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Flight School Confidential Transcript

Written: 05/23/2016
Updated: 11/16/2021

Act I

Scene I

(Shot of over the ocean as the SeaDuck flies high in the sky. The SeaDuck then flies into the clouds and well over the mountain.)

Baloo Von Bruinwald XIII: Hey, ready for the old Baloo Corkscrew?!

Kit Cloudkicker: Let her rip, Poppa Bear! (The SeaDuck flies to the top and then spirals down.)

Baloo: Yee-ha!

Kit: All right! (Head inside the cockpit with Baloo piloting and Kit in the navigator's chair.) Can I try now?

Baloo: Heh, ha ha; and wind us up nose down in the dirt?! Aw, you're too young to fly, Kit.

Kit: But I can fly. Uh, just ask me anything in the standard flight manual. Go ahead, ask me!

Baloo: Yeah, and I bet you'd know. Heh. But knowing it and doing it are two different things.

Kit: But I taxied and I've been in at least two hundred planes. You could let me sit in your lap and steer. (The SeaDuck is heading to Louie's Island.)

Baloo: And you're only twelve years old. There's no getting around that.

Kit: Ah, jeepers.

Scene II

(Head to the docks of Louie's Island as there are birds chriping in the background. Pan down to Baloo tying the SeaDuck to the docks as Kit is in the navigator's chair inside the SeaDuck sulking with his arms folded.)

Baloo: Come on, I'll have Louie fix you one of those mango shakes.

Kit: Nah, I'll wait here.

Baloo: Suit yourself. (Baloo shrugs his shoulders and goes inside Louie's.)

Kit: Too young to do this, too young to do that. (Kit looks at the pilot's seat and then jumps into the pilot's chair.) Kit Cloudkicker -- ace pilot -- reporting for duty! (Kit salutes.) Start the engines. (Kit flicks switches and starts the engines. The engines rev up as the propellers spin as there is a Thembrian grey plane right beside the SeaDuck at the docks. Head inside Louie's as Baloo is talking to a Thembrian warthog with a flight uniform, brown shorts and a pilot's cap sitting down at a table drinking from a wooden mug.)

Baloo: Ha ha ha! So these pirates stay right on my tail, and I know there's only one way to lose them. (Louie comes in.)

Louie: You pull back on the stick, climb straight towards the sun and do the ol'Baloo Corkscrew.

Baloo: (Confused.) Were you with me?

Louie: (Chuckles.) Feels like I was, cuz; heard that story forty-seven times now.

Louie's Patrons: Yeah! Hee hee hee hee!

Baloo: Go ahead, laugh. I know I'm a great pilot.

Thembrian Pilot: Then how come you can't tie your plane down right?

Baloo: What?! (Baloo looks out the window with Louie and the Thembrian pilot as they notice the SeaDuck is riding on the water around the docks. Somehow the SeaDuck manage to loop around the Thembrian plane without touching it and is heading towards the back of Louie's. Kit is mimicking engine revving.)

Kit: (Cut to the cockpit with Kit piloting the SeaDuck.) Kit Cloudkicker -- ace pilot -- performs another death-defying dive. He gives it more throttle. (Kit pushes the switch up and that causes Kit to fly back from the seat.) Aah! (The SeaDuck crashes into a giant rock near Louie's; but otherwise, no damage was done. Baloo, Louie and the Thembrian pilot go out the back door and down the steps onto the beach.)

Baloo: Kit! Are you all right?! (Kit opens the pilot's door and jumps out.)

Louie: Why, blow my horn; the kid's fine.

Kit: Gee, Baloo; I'm sorry.

Baloo: Now what were you doing?!

Kit: Only about five miles an hour. (Eight kilometers per hour.)

Baloo: Well, you could have got hurt! Now this is why twelve year olds aren't allowed to fly!

Thembrian Pilot: They are in my country. The flying age has just been lowered to twelve.

Kit: Wow! Do they fly real planes and everything?

Thembrian Pilot: The most advanced planes in the world. If you want to fly, you should enlist. (The Thembrian pilot salutes him and walks away.)

Kit: Hear that, Baloo?! Twelve year olds can be pilots!

Baloo: Heh ha ha ha ha! Only Thembrians would be crazy enough to let a kid like you fly!

Louie: Heh ha ha! I heard that, man! Heh ha ha ha!

Kit: Yeah?! Ah..uh..I'll show you! I'm going where they let a kid like me get his wings. (Kit storms out and Baloo looks absolutely dumbfounded.)

Scene III

(Head to the icy world that is Thembria, near the capital lined with a fence with barbwire. The wind is whistling in the air. We pan over to the front of the building where Kit Cloudkicker dressed in a Thembrian flight uniform minus the brown shorts is with a dozen child Thembrians standing around shooting the breeze. We hear the P.A. system working.)

Colonel Ivanhov Spigot: Welcome to the Thembrian Junior Air Corps Recruitment Center. Please form a single line, or you will be shot. (This amount reduces to six Thembrians as everyone runs into the building in single file. They stop at a door as Kit is third in line. In front of him is a taller recruit and a smaller fatter one who turns around and notices Kit.)

Bobbo: Hello, I'm Bobbo. (Bobbo and Kit shake hands.)

Kit: I'm Kit. I hope the requirements to join aren't too tough. (The doors open and are opened by Sergeant Dunder. Everyone walks in as Dunder gets in front with a large paper in his hands as we see a Thembrian Guard guarding the area. The tall recruit walks with Dunder as they turn around to see Colonel Spigot sitting at his giant desk behind a lot of papers.)

Sergeant Dunder: Sir, this recruit has perfect eyesight, passed his written pilot exams, and his father was a pilot hero. (Colonel Spigot's hat is on the papers.)

Spigot: Never mind that junk! (Spigot takes his hat and goes through the desk via a small door.) Let's see if he measures up. Hmmm... (Spigot checks the recruit and brings out a measuring tape. He grunts.) Metric! (He measures him and clears his throat. Dunder comes over and lifts him to complete the measurement.) Five-One. Too tall. Send him to turnip peeling school. Next! (Two Thembrian guards show up and grabs the tall recruit and walk out.)

Kit: Looks rough. Good luck. (Bobbo walks in to face Spigot.)

Dunder: Sir, this recruit thinks a cockpit is a hole full of chickens.

Spigot: Who cares?! (Spigot takes the measuring tape and measures Bobbo.) Three foot two. Perfect! He goes to pilot school. Next! (Bobbo is happy as he leaps; kicks his heels and he runs off as Kit appears and stands at attention.)

Dunder: Sir, this recruit isn't even Thembrian.

Spigot: (Uses the tape measure to measure Kit.) Big deal. Three-nine. Very, nice; he's in.

Scene IV

(Cut to outside with Kit and the children Thembrians looking at a stage with Dunder on stage with the tall microphone stand. There is a smaller microphone stand beside the tall one.)

Dunder: You are the best, the brightest, and the shortest. And so is the man you owe your life, liberty, and future paycheques to: Our glorious leader, Colonel Spigot. (Pan over to the car as Spigot comes out (with the guard behind said car.) as there is scattered clapping. Spigot is chuckling as he walks up the steps to on stage. He gets onto the smaller microphone.)

Spigot: Thank you! Perhaps you've heard of me. The scourge of Sultan's Creek. You will all fly in the Great Patriotic Flounder Day air show this Saturday. (Spigot walks towards the stage edge as there is a plane underneath a giant cloth.) And like it. You will be flying in the most advanced fighter plane: the Thunderyak. (Spigot pulls off the cover and gets covered as we see the plane is smaller as Dunder comes forward while Spigot is struggling.)

Dunder: Sir, the plane looked bigger in the catalog. (Everyone watches on as Spigot gets out of the cover.)

Spigot: Shh! (Spigot pulls Dunder by the ear and hauls him off stage.) Excuse me while I consult with the sergeant. The stupid factory gave us the wrong size Thunderyaks. Why do you think we spent all week recruiting twelve year olds?

Dunder: So the High Marshall won't shoot ya?

Spigot: Ah, well; that's one reason. The other is the High Marshall won't notice the planes are little if little pilots stand next to them.

Dunder: Oh, well; I'm glad we're fortunate to have so many little pilots in Thembria.

Spigot: What pilots?! You think I'm crazy enough to let twelve year olds fly? But don't worry; I have a plan. (We pan over to the Thembrians and Kit Cloudkicker is nowhere to be seen.)

Scene V

(Inside a prison like school surrounded with a fence with barbwire we go to a school room with Colonel Spigot on the desk doing flounder poses; with the kids and Kit doing the same poses.)

Spigot: And if I'm standing sideways?

Bobbo/Thembrian Kids: (Half-heartly.) We salute this way.

Spigot: And when I'm like this? (Spigot is pointing to the left as he holds his left ankle like he is doing stretching exercises. The kids do the same.)

Bobbo/Thembrian Kids: (Half-heartly.) We salute this way.

Spigot: Good. You all passed "Introduction To Saluting".

Kit: Finally! Oh, flying's gotta to be next.

Spigot: Next, Sergeant Dunder will instruct you on saluting the Great Patriotic Flounder. (Dunder brings out a image of a giant brown fish which is labeled The Great Patriotic Flounder with two stars in between Patriotic.)

Dunder: This is the Great Patriotic Flounder who jumped from a stream into an enemy cannon, clogging it and saving all of Thembria. (Kit is rubbing his chin.) We salute the Great Patriotic Flounder like this. (Dunder does the same pose only puts his hands behind and swims like a fish. Kit raises his hand.)

Kit: Ah, sir; we've learned bootlace tying, metal polishing, a thousand and one ways of saluting you, but now we're saluting seafood. (Spigot taps his whip in his hand.) Can we fly tomorrow?

Spigot: Tomorrow...we all have advanced saluting.

Kit: Well, I think that stinks! I want to fly!

Spigot: So, you want to fly?! (Spigot giggles as he jumps down and faces Kit.) Well, we have special classes for kids like you.

Scene VI

(Head inside the kitchen as Kit is sitting down peeling a pile of turnips with the vegatable peeler. Kit throws a turnip away.)

Kit: Something's wrong. I don't get it. (Kit cuts himself with the peeler and drops the turnip.) OUCH! (Bobbo comes in.)

Bobbo: Are you okay, Kit?

Kit: Oh, I'm just great, Bobbo. (The turnips turn from white to purple on the next shot.) I'm in a flight school that doesn't teach flying.

Bobbo: This kind of thinking is normal in Thembria. (Kit touches the end of the peeler.)

Kit: Yeah, but I left home so I could fly.

Bobbo: Flying means a lot to you, huh?

Kit: It means everything. Oh, I sleep it. Oh, I dream it. Oh, I think about it once every ten seconds... at least.

Bobbo: I know what you mean. I feel that way about shaving ice.

Kit: Something's fishy around here, and I'm gonna find out what it is! (Kit throws down the peeler as it sticks to the floor and gets up walking out.)

Bobbo: Be careful, Kit; you could get in trouble!

Scene VII

(Cut to outside an Thembrian airplane hanger after dark with spotlights and a flag containing the Thembrian flag. A shadow figure of Kit runs in as the wind is whistling in the background. Kit runs to the doors and pushes on it. No go; the wheel begins to squeak and Kit bails to behind a snowbank as two Thembrian guards walk out and look around as Kit hides behind a blind spot section of the building. One of the guards motion to the second guard and they all go in. They close the door.)

Kit: Whew, that was close. But I'm not getting cold feet. (Kit goes to the flagpole and brings down the flag bringing the metal camera like object to the top. Kit undoes the rope and the metal object comes down and Kit flies up and grabs onto the top of the flag pole. Kit notices the roof of the building and comes down a bit to grab the flag. Kit then gets up and jumps off the flagpole and parachutes using the flag; landing perfectly on the roof. Kit throws the flag away and goes to the roof door. He opens it and hops inside and walks on the wooden ceiling beams as we head inside the hanger.)

Spigot: Flounder, flounder. I have the perfect flounder. Oh, General Spigot; I like the sound of that! Do you understand the plans, Dunder? (Kit jumps down and grabs onto the wooden beam as he looks down to see Spigot coming down the steps as Dunder has steel box on the floor. There are Thunderyaks placed inside the hanger. Dunder is looking at the blueprints which show the planes bolted in fish formation.) This year, the High Marshall's finally gonna see a perfect Flounder formation. And you know why, don't you? (Dunder goes into the box and brings out a bolting gun and even shoots it.)

Dunder: 'Cause I'm bolting the planes together?

Spigot: Exactly! It's going to be long, hard, tedious, taxing work. But I just want you to remember one thing.

Dunder: What, sir?

Spigot: You're not getting paid for it.

Dunder: Right. But sir; how will these kids fly the planes?

Spigot: Ah, but the kids won't fly them. They'll sit in them while Tiny Bubbles -- Thembrian's smallest adult pilot -- flies the lead plane.

Kit: We're not gonna fly? We're not gonna fly?! (Cut to the end of a beam as it begins to rip apart. Kit gets up, loses his balance and is forced to hang onto the beam. Spigot and Dunder notice him right away.)

Spigot: An intruder?! Guards!

End Of Act I At 9:55

Act II

Scene I

(Shot of Kit hanging from the beam from another angle as we see Spigot motioning for the guards to come in. )

Spigot: Guards, guards! There's an intruder! Up there! Don't let him escape! (Kit climbs up the beam as the beam continues to crumble. Two Thembrian Guards run in with rifles pointed at Kit.) Ready? Aim? Fire liberally.

Kit: Uh-oh! (Kit stands on the beam and the beam finally breaks sending Kit flying with the beam.) WHOOOOAAAA!

Dunder/Spigot/Thembrian Guards: WHOOOOOAAAAAAA! (The Thembrians panic as the wooden buries them off-screen as wooden beams snap. Kit manage to climb onto the roof of the security guard look off near the window.)

Spigot: We must have this hanger termite inspected. (Kit climbs through the window and out of the hanger.)

Scene II

(Head into some barracks outside as the wind is whistling again. Head inside the barrack with Kit on top of the bunk bed addressing all the Thembrian children. )

Kit: I have terrible news to report. We're all victims of a huge scam.

Bobbo: They're gonna ration the roast turnip dinners?

Kit: Much worse, Bobbo. We're not gonna fly! Spigot's bolting all the planes together in a fish formation and we're just gonna sit in them like dummies! But we can stop them if we unite. We'll march on headquarters, we'll demand to fly! Who's with me? (Everyone except Bobbo slowly bails in various directions muttering.)

Bobbo: Maybe this isn't such a good idea, Kit. No one cares about the flying. (Kit climbs down from the bed.)

Kit: This isn't just about flying. It's about our rights as men!

Bobbo: But we're not men, Kit. We're boys. Flying is too dangerous for us.

Kit: Oh, yeah?! Just tell the guys to look up at the sky at midnight! I'll show you how dangerous flying is! (Kit walks off.)

Scene III

(Head inside the hanger as the Flounder Formation is being bolted together by Dunder. Dunder blots the first plane and then takes a pencil and crosses off the top plane to the left.)

Dunder: Almost there. Just forty-seven to go. (Dunder goes to another plane and starts bolting it together with another plane. Pan left to a door as it slowly opens and in comes Kit as he sneaks in and then pan up to above the door as the red alarm blinks and sounds ensue. Red alert army siren blares as we see the two Thembrian guards in the look out noticing the red light flashing in front of them.)

Thembrian Guard #1 (Eyebrows): The alarm!

Thembrian Guard #2 (No Eyebrows): The intruder must be back! Good thing we're ready for him. (Guard #2 pushes the green button as Kit plops into one of the planes. He slides the glass dome over him and starts the engines and the propellers begin to roar.)

Kit: Now I'm cooking with gas! (Kit rides the plane away as Dunder spots him.)

Dunder: It's Kit. (Dunder stands right in front of Kit.) Kit, wait! You're just a boy! (Dunder ducks as Kit flies right past him.)

Kit: Yeah, a boy with flying on his mind. Uh-oh! (Cut to the entrance to the hanger as a giant tank arrives and shoots it's missile at the plane; but Kit dodges it. The shot blasts right through the back of the hanger as Kit drives out with ease. Kit drives the plane around the hanger and then stage left as two tanks now chase him. Cut to inside the cockpit.) Hope you and the guys are watching, Bobbo! (The tanks fire their guns at Kit. The Thunderyak is swaying to dodge the gunfire.) Time for takeoff! Oh... (Kit looks and seems about a half dozen tanks surrounding him as Kit turns right and dodges gunfire as the missile shell destroys one of the tank. Jump cut to Kit escaping through the snowbanks as the tanks chase him. Kit notices the capital building and blows the doors open to let himself inside. The plane bounces inside as the tank goes in and destroys the door way. Cut to a Thembrian janitor wearing a yellow shirt and orange overalls in the hallway near a closet mopping the floor. The janitor dodges the plane by going into the storage room and then watches the tanks chase it as the walls on the bottom sides are extended about a foot. Kit rides the plane through the hallway and up the stairs in awkward fashion; but manages to get the plane up over the stairs. The tanks try the same thing; but the weight is too much and the stairs crumble and the tanks crash into each other. Cut to outside on the roof as the door opens and the planes bounces in and stops as a half dozen Thembrians in green army gear with black helmets point their guns at the plane. Cut to Kit.) Sorry, guys! (Kit turns the flight stick to the right and turns around letting the snow fly on them. Kit flies the plane away from the guards as they shoot their rifles at Kit. The shot of them shooting their rifles and a full five seconds of Kit flying away with the Thunderyak in full profile was cut out by Toon Disney.) There's no stopping me now! (Kit finally takes off into the air.) Yahoo! I'm flying! (Kit turns to look straight as he panics and crashes right into the capital building of Thembria. The plane lands causing a fair bit of damage and crushing Spigot's desk. Kit is dazed.) Whew! I hope no one saw me. (Kit rubs his head as we see Spigot come out of the carnage and smacks his fist into his hand.)

Spigot: This is why twelve year olds aren't allowed to fly!

End Of Act II At 13:55


Scene I

(Cut to inside the hanger as Kit is scrubbing on the Thunderyaks and looks tired and completely out of it when he sees his reflection in the mirror. He wipes his head as Dunder steps in. )

Dunder: You know, you can't win against him. He's in charge. (Kit jumps down from the plane.)

Kit: I don't care. I've got flying in my blood. And no one's gonna stop me. (Kit squeezes the soap water into Dunder's eyes.)

Dunder: But look what you just did. (Cut to a shot of the wrecked plane.)

Kit: You mean the crash?! Wh-what do you expect?! There was a building in my way! (In comes Spigot yelling.)

Spigot: Get back to work!

Kit: I'm done, sir. Can I go to bed? (Spigot proceeds to wipe some mud on his finger and smears a bit on the clean plane.)

Spigot: Tsk, tsk. You missed a spot. (Kit goes over and cleans it.) No, no, no, no! If we missed one spot, we probably missed others. Start all over again...from the beginning!

Kit: The beginning?! (We pan out to see that all the Thunderyaks are still not bolted yet and they have extra spare planes on retainer just in case.)

Scene II

(Cut back to inside the barracks as the Thembrian children are at their bunks reading. The door opens and in comes Kit slowly walking in looking as awful as anyone could be as Bobbo is on the top bunk looking at Kit who flops into the bottom bunk.)

Bobbo: You look awful, Kit. But you smell clean.

Kit: Thanks, Bobbo; you're a real comfort.

Bobbo: Kit, I'm gonna arrange for your escape.

Kit: No; thanks anyway, Bobbo. That would be giving up, and I'm no quitter.

Bobbo: But they're torturing you. You must leave.

Kit: Oh, I will; but I'm not sneaking out. I'm flying out. (Kit walks to underneath his bed and brings out an already written postcard.) But first, I'm gonna show everybody once and for all what a great pilot I am.

Scene III

(Back to Louie's at the ship end of the area as the boulder is now gone. Baloo is moping at a table with Louie.)

Baloo: Oh, I miss that kid, Louie.

Louie: Aw, don;'t worry, big fella. Kit's just gotta blow off a little steam.

Baloo: A little steam? Oh, he's been gone a week!

Louie: All right then, a lot of steam. But he'll be back.

Baloo: Aw, I'm just worried about him getting in a plane. (In comes a blue jacket dog furry with blue shorts and a blue shirt with leather hat and goggles.)

Dog Mail Person: Hey, Louie; gotta postcard, care of you for a "Mr. Baloo". (The front of the postcard shows the Thembrian snowscape with the letters on the top saying "Wish you were here". On the back is Kit's handwriting saying: "Dear Baloo, Flying in the big airshow Saturday! Gonna do a Baloo Corkscrew. Wish you were here - KIT". Only Big Airshow is randomally capitalized and Kit forgot to cross a t in Saturday.)

Baloo: That's me. (Baloo takes the postcard and reads it.) "Flying in the Big Airshow Saturday! Gonna do a Baloo Corkscrew. Wish you were here - Kit." He's gonna do what?! Louie, (Disney Captions had it as Louis) I gotta get that kid before he winds up with his nose in the dirt! (Baloo runs off as Louie scratches his head.)

Scene IV

(Cut to outside on the airfield as various Thembrian denizens are on the snow in front of the capital building. The wind is whistling as the Great Patriotic Flounder is on the runway in front of two flounder floats next to the hanger. There is a large booth next to the runaway as we pan over and zoom into the planes and then head to in front of the door of the hanger to see Dunder looking out looking panicky. Dunder comes in as we see seven kids, Bobbo and Kit standing at attention. )

Dunder: Everybody, say hi to the great ace pilot, Major Tiny Bubbles. (We see Tiny come out as he's shorter than Kit is. He is wearing green shorts and an aqua green sweater.)

Bobbo/Kids: (Half-heartly.) Hi. (He does some salute poses and the kids salute Tiny back. Kit and company walk out of the hanger.)

Dunder: In your planes and remember, start your engines; but leave the flying to the..err....grownup. (Also of note; the tall pilot is now part of the group. All the kids run to their planes as we cut to the booth with Colonel Spigot, the High Marshall and his wife in her furcoat with golden bionculars on a stick.)

High Marshall: Didn't those planes look bigger in the catalog, Nozzle?

Spigot: Ah, no sir. They fit our adult pilots perfectly, sir.

High Marshall: Ah, so they do, Nozzle. I'd just better see a perfectly formed Flounder. None of this "planes crashing into each other" business like last year. (High Marshall folds his arms as we cut to Bobbo and Kit getting into their planes.)

Bobbo: Are you really gonna go through with this, Kit?

Kit: You bet your aileron. (Kit brings out a wrench from his coat.) I'm gonna do a Baloo Corkscrew and then coast all the way home. (Bobbo gives him a thumbs up.)

Bobbo: Good luck, bunkmate Kit. (Kit waves at Bobbo.)

Kit: Goodbye, bunkmate Bobbo. (Kit and Bobbo push the glass domes over to close the planes and proceed to start the engines. Pan northeast to see the SeaDuck has arrived. The landing gear comes out and the SeaDuck lands. Baloo gets out from the pilot's door as the Flounder goes into take off. Baloo notices that Kit is the right tailend of the Flounder Formation and runs forward.)

Baloo: Kit! (Baloo stops as the two Thembrian Guards cock their rifles and point them at Baloo.)

Thembrian Guard #2: The Great Patriotic Flounder is restricted from all visitors. (Baloo walks backwards as the Flounder Formation takes off into the skies with ease.)

Baloo: (points) Looks like I'm going fishing. (Baloo goes back in the SeaDuck and starts the engines as Spigot, High Marshall and his wife look on from the ground at the Flounder Formation in the air.)

Spigot: There it is, sir. A perfectly formed Flounder. (Spigot, High Marshall and his wife do to the Flounder pose; but forget to swim during the pose. All the Dunder clones in the crowd also salute the exact same way. So we see the Flounder flying around the airstrip for a while as the SeaDuck follows onto the runway dotted by Flounder floats. Cut into the cockpit of the SeaDuck as Baloo is driving around not looking where he's going, but looking at the Flounder.)

Baloo: I'm on my way, Li'l Britches. (Of course the nosecone of the SeaDuck slams into a Flounder float and takes off into the air with ease. The SeaDuck flies into the air past the formation and then turns around. Cut to the formation to the tail end of the right side as Kit opens the glass dome and crawls to the left wing's edge with a wrench in his mouth. He puts the wrench in his hand as the hat flies completely off. He twists the wrench with a great amount of effort, grunting in the process.)

Kit: Come on...come on! (Kit manages to unscrew the nut and bolt off of the wing.) That ought to do it! (Kit throws the wrench and nut aside as he crawls back into his plane and closes the glass dome.) It's showtime! (Kit pushes the plane up and flies back; but then goes into a massive barrel roll.) Aaaaaahhhhh! (Cut back to Colonel Spigot and the High Marshall.)

High Marshall: What is that?!

Spigot: Well...Ooof! (The wrench smacks Spigot in the head and drops him down onto the floor. Spigot groans as he gets up with the wrench.) Monkey wrench?

High Marshall: No, that! The Flounder has lost it's fin. (The plane barrels rolls right straight at Spigot, High Marshall and his wife as we cut back to the cockpit with Kit.)

Kit: (Grunting.) This isn't supposed to happen! (Kit manages to hyperbole the plane and prevent buzzing the High Marshall as he, Spigot and his wife duck.)

High Marshall: Get that fish fin! (Colonel Spigot has an out of nowhere megaphone.)

Spigot: Get that fish fin! (Kit flies the plane towards the mountains.)

Kit: Oh, man; this is harder than it looks! (The plane is swaying as Kit is struggling with the controls flying around houses.) Keep her straight, just keep her straight! (Then three Thembrian air force planes fly in and they surround Kit.) Oh, no! I wish Baloo were here! (Kit looks up and notices the SeaDuck with the Flounder on the nosecone arrives.)

Baloo: Hang on, Poppa Bear's coming. (The SeaDuck somehow flies in front of the plane as the right plane is piloted by the Thembrian Pilot at the beginning of the episode; and he's on the transmitter.)

Thembrian Pilot: You have desecrated the head of our Great Patriotic Flounder! Land and surrender!

Baloo: (Transmitter.) Sorry, you gotta catch this flying fish first! (The SeaDuck flies into the heavens.)

Thembrian Pilot: (Transmitter.) After our Flounder head! (The SeaDuck flies up and then shakes off the flounder head and does the Baloo Corkscrew as the flounder head nails all three planes and they land on the runway together. Cut back to the booth.)

Spigot: Hmm, it's not a perfectly formed Flounder?

High Marshall: (Arms folded.) It is planes crashing into each other! (Cut to Kit's plane swaying as the SeaDuck comes above him. Kit notices Baloo.)

Kit: Baloo! (Disney Captions has it as "Woo-hoo!" Baloo points to Kit to look out for a mountain peak.) Whaa! (Baloo gets on the transmitter.)

Baloo: Pick up the mic, Li'l Britches! (Kit grabs the transmitter.) Now just do what I tell you, Kit. It's gonna be all right. Now ease that wheel back. (Kit tries to pull on the flight stick; but no go. Kit looks absolutely panicky now.)

Kit: I can't do it, Baloo!

Baloo: Ease that wheel back! (The SeaDuck and Kit's plane are flying straight towards the mountain peak.) Pull back hard, Kit! Hard! (Kit pulls back as hard as he can on the Rube-Goldbergian flight stick and manages to get the plane to hyperbole up into the sky and then fly upside down, barrel roll back right side up and then fly away from the mountain.)

Baloo: You did it!

Kit: {Looking upset.} No, I didn't. You did.

Baloo: Aw; don't say that Li'l Britches. You're gonna be a great pilot.

Kit: Yeah? You really think so?

Baloo: I know so. But do me a favor and land so's I can fly you home.

Kit: Roger, Poppa Bear. (The plane and the SeaDuck fly away from the airfield.)

Bobbo: {Looking on from the ground as he salutes Kit .} Kit, we'll always remember you as the kid who flew a plane. Sort of. (Cut back to the booth with the High Marshall with his arms folded.)

High Marshall: Kids?!

Spigot: Y-you're not going to shoot me?

High Marshall: I wouldn't waste the bullet. (Spigot breathes a sigh of relief.) I have a much crueler punishment in store for you. (Spigot panics and then we cut to the kitchen as Colonel Spigot is peeling turnips, throwing them away and sobbing like a baby.)

Spigot: Oh, that little brat. I hope I don't cut myself.

End Of Episode At 21:23


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