitterly as they both put their microphones down not realizing that Valk had in fact heard the whole thing and she didn't need a radio to read lips.

"Such dirty mouths!.." Valk shouted with a cold and harsh tone; almost like Gregory's emotions only a month ago; "..Their airplanes would be just as well-spotted if not more..."

"Ummm.." Gregory said looking worried at Valk's expressions as if she was indifferent to what the world really is; "..Valk?!"

"Call me PB-00...that's the safest method." Valk explained; " There are a lot of terrorist in _my_ field and if I refer to my original name; our foes might spot us and attack."

"I see....PB-00..?" Gregory asked deciding that this is the perfect time to ask the question that was haunting him ever since they met; " You said that you saw my brother and that he was in pain?"

"Continue to ask the same questions and" Valk responded bitterly and she felt very irrated; "... You'll never have the fortitude to find your answers."

"I see.." Gregory said feeling that Valk was right all along and that see was proably fortune telling anyway; "..what is PB anyway?"

"Private Boardcaster..." Valk said without as much as a second thought; "....pretty striaght forward eh?"

"I guess so PB-00.." Gregory said shrugging his shoulders; " what's my PB ID?"

"You have an SB ID...." Valk responded again without a second thought. To Gregory; this Valk was being very selective of answering Gregory's own questions.

"Special Boardcaster?" Gregory asked.

"Exactly, SB-00." Valk said revealing this ID number. Gregory decided it was best to allow the soliders boss him around a bit. They knew proceduce better than he did and it was the right thing not to get in their way.

"I see...." Gregory said as the thoughts raced into his head; ~Who is this women? Why does she know my brother?~ he thought as it was strange. She was biblical and yet the armor she was wearing was familiar to the valkyries who summoned the dead to be judged upon in the Norse mythology. Her knowledge of her brother made Gregory's fur stand on end a bit; as it might be the death of Craig that this furry was interested in.

~Why does he keep asking that stupid question?~ Valk thought as she read his mind; proving that there was more to her than most people think that she is. "Once we get to Grafhia;" Valk explained destorying the thoughts from her mind; " keep a low profile there...There are people out there who still think you're a monster when you are not."

~If you just tell me where my brother is then this whole situation would have been over a long time ago.~ Gregory thought bittery as he responds to Valk's orders; "Thanks for the warning PB-00..."

~My intentions are mine alone!~ Valk snapped back in her own thought and then quickly destorying them with this message; " "We'll be in there in three hours....Got it?"

"Got it!" Gregory responded without question.

~I'm impressed....he going to be easier than I thought!~ Valk thought smiling for the first time ever. Max picks up his microphone and talks over his radio to his partner.

"PB-12?!" Max talks on the radio to both planes; " We are now over the desert and making perfect time..."

"So far so good...." Jerlad responds as he picks up his microphone. Everything was going smoothly until it was clear that something was afoot on the sands of the Grafhia desert as a sadistic plan was being conjured up by Klang NEO. However; Klang NEO was sulking at the thought that he was supposed to be the leader of this outfit. He was supposed to be ordering the bear; not the other way around. However; Klang NEO realized that Craig was still valuable to him and it would do him no good if Craig were to turn againest him. Still; this setback was actually a small gain as he was able to test out his new found powers and actually prove that he could do things by himself. Maybe this was what Craig had in mind? Maybe not.....

"I cannot believe that I have been reduced to second fiddle by a hot-tempered bear. How deplorable.." Klang Neo said sulking bitterly; "....Luckly for him; I still have _my_ luck weapon left....Awaken MetalWyrm!!" As he ends the statement the sand begins to shudder as a large and long metal rope-like object peeps quickly out of the sand with its jaw flexing meancely. It was called by Klang NEO; the MetalWyrm. It was an awesome creature over 20 feet tall and weighing almost three tonnes. The MetalWyrm is a large sandworm with three feet thick heavy armor and steel. His jaw was five feet across and it's skin is thick. It has no eyes and little tiny hole for ears. It get it's commands via its six feet long attentins.

~I await your command master!~ the MetalWyrm responded via it attentins. Klang NEO was pleased at the MetalWyrm's presence.

"Now dive underground on the road; six miles between the secret base and the airport.." Klang NEO screamed loudly; "..and CRUSH THOSE INFIDELS!!"

~As you command master; I shall obey.~ The MetalWyrm responded in code as the MetalWyrm jumps up into the air and dives back into the sand and slithers down almost like Klang NEO himself about 20 feet under ground in a striaght line. Klang NEO smirks as the plan was clearly under way.

"Step one is complete!" sneered Klang NEO; " Now if only I can get my revenge on you Miss Dodd and that bothersome little brat!" Apparently; Klang has yet to forget that Katie and Kit were responiable for thwarting any hope of the criminal empire that was the largest in the world to flourish. His drug dealing and weapon collecting were over and revenge was his only answer to the alternative which was not an option. Gregory is in big trouble now; as he may have to fight in a battle in which he was trying to avoid.


Still unaware that Klang NEO wants Gregory's head very badly or was only interested in pleasing his new master that he didn't ask for; Gregory marches on the airplanes continue to stay on the path towards the secret airforce base in Grahfia and were just minutes away from actually landing. Private Max and Private Jerlad were on their shortwave radios interacting with each other and giving self-serving updates on location and signs of trouble.

"PB-12?" Max said informing Jerlad that their desination is coming up really fast; " We are now only ten minutes from landing....."

"PB-17, I'm getting a message from headquarters..." Jerlad said as he clicks on his radio and take over on the transmitter; "..CB-00?! This is PB-17 over...."

"PB-17?! PB-12?!" Commander Patton's voice commanded strongly; " You have done your job well? Your orders have been changed...Return to base at once...."

"CB-00?!" Max said as he looked at his fuel gauge and noticed that it was too low to return to base without refueling and Jerlad noticed the same thing on his fuel gauge as well; " PB-17 and PB-12 are very low on fuel...."

"There is a refueling base 18 miles southwest of your current location." Commander Patton barked strongly; " You can use the mid-air refueling station...But I command you to return to base!" Jerlad and Max realized that the location in question would be obtained with the fuel that they had left. Interesting as well; that the airforce got a hold of the same technology that was created by Louie Lamount and Baloo Waladaze for consumer use in that re-fuelling station. It was shut down because it was considered unsafe (Read: although Baloo and Louie intentionally made it unsafe to save their own friendship). It was clear that the airforce was interested in the technology and made good use of it.

"Yes CB-00!" Jerlad salutes without any further questions as Jerlad and Max turn their planes around and loop into the opposite direction flying past Private Valk's plane and she advances to the front. Jerlad and Max both exit in the opposite direction and that event makes Private Valk very angry.

"Where are those flithy beasts?!" Private Valk protested as she looked the other way for a moment. That attempt was ungraceful and quite vulgar in Valk's own eyes and she want to give them a piece of her mind. Of course; she was looking at Gregory and he looked very defensive as he hasn't really done anything to Private Valk.

"Huh?!" Gregory asked looking confused. He shouldn't be confused as Max and Jerlad were supposed to return to base after escorting Private Valk and Gregory to the airforce base in Grafhia. He figured that they would refuel at Grafhia and then return to base. I guess not.

"Not you SB-00!!" Private Valk shouted snapping Gregory's confused state of mind; " They are flying in the opposite direction."

"This is CB-00 calling PB-00 over....!" Commander Patton called on the radio. Private Valk picks up the transmitter without as much as a second thought. Gregory wondered if Max and Jerlad did have to return to base because they turely were over Grafhia.

"Commander Boardcasting?!" Gregory asked wondering if this was part of the system of boardcasting. Commander Patton was impressed by Gregory's understanding of the secret system.

"Looks like your friend is starting to catch on to our system PB-00...!" Commander Patton said smiling behind the microphone.

"He's _not_ my friend CB-00; once I'm done here.." Private Valk talks into the transmitter; "..I'll be returning to you as ordered."

"Loyal to the country; eh?" Commander Patton asked thinking that Private Valk was clear as crystal on her remarks. Private Valk was pretty upset and was furious with Commander Patton skirting the issue of her collegues leaving the area so soon.

"No CB-00.." Private Valk protests strongly and was sounding like a preacher into the transmitter; "..Loyal to reality!! That's what I am!" Gregory heard the powerful words of Private Valk and was wondering where this sort of person would come from; ~No one ever says they're loyal to reality unless they were fundementalists..~ he thought as he was seeing someone who has been brought up in a powerful religious house.

"Actually;" Commander Patton explained as he realizes that skirting the issue was a bad thing with Private Valk's around; " PB-12 and PB-17 have returned to base according to a change in plans."

"I see.." Private Valk said bitterly; "..Thanks for the information CB-00!"

"Don't be bitter about it PB-00;" Commander Patton said as he finishes his message; "... your orders are still unchanged. CB-00; over and out!" The radio transmission was stopped and Private Valk turns around and looks at Gregory funny.

"They are still flithy creatures.." Private Valk said as she looked at Gregory Skywinds and he looked stunned causing Private Valk to shake her head in frustration; "..not you SB-00."

"You're unswaying to your value system." Gregory said quietly as Private Valk continues to look at Gregory funny.

"If I didn't stay unswayed to my value system then I would be a hypocritc.." Private Valk snaps back at Gregory. Gregory saw the words of Private Valk differently; as a message from the heavens or even from the soul. It was a powerful and yet a much needed question ~Would changing my brother's value system be the same as creating another monster?~ he thought as Gregory decides to look down at the ground 600 feet below and notices a large hanger-like building with a airplane strip and a narrow road leading south of it. It must be the secret base of Grafhia since the Grafhia International Airport was clearly bigger than this. Gregory looks at Private Valk and clears his voicebox and Valk notices looking bitter at Gregory.

"Ummm..." Gregory said pointing down at the ground; "... PB-00...I think I've found the base."

"Ahh.." Valk said as she looked down and sees what Gregory is pointing to; it was the.. here is where we should be..." Private Valk turns on her radio and talks into the transmitter; "..TB-01! I've brought the subject SB-00 into final point. Request premission to land on Air Force Base #71567 at once..." There was a moment of silence and it was so scary to Gregory's own mind. Gregory was gripping at the delay and wonders if they have outstanding charges on him that he doesn't know of.

"Premission granted.." TB-01 responded calmly and that causes Gregory to sit back calmly and collected; "..Enter at once..."

"Thank you.." Private Valk responds as she finishes her transmission; "..PB-00 over and out!"

"Let me guess....." Gregory starts to speak before Private Valk starts to look bitter at Gregory and that look stopped Gregory's statement cold. Gregory has learned too much about life in the airforce and even Private Valk wasn't going to defend him. He talks too much.

"If you guess one more time; I'll just dump you right here, right now!..: Private Valk shouts into Gregory's face; "..Don't push my buttons ....." Valk drives the airplane into a spiral poisition and the specialized plane starts to slowly spiral down towards the secret airforce base until the plane slows down to a speed that was perfect enough to fly straight onto the landing strip inside the base. The plane then flys down and lands onto the landing strip perfectly. The plane grinds to a halt as two furry cadets await the airplane. One was a white male cat named Mahamond Igaile while the second furry was a tall male brown camel named Mata Toland. Both were from Grafhia and were private air cadets wearing a full-suit beige uniforms and beige berets. The secret Grafhia airforce base was smaller than the secret airforce base in Cape Suzette in such that there were only two landing strips and the hanger-like building was only half the size of the one Commander Patton had. Gregory felt relived as the two furries seemed quite friendly compared to the Cape Suzette Police Force.

"Welcome Private Valk!" Mahamond salutes the purple airplane and at Gregory Skywinds and Private Valk. The native Grahfian's were very friendly as Gregory saw through their own eyes.

"Hello Cadet Mohamond!" Private Valk salutes him quickly; " Has everything been safe here?"

"It has been Private Valk." Mata said as Gregory and Private Valk have jumped out of the plane quickly.

"Where is our driver?" Private Valk quickly asks the two private cadets.

"At the back of the airplane hanger.." Mahamond said pointing to the hanger-like building; " ordered."

"Good...I'll finally be able to complete my mission and end all this.." Private Valk said with a strong tone; "..Come with me my little lamb..."

"Isn't that another bible-type dialogue statement?" Gregory asked as he looked at Private Valk. Private Valk gives one small glance and then starts to blush with acute embrassment at her own comments.

"Ooooops! I took his name in vain again.." Private Valk said panicky and was kneeling down praying for forgiveness up above; "..I'm sorry...I'm sorry....I'm sorry...." The whole process was making Gregory wonder about this woman's past. This was not a typical religious person. Most people who believe in faith do not act like the end of the world is near and she was looking forward rather than up at God. ~ She is getting stranger and stranger by the moment.~ Gregory thought looking quite embrassed at the moment indeed.

Gregory had enough of this as this was wasting time and adding important time for the kidnappers to strike at Oscar Vandersnoot; "Excuse me...."

"You're right.." Private Valk said instinctly as she looked at Gregory Skywinds and realizes that she still had a mission left to complete; "..Let's go...!" Private Valk stands up and both she and Gregory Skywinds both walk around the hanger towards the back and both Gregory and Private Valk see a snake-like furry wearing a brown trenchcoat and brown pants. Standing behind him is a black container car featuring bucket seats and bullet-proof glass. However; Gregory calmness turn to panic as he notices the snake furry right away. It was none other than Cassium Victor of the late Nega Ace group. Gregory's own fears were more or less confirmed; and this time Cassium Victor was working with the law instead of againest it. How was he able to covince a jury to let him go? Or maybe this was part of his debt to the social fabric. Either way; things were going to get muddy in a hurry as now Gregory couldn't tell who the bad guys really were.

"I know you.." Gregory protests sounding very bitter at the thought of seeing this terrorist and servent to the demigod Kaska Halio once again; "..You're Cassium Victor!"

"You're the son of the friend of the AeroStars." Cassium snapped back as the two were pretty much ready for a rematch of wits or even worse fists. However; Private Valk splits up that fight quickly by getting in between them and softly pushing them back as a sign of defiance and to show just how senseless this duel really was.

"Enough!" Private Valk hissed at both combatants with much of the focus on Cassium Victor; " I'm not going to allow any hostiles presign over past conflicts."

"She's right.." Gregory and Cassium looked at each other and realized that she was right after all; that this was a deal that both men couldn't afford to lose; "..She's really right about this...!"

"I'll never understand men!" Private Valk said as she shook her head in digust over this male bonding that wasn't useful nor quite tasteful. That was understating at its purest form just how bad Cassium and Gregory were faking this faux friendship.

"We'll always surprise thee!" Gregory said smirking in Private Valk's face and that got right under Private Valk's sign in a hurry.

"Oh; forget it!" Private Valk said hanging her head in acute shame; " Let's get in..."

"As you wish...Come on...!" Cassium said as Gregory open the backseat of the bulletproof "Did you search the passenger?"

"Unlike you;" Private Valk sneered; " I respect diginity..."

"She did search me earlier!" Gregory responded as Private Valk goes around the car looking quite irritated and it was shocking to say the least that she was like floating on air; proceeds to open the front passenger side door and hops into the car. Both door were closed and locked for personal safety.

"Don't get fresh with me...." Private Valk said harshly as Cassium starts the car and the car slowly moves forward and makes a left turn as it starts to gain to its proper speed and dirves towards the front gate. Gregory starts to notice that unlike the secret airbase outside Windia; the secret airbase in Grafhia had not even a single guard on standby for any possible attack. Safety was not important here it seemed....

"Why is there no security here?" Gregory asked Cassium who was clearly in no interest in explaining himself of his actions here in Grafhia.

"I've been their unofficial body guards since leaving the Nega Aces." Cassium responded slowly as he wasn't in the mood to interact with a former villian. Gregory was slightly miffed at the thought. Anyone could easily attack the base and since Cassium has left the base; there was nothing that could stop them. Gregory looked very sharp and cross.

"Aren't you worried about this _lack_ of safety?" Gregory asked with a strong ans somewhat angry tone causing Cassium to sweat quite a bit in the fact that he would have to explain his role in this deal with Commander Patton and the Grafhian Air Force.

"Hey buster!" Cassium protested in defense of his style and substance to the Grafhian airforce who consider him to be their asset in defense in this country; " Who does all the training for cadet defensive at the base? Yours turely!" Cassium thumps his chest in power. Gregory was unimpressed as this was the same bolstering that he demostrated when he was a bad guy. Cassium hasn't changed a bit and Grafhia was playing on muddy ground with him.

"I guess that you finally found a job that doesn't involve ruining someone else's life!" Gregory protested bitterly remembering all the suffering that he caused before the Nega Aces split up. Kevin's warsong was turely starting to show the long-term consequences and some were at least better than the ones before the song.

"If you had the sense;" Cassium said calmly and this statement was making Gregory really upset; "... you would have been with us...."

"What's stopping me from putting you in jail where you belong?" Gregory snapped back with a question. In Cassium's mind he had gotten into Gregory's head even quicker than Kaska Halio even did with Gregory AeroStar. Cassium began to giggle quietly; increasing the volume with every passing second.

"That's a good one.." Cassium laughed out loud remembering those memories of Gregory and Kaska and that alone made Gregory even more bitter and his prespective on violence was starting to be rethought; "..You sound exactly like the old AeroStars...I love that!"

"Ignore him Mr. Skywinds.." Private Valk said as Gregory bitterness was starting to decrease; "..There is no point and changing what has already changed.."

"I see your point.." Gregory said smiling at Cassium and sounding like he was mocking him; "..Cassium must be here for some other reason." That statment really made Cassium angry and he was ready to stop the car and pick a fight with a son of a colleague.

"Okay wise guy.." Cassium shouted bitterly having his hand near the hand brake in the front of the bulletproof car; "..I could just stop this car right now and...." Before he could apply the brake; Private Valk grabs Cassium Victor's hand and squeezes it causing Cassium to react in pain as his hand was placed back on the wheel.

"Do nothing!" Private Valk shouted in a strong tone right into Cassium Victor's face and that made both male furries gulp in fear; " If you trying anything; I'll make sure that never see what little freedom you still have left.." Private Valk proceeds to point at Gregory as a way to show that he was not blameless and shouldn't be thinking about breathing a sigh of relief; "..and one more outburst out of you...and you'll be facing...._certain death_!" The second after Gregory gulps the events of this bulletproof car; which was making good time and was progressing beautifully. However; a large _bump_ in the ground was suddenly coming from the west side at greatneck speed. Before anyone had the faintest idea what would hit them; the _bump_ crashed directly into the bullet-proof car. It's speed was so quick and near deadly that it caused the car to be thrown 20 feet into the air and it turned to one side and slammed directly onto the hard sandy path onto the driver's side. Luckly; thanks to seatbelts, the passengers were not hurt. However; it did take some time before they regained their composure and at that moment they flung the passenger side doors open of the bullet-proof car. First coming out of the car was Private Valk as she hopped out of the car quickly and landed on her feet without any wasted motion. An amazing feat which Gregory and Cassium couldn't do as they barely climbed out of the car and landed squarely on their kneecaps on the hot sand and that caused some scraping and acute pain. Private Valk was very angry and was looking at the fallen Cassium bitterly.

"Don't you ever catch me again!!" Private Valk screamed bitterly almost considering the thought of knocking Cassium's lights out like Cassium has done in the past with his bare-knuckle boxing. Cassium's age might have sapped his strength; but he wasn't afraid to show that he could still fight the good fight.

"Oh come on madam.." Cassium protested in his defensive as it was clear that Cassium and Private Valk connected with each other during the attack by that _bump_; "..It's not like _I_ have any dieases..."

"I don't care!!" Private Valk shouted bitterly pretending to rub off something invisiable from her own armor; " I'm the perfect solider and I will not be disrespected like this!"

"I'll never understand you." Cassium responds bitterly in a knee-jerk reaction fashion that sounded quite comical. Not that Valk was laughing because she wasn't interested in bad jokes.

"Good;" Private Valk snaps back; "....then you have exceeded my expectations." The interaction between two complete opposites; a violent man againest a self-rightous woman and it was somewhat amusing to see those two clean out their dirty clothes. However; Private Valk's feat of height was surprising him more than her own tongue now.

~I'll never understand her all right! She was able to leap without a hint of struggle. Most furries cannot do that!~ Gregory thought in awe as Private Valk starts to notice him. She was shaking her head wondering if she had turely failed her mission.

"Sorry my child.." Private Valk said shaking her head in disappointment as she looks at the downed car; "..It looks like we have a few problems here...." Just as Private Valk was finishing her statement that _bump_ was coming back in the opposite direction and it is heading right striaght at the group. As Gregory, Cassium and Private Valk turn around and see the _bump_ which causes them to realize that this was the reason for their car being attacked.

"Look at the size of this _bump_." Gregory said as his jaw was about to drop along with Cassium Victor.

Cassium was almost afraid to speak as his jaw was slacking down quickly; "There must be a million worms in this small _bump_."

"No my brother..." Private Valk said as she pointed her finger forward in typical quick temper; "..._just_ _one_!" That _bump_ manages to get under the bulletproof car and it finally brusted out of the sand which tossed the entire car up into the air so far that the went out of sight in a hurry. As the car goes out of sight; the _bump_ reveals himself as the MetalWyrm. It's teeth were grinning at the group as a retributation of fear and pain that the MetalWyrm was about to inflict. The MetalWyrm was throwing sand all around the hole in which he entered. It was a sight to behold because of its size and weight.

*Thy spirits of the almighty shalt stop my prolonged suffering!* the Metal Wyrm growls as the voice was conducted with sound waves. The sandworm's height and weight was enough to make even Private Valk stare in awe. These sizes of sandworms were new to her

"Look at the size of that _sand worm_!" Gregory shouted staring in awe of the sandworm.

"It seems that the necromancer is at it again..." Private Valk responded which her words caused Cassium to bite his tongue in digust and bitterness. He knew of the necromancer that he was seeking.

"My....son.." Cassium whinced bitterly; "...not.....again!!"

"Your son.." Gregory asked looking at Cassium with a sharp look; "..who is he?"

"It's Thaddeus E. Victor.." Cassium whinced in disgust as he never wanted to say the accursed name of his son; "..he sold his soul to the devil...that little infidel." Cassium not only had a son; but he was proably more evil than Cassium. Gregory's couldn't believe it; to him it was like saying: Who would have known?

"KLANG!!" Gregory screamed as the name shudders into Gregory's body; " He's the guy who tried to destory a city using Tinabula's power of the sound of bells!"

"That's his nercomancers' name!" Private Valk sneers as she approches the MetalWyrm quickly; " He is the defier of souls...!"

"Valk!" Gregory protested believing that this ordeal was gone to be dangerous; " What are you doing?!"

"Come to me my warriors; battle awaits us!" Private Valk chanted as she approched close and closer to the MetalWyrm. Gregory looked confused again as the dreaded forbidden word in his mind was rearing its ugly head again. Battles; the gift that cannot just go away.

"Battle?" Gregory asked out of hindsight as the scene of Private Valk's run at the worm and her chantting made him wonder about the person that Private Valk. That she was a ture physical furry being. ~I've heard about the legend of the spirit who wages battle to destory the forces of darkness, sin and evil. Could I be the one who is chosen to be a sword for the almighty?~ Gregory thought as the thoughts about having to be called

"It's time for my son and dishonor to return from where it came...." Cassium shouted in agreement with Private Valk and in one quick motion; he was advancing forward behind Private Valk causing Gregory to cross his own thoughts of violence and his vow to refrain from it once again.

"Cassium?" Gregory asked helplessly as the scene now has two fighters ready to take down the threat that was in front of them. Still the thoughts prove that Gregory was living in a fantasy world if he believed that his high profile was going to be lowered by his attempt to find his brother. ~I was hoping for when I decided to join in the search for the truth of my brother's whereabouts these thing would not happen...and now _I_ have to fight to progress....againest a gaint worm no less....Never a dull moment indeed.~ Gregory thought shaking his head in bitterness over the competition that was plaguing him and that competition was something Gregory wanted no part of....

"Come on! I'm not going to wait!" Private Valk shouted as Gregory unleashed his sword and started to rush the gaint MetalWyrm. However; the MetalWyrm spots him instantly and with one whip of the worm's tail; the MetalWyrm smack Gregory in the midsection and the impact causes Gregory to fly backwards about ten feet and he would fall flat on his back causing Cassium and Private Valk to look like they were in shock for a split moment.

"What a worm!" Gregory proclaims in stunned slience as he was flat on his back looking at the sun; " He is bent on killing me!"

"That's because he was made by a difier of souls." Private Valk snapped back as Gregory closes his eyes for a moment and seemed slow to get up.

"Try this for historic difeance!" Cassium screamed as he attempted to unleash his powerful punch at the MetalWyrm and it did connect. However; the MetalWyrm's body armor was much stronger than Cassium's bare fist and the impact caused Cassium's bare fist to vibrate violently and then followed up by his entire body. The MetalWyrm then proceeds to to take his tail and whips it towards Cassium's body and connecting solidly causing Cassium to be pushed back a fair distance; narrowing missing Gregory by five feet and Cassium ultimately lands on his back after a few tumbles on the sand. Private Valk was getting very furstrated right now.

"What kind of necromancer's trick is this?" Private Valk asked as she continues to have her sword drawn; however, as she would discovered her ture form was going to be blown in an instant.

"Mine only Battle Maiden Valkyrie!" Klang NEO proclaimed as he enters from nowhere looking at the nearly defeated group. This was not only trouble for the group; but also trouble for Pirvate Valk as the Valkyrie was considered a Spiritual Force member and that her cover as a solider was blown. Luckly for her; Gregory and Cassium were still down and proably didn't hear him speak.

"What?!" Private Valk gasped as she saw Klang NEO in plain sight and that it seemed to her that her own cover was blown since the term valkyrie was used; " KLANG!!"

"That's right!" Klang NEO snapped back with more angry charges; " Don't think for one minute that I don't know who you are!"

"What is going on here?" Gregory asked as he struggles to get back up and wonders if this woman that was supposed to be just a special private far more than even he expected. ~ Why does Valk know this furry? Is there a war beneath the worlds between good and evil?~ he thought as the pieces of this mystical puzzle were starting to shatter even further. Klang NEO notices the struggle and is laughing out loud at the misfortune of his rival.

"Ahh.." Klang NEO laughed up as he saw Gregory back on the vertical ground; "..the protector of the Windia Police Force is here...."

"Police furries are the swords of God." Gregory shouted bitterly at the digusting mage and that made Klang NEO laugh believing in the hypocritcial statement that was present in the speech.

"That is funny..." Klang NEO chuckled violently as he looked at the joke as if it was a sick preacher; ".. If that was ture they would not be needed!"

"You don't understand the complexities of peace.." Private Valk exclaimed bitterly as she draws her sword at Klang NEO; "..Your decision to sell your soul will not be tolerated by the grace of the lord...."

"Don't kill him Valk!" Gregory said holding his hand to stop her as he was the only informat that knows where his brother is at the moment; " He know where my brother is....!" However; before he could tell her; Private Valk looks at him quickly and looks very cross.

"Gregory?! Do not interfere!!" Private Valk said warning the young AeroStar not to trust the words or the actions of the vulgar necromancer; " This furry is a devil worshipper...He will do anything to lie to you...Don't be decived be his mere innocence!"

"Gregory Masamune....The deliver of the sword of light..." Klang NEO said with a smart tone that irrated Private Valk to no end; "..The friend of the child who ruined _my_ life....."

"You fiend! You ruined Kit's life!.." Private Valk snapped back at Klang NEO's own charges; " ..At least he saw right through you...." Before Private Valk had the fainest idea what hit her; the MetalWyrm gets behind Private Valk and with the whip of his its tail smackes Private Valk come behind causing her to eat the sand flat on her face. Gregory was on his knees as he saw a respectable young woman fall to the ground and he started to grit his teeth with anger. The anger was wide spread as he saw a man take full advantage of a lady and treated her like dirt. Angry that once again a side of Kit's past was revealed; Kit Cloudkicker actually knew Thaddus E. Klang after all. The whole anger management wasn't going to solve his unspeakable horror.

"I really hate it when _you_ talk trash..." Klang NEO smirks was a sick smirk that made's Gregory's face flush with white hot anger. The whole time that he was in coldness; his heart was trying to speak to him about the golden honor of the defense of the innocence and the strangers that walk the land. Gregory was starting to show his ture emotions; as pure anger surged into his head and his face was flush with red-hot anger.

"How dare you?!" Gregory screamed emotionally as he stands up slowly and draws his sword of light as Klang NEO looks at him and smirks at him even more much to the anger and digust of the young bearcub who was finally able to overcome his coldness and unemotional power.

"So you have some courage after all...." Klang NEO said as he finally started to push Gregory Skywind's own personal buttons and that causes Gregory to flush into a whole new level. Klang NEO was trying to get Gregory to make a mistake; however, the hidden power was also seemly seeping into the Masamune without anyone noticing it.

"How dare you try to ruin people like that. How dare you treat your father like that?!.." Gregory screamed as he walked forward and approches the MetalWyrm and then take a quick glance at Klang NEO to send the message home; "..And how dare you attack a women LIKE THAT?!" As Gregory Skywinds points the sword towards the MetalWyrm the sword began to glow blue. It was the same blue glow that was feeding off his sword when he opened the door into the TerraStone volcano some time ago along with him stopping Don Karnage from killing Baloo on the Iron Vulture; only this time it was not only the sword that was glowing; but Gregory's body was too. Cassium stood up in complete awe and slience It was awesome and it caused the MetalWrym to shudder with fear as it was starting to back away from Private Valk who had his whip tail ready to finish the lady solider off.

"That's the sword that removes evil lifeforce out of living beings." Cassium said shaking violently as he feels the sword's own power thursts it's blue at the MetalWyrm causing it to glow bright red. This was the ultimate sign that the beast is evil and has been trapped by it's own light. The battle was soon going to end quite peacefully....Or so Gregory Skywinds hoped.

"I'm losing control.." Klang NEO protested trying to regain control of the large metal worm; but to no avail; "..That immortal weapon is ruining creation is turning againest me...." The MetalWyrm was trapped into the power of the Masamune. The judges of the sword's light have spoken and the MetalWyrm must pay the price for it's forsaken orders from the vulgar necromancer.

"This is the power of the Masamune?" Gregory asked as the Masamune was sucking the red glow of the negative energy right out of the MetalWyrm and was quickly being place into the Masamune weapon itself. Gregory was in total awe as nothing could explain the power of the Masamune. Or as they say the answers come from the people you should know....

"Gregory has the very powerful weapon that was created as part of the spiritual lifeforce known as MuraMune." Private Valk admitted as she stood up quickly and revealed the ture keeper of the sword of light. This stunned Gregory as he was trying to fend off the attack of the MetalWyrm as he was never told of the sacred powers of that sword as his swordmaster told him to find the mystic powers on his own.

"Is he evil?" Gregory asked wondering if he was friend or foe. Private Valk was annoyed as everyone in Jepang knew of the heroic force of MuraMune. It was part of the mythlogical studies in Jepang's own education system.

"Of course not.." Private Valk explained with a strong and an irrated fit of annoyance; "..He is the defender of the mysticial worlds of the Asyain like Jepang, Spango-Pango and the Outback. However; MuraMune was in total fear over the abuse of power of the two swords given to him by God....The Murasame and the Masamune. So he decided upon advice by the angel of the spiritual life force to seal the swords in the mountain of Osaka more than a thousand years ago. The sword of Masamune is a sword of light that destorys the dark power of the average and more powerful versions of the nercomancer." As Private Valk spoke the MetalWyrm's power and his armor continued to disenagrate and it was slowly starting to shrink as the last bit of darkness left in its own body was pulled into the Masamune sword. The MetalWyrm would shrink to just eight feet in size and its armor was finally destoryed. When that finally happens Gregory finally stops glowing and falls to his knees looking very tired. The whole ordeal sapped his strength; however, now he realized something very important. His sword was a gift from God. Only this power could explain how Gregory was able to overtake Don Karnage down to his back. This explains how he was able to cut solid rock like melted butter. The sacred power of the holy sword of light was a gift of the heavens and a power that can be easily misused. Gregory looked more terried than tired as Klang NEO looks like he was ready for some very violent fits on Private Valk and company.

"You completely destoryed by creation.." Klang NEO shouted as he grinds his teeth in outrage as that MetalWyrm being just a mere insect compared to his hulking form slithered away without as much as anyone noticing that it was gone; "..Don't you realize how much it cost to create that spell...."

"A million pints of blood and one worm...." Private Valk recited bitterly at the angry Klang NEO and that statement caused Klang NEO to be irrated even more.

"No.." Klang NEO protested in complete disbelief at Private Valk's lack of knowledge for this spell of darkness and sickness; "..It's 1.3 million pints of blood; 2 parts sweat, 4 parts tears; a metal coat and then a worm. But of course; you wouldn't be less angry in your reslove even if it was just one drop." Sadly; Klang NEO has jarred up Private Valk's memory once again.

"Thank you for reminding me of my resolve!" Private Valk shouted as she was reminded of why she was fighting this battle againest this nercomancer of darkness; " Now you dirty necromancer; it is time for you to return from where you came from..."

"If there was ture equality and in this world then you would be held accountable for your countless killings..." Klang NEO shouted in protest as he points the accusing finger at Private Valk as if he was the judge and jury of this outfit. All Klang NEO needed is an firing squad and even Private Valk would be unable to defend herself from the accusations.

"Killings?!" Gregory asked in stunned slience as he looked at Private Valk with the thoughts of what she really was raced through his own mind. ~What's with this woman? I know that she is a solider; but killings?! It's almost as if Klang believes she is a death goddess.~ Gregory thought starting to finally believe that God was more real than even he or his family before the tragic events of the Air Pirates and Konvent; could ever see.

"NEO Klang is a worshipper of the devil." Private Valk proclaimed as Klang NEO continued to smile with a wicked smile; " He is not to be believed..."

Klang NEO just stood there and was slowly starting to giggle and become angry at the same time; "I'm not surprised considering that you would defend the creator of such..."

"HOW DARE YOU?!" Gregory screamed in protest as he runs towards Klang NEO in a fit of rage only to be stopped by Cassium as he grabs him into a full-nelson hold just inches away from Klang NEO; ".... CASSIUM!"

"How dare you commit defamation againest the almighty?" Cassium protested at Klang NEO as he looks down at his relucent friend Gregory as if he was preacher;"... he may be the difier of souls, he may be a nercomancer, he may have committed an act of biblical profanity....however, he is still my son..."

"Son?" Gregory asked to himself in stunning slience. Cassium Victor; the eldest member of the Nega Aces was actually the father of this necromancer. Suddenly; the tragedy was being to show in the mind of Gregory Skywinds. Klang and Cassium were in the same poisition with each other even though both were evil beings on the minds of the social fabric. The words of Cassium Victor were like

"Never underestimate the history of anyone.." Private Valk said folding her arms; "..or anything...." Gregory looks at Klang NEO with a degree of shock as Klang NEO sneers at Cassium. Cassium finally lets go of the full-nelson hold.

"Some father you are.." Klang NEO protested bitterly as he points an accusing finger at his own father and smirks bitterly; "..a member of the Nega Aces...a slave to Freelanda; and worst of all.... finding out that I was born out of wedlock...You shouldn't be surprised that I turned out dirty since you _are_ an expert on _that_.." Klang NEO was suddenly starting to emitt a brown glow confirming the worse fears that Gregory wished he hadn't see for Thaddues E. Klang NEO was indeed in the bed of the occult; "..However; to be fair, I should give you a present that will repay for our bad misdeeds...." Gregory was frightened quite a bit by this glow as it was just as bright as the glow used by his Masamune sword of light.

"What is he doing?!" Gregory asked as Private Valk and Cassium Victor stand on defense. Private Valk suddenly sees the glow and that reminds her of the nercomancer's power. He was an earth-elemental and was able to shift sands now without the power of the bells of Tinabula. This was magic at it's most evil.

"Cover your eyes!" Private Valk shouted as Gregory and Cassium covered their eyes as a precaution; obeying the strong female soilder as she put down her faceguard from her helmet. Klang NEO was laughing hard as he prepare to unleash the final blast to this offending group.

"TAKE MY GIFT OF MISFORTUNE!!" Klang NEO screamed as he stopped glowing and thrust his body forward. This was ultimately cause the wind around the area to pick up very quickly and was already into a gale force wind; "Say farewell Battle Maiden!!" The wind started to increase into a force five hurricane and it started to pick the sand up by the billions of grains and tosses it into a funnel cloud. The sand then proceeds to do to its damage by blasting that sand into the eyes of Cassium, Private Valk and Gregory Skywinds at fullneck speed.

"ARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!" Gregory and Cassium screamed at the same time with their eyes closed. Even with that precaution; the pain of that scraping sand was causing acute pain as the sand whipped all around and collected all around their bodies of the hurricane's victims. Private Valk much to her credit was fully prepared for the attack by Klang NEO; as she was wearing her helmet and face guard and all that purple armor was protecting her eyes and most of her body from the damage the sandstorm was causing. Klang NEO was still laughing however; as the blinding sandstorm was still able to blind Private Valk's vision and allow for Klang NEO to escape unharmed and undeceted.

"Goodbye for now little cold hunter!" Klang NEO shouts as he exits running towards the east with the sand hurricane continued to spawn and spew sand right at the group causing pain to Gregory and Cassium Victor as the sand continued to blind her.

"You cannot run from God!" Private Valk swore shouting and thrusting her fist in the air; " I swear that you'll face his heavenly court!" By the time Klang NEO was completely out of sight; the sand hurricane finally started to recede and the sand was starting to settle down towards the ground. But not before there is sand drowning on Gregory and Cassium. Private Valk on the other hand or paw in this case there was almost no sign of sand on her and the remaining sand that was left simply slid off her armor. That was an amazing turn of events for Gregory and he was in awe over the solider was continues to amaze him.

"Gregory?" Cassium asked coughing and shaking the sand still stuck on his body; " Are you all right?"

"Yeah; I'm fine.....I guess Valk's okay.." Gregory said coughing as he was shaking the sand off his body and he looks at Private Valk and sees the sand falling off her body cleanly; "..She clearly isn't the worse for ware." Gregory wanted to give a hand to Private Valk but she shrugs it off quickly.

"I'm fine!" Private Valk protested slapping away Gregory's offering to her; " I do not need the support of beings from Midgar."

"We do _need_ a car." Gregory snapped back; " That worm sent our only means of transportation flying sky high." However; his thoughts were racing; that quote was not religious this time and she was mentioning Norse mythology; ~As far as I remember; Midgar is a Norse mythological reference. Midgar is considered the earth while Asgard is considered the heavens. That is not a religious reference. Something's up!~ he thought as he realized that the war of the undead might be real after all. Could Private Valk be a solider of death?

"I see what you mean." Cassium nodded his head in agreement; a rare moment in a disgraceful saga and battle between them; however his mind was still on his brother and the foul wrecthed comments he said to him; ~My son has caused so much pain...and now even the judge will never use him for the almighty!~ Cassium Victor thought bitterly. Cassium thought bitterly looking up at the heaven and trying to draw unnoticed strength. As the group was trying to come to terms with the events of Klang NEO's attack a black bulletproof car; the same one that was flung into the air by the gaint MetalWyrm grinds to a halt right next to the shaken up group. Cassium's bitterness turned to slight relief when he sees Mata and Mahammond open the doors and walk out of the car towards the group.

"Are you okay solider?!" Mata asked looking at the group still recovering from the sandstorm.

"Ugh! I'm okay private.." Cassium Victor shouted bitterly; "..However; didn't I tell ya to stay back at the office..."

"We felt that you were in danger." Mahammod said feeling very concern for Cassium's safety. Cassium Victor only smirked at the thought that people would care about him after what he has done for the last forty years.

"Actually;" Mata explained looking very scared as if he was seeing a ghost; ".... we knew that you were in harm's way when one of our bullet-proof cars was thrown onto our airfield strip."

"Oh now I understand.." Cassium said looked quite spooked that his own son was able to throw a car back towards the airforce base; "..My creep son threw the car onto the lot.." he then starts to grind his own teeth in bitterness; "..That's not good!"

"Come on;" Mahammod said as he opens the doors and extends his hand towards the warying group; "...let's get ya to the airport."

"Thank you.." Private Valk exclaimed bitterly as she got into the bulletproof car; "..NEO Klang is going to face my wraith..." Cassium Victor follows behind as Gregory slowly rubs his eyes; yawns quietly and walks towards the car with only one thought in his own mind. ~More to come....~ Gregory thought as he walked into the bulletproof car and wondered if Klang NEO was still in the area and was ready to strike again. Only time and Murasame's dark sword would tell. Gregory was just praying that the young child can be saved before the terror would strike again without delay and destory the last bit of hop that Gregory has in saving his brother and ending all the suffering that has happened over the last six year.....


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