Disclaimer: Baloo, Rebecca Cunningham, Don Karnage, Kit Cloudkicker, Molly Cunningham and WildCat are (c)1990/1991 Walt Disney Company and are being used without premission. The writer has made sure that all material represented here is not used for profit and is used with the upmost respect to Disney and the Tale Spin team. All other characters are the property of the writer.
Summer had fallen upon Cape Suzette. And Summer break was here. The kids of Higher for Hire were overwhelmed with excitement. The family was a whole one with two adult, the three kids, and, of course, Wildcat. Baloo and Rebecca were planning a two week vacation. They worked on clearing all the deliveries and made reservation on the ever famous, Coney Island. The greatest vacationing spot of that time.
Kit and Guinna stolled in the door of Higher for Hire hand in hand with the biggest grins on their faces.
"I can't believe summer break is already here. It is going to be great" Kit said exaggerately sitting in the big armchair.
"Yeah. This is our very first summer together. How do you think we should start it?" Guinna asked sitting beside Kit.
"I don't know. Maybe we could go hang out with Ernie and the other Jungle Aces."
"You know they don't like me around. I'm a girl. And they're too immature to except me yet. Except for your friend, Oscar. I think he has a crush on me."
"You think Oscar has a crush on you? How can you tell?"
"Well, everytime I talk to him, he gets all jittery and says he has to leave and stuff" Guinna said walking into the kitchen. "You wanna soda?"
"Yeah, sure, babe." Guinna handed him a soda. "Thanks. That sounds strange. Oscar having a crush on someone."
"Now, Kit, are you gonna get jealous and go on a rampage like you did when you found out Dante liked me?"
"No, of course, not. Dante was different. He wanted you because you were my girlfriend."
"Maybe we should try and find Oscar a girlfriend so he'll stop pining over me. Even though, I am flattered."
"That's a good idea, but who would want to go out with Oscar?"
"Many girls would" Guinna said sitting down at Rebecca's desk.
"Name one."
"Ah, what 'bout Rachel Hayward?"
"Rachel Hayward! The junior cheerleading captain! She won't have any interest in Oscar Vandersnoot."
"Well, It was a thought. Hey! Where's Rebecca at?"
Guinna had just noticed there was something missing in the picture.
"Yeah. Miz Cunningham isn't here. I wonder where she is." Kit turned to the window. "The Sea Duck is here, so, Baloo's here too. Where could they be?"
"Let's go check it out."
The two cubs walked outside to the Sea Duck and peeked in. No one there. They walked the around the area, but they didn't find either one of them. There last stop was Wildcat's houseboat. Kit knocked on the door to see if he was home. He didn't want to barg in on Wildcat's privacy if he was even in there. First, they heard voices then footsteps. Wildcat opened the door after a few seconds of fumbling inside.
"Hey, kids! Whatcha need?" Wildcat said unconvincingly.
" We were wondering if Baloo and Miz Cunningham were in here?"
"Ah, no, man. Nobody here but me" Wildcat replied obviously lying.
Kit snuck a peek in the boat and saw evidence. "Then why is Baloo's hat on the floor?"
Wildcat looked at the hat Kit was pointing to. "I collect hats."
"You caught us, Lil' Britches" Baloo said coming out from behind the door.
"You ruined the surprise, kids" Rebecca said coming out of the bathroom.
"What surprise?" Kit asked in anticipation walking in the boat with Guinna behind him.
"We should tell, Becky. Their gonna find out sooner or later."
"Your right, Baloo. We should tell them now."
"Tell us what?"
Rebecca turned to them with an upset expression, but it quickly turned into a smile. "We're all going to Coney Island for summer vacation for three whole weeks!"
The kids' jaws dropped. "Coney Island!" Kit exclaimed. "That's like the greatest vacation island in the world."
"We're really going?" Guinna asked still stunned over the news.
"Yes, we are. All of us. Even Wildcat is going."
"Yeah, man. I get to ride the fairestwheel as many times as I want."
"But what about the schedule? Won't we have shipments to deliver?"
"Nope. o'Becky cleared the schedule and we're off in two days for paradise."
"I'm gonna go start packing" Kit said running out.
"I'll come help you!" Guinna shouted. She turned to Rebecca and Baloo. "Thank you." She gave them an unexpected hug.
"Your welcome, honey."
"Yeah, your welcome, girlie."
Guinna ran out the boat to catch with Kit. She ran up to him as soon as Oscar Vandersnoot was walking up.
"Ah, hi Kit. Hi Guinna" Oscar said looking down at his feet.
"Hey, Oscar" Kit greeted.
"Hi Oscar" Guinna said putting her paw under his chin and gently raised his head up to eye level. "Look up sometimes. No use staring at the ground."
"Okay, Guinna. I won't ever look down again."
"Hey, don't go that major on me."
"So, whatcha need Oscar?"
"I just wanted to say bye. I'm going to be gone the whole summer. My parents own a condo on Coney Island."
"Your going to Coney Island! Cool, we are too" Kit said with a big smile plastered on his face.
"Ya'll are going?"
"Yap. For three whole weeks. Man, I can't wait."
"Your going to Guinna?"
"Sure, am."
Oscar looked back trying to hide his smile. He was defiantly glad Guinna was going, but after what happen between Kit and Dante, he was a little scare to show he liked Guinna.
"Well, I gotta go. I'll see yawl there" Oscar shouted running away down the street.
"Okay. Bye, Oscar" Kit shouted waving good-bye.
"Bye, Oscar."
"Were you flirting with him?" Kit asked walking back into Higher for Hire.
"Maybe, why? You jealous?" Guinna replied grasping his paw.
"No. I know your just boost Oscar's confidence. I think we should find a girlfriend for him on Coney Island. There's probably a lot of pretty girls there."
Guinna gave him a cracker expression.
"But not as pretty as you, babe" Kit came back giving his girlfriend a peck on the cheek. "Wanna help me pack? If you don't you can sit and talk to me while I do or whatever."
"I'll fold the cloths you wanna bring and you can pack them. 'Cause I know your just gonna throw them in your duffel bag and leave em' like that."
The family was rearing to go three days later to the greatest vacation destination ever. Rebecca, Guinna, and Molly showed up early that morning suitcases in tow. They had bought dozens of new cloths for the trip. Baloo carried their suitcases on board. His, Kit's, and Wildcat's duffel bags were already stored on the old sea plane. The group ate a lit breakfast than headed out. With Baloo flying, Kit sat, of course, in the navigator's seat sharing it with Guinna, Rebecca in the extra seat behind them, and Molly and Wildcat in the hold playing with their toys. Five hours later, they arrived at Coney Island.
"Look at this place!" Kit said in amazement. "It's so cool."
Even from the beach side airport, the gigantic Ferris wheel was visible and they could hear the ragtime music from the barber shop chorus and commotion going on on the boardwalk.
"Wow! I never imagined the Ferris wheel being that big, man" Wildcat exclaimed.
"I can't wait to hit the beach" Guinna said.
"I can't wait ta hit the hammock" Baloo said yawning.
"Nonsense, Baloo. Your coming with me to go see the sights" Rebecca spoke up putting on her sunglasses.
"Awe, Becky. Wait, who's gonna take Molly to the amusement park?"
"Wildcat is today. Baloo, we're here to have fun not sleep."
"Sleeping is fun to me, Boss-lady."
"We're going sight seeing."
"No, we're not! You are!"
"Papa Bear, you can't fight her so just go and have a good time."
"Well, all right, but just fer today. Than I can have the rest of the vacation ta sleep."
Next Part coming soon…