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Whistlestop Jackson, Legend Transcript

Written: 09/26/2015
Updated: 10/17/2021

Act I

Scene I

(Outside the docks of Higher For Hire. Zoom in and head inside the office as Rebecca is filing papers in a cabinet while Baloo is dancing around with glee. Kit Cloudkicker is sitting with his feet on Rebecca's desk.)

Baloo Von Bruinwald XIII: (Laughing.) Oh, Rebecca, Rebecca; you have outdone yourself! Why, next to my dear Uncle Mo; you're talking about my all-time biggest idol. (Baloo grabs onto Kit's wrists and dances with him while still in the chair.)

Kit Cloudkicker: But, Baloo; who... (Baloo then manages to spin the chair causing Kit to spin like a tornado.) AHH! (Kit manages to stop himself by kicking off the wall. Kit rides his chair towards the cabinets as Baloo is now dancing with Rebecca.) Who is Whistlestop Jackson? (Baloo stops dancing and somehow drops Rebecca onto the ground.)

Rebecca Cunningham: WEEP!

Baloo: What?! Do my eyes deceive me?! Are you asking; "Who is Whistlestop Jackson"?!

Kit: Yes.

Baloo: Who?!

Kit: Who? (Baloo is now leaning on the chair rails.)

Baloo: Why, Whistlestop Jackson is only the finest pilot to ever fly the face of the earth.

(Flashback begins now. Cut to a B&W newsreel provided by Movietoons Newsreel with it's logo around a large globe of Earth. On top is a panther type furry with a sweater, pants and a berret turning an ancient projector. Up-tempo music plays. Zoom in and then cut to a B&W sunny sky as a 1910-equse airplane flies into the camera and then pulls up. A jaguar furry in pilot's gear with big teeth backjumps from inside the seat to onto the plane.)

Whistlestop Jackson: Ha Ha! (Closeup of his face.)

Movietoons Newsreel Announcer: Whistlestop Jackson, greatest aviator of his day. (Jackson jumps into his plane.)

Jackson: Ha Ha!

Newsreel Announcer: Hero to millions. (Jackson salutes the camera. Jackson does some sky writing doing the number eight.) A flying ace with talent in spades. A barnstormer extraordinaire. (Jackson flies down and enters a barn and flies through the barn before exiting causing three roosters to run out.) A legend in his own time. (Whistlestop's plane spirals down and that ends the flashback as we cut back to Baloo.)

Baloo: And childhood hero. My personal personage.

Kit: Wow!

Rebecca: If nothing else, Mr. Jackson should bring us some good publicity.

Kit: When is he coming in?

Rebecca: (Checks her watch.) Well, he should have been here about three minutes...(We hear rumbling that causes debris from the ceiling to fall. Everyone drops to the ground and covers themselves.)...ago. (We hear the roar of an airplane engine in the background. Baloo, Kit and Rebecca exit the office to notice that Jackson's green plane has arrived and is flying around strangely. It turns around and lands roughly on the water and onto a small dock. Nothing was damaged or destroyed. Rebecca is in shock; but Baloo and Kit are in awe. Whistlestop jumps and lands on the docks.)

Jackson: Ha Ha! (Jackson salutes and shows off his teeth.) Pardon my tardiness. Flew through a monsoon, typhoon, cyclone and a cumulonimbus with big pointy teeth. (Jackson walks towards Baloo, Kit and Rebecca.) Bad weather, if you get my drift.

Rebecca: You must be...

Jackson: Whistlestop Jackson; the greatest aviator of my day. Hero to millions. (He is wearing an orange scarf.)

Baloo: What did I tell you? Whistlestop Jackson, in the flesh! (Rebecca walks forward.)

Rebecca: I'm Rebecca Cunningham. Nah, it's a pleasure to have you with us, Mr. Jackson. (Jackson grabs her hand and kisses it.)

Jackson: No, the pleasure is mine, Miss Cunningham. (Salutes her. Baloo runs in and uses his rear end to bounce Rebecca away. He then proceed to grab Jackson's hand and kiss it over and over.)

Baloo: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. The pleasure's mine! (Baloo shakes hands with Jackson.) Allow me introduce myself. My name is...Er? Er?

Rebecca: Baloo.

Baloo: That's it. Baloo.

Jackson: Bleh, looking forward to working with you, son.

Baloo: Son! He called me son! (Rebecca is not amused by this.)

Rebecca: Baloo, why don't you get Mr. Jackson's things?

Baloo: Get Mr. Jackson's things? Got it, got it! Getting them. (Baloo almost runs over Jackson as he goes to the plane.)

Rebecca: I'm sure this will be a profitable association for both of us, Mr. Jackson. (Rebecca and Jackson walk away stage left.)

Scene II

(Cut to outside of a club called Copabanana Club complete with a banana logo with a magicians stick, top hat, and a black tie. We hear trolly sounds in the background.)

Reporter #1: Hey, how about one more for the evening edition? (Cut to a table as Whistlestop Jackson, Baloo and Rebecca are sitting at it; while three news reporters are taking pictures with dial cameras (one of them is from a Bad Reflection On You). The fourth one is the notepad reporter seen in A Bad Reflection On You.) Smile!

Reporter #2: What's bringing you back into the limelight?

Reporter #3: Over here!

Rebecca: Yes, we're very excited to have Whistlestop Jackson work for us at Higher...For...Hire. (goes to the female bear reporter with blond hair and a green coat.) "Higher" as in up and "Hire" as in "for money". (One of the cameraman from A Bad Reflection On You tries to take a picture; but is belly bounced away by a grey bulldog furry in a suit.)

Reporter #4: What will his position in the company be?

Rebecca: Mr. Jackson has been appointed vice president of my company, Higher...For...Hire. (Rebecca eyebrows tingle as Baloo is in shock.)

Baloo: Vice president? I thought he was gonna fly. We were gonna be a team. (Baloo stands up.) This is Whistlestop Jackson we're taking about, folks! Hero to millions! A legend in... (Rebecca gets up not amused and covers Baloo's mouth. Rebecca pulls Baloo over the table.)

Rebecca: Jackson's worth more to me on the ground shaking hands and pulling in clients. You're the flyer. (Jackson then jumps up on the table and that separates Rebecca and Baloo. The cameras start again.)

Jackson: You can tell the world -- Whistlestop Jackson has arrived! Ha Ha! (He salutes the camera and the flash bulbs go off. Rebecca sneaks in front of Jackson.)

Rebecca: At Higher For Hire. (Fade to black as a spinning newspaper comes in from Cape News with Whistlestop Jackson picture on the paper.)

Scene III

(Morning arises as we get a shot of Khan's tower. Cut to inside the tower as Khan is sitting at his desk in his office. In front of the desk is a grey weasel wearing a red vest, grey coat and has black hair with a knife like hair on the top of his head. He's holding a mug of coffee.)

Shere Khan: So you see, Finance Minister LaFong; a contract between Klopstokia and Khan Enterprises would be more than mutually beneficial.

Finance Minister Erwin LaFong: (His first name is not officially mentioned; but it is labelled as such in the storyboards of this episode.) But Chairman Khan, only our president can award exclusive delivery contracts.

Khan: That may well be, but what President Myron doesn't know won't hurt him...and will make us very, very rich. (Khan goes over to Erwin and Erwin laughs nervously.)

Erwin: But you're sure no one can upset your plans? (Khan brings out one claw while snapping his fingers. Erwin drops the coffee in shock.)

Khan: I have given you my word, finance minister. That should be more than enough. (Khan goes behind Erwin and uses his claw to slice the blade hair off of Erwin's head.)

Erwin: OW! (Gulps. Clicks tongue.)

Scene IV

(Sky shot of the docks of Higher For Hire as the SeaDuck lands in the harbour next to the docks. The engines turn off, the pilot's door opens and out comes Baloo with a wash cloth.)

Baloo: Oh, my aching... (Rebecca comes running in with sheets of white paper.)

Rebecca: Baloo!

Baloo: That too.

Rebecca: (Comes behind Baloo and shows him the papers.) Look, Baloo. On the strength of hia name alone, Mr. Jackson has brought in five times the business. (Jackson comes in as well. Baloo goes over to the sign and unhooks his hammock.)

Baloo: How wonderful. That means five times less shut-eye. (Baloo puts the hammock together and lies in the hammock about to go asleep.)

Rebecca: No time for napping. Here's your next run. (Rebecca shows the papers to Baloo and Baloo wakes up.)

Baloo: Oh, Becky; I can't work this hard. It's bad for my image.(Rebecca is not amused; but then smiles and walks away.)

Jackson: What say I help you out? Make some flights with you?

Baloo: You? And me? (Baloo twists the hammock and spins causing him to fall out of a hammock.) Together? Oh, you mean it? (Baloo's knee is caught in the twists of the hammock.)

Jackson: We'll make a fine team. (Jackson walks out as Baloo teleports to getting his ankle unstuck and standing up, clapping.)

Baloo: Me and Whistlestop Jackson, a team!

Scene V

(Nightfall and we cut to Khan's Tower zooming in and then cut to Khan looking out his window.)

Khan: And so, Mr. Whistlestop Jackson; we meet again. (Shot of the moon behind some clouds and then an image of Jackson appearing in the clouds.)

Jackson: (Echo.) Ha Ha! (Mr. Khan is angry with his hands behind his back.)

Scene VI

(Cut to the docks of Higher For Hire as the engines are starting up. Cut to inside the cockpit with Baloo and Jackson in the cockpit. Jackson is in the pilot's chair while Baloo is in the navigator's chair. )

Baloo: I never thought I'd see the day. Me and Whistlestop Jackson, a team! We'll take the SeaDuck for a spin around the harbor and get to know her.

Jackson: Yeah, right. (Jackson pushes the switch forward and the SeaDuck sails across the harbor. The SeaDuck takes off and it looks awkward. The SeaDuck bounces off the water as Jackson was clearly lost control of the SeaDuck.)

Baloo: Trouble, Whistlestop?

Jackson: (Chuckles.) No trouble at all. Just getting a feel for the old bird. (Baloo looks and notices that the SeaDuck is heading straight for a large metal ship.)

Baloo: WHOA!

Jackson: Yeah, these new planes just take some getting used to.

Baloo: New?! The Sea Duck's twenty years old!

Jackson: Well, sure are a lot of button and dials and such, art? (Jackson pulls up and hyperbole straight up into the sky and misses the boat by inches. He flies it up and then it stalls and hyperboles down sharply.) It take more than that to stall out my old biplane; yes, sir! (Both engines smoke on cue.)

Baloo: Yeah. She's kind of high-strung sometimes.

Jackson: Yeah. Dandy piece of machinery, all right. Make a little loop like that and the engine catches fire. Better get her down so we can put the fire out. (The plane hyperbole into an akward straight path as Jackson covers his eyes because a couple of planes and a blimp head straight for them. The SeaDuck sky writes a zero on a green plane and bounces off the blimp.) Can't they see we have a fire here? (Baloo hides behind the seat as more planes are dodged. Baloo takes over in the navigator's seat as the plane goes up and then nosedives down.) Hope that engine holds till we get her down. (The engines sputter as Baloo groans.)

Baloo: It's the "getting down" that's worrying me. (The SeaDuck corkscrews down with smoke trailing behind.)

End Of Act I At 7:54

Act II

Scene I

(Cut to inside the cockpit as Baloo is looking at his control.)

Baloo: Pipin' hot flapjacks on a Sunday morning. I gonna miss that. Never took L'il Britches fly fishing. (The SeaDuck continues to spiral down with smoke coming out of it.) Maybe WildCat will take him. (Baloo closes his eyes.)

Jackson: Better buckle up good, Baloo. What's the matter, bear? You going polar on me? (Baloo is shown looking polar white. Baloo gulps.)

Baloo: You better hit the hyper-conglometer.

Jackson: The hyper whatsit?

Baloo: Let me show you. (Baloo finally takes the stick and pulls up. The SeaDuck lands in the water just as Rebecca is waving on the dock. The water splashes right into Rebecca and she shouts. The SeaDuck sails on the water and lands next to the dock. The pilot's door opens and Jackson comes out. Rebecca goes to Jackson.)

Rebecca: Whistlestop, are you all right?

Jackson: I'm splendid, my dear. Most exhilarating. (They hold hands as Baloo walks off. Rebecca turns around.)

Rebecca: Don't you realize your showing off could have hurt someone? (Baloo turns around.)

Baloo: Huh? Me?

Rebecca: I can't believe you've become so jealous of Mr. Jackson that you'd endanger him and the SeaDuck.

Baloo: Now just a dive-bombin' second...!

Rebecca: You're acting like a big baby just because the name Whistlestop Jackson means something in this business, while the name Baloo just means Baloo.

Jackson: Don't be so hard on him, Rebecca. It wasn't his fault.

Baloo: I hope to kiss a warthog, it wasn't my fault!

Jackson: He's just young. He'll grow out of it.

Baloo: (Is shocked and appalled.) What?!

Jackson: You know, my dear; spreading my wings again inspired an idea how we could do some business. (Jackson and Rebecca walk out arm in arm towards the office.) My old friend, Myron is the new president of Klopstokia. I thought...

Baloo: Young?! Huh, grow out of it?! (Baloo grabs his pilot's cap and squeezes it tight.) And to think I used to idolize that guy! (Baloo goes over to the pilot's side and slams the door.) He was the ace of aces! Huh! I wonder how the ace would do without this joker.

Scene II

(Cut to a painting of a street corner with some furry with a blue shirt, red bowtie, white apron and hat at the counter of his news stand reading the newspaper listening to several radios. )

Newsreel Announcer: The famed aviator, Whistlestop Jackson; has negotiated an exclusive delivery argeement between Higher For Hire and the entire country of Klopstokia. (We pan up with jackhammering noises dubbed in towards Khan Tower. Khan is watching out of his office.) President Myron, an old corny of Jackson's; says if Higher For Hire can prove itself by delivering Independence Day celebration supplies to Klopstokia by Friday, June 13th; (Pan over to Erwin sitting down on a desk with a large radio and an airplane model on the desk.) the company will be guaranteed a lifetime contract. (Khan comes over and turns off the radio.)

Khan: He's done it again, has he?

Erwin: Oh, Mr. Khan; what are we going to do?

Khan: (Grabs the model airplane.) A funny thing about airplanes: (Plays with the propeller.) Sometimes they have accidents and fall down. (Khan drops the model airplane and Erwin leaps and grabs the model while splatting on the floor.) If that should, heaven forbid happen to Mr. Jackson; our argeement could be reinstated. (Khan walks back to the window as Erwin puts the model plane back onto the desk.) The rivalry between myself and Mr. Jackson has gone on for more years than I care to remember.

(Begin flashback. Cut to city hall as there are at least seven reporters on the steps and almost all of them were in this episode. There is a frog wearing a top hat and suit on a soapbox with Jackson (who has not aged a bit in the past, and Mr. Khan who now has hair and wearing a sweater vest. Jackson is staring at him as the frog in the suit tears up the contract.)

Newsreel Announcer: Government cancels mail contract with young Mr. Khan; (The frog gives the torn up contract to Mr. Khan. Mr. Khan is angry.) rising star of aviation executives. (Khan throws the pieces down and we pan over to Jackson giving the frog the contract and his pen. The frog signs the contract.) Awards new contract to Whistlestop Jackson; greatest aviator of his day. Hero to millions. (Jackson waves to the crowd and the frog tips his hat and bows. The crowd cheers.)

Jackson: Ha ha! (He salutes and his eyes roll around like he has a concussion. Khan is not amused as the flashback ends.)

Khan: I believe in letting bygones being bygones. But this is business.(Khan has his arms folded.) The time has come to do something. Something permanent.

Scene III

(Cut to the docks of Higher For Hire as it's raining outside. Zoom into the tower of the office.)

Rebecca: Oh Baloo; I'm so sorry.

Kit: Gee, Baloo; what happened? (We head inside Baloo and Kit's bedroom as Baloo is lying on a bed with his right foot in a cast with the covers on and using a blue piece of cloth as a sling.)

Baloo: Oh, it was terrifying Li'l Britches.(We also discover that Baloo's right arm is in a sling too (and his head is taped up.) and the bandage tape is right on the desk next to the lamp.) I was putting up the aerial, and I was going up there...Then I came falling down the...Limbs flying everywhere. And when I twisted my...And charleyed my horse...Oh, it was horrible. (Rebecca motions to Kit to leave and he does.)

Rebecca: Well, don't worry about missing the Klopstokia run. Mr. Jackson's gonna do it.

Baloo: Oh, that's good to hear.

Kit: I'll come back later, Baloo.

Baloo: Sure hope Whistlestop can fit all the supplies in that old bi-plane of his.

Rebecca: Oh, he's taking the SeaDuck. (Kit and Rebecca walk out and Rebecca closes the door.)

Baloo: Good idea. (Baloo waits and then chuckles.) Now they'll find out who was doing all the work! (Baloo grabs more bandage tape and wraps it around his right wrist.) Especially with him taking the... (Baloo finally realizes what has happened and panics.) SEADUCK! (Cut to outside as Jackson is starting up the SeaDuck. We barely see on the docks, Kit Cloudkicker is pushing the crates of fireworks into the back of the SeaDuck. Pan over to Rebecca Cunningham with her pink umbrella doing nothing.)

Kit: That's the last of it, Mr. Jackson.

Jackson: See you in the morning. (Jackson waves to Kit and then flies away. We then see that Kit and Rebecca are standing on a float dock with oil barrels and a plank of plywood on top. We cut back to a shot of inside the office with the camera pointing up at the second floor in front of the door that leads to Baloo's bedroom. We hear Baloo screaming and there is clattering everywhere.)

Baloo: He'll crash my poor baby into a million pieces! (Baloo runs out of the office and down the stairs.) I just wanted to show the old codger up, not get him killed to death. Hold the plane! (Baloo trips and falls directly onto the bottom floor of the office. The plane flies away.)

End Of Act II At 12:18


Scene I

(Cut to the sky as Baloo is piloting Jackson's bi-plane in storm clouds. Thunderclaps ensue.)

Baloo: Eh, I don't see how the old guy ever flew this antique. (Baloo is wearing a bomber jacket and a blue scarf and goggles.) They both ought to be in a museum somewhere. I wish I had somebody to blame besides me for this mess. (Baloo flies the bi-plane through clouds towards the sun. The clouds close in as we get more flying for a while. Cut to Baloo flying the bi-plane below the clouds which are barely showing sunlight. Baloo looks through the area and then notices something.) All right! Looks like I found the needle and the haystack. (The clouds clear to reveal the SeaDuck on a deserted island with three palm trees and sand and rocks.)

Scene II

(Cut to ground level as the sun is setting and the biplane has already landed on the sand. Pan over to Baloo and Jackson as Jackson is patching up the SeaDuck on top of a wooden ladder.)

Baloo: Call me slow on the uptake, but I still don't get what is going on here. (We see about a dozen holes on the SeaDuck.) These holes weren't made by termites.

Jackson: It was Khan's men. I lost them in the clouds so they'd think they shot me down.

Baloo: (Holding pieces of paper.) Khan? What's he got his tail in a knot about?

Jackson: Well, he has a grudge that goes way back to when I beat him on a mail deal. (Jackson walks down the ladder with the bucket of super glue.) Well, to tell you the truth, Baloo; the famous Whistlestop Jackson hasn't been having much luck lately, since those newfangled planes hit the sky. I thought at Higher For Hire, I could fade away in a flash of brilliance. But, I've been kidding myself. Looks like Khan's gonna fade me away permanently. I guess he finally beat the legend. (Baloo grabs some buckets of glue.)

Baloo: If we don't make this run, he's not only gonna beat you. He's gonna get Becky's business to boot. And I don't think a hero to millions, including yours truly; is about to let that happen. Do you? (Baloo walks up the ladder and starts painting the bullet holes. Jackson ponders it over and then realizes that it's time for one last run.)

Jackson: Can't you work any faster, Baloo? We've got fireworks to deliver!

Baloo: Ha Ha! Now you're talking, Jackson.

Scene III

(Cut to Klopstokia outside the limits with a wooden house on the left and the sign containing a furry's head with a top hat on and lights on the side. Pan over to the city as it's filled with windmills, roads, some houses and a large Olympic Stadium equse stadium. Head to inside the stadium as it is filled with mostly elephant furry in various clothing. Indistinct chatter abounds. We pan towards the podium towards the VIP section in the back of the podium covered with a hundred feet of red carpet. Lots of polka music ensues as we get closeups of the elephant denizens of the area and then pan over to see President Myron (a beaver furry wearing a suit, purple bowtie and top hat.). Below him are a turtle furry, a hamster furry and below him, a vulture furry and the frog furry from the flashback all wearing formal gear. Below them is Khan and Erwin.)

Khan: Well, what a pity. Independence Day and not a firework in sight.

Erwin: Yes, heh heh; what a pity. Heh heh heh.

Khan: It would seem I have settled an old rivalry once and for all; as well as making us both rich. (Khan's Yes-Man (A tiger furry with a large brown beard.) arrives and whispers at Khan. Baloo is not happy to hear what the Yes-Man has said.) Such a persistent nuisance he is.

Erwin: What? Jackson? Is he alive? Is he coming here? I'm ruined! Ah, ah! (Erwin is begging Khan.) I'm not going to have to give the money back, am I? (Khan's Yes-Man is saluting him for some reason.)

Khan: All is well, finance minister. When they've failed to arrive by eight o'clock -- as they shall -- the contract will be void. (Khan nods to Yes-Man and Yes-Man nods back. He walks out. Khan is not amused and then gives an evil smile.)

Scene IV

(Cut to nightfall and a full moon as the SeaDuck is flying and towing Jackson's biplane. The headlights are on as we head into the cockpit with Baloo flying the SeaDuck.)

Baloo: What time now? (Jackson takes a pocket watch and looks at it.)

Jackson: Five till eight. (Baloo looks in the windows reflection as we see that they are over the capital right now.)

Baloo: And there's the lights of the capital. We made it!

Jackson: If we can get past them. (Jackson points as three of Khan's planes head straight for the SeaDuck shooting bullets at them. The SeaDuck flies through them. Then they turn around and chase them. Khan Pilot #1 gives his friend the thumbs up. They fly over the SeaDuck.)

Baloo: Which way did they go? (Baloo looks around and then Baloo is forced to duck as the Khan plane comes from the side and shoots at least five bullets with three bullets going through the door and one shattering the pilot's window. Somehow, Baloo escapes unharmed.) I had to ask. Hang on! (Baloo flies the SeaDuck up as the chase continues through the air. Baloo does a loop-de-loop and that causes the first plane to swoop down.) They got us outnumbered, er; outclassed and, er; downright outdone! (More machine gun fire as Baloo and Jackson duck again.)

Jackson: What we need is some backup, a way to buy us some time. (Somehow another bullet flies through the air and this one isn't an orange flash, it's a bullet. They duck again.)

Baloo: Yeah, but where are gonna find that?

Jackson: Right behind us. (Jackson unbuckles his seatbelt. Baloo and Jackson turn around.)

Baloo: Where? (Cut to Khan and Erwin sitting down looking back at President Myron who looks nervous as he pulls on his collar and tips his hat. More indistinct chatter ensues. Khan checks his watch and a closeup shot shows that it's a Roarlex watch.)

Khan: Two minutes to eight. (Chuckles.). You know, Mr. LaFong; I really think you might announce the celebration's cancellation. (Erwin gets up and pulls on his bowtie. Erwin opens the side door of his press box and walks out to the podium. Cut back to the SeaDuck as Jackson is climbing the ropes like he's on the monkey bars towards his bi-plane. The Khan planes come close as Jackson is grunting and wearing goggles on his eyes. Cut to Khan Pilot #1 with his target straight at Whistlestop Jackson. He fires the gun and one of the bullets snaps the rope, but somehow doesn't hit Jackson.)

Jackson: Whoa! (Jackson swings underneath the bi-plane, turns around and lands right in the seat of the bi-plane. He gets up and salutes himself.) Ha ha! (He sits down and we fly and chase some more. The bi-plane flies in a different direction as the pilots of Khan shoot and chase the bi-plane. Jackson somehow gets behind the plane and he starts shooting his machine gun at the Khan Pilot. Then a Khan Pilot gets in from behind and shoots a bullet on the left side of Jackson causing a bullet hole in the control panel. More shooting as the bi-plane comes close to the SeaDuck; but dives down. The Khan pilots follow him.)

Baloo: (Cut to the cockpit shot from the window. In a shock; the broken glass window is still there.) I sure could use some artillery about now. (Baloo then gets an idea and puts a crowbar on the flight stick of the SeaDuck. Baloo walks to the back and then we cut to the side door being opened. Baloo then opens the crate of fireworks which have the danger sign on them. He finds a stick of TNT (Actually; it's possible for fireworks to look like this; but often do not.) and then brings out a match. He strikes the match on the metal wall of the SeaDuck. (Toon Disney cut all of this out including the following line.) He lights the match.) Time to light up some lives around here! (Cut to a shot behind Erwin at the podium in the middle of the stadium.)

Erwin: People of Klopstokia; our president annnounces that due to the failure of Higher For Hire; tonight's Independence Day celebration (Myron takes his hat off and feels really bad.) has regrettably been... (Cut back to Baloo throwing the stick into the air. Cut to Khan looking to his left and then we hear fireworks exploding. It sounds like thunderclaps and explosions from actual TNT; but the sky lights up with green and red fireworks. Cut to Erwin looking shocked at this. Cut to the skies with the SeaDuck flying stage left as blue fireworks explode into view. (I see it's mostly stars that they are using for this event.) Green fireworks explode as the bi-plane is flying stage left. Cut to Erwin looking appalled by this and then looks defeated. Cut to Khan looking not amused as more lights of red are shown. More fireworks are shown, red and rainbow ones this time. Then orange fireworks, then rainbow, then pink. Somehow; the bi-plane in the sky manages to fly through the fireworks unharmed. The Khan planes fly in as green fireworks spray around. More purple fireworks as Khan Pilot #1 is shooting at the bi-plane. Blue fireworks explode above Khan Pilot #1. Jackson loops behind the Khan pilot and the pilot looks around like an idiot. We see Jackson load up the machine gun and fires with determination and manages to shoot the entire Khan plane into swiss cheese and destroys the front engine and it explodes (causing a fade to black with bullet flashes surrounding the part where the engine blew up.). The plane goes into a tailspin and flies into the green fireworks. Somehow in all of this; the Khan Pilot manages to jump out and use his parachute. Cut to the crowd in awe.)

Klopstokia Denizens: Oooh! (Cut to the SeaDuck as Khan Pilot #2 flies overhead and to the back. Cut to Baloo throwing fireworks (including a candy cane one that looks like a firework.) and one of them lands in the seat of Khan Pilot #2. Khan Pilot #2 panics and jumps out of his plane. He opens his parachute and free falls slowly as the plane explodes causing red fireworks. The plane free falls as well. Cut to the bi-plane flying towards Khan Pilot #3. Cut to Baloo lighting the giant TNT stick looking like he couldn't care less and throws it down; but as he was aiming for the Khan pilot; he forgot that Jackson was behind him and he looked like he screwed up. Cut to Jackson as the giant dynamite lands in his lap. He grabs it and looks as Khan Pilot #3 heads straight at him shooting at will. Jackson ponders this over, and throws the giant stick into the air and it lands in Khan Plane #3. It explodes into yellow fireworks, engulfing both Khan Pilot #3 and the bi-plane in the process.) Oooh! (Cut to a giant fireball with smoke as the bi-plane flies out of it stage left unharmed. Jackson takes a look and we see Khan Pilot #3 parachuting out. Jackson flies the bi-plane beside the left side of the SeaDuck where Baloo is at the side door.)

Jackson: We did it, Baloo! (Waves at Baloo.)

Baloo: Attaboy, Jackson! (Baloo lights another firework stick and tosses it into the air. It explodes into blue fireworks, then green and then red. Cut to ground level as Erwin runs to Khan sitting at his press box.)

Erwin: (Dodging the red fireballs.) Mr. Khan; I don't understand. What?! What happened?! (The crowd is cheering as more explosions take place off-screen.)

Khan: It seems Whistlestop Jackson happened...again! (Erwin turns around and panics as rainbow firework leftovers manage to pepper the press box, Erwin and Khan.)

Scene V

(Cut to inside Higher For Hire's office as confetti is flying around.)

Baloo: Ha Ha! What a guy! Oh, ho, ho! (Baloo, Rebecca and Jackson are on the bottom floor celebrating as Kit is on the stairs with a basket of confetti pouring it on Jackson's head.)

Rebecca: You did it!

Kit: Yeah! All right! (Rebecca then comes up and kisses Jackson on the cheek.)

Rebecca: You made this company a lot of money, Mr. Jackson. (They both hold hands.)

Jackson: It was Baloo here who did all the work. He's the real hero.

Baloo: Oh, shucks. It was all in a day's work for your above-average legend protege. (We see Kit slide down the railing of the stairs.)

Kit: Do you really have to leave, Mr. Whistlestop?

Jackson: Son, I did what I came to do. One last flash of brilliance. Now I can finally fade away to somewhere nice and quiet. And I'm leaving the world in good hands. (They all hold hands together.)

Scene VI

(Back inside Khan's office as Khan is at his desk getting his finger taped up by Khan's Yes-Man. They also show a first aid kit with the Red Cross on it. It wasn't recolored in the DVD version or any version. Yes-Man also dusts off the finger before applying the dressing on and rubs it on Khan's head. )

Khan: All in all, it's been a rousing success. After all, it was my intention all along to force Mr. Jackson into retirement. (Khan snaps his fingers.) And that is precisely what I have done. Wouldn't you say? (Cut to Erwin with charred clothes, leaning on a crutch and band aids and bandages on his foot and his tail. Erwin nods.) I knew you'd agree. (Cut to the Movietoons Newsreel and a shot of the skies and ocean below.)

Newsreel Announcer: And as the sun sinks slowly in the western sky; (We see Jackson's bi-plane flying towards the sun.) we bid a fond farewell to Whistlestop Jackson. Ace of the skies. Hero to millions. (We cut to the shot of the furry director with his camera on the globe rolling it. The only difference is the Movietoons Newsreel has been replaced with The End with a star in the middle.)

Jackson: Ha ha! (Up-tempo music ends.)

End Of Episode At 21:06


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