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The Adventures Of Teddy Ruxpin: The Lemonade Stand
Reviewed: 06/04/2016
Tweeg Goes Full On Woo Part Trois!
(2016 Gregory Weagle Says: When I was doing the prep work for this; I originally wrote in the tab that the episode was called Tweeg Gets The Lemonade Stand. That is worse than when I said that Caron was accusing Ken Izumi of bargining into a ladies room.) So now we go from one of the best episodes of the series to this one as this is Tweeg's plan to get back at Teddy and company for trying to "assault" him; while making some easy money and being the ultimate master of woo and quackery at the same time. So how does this episode fare? Let's rant on shall we...?
We begin this one at Tweeg Tower with the episode title in white letters; and it looks like something out of the 1970's; only in bold. So we head inside as Tweeg is blowing off the spots on his face as his face and hands are now green; but the rest of the body is still pink. He is also wearing green with purple spot boxer shorts. Apparently; he's using green powder and a buffer to buff his face while complaining. I'm guessing that he has a giant blue spot on the bridge of the nose because it looks different in color to the rest of the face. LB comes in; calling him Tweek as he has a letter in his mouth. LB drops the letter (which is very important) as Tweeg turns around; and suddenly; LB is shocked and appalled. LB is demanding answers to this outrage; even though it's clearly Tweeg. Was LB so use to Tweeg being pink; that seeing Tweeg this way makes him think it's someone else. Then again; LB was like this when Tweeg was powdering his face; and thought that Tweeg doesn't do this stuff, so it must be someone else. Tweeg jumps onto the shelf as LB pounces on Tweeg and bites his leg; shattering the mirror in the process. Wow; that was pretty violent there guys! Tweeg protests this as LB finally lets go; as Tweeg gets his name wrong again. LB spits out as Tweeg calls him a saw toothed simpleton. Geez; that was almost a self portrait on Tweeg's part there. LB figures this out claiming that his leg tasted rotten. Of course! Tweeg wants a hand; so LB asks which foot he wants and giggles. Tweeg proclaims that LB is lucky to have this job and LB proclaims that it is true since he pays no taxes. So there is a tax system in Grundo? I thought it only applied to MAVO members. Tweeg demands the pocket mirror which is out of nowhere as LB gives him the mirror blowing him off; wanting him to say "please". I'm guessing LB is tired of being a heel himself even now as Tweeg is looking in the mirror and the green is now fully gone from his body on it's own; so yes, Teddy's healthy attitude speech is a total lie since Tweeg's attitude is so unhealthy and yet he was still cured. Tweeg celebrate like he just won the Wrestlemania main event; LB blows it off and goes to the letter. LB reads the letter claiming that it's from MAVO Headquarters. Tweeg reads it as it's just a "friendly" reminder that interest is compounded hourly. So I'm guessing that MAVO has revised the rules and taken out the "Whenever we feel like it" part. Which is actually much worse in hindsight.
Tweeg is angry and LB is trying to bail this sinking ship; but Tweeg yells at him to stop because they have to do something. LB proclaims that it's too bad no one caught the Tweezles because he could make a fortune selling woo and quackery. Tweeg calls this the dumbest idea he has ever heard. Even Tweeg is more rational than Mike Adams: The He-Man Of Woo & Quackery. Okay, more like the love child of Prince Adam and Cringer. Then Tweeg recoils and says that it's perfect and he's glad he thought of it and walks off; leaving LB to protest because it was LB's idea. These are two heels doing the same routine that babyface Darkwing Duck does in his show with everyone, and then people are surprised that Darkwing comes off as completely full of himself. Tweeg puts the cloak on and proclaims that there is work to be done. Tweeg tells LB to go outside, round up the medicine wagon, some paint and a lemon. LB hops out proclaiming that he already got a lemon being with Tweezel. Cue Vinny V. laugh as we proceed to do the longest fade to black in history; just to allow the music to run out. They could not have timed the music so it ended when the scene ended. DUMB! We head back to Tweeg Tower as we pan down to in front of the tower with the medicine wagon painted with "Lemonade" in yellow paint as Tweeg is showing off two buckets of water to LB. The plan is to sell lemonade to customers; only the water is from Rainbow Falls. There's one flaw with this plan: The falls water is like paint in nature, in terms of solid colors. How is a lemon going to mask that color so it looks like lemonade? Here's where the animators look stupid because if they had gone with the first arc water scheme, then the plan works like gangbusters since it appears to be just ordinary tap water. However; some moronic execs must have figured that Rainbow Falls' water has to look like rainbow colored paint, which looks cool (and they think children love bright colors so much that dull colors will make them change the channel, even though this show already has bright colors throughout); but it gives away the entire plan. So the denizens of Grundo have to pretend that there's nothing wrong with the water in order to make the plan work. In other words; everyone looks like idiots! Tweeg squeezes lemon into the buckets as he proclaims that there is only one cure for the Tweezles which is his blue liquid formula Tweezle Remedy, the magic potion formally numbered eighty-seven as per the Medicine Wagon. Actually that's a smart move on Tweeg's part to rename the potion so he could convince Grubby to take the potion again without him saying no. So yes; it's more water from Rainbow Falls, so the cycle continues on...
LB thinks this is a great idea; except no one in Grundo would ever buy his lemonade since no one trusts him. Not even the Wooly Whatsit? Wow; what a heel Tweeg is then. Tweeg knows is and goes into the back of the medicine wagon as it's time to do some disguises; which LB says that he hates dressing up like a goof; making sure to say it slowly so Tweeg gets it. Tweeg blows him off; so he has seen Santa Claus & The Ice Cream Bunny recently as LB has a sailor beret on; so they are going to dress up as sailors as Tweeg comes out wearing a sailor coat saying that it's a child costume. LB proclaims that this proves that he's going through his second childhood and laughs. That was funny actually. Fade to black as we go to a crossroads somewhere in the middle of Grundo with the lemonade stand sitting there with no one buying anything or even being in sight for a hundred miles. LB calls this a hot day; too bad our sales are ice cold. I wish LB had added that line, but he doesn't. Tweeg tells him that this is a perfect day for selling lemonade as Jethro (The Surf Grunge which debut in episode #9 I do believe) and a Grunge with brown curly hair and purple shirt and shorts; but no sandals. I think she's Ginny (Ginnie in some FAQ's) and I might have seen her before in The Journey Home; but I haven't seen the Surf Grunges debut to be sure (which is episode #9: The Surf Grunges which I haven't ranted on yet.). So the Grunges notice Tweeg and LB as Tweeg does the most awesomely bad babyish voice ever as he asks about lemonade. Considering how tall Tweeg is; this shouldn't work. Laughable logic break: Jethro and Ginnie have teleported away from the lemonade stand even though they stopped right at the lemonade stand when Tweeg was doing his baby voice. Okay; I was wrong, because Jethro addresses her as Janna Lee which is odd because the FAQ's say she wears shades, even though she is clearly not wearing them here. So Jethro and Janna Lee walk over to the stand as she can relate to refreshments. Ooookkkaaaayyy; someone took some drugs beforehand. Anyhow; she calls LB a little boy and LB growls like a monster. Another laughable logic break: Janna Lee has yellow spots on the face, but not the rest of the body. So her drug must be the water from Rainbow Falls. Tweeg holds LB's mouth claiming that LB is only two years old. Riiigggghhhtttt. Knowing Tweeze; he's half the age of that.
LB is shoved away as Jethro calls it a lot of teeth for a two year old. Tweeg claims that he drinks a lot of lemonade. Now there's a lie and a half! Tweeg asks if they want some and Jethro agrees as the price is five pieces of copper per glass. So the money system in Grundo is pieces of gold, silver and copper. What? No bronze? Did the International Olympic Committee have a trademark for the word "bronze" or something in Canada. I do know Yo-yo is a trademarked word in Canada; which forced Nintendo to change the name of the weapon in Startropics. So he orders one with two straws because share and share alike eh. They want takeout (I think, because they cut promos and I couldn't understand half of what they were saying); so Tweeg puts the lemonade into a paper bag. Why? I don't know. Oh; it's eight pieces of copper for that; so Jethro pays anyway; only it's six pieces of gold. Wait, what? First of all; copper doesn't look like that. Second; it's six pieces of copper but Tweeg demanded eight. So six pieces of gold equals eight pieces of copper? Really? So gold is only worth 1 1/4 times the worth of copper. I call shenengins on this! Jethro and Janna Lee leave the scene as Tweeg cheers; but LB tells him not to get cocky because here comes Gimmick (with walking stick which doubles as an anti-bounder biting device), Grubby and Teddy with backpacks (so yes; they delivered on the promise that the trio would go hiking in the last episode.) as Tweeg is liking this. Teddy finally speaks nearly five minutes in pointing to the lemonade stand. Gimmick thinks that they need some refreshments as Teddy wants to help two little boys. Aw! My heart melted; as Grubby asks if they can drink the lemonade, which Teddy giggles because Grubby is an idiot. Teddy orders three glasses as Tweeg tells LB to hurry up because he wants to see them in spots. Yes; they talk loud enough for us to hear, and yes that is a basic requirement for acting. However; at the same time, that means the other characters have to pretend that they didn't hear it because if we can hear it; so should they and it should blow Tweeg and LB's cover. Sure; the disguises are flimsy at best, but memories are not infallable anyway. However; if someone said what Tweeg and LB just said; I would turn around and say: "Nice try Tweeg!" and walk away, because I wouldn't be fooled by this, even if I was fooled by the disguise. It's so dumb!
Acting believably should mean acting as if you were in real life: You don't say your plan out loud for everyone to hear; you whisper at it. Yes; it means that you cannot make out all of what they are whispering; but that's sort of the point! Even TaleSpin is guility of this sin (Although R.J. Williams at least has an inkling of how to do it right); and even the best shows do the same thing. Acting to apease people who want to hear everything at the expense of making every other character look like an idiot. It's stupid. Stop that! The audience already knows what the plan is; you don't say the plan out loud. I don't want other characters to pretend and look like idiots in the process! Okay?! Teddy takes a glass and asks how much they are owed and Tweeg is about to give out the price; when Fuzz, and three other Fobs hop in wanting lemonade. Fuzz is supposed to be the green one; even though he was purple in the first arc, and apparently; there is a purple Fob as two of them hop onto the counter. Tweeg is pleading for them to be served one at a time. Fuzz hops on as the purple one wants a straw and LB tells him to wait his turn. Geez; the Fobs are so demanding and cute at the same time. Wait; shouldn't LB have blown his cover by now? Because if I recall; he is supposed to hate Fobs and be afraid of them; but he shows no signs of that at all. Not at all! Teddy drinks up the lemonade (before paying it mind you; although he did ask how much so he was going to pay him anyway); as Grubby licks his chops. Gimmick calls it delightful as Tweeg proclaims that they made the lemonade themselves; which is a babyface move, so LB corrects him that his mommy helped them. Still a babyface move; except that Tweeg's mother is Ellinore. The worst mommy in the the history of mommies. Then the Jungle Grunges comes in demanding lemonade as we get more serving lemonade; one of the Grunges drinks the lemonade normally without the straw even though there was a straw in it. Tweeg is pouring lemonade and he douses LB with it; because he's a dumb, whiny heel of course. We get some bumping and there is a teased fight as Teddy is stunned (because he knows he's going to get booed out of the building if he has to break up another fight.); but the Jungle Grunges talk among themselves and think this is almost as good as Grunge Gumbo; so they order more for the village.
Everyone leaves as lemonade is drunk and there is a projector sound with lens and the background music indicates that Louie is in this scene; but we never see him. Also of note: the only time we saw money exchanged was with Jethro; so the animators didn't have enough time to even have scenes of them exchanging money. Even though this episode is at the eight minute mark. The pacing of this episode is so slow and podding as it is; and they forgot to make sure everyone paid Tweeg. Basically; they all got the lemonade for free; except for Jethro and Janna Lee! Finally; Louie arrives as he is filming on top of the lemonade stand as glasses are spilled over; which means Tweeg won't be able to drive the medicine wagon for the next 72 hours and neither would LB. Louie wants lemonade of course on ice as he free falls and takes an off-screen bump onto the ground like a total idiot. Teddy; the baston of kindness and good manners laughs at his expense; which is becoming a trait now. Louie's hat seems to get darker by the shot as LB says sure. Tweeg is confused; so he pours the lemonade on a rock right in front of Louie's feet. HAHA! Now that's what I calls putting it on the rocks! Louie wants it in a glass as LB proclaims that he wants the rocks in a glass. Tweeg motions that he's crazy as Louie simply walks away stage right as we pan up to see Leota and four other woodsprites. The one male wearing all green has no antennee that I can see; and Leota has a difficult time counting to five since her students keep fluttering, and it's more than their wings I'm afraid. They want lemonade as Leota floats down and orders one ecomony sized glass. I should note; that the lemonde looks like ordinary lemonade, which begs the question: Why have the rainbow falls colored in rainbow paint when one of the colors is yellow anyway. None of this makes any sense. So Tweeg pours lemonade into a glass; Leota tries to grab it, but she freefalls because the glass is way too big for her to carry; causing Grubby to run in and grabs Leota and the glass on the rebound. You got that? Tweeg is not amused as Grubby offers eight hands; so this episode has Grubby's feet as hands. Leota thanks him as she and her students fly away with the large glass of lemonade. Of course no one is shown paying Tweeg for the lemonade; although if you look closely, Louie didn't get any lemonade; so him not paying for it makes sense.
And just as I say that; Tweeg points this out of who is going to pay for that. It took a bunch of woodsprites for him to notice that no one is paying for anything. Teddy offers to pay on her behalf; and I say, no. I think Leota can pay on her own, thank you. Of course; the sprites cannot hold the glass for long, as the lemonade pours and lands on Tweeg's head. LB proclaims that it's not on Teddy; it's on him. LB's retorts aren't really funny today; but that one was great. Tweeg is not amused as we fade to black for ten seconds because no one in editing knows how to time the music with the fade. So we return to Tweeg's Tower as Tweeg and LB climb up the steps with sacks of money as Tweeg is giddy about today's haul because he can pay off MAVO's outrageous dues collector Miss Maggotheart. They go inside as LB asks how much is he getting paid. Tweeg throws the sack into the tower and proclaims that he'll get more than he can count, after 23% deapprection. LB blows this off and wishes he took his mother's advice in not dropping out of nursery school. So yes; LB's education is more pathetic than Baloo's; and LB is smarter than Baloo too. So Tweeg grabs the coins and proclaims that this is a fraction of what they will get tomorrow when they become so rich. Tweeg laughs and that ends the segment ten and a half minutes in. This was an absolute mess of an episode as everyone is off today. It just feels like no one cared to make sure that everyone paid Tweeg beforehand and then tried to plug up the logic hole; only it made it worse. The animation isn't good either.
After the commercial break; it's morning as we pan over the trees towards Leota's residence, which doubles as a school. Leota is the size of my hand and yet; her door is big enough for a seven year old child to enter into the tree. That's a bad case of the animators not knowing what they are doing. Martial arts zoom into the window as we see Leota in bed (and I do mean literally; she is not Bea and thank goodness for that) and we get a laughable logic break: On the far shot; Leota is partially asleep and she is supposed to have spots on. So they chose lavander colors for her; and unless you go to the closeup shot; you cannot see them. Thus; on the far shot; it appears that she doesn't have any spots. This is like in the movie Snuff; where they chose a red shirt and used the same color blood. Color stylist: Learn contrast and use a much darker shade of purple; because lavander is too close to flesh colored to be seen on far shots. DUMB! Leota checks herself and then panics because she has lavander spots. She claims that she has come down with something as she looks out the window. We head up as two of her students are in a room sharing a room with two separate beds. So yes; Leota's school is a college university complete with the trimmings. At least the green tunic hat sprite has colored spots that we can see as the blue pj one has pink spots; which of course blend into flesh color. STUPID! Scene change to Gimmick's valley on the sky shot as Teddy is running in and he has white spots all over him. At least they got Teddy's spots right; I could see them a mile away since they are the same color as the soles of his feet. Gimmick is inside looking in the mirror as he has yellow spots; which is still better than the woodsprites. I just love how they are using the distress action music here even though they are merely covered in spots because they drank the same water as Tweeg did in the last episode. There's no way I can take this seriously because if they have spots, Occam's Razor would suggest that they drank water from Rainbow Falls since they notices this in Tweeg in the last episode. DUMB! Grubby casually walks in; and he has green spots, which means the MP #87 was in fact water from Rainbow Falls as well. Although; I guess it was mixed with different ingredients to make him totally green.
I guess adding lemon gives them the spot; but not a change of the color of their fur nor skin. I'm sure this would be changed in a remaker, but it's a nice attention to detail quirk I rarely see on this show. Grubby comes in and laughs at everyone for having spots; never mind that he doesn't check his arms for spots like a moron. Teddy and Gimmick laugh back because he doesn't get it. Grubby asks what is so funny as Teddy apologizes and asks him to look in the mirror lately. Grubby says no and continues to mock them as Grubby is handed the mirror. Grubby looks and his acting sounds so phony when he panics. So we go outside as we see Louie's helicopter bicycle and we get THREE logic breaks in a row: Now on the far shot; Louie is not covered in spots at all as the trio runs out since the Grundo Gazette is coming. Then we see Louie and he's covered in dark green spots on his face; but not his arm. That's number two. Logic break #3: If you recall; Louie never took the lemonade at all; he just walked away without taking a glass; nor seen drinking it. In other words; he shouldn't be covered in spots at all. Are you telling me Louie painted his face on purpose? Because if so; then he knows this was a scam from the start; why not just tell the trio that Tweeg is working them? Grubby calls him colorful as Louie blows him off and throws the newspaper in the face. Teddy's lying is so obvious here because he's claiming Louie is cheerful while Louie clearly looks miserable. You are not fooling anyone you lying Illiop. Teddy opens the newspaper as we discover that King Nogburt is having the south wing of his castle redone. This is the first time King Nogburt has been referenced in the show since the first arc. Lekee Lake is still leaking; which I love as a name. Surprised no one in real life has named a lake like that. Yet. Oh; and the Wizard Of WeeGee's tourist season starts today. Gimmick takes out the magnifying glass and notices something on the back; even though Teddy never turns the page to look. We just jump cut to the newspaper looking like pieces of ordinary paper. DUMB! So we see Tweeg in a top hat and mustache holding a bottle of liquid as it's Uncle Arnie's Old Fashioned Tweezle Remedy. So Tweeg's bogus name is Uncle Arnie? Or even better; that's Tweeg's legit uncle. I hope that is the case. There is a white spot on Teddy's finger that makes it look like a finger nail. Grubby blows it off because there's no such thing as the Tweezles.
Gimmick says it's true as he puts on an eye lens band and takes a maginfying glass to examine Teddy. They deduce that they drank water from Rainbow Falls; which makes sense but Teddy claims he never drank any, just lemonade. Now; you would think this show would use Occam's Razor for once and deduce that the two kids used Rainbow Falls water to make the lemonade; because at least that makes the most sense. Plus; this doesn't prove malice because they're two little kids (Okay; Tweeg was showing malice, but I'm trying to apply logic here). They don't; they claim that Tweeg had the Tweezles all along. Even if that is the case; it means the Tweezles are not fatal, nor sick inducing and just causes blots on the skin. And they go away in a day or two. The water is not toxic enough to kill you; it's just toxic enough to cause embarrassment. But it's already proven that there is no such disease and it is just a quirk in drinking the water. So Teddy and company run off to investigate as we scene change to the crossroads to see that the medicine wagon is back in full force as the Jungle Grunges and Louie is at the podium with Tweeg on stage in the exact same clothes as he was in The Medicine Wagon. Also; the surf Grunges, Jethro and Leota are present. Logic break: Far shot: no spots. Near shot: Lots of spots! Even worse; Leota is completely spotless and everyone has the same dark green color spots that Louie has. Jethro talks, and where is Jenne Lee? I now see either Ginnie or Jody. Oh forget it; I cannot tell who's who anymore. Arnie Tweeg pokes on the bottle doing the hard sell as LB stammers wearing a different disguise than in The Medicine Wagon. At least one character in this whole deal is smart enough to change costumes between episodes. LB almost blows Tweeg's cover; but recoils and sarcastically calls him Uncle Arnie. So even LB hates the uncle moniker a lot more than Grubby does in Uncle Grubby. Arnie crushes LB's foot with the stick in response; and since LB has no hands to do the foot grabbing spot; LB has to hop on one foot as he holds the foot up in the air. That amused me. Tweeg points at the flying Leota who has no spots on her at all again. Leota claims that she feels a little strange. I'll say!
So Tweeg tugs on her right ears and she yelps in pain. So yes; even in this show, man on woman violence is allowed. Leota admits that she has an earache now as Janna Lee comes out of nowhere and she's the only one with different colored spots; and they used colors that are way too close to her flesh colored skin. Contrast is your friend there color stylists of this show! So Tweeg keeps doing the hard sell as one of the Jungle Grunges is breathing hard as LB is dizzy for no reason at all. Oh wait; it's because Tweeg's hard sell is causing physical pain. Okay Tweeg: I don't care if your remedy is bogus or not. SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY, MONEY, YEAH, YEAH ALREADY~! Tweeg tells LB to go back and check on Spike. Why? I don't know. I don't recall Spike even being involved in this episode. Oh wait; now I remember as Tweeg back kicks LB into the back as Spike is sitting on the CHEST OF DEMONS wrapped up like a mummy. Mummy bounders are not cool, sadly. Spike comes down as LB reminds him to limp and slump to the floor. Spike sells it as he walks towards the curtain. LB tells him to break a leg (which is hilarious considering that he might legit have a broken leg already) and LB kicks him in the rear end and Spike bounces on stage and bonks into the back of Tweeg's legs. Spike is shown as Tweeg calls this one of the remaining suriviors of the Tweezle epidemic. I swear that Mike Adams watched this show and thought it was a documentary. Spike claims that he feels better thanks to Arnie so Tweeg hooks the horn with the cane and force feeds him the remedy. Which is Rainbow Falls water; unless he replaced that with ordinary water. Which would be homepathy of course. Spike is dizzy as he spins around mumbling about pain switching from left to right. That should signal alarm bells and red flags right there as LB is behind the curtain telling Spike to slump. Spike flops onto the stage and calls Arnie, Uncle Slump. Oddly; there is an anime series called Doctor Slump. Why? Because it's Japanese Animation. Where wacky names rules! So LB uses his mouth to haul Spike into the back as Tweeg proclaims that he is providing entertainment for the masses at great expense (which means LB finally got paid today; or not) as he introduces the bouncing bounders.
So all the bounders including Spike, LB and red hair bounder dancing and singing about Arnie's Tweezle Remedy. Again; SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY, MONEY, YEAH, YEAH~! We have reached carnival barker levels of woo and quackery here. Somehow, Spike got the hat while in the back and of course he's still dizzy, because he's dumb. If they don't follow up on this and Spike has the Tweezles by the next episode, this writing crew is too stupid to live. The bounders dance into Spike and crash into each other causing a pileup. Tweeg sings; and it sounds weird as apparently the remedy costs five pieces of gold. Ah; I see Jethro's donation has made Tweeg see the light. Whomever mastered the DVD's should be shot after showing ten seconds of LB rising up and down; because the video quality looks like it was thrown in a dumpster. TaleSpin has had moments where the mastering wasn't good; but never as bad as that. So the song is over and this was really good in an episode that sure needed it. LB and company go backstage as Tweeg is calling for everyone to come up stage. Everyone is convinced as Tweeg tells everyone to step up to buy as much as they like; LB pushes a box containing the bottles of the "remedy" as the denizens pour coins into the box and each take a bottle of the remedy. Coins are exchanged as Tweeg giggles like a bad Saturday Morning Cartoon Villian~! Of course; whomever is doing voice directing is an idiot because when Tweeg is speaking to LB; Tweeg is pretty much giving away the whole thing since he's talking in a normal volume; when he was supposed to be whispering to LB. I've been over this early on; and it only serves to make everyone in storyline look stupidier than they already are. It also kills off any sympathy I have for them. I know you aren't supposed to blame the victim; but the victims should have heard this! LB proclaims that the trio is coming and Tweeg is so giddy that they are covered in spots; despite the fact that in the far shot as the trio is coming up; there are no spots present. These animators are so stupid! So one of the surf Grunges pays Tweeg his money and runs off as Tweeg thanks them for his money. Tweeg turns around as he asks how many bottles do they want to buy. Teddy proclaims that they aren't interested in buying but want to ask some questions. So yeah; Teddy wants to JAQ off. At least Teddy is likable enough to pull this off; unlike the twins from Bubsy.
Tweeg blows them off because he hates idle chit-chat. So yeah; that makes at least two of us. Tweeg wants paying customers which confuses Gimmick as Grubby asks about the two little boys being here selling lemonade as Tweeg claims he has never noticed it. You know; if these writers ever had a clue; I would have Teddy ask "You look familiar. I think I saw you at our house weeks ago."; because this whole Uncle Arnie thing is so similar to that Medicine Wagon stuff we saw about two episodes ago. This is never said as Tweeg claims that they have been on the road for weeks; which is dumb because this looks too much like the medicine wagon. Speaking of logic breaks; Spike no longer is bandaged, but that is fine since none of the trio saw Spike injured; and none of the denizens saw him miracle healed, so it's all fine. The bounders nod as Gimmick is calling this strange. The trio walks out as Tweeg offers the remedy for helping an ailing memory. Teddy says no thank you; so he's not impressed as he thought this was the right place. It is; but these guys are dumber than Dumbwin. Tweeg calls him lost and a speckled friend as Grubby doesn't get it. Teddy stops and turns around as he notices that there is a blue ribbon covering up a sign which is painted, but the letters "ade" are still present. Grubby and Gimmick think this is unexpected as Teddy walks over to the sign and pulls the banner away to reveal the Lemonade sign on top. Teddy thought there was something rotten in Rillonia as Grubby and Gimmick are hiding behind a tree which there is no way they cannot be spotted. Teddy practices the fine art of not being seen as he sneaks in the back and Teddy notices a shelf containing bottles of water and lemons. Cut to Tweeg on stage talking to LB as he proclaims that all the fools are fooled again; but he wants to bail before the trio start nosing in their business again. Ooops! LB asks about taking off the disguises now; but Tweeg no sells as he wants to do it in the back as he wants to take no chances. I think it's too late either way since Teddy has pretty much figured out your plan. Teddy takes LB's sailor hat and the lemon and puts all the pieces together as he hears Tweeg's voice being all giddy about fooling everyone as Teddy bails to hide behind a basket. Tweeg walks in as like a lot of episodes in the series; the music is warped. LB hops in claiming that this was his idea; which is actually true. Tweeg takes off his top hat and coat as he tells LB to mix more remedy. Cut to Gimmick and Grubby behind the tree as Gimmick sounds like purple prose in he is trying to sound smart even though he could simply say that Teddy is in trouble; as Grubby is figuring it out what it means while scratching his head. That ends the episode at 19:09. What a mess of an episode this was? The storyline in theory was good; but they messed it up about 75% of the time with really gaping logic breaks and really bad dialogue and spots. The song was actually the best thing on this episode and it wasn't all that great. Everything seemed off in this episode and it wasn't good. ** (40%).
Well; it's been a while since I have ranted on a thumbs down episode in this show; but it's really the first quality drop in the series. This felt like a huge mess with a lot of animation mistakes left and right; plus a lot of logic breaks. There is no possible way I can take Tweeg seriously as a threat as a woomeister since nothing he sells does actual harm outside of spots. The story itself in theory is fine; it's the execution that was horrible here. The ending was fine; but everything beforehand was a mess. I have gone through all the flaws of this episode; so I won't repeat them again. However; this felt really bad in comparison to Tweeg Gets The Tweezles because that episode was so awesome. I love Tweeg and LB; but they felt flat in this episode. The editing was bad, the voice acting was hideous at times; and no one seemed to care about making this episode make the most sense and everyone ended up looking like gulliable fools, so I had no sympathy heat for them. Overall; a below average episode that could have easily been a thumbs up episode if anyone was paying attention. So next up is The Rainbow Mine; which of course is a lie as we finally end this arc. I just hope it's more exciting and less messy than this arc because I got sick of it after the halfway mark when they kept messing this whole thing up. So....
Thumbs down for this episode and I'll see you all next time.