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Peppa Pig: Series Six #1 Rant

Reviewed: 12/01/2019

Time To Really Marble Run The Show!

Okay fans; I have now decided to rant on this series full time, because I do in fact like this show enough that I can handle the best and worst of the Pig family from Great Britian. So, finally, a number of episodes from Series 6 has flood my tubes. 22 episodes to be exact, which is all about three episodes that have aired. The only ones I am missing are Miss Rabbit's Relaxation Class (and I'm really sad about not doing that one), Recorders and the most recent Buried Treasure one. So, today's work involves the debut of Peggi and Pandora Panda (the kids of Officer Panda), a Chinese New Year, Mandy Mouse, lots of puddles, flowers, marbles, funny music and let's end it with Daddy Pig being a criminal! Yes, that episode! So, how do these episodes fare? Let's rant on shall we..?!

All the episodes are done by Neville Astley, Mark Baker and Phil Hall. Animation is done by Astely Baker Davies animation; with the two mentioned creators and Phil Davies.

Reminder Moment #1: Series 6 also saw some changes in the voices at this point. George Pig is also voiced by Vincent van Hulzen and this is his debut and only appearance. Freddy Fox is voiced by Charlie Stewart and this is his debut and only appearance. Candy Cat is voiced by Tallulah Conabeare and has two appearances: this show and as Evan in The Big Bad Fox & Other Tales.

The Panda Twins: So, first up is episode #265-#266 on the animation paper as the episode opens at the school house on the hill with all the kids entering the school house via the front door from the parent's cars. Gigi is at the front door carrying her purse as two panda anthros in red and yellow dresses arrive from the east. They are addressed as Peggi and Pandora Panda and look to be the first twins who are more or less the same age as Peppa on this show. Peggi and Pandora Panda are voiced by Chelsy Orfinada and this is her debut and only appearance. Officer Panda is there and wishes them good luck and keep their eyes and ears open. Because opening their minds might make their brains fall out. Closing them might eliminate blood flow to the brain, so maybe be in between the two here. The purpose of Gigi's purse seems to be to have Gigi's cellphone on retainer to ring Officer Panda in when Playgroup is over and to give status reports. So, Gigi, Pandora (in yellow) and Peggi (in purple) walk in as almost all the kids are here to meet and greet the two Pandas. Peggi is the one who first breaks the ice, so Pandora seems more reserved than Peggi at this point. Pandora answers Peppa's first comment by saying that they are identical twins and the two Pandas hold hands. Suzy asks if people get them mixed up and the Peggi claims that they do sometimes, which in cartoons seems to happen too often even when identical twins are not involved, as seen in Mind Your Cheese's & Q's. Gigi offers the two Pandas first dibs on what to do today and Peggi and Pandora love mysteries, puzzles and detective work; which makes sense since their father is a police officer. So, Gigi suggest that they break the ice with a jigsaw puzzle. I just love how the box looks like a hundred piece jigsaw puzzle, but when they open the box, it's literally four giant puzzle pieces. Come on show; you know better than that. So, Pedro and Rebecca cannot get the sun and cloud pieces together; so Peggi and Pandora suggest they turn the puzzle pieces around. They do, and they fit perfectly. Danny and someone else puts the puzzle together upon the Panda's suggestions and the puzzle is complete. It's Pedro's house on the hill on a sunny day with one cloud. Very Pedro Pony-ish. Gigi praises their work as Peggi and Pandora do a flashback involving the Panda Twins with Constable Panda at the police station, basically to remind the audience about their relationship with their father.

Back to reality (no, not really) as Freddy wants to be a police officer and apparently, all the kids love the sound of sirens because they sound very British to them. Okay, then we get the stupidest thing ever: Gigi wants to phone in Officer Panda to inform him how the Panda Twins are doing. That's not the stupid part, I can understand the good reasons behind that. The problem is: The purse is clear in the background on a table about five feet away from Gigi, and yet Gigi has to act like she cannot find her purse and believe that her cell phone is in her dress despite the fact that it's inside her purse. Geez, I wonder who was enabling Daddy Pig all those years, eh? Gigi is looking in the cupboards, even though the purse is RIGHT FREAKING THERE on top of the cupboards, all while Suzy Sheep is basically blaming the victim for being stupid. Gigi is constantly coming up with excuses. Me: Where is your purse, Gigi? would be the first thing I would ask, because you had the cell phone in there when we saw you at the beginning of the episode. This is so stupid and it's ruining the Panda Twin's buzz at this point. Peggi and Pandora give out the moral of the episode which is to keep your eyes and ears open, which Gigi needs to do badly since no one under the age of two wouldn't notice the obvious here. Peggi and Pandora's theory on this is to wait until someone calls her and if the phone rings, they will notice it. Their giggling indicates that they know where it is and want to make Gigi look even worse and I don't blame them. This is way too obvious, even for this show! One problem: None of the kids have mobile phones and the narrator says that little kids do not have mobile phones. That is BS, narrator; although it might be better off that way, if you catch my drift. So, it's home time, thus rendering the entire phone in completely pointless since Officer Panda is here. Might as well give the status report in person, Gigi. Gigi is glad to see them and asks one of them to ring her phone in as Panda wants to, but finds it easier to talk in person with it. So, he's one of those who think communicating with phones face to face within five feet of each other is too stupid to imagine. Gigi then admits that she lost her phone and by the way, Officer Panda is looking in such a way that he could easily spot Gigi's purse and just open it for her. Nope, Officer Panda has to ring in the cellphone in the purse in order to keep Peggi and Pandora strong for the series and make them look good, even though they already are good characters and it does nothing for Gigi and her brain. So, yes; they find Gigi's cellphone in the handbag, which has a vibrator mode. Whatever, Gigi opens the bag, finds the phone ringing and that is that. Peppa points out that Peggi and Pandora had this idea and Officer Panda pets their cheeks for a job well done as everyone laughs out loud to end the episode at 4:30. Not a good debut here, although Peggi and Pandora did a wonderful job here. Most of the problems was the too stupid to be believable phone missing angle from Gigi that marred this debut. ** 3/4 (55%).

Chinese New Year: So, we conclude this two parter at the school house on the hill as we get the same footage of the parents cars arriving and the kids all going into the school house. The only difference is Peggi and Pandora enter with the kids as this is basically their only other appearance outside of the Children's Festival two parter. So, all the kids sit down as the entire school is decorated with Chinese decorations as Gigi addresses the kids that today is the celebration of the Chinese New Year, which was I believe the first episode made directly for Chinese market. Before I continue, I want to point out that China is not a communist country anymore and Nemo37 of Nintendo Everything describes it as: a single party authoritarian government with a mixed-market economy. Which means, dangerously close to the USA if the Republicans totally get their way. Gigi explains the entire holiday in a nutshell and Peggi and Pandora are giddy about this since in storyline, they are immigrants from China. The door bell rings and outside is Mr. Bull with a box of fireworks. Considering Mr. Bull destructive tendencies, I do not trust him carrying fireworks. Although at least he's not smoking while doing this, so points for that, I guess. Gigi comes out and informs him to put the fireworks on the next hill. Okay, this isn't the worst thing Mr. Bull could have done. So, back inside as Gigi gives kids tiny brooms as apparently, one of the traditions of Chinese New Year is to symbolically sweep out the old year and sweep in the new one. And that is what every kid does. So, Gigi then tells them to hide the brushes, so the sweeping will stop and it doesn't sweep away the good luck for the new year. And that is what every kid does. Pedro asks the obvious question here, and I think Gigi already answered that one, you clueless pony. Okay, boomer (Eiasion). Maybe it's just me, but whenever I hear that new catchphrase, I cannot resist adding the last name to that somewhat famous quarterback in American rules football. The kids raise their hands and ask for good luck in unison as Gigi brings out a box of red clothing for everyone to wear for extra good luck. Everyone takes out red clothing and puts it on as Peppa has a lucky red scarf to match the red dress, and Suzy protests this as unfair. Here's how to make it fair: Peppa's red dress doesn't count as luck, since it has to come from the box. Simple, but perfectly fair. Peppa wants to share the luck with Suzy and then they hug.

Okay, that sort of works too, I guess. So, Gigi next brings out a picture of a big red Chinese Dragon (or as the dragon is called Long) because they are doing the Dragon Dance (Long Wudao); and Danny asks if this dragon is scary. Gigi calls it a super friendly dragon because she cannot say that it's not a real dragon and just a prop used to symbolize the dragon and the dragon dance. Oh, and this dragon is going to be hand made by the kids as Danny calls the body some sort of deli food. His imagination is so limited, it makes Pedro look like a creative genius. So, they are really creating the most absurd looking Chinese Dragon in history as Peggi and Pandora put horns on the dragon like a bull and Gigi then remembers to bring out her cell phone since Mr. Bull has to be called right now. Gigi calls Mr. Bull on the next hill and Mr. Bull has almost all the fireworks set up perfectly on the next hill as we slowly go into HAPPY HOUR as the kids put the finishing touches on the dragon. So, Gigi asks who wants to carry the dragon on poles and Peppa, George, Richard, Peggi and Pandora run in to carry the dragon, as apparently it has a white monkey in it's mouth, for no good reason that I can think of. The rest of the kids get to carry lanterns and bang cymbals and drums. But someone is needed to wear the lion mask to lead the Chinese New Year Dragon Dance. And who should come in, but Mr. Bull himself; and Gigi offers him the lion costume, which he is honored to do so. I guess the fireworks are on a timer then. So, everyone marches out of the school houe and that door is way too narrow, and somehow it does no damage to Mr. Bull's mask, nor the dragon itself. They all march down the hill with Mr. Bull in the lead, Danny Dog on drum (so, he's in second place even in Dragon Dances), Edmond with the lantern, Peppa, George, Richard, Peggi and Pandora with the dragon and so on and so on. They go up a hill as all the parents arrive to clap and see the dragon dance. Daddy Pig is there and asks where are the fireworks. Mr. Bull gets the LIGHTBULB OF BLOODY CLAIRTY and it's on remote controll as he pushes the conveniently placed red button and we have fireworks. Mr. Bull pushes more button as Peppa calls this the best Chinese New Year ever, which is kind of dubious since it was this show's first Chinese New Year. Everyone is in awe of the fireworks as the episode ends at 4:30. This was a much better showing for Peggi and Pandora as they managed to do this without making it look like a mockery for a change. *** 3/4 (75%).

Mandy Mouse: Here is episodes #267 on the animation paper and the episode opens at the school house on the hill as we head inside as the big kids minus Wendy Wolf are at their tables drawing pictures. Gigi Gazelle is watching on as Peppa is drawing the sun; and then claps her hands because this is a special day. Which is codeword for a new student as a new visitor is here. The door opens and in comes Mrs. Mouse and Mandy Mouse. Mandy Mouse is voiced by Audrey Von Hulzen and this is her debut and only appearance. I have no clue who voices Mummy Mouse though. Mandy Mouse is a female mouse anthro with pink cheeks and a lavander nose, wearing a pink dress and sits in a wheelchair. I doubt that they will explain why Mandy is in a wheelchair and considering the audience, it might be for the best. They treat her like one of the kids, which is exactly how it should be done, so points for that. According to Gigi, she is merely here to observe and have fun; and if there is no abuse forthcoming, she'll be part of Playgroup for the rest of the series. Pretty much gives away the ending in advance, but this is one predictable thing I would prefer. Mrs. Mouse kisses her and wishes her good luck before she leaves. Mandy wheels herself around, so she is clearly used to her wheelchair by now. She heads to the table with Peppa, Danny and Suzy; the original big three of the show. So, we exchange notes and pictures for a while as Pedro Pony draw a cloud to counter Peppa's sun. That was amusing. Molly drew the sky of course as Mandy draws a picture of an airplane, so she might be a TaleSpin fan, or whatever cartoon flying show that is made in Great Britian. The kids love it and then the bell rings which is the universal signal to go outside and play at the playground as all the kids run out with Danny Dog with the spotty ball. It's been six seasons and Danny Dog still hasn't won a race yet. Even though this wasn't a race, Mandy Mouse races past Danny Dog to win anyway to being first to the playground. Danny Dog just cannot buy a break. Peppa Pig does in fact ask why she is in a wheelchair and Mandy simply says that her legs don't work anymore, so she's paralyzed from the legs down basically. Suzy doesn't get it of course. Mandy wheels around her wheelchair some more to force the point and she's getting around great in my own opinion. So, it's time to play spotty ball and Danny picks Mandy as her co-captain. Peppa picks Suzy as hers, DUH! So, it's 4-on-4 and Freddy Fox has been officially written out by teleport. Somehow, everyone is teleporting as Danny is trying to explain DA RULES (FAIRY GODPARENTS~!); but everyone except Mandy is cutting each other off because they are jerks. This is the one thing that might be a deal breaker for Mandy Mouse.

It ends with Peppa simply saying "because I said so." I cackled on that one, so Mandy puts an end to the foolishness by basically saying the team who puts the ball through the conveniently placed basketball hoop pole, wins the game. Sounds fair to me. Considering that Mandy Mouse is on Danny Dog's team, Danny might finally get his first win in this show. However, Mandy will probably save the team from disaster, so Danny's win will be pointless, as usual. And damn it to hell if I'm not right as Emily, Pedro and Suzy are making Danny look like the worst player of all time here. When Pedro F'N Pony is better than Danny Dog, you are hosed. Mandy steals the ball, passes it to Danny, then to Molly who throws it high in the air making everyone think Peppa would regain the ball, but Mandy steals it again, bounces it onto Gerald's head and he bops the ball into the net and Team Danny wins! Wow, Mandy was generous to give it to Gerald since Gerald didn't get much heat upon his debut. Mandy calls herself brilliant as we jump cut to the front door with Gigi Gazelle ringing the bell as playtime is over. So, all the kids go up the hill; but Peppa stays with Mandy because she's having a great degree of difficulty going up the hill on her wheelchair because this hill is way too steep. Peppa offers to help her; but Mandy no sells strongly, but loses the toxic masculinity when she claims that she loves hills. Not fooling anyone on that one, sadly. Where is Mr. Bull when we need him?! He can dig up these slopes and makes them more accessible to Mandy! Mandy finally wants Peppa to push her up the hill and Peppa is more than happy to do so. So, Peppa helps push Mandy up while Mandy wheels herself up, admitting that she is not use to this since her home was in an area that was all flat. Peppa really feels her pain and Rebecca Rabbit even more so as we get sequences of various places on a hill. Peppa calls it all hills as she and Mandy wheel inside the school house on the hill. Everyone is giggling as Gigi asks if anyone had a great time. Everyone says yes as the adults all come inside, including Mrs. Mouse. Mandy is so unhappy about leaving PlayGroup, so she agrees to stay at Playgroup for the rest of the series for real this time! She is even popping wheelies while giving out her answer, so it wasn't in doubt. It's three o'clock as Mandy spins her wheelchair around and everyone giggles as Mandy giggles with them to end the episode at 4:30. This was a really great debut for Mandy Mouse, even without the muddy puddles in play, which would have been an awesome visual as well. Oh well, it'll happen soon enough, knowing this show. **** (80%).

Parking Ticket: Next up is episode #270 on the animation paper and the episode opens at the little house on the hill as we head to Peppa's bedroom as it is a total mess with Peppa and George causing chaos and mayhem. Daddy and Mummy Pig come in and they are not amused at the mess as Mummy wishes they would do a bit of tidying up because then they wouldn't have to be told off. Peppa Pig asks why the kids get told off; but not the parents...BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh boy! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! After all the episodes I have seen in this show when Daddy Pig screws up, that Daddy Pig doesn't get told off. Daddy is claiming that this is why he is a grown up; because he doesn't get told off, which makes my endless laughter even more ampified. I realize that this isn't limited to Daddy Pig, but come on, Peppa. You know better than that. The room is all clean now as Daddy bails and goes to his car which has magically been written in by teleport as he is going shopping. Peppa and George want to join him and Daddy agrees to it. Now, I know all you moral guardians are whining and gnashing teeth now that Peppa and George got away with this, but Daddy Pig is shopping for...wait for it...concreate. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! See, Peppa didn't get what she wanted after all. Peppa is not happy about this as we arrive at the concrete shop and he parks at the No Parking sign. Peppa is pointing this out to Daddy Pig, but Daddy Pig tells her not to worry because he'll be out soon. In comes Miss Rabbit as Daddy Pig makes some small talk and then goes inside while Peppa and George stay in the car to talk with Miss Rabbit and help her with her job. We then discover that her job of the day is...wait for it...traffic warden. Uh-oh! Daddy Pig's kink is about to get him into trouble...AGAIN! So, Miss Rabbit writes a parking ticket and sticks it on Daddy Pig's windshield and I'm sobbing with laughter after this. Daddy Pig has just committed a petty crime! After all the times he drove into traffic in Italy and France, he finally gets citied and it is all due to his undying love for concrete. Even funnier; Daddy Pig comes out with the bag of concrete and puts it in the car. Miss Rabbit brings out her camera and takes a picture for fun and for identification in case Daddy Pig does anything sneaky and Daddy Pig is completely clueless about the situation. This is so great, this might be better than Simple Science!

So, Daddy Pig finally notices the ticket and gets it. So, we drive along the boring road and I was hoping that Officer Panda and Officer Gray Squirrel stopped him for speeding to boot, but sadly it doesn't happen. Peppa asks if this is like being told off and Daddy Pig admits that it is, making him look like the idiot that he is. So, they finally arrive on the little house on the hill as the ticket is still on the windshield despite Daddy Pig taking it off earlier and Peppa and George jump out and go into the kitchen where Mummy Pig is sipping tea. I was hoping Peppa would say "Mummy! Mummy! My Daddy is finally a criminal!" That would have been the funniest troll move ever, and it would be totally truth on Peppa's part. Sadly, she said it's a ticket as Mummy Pig takes this as good, until Daddy Pig comes in to inform her that it's a parking ticket, and Mummy Pig is certain that this is a mistake and even Daddy Pig buys into it. Then the doorbell rings and Daddy Pig answers it to show Mr. Zebra with a letter for Daddy Pig. Daddy Pig takes it in and opens it in between scenes to show the picture Miss Rabbit took as Peppa sums up the picture nicely for me. That was a mistake all right. At least Daddy Pig is going to pay for this the first time, unlike Baloo who had hundreds of these tickets and didn't pay for it until the end of Bringing Down Babyface. Did I mention TaleSpin is going to be thirty years old next year?! So, basically, the picture has a letter that informs Daddy Pig that he needs to learn how to park, so there is no fining system in this show. All right, as the doorbell rings and guess who is at the door? Just guess, it's too shocking. Surprise! It's OK, BOOMER~! POW! OUCH! Ummmm...It's Police Constable Panda and Police Constable Grey Squirrel (who never ticketed an inanimate object she didn't like) and Daddy Pig answers the door which is less foolish than ignoring the door completely. I guess they are the officials to make sure Daddy Pig learns how to park and it's a home visit. Daddy Pig is blushing profusely now and I am loving every second of this. Gray Squirrel calls this a routine visit. Yeah, I'll bet! Then Officer Panda asks if Daddy Pig is planning to leave the country and Daddy Pig said no. And every country is so relieved by that answer. The police ask if Daddy Pig is ready for the parking lesson and Daddy says yes.

So, the officers, Daddy Pig, Peppa and George walk down the hill as we see the police car and apparently, it has a spare "No Parking" sign just for the lesson. Lucky, eh? So Officer Panda puts the sign down on the ground and points out what the sign's message is. Panda gets into his car and drives forward to an area where there is no parking sign and parks to demonstrate where you should park. Then he backs up to the No Parking sign to demonstrate where you shouldn't park. I was hoping Officer Grey Squirrel would ticket him right there, just to make my life complete and really jackhammer the point home....Oh my goodness, okay this is beyond funny now: So, the lesson is over and Daddy Pig claps on cue with the kids and then in comes Miss Rabbit and she tickets Officer Panda despite the fact that the "No Parking" sign is just a prop for lesson purposes! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Okay, this episode is now officially better than Simple Science. And all Officer Panda had to do is point out that they were doing a parking lesson, but he acts like this law is so stupid and outrageous and Miss Rabbit is acting like she's doing a job! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is the best screwjob finish in all of Peppa Pig now. Even Daddy Pig wading in concrete cannot match it now. This is so great, and they did it to prove that no one is above the law, despite the fact that no laws are broken here since it was a lesson and not real life. Still awesome though. Peppa proclaims that even grownups get told off and everyone except Officer Panda does the backsplash laugh to end the episode at 4:30. This is the best episode in Peppa Pig history now. This had Daddy Pig being a petty criminal and his kink messed him up again, some hilarious moments involving the police and a finish that was beyond the pale hilarious. No one can accuse these officers of not obeying the law, that is for sure. ***** (100%).

Lots Of Muddy Puddles: The next episode is episode #271 on the animation paper as the episode opens at the little house on the hill in the fall with colored leaves and Daddy Pig's car parked at the front. The back door opens as Peppa and George in winter clothes run down and find a muddy puddle. But wait, they are stopped by Daddy Pig's voice, and they run back up as Daddy informs them that they are going on a walk and there might be lots of muddy puddles on the trip. So, they are going for a walk in the woods, despite driving to the woods in a car. Kind of taints the whole walk in the woods thing a little tiny bit. Mummy is driving and we go onto the boring road for a while and the kids are giggling to make this sound exciting, struggling. Peppa sings the TEDDY RUXPIN SONG OF DOOM for awhile to kill more a five minute episode. It's not the Muddy Puddles song, even though it's about Muddy Puddles. So, they arrive at the park, which the narrator calls the woods. There is a gate and a recycling bin as Daddy Pig opens the door and everyone goes inside. Mummy Pig laments about how awesome the woods are and considering how important they are for our surivial, she's really underestimating the awesomeness here. Of course, Peppa cuts her off because she wants those muddy puddles, see. Daddy points out that there is a puddle and Peppa and George are so giddy that they jump in and they are disappointed because it's not muddy and not all puddles are muddy. So, yes; Peppa has completely erased London from her mind and that makes me really sad. Peppa stomps some more and calls it twiggie and no she wasn't insulting Tweeg here, so she's safe. It's also cracklie, so it's called a twigglie, cracklie puddle, just to over complicate the entire gimmick. I would have called it a treeie puddle, since the leaves and twigs come from a tree. So, they now have a new mission in this episode: Find different kinds of puddles and the next destination is the beach. So, they return to the beach boring road heading west as we sing the same song as before, only everyone is singing it now. Even George is singing it, so his entire gimmick is basically him trolling on Peppa and everyone else. So, we stop at the beach as Peppa and George get out and notice a puddle in the sand. They jump up and down in it and it sounds like tin foil being bashed by a hammer, or something among those line. This is clearly a sandie puddle. Peppa calls it crunchie and scrunchie. That is true.

So, Mummy Pig joins in for a while and then next up is the playground as we head on the slightly more exciting road and more singing. So, we head to the playground where there are lots of puddles, but none muddy...AGAIN! Peppa tests the puddle and it's called a splatie puddle. And yes, I'm doing the gimmick of using the "ie" at the end for more British effect. George and Peppa jump up and down in the splatie puddle for a while as Daddy approves of it. So, Mummy Pig decides that it's time to go home and it's back onto the slightly more exciting road heading west this time with no singing. So, basically they do a recap of all the puddles they jumped in, only with the kids jumping up and down in said puddles. Peppa is not happy because she still didn't find the elusive muddy puddle, so Daddy Pig drives them back home because there is only one place to find them. If you said "in the backyard" you win the no-prize. Of course! Peppa and George get out of the car, run down to the garden and Peppa jumps into the muddy puddle. Daddy Pig thinks that the puddle is a splish-splash-sploosh puddle; but Peppa blows it off because muddy puddles are really the best. Therefore, by default, it's called...wait for it...wait for it...a Peppa Puddle. So, yes after calling her episodes "Peppasodes"; she's now naming muddy puddles, Peppa Puddles. Don't ask, it's a Peppa Thing~! So, everyone jumps up and down in Peppa Puddles and loves it to end the episode at 4:30. Just your average Peppa Puddle love in. *** (60%).

Funny Music: Here is episode #273 on the animation paper as the episode opens at the little house on the hill as we zoom in to the kitchen table which has apparently been moved to the eastern side of the house instead of the western side like it normally is. Mummy Pig is having tea, Daddy Pig is finished having tea and the kids are having cereal because it's breakfast. Daddy Pig's bag is on the floor, so I assume he is going to work today as it's eight o'clock. The doorbell rings as Daddy wonders who it could be and we head outside with Mr. Zebra with a package for Daddy Pig. Daddy Pig answers the door and takes the package and heads inside as Mr. Zebra leaves. Daddy Pig heads back and the package is like gift wrap as Daddy opens the package to reveal a synthesizer; which is basically an electronic keyboard with microphone. Peppa understandably messes up saying it since I cannot spell it properly either; as Daddy Pig opens the box and brings it out. Don't worry; the box is normal sized with packing peanuts instead of the world's largest shipping box. The electronic keyboard has a stand attached to it as the keyboard has colored buttons on it; which Daddy Pig has no idea what they do. Mummy Pig finds the BLUE BOOK OF DOOM and it's doom on Daddy Pig's brain because it's complicated, you see. Peppa tells him not to worry, because she will study said book; and apparently, none of the buttons do anything since nothing happens when Daddy Pig pushes them. Daddy Pig walks out of the house without his bag, goes into his car and drives down the hill. The keyboard is now moved to the living room as Mummy Pig turns it on and plays it, which indicates to me that Mummy Pig might have been a music teacher before becoming a story book writer. Peppa and George try out their skills, and I want to say that my ears were bleeding when they were playing, but the sound was so toned down that it merely amused me. It turns out, the buttons are linked to the wireless microphone as they can record sounds and map them onto the buttons. Peppa breaks the ice on that by snorting loudly and mapping to the cyan blue button. And pressing the button, makes the keyboard play the snort sound on the keyboard. Because, why not? This is also repeated when George records his favorite catchphrase and I don't even need to explain that one anymore. So, Peppa and George (with Mummy's approval of course) run into various places into the house to record sounds in order to surprise Daddy Pig. Sounds include a trash can klanging, the spotty ball bouncing, Goldie talking underwater in the fish bowl, and the vacuum cleaner. Now this episode really sucks! HAHA!

Ron Sparks: It sucks more than Sean Desmond.

And the narrator actually remembers to raise his voice while this is happening. That's a real nice touch of detail there. And George jumps up and down in muddy puddles and despite the mud clearly nailing the microphone, the microphone completely no sells the entire thing and keeps going. It doesn't even get muddy somehow. That's like Mr. Fuji's hat not being dislodged after Jake Roberts DDT's him. Mummy Pig comes out and asks if they are done because Daddy Pig will be home soon. They are not done as they run into the house and go to the bathroom and decide to record the flushing of a toilet sound. Anyone who thought Peppa Pig was above toilet humor has just been crushed. That just gave Peppa Pig some 50,000 extra haters now. Oh, and here comes Daddy Pig, parking the car on the steepest side of the hill. I would think that this spot would be more problematic than recording the toilet flushing; but then again, I'm not a moral guardian, so whatever. In comes Daddy Pig and apparently, his bag magically came back. Really sloppy. So, Daddy wants to play on his new keyboard and does, which somehow, none of the funny music was made. Peppa wants him to play it again and Daddy Pig does, and then Peppa pushes the red button and the snorting sounds come out in the middle of Daddy playing. Wait, I thought the cyan blue button controlled that sound? I guess when it comes to button, it always has to be the dreaded red button of doom. So, everyone pushes buttons and apparently, the kids recorded many more sounds that couldn't make it into the episode due to time constraints. So, more playing by Daddy Pig as we put a lot on this toilet flushing sound as everyone does the backsplash laugh to end the episode at 4:30. Hey, this was a fun episode, although the toilet flush will not help this show in anyway. And once again, like most cartoons, they have trouble keeping the button continuity straight. *** 1/2 (70%).

Buttercups, Daisies and Dandelions: Here is episode #274 on the animation paper as we head to the blue house on the hill as the red car of Daddy Pig arrives, parking on THAT side of the hill...AGAIN! When this show runs out of luck (if that ever happens, don't hold your breath) and ends, this is one of the thing that will be etched in my brain for all eternity. So, everyone gets out as the Chole family comes out with Baby Alexander in the stroller pushed by Auntie Pig, along with Uncle Pig carrying out the picnic basket and Cousin Chole doing nothing of note. So, the Chole family wants to do a picnic in the garden and this prompts a race between Chole, Peppa and George as they run down the hill into the garden, with Chole winning with ease. The adults and Baby Alexander stop near a tree to set up the picnic area. The other kids are in the meadow filled with buttercups, daisies and dandelions, as per the episode title. So, Chole wants to pick flowers and Peppa picks the daisies, Chole picks up buttercups and George picks up both and gets scolded for that. George takes that well, drops the flowers and runs east to the flowerbed to try to pick tulips; but Daddy and Mummy Pig scold him for that. He bails and there is no crying present. Chole and Peppa are picking up flowers which I was sure that it was the opposite of what I thought they were picking earlier, but I guess I was wrong on that. No matter, it's not like it was a big deal or anything. George decides to pick up grass, because he thinks this will make him safe from more scolding. He's wrong, sadly. Chole of course scolds him; but shows him the yellow dandelions he can pick now, because in the world of Peppa Pig, there are only three weedly flowers to pick. Hence the episode title. George drops the grass -- and that will come out wrong no matter what -- and picks the dandelions. So, Chole claims that she has a neat trick and asks George if he like butter. George is confused and the narrator claims that he doesn't know. So, Chole shines the buttercup underneath his chin and it glows yellow. That is enough for Chole to claim that George likes butter. Chole is wearing a yellow dress; I call quackery on this one. The amazing part of this is; while the whole custom is silly, the buttercup glowing under the chin does work in real life since buttercup petal can reflect light, thus the yellow chin. But it is not a serious indicator of anyone liking butter, now come on.

Peppa tries to legitimize the concept of liking butter by claiming that she loves butter, just so she can have the buttercup reflect light underneath her chin. Peppa then gets the "bright idea" of using daisies to show that if the light reflects underneath George's chin, then he loves cheese. Peppa puts the daisy underneath George's chin and nothing happens of course. HAHA! Now THAT is quackery! Peppa thinks she has the wrong type of daisy, which is not all that unreasonable considering that there are 20,000 different types of them. Chole has another idea: time to make a daisy chain, which is basically a necklace made of daisies as Chole demonstrates. Basically, you make a hole in the stem and thread a daisy through it, rinse, lather, repeat. Chole then makes the daisy chain necklace and puts it around Peppa's neck. Chole calls Peppa the Daisy Queen. Of course! Peppa dances around for a while and George mimics that dance; which causes Peppa to blow him off for that because only the Daisy Queen is allowed to do that and George is all glum. Chole has an idea: Make a Dandelion Mane by basically doing the same thing with the daisies, only using dandelions. Now , George is the Lion King. HEE HEE! I think we found an animal for George to mimic that is far more recent and still around, compared to the "dinesaur". Uncle Pig calls the children to come over for the picnic and the kids all run and sit down at the picnic area. There are subs, corn on the cob, watermelon, yogurt, fruit, tomatoes and even homemade chocolate cake. Peppa is going on about the Daisy Queen and shines the buttercup under Daddy Pig's chin to see if he loves butter. Mummy Pig takes the buttercup and shines it under Daddy Pig's chin and basically implies that Daddy Pig loves to eat a lot because there is lots of stuff on his tummy which magically comes out of nowhere. Of course! Daddy Pig eats the sub as everyone laughs and suddenly Mrs. Duck arrives quacking to end the episode at 4:30 before she gets fed and annoys me again. This was amusing enough. ** 1/2 (50%).

The Marble Run: Last up is episode #275 on the animation paper as the episode opens at the little house on the hill and we head to the office of Mummy Pig as Mummy Pig is on her computer. In comes Richard Rabbit, Peppa, George and Rebecca Rabbit giggling as usual. They want to play Happy Mrs Chicken and I don't care if it's been ten years plus since it was last released, I want to see Peppa Pig on Nintendo Switch. If Bibi Blocksberg can be released in North America, so can Peppa Pig. I would play Peppa Pig just to play Happy Mrs. Chicken. Mummy Pig no sells the deal because she needs to write a new book, I guess. However, all the toys have been played in the bedroom...but wait! Mummy Pig brings out the Marble Run from the toybox and claims that they haven't played that in ages. I wonder why...and yes, the children and Mummy Pig are currently in the bedroom in case you thought I would forget. So Peppa demonstrates the marble run, which is basically putting the marble into a slot and it goes down the slopes to the bottom in a simple, but effective demonstrate of physics. Peppa then rudely tells Mummy Pig to go to her office and work on her computer. Methinks she's still sore after not being allowed to play Happy Mrs. Chicken again. Mummy Pig leaves the room stage left anyway. Rebecca wants to try and Peppa is all bossy; so Rebecca cuts her off and puts the marble into the slot because this is so simple and Peppa is just being a troll at this point. After this is successful, Peppa wants to up the ante and turn it into the most Rube-Goldbergish marble run ever. I realize she said it's the biggest and best one ever, but I put nothing past Peppa Pig here. We have wiggling slopes, windmill slopes attached to it as it's George's turn to put the marble in, with an assist from Peppa because George is too short right now. So, after barely getting that to work and more giggling, Rebecca wants to really up the ante on this. So, more unusual parts are added, including two whirlpool pieces on top and it's time for Richard's turn as he grabs a lot of marbles. Rebecca lifts him up and Richard throws them and somehow, none of them hit anything but the marble run, which is amazing accurancy for a two year old. This marble run is so chaotic, in comes Daddy Pig noticing the evidence right away. Daddy wants to join in and make it even bigger, but there is no pieces of the official marble run in the box. But, wait! Daddy Pig has a plan...

...remember what I said about this would be the most Rube-Goldbergish marble run in history? Well, Daddy Pig starts using jigsaw puzzles for a base, car race track parts, the doll house and some colored stands for further support. Because, why not?! Daddy wants to up the ante on this one and goes into the office and finds three cardboard tubes and takes them while Mummy Pig doesn't suspect a thing. This has to lead somewhere not good, because Daddy Pig is supposed to be dumb in storyline. As he returns, the kids added blocks, box, a tree, a turned over basket and Mr. Dinesaur as an entrance! Yip, this is officially the most Rube-Goldbergish marble run ever and Peppa don't care. There are train tracks and other assorted stuff; just to increase the absurdity levels to 33 now. So, finally; it's time to try this thing out and if this run is pulled off perfectly, I'll be beside myself. Daddy Pig is the one to try this out first as Peppa is being bossy, so Daddy Pig cuts her off and starts the marble run. I see they all finally found a way to reel in Peppa's bossy attitude here. It's much more exciting to watch the marble run than it is to do play-by-play though. There is a ferris wheel toy being used here as well along with a globe in a symbolic "going around the world" spot, according to Peppa. It bounces off the conveniently placed clown horn and sadly, it bounces on top of Mr. Dinesaur because I felt the finish was it would go into Mr. Dinesaur's mouth. But of course not, because the marble bounces out of the room, down the stairs, into the living room, while switching the front door light on and it bounces about two dozen times off pictures, sofa, love seat, and the lamp post before rolling onto the ground. Daddy Pig then runs in and panics because the lamp post is way too close to the television set where Goldie and her fishbowl are on top of said set. Daddy Pig runs in, grabs the fishbowl to safety and Goldie does a flip in midair and lands into the fishbowl safe and sound as Peppa declares that the entire house is a marble run and I cannot argue with that overwhelming logic there. In comes Mummy Pig wanting answers to this outrage and Peppa simply calls it for what it is and everyone does the backsplash laugh to end the episode at 4:30. Okay, this was really good as they kept overkilling the moment for my pleasure and it ended up exactly the way Peppa wanted in the end. **** 1/4 (85%).


Well, a mostly good set of shorts this time around. Parking Ticket needs to be seen as Daddy Pig just cannot control his concrete fetish and it got him into trouble again, and not just stupidity this time, it made him into a criminal. A really petty criminal, but still. I was laughing hard on that one considering that Daddy Pig got away with driving on the wrong side of the road in France and Italy several Series ago. The finish was such high comedy that few shows could pull it off this well, with this being a pre-school show. On the one hand, Miss Rabbit is clueless to what is going on; but at the same time, it was better off this way to show that the officers were not above the law. This world is much safer than the real one, sadly. Marble Run was awesome because they overkilled a otherwise just there concept and turned it into instant pleasure for me. Mandy Mouse had the best non-muddy puddle debut ever and it was great. Mandy is a really strong character here as she should be and I was really intoi her character at the end and want to see her in every episode from here on out. Sadly, I think Recorders is the only episode I have seen her so far and I don't have the complete episode for review. The Panda Twins wasn't good; but Peggi and Pandora Panda were good and they really tried hard, it was just that Gigi Gazelle looked like the biggest idiot in the world in that episode, since her handbag was clearly seen and even Officer Panda would have noticed it. The rest was the usual fun stuff and the Chinese New Year episode was a better episode for the Panda Twins anyway. So, until I can find the remaining three episodes, the show is up to date right now. Bring on TaleSpin's 30th year in existence! So...

Thumbs up for Parking Ticket, Marble Run and Mandy Mouse; thumbs down for The Panda Twins and thumbs in the middle for the rest and I'll see you all next time.


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