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Mega Man Ruby Spears: Mega Dreams Rant

Reviewed: 05/12/2022

Doctor Wily Is A Mega Nightmare!

So, we continue season two of the blue dweeb's life with episode #16 (although on the DVD, it is episode #15) as after seeing his new device can transfer his robots into dreams and then hypnotize humans in their sleep, Dr. Wily plots to use it to take control of the planet. How does this episode fare? Let's rant on shall we...?!

Mega Dreams is written by Richard Merwin & Cheryl Biggs and was directed by Katsumi Minoguchi.

We begin this episode at some city AFTER HAPPY HOUR (after dark) with trumpet music and a zoom into the city streets. Sky shot of a green van with a beige top is shown racing down roads as the music changes to evil music. The van stops on the road in front of a large house with a black car in the parking lot. Jump cut to inside the van as Proto Man is clearly driving and Dr. Wily in the passenger side as the evil doctor wants to begin the dream transmission; so the entire plot is given away literally thirty seconds in. Sigh. Not to mention that for the second straight episode; Dr. Wily is using Elec Man and Bomb Man for this mission. A large contrapation thingy is in the back in the background as it shows a sequence of a satellite dish coming out of the van emitting a purple beam. Dr. Wily gets onto his side computer and orders Bomb Man and Elec Man to watch out for Rock as Dr. Wily starts his evil scheme. Elec Man has a remote device to track Rock and Blues claims that the dream machine thingy is all powered up. Apparently, this device is going to be used to terrorize the mayor of the city or something. Guts Man literally says that Dr. Wily is literally sending them into his dream. One minute in and the whole plot is revealed outside of the hypnotizing part...oh wait, Dr. Wily basically confirmed that one 90 seconds in. Also, we all know Dr. Wily's motive is world domination so the summary is literally revealed within the first two minutes of this episode. Damn, this is going to be a long one now. Apparently, the two floor mats in front of the device act like teleportation circles, or rectangles in this case. The two robot masters gets shot in a purple light complete with Transformers sound effects. The purple circles goes through the window and into the mayor in pjs brain sleeping on the bed. The mayor tosses and turns around as we get a dream sequence that would have worked as Nightmare Fuel had the plot basically not been given away in less than two minutes. Basically, the mayor is calling out for his parents and is basically a manchild in his dreams. The green sweater and teddy bear with the hat on backwards is straight out Kit Cloudkicker-equse; only Kit is basically the #1 babyface and #1 reason why TaleSpin exists in storyline and in real life as well. Mayor asks if Guts Man and Cut Man are his parents, and the two robot masters of course lie through their teeth on that one. Cut Man is gaslighting the mayor as a naughty boy, I guess Cut Man is a Kit Cloudkicker fan. Yawn.

Mayor defends himself and to be fair, the mayor blew off Dr. Wily in The Big Shake, so this is Dr. Wily's revenge for that at least. Cut Man and Guts Man order the mayor to go to city hall to get the passcodes to prove that he's a good boy and then the mayor wakes up and is basically brainwashed. This is literally "When The Cuckoo Clock Strikes Three" in Chargeman Ken, only that episode was hideously hilarious. This episode is just plain boring. I know the mayor is brainwashed because he goes out to his car and doesn't bother to dress up. When he gets into his car, he literally crashes into the wooden gate which didn't exist when we first saw his house for a massive logic break. If you are going to do a gag like this, make sure the entire scene has the gate at all times when we see the entire area. The car driving is horrible by the way and it just makes the scene even more absurd. Scene change to a movie cinema poster of a kung-fu movie called "The Last Drag", complete with nunchakus; which might or might not have been censored in the UK at the time of this episode. Pan down to the entrance of the cinema as Roll, Rock and Rush walk out, so I guess dogs are allowed in this theater. The blond woman in pink standing there without animation is just silly as the babyfaces exchange notes on the movie. Apparently, Roll loved "The Last Drag" because she loves martial art movies. Then here comes the black car containing the mayor and the closeup shot of him driving makes the scene look a lot slower than it actually is. This episode is falling fast and we are barely three minutes in. DID I JUST SAY...Oh, never mind. Rock's emoting is hilarious here, like his blue eyes have no blinking nor his face. Rock wants action and he gets it with Elec Man and Bomb Man running interfernce. Of course! Bombs and electric hand beams ensue as Rock dodges all and gets on Rush Jet. Rock shoots the ground, creating a giant pit into the road because we have to destroy government property with impunity otherwise, the heels will do it for them, I guess. Elec Man and Bomb fall into the literal moral sewer of water just to remind me how much better TMNT is to even this show. Apparently, the bombs don't work anymore and Elec Man will fry himself, so both of them bail the second Rock hits the ground. Okay, that makes sense and the scheme itself is fine; but this show would benefit from more suspense. Roll runs in to explain the obvious to us and Rock is going to stop them.

Scene change to the police chief's house, which I thought was the mayor's house and the police car was there because the police chief was going to arrest the mayor for stealing the passcodes. But no, we pan over to the green van with a satellite dish shooting another purple beam and getting into the house and invading the brain of the police chief sleeping in bed. His dream sequence is in the city on the wrong part of town looking like an old homeless man. I swear that is what they went with. Couldn't it hurt if the chief was wearing a police uniform. Out comes Guts Man and Cut Man wearing street gang uniforms. Wow, Cut Man looks rather cool in that outfit, too. I love Cut Man doing his unique version of the coin flip with his Rolling Cutter. Guts Man grabs the police chief as Cut Man is making police jokes and this is enough for the police chief to surrender. I admit, these dream sequences are really cool and it makes me more incensed that they gave away the plot like this is soon. So, Cut Man wants information from headquarter on some robot security area. I wish he would have just said "Dr. Light's residence"; because I think that's what Cut Man was talking about. Guts Man throws him down implying that they will kill him if he refuses. Police chief wakes up and he's brainwashed. We head to the mayor's room as Rock and Roll come in and see the mayor at his desk on the phone. The mayor is literally on the phone asleep as Rock wakes him up. Mayor wakes up, semi brainwashed and then somehow, he snaps out of it. What a way to kill the angle there, sir?! The vault is already open and stuff was taken out, so the passcodes were already given. Considering that the iron safe was destroyed, I'm guessing that was not the thing Dr. Wily wanted, otherwise the writers have lost their minds. The telephone rings and Roll answers it. Someone at police headquarters located the police chief in his bathrobe. I'm going to put a pin on that one and see if this show has him in a bathrobe despite clearly showing him in a shirt earlier. Rock gets on Rush Jet and heads further in the city and finds the tiny white police car on the sky shot. Head to underneath a rail line bridge as the car is parked. Out comes the police chief in a blue oversized shirt and not a bathrobe. The chief walks like he's showing a piece of paper and Proto Man, Bomb Man and Elec Man are there. I would have Bomb Man and Elec Man hide and just let Blues grab the paper for an obvious ambush. Kind of stupid.

Blues pats the police chief on the shoulder and then runs away. Okay, they didn't want to fight Rock, so that made sense. Which begs the question, why have Bomb Man and Elec Man there if Blues was going to bail?! Never mind, Rock rushes in with the Rock Buster just to make the heels look like dorks again! You know it's a bad episode when Plasma Power is involved. Shooting and dodging ensue as the heels bail and Rock goes over to tend to the police chief who look like a stone statue, only not made of stone. Elec Man and Bomb Man shoot their pieces and Rock has to move the police chief stage left, and does the lamest oversell of a shot I have ever seen. I mean, neither shot was close to hitting him. I see the power of suggestion is still as powerful as ever in the 1990's. Rock lands on the electric train tracks, like he did in Future Shock. ZOUNDS! Elec Man calls Rock a mega dweeb like an idiot and shoots his electric hands to bind Rock with electric shocks onto the train tracks. Rock's voice acting on this is hideously hilarious by the way. Here comes the train of doom blowing it's horn and not stopping as expected. Rock panics in a hideously hilarious fashion and that ends the segment six and a half minutes in. Some of this is entertaining, but the suspense is gone from this episode and it's impossible for me to care at this point.

After the commercial break, the train is coming towards Rock with less electric bolts and Rock slowly aims his Rock Buster into the top of the tracks and fires at it. We then get the most hilarious destruction of a rail ever as Rock just flies into the air stage right and where he lands, does anyone really care anymore? Well, except for the characters in storyline of course. The denizens panic as Rock does the lamest bump into the track and then gets up and blows off the situation. Even the voice actor is admitting that this bump was stupid. Proto Man is shooting literally, and not in the wrestling sense of a shoot either. Rush then dropkicks a trash can and both Blues and Bomb Man take a bump and fall down. Way to go, Blues! You are making CUT MAN look hyper-compentent right now! Rock is impressed and then shoots Elec Man off the train tracks and Elec Man free falls into a dumpster. Bomb Man grabs Elec Man and decides to bail outright as Blues claims that this is not over as Rock basically calls them children without actually saying it. Rock and Rush go over to the police chief still doing the mummy pose and decides to get him home and return to Dr. Light for note exchanging. Speaking of Dr. Light; we head to the Dr. Light residence. Dr. Light is on the computer with Roll watching on as we exchange notes on the situation as Rock is somewhere transmitting his thoughts on the situation. The guise of this is that Dr. Wily is using their dreams to make authority figures do things in order for Dr. Wily to get what he wants. Dr. Light brings out Searcher Bots that looks like blue capsule drones. Despite the differences in shape, this show was ahead of the curve in the drone thingie. Jump cut to a bridge as the green van is being driven by Blues and Blues is pissed off and wants to teach Rock a lesson, like he always wants to. Thankfully, Dr. Wily refuses to let that happen right now because Blues is a red dweeb at this point and makes Cut Man look like Dr. Light, especially after the last episode I reviewed. Dr. Wily wants to get to the space research center because Rock is after them of course. Dr. Wily basically wants to use the space center to launch the dream machine waves across the world, so it's clear even now that he wants to brainwash the world into doing his bidding via nightmares. A searcher bot has located the green van as Rock is picking up the signal somewhere else in town on his yellow buttons scanner. Rock calls the RM's Scum Bots. HA!

Rock and Rush Jet fly in the sky for a while until Rock invokes the POINTY FINGER OF DEATH at the green van on the sky shot. Jump cut to a large bridge as Blues is driving the van and he's confused because Rock and Rush are clearly blocking the road now. Somehow, the van stops and Rock claims that the thing is protected by a plasma shield. Come on now, that's a BS&P decision if I ever saw one, show! Rush uses his binocular vision and looks in as all the RM's are here along with the dream machine device in the back on the infer-red vision. Dr. Wily is giving the robots orders to kill Rock, of course. Then we get a jump cut with the robot masters already outside behind the van shooting their weapons. Rock and Rush dodge and Rock hangs onto the top of said bridge. Bomb Man climbs the railing of the bridge up top and Rock shoots to miss and the power of suggestion knocks Bomb Man off and he falls down and squashes Elec Man on the way down. Both might as well be Dumptruck and Mad Dog at this point, and they completely lack Mad Dog and Dumptruck's charm. Let alone lack Cut Man's charm to boot. Cut Man cuts a promo and uses the Rolling Cutter to slice the steel pillar to bring Rock down as Guts Man comes in to catch Rock and of course, Rush bites Guts Man's leg. Rock lands on Guts Man, and the pillar knocks him out. I think this is the first time Rush didn't get booted away in this series. Elec Man and Blues shoot to kill as Rock and Rush try to bail as I discover that this bridge is a literal drawbridge. Wait, are we in Port Hawksbury or something? More shooting ensues as Rock and Rush are on the edge of the drawbridge with Guts Man climbing up, I don't know why. Rock then pushes his yellow buttons and we get the first super charged Rock buster shot in the series, that looks like a Pac-Man big pellet. Guts Man gets on and the robot masters all bail after that shot, causing a giant fire on the road. WHAT?! Rock and Rush then bail and land in a boat with a barge full of trash. Ummm, yeah. Rock and Rush pop up from the garbage carnage and wonders who got the worst end of this deal. It's the robot masters, you blue dweeb! Trust me on that one. We head back to Dr. Light's residence and into the lab with Rush being connected to a wire to the computer as Dr. Light praises Rush for taking pictures like a good little spy dog would. Dr. Light looks at the picture to see if he can counter the effects outright.

Rock checks another monitor and claims that the biggest target of three possible targets is the space research center. Dr. Wily is so stupid if the blue dweeb can deduce this without any trouble whatsoever. We see the image of the space research enter as Dr. Light points out that a rocket is headed to the International Space Station, which is a real life space station. The rocket is going to launch in the morning and Rock and Rush are going to interfere of course. So, we head to the space research center as the green van has already arrived, so the robot masters are all okay. Nothing to see here, just move along. All the heels are at the locked gate as Dr. Wily puts in the security code and opens the gate without incident. Dr. Wily is loving life as we get a shot of the space rocket as Proto Man's yellow thingy is a portable version of the dream machine, in the same sense of Newton Gimmick's portable reducing machine. I should also point out that the green van looks like a cheap Turtle Van knockoff. Blues heads up into the rocket via the elevator and puts the device into the cargo room on top of boxes. Jump cut to a shot in the forest as the green van drives away stage northeast. Then the green van heads into the cave where the conveniently placed Wily Machine RS is hidden. The robot masters get out as Blues wonders if Rock will show up and finally for the first time in season two, Dr. Wily calls Rock a blue dweeb. Apparently, they are going to use the dream machine with Blues to go into the head of security's dreams, but Proto Man will be digitally changed into Mega Man. What a slap in the face?! To whom? Both the red and the blue dweeb! Thankfully for Dr. Wily, the red dweeb don't care enough to redirect him in the teeth. Basically, Dr. Wily wants to brainwash the head of security to kill Rock on site before Blues is teleported into the purple beam of poisonous control in Rock's image of course. The circle beam flies around outside of a while and finds a log cabin with a jeep parked in front of the property. The head of security is in bed wearing a beige tank top as the purple beam literally goes into it's ears like a cockroach would. The head of security's dream sequence is basically him in a whacky computer room with television screens glowing red. The door behind the head is broken down and the wall crumbles to reveal Rock looking four times his size. I don't know why they bothered with that, Rock would be terrifying as his normal size. This sounds like overkill to me.

So, Rock grabs him and proclaims that he's destroying the entire research center and then drops him down as the head is gaslit into believing Rock is a blue menace. See, Dr. Wily was right all along and you didn't believe him. WHY DIDN'T YOU BELIEVE HIM?! The head wakes up proclaiming that he will destroy Rock on site. Listen, I cannot buy this man destroying Rock in any context, but really; he's no worse than anyone stopping Rock at this point, so why not?! The head goes to his makeshift radio and orders the entire security force, which half of them are human beings with guns and the other half are robots with gun. This is where the no kill rule actually has a benefit: This makes the Rock VS the security force battle more of a challenge because Rock can squash only half of the force at best, but cannot kill the humans outright. Like I said earlier, the head is really no worse than anyone stopping Rock at this point, and the no kill rule helps it's cause greatly. Rock flies in on Rush Jet as morning is approaching. Rock notices the squad and attempts to warn them; but the security wants none of this and the robot squad shoots at Rock. Then we get a really stupid moment: Rock jumps down and now the security wants to arrest Rock. WHY?! Humans are allowed to destroy robots in this show (as much as I point how BS the rule is for robots to harm humans) and were ordered as such by the head via gaslighting. Rock abides by the "harm no humans" and gets handcuffed anyway. It's stupid because the orders were to kill Rock, not arrest him. This makes no sense at all. So, Rock is headed to a jeep with a human in the front seat near a fence as Bomb Man comes out of a conveniently placed bush and puts what appears to be an explosive device underneath the jeep. Then Rock and Rush are put in the jeep and the jeep drives away with the device beeping to end the segment 14 minutes in. This episode really grinds my gears for some reason and that last scene was so stupid.

After the commercial break, we do a shot of the jeep driving into the morning sunrise as Rush and Rock hear the beeping right away in the jeep. We cut to the device showing almost all red on the status bar and Rock takes over the jeep and drives worse than any Wuzzle ever. Everyone is shook off the jeep as the jeep jumps into the air and it explodes as Rock and Rush duck and cover. What a stupid angle that was?! Rock breaks from the handcuffs with ease and here comes Bomb Man with his bomb. Bomb Man throws his bomb, Rock kicks it back and it explodes all over Bomb Man. Bomb Man just cannot catch a break and now knows how Cut Man feels in every episode he is in. Bomb Man falls on his back in a crater concussed as Rock touches his forehead and it's WEAPON GET TIME~! All the robot masters and Blues join in as Blues asks if Rock wants to join in the celebration of the Dream Machine. I didn't know Proto Man loved the late Troy Graham, who is Dusty Rhodes when the piss is literally taken out of him. Shooting and dodging ensue as Rock and Rush destory the fence with impunity and then Rock fires a bomb and the heels all scatter. Elec Man trips and falls down as Rock touches Elec Man and it's WEAPON GET TIME~! Rock then slides around with the fence to create a circular fence barricade and trap the robot heels. Thunder Beam is shot and the fence is elecified and the heels are trapped as Cut Man is so incompentent that he has to painfully state the obvious for us. Rock's pun just crushed me and not in a good way I might add. Sadly, the space shuttle is lifted off into space, so Rock is forced to go into NASA's center control to warn the crew of what is happening. We head into the computer room as head of security is there watching the launch of the space shuttle. Rock comes in and he manages to stop the gaslighting by grabbing the head of security's hand to stop him calling for backup and this causes the head of sercuity to shake his head and come to. Rock wants to warn the astronauts to not go to sleep, but it's too late as the raditation belt has closed off communication. Ouch! So, we head to Dr. Light's residence and at the computer as Dr. Light and Rock via transmitter exchange notes on the situation. Apparently, Dr. Wily wants to literally play Big Brother from 1984 in 20XX judging by the promos were Dr. Light has a blue version of the dream machine and Roll is tasked to getting it on the space station faster than sweet dreams.

The space shuttle is already at the International Space Station and has started to unload it's wooden cargo. Zoom out to a monitor as Dr. Wily is loving life as Dr. Wily has Cut Man, Guts Man and Bomb Man ready at the dream machine, along with Blues. I guess Elec Man is dead again as he was face down on the ground. What a lameass way to write out Elec Man from this story, eh? Dr. Wily is cacking about being the oldest big brother of all of 1995 as he pushes a red button on his mainframe computer as the robot masters are warped into the purple beam and Dr. Wily wants those space people to suffer dreams that they will never forget. In other words, the worst nightmares imagined. Head back to NASA's control center and into the computer room with Roll putting the final touches on the dream machine mark 2 with Rock and Rush being impatient and the head of security still not dressed yet. Roll manages to get the machine to zap Rock and Rush into the dream wave and we cut to the space station. We head into the cargo room with the portable dream machine as it shoots a purple circle and it flies out of the room. The circle seperate into two when they arrive in the sleep room with the two space people sleeping in beds that look like they are literally in trash cans, ala Oscar from Sesame Street. I'm certain that this is how astronauts sleep in real life, but this is not a good look, show. The two purple circle infect the brains of the two space people and they start a dream sequence with being inside a dark castle somewhere in fiction hell. Head into the dungeon with the two space men shackled and looking confused. Blues comes in with two others I have zero clue who they are because they look like purple members of the KKK. Oh man, that was a bad look in hindsight. Blues (the only with FF eyes) turns the shackles into coiled snakes as the astronauts beg for mercy and will do whatever they want. Proto Man calls them their space slaves, but the door explodes and in comes...BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Okay, I change my mind; this mindlessly dumb episode is so worth it just for Rock being a green knight and Rush being his horse. It's not like Rush Jet was any different anyway. Rock drops the lance and fires at the heels. The heels dodge and the snakes disappear along with the shackles as the space people get on Rush Horse and he bails stage left. Guts Man has a sword and calls him a blue dweeb, sword gone by buster.

Somehow, this turns it into the mini version of the robot dragon from Mega Man 2. How about that for a cameo?! The dragon breathes fire and destroy the cloak and Guts Man falls down. Cut Man wants to cut this short and fires a Rolling Cutter at Rock. Rock deflects it with one shot of the Rock Buster and the Rolling Cutter destroys his cloak and Cut Man falls down, knocked out. Cut Man's weapon returns as Cut Man gets up; but he is headbutted into the wall by Rush Horse and shackled to the wall like a prisoner. Cut Man protests this outrage and I don't care. Rock and Rush bail as Proto Man shoots and misses. Blues then runs in as Rock blows him off for invading people's dreams. Illogical in real life, but morally true. Blues tackles down Rock and now they act like little kids on the playground. In your face, you blue dweeb~! Rock orders the two men to destroy the thingy in the cargo hold as they are gaslit now. The two space people wake up and get out of their beds. They float into the cargo hold chanting like zombies. One of them grabs the portable dream machine and smashes it into the ground with the lamest shot possible. Jump cut to Dr. Wily noticing the monitor is fizzling out and starts to panic. Somehow, Bomb Man is still in the cave since I thought he went with Blues, and Elec Man is back! Was he having a smoke break or something? Anyhow, more panic as the dream machine turns on and it's lasers reveal Guts Man, Cut Man, Rush and Rock of course! Rock is of course still in a test of strength in mid-air with Proto Man, just to make them look like dweebs. This also allows Rock to do the hell wheel on Proto Man in mid air, ala Chargeman Ken doing a barrel roll. Only this was clearly on purpose.

Rock teases killing Dr. Wily and then turns around and destroys the machine. I'm surprised the games never had a Sand Man as a robot master. Proto Man bails into the green van with Cut Man and Guts Man, but Rock is shooting to stop the van with stone spikes. All the heels bail, Rock destroys all of Dr. Wily's toys. Yee-haw! Then we get a hilarious moment: Dr. Wily gets into the Wily Machine RS and orders the heel robots to run interference and Blues is like "nope" and all the heels grab onto the Wily Machine RS as it flies out of the cave. Rock and Rush run out of the cave as the Wily Machine RS flies out of sight. Rock waves goodbye and gives him sweet dreams. So, we head back to Dr. Light's residence as Dr. Light again has to jam another signal to prevent the dream machine coming back again. Rock and Rush are playing checkers on a table. Oh, this is so going to be fun to mock. Rock is easily squashing Rush in this game and they are using painted bottle caps as pieces. Roll comes in selling that she's a zombie and she takes Rush's right hand on a white bottle cap and checkmates Rock! HAHA! What a blue dweeb to submit to arrogrance like that. Rock is so concerned of losing this game so easily that he's worried Roll is sleepwalking and dreaming. Roll stops selling because of course she wasn't dreaming because she's a robot and cannot sleep, you see. HAHA! Rock realizes his folly and Roll has a laugh with Rush at Rock's expense to end the episode at 24:00 approx. Despite having no incentive to watch after the one minute mark, this episode was entertaining crap. ** 1/2 (50%). One final note: They actually decided to change the ED music from the Mega Man song to some rock music from Smile! Okay, that is cool and it fits the motif of the game in Japan at least, but the show itself is more important than the music, so it's pointless.


Well, this was highly entertaining for an episode that had no business being any good: The plot was given away within two minutes, there was the stupid logic of the head of security ordered to kill Rock; but was changed to arresting him despite being a robot and the no kill rule didn't apply. They also recycled the train track angle from Future Shock and the animation seemed to be off at time. However, it was made up by Rock and Rush as knight and horse and the ending, along with some funny moments, so overall; this was absolutely the definition of a mid episode . So....

Thumbs in the middle for this episode and I'll see you all next time.


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