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Feminine Air Transcript

Written: 07/23/2016
Updated: 10/18/2021

Act I

Scene I

(Shot of the docks of Higher For Hire as the sign has red letters now. Kit runs to the sign with a checkered flag. Cut to Baloo putting his hands in a paper bag as there is the hippo pilot, brown panther pilot and dingo pilot that appeared in The Sound & The Furry. There is a white polar bear pilot wearing a green coat, a red hat and goggles. He has a grey mouth with large pink lips and holding a giant paper airplane. The rest all have average size paper airplanes.)

Kit Cloudkicker: On your marks. (The pilots except Baloo all get in position.) Get set. (Three of the pilots rear back.) Go! (Kit flaps the checkered flag as the pilots throw their paper airplanes into the air. The polar bear throws his into the air and whacks the three paper airplanes as they spiral down and hit the ground nose first in front of Kit.) Hey, Coolhands; this isn't bumper plane! (Baloo gets up as he has created a paperbag airplane, a giant one.)

Baloo Von Bruinwald XIII: He-hey! Anybody interested in some fancy flight work? (Baloo throws his airplane into the sky and it does some barrel rolls.)

Kit: A "Baloo Barrelhouse Backwards Roll"! (The plane flies past Coolhands paper airplane without touching it and flies beyond the sign with ease for the win as Kit flaps the checkered flag. Coolhands takes off his hat.)

Coolhands Luke: You toss a mean spitwad, Baloo! Huh, but when it comes to flying the real thing, you might as well stay in the hanger. (Luke puts his cap back on and folds his arms.) A pilot worth his rudder works for the best people. You work for a rookie, non-pilot female! (Luke gets nose to nose with Baloo; causing Baloo to recoil.)

Baloo: Ah, Rebecca's the brains of the operation. She pilot's the desk, while I pilot the plane.

Luke: You've been piloting the pier all week. (Baloo and Kit walk off as Luke continues to taunt Baloo.) What's the matter? Sky too scary?

Baloo: Look, deadhead; we're waiting for a really important client right now. Mr. Robert Service of...

Luke: "At Your Service Delivery Service?" (In comes Robert Service; a small grey rabbit wearing a pink suit, blue bowtie and a hat.)

Robert Service: Good day, gentlemen. (In comes Rebecca Cunningham.)

Rebecca Cunningham: Baloo, has our client arrived yet? (Robert is shown next to Luke with his arms folded.)

Luke: Yours hasn't, but mine has. (Robert walks towards Rebecca.)

Robert: See here Miss Cunningham; Coolhands has informed me his company is run by people with experience with pilot's licenses, with sideburns.

Rebecca: What do sideburns have to do with hauling your coconuts to Cucamonga? (Rebecca pokes her finger at Robert.)

Luke: (With the other pilots walking with him.) The customer wants the best "man" for the job. Which includes you out, lady! (The pilots, and Robert walk out stage left.)

Baloo: Oh, that's the third client we've lost this week. It's the hogwash Coolhands is spreading about you that's puttin' them off. (Rebecca walks off looking defeated. She then stops.)

Rebecca: The better business person will always prevail. And I'll prove it, just as soon as I think of how.

Scene II

(Head in the streets of Cape Suzette as we see a poster which is basically a more advanced version of the poster from A Touch Of Glass on the brick building. We hear marching band music as we pan over to the sidewalk as we see Kit and Baloo with music hats on playing musical insturments down the street. Coolhands is watching on amused by all this.)

Luke: (Wearing a blue ribbon medal on his coat now.) So that's what you do with a washed up cargo outfit. You start a conga.

Baloo: (Struggles with the drum which says "Fly with us" banging the drum in the process.) Ah, I don't see you up in the wild blue yonder, Coldfeet. (Luke shines the medal he won.)

Luke: I took a break so I could sign up for the "Great Air Scavenger Hunt". They ought to retire the title though. I won it every year.

Baloo: Only because I haven't entered! (Baloo bangs the drums; trips and bounces off the sidewalk with the drum. It stops as Baloo is dizzy and he shakes it off as Luke goes towards him.)

Luke: Oh, couldn't get permission from the boss lady?! (Luke unstraps the belt around the drum and Baloo.) 'Fess up, Baloo. How are you able to fly with all those apron strings in the way? (The drum rolls away and crashes off screen. Luke turns around and walks off stage left as Kit watches on.)

Baloo: Oooh, that's it! No more ribbing about working for a girl. (Baloo throws the hat away.) Come on! I'm gonna get that Coolhands right where it hurts! (Baloo storms off stage right.) In the medals! (Kit follows him.)

Scene III

(So we head to the airfield from Waiders Of The Wost Tweasure and to a shot of a building named "Air Race H.Q.". We head inside an office as a goat furry wearing a blue suit, white shirt and red bowtie; with white hair and a beard is chomping on a mattress to the left of him. We see in the front of the desk that he is the Air Race Official as Baloo and Kit are reading the scroll of rules.)

Great Air Scavenger Hunt Goat Official: (Slurping.) So you want to be in the "Great Air Scavenger Hunt", huh?

Baloo: Ah, ummm; that's the game plan. (The official takes the scroll and reads it.)

Goat Official: Oh, we give you clues, and you figure them out and find the stuff we've hidden. First one back with the most items wins.

Baloo: Piece of cake. (Goat official takes out a pencil.)

Goat Official: Pilot?

Baloo: Only the best.

Goat Official: Aircraft?

Baloo: No problem.

Goat Official: Sponsor?

Baloo: Say what?!

Goat Official: Uh-oh. You need to be sponsored by one of the local aviation clubs. Contest starts at three o'clock sharp.

Kit: Baloo, you need to find a sponsor.

Baloo: Aw, there's something even tougher we have to do first.

Kit: Wh-what could be tougher?

Baloo: Getting the afternoon off from Rebecca.

Scene IV

(We head back to the docks at Higher For Hire as we head inside the office with Rebecca at her desk and Baloo facing her.)

Baloo: Ah, Becky...I mean, Rebecca; I need to talk to you.

Rebecca: And I need to talk to you. Ah, Baloo; would you mind taking the afternoon off?

Baloo: Now, Rebecca; hear me out! Ah, did you say; "time off"?

Rebecca: (Writing something down on a piece of paper.) I'm working on a really big idea to drum up more business and I need to shut the place down for today.

Baloo: Oh, it's a sacrifice; but; if it's for the good of the company...

Rebecca: It is. Trust me. (Cut to outside as Kit is sitting on the pier in thought. Baloo comes out towards Kit.)

Baloo: Come on, kiddo; I did it! (Kit and Baloo walk over to the SeaDuck.) Kit, it's just you, me and the SeaDuck. (Rebecca rushes in and pulls Baloo down from the SeaDuck.)

Rebecca: Baloo! The SeaDuck wasn't part of the deal! I need it!

Baloo: Need it?! You can't even fly it!

Rebecca: It's for the good of the business!

Baloo: All right. Okay. Huh. Come on, Kit. (Baloo and Kit walk off stage right.)

Scene V

(Head to the airfield as planes are flying around the area.)

Baloo: She may know how to figure, but I know how to fly. (We pan to the sponsor tents with Baloo and Kit.) We'll just find us a club sponsor with a plane that needs piloting. (Baloo and Kit walk towards a door at a tent that reads "Aero Cubs". Baloo knocks on the door and the top half opens to reveal a dog furry wearing a black cap with an red rocket and R typed on it and a blue coat.) There's a race to run and I'm the bear who can win it for your club. I'm Baloo, master of the Baloo Barrelhouse Backwards Roll.

Aero Cubs Dog Sponsor: Oh, yeah; I heard about you. You're the wash up who works for a skirt! (The sponsor slams the door on Baloo.)

Baloo: Ah, don't sweat it, Li'l Britches; this isn't the only club in town. (Baloo and Kit walk over to the tent which is labeled "Cloudhoppers". Baloo knocks on the door and it opens to reveal a fox furry wearing a green coat, red shirt and a steel necklace. He then slams the door in Baloo's face. Then a jump cut to a grey wolf furry slamming the door on Baloo again; this time called "Sky Vikings" and then another grey walrus furry wearing a flight jacket, hat and goggles slams the door in Baloo's face. They are the "Knights Of The Air".)

Kit: Oh, gosh; Baloo. Just 'cause you work for a girl? (In comes Luke giggling.)

Luke: Hope you don't mind that I put in "a good word" for you with the clubs here.

Baloo: Yeah? One club says "yes" and you'll be eating my prop wash. (Baloo turns around as Luke is chuckling. One of the tents is called Air Knites; which might be Engrish for Air Knights.)

Luke: Aw, have found the one club that may be dumb enough to sponsor you. The "Daughters Of Aviation" (Baloo heads to a tent that reads "D.O.A".). Ah heh heh heh.

Baloo: The Daughters Of Aviation?!

Luke: Correct-alutely. You gotta be a girl to join. You'll be perfect for them! (Luke chuckles as he walks away as Kit is not amused and looks at him before turning to Baloo.)

Baloo: Time somebody unraveled him some. I'm gonna enter that contest. (Baloo walks towards Kit.)

Kit: But who's gonna sponsor you? (Baloo and Kit walk off.)

Baloo: Come on, I need you to make sure my seams are straight.

Scene VI

(Head to the office of Higher For Hire as Baloo and Kit are in their bedroom. Baloo has a blue coat on as Kit ties a pink scarf around Baloo's neck. Kit looks at Baloo funny. Jump cut to Kit's arm and a paint brush dabbing the brush into the pink lip stick. The hula lamp is a bear furry now for no reason; with a green bra. Kit paints Baloo's face and then grabs a wig with yellow curly hair and a hat and puts it on Baloo's head. Kit steps back and is in awe.)

Kit: Awesome!

Baloo: (We finally see him wearing the outfit.) Kit, say hello to (Says in a high voice.) "Tan Margaret".

Scene VII

(Head back to the tents at the Daughters Of Aviation tent as a sheep furry has opened the door already. She comes out wearing a pink dress, glasses and a sunflower hat as Baloo and Kit walk towards her.)

Sheep Sponsor: Hello, Tan Margaret; I'm so grateful you turned up. Our top pilot couldn't find a babysitter. (Baloo shakes the sponsor's hand and she shakes and wobbles.) That's some grip you got there, Tan. (Kit is not amused as he elbows Baloo in response.)

Baloo: Comes from doing a man's work all day.

Sheep Sponsor: I hear that, sister. (Kit pulls on Baloo's purple purse.)

Kit: Ah, Miss Margaret, incoming at three o'clock. (Luke comes in.)

Sheep Sponsor: That Coolhands is the biggest meanie I've ever met. Aw, just ignore him, Tan. (Baloo takes out a powder puff and powders his face with it.)

Baloo: Aw, that's exactly how I plan to play it.

Luke: Oh, heh heh. Oh, brother! Girls! Oh, why don't you save yourself the entry fee and go buy yourself some silk stockings?! Ah ha ha ha!

Baloo: (Comes over to Luke.) 'Cause you're not gonna win this time, big mouth; not with me in the contest! (Kit comes over to restrain Baloo.)

Luke: Aw, what's the matter lady? Hurt your feelings? Well, go ahead. Take your best shot, if it'll make you feel better. (Luke starts making kissing noises. Baloo punches Coolhands in the face as we hear birds chirping as three angel cupids looking like Coolhands flying around wearing a white diaper. Luke is on his back and barely gets up.) Oh, wow! What a woman?! Err...hmm. (Kit and Baloo look at each other confused. Luke gets up.) I never met a woman like you in my whole life, a real spitfire!

Baloo: Hope to kiss a hippo, you haven't!

Luke: You're the one I've been waiting for! (Luke grabs Baloo's wrist and walks him over to the aircraft.) Let me escort you to your craft, my angel of all things wonderful. (The sheep sponsor and Kit run after them.) And which of these vehicles will cart my heart into the sky?

Sheep Sponsor: We managed to line up a special plane to use for the contest. Think you can handle it, Tan! (The sponsor points to the SeaDuck.)

Baloo: The SeaDuck! How did you manage to wrangle that, Mary Deer? (Luke pulls Baloo over to the SeaDuck.)

Mary Lamb: That's Mary Lamb...And an old friend did us a favor. (Luke is about to kiss Baloo's hand; but Baloo pulls it away.)

Baloo: Don't you need to start your engines? (Baloo folds his arms; but Luke kisses Baloo's hand anyway.)

Luke: My dearest, I already have. (Baloo folds his arms as Mary comes over and gives the clipboard to Baloo.)

Mary: Now, here are the clues. And say hello to your navigator. (Baloo opens the door to the SeaDuck and Baloo notices Rebecca in Kit's seat.) My old friend, Miss Rebecca Cunningham. (Kit hides behind the side of the SeaDuck away from Rebecca's sight.)

Rebecca: Hi there. What do you say we show those boys how to win a race? (Baloo waves at her; wobbling the clipboard in the process.)

End Of Act I At 8:59

Act II

Scene I

(Head to the airfield as all the planes (twelve of them!) are at the starting line. The goat official is in an air balloon hoisted above the docks near the starting line. The planes are reving up to start. Coolhands is flying a black plane with almond trimmings. Head inside the cockpit with Baloo waving in the pilot's seat and pushing levers. Rebecca is sitting in the navigator's seat reading a map. Cut to the starting line as the hippo pilot from earlier in the episode is waving the checkered flag. The crowd cheers as the pig lady, a reporter and many others including one if the Kitty Hawk kids from Bearly Alive. The planes start as we take off from the dock with Baloo in the lead. We head inside the cockpit with Baloo flying and Rebecca reading. )

Baloo: (Sighs.) After a takeoff like that, they can start engraving our names on that trophy.

Rebecca: I hope you're right, Tan. My cargo company needs publicity. That's why I'm here.

Baloo: I'm in this race to prove something, too.

Rebecca: Exactly! And we'll be in last place if we don't figure out these clues. (More flying from the SeaDuck over the ocean.) " From this place we get the stuff, that makes the mornings seem less rough."

Baloo: Oh, I can't think of anything that makes the mornings less rough. (We see a table in the middle of the cockpit filled with two coffee mugs and an orange pincher of coffee.) Fact is, I can't think till I've had that morning cup of coffee. (Baloo pours coffee into a mug.)

Rebecca: Coffee! That's it! (Rebecca checks the map as Baloo drinks up.) And the best place to get coffee is the little island of Crackyertoea; east of Java. That must be the first checkpoint! (We see the map and the island is shaped like a foot with two lakes as toenails.) As soon as we land, we'll split up and hunt for that contest item. (Error: The real island has no lakes on the toes.) Remember, think coffee! (The SeaDuck lands on the grass above the shoreline.)

Scene II

(Cut to the shoreline as Baloo is walking on it awkwardly.)

Baloo: Aw, think coffee! How am I supposed to think at all? This girdle's cutting off the blood to my brain. (Baloo trips on some ropes with grass leaves on the shoreline and Baloo falls on his face with a thud.) WHOA! (Baloo spits sand out as Luke arrives.)

Luke: Let me help you, glamour gums. (Luke extends his hand.)

Baloo: Why, Coolhands; heh heh, what are you doing here?

Luke: I've been waiting here so we could have a few minutes alone.

Baloo: He-hey, this is a contest! You'd better get going if you don't wanna lose this race. (Luke is making kissy faces at Baloo as Baloo backs up.)

Luke: Oh, I won't lose. I have it all worked out. We'll tie this race, and then we'll tie the knot...together. (Baloo groans as he trips backwards and lands on his back.)

Baloo: Us?! How?! Ah, da...I mean, how are you so sure we'll tie the race? (Luke pulls Baloo up onto his feet.)

Luke: (groans) I have a secret. (Luke flops onto Baloo.)

Baloo: Brother, you're not the only one.

Luke: I always steal the answers and get to the clues first. But this time, hee, I waited for you. (Baloo shoves Luke.)

Baloo: You cheat?!

Luke: You catching a cold, love lungs? (Luke grabs Baloo's hand.) Now, listen up, 'cause I'm only gonna do this once. Tan Margaret, will you marry me? (Baloo backs off.)

Baloo: I could never marry a cheater!

Luke: You got one of them consciences, don't you? (Luke gets up.) Oh, I get the picture. I understand. You don't have to hit me over the head. (Then a tree branch (which somehow sounds like he got hit with a lead pipe) bashes Luke in the head. Birds are chirping.) Well, okay; if you want to. (Luke flops into the bushes as we see Rebecca above the cliff holding a coffee bean plant.)

Rebecca: Tan, look what I found! A coffee bean plant! We found the first item! I didn't have a chainsaw to cut it down with, so I used my nail file.

Baloo: Come on, Rebecca; let's get outta here! (Rebecca helps Baloo onto the cliff and they exit stage left. Luke pops from the bushes looking around whining.)

Luke: No woman makes an idiot out of Coolhands Luke! Ah; I'll let them collect all the clues for me, then show them who the best man really is. (Luke rolls up his sleeves.)

Scene III

(Head to the skies as the SeaDuck is flying in the air. Head into the cockpit of the SeaDuck with Baloo flying and Rebecca in the navigator's chair reading as we see a pile of items gathered in the back in a box. Amusing error: They are playing "Kit's Chase" in the background.)

Baloo: So, what's the last clue?

Rebecca: "Best be quick when you land, upon this place of timeless sand." Quick...sand...Quicksand! Tan, that's it!

Baloo: Way to go, Becky! And I know the one beach that's covered with the stuff, the Heraldo Riviera. (Disney Captions has it as Geraldo Riviera. Baloo lands the plane on a small island.)

Scene IV

(Cut to the beach with the SeaDuck landed on the beach as we pan over to a small cliff over quicksand as Rebecca has tied her legs to a palm tree while grabbing into Baloo's ankles as Baloo is trying to grab a pocket watch from a tree branch.)

Rebecca: The clue said "timeless sand". We have to get that watch! (Baloo strains to try to get the watch, but no go. The label says "Take Me!" on the watch.)

Baloo: I can't...quite reach it! (Then a silk stocking lands on Baloo's nose.) Ah, I don't think your extra pair of silk stockings are gonna make me any taller, Rebecca!

Rebecca: But they will, Tan! (Baloo makes a loop from the stockings.) You should be able to scoop up the watch with them! (Baloo lassos the watch and breaks the branch, grabbing the watch as it is ticking.)

Baloo/Rebecca: We did it!

Scene V

(Cut to the SeaDuck as Luke is sawing through the floor of the SeaDuck with a hand saw underneath a wooden ramp.)

Luke: I did it! I did it! Reject me, will she? If I can't have her, no one can. (Luke hides behind the ramp as Baloo and Rebecca walk out of the forest and into the back of the SeaDuck via the ramp through the side door. Rebecca puts the watch into the box and then looks concerned.)

Baloo: What are you looking for? We got all the clues.

Rebecca: I dropped one of my earrings in there.

Baloo: Well, we'll find it after we win. (Baloo and Rebecca walk to the cockpit of the SeaDuck as Luke saws the remaining part of the floor. Baloo and Rebecca sit down in their seats.)

Rebecca: Hit it! (Baloo hits a button as the engines rev up as the button clicks before Baloo presses it. Luke saws the inside the wooden box to bring the objects into a white box which magically appears out of nowhere. Luke grabs the box and exits stage right. He giggles as the SeaDuck takes off into the skies. Then we see the black plane Luke is flying take off after it. We head into the skies with the SeaDuck and then go inside the cockpit of the SeaDuck.)

Baloo: Well ahem, it looks like you're gonna get your publicity. (In comes Luke in his plane with a magnet devices attached to red roses.)

Rebecca: Why Tan Margaret, you have an admirer. (Baloo notices Luke and panics.)

Baloo: Don't encourage him, Rebecca.

Luke: So that you'll never forget me! (He throws the magnet device with roses hidden on it onto the nose of the SeaDuck.)

Baloo: I wish I could.

Rebecca: I think he has a crush on you. (The SeaDuck starts to sputter.)

Baloo: A crash you mean! (The SeaDuck begins to go haywire.) He's booby-trapped my baby! We're gonna crash! (Baloo and Rebecca scream as the SeaDuck nosedives and sways down from the sky towards the ocean.)

End Of Act II At 14:46


Scene I

(Cut to the skies as the SeaDuck spirals down towards the ocean. Baloo and Rebecca continue to scream. Pan over to the black plane as Luke watches on with amusement. He sneers at them and then flies away stage left. Cut to the nose of the SeaDuck as the roses all fly away to reveal the magnetic device. )

Baloo: Oh my gosh! Magnets! (Baloo tries to push buttons; but no go.) They've neutralized the controls! I can't fly the plane! (The SeaDuck flys uncontrollably as Rebecca notices a large broom, a purple/pink inner tube and rope fall to the ground. The inner tube lands on Baloo's head as Rebecca unbuckles her seat belt. Rebecca runs over and grabs the broom. Baloo pops the inner tube, blowing his cover.) Rebecca! This is no time for spring cleaning! (Baloo puts the wig back on as Rebecca ties the rope around her and against a hook.)

Rebecca: Oh, yes it is! (Rebecca opens the navigator's door.)

Baloo: Rebecca! No! (The door opens and Rebecca is popped out. Baloo tries to grab Rebecca's hand as Rebecca is forced to walk on the side of the SeaDuck since the SeaDuck tips on it's left side. Rebecca crawls onto the nose of the SeaDuck. Rebecca puts the wooden part of the broom on the magnet device and tries to wedge it out. She pops it off the SeaDuck.)

Rebecca: Tan, I did it! Oops! (Rebecca sways backwards as the hook is popped from the wall. The inner tube latches onto the left seat underneath Baloo. Rebecca freefalls as the broom flies out of her hands and free falls towards the ground.) Our superior business sense can be dangerous! (The inner tube goes through the flight stick into Baloo's lap as the rope is cut by the propellers. This causes Rebecca to fly back and grab onto the wing. Baloo throws the inner tube away as Rebecca looks at her surroundings.) Okay, how would they handle this at business school? They fall. (Disney Captions had it as "thought". Rebecca slips and free falls. She screams.)

Baloo: Rebecca! (Baloo takes the flight stick and does the Baloo Barrelhouse Backwards Roll which allows Rebecca to fall into the SeaDuck on it's side as the door closes when the SeaDuck flies stage right. Rebecca gets up from behind the seats in the cockpit of the SeaDuck.)

Rebecca: That was the Baloo Barrelhouse Backwards Roll! There's only one person I know who can could fly like that. (Rebecca sits down in the navigator's chair.)

Baloo: Oh, really?

Rebecca: And between you and me, I'm glad someone else is as good a pilot as that lazy bum. Maybe a little competition is just what that bag of bones needs to shake him up a bit. (Rebecca grabs the papers and shuffles them as Baloo is not impressed by this.)

Baloo: Competition, ha! Oh my gosh! The contest! We have to hurry! (The SeaDuck flies away.)

Scene II

(Cut to a bunch of giant rocks as the black plane landed on one of them with Luke lying on top of his plane with his feet up.)

Luke: Yawn, well; almost time to head over to the finish line. Don't want to be too obvious. (He then hears a plane approaching as the SeaDuck flies right past the plane and the giant rocks.) Jumping gyroscopes! But I saw them go down! (Luke starts his plane and takes off and flies off following the SeaDuck.)

Scene III

(Head to the airfield as there are airplanes on the starting line. The goat official is in the balloon with the binoculars looking at the SeaDuck and the black plane coming towards the finish line. Head to the cockpit of Luke's plane.)

Luke: No babe's gonna beat me! (Head inside the cockpit of the SeaDuck.)

Baloo: Sorry, Handsy! (Baloo pushes a switch up and passes Luke.) Ladies first. (The SeaDuck and the black plane all race past the balloon causing the rope to snap. The hippo pilot uses two checkered flags to wave as the crowd cheers. Both planes land as Rebecca and Baloo and Luke get out of their planes. The air balloon lands on the ground.)

Rebecca: We did it! We won, we won! (Baloo and Rebecca dance.)

Goat Official: Congratulations, you two. (The goat official takes out a golden tiara with jewels and a model airplane on top; but Luke takes the tiara.) Hey!

Luke: 'Scuse me, you judgeness. But, don't you wanna check their cargos first?

Goat Official: Well, I'll be dipped. You're absolutely right! (The goat official gets out.) You did get the items, didn't you?

Rebecca: Oh, of course. Right here! (Baloo, Rebecca and the official all go into the back of the SeaDuck and then notice that the items are gone.)

Goat Official: Eh-heh; right where? (Baloo and Rebecca look shocked.)

Baloo: But your hypeness; it was all right here!

Luke: What a shame?! Well, guess that means it's my turn, then. (Luke goes into his plane showing off all the items in the seat next to him.) Right this way, judge. (He pats the goodies.) I'll just move my plane into the winner's circle. (Baloo walks out of the plane with the official and Rebecca.)

Baloo: I don't know how he did it, but he stole our stuff!

Rebecca: Don't worry, he won't get away with it. (Baloo rolls up his sleeves and storms over towards Luke as he flies over to the winner's circle.)

Luke: Those girls are no match for my brilliance.

Baloo: Didn't your mother ever tell you cheaters never prosper?! (Baloo is standing on the right wing of Luke's plane.)

Luke: Uh-oh. (Baloo jumps into the cockpit and we begin to fight and grunt. The plane begins to spin around as the tires screech. Then the plane spins around and goes the other way before it goes over the docks. The item box crashes onto the ground after some more screeching as everyone gasps in horror in the crowd (and one of them looks like an adult Kit Cloudkicker.) including Rebecca. More plane spinning as the goat official is horrified.)

Rebecca: No! Tan! Stop! Stop! (The item box gets nailed and the plane crashes into some bails of hay. Rebecca runs over to the item box and motions to the official.) I knew it! Yoo-hoo! Mr. Official, over here! (The official comes over.) Coolhands packed a surprise for you in the cargo crate. (Cut to Baloo coming out pulling Luke with him by the coat.)

Baloo: Admit it, you're a cheat! And a thief!

Luke: Ah, never! I won this race fair and square! (Baloo threatens to punch Luke again.)

Rebecca: Let him go, Tan. We're gonna win this contest like ladies. With our brains. If Coolhands claims this stuff is all his, what's he doing with a woman's nail file? (Rebecca produces the nail file she used to cut the coffee bean plant down earlier. The goat official notices earrings and silk stockings.)

Goat Official: Ah, I didn't know Coolhands wore earrings or silk stockings?

Luke: No! Wait! I can explain. I have varicose veins, I like gaudy jewels. Ah ha ha ha.

Rebecca: I was so excited to get my earring back, that I didn't hear what you were saying, Coolhands. (Baloo steals the crown from Luke.)

Baloo: You knew! You knew he'd be exposed. (Baloo puts the tiara on Rebecca.)

Rebecca: I knew we'd get him when they pulled out those stockings. The earring was frosting on the cake.

Goat Official: Well, I'll be. You're the winners, after all. (Rebecca and the official shake hands.) Time for the awards ceremony. (Luke turns around and leaves.)

Rebecca: Lead the way.

Baloo: Ah, just give us a moment to powder our noses. (The official turns around and leaves.) Rebecca, I just wanna say thanks. I learned a lot today.

Rebecca: So did I...Baloo.

Baloo: Ack! You knew all the time.

Rebecca: Only a fool wouldn't recognize her best friend, Baloo. (Baloo and Rebecca shake hands and then they hug each other.)

Baloo: Right now, sister! Right on.

End Of Episode At 21:11


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