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Vowel Play Transcript

Written: 07/01/2016
Updated: 09/28/2021

Act I

Scene I

(Shot of a school with a orange flag on a flagpole. Head inside as Kit is at the chalkboard trying to spell spinach and failing. The spelling teacher is a female bear in a purple dress and has curly brown hair and glasses on. The kids are all pig furries at their desks by the way.)

Kit Cloudkicker: "Spin-ick". There!

Kit's Spelling Teacher: No, no, no. There is no "-ick" in "spinach", Kit.

Kit: You wanna bet? Taste it, ick!

Kit's Spelling Teacher: Spell it correctly, please.

Kit: (Sighs.) I don't even like to eat it, let alone spell it. (Kit takes the chalk and tries to spell it again.)

Scene II

(Back at the docks of Higher For Hire and then inside the office as we get a sky shot of Baloo throwing a green winged dart at a dartboard while Kit is sitting down at a bowl of hot water soaking his right hand.)

Kit: And, finally; on my two zillionth try, I spelled it right. Oh, my aching hand.

Baloo Von Bruinwald XIII: You know, even back when I was in school; they made a big deal out of spelling. So much for progress. (Kit is stretching his hand.) From where I sit, spelling's like playing darts. (Rebecca comes in with a poster in her hand as Baloo continues to throw darts at the dartboard.) Close is good enough.

Kit: Ah, what do you mean, Baloo?

Baloo: Well, suppose I spelled "cat", C-A-T; you'd know what I was talking about, right?

Kit: W-wait. But "cat" is spelled C-A-T. (Baloo throws a dart and it misses the dartboard completely.)

Baloo: Like I said -- just like the darts -- sometimes you get lucky. (Baloo throws the final dart and he hits the bullseye as Rebecca steps in.)

Rebecca Cunningham: Baloo, don't fill Kit's head with drivel. (Rebecca takes the dartboard down.) Proper spelling brings respect, self-esteem and -- most of all -- money. (Rebecca takes the darts and puts up a poster with the darts which shows the SeaDuck flying in the skies and it reads "Sky Writing For Hire".)

Baloo: Money? How's that?

Rebecca: Because we're going into the sky writing business. Sky writing is the way of the future, and I intend to lead the way.

Baloo: Oh, Becky; sky writing's not only a waste of a good plane; it'll never catch on. (The doors open and in comes an old cat furry with grey hair and a purple dress and scarf carrying a purse.)

Old Cat Woman Furry: Pardon me, I saw your ad outside. I need some sky writing done today. (Baloo hunches over.)

Scene III

(Head into the skies near the Cliff Guns as the SeaDuck flies around Cape Suzette harbour. Cut to inside the cockpit with Baloo flying and Kit in the navigator's chair.)

Baloo: Aw, what a silly way to spend a day, sky writing "Happy Birthday To You". (Baloo tries to take out the note from his shirt pocket.) Let's see...We start with "H". (We see the note has the words "Sky Writing Co." instead of "Higher For Hire" for some reason. The paper blows out of the SeaDuck via the wind.) Uh-oh.

Kit: Are you sure you can write the message without that note? (Kit is not impressed.)

Baloo: Don't sweat it. Any idiot can spell "Happy Birthday". (Cut to outside the SeaDuck as the smoke jets are on and the SeaDuck starts writing "Hapee Burthday 2 U".)

Scene IV

(Return to inside the offices of Higher For Hire as we see the message from the window as Rebecca is looking out looking angry.)

Rebecca: Any idiot can spell "Happy Birthday"!

Baloo: Well, Becky; it's the thought that counts.

Rebecca: Thanks to your spelling, we'll never get another customer. (In comes a brown weasel furry wearing green pants, a green coat, grey hat, yellow shirt and a purple tie from the enterance.)

Weazel: Ah? My name is Weazel. I have an important message for you to sky write. (Baloo and Rebecca look at each other.)

Rebecca: We'd be glad to. (Weazel walks over and gives Rebecca a note.)

Weazel: At precisely noon today, you must write this. (Rebecca reads the note.)

Rebecca: "Chicken Soup"?

Baloo: Ah-ha. What's so important about chicken soup?

Weazel: Er, it''s to let my wife know wha-what I want for supper. He ha ha ha hee.

Rebecca: Yes, well; I'm sure that is important. (Rebecca and Weazel walk towards the door as Weazel walks out of the office.) We'll be on top of it, Mr. Weasel.

Weazel: That's Weazel. (Weazel gives Rebecca some money and then leaves as Rebecca closes the door.)

Baloo: Becky; that guy's as shifty as a ten speed clutch.

Rebecca: Well, as long as his money's green, who are we to judge? (Baloo tries to get the money; but Rebecca pulls it away.) Now, get it right this time! "Chicken Soup". (Baloo is given the note.)

Baloo: Right. Gotcha. Hunky dory. (Baloo puts the note in his pocket and it slides out the second Baloo walks away out of the office with Kit following. The note lands on the floor.)

Scene V

(Back in the skies as the SeaDuck is writing "Chicken "Soop".)

Kit: Ah, Baloo?! Isn't there a "U" in "Chicken Soup"?

Baloo: Yeah. And there's a whole alphabet in alphabet soup. (Head into the cockpit of the SeaDuck.)

Kit: But what if, you're spelling it wrong? (Disney Captions has it as "You're spelling it wrong." as a statement, instead of a question like in the audio.)

Baloo: Hey, I'm a pilot, not a poet.

Scene VI

(Head to a bank as the alarm bells ring. Out comes a racoon wearing a red sweater, purple hat and a mask along with another racoon wearing a brown hat, green coat and green vest with a clear mask on running with sacks of money. His mask turns black literally within a few frames.)

Racoon Bank Robber #2: (Looks around and notices the message in the sky.) Look! The message!

Racoon Bank Robber #1: (Looks in that general direction.) Who spells "Chicken Soup" with two "O's"?

Racoon Robber #2: (Goes into his vest to grab a book.) Who cares? According to the code it's the second letter of the first word that is important.

Racoon Robber #1: That would be the letter "H".

Racoon Robber #2: It''s the code to begin phase one. (Disney Captions has it as "being".) Ahem. "Drop everything. Report to launch sites." Oh, let's go! (The crooks run away stage right.)

Scene VII

(Head to outside a jewelry pawn shop complete with scales on the front sign, a globe disco ball and a lot of jewels in the windows.)

Leopard Gangster: You're looking at the fourteen carat genius, Weasel. (Head inside an office as Weazel is meeting with someone which on the desk is a bowl of diamonds.)

Weazel: That's...uh... Wea-zel!

Heimlich Menudo: Whatever. (We see a leopard furry wearing a blue coat, red hankerchief, a small hat, a pink fuzzy, a diamond ring, Mickey Mouse gloves and has literal diamond teeth. Menudo means a spicy Mexican soup made from tripe.) Who else but I -- Heimlich Menudo -- could have organized all the crooks of Cape Suzette into one crime syndicate to pull off...the Heimlich Maneuver?

Weazel: Heh, only you, Heimlich. (Weazel bows to Heimlich.)

Heimlich: Ah. This time the police can't bug my phones or intercept my telegrams or capture my carrier pigeons. (Heimlich grabs a diamond from the bowl of diamonds.) And why? Ha ha ha. Because I am using a sky writer. (Heimlich taps the diamond on the lamp and then looks at it with a jeweler lens. Weazel gets close to him.)

Weazel: Hee hee, yeah, but it was I who found that foolish bear to do our dirty work.

Heimlich: Ah, you shall be rewarded, my son. (Heimlich takes out two additional diamonds from the bowl including a tiny one and brings out three thimbles as he puts the thimbles over the diamonds. He shuffles them around as Weazel looks at them and picks the middle one. Heimlich lifts the thimble to reveal the tiny diamond. Heimlich flicks the tiny diamond as it lands on the floor. Weazel crawls on his knees to look for it.)

Weazel: Why can't I have a big diamond? (Heimlich looks at the diamond.)

Heimlich: Because they are mine. Heh heh ooh! And I love them. Eh, they sparkle, they shine, they... (Weazel bonks into the desk as the diamond flies into Heimlich's mouth and Heimlich starts to choke on a diamond in his throat. Heimlich waves his hand for help. Weazel is still crawling on the floor looking for the little diamond.)

Weazel: I didn't get the last part. (Heimlich goes over and writes a note on a piece of paper on the desk which says "I'm Choking" and shows it to Weazel.) "I'm Cho---king!" Ah! That must be the code to begin phase two! (Heimlich grabs Weazel. Weazel head butts Heimlich in the chest on recoil; causing the diamond to spit out of his mouth and it drops. Heimlich is coughing now as he drops Weazel down on the ground.)

Heimlich: You fool! Heh, heh, didn't you see I couldn't breathe?! (Heimlich slaps Weazel in the face twice.)

Weazel: Ah, heh heh; sorry. I-I was too busy thinking of your Heimlich Maneuver to notice that you was choking.

Scene VIII

(Outside of a laundromat we see a grey dog furry in a almond trenchcoat, white vest, cyan blue tie and almond pants wearing an almond hat standing behind a lamp post. He looks around and then brings out a big walkie-talkie.)

Detective Thursday: Detective Thursday here. Request permission to enter headquarters by the front door. (Thursday looks shocked.) But...(Sighs.) Okay, okay. I'll use the secret entrance. Over. (Thursday puts the walkie-talkie in his coat and walks into the laundromat. Cut to a female rhino wearing a green dress, white apron and has red curly hair at the washing machine folding clothes in a straw basket. Thursday walks over to the washing machine and looks at the rhino. Thursday ponders it over.) Look! Umm, A flying bear! (Thursday points in a direction.)

Laundromat Rhino: So?

Thursday: Ummmm..A flying bear that...ah...juggles bowling balls! (Points in a direction as the rhino turns around and looks in that direction as she runs over to the window. Thursday gets into the washing machine and a trapdoor opens to allow Thursday to slide down a spiral waterslide which a brown dog furry police officer in uniform is waiting. The bear grunts as Thursday bonks into him in the chest and they crash off-screen. Thursday has a cyan blue towel on his head as Thursday is not amused by this.) Morning Girdleman. I hate that entrance. (Thursday gets up and throws the towel away. Girdleman wipes his uniform down.)

Officer Girdleman: You think you hate it? How would you like my assignment?

Thursday: Boys, gather around. (Thursday walks stage right towards his desk.) Things are too quiet lately. There hasn't been a major crime in days. (Thursday sits down as a gator furry in a brown police officer uniform and the pig desk man in the background in a blue uniform approach Thursday's desk.)

Girdleman: Ah, but isn't that good news, sir? (Scratching his head as we see on the sky shot an additional police join in.)

Thursday: Negative. It can only mean trouble brewing.

Girdleman: Er, but sir; our contacts in the field would have gotten wind of a big operation...

Thursday: Unless the crooks are getting their orders through unusual channels. We may be up against a brilliant criminal mind.

Scene IX

(Back inside the office of Higher For Hire as Rebecca is at her desk angry at Baloo. Again!)

Rebecca: Brilliant, Baloo. Really brillant. What were two "O"'s doing in "Chicken Soup"?

Baloo: Ah, the backstroke?

Rebecca: Not funny. You're jeopardizing my business.

Baloo: Oh, Becky; we're not getting any complaints, are we?

Rebecca: We're also not getting any repeat business. (Rebecca stands up. There is a knock on the door and the door opens to reveal Weazel is back.)

Baloo: You were saying? (Weazel goes to Baloo.)

Weazel: Here is your next assignment. (Baloo is given a note.) At precisely three o'clock, write: "Eat At Joe's".

Baloo: Taking the missus out to dinner, huh? (Weazel ponders this over.)

Weazel: Yes, yes. That's it.

Baloo: Well, how about I write, "Dinner At The Diner, Nothing Could Be Finer"?

Weazel: No! Joe's! "Eat At Joe's!"

Baloo: But Joe went out of business last week.

Weazel: Well, who cares?

Baloo: Well, your wife might.

Weazel: W-wife...?! I don't have a wife! (Weazel jumps up and down, mad.) Just write the message and get it right! (Weazel manages to jump so hard that the blue book called the "Code Book" drops onto the floor. Weazel simply runs out of the office stage left; closing the door.)

Baloo: Sheesh! Testy little weasel. (Weazel opens the door.)

Weazel: That's Wea-zel! (Rebecca gets up and walks out of the office.)

Rebecca: I'd better apologize.

Baloo: (Looks around and notices the code book.) Ooops, look what he dropped. (Baloo grabs the book and looks at it.)

Scene X

(Head to the skies as Baloo is piloting the SeaDuck inside the cockpit with Kit in the navigator's seat reading the note.)

Kit: "Eat At Joe's". (Kit gives Baloo the note.) Well, here Baloo; Miss Cunningham says you gotta get this one right. (The wind is whipping in the SeaDuck as the note flies out the window again.)

Baloo: Ah, not again!

Kit: What are you gonna do now? (Cut to the SeaDuck sky writing as it writes "Eat At...")

Baloo: Don't worry, kiddo. If there's one thing I know, it's eating. (Cut to Thursday writing on top of the red notepad at his desk inside his underground office. Gridleman approaches him.)

Gridleman: Any progress on the case, sir?

Thursday: Negative. Even our snitches can't figure out what the crooks are up to or how they're passing their information. (We hear airplane noises as Gridleman looks at the window. Thursday looks in that direction.) That's strange. In the sky. That plane. That message. (The message reads in the sky: "Eat At Joze.")

Gridleman: Ah...spelt kinda funny, isn't it?

Thursday: That's not the only thing that's funny. Joe went out of business last week. Maybe it's a message. A code. Track down that plane! (Cut to a shot behind a rock with the two Racoon crooks. #1 has binoculars.)

Racoon Robber #2: There's the next message. (#1 uses the binoculars and sees the message over the city.)

Racoon Robber #1: Would you look at how that guy spelled "Joe's"? Ha ha.

Racoon Robber #2: It's the second letter that's important. (#2 looks in his code book.) According to the code, we launch the Heimlich Maneuver in exactly two hours. Come on! (The crooks climb down a ladder through an underground hanger.)

Racoon Robber #1: Aw, it's just a crime the way they've lowered the academical standards in this business.

Scene XI

(Sky shot of the docks of Higher For Hire as the SeaDuck lands at the docks. Kit opens the side door as he and Baloo get out. Rebecca comes towards him looking angry.)

Rebecca: I'm telling you, Baloo; the way you spell is a crime! (Rebecca folds her arms.)

Baloo: Ah, give me a break, Beckers. You're making a federal case out of nothing. (In comes Thursday and Gridleman.)

Thrusday: Are you the sky writing pilot?

Baloo: Yup. Sure am. (Thursday shows off his badge.)

Thursday: You are under arrest. (Gridleman handcuffs Baloo.)

Baloo: Hey, hold on!

Rebecca: You mean...bad spelling really is a crime?!

End Of Act I At 9:17

Act II

Scene I

(We head to the Laundromat from before as sirens are wailing. We see Baloo being pushed into the laundromat by Thursday as Rebecca follows him. )

Baloo: Oh, please Detective; I didn't do anything wrong.

Thursday: Put a sock in it, mister! A laundromat's no place to air your dirty laundry. Uh-oh! (The rhino lady is still attending to the washing machine as Thursday ponders this over. He goes over to the rhino again.) Look! Uh. There's that flying bear that juggles. (She turns around not amused by this.) And...uh...chews gum at the same time!

Laundromat Rhino: Wait for a dryer like everyone else! (She folds her arms.)

Thursday: (Brings out his badge.) This dryer is a deputized member of the law enforcement community. Now kindly back off, madam. (Thursday then shoves the rhino and she crashes into something off-screen.) All right, we're going for a spin. (Baloo and company get into the dryer.)

Scene II

(Head into an office as only one light is working as Baloo is sitting down at a chair with the handcuffs off. Gridleman and Rebecca watch on as Thursday paces around.)

Thursday: I want the truth about those sky written messages. Talk!

Baloo: All right, okay; I-I-I confess. I'm the one you're looking for.

Thursday: I knew it! How long has this been going on?

Baloo: Since third grade. My teacher said I'd be sorry some day. (Baloo covers his eyes.)

Thursday: Started on a road to ruin young, eh? And Five will get you ten you're not working in this alone. Who are you working for?

Baloo: Miss Cunningham. Ah, sky writing was her idea.

Thursday: (Goes over to Rebecca.) So you're the brains behind this operation? (Rebecca is shaking.)

Baloo: But she's innocent, detective. (Rebecca is nodding at the response.) It's my fault those messages were spelled wrong.

Thursday: Who said anything about spelling? (Walks over to Baloo.) Was that part of your code?

Baloo: What code? I thought I was here because of lousy spelling.

Thursday: Don't try to throw us off!

Rebecca: He's telling the truth, detective. He is a lousy speller. If you don't believe it, give him a spelling test!

Thursday: Okay, wise guy. Now you're in for it.

Scene III

(Head back to the underground hanger behind the city of Cape Suzette as the "Eat At Joze..." is still in the sky. The hangers open as we head down as we see a lot of blimps with pilot's boxes attached to them. Head inside one of the blimps as Racoon Crook #2 is on headphones at a control panel hearing a red light beeping. He nods and puts away the headphones.)

Racoon Robber #2: It's time to launch the Heimlich Maneuver! (Racoon Crook #1 goes over to the levers and pulls them. The blimps fly up into the sky and out of the inactive volcano. They fly towards Cape Suzette as more of them come out of the water. Cut to more blimps coming out of a shanty town outside the city, literally coming out of opened retractable roofs.)

Scene IV

(Head back to the laundromat outside (complete with train tolley in the background) as Baloo is screaming for mercy as we head back to inside Thursday's office with Thursday and Baloo.)

Baloo: Stop! Please! Ah-ha, I can't take it anymore!

Thursday: Now, spell "Pizza"!

Baloo: Pizza...Er...Ah...P-E-E...Er...Just give me a hint. Does it have one "T" or two?

Rebecca: Now do you believe he can't spell?

Thursday: (Shakes his head.) Nah. Doesn't prove a thing. He could be faking. (The door opens and in comes Kit with a bunch of report cards.)

Kit: (Panting.) I'm here, Baloo! With the report cards you wanted. (Kit gives Thursday the report cards. Thursday reads the report cards.)

Thursday: (Tuts) Pathetic. I've never seen such awful grades in my life.

Baloo: H-hey, I passed recess with flying colors. Look, I've proved I'm a lousy speller. Now, what more do you want? All I did was write a few messages for Mr. Weasel.

Thursday: (Drops the report cards.) You know Weasel? Sneaky-looking guy in a bad suit? One of this town's biggest gangsters?

Baloo: Yeah, yeah. And I can prove that, too. He dropped this. (Baloo takes out the code book and gives it to Thursday. Thursday opens the book and reads it.)

Thursday: Why, this is a book of secret codes.

Rebecca: Detective, I promise the next time Weasel shows up to give us a sky writing assignment, we'll refuse.

Thursday: Negative. Now we've got his code book, I want you to play along. You're working for us now, Baloo.

Scene V

(Head outside the laundromat as Baloo, Kit, Rebecca and Thursday walk out of the laundromat. The door closes as a huge shadow appears out of nowhere.)

Baloo: Hey, I don't remember the "Pilot's Almanac" saying anything about an eclipse. (Thursday is in shock as he looks up.)

Thursday: That's no eclipse, look! (We see a lot of blimps in the air over the city. One of them is bopping in mid-air as blimps fly all over the city.)

Heimlich: (Transmitter.) Now hear this! I am holding Cape Suzette hostage. Heh heh. (Cut to inside Heimlich's office with Heimlich at his desk with the mircophone.) Every diamond in Cape Suzette is to be delievered to my tanker in the harbour. Hmm mmm. And if this demand isn't met, Cape Suzette will be bombed by my fleet of blimps.

Thursday: My boys will blast those Led Zeppelins to kingdom come!

Heimlich: (Transmitter.) Oh, by the way; my blimps are filled with an explosive hydrogen gas! Heh heh. Any attempt to shoot them down will result in the complete destruction of Cape Suzette! Ha ha!

End Of Act II At 13:16


Scene I

(Head back to the jewelery pawn shop that has lost the scales completely as we cut to inside Heimlich's office as Heimlich is grabbing diamonds and dropping them in the diamond bowl. )

Heimlich: Ha ha! Think of it. I will soon possess every diamond in Cape Suzette. (We see Weazel twiddling his fingers as Heimlich stands up and goes over to his blueprints on the wall.) It's been my lifelong dream...hic hic... to build a mansion of diamonds with a swimming pool overflowing with diamonds. The ice box will be made of diamonds, the toaster will be made of diamonds. (The phone rings.)

Weazel: The telephone?

Heimlich: Yes, the telephone will be made of diamonds.

Weazel: No, I mean the telephone is ringing. (Heimlich goes over to the telephone and Heimlich answers it.)

Heimlich: Hello? (He gets angry as his pink fuzzy explodes and he grinds his diamond teeth as one of the diamonds actually shatters on cue. He grunts and scream as he throws the telephone in the air.) EEEEAHHHHHH! Oooohoho! (The telephone is destroyed in the process.)

Weazel: Good news?

Heimlich: The police...(Snores.) They have told everyone to stay indoors and refuse my demands. (Heimlich goes over to the blueprints on the wall.)

Weazel: Oh, how terrible for you.

Heimlich: And the worse for them. Take this to that stupid bear. (Heimlich writes a note on a piece of paper and gives it to Weazel.) It is the code for an all-out attack on Cape Suzette. (It says "Wait Until Dark".) They will rue the day that they scorned Heimlich Menudo. (Heimlich does a number of poses and has a diamond tipped cane on his person as Weazel does poses including saluting in a way that is basically a Hitler salute.)

Scene II

(Cut to the docks of Higher For Hire as Weazel is walking on the docks towards Baloo as we see Kit hiding behind crates along with Rebecca and Detective Thursday. We see Baloo washing the SeaDuck with a washing broom and bucket. Baloo turns around to see him.)

Baloo: Hey, Weasel, old buddy. Good to see ya. (Weazel is angry and jumping up and down.)

Weazel: For the last time -- and I do mean the last -- that's Weazel! (Baloo looks surprised.) Here is the last message you'll ever need to sky write: "Wait Until Dark". (Weazel gives the note to Baloo and Baloo grabs it.)

Baloo: Okay, but; If I write it after dark, it'll be kinda hard to read.

Weazel: Ekk, no, you fool. The message is, "Wait Until Dark".

Baloo: Oh.

Weazel: So long. It's been unpleasant knowing you. (Weazel turns around and runs off stage right out of sight. In comes Kit, Rebecca and Thursday.)

Thursday: Nice sting operation, Baloo. (Thursday goes through the code book and opens it.) He just gave you the code to blow up Cape Suzette.

Baloo: He what?! Hey, paying customer or not; I ain't gonna do it!

Rebecca: Of course you're not, Baloo.

Thursday: (Writes a message on the note and give it to Baloo.) Here's the new substitute message. "Weight Until Dark". (Baloo grabs the note.)

Baloo: You must be slipping, Thursday. That's the same message Weasel just gave me.

Thursday: Negative. You'll notice it's a different spelling of "wait".

Baloo: So?

Thursday: This new code will signal the blimps to scrub their mission. So no spelling mistakes this time. It has to be letter perfect.

Baloo: Ah, er...right. (Kit is not amused by this.)

Thursday: And maintain radio slience, the crooks may be listening in. (Rebecca pulls out a stapler from her shirt, along with tape and glue.)

Rebecca: And just to make sure you don't lose this message, I'm going to staple, glue, tape and pin it to you. (Rebecca staples, glues, tapes and pins the note onto Baloo's shirt as Thursday and Kit look shocked.)

Baloo: OUCH! Hey, you don't have to tattoo it! (Baloo leans on the SeaDuck as Kit giggles under his breath; causing Thursday to smile.)

Scene III

(Head into the skies over Cape Suzette as the SeaDuck is flying. Head inside the cockpit with Kit looking out the window.)

Kit: Ah, what's the code again, Baloo? (Baloo is piloting as he looks at his shirt.)

Baloo: Uh-oh. From where I sit, it's upside down. I'll have to take my shirt off to read it right. (Baloo takes off his shirt and it goes out of the window once again.) Oh, no. Gone with the wind again!

Kit: Do you remember the code?

Baloo: Keep calm. I know it's in here somewhere. (Baloo pushes his head as Kit looks out the window again noticing the blimps in the air flying around.) I got it. "Wait Until Dark". And I know how to spell "Wait". Heh. Get ready to sky write. (The SeaDuck begins writing the letter "W".) Wait!

Kit: Check! Sky write: "Wait".

Baloo: No, no. Wait on the wait. It's the other kind of "wait". The "How much does it weigh" kind of "wait".

Kit: Oh. So, how do we spell it?

Baloo: You mean you don't know? Even with all your studying?

Kit: What studying? You said spelling wasn't important so I didn't do my homework.

Baloo: (Gulps.) Okay. Well,'s see. It's one of those funny words with goofy letters. It's either I-E, E-I... (Kit is flustered.) ...E-I...E-I...E-I-O. ♪ With an oink-oink here, and an oink-oink there; Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I, E-I-O! (Kit grabs onto Baloo.)

Kit: Baloo! Wait a sec. There was a little poem we learned in school. "I Before E, Except After C." (Baloo grabs Kit and throws him into his navigator's chair.)

Baloo: Then man your vowels and let's spell. (Kit pulls the lever and we sky write as we cut to the blimps and head inside as we see Racoon Crook #1 looking outside at the message. It says "Wieght".)

Raccoon Robber #1: There's our instructions. Check the code book for letter "I". (Racoon Crook #2 checks the book. Head back to the docks as Thursday is panicking.)

Thursday: He put the I first. He's giving the code to attack City Hall.

Rebecca: How could he get it wrong? (Baloo's shirt drops onto Thursday's head. Thursday stumbles and falls on his seat. Rebecca checks the shirt and then she and Thursday look worried. Head back to inside the blimp with the raccoon crooks.)

Racoon Robber #1: Okay, orders are orders. Who said you can't fight City Hall? (Head back to Heimlich's window as he looks on with the bionculars. He is not amused.)

Heimlich: I never gave the order to attack City Hall. (Head back in the sky as the SeaDuck completes the message "Wieght Until Dark".)

Kit: Uh-oh.

Baloo: What's the matter?

Kit: (Inside the cockpit.) I just remembered the rest of the rhyme. "'I' Before 'E', Except After 'C'...And When Sounding Like 'A' As In 'Neighbour' Or 'Weigh'."

Baloo: We gotta make those letter go "return to sender" and fast! But how? (Kit brings out his airfoil from the back of the chair and opens it.)

Kit: Here's how. (Cut to the blimps circling City Hall. Kit runs out of the SeaDuck as the tailsection door opens. Kit jumps out grabbing the towrope and starts to surf, destroying the "I" and the "E" in the message. Cut back to the blimp as the trapdoor opens showing Racoon Crook #2 smiling. He gets up as we see three bombs beside him.)

Racoon Robber #2: Ready to deploy the explosive device. (#2 is ready to pull the lever but #1 is looking out the window.)

Racoon Robber #1: Wait! The "wieght" is changing. (We see the SeaDuck rewriting the word as "Weight". Head back to the docks with Rebecca and Thursday.)

Rebecca: Come on, Baloo. For once in your life, spell something right. (The SeaDuck finishes up and flies off stage right.)

Baloo: Let's see if this spelling carries some weight. (Cut to #2 at the window.)

Racoon Robber #2: What do we do now? (#1 checks the code book.)

Racoon Robber #1: "Head for the ocean, drop our bombs and deflate."

Racoon Robber #2: Boy, this Heimlich Maneuver's one nutty operation. (Back to Heimlich's office as Heimlich's mad.)

Heimlich: (grumbling) We have been double-crossed, Weasel. Quick! Prepare my diamond tipped roto-scooter for liftoff. (Weazel folds his arms and turns around.)

Weazel: Not until you call me by my right name. (Heimlich grabs Weazel by the coat and gets in his face.)

Heimlich: Ack! Weazel! Weazel! WEAZEL! There! Are you satisfied?

Weazel: Most assuredly.

Scene IV

(Cut to a shot of the blimps flying out of Cape Suzette as a purple helicopter with a diamond tipped front is shown. Cut to the cockpit with Weazel plioting it with Heimlich beside him.)

Heimlich: Go back, you fools! Go back! (Racoon Crook #1 & #2 waves at Heimlich in his blimp. Heimlich is flustered as #1 nods and we see the blimps open their trapdoors and drop bombs into the water which they explode on contact. Cut back to the docks with Rebecca and Thursday as Rebecca breathes a sigh of relief.)

Rebecca: (Hugs Thursday.) Oh, I can't believe Baloo did something right. (Cut to Racoon Crook #1 pulling the rip cord on the back of the blimp and the air runs out of it as the blimps flies like a losing air balloon and drops into the water. Everyone else does the same as we head back in the cockpit of the SeaDuck.)

Baloo: Let's take her home, Kit. We...

Kit: Nooo! (Kit and Baloo shout as there is a ramming noise in the background. We cut to outside as Heimlich's diamond ram nails the right side of the nose of the SeaDuck. The SeaDuck drops as the helicopter coils back.)

Heimlich: You may have ruined my Heimlich Maneuver, but...kkkk...the choke is on you. (Cut to Kit looking at the side window.)

Kit: Baloo! He's gonna plough right through us!

Baloo: Maybe not, Kit. I think I know how to spell "relief". (Baloo pushes the smoke writing lever.) Here's mud in your eye! (Smoke goes into the helicopter as Weazel cannot see through the smoke. Heimlich and Weazel cough as the SeaDuck lands on the water as we cut back to the helicopter. Heimlich and Weazel are pushing and pulling on the flight stick.)

Heimlich: We've got to land this thing! Ah-ha! (The helicopter tailspins and lands in the water on-screen as we head to the docks. Baloo is out of the SeaDuck as he gets Kit out of the SeaDuck as both Kit and Rebecca hug each other.)

Thursday: First-rate work, Baloo. Exemplary. (Thursday shakes hands as the sirens wail and the police boats surround the helicopter.)

Rebecca: (Goes over and hugs Baloo.) I didn't think you had it in you, Baloo. You spelling saved Cape Suzette.

Baloo: Well, Beckers; it just goes to show it pays to know your ABDs. Now, Kit and I have work to do. (Baloo grabs Kit's arm.)

Kit: Wh-what kind of work?

Baloo: (Baloo and Kit walk to the office of Higher For Hire while Rebecca and Thursday look on smiling.) Homework. When it comes to spelling, close is not good enough. (Zoom up to a sky shot of the docks as Rebecca and Thursday completely disappear.)

End Of Episode At 21:26


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