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For A Fuel Dollars More Transcript

Written: 11/14/2015
Updated: 10/04/2021

Act I

Scene I

(Pan shot of clouds as the SeaDuck heads to Louie's.)

Baloo Von Bruinwald XIII: I hate this, Kit. I hate it!

Kit Cloudkicker: Calm down, Baloo. We're almost to Louie's. (The SeaDuck lands on the water towards Louie's.)

Baloo: Honest to Pete; I'm really tried of these stupid jobs Rebecca keeps giving us. (The SeaDuck is bouncing for some reason. Baloo comes out the side door.) When we get home, I'm gonna give our genius boss a piece of my mind. (Baloo bumps into the door top with his head.) Ow! If I have a piece of my mind left. (Baloo walks on the docks as there are four gas station monkeys. Baloo's head is bouncing as the monkeys are confused. Kit walks behind Baloo.)

Kit: Fill her up, fellas. (Even Kit does the whiplash bounce on his head as the monkeys are confused. One of the monkeys looks at the side door and we see two kangeroos in the back hopping around with several metal milk containers. The monkey just gets out a bottle of water and cloth and begins cleaning the windshield of the SeaDuck as the other monkeys are working over the SeaDuck. Sky shot pan over to the entrance of Louie's. Head into Louie's which is filled to the brim; including a clone of Baloo himself. Shot to the island with Baloo, Louie and Kit.)

Baloo: So, get this Louie; now Rebecca's got us hauling kangaroos and milk. She figures we'll have butter by the time we get home. (Louie is scooping green ice cream into a metal glass.)

Louie L'Amour: Ah! That explains the up and down. (Louie pours coconut juice on the ice cream treat and then lights a flare stick and puts it in the ice cream.)

Baloo: Baby! The Krakatoa special! My favorite. (Baloo grabs a spoon as the special is on the table; but one of the monkey waiters grab it from the table and walks off.) Mmm. I remember these being tastier.

Louie: Ice cream's off, cuz. You've run up a pretty chunk of tab. (Louie showing off a scroll of paper which is long.)

Kit: And he got pretty chunky running it up, too. (Kit pats Baloo's belly.)

Baloo: Now come on, Louie. I'll pay as soon as I get some extra cash.

Louie: (Rolls up the scroll.) You know the rule. When the tab gets high, kiss scoops goodbye. (Baloo simply stares in a sulk like manner and Louie gives up.) Ah, here. On the house. (He finds two metal glasses and scoops up strawberry ice cream in them to give to Baloo and Kit with spoons.)

Kit: Thanks, Louie.

Baloo: Yeah, you're a real pal.

Louie: The feeling's mutual, cuz. (Baloo and Louie slap skin.)

Scene II

(Shot of the docks at Louie's. Three of the monkey gas station attentents are standing there as Baloo and Kit walk towards them.)

Baloo: Nice job, fellas. Here! (Baloo flips one silver dollar to a monkey gas station attentent. Baloo and Kit walk off. He grabs it and the other two attentents proceed to steal and then fight each other for the coin. A fourth one joins in as we jump cut to the SeaDuck backing up and flying away from Louie's.)

Scene III

(Sky shot of the SeaDuck on the docks of Higher For Hire as it is nightfall. Head into the office as Rebecca is at her desk and Baloo is sitting in the red chair rubbing his head and whincing.)

Baloo: Kangaroos, butter...Rebecca, where do you get these cockamamie ideas?

Rebecca Cunningham: Hey, we sold a ton of fresh butter!

Baloo: Butter, schmutter! I hit the roof so often my head still smarts.

Rebecca: I've never heard the word "smarts" in the same sentence with your head.

Baloo: Ooo, some day your crazy ideas are gonna do me in. (Kit comes in and places an icepack on Baloo's head.) Ahh!

Rebecca: My ideas are not crazy! In fact, today I had my best one yet. Tomorrow, we're going to open... Are you ready? (Puts the papers on her desk.) Our very own gas station! (She salutes herself.)

Kit: I think the heat's gotten to her.

Baloo: It's not the heat, it's the stupidity.

Kit: Uh, Miss Cunningham; Cape Suzette already has gas stations.

Rebecca: Not in the air, it doesn't.

Baloo: Are you out of your cockin pickin...

Rebecca: Pilots waste valuable time refueling on the ground. They'll pay extra for this convenience.

Kit: Mid-air refueling. You know Baloo, that's not a bad... (Baloo throws the ice pack away.)

Baloo: Forget it! The plan stinks! It's dangerous! Unnatural!

Rebecca: I'm not taking no for an answer.

Baloo: Oh, no?

Rebecca: I'm not taking it for a question either. Remember, I'm the boss!

Baloo: Like she lets me forget.

Rebecca: Look, just try it for one day. You can keep all the tips.

Baloo: (Rubbing his mouth.) Mmm, excuse us. (Baloo walks to the door with Kit.) What do you think, kiddo?

Kit: We could pay our tab at Louie's.

Baloo: Then I can get me that Krakatoa sundae. Okay! Break! (Baloo and Kit slap skin.) Tell you what, Rebecca. We'll do it as a flavor...I mean, a favor to you.

Rebecca: Good. Now...The best area to set up shop is here. (Rebecca shows a map.) About a tankful away from Cape Suzette.

Kit: Baloo, that's near Louie's. (Baloo smacks his lips.)

Baloo: How convenient!

Scene IV

(Sky shot of the ocean as a grey metal plane is flying over the ocean. There is some happy humming inside the plane as we see a rhino furry wearing a navy blue hat, a green fur coat and Baloo's shirt in the cockpit flying the plane. )

Rhino Pilot: What? (He sees three blimps with the front blimp showing a sign that says "Running Low On Fuel?"; then "Don't Know What To Do?", "Then Honk Your Horn, Wave Hello!" and "And Leave It To Baloo!". The final sign looks straight out of the A&W sign with the colors.) Running low on fuel? Don't know what to do? Then honk your horn, wave hello...and leave it to Baloo! (A horn honks as the SeaDuck comes up from the right side. Baloo shows the fuel gauge sign with a question mark. The rhino pilot nods as the SeaDuck flies up as we head into the SeaDuck cockpit as Baloo puts the crowbow on the stick.)

Baloo: Our first customer. (Baloo and Kit run to the back as we get a shot of the autopilot crowbar attached to the flight stick. Kit goes to the ancient gas station pump and grabs the hose with his airfoil tucked in his right arm. They have a full tank of gas behind the gas pump. The tailsection of the SeaDuck opens and Kit opens his airfoil and surfs down onto the right plane wing. His airfoil goes flying. Kit opens the gas tank and sticks the hose into the tank. He pulls on the hose; which has a bell ringing sound on it. Baloo is at the gas pump, pumping gas. Kit crawls to the front of the windshield and sprays water on it; while cleaning the windshield with a cloth. The rhino pilot is shaking his head in surprise as Kit crawls back to the hose and pulls on the hose causing the bell to ring. Baloo stops pumping gas, and then Kit pulls on the hose as Baloo steadys the hose as Kit somehow gets his airfoil back and surfs over to the pilot's side window.)

Kit: That'll be four fifty.

Rhino Pilot: You just save me a half-hour. Keep the change, kid. (The rhino pilot gives Kit at five dollars.)

Kit: A fiver. Thanks! (Kit puts the dollar bill in his sweater and pulls on the hose again as it causes bell sounds. Baloo pulls Kit up into the SeaDuck.)

Baloo: Nice work, Lil' Britches.

Kit: Thanks. And look! He liked our service. (Kit goes into his skin pocket to reveal a five dollar bill. Baloo puts the dollar bill into the jar.)

Baloo: No foolin'! (Horns honk.) And so will those guys. (Two planes appears in the far shot looking outside the back of the SeaDuck.)

Kit: Well, no rest for the weary.

Baloo: It's still a dumb idea. (Baloo gives Kit the nozzle/hose and Kit runs off.)

Scene V

(Cut to Higher For Hire's office as Rebecca is at her desk counting money.)

Rebecca: Now admit it, my idea was good. (Cut to Baloo sitting down in the chair again not amused with Kit standing there.)

Baloo: Not really. We're out of gas.

Rebecca: That's terrible!

Baloo: Tell me about it! (Baloo is holding the jar of tips.) Look at these measly tips.

Rebecca: No, I mean we've got to expand. Carry more gasoline.

Baloo: But, Rebecca... (A knock is heard on the door. Kit goes over to answer the door and it's a goat furry with a green suit, brown pants, an orange bowtie, a large beard and glasses at the door. )

Goat Furry: Rebecca Cunningham?

Kit: Uh, the one without the big belly. (The goat walks in.)

Aviation Board Representive: I'm from the aviation board and we have some problems with your mid-air refueling operation.

Baloo: Yeah, man! (Baloo jumps for joy.)

Rebecca: Hold it, mister! I've checked every law. It is not illegal.

Aviation Board Representive: Well, technically no. But it's dangerous and unnatural.

Rebecca: Listen, I'm not closing down a profitable business just because you have a bad feeling. (Rebecca stands up and backs up the representive to the door.)

Aviation Board Representive: Very well. But one slip-up, lady; and I'll be all over you like a mud on a pig. (Rebecca slams the door in the representive's face.)

Scene VI

(Inside the back of the SeaDuck as Baloo is pumping more gas from a blue gas pump and a red gas pump.)

Baloo: Rebecca has the ideas, but who does all the work? Kit and me, that's who! Just once, I'd like to have the idea. (Gas is being pumped from two hoses as Baloo walks to the back of the SeaDuck.) Hold your courses! We'll be right there. (Kit is shown surfing with the hose going from airplane to airplane as there is a two propeller version of the SeaDuck, and apparently; it's morning. Get goes to the green plane and gives change to a dog furry in a brown trenchcoat, green shirt and Baloo's pilot cap.)

Kit: Here's your change. Good day. (Cut to the afternoon, the SeaDuck is heading to Louie's and they land. The side door opens and out comes Baloo and Kit looking tired as one of Louie's gas attentents has the hose to fill up.)

Baloo: (Sighs.) No thanks. I've got more than I want as it is. (Baloo and Kit walk inside and notice that only Louie is around.) Oh, man! This place is dead as a rock. (Baloo and Kit go over to Louie.) Louie, how about a Krackatoa for a steady customer?

Louie: How about payin' your tab? (Baloo shows off the money.) Baloo! Mon frere, old pal, amigo, mate, buddy, paisano, chum. One Krakatoa comin' up. (Louie makes the Krakatoa sundae. He then strikes a match and lights the sparkler up.) I don't get it, Baloo. A couple of days ago, business just dried up. (Louie places the sparkler in the mug.)

Baloo: It's funny. You're doing lousy, but I'm doing fantastic.

Kit: Yeah. The money hasn't stop flowing since we started our refueling service. (This causes Louie to stop and a scoop of ice cream falls on the floor. Louie takes the mug from Baloo and Baloo eats spoon.)

Louie: You have a refueling service?

Kit: Yeah, up there. (Kit points to the sky.)

Baloo: Man, it's a gold mine. (Louie is mad as he pokes the sparkler into the sundae and it goes out.)

Louie: Are you dopes? You stole all my customers.

Baloo: He-hey, it was Rebecca's idea.

Louie: But you're going along with it.

Baloo: Oh, come on, Louie; the skies are free. I mean, it's nothing personal.

Louie: I thought we were pals. Go! (Louie is now really angry.)

Baloo: But my sundae?!

Louie: NOW!

Baloo: Come on L'il Britches. (Baloo and Kit turn around and leave feeling really bad. Louie stares a hole through Baloo.)

Scene VII

(Cut to the skies as the SeaDuck heads back over the ocean. Head into the cockpit as Kit shows off his squeezing water tool.)

Baloo: All set for another day of petrol patrol?

Kit: Ready as ever!

Baloo: Good. Huh? (Baloo notices some green blimps with signs of their own. They say: "If Your Plane Wants A Drink, You'd Have To Be Screwy To Buy Gas From A Jerk, Instead of from Louie!") If your plane wants a drink; you'd have to be screwy; to buy gas from a jerk; instead of from Louie! (The final blimp contains a sign with a crappy drawing showcasing Louie's midair refueling service.)

Kit: Baloo, look! (Kit points out the window and notices the same grey plane the rhino pilot was piloting, only Louie's flying it.)

Baloo: The nerve of that Louie! Competin' with us! (The grey plane the rhino pilot is flying meets up with Louie's plane as all of them except for Louie work on the plane. They make monkey noises and form a monkey chain.) He's got more workers than Rebecca had dumb ideas. (Cut to the rhino pilot giving money to one of the monkey attentents.)

Rhino Pilot: Best service I've ever had. (Cut back to inside the cockpit of the SeaDuck.)

Baloo: Kit; Louie's made a monkey out of me! (Louie flies away pointing his finger as the monkeys wave at the SeaDuck.)

Scene VIII

(Back in the offices of Higher For Hire at night as Baloo shakes the jar and there's no money from it.)

Baloo: So, I guess that's that. Kit and I go back to being pilots. (Baloo puts the jar down.)

Rebecca: Baloo, use your head! If he can offer better service, so can we.

Baloo: But he's got a zillion little guys runnin' around everywhere.

Rebecca: True, but has he got a mechanic? (We cut over to a red chair in the corner as Charles WildCat is sitting in the chair eating peanuts. One of the peanuts bounces off WildCat's nose.)

Scene IX

(Head into the skies as the grey plane containing the rhino pilot flies in as WildCat pops down from a lasso with a small wooden hammer.)

WildCat Puma: Ha heh heh. Hi. You need a mechanic?

Rhino Pilot: My engine's making too much noise!

WildCat: I can't hear you! Your engine's making too much noise! Hold on! (WildCat rises to the left wing and opens up one of the engines. He takes his wooden hammer and smacks the part; and that causes the noise to go away and the props sound normal again. WildCat closes the panel and jumps down to the rhino pilot.) There. Now what's your problem?

Rhino Pilot: Uh, nothing...nothing. Thanks! (The pilot gives WildCat some money.) Here.

WildCat: Huh? Well, thank you. (Baloo pulls up WildCat who is standing at the side door of the SeaDuck.)

Baloo: Ha-Ha! Let's see Louie compete with that!

Scene X

(Afternoon shot of various planes flying as we head to Louie's plane on the wing as Louie is showing off dinner plates.)

Louie: That's right. Lower prices and a free dish with every fill-up! Ha-ha! Collect the whole set. (The SeaDuck flies over as we head to the cockpit with Baloo, Kit and WildCat.)

Kit: Well, Baloo; he did it.

Scene XI

(Back at the officers of Higher For Hire as Baloo and Kit sulk in the chair.)

Rebecca: Oh, don't be such a quitter, Baloo. It'll take all our profits, but this idea will get Louie for sure!

Scene XII

(Back in the skies in the morning as we see a couple of blimps holding up a huge wooden structure called Baloo's Gas. Cut to the PA system with a goin coin like circle turning showing Baloo's face.)

Baloo: Come one, come all to the greatest station in the skies. Baloo's Lube 'N' Lunch! That's right, eat here and get gas. (Cut to near the gas pumps as there is even an outhouse with steps in the background. The rhino pilot arrives in his plane as Baloo puts the microphone away.) Make way for the moolah! (The plane arrives as Baloo uses the jaws to grab onto the plane's roof. This brings the roof up as the pilot looks up and he's wearing yellow gloves. He climbs up to the roof of his plane and the steps.) Hi-dee! So, you liked my ad?

Rhino Pilot: But I've got all the gravy-boats I need. Is that a good restaurant?

Baloo: Four stars. And a moon.

Rhino Pilot: Great! Give me your best meal. (Rhino pilot rubs his hands as we see WildCat in the background with a hot plate cooking up hotdogs.)

WildCat: One hot-dog, coming up.

Scene XIII

(Shot of the Baloo's Lube 'N' Lunch in the afteroon.)

Baloo: Don't forget your free beach blanket. (Baloo pulls on the lever releasing the grey plane from the jaws. The plane flies away as Baloo magically shown checking the money he made.)

Scene XIV

(Shot of Baloo's Lube 'N' Lunch on another angle.)

Baloo: Monkey see, monkey do. That Louie copies every idea I get. (Pan over to almost an exact copy of Baloo's Lube 'N' Lunch only with pink and green blimps. We cut to Baloo on a crate with the binoculars looking on as Kit is looking on.)

Kit: Actually, Baloo; it was Rebecca's idea.

Baloo: That's not the point! (Cut to Louie's Lube 'N' Lunch as Louie looks on with his binoculars.)

Louie: How do you like them apples, Baloo? (A monkey waiter comes in with ice cream with sparklers as Louie grabs it from the attentent.) Since we're new in this neighorhood; maybe I ought to send a gift. (Louie puts the Krakatoa sundae in a slingshot and pulls back to a metal catapult. Louie pulls the lever and the Krakatoa sundae goes flying.)

Baloo: And another thing! That Louie...(Baloo mumbles as the sundae smacks into Baloo's face. Cut to WildCat with his hotplate making hamburgers.)

WildCat: I didn't know Louie was a...(WildCat mumbles like Baloo.) Must be on his mom's side of the family.

Baloo: That does it. Louie, this means war!

End of Act I At 12:00

Act II

Scene I

(Back at the lever below the stairs as Baloo is looking with the binoculars while Kit is on the stairs.)

Kit: How can you be so sure Louie did it? (Baloo sees Louie laughing and jumping around.)

Baloo: Call it a hunch.

Kit: Baloo, a customer's coming.

Baloo: And he's allll mine. (Baloo rubs his hands as he pulls the lever.) Gas stations, men! (The jaws attaches to the wing of the black/red trim airplane as we cut to Louie at his controls which is basically a motorboat.)

Louie: No barnstromin' bear's gonna bust my business! (Baloo's midair refueling station flies over to Louie's as the hatch opens in the plane and out comes a rabbit furry wearing a purple coat and a blue hat.) I've got the best service, cuz!

Baloo: I'll give you lower prices!

Louie: I'll give you free lemonade.

Baloo: Well, I'm throwin' in a free lunch.

Louie: I'm gonna give him a ten dollar rebate.

Baloo: Twenty dollars!

Louie: A month's supply of unleaded.

Rabbit Pilot: But...but I don't want unleaded!

Baloo/Louie: Who asked you?!

Baloo: He's my customer and that's final! (WildCat is pumping gas while Baloo is being the mechanic of this team; while we see Louie on top of the balloon of Baloo's Lube'N'Lunch. He jumps down and grabs the hose and ties it into a knot. Baloo checks the nozzle and there's no gas.) Hey, some pump pressure! (WildCat continues to pump the gas making the hose come to a large sphere. This causes WildCat to turn backwards as Louie returns to his refueling station and grabs the hose.)

Louie: Uh, they look kinda backed up. Maybe you'd better let me shoot the juice, Bruce.

Bruce: is best.

Baloo: I don't get it. (Baloo finally turns around and finds the hose knotted up.) Why that dirty... (Louie runs on the right side wing with the nozzle.)

Louie: Heh-heh! Baloo's a boob and a half. He'll be out of real business soon. (Louie opens the hatch and fills it up.)

Scene II

(Back to Louie's refueling station as we zoom in to the edge to see Baloo popping up and gets onto the floor. Baloo then looks around and then grabs a hose. He goes over to the cannister that reads gas in orange letters. Baloo removes a metal pipe (with no sign that it was going to go anywhere) and pulls the end of the hose to the pipe. Baloo waves to WildCat who is at the gas pumps pumping.)

Louie: Flyboy, you're getting the finest fuel available this side of the other side. Baloo giggles on cue. Louie fills the tank and then closes the hatch. There. Filled to the brim.

Baloo: (Comes over to Louie.) You've been pumping my gas, cuz.

Rabbit Pilot: (Gives the cash to Baloo, but Louie steals it anyway and runs off stage right.) Here you go. Five dollars.

Baloo: Hold it, banana breath. That was my gas! (Baloo grabs the hose and pulls back really hard. Louie falls hard on the floor as the money goes flying.)

Louie: But I did the pumpin'. (Louie pulls on the nozzle and that sends Baloo falling on his face.)

Baloo: Then I'll do the thumpin'! (Baloo and Louie get together and knuckle up.)

Louie: Err, I'm gonna give you some of this now. I've taken all I'm gonna take from you! (They circle each other.)

Baloo: Well, I-I am not done dishin' it out. (Cut to Kit on Baloo's refueling station.)

Kit: Give it to him, Baloo! (WildCat looks horrified. Louie gets on a crate while Baloo is on a purple carpet. They fight as not one punch made contact, but the power of suggestion causes Louie to hang from a metal wire.)

Louie: I'm tired of you stealin' my business, you bottom heavy bozo. (Baloo and Louie climb up and chase each other to Baloo's midair refueling station as the Rabbit Pilot gets himself free and flies away. There is a stack of tires behind Baloo. Louie spars; but Baloo presses on his straw hat because Baloo's taller.)

Baloo: Tired? Why didn't you say so? (Baloo slams a tire around Louie's body. Baloo laughs as Louie rushes in and headbutts Baloo in the chest as Baloo goes flying right into the stack of tires. Louie looks to the monkeys as one of the monkey is wearing overalls instead of the usual uniform. They do the "See No Evil, Say No Evil and Hear No Evil" sequence.)

Louie: Good idea. (Baloo gets the tire off of him and Louie tackles him from behind.)

Baloo: Hey, knock off the... (Louie covers Baloo's eyes and mouth. Baloo gets up.)

Louie: You say something? (Baloo mumbles as he gets up.) Yee-haw! Ride'em, Louie! Ha-Ha! Sellin' and gas is my terroitory. (Louie laughs, but Baloo staggers towards the towels and they free fall over the edge with the towels.) Uh-oh! (Baloo and Louie scream.)


End Of Act II At 15:18


Scene I

(Cut to the skies as Baloo and Louie free fall with the towels.)

Baloo: This is all your fault!

Louie: You started it! (Louie grabs Baloo's neck and Louie responds in kind.)

Baloo: You did!

Louie: You did! (Then they look down and both scream as the midair refueling stations were right above Louie's. Baloo and Louie try to climb on each other.) Now what do we do?

Baloo: Stall for time?

Louie: In about twenty seconds; we're gonna be flatter than the funny pages! Do something!

Baloo: (Notices the beach blankets.) Hey look; the beach blankets! Grab the corners! (Baloo and Louie grab the green blanket corner and parachute down. They bump into each other.)

Louie: You know, cuz; this was a great idea.

Baloo: Yeah; we got it made. (Baloo and Louie go through the hut roof of Louie's and smash into the table. Baloo sighs.) What happened to us, Louie? We used to be friends.

Louie: I guess we sorta got caught up in Rebecca's fancy-pants idea.

Baloo: I don't want to be a gas jocky. I want open skies. I want adventure. (Baloo cringes.) I want a bandage!

Louie: Yeah. And I'd rather be down there, bein' Louie! (Louie grabs a barrel.)

Baloo: But you can't do that if I'm still in the sky.

Louie: And you can't quit 'cause Rebecca's makin' a fortune. Looks like we're stuck being enemies.

Baloo: Wait a minute?! I'm getting an idea.

Louie: (Wheeze laugh.) I thought I smelled somethin' burning.

Baloo: We'll go back there and blow it all up! Lock, stock and oil barrel.

Louie: Your brain should be down any second now.

Baloo: Don't you get it? That inspector said one slip-up and he'll close us down. (Baloo takes a banana and unpeels it.) So...we cause a slip-up. (Baloo pops the banana.) When Baloo's Lube'N'Lunch goes down in flames, it'll be banned forever. (Baloo throws the banana peel away.)

Louie: Count me in, cuz! The sooner the better. (Baloo eats the banana.)

Baloo: How about today at three o'clock? (Baloo and Louie slap skin.)

Scene II

(Back at the docks of Higher For Hire, we see the Aviation Board Representive and Rebecca looking at each other.)

Rebecca: Today? At three o'clock?

Aviation Board Representive: According to flight regulations, I have the right to make surprise inspections of your service station.

Rebecca: Fine! Now you'll see how safe our Lube 'N' Lunch really is. (The goat inspector has a blue seaplane at the dock.)

Aviation Board Representive: It better be.

Scene III

(Cut back to Baloo's midair fueling station as Baloo has an alarm clock attached to sticks of dynamite.)

Baloo: Ha-ha! (The clock is ticking.) In fifteen minutes, we get out of the sky-high octane business once and for all. (Louie is on deck as well.) Now to put it where no one will see it. Ah-ha! (Baloo notices the stack of tires and puts the bomb inside. The SeaDuck comes up against the station as the side door opens showing Kit and WildCat.)

Kit: All done, Baloo. No one will come near the place now.

Baloo: Monumental! (Louie goes over to the SeaDuck.)

Louie: Come on! We can watch the fireworks from my place. (Cut to a shot of the bomb and then cut to the blue airplane in the air.)

Rebecca: You'll see, inspector. This operation runs like clockwork. (Rebecca notices the out of nowhere balloons with a paperbag that reads closed.) Closed? They shouldn't be closed. (We cut to Baloo, Kit, Louie and WildCat sitting in lawn chairs at Louie's refueling station. Baloo and Louie are enjoying drinks, Kit has the binoculars and WildCat does absolutely nothing.)

Baloo: Ahhh! This is the life.

WildCat: Hey, Louie? You got any peanuts?

Louie: Comin' right up. (Louie snaps his fingers.)

Kit: Baloo, someone's at the station! (Baloo takes the binoculars and sees the blue plane heading for the station.)

Baloo: What kind of idiot would fly up to a closed station? (The hatch opens and out comes Rebecca and the inspector as Baloo has somehow teleported to near the gas canister.) Rebecca!

Kit: She'll be blown to smithereens!

WildCat: I hate smithereens.

Baloo: Rebecca! Rebecca! (Kit pulls Baloo back.)

Kit: She's too far away! (Baloo runs over to the gas motor device and pulls on it to start the engine. The refueling station goes up against the other refueling station.)

Rebecca: Baloo! Baloo! Where are you hiding? (She goes towards the tires and stops.) Ah-ha!

Aviation Board Representive: Mrs. Cummingham? Would that be your Baloo? (The representive points to Louie's midair refueling station and Baloo waves at him.) Seems like a friendly sort. (Rebecca waves her arms.)

Rebecca: What do you think you're doing? Get over here! He's the enemy!

Baloo: But...

Rebecca: Now! (Baloo swings down from a rope and lands in front of the gas pumps as out of nowhere, his pilot cap appears on top of the gas pump.)

Baloo: Excuse me for a moment, I have to...

Rebecca: Baloo, the customer comes first! And where's your hat?

Baloo: My-my-my hat? (Baloo notices the hat and takes it. He puts it on his head.) Right. What'll it be?

Aviation Board Representive: Gee, they all look so good. Uh, this one...that one. (Baloo takes the hose from the gas pump.)

Baloo: Good choice. (Baloo puts the hose in the tank and then rushes back to pump gas; causing the plane to bloat up. Baloo returns and pulls the hose out of the tank.) All full. Have a towel. I'll put it on your account. (Baloo takes some towels and gives them to the representive.) Thank you. Goodbye. (Baloo backs up the representive.)

Rebecca: Hold on, Baloo. This is a full service station, remember?

Baloo: Uh, right. (Baloo is cleaning the glass hatch with cloths.)

Rebecca: Just a minute, Baloo.

Baloo: We don't have a minute, Becky. (Baloo checks the engine.)

Rebecca: Inspector, would you like a snack?

Aviation Board Representive: Actually, I am a bit peckish.

Rebecca: Baloo. (Baloo rushes into the kitchen; puts on a chef's hat and takes out a flamethrower to fry a hotdog on a fork. He already has a soda bottle with cola soda and a straw as Baloo puts the hotdog in the bun and races over to the representive to give it to him.)

Baloo: Here. Can I help you chew that?

Rebecca: Baloo! (Cut to the midair refueling station with Kit and WildCat.)

WildCat: Baloo's gonna get a real close look at that explosion, huh?

Kit: Come on! We better go get him. (Kit and WildCat run off as we cut back to the representive who is wiping his lips.)

Aviation Board Representive: That was tasty. Well, everything looks in order, Mrs. Cunningham. I guess we'll be off now.

Baloo: (Wipes his forehead.) It's about time. (Rebecca does not look amused at all.) Uh, it's about time I did some more work here. (He pushes the representive away as Rebecca and the representive walk down to the blue plane.) Bye-Bye. (Rebecca and the representive jump into the blue plane.)

Rebecca: Bye, Baloo. Oh. Nice work. (The hatch closes.)

Baloo: Uh, thanks. Bye. Bye! Bye! (Baloo runs to the levers and releases the jaws on the plane. The plane flies away. Cut to Louie's station as the SeaDuck is flying towards Baloo's station.)

Kit: Hurry! We gotta get there fast! (Head into the cockpit with WildCat flying the plane.)

Wildcat: Relax, Kit. According to my watch, we still have five minutes. (WildCat checks his watch as we cut to Baloo taking the tires out and checking the bomb. He puts the tires back on. Baloo tries to run away as Baloo's midair refueling station explodes on screen.) Of course, it is my watch and I am slow. (Baloo flies straight to the windshield; but passes it.) Where'd he go? (Baloo is hanging by his shirt on the left pontoon and he groans.)

Scene IV

(Cut to a mid-air hospital held by stairs. It's called the Smitheens Hospital (It's supposed to be Smithereens Hospital - but Walt Disney Japan messed up the name.) and beside the hospital is a graveyard and a giant red cross on the top which is not edited out.)

Hospital Public Announcer: Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard. (Cut to inside one of the hospital rooms as Baloo is lying in bed with two broken arms and a broken left leg. Kit and Louie are with him.)

Kit: They say you're gonna be all right soon, Baloo.

Baloo: Ha-heh. Yeah! They haven't made the exploding gas station that can bring me down!

Louie: I brought you a present. (Louie opens the present to reveal a strawberry ice cream treat with three sparklers which causes Baloo to panic.)

Baloo: No! No fireworks! Oh, take it away, take it away! (Looks at Kit.) Kit, don't let Rebecca sell me any more of her nusty notions, okay?

Kit: Sssh! Here she comes. (Rebecca walks in with flowers in her hands.)

Rebecca: Oh, poor Baloo! Does it hurt much?

Baloo: Uh-huh.

Rebecca: I can't imagine how it blew up like that. Well, you won't have to worry about the gas station anymore.

Baloo: The inspector shut us down, right?

Rebecca: (Sadly.) Yeah.

Baloo: Oh, yeah! (Baloo stretches and he screams.) Ow! I mean, too bad.

Rebecca: But don't worry. I have another great idea.

Baloo: Kit...!

Rebecca: Milk shakes!

Kit: Milk shakes?

Louie: Milk shakes? (Rebecca goes over and puts the flowers on a table.)

Rebecca: See, we get another kangaroo and some ice cream. The shaking mixes the milk shakes and you can sell them in mid-air to thirsty pilots. What do you think of "Skyshakes"? Or "Diary Team"? Over one thousand served! (Baloo goes under the covers, shakes and groans.)

End of Episode At 21:17


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