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Cloudkicker, The Navigator
Written by: Gregory Weagle
Inspiration: CBC Commerical for the Stanley Cup
He's had a dream that spans the cornerstone of his life
No one knows if he ever had a biological family
He has been part of an organization that destorys and steals
He has been beaten up more than one in the span of his evil
Grown pilots respect him
Evil doer's fear him
He is loved by kids who always believed in his ability
People see him touching the clouds like no one else can
He's the walking authority of flight and aviation;
A certain lady love him to no end
Torn apart by two different minds within his soul
He is not only a person who is human in its purest form
He is a person who is afraid to trust the minds of aquired wisdom
However, if you do gain his trust forever; you'd proably hug him!
Cloudkicker, The Navigator!
(Can you believe he's only
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to the Unofficial Kit Cloudkicker Home Page
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