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In Search of Ancient Blunders Transcript

Written: 08/01/2015
Updated: 11/17/2021

Act I

Scene I

(Sky shot of clouds separating from each other to reveal an ocean. The Seaduck arrives from the southwest. Cut to the cockpit with Baloo flying the SeaDuck while Wildcat is in the navigational seat )

Baloo Von Bruinwald XII: Ah, we should have been in Aridia over an hour ago, Wildcat. What's our position? (WildCat turns the map he is carrying several times and looks out of the window.)

WildCat Puma: Way high up in the air.

Baloo: Oh, let me see that! (Baloo grabs the map and looks at it.) Hey! You're reading the map upside down. (Baloo turns the map around.) We're flying in the wrong direction. No wonder we haven't seen any desert. (Baloo turns around and there is a large stone tablet behind the seats.) We got to get this tablet to the museum by three.

WildCat: 'Cause you'll never work in this town again if you don't?

Baloo: Nah. 'Cause they'll probably treat us like kings in Aridia. The red carpet treatment. Dancing girls. Fabulous feasts. Heh heh. I don't want to be late for that! (Baloo turns around the SeaDuck.)

Scene II

(In the mountains near sunset. We pan over to the Iron Vulture chugging around said mountains. Cut to inside the wheelhouse as Don Karnage is looking through a periscope.)

Don Karnage: Either the SeaDuck is late to it's own ambush, (Opens up his golden pocket watch.) or we forgot to change our clocks to Aridian Standard Time. (Mad Dog comes in and checks his watch while Dumptruck is eating green grapes.) I cannot wait! I must have that tablet! (Don Karnage grabs the grapes and throws them away.)

Dumptruck: You have a headache, Captain Karnage, sir? (Don Karnage gets in his face.)

Don Karnage: Not an aspirin tablet. The ancient stone tablet which will lead me to the lost treasure of King Atmost! (Disney Captions says Utmost and fans have said it's Upmost (which makes the most sense); but in the audio, Don Karnage said Atmost. Mad Dog is placing grapes into a patched up steel bowl.)

Mad Dog: How are you gonna read it if it's in some funny language.

Don Karnage: With this! (Don brings out a yellow book with a pryamid on the cover which reads "Hyrogllyphics Made Easy". Behold, more Engrish and the "Ancient" part is not on the cover.) "Ancient Hieroglyphics Made Easy." Hee. hee. (Gibber arrives looking in the periscope and then whispers into Don's ear. Don is happy and goes to the periscope.) Hee hee. The sitting duck approaches! (The SeaDuck is shown coming towards the Iron Vulture.) Ambush stations, men! (Sky shot of the SeaDuck flying over the mountains.)

Baloo: Mountain passes make me nervous.You never know who may try to jump you. (The Iron Vulture is shown coming towards the SeaDuck. Don Karnage is licking his chops while looking at the periscope. The SeaDuck flies straight towards the Iron Vulture as it opens it's beak. Baloo yawns in the cockpit as we cut back to Don Karnage raising his sword.)

Don Karnage: Ready...Aim...Devour! (Gibber rolls up the weapon; and the Iron Vulture crashes into something off-screen causing smoke and dust to kick up inside. Don is down on the ground looking dizzy.) Why did we go stop? (Gibber comes over and whispers into Don Karnage's ear.) What do you mean we are stuck?! (Outside, the Iron Vulture is shown stuck inbetween the abyss.)

Baloo: (Cut to the SeaDuck flying.) Keep your eyes peeled for any welcoming parties, WildCat. (Cut to outside the cockpit of the SeaDuck.)

WildCat: Okay, Baloo. (The SeaDuck flies in front of the Iron Vulture and then away stage right.)

Scene III

(Airplane strip outside of Aridia as the SeaDuck lands onto the airstrip with a piece of paper flying. The place looks deserted as the SeaDuck finally comes to a stop and the engines are turned off. WildCat looks around.)

WildCat: Hey! Is this the welcoming party?

Baloo: Huh. They must have got tired of waitin. I guess we'll have to carry the stone to the musuem.

Scene IV

(In Aridia as it's deserted. Baloo is carrying the stone in the front while WildCat is sitting on the stone behind Baloo; whom has no idea that WildCat is slacking off.)

Baloo: (Groans.) Hold it, WildCat! Let's put her down. (Baloo stops as WildCat jumps off and Baloo puts the tablet down on the ground.) Whew! That thing seem heavy to you?

WildCat: No.

Baloo: (Sighs.) Well, let's keep going. Ready? (Baloo turns around to grab the tablet which causes WildCat to sit on the tablet again when Baloo isn't looking.)

WildCat: Ready!

Baloo: (Grunts.) Don't worry, it's tough going now; but we'll be waited on hand and foot before you know it. (Cut over to a wooden sign which reads: "Museum of Ancient History" (with an additional wooden sign tacked on below which reads "Coming Soon".).) "Coming Soon, Musuem Of Ancient History". (WildCat jumps off of the tablet.)

WildCat: Shall we wait for it?

Baloo: Nah. Let's check next door. (Cut to a sign on a stone wall which says: "Ministry Of Culture". We pan over to inside the office as a female brown fox wearing glasses, and archaeological gear is at her desk using her maginfying glass to check something which ends up being nothing of note on the desk (Actually; it's a map on future shots.). Baloo and WildCat come in as Baloo is straining while WildCat is sitting on the tablet for fun.)

Archaeologist: You brought the tablet! How wonderful! I'm Mira, State Archaeologist, Ministry Of Culture. (Disney Captions and fans have referred to her as "Myra" for years and years now. However; Mark Lungo has the original script and her name is actually "Mira". Also; fans have referred to her as Foxworthy, but that is not present in any official materials and is considered Fanon. WildCat has jumped off the tablet now.) And I'll be the museum curator too; when it opens.

Baloo: (Groans.) Ummm; pleased to meet you. Can I set this thing down somewhere?

Mira: Just put it there. (Points to her desk. Baloo takes the tablet and manages to make the pencils and stuff disappear when he places the thing on the desk. The desk crumbles to the floor.)

Baloo: (Chuckles in a panic while blushing.) Sorry, ma'am.

Mira: (Looking at the tablet.) I can't believe the tablet of King Utmost (So, Don Karnage's accent strikes again; it is Utmost officially.) was discovered at a thrift shop.

Baloo: On sale, too!

Mira: (Kneeling on the ground.) This is a great discovery.

Baloo: (Elbows WildCat.) We ought to be getting dinner now.

Mira: Well, goodbye and thank you for all your help.

Baloo: But...But...But what about dinner?

Mira: I'm sorry. I'll take you for some of our local delicacies. Is it okay if we take the tablet? I can't wait to translate it.

Baloo: Allow me.

Scene V

(Cut to outside a saloon like cafe called the Casbah Cafe. Baloo, Mira and WildCat enter the saloon doors as WildCat has since stopped sitting on the tablet now.)

Mira: I apologize for the long walk. Taxis are scarce in Aridia. (Baloo is straining some more.)

Baloo: Oh, that's okay. What I'm losing in strength, I'm gaining in blisters. (Baloo pulls up the tablet and sits down in a chair at a table with WildCat and Mira doing the same. WildCat has a blue colored menu he is reading.)

WildCat: Hey, Baloo?! I don't see any dancing girls.

Baloo: Uh, they are dancing in another country. (Baloo's chair is creaking.) I'm starting to get the feeling Aridia's not real big on nightlife. (Baloo's chair completely breaks and he falls on his rear end, dropping the tablet in the process.) Sorry, ma'am. (WildCat's menu changes from blue to yellow; although the cover of the menu is face down, so it might have been yellow on the inside.)

WildCat: But Aridia does have a rich culture, contained entirely within the great pyramid of King Utmost. But the location of the pyramid is a mystery and no one's ever been able to find it.

Baloo: How'd you know that?

WildCat: It says so on the menu. (The outside menu is blue; but there is a pyramid on the bottom right side added where there wasn't any.)

Mira: Unbelievable! The tablet shows the location of the great pyramid. If I find the pyramid, I'll finally be able to build the museum and help Aridia's ecomony. Waiter! Three house specials, please! (Cut to a raccoon fury wearing a red Fez hat, a black mustache, a black coat with a red bowtie and a red apron with blue cloth trim. The waiter walks into the kitchen and gets grabbed by the throat by Dumptruck and is whisked away stage right. Cut back to the table as Baloo has a red bib on and is sulking.)

Baloo: Ah, at least we're getting a free meal. (Cut to the kitchen doors and they show Mad Dog, Dumptruck and Gibber dressed up as (dumb) waiters. They go out with the orders and trip on each other causing glass to shatter off-screen and basically getting Baloo's attention. Gibber is putting the downed food back onto the tray which includes a melon, a cupcake, potatoes and a French fry. Dumptruck and Mad Dog are picking up stuff as milk is spilled all over the floor. Baloo gulps.) Oh, that's it. We're gone! (Baloo takes the red bib off and gets up.) Almost forgot. Got a dental appointment at five. (The dumb waiters put the trays down on the table.)

Mira: Oh, well; thank you for all your help.

WildCat: Oh, look Baloo; the waiters are triplets. (Baloo comes over to WildCat.)

Baloo: They're not waiters, WildCat. They're pirates. PIRATES?! (Dumptruck taps Baloo on the shoulder. Baloo looks and sees Dumptruck.)

Dumptruck: Hand over the tablet, flyboy. (Dumptruck twirls his mustache like a Saturday morning cartoon villain.)

Baloo: (Grabs the tablet.) Sure thing. (Baloo gives the tablet to WildCat and he steps back as Baloo upends the table and various food and glasses break over the villians' heads. Mira and WildCat run off stage right as Dumptruck is now chasing them. Mira and WildCat are back against the wall as Dumptruck charges them.)

Dumptruck: Give me that stone! (Baloo jumps in front of Dumptruck's path.)

Baloo: You'll have to get past me first, Dumptruck! (Dumptruck grabs him and throws him away stage left. Baloo lands right on Mad Dog and Gibber; breaking the table and getting all dizzy.) How about best two out of three? (Dumptruck tries to punch WildCat's lights out; but WildCat keeps dodging the shots. This goes on as Baloo runs in and breaks a glass bottle over Dumptruck's head. No effect. Then a glass plate. Nothing. Then a glass base lamp. Nothing. Then a wooden chair and still nothing as WildCat finally bails stage right. Dumptruck grabs Baloo by the collar.)

Dumptruck: It will take more than a chair to stop me. (Dumptruck winds up for the Sunday punch; but Baloo falls on his rear end as a piano drops right on Dumptruck; which as shown was pushed off the catwalk by Mira. Who is waving at Baloo.)

Baloo: He was right. (Jump cut to Dumptruck already walking away from the carnage in a drunken stupor as Dumptruck is throwing punches and missing WildCat by a mile this time. Dumptruck is spun around as Baloo grabs Dumptruck and slides him on the counter containing actual alcohol wine glasses and wine bottles which shatter on cue. Dumptruck crashes through a wooden shutter window and goes out of the building. Cut to WildCat dancing around on some substance since there is slurping sounds in the background.) That's pretty fancy footwork, WildCat.

WildCat: Thank you. I'm slipping on bean dip (Cut to WildCat's feet slipping on bean dip onto the floor. Baloo goes over to Mira who is examining the tablet with a maginfying glass.)

Baloo: Well, ma'am; I guess we'll be off.

Mira: Oh, ummm. Before you go -- ummm-- do you think you can make sense of these coordinates? Uh, please? (Baloo looks not impressed.)

Scene VI

(Cut to the airplane strip as Mira, Baloo and WildCat (with tablet) are standing about thirty feet in front of the SeaDuck.)

Baloo: This is it. Those coordinates point right here.

Mira: But this is the airport. I just don't understand.

Baloo: I'm really sorry ma'am. I know I read the tablet right. Now, maybe there just isn't any pyramid. (WildCat looks at the tablet against the beaming sun.)

WildCat: But, Baloo?! The tablet says the pyramid's right here. (WildCat makes a pluck sound as he points to an upside down triangle.)

Baloo: WildCat, you're reading things backwards again. Heh. If the pyramid was right here, we'd be standing on it. (Baloo then gulps and Mira is in shock as we twirl zoom out to a sky shot as the airport strip is the bottom of the pyramid to King Utmost.)

Scene VII

(Cut to a shot of the side with Mira looking around on top while Baloo and WildCat are digging sand on the side of the pyramid.)

Baloo: Any sign of pirates, Mira?

Mira: The coast is clear, Baloo. (Cut to a shot about fifty feet below the surface as Baloo puts his shovel down and notices a large stone door with pictures and ancient writings on it. Baloo wipes the door while WildCat is still shoveling sand in the foreground. Baloo pushes and strains against the doors, but they won't open.)

Baloo: (To Mira.) There anything in the tablet about a password? (WildCat pushes on the right side of the door and it opens allowing WildCat to simply walk in. Mira is climbing down the ladder.)

Mira: Not that I can see. (Baloo turns around and notices the door open.)

Baloo: Hey! WildCat! (Baloo runs into the pyramid.) Whoa! WHO-A-A! (Baloo crashes off-screen with a thud. Mira is calling from the door.)

Mira: Baloo?! Are you okay?! (Baloo is seen in a pitch dark area with just his eyeballs showing about twenty feet below the floor.)

Baloo: Heh. Watch that first step. It's a lulu.

Scene VIII

(Cut to the desert ground as a mound of sand appears. A periscope pops up from the mound of sand and looks around. Then up pops Don Karnage spitting out sand like crazy. Dumptruck and Gibber pop up behind him.)

Don Karnage: Heh Ha! If the pyramid will not come to Karnage, Karnage will come to the pyramid.

Scene IX

(Cut to inside the pyramid as Mira is walking down a sloped brick passageway. She looks around and is stunned as the ceilings are walls, and the walls are ceiling. This pyramid was built upside down. Cut to a hallway with Baloo on the ceiling.)

Baloo: WildCat! Where are you?! (Baloo turns around as we see WildCat walking on the floor upside down.)

WildCat: Down here, Baloo! Hey, what are you doing upside down?

Baloo: WildCat?! Get down here! You can't walk on the ceiling!

WildCat: I can't? (He looks at the hard camera and then free falls and hits the ceiling. Cut to Mira looking around.)

Mira: This is amazing. They built everything upside down. (Baloo grabs WildCat and puts him right-side up.) Even the statues are bolted to the ceiling...uh...floor.

Baloo: Now why would anyone want to build an upside down pyramid?

WildCat: Maybe they all walked on their hands.

Baloo: Heh heh. Maybe they all thought like you, WildCat. (Baloo, Mira and WildCat walk together stage right.)

Mira: Be careful. The ancient pyramids are rife with secret traps.

Baloo: But who'd be crazy enough to put a trap on the ceiling? (Baloo, Mira and WildCat step on a trapdoor and it opens causing them to free fall down a stone slide. Baloo screams. They all tumble through a bottomless pit and land into a large chamber onto the ground. Mira gets up and notices something.)

Mira: Look! An inscription. But it's upside down. (Mira points to a large tablet with drawings and language propped against the wall.)

Baloo: Why am I not surprised? (Mira walks over to the tablet and examines it doing lots of neck exercises.)

Mira: It says: "Beware of mummy. Keep reading for further details."

Baloo: A mummy?! Hoha! Boa constrictors I'm afraid of, but mummies?! (Baloo's back is turned as a large mummy walks up moaning. The mummy has red eyes as he stalks them.)

End of Act I At 9:00

Act II

Scene I

(Shot of mummy behind Baloo growling. Baloo gulps. )

WildCat: Hey, who's our mummy? (Baloo turns and dodges the mummy's punches. Baloo is back against the wall as the mummy punches some more; but hits the wall while Baloo dodges all. Baloo grabs Mira and they all bail stage left into another large chamber.)

Baloo: (Pants.) Oh, great! We had to pick a room with high ceilings. (The mummy runs into the chamber.) Quick! Up that column! (Mira, WildCat and Baloo run to the column and proceed to climb up. Mira and WildCat manage to get up to the top and get onto the stone edge near the floor. Baloo is struggling to get up.)

WildCat: What did you do to make him mad, Baloo?

Baloo: Nothing. He must have got up the wrong side of the sarcophagus this morning. (Baloo is close to getting the outstretched hands of WildCat and Mira.)

Mira: Come on, Baloo! (Baloo almost got Mira's hand; but the mummy proceeds to destroy the column disc by disc. Baloo drops down and lands on the mummy's back. The mummy moans and growls as Baloo rides him like a horse in a stampede. Cut to WildCat jumping up and down much to the shock of Mira.)

WildCat: My turn to ride the mummy next!

Mira: Try not to damage him, Baloo. He's an historical artifact!

Baloo: Well, I'm gonna be one too in a minute!

Mira: We've got to do something! (WildCat bails stage left and returns with a stone like ladder with triangle shaped marking on the rails.)

WildCat: All I can find was this accordion.

Mira: That's not an accordion! It's a ladder! (Mira grabs the ladder and thrusts it down towards the ground.) Here Baloo! (Mira's fingers slip and Baloo and the mummy are stuck in the rungs of the ladder.) Oops. (They circle around for a while.)

Baloo: So; uh, you come here often? (The mummy proceeds to crush the rungs of the ladder with punches and growl at the same time.) I'm not waiting to see what happens when he gets to my end. (Baloo then pops out and runs with the ladder to a wall and then climbs up like a Hanna Barbara character. The mummy comes over and punches out the three bottom rungs of the ladder. Baloo somehow has out of nowhere grabbed an upside down statue and pushes up above it and manages to make it to the edge of the catwalk. The statue pops out and falls; landing on the mummy and burying him. Baloo is helped up by WildCat and Mira.) That'd stop a two ton truck. (Baloo wipes his hands as the mummy pops from the rubble and snarls some more.)

WildCat: Wow! He must get a lot of exercise.

Baloo: Yeah, so will we! Running out of here! Come on! (Baloo, Mira and WildCat run away and then fall into another opening which leads to pitch darkness and more eyes showing.) Everybody okay?

Mira: I'm okay.

Baloo: WildCat? Are you in here?

WildCat: (Whimpering.) I don't know. I'm still looking.

Baloo: Where are we?

Mira: Ah. It must be the Chamber of Eternal Night.

Baloo: Then there's no point in looking for the light switch.

WildCat: (Takes a match, has the book of matches on him and lights it.) I've got some matches. (WildCat drops the match book and the match goes out. The entire Chamber of Eternal Night segment was completely cut out by Toon Disney because of match striking even though a match was struck onscreen in Captains Outrageous, it is in the DVD set however.)

Baloo: Let me have them.

WildCat: (Looks onto the ground.) I know they're here somewhere. (Mumbling.) No.Oops, that's not them. Wait! I found something. (WildCat grabs onto Baloo's snout unintentionally.) It's big and cold and wet.

Baloo: WildCat? Let go of my nose.

WildCat: Sorry. Here they are. (Baloo strikes a match and lights it.)

Baloo: I'm surprised you didn't bring the kitchen sink. (WildCat then brings an out of nowhere kitchen sink up.)

WildCat: Got any dirty dishes?

Baloo: Ah, no. (The flame touches Baloo's hand forcing him to drop the match and it goes out.) OUCH!

Mira: What happened?

Baloo: A third degree burn happened. I'll try again. (Baloo strikes another match and lights it up and behind the column stands the mummy.) I'm just glad we got rid of that mummy. (The mummy blows out the match and it's dark again.) Hmmm, must be a breeze in here.

Mira: Let me try. (A match is struck; but it's done by the mummy instead as he gives the match to Baloo.)

Baloo: Good work, Mira.

Mira: I didn't do anything. (Baloo turns around and sees the mummy snarling. He blows out the match and Baloo, Mira and WildCat all run out of the chamber of eternal night and are blocked off by Don Karnage, Dumptruck, Mad Dog and Gibber holding various artifacts and riches.)

Don Karnage: Look who has dropped in for a visit.

Mira: Put that down! It's priceless! (Pointing to Dumptruck who is holding a large urn like vase. Dumptruck drops the vase and it shatters on contact with the ground.)

Don Karnage: What are you doing, dumb-dumb?

Dumptruck: Well; she said that it wasn't worth anything. (We hear the mummy roaring outside.)

Baloo: Look; I really love our little chats, but there's this crazed mummy after us! (Disney Captions left out the "Look", "really" and "crazed" parts.)

Don Karnage: Do you think I am stupid in the head? You cannot frightened me away with silliness about a mummy. (The mummy enter the room as Mad Dog and Dumptruck are holding a golden box of treasure.)

Dumptruck/Mad Dog: A...M-m-mummy!

Baloo: Come on, this way! (Baloo, Mira and WildCat run away stage left.)

Don Karnage: This cheap mummy costume does not fool me! Now stand aside or you will need a new Band-Aid! (Don Karnage brings out his sword as the mummy growls at him and swipes the sword away. This causes Don Karnage to back off.) Heh ha ha ha. Nice suit; and what a fit. Ha ha. I tell you this. You let me take the treasure and I split it with you fifty-fifty. Yesno? (The mummy gives him the thumbs down. Gibber comes in to whisper in Don's ear.) Good idea. Okay, sixty-forty; but that is my final offer! (The mummy roars causing everyone to back away.) Okay, you asked for it! Get him! (Don Karnage and Gibber run away stage right.)

Mad Dog: I was afraid he's say that. (Mad Dog and Dumptruck stand there as the mummy grabs them and tosses them aside.Cut to Baloo, Mira and WildCat crawling in a narrow secret passage.)

Baloo: Ah-ha! The way out! (Cut to a shot of the ceiling/floor as a large stone segment is pushed aside and up comes Baloo, Mira and WildCat. )

WildCat: Say, this looks familar. (Mira walks over to a large stone like poster and does a handstand in order to try to translate it.)

Mira: I can finish reading the inscription if I can just get a good angle on it.

Baloo: Oh, let's go Mira. Our mummy pal could drop by any second.

Mira: But the hieroglyphics might tell us how to get rid of the mummy.

Baloo: All right; you twisted my arm.

Scene II

(Cut to outside as Don Karnage and Gibber run out of the door and onto the pyramid floor. Gibber whispers into Don's ear again.)

Don Karnage: There must be an easier way to pillage this pyramid. (Gibber whispers into Don's ear again.) Excellent, Gibber! Radio the Iron Vulture and tell them to bring the cables. The big, fat ones like this. (Shows how big to Gibber. Cut back to Mira looking at the tablet again.)

Mira: Hmmmm. It seems the mummy was the foreman who built the pyramid. He read the blueprint wrong and built the pyramid upside down. (Somehow Mira has teleported right side up in a jump cut on the next shot.)

WildCat: What a great idea?!

Baloo: Yeah, he was probably an ancestor of yours, Wildcat. (WildCat is not amused as we get a closeup of King Utmost, who is a bird with a Pharoh's helmet and a skull staff. The foreman is a dognose in Egyptian peasent gear.)

Mira: King Utmost was so embarrassed he put a curse on the foreman and condemned him to stop anyone who stumbled onto the shameful secret. (The drawing comes to life as he uses the staff to curse the foreman and turns him into the mummy.) Poor guy. (King Utmost changes into Baloo and the mummy grabs him and throws him aside.)

Baloo: Hey, could we skip to the part about getting rid of the mummy?

Mira: Ah-ha! To lift the mummy's curse, the pyramid must be turned right side up.

Baloo: Oh, is that all? (In comes the mummy roaring.) Oh, where do we start lifting? (The mummy goes after WildCat who backsteps over the trapdoor and allows the mummy to free fall through the trapdoor.) Way to go, WildCat! (The mummy pops up and grabs WildCat by the legs. Baloo grabs WildCat and releases him from the mummy.) Come on! This way! (Baloo and Mira run with WildCat stage right.)

WildCat: No. This way. (Pointing in various directions.)

Baloo: WildCat?! Why didn't you tell us you knew the way out? (Baloo runs in the hallway WildCat was pointing and they make it to a trap door which leads to the entrance. The mummy comes up and roars.)

WildCat: You didn't ask. (Mira climbs up the floor onto the top with Baloo in from behind.)

Mira: I'm worried, Baloo. We can't just leave those pirates in there.

Baloo: Oh, what are they gonna do; take the whole pyramid?! (Baloo climbs up and both Mira and Baloo walk out of the side door as we hear drilling noises and rumbling.)

Mira: What's going on?!

Baloo: (In shock.) They're taking the whole enchilada. (Cut to a far shot of the Iron Vulture with cables attached to the pyramid as it lifts up the entire pyramid from it's sand buried spot.)

End of Act II At 15:13


Scene I

(Back to the previous shot with drill sounds and rumbling as the Iron Vulture is ripping the pyramid out of the sand.)

Baloo: Come on! We got to get to the SeaDuck! (Baloo, Mira and WildCat climb to the floor of the pyramid towards the SeaDuck as a title opens from the floor as the mummy shows up.) Uh-oh. Handsome's back. (Cut to inside the wheelhouse room of the Iron Vulture with Don Karnage and Gibber.)

Don Karnage: (Pumping his fist.) Ha ha! The lost treasure is mine! (Cut back to the mummy with the giant title door.)

Baloo: Whoa!! (Everyone sways and this causes the mummy to sway over the edge and fall. Don Karnage and Gibber are swaying inside the Iron Vulture while Mad Dog and Dumptruck are sliding down the slide inside the pyramid. Cut back to the edge with Mira, Baloo and WildCat.)

Mira: Poor mummy.

Baloo: How about poor us? Let's get out of here! (Baloo, Mira and WildCat run to the SeaDuck.)

Mira: But we have to save the pyramid! (Baloo, Mira and WildCat get inside as Baloo is starting the engines.)

Baloo: Right. (The SeaDuck engines begin to roar and the SeaDuck takes off and goes into the sky. Baloo is in the cockpit and takes the transmitter from up top.) Now, listen here Karnage! Put down that pyramid or else!

Don Karnage: Or else what, future victim?!

Baloo: Um. Anyone got any ideas?

Mira: No.

WildCat: Not me.

Baloo: Ah, um; let me get back to you. (Baloo flies the SeaDuck around the top of the pyramid as gunfire rains down on the SeaDuck.) Uh oh. (Baloo pulls up on the stick and right beside him is a steel box with wires and several buttons and one of the bullets actually hits the wires of the box about three feet away from Baloo.) You know; all I asked for was a couple of dancing girls and a free meal. (The SeaDuck flies above the Iron Vulture and around it.) Instead, I've been jumped by pirates, chased by a crazed mummy, lost inside an upside down pyramid and now I'm being shot at!

WildCat: Yeah, I'm having a great time too. Thanks for bringing me along, Baloo.

Baloo: At least we should be safe back here for a while. (Cut to the catwalk inside the hanger of the Iron Vulture with Don Karnage. Gibber runs in and whispers into Don's ear.)

Don Karnage: So, those silly foolish types think they can outfox the fox by hiding behind his backside, eh? (Gibber whispers into Don Karnage's ear some more.) Yes, yes, yes. Bring out the great big gun that makes the loud kaboom-boom. (Cut to the SeaDuck cutting back towards the tailsection of the Iron Vulture. Cut back to the cockpit with Baloo looking at the steel box on the floor.)

Baloo: Uh-oh. Looks like we got some fireworks. (Checks the orange sparking wires on the steel box on the floor.)

WildCat: (Cut to a big cannon coming out of the backside of the Iron Vulture.) Baloo; what's big and round and made of black metal and hollow in the middle?

Baloo: I haven't got time for riddles right now, WildCat. I've got an emergency down here.

WildCat: This is really important, Baloo.

Baloo: All right, WildCat. I give up. What?

WildCat: That! (Pointing to the large cannon which causes everyone to panic.)

Baloo: Whoa! (The SeaDuck is flown away as a cannon ball is fired and misses the SeaDuck completely. The SeaDuck is flown to underneath the pyramid.) We'll be safe down here. (Cut to the mummy holding onto the pyramid tip and then jumps onto the top roof of the SeaDuck. Cut back to the cockpit as WildCat is wearing a welder's mask and have a blowtorch.)

WildCat: How about we toast those cables?

Baloo: Now you're thinking right side up, WildCat!

WildCat: And when we're done, we can toast some marshmallows. (WildCat shows a bag of No Name Marshmallows which read Marshmallow. The SeaDuck heads back to the top of the pyramid and circles around as WildCat is on the right wing torching the big cables.)

Baloo: (On the transmitter.) How's it going out there, WildCat?

WildCat: I think I singed one. (Opens the mask up.)

Baloo: (Gives a thumbs up.) Well, keep going. (Cut to WildCat as the mummy comes up from behind and grabs WildCat. He throws WildCat onto the bottom of the pyramid; but he lands on his feet anyway. WildCat takes the mask off.)

WildCat: H-hey, where'd the plane go? (Baloo looks at the left wing to notice WildCat is not on the wing.)

Baloo: Hey, where's WildCat?

Mira: Now I'm really starting to get upset! That pirate's stealing my life's work and ruining the future of my country! What could be worse?! (Somehow; the mummy enters from the roof of the SeaDuck, straight into the cockpit.) Look out!

Baloo: Doesn't the guy ever knock?! (Baloo panics as the mummy is behind the seat now. Baloo flies the SeaDuck up and the mummy goes backwards into the back as the SeaDuck flies right in front of the Iron Vulture. Cut to the catwalk with Don Karnage and Gibber whispers into Don's ear again.)

Don Karnage: {Calm.} The Seaduck has returned. Fire at will. {We zoom out as there is screaming and gunfire as a furry wolf in an orange sweater with a blue hat runs away stage left. Gibber whispers in Don's ear again.} No, do not fire at Will. He is my second mate. FIRE AT THE SEADUCK! (Cut to outside with the SeaDuck being fired at with cannons on the front. The SeaDuck goes down as the mummy bounces back into the cockpit again, moaning. Baloo panics again.)

Baloo: Oh, here we go again! (Baloo flies the SeaDuck below the pyramid and then up towards the backside of the Iron Vulture; but gets fired on by the back cannons this time. The SeaDuck retreats downward.) I think it might be safer to take our chances with laughing boy here. (Cut to the cockpit as the mummy comes up to threaten Baloo.) On second thought, I could be wrong.

Mira: Will you knock it off! (The mummy does a timid groan.) What is your problem?! It's not our fault you built the lousy pyramid upside down! We didn't put the curse on you! (Another timid groan from the mummy.) We're trying to help you! You can stomp around all day growling like an idiot; or you can give us a hand! (The mummy is muttering now.) Now, look! That pirate's stealing the pyramid! Are you going to let him get away with that?!

The Mummy: Uh-uh.

Mira: Then get out there and do your thing! (The mummy growls, shadow punches and roars. He jumps up and breaks through the SeaDuck roof and lands right onto the top of the pyramid. He runs over to WildCat who is using the blowtorch on the cable. The mummy grabs WildCat and places him on the left wing of the SeaDuck and WildCat goes over to the pilot's window.)

WildCat: Hey, what are you doing on the pyramid? (We then cut to the mummy unhooking one of the cables off the pyramid.)

Baloo: If he plays his cards right, he might just put an end to that curse. (Cut to the side door as Mad Dog and Dumptruck come out.)

Dumptruck: It's the way out. We made it! (Dumptruck looks down and notices the pyramid is high in the sky. The mummy pulls out the second hook of the cable and that causes the pyramid to tip on it's side, forcing Dumptruck and Mad Dog to scream and hang on for dear life on the edge. Mad Dog and Dumptruck scream and jump back into the pyramid and free fall deeper into the pyramid. Cut back to the catwalk as Don Karnage and Gibber are hanging on for dear life on the trussle.)

Don Karnage: What is happening to our posterior back end there? (Gibber is whispering to Don.) Then turn the rear engines on full throttle. (The mummy seemly on the far shot outside pulls the third and final hook from the pyramid and the pyramid flips right side up and begins to free fall. Cut back to inside the catwalk of the Iron Vulture.) It's! Are the rear engines still on full throttle?! (Gibber whispers into Don's ear.) I was afraid so! (The Iron Vulture sails into the air out of sight. The pyramid free falls down as the head into the cockpit.)

Baloo: Where she stops, nobody knows. But where's that mummy? (The pyramid finally crashes down right in front of the canopy which is part of the museum of ancient history with the mummy free falling on top and probably died right on top of the pyramid.)

Scene II

(Cut to the front of the pyramid as Fred, Buffy & Muffy Vanderscheemer, several reporters and a few others are lined up at the entrance. There is crowd murmuring. Cut to inside the pyramid as the mummy is in his coffin dead as a doornail. Baloo and Mira are watching on.)

Baloo: Looks like he's getting some well-deserved shuteye.

Mira: He's out star attraction. We'll even take in enough to build a new airport.

Baloo: And what else?

Mira: And a nice red carpet, and some dancing girls. (Mira walks off.)

Baloo: Solid! (Mira walks over to the line up and Seymour also made the trip.) WildCat? What are you doing? (WildCat is doing a handstand.)

WildCat: Ah, I like the place better this way.

Mira: (Showing the denizens a tunnel as Professor O'Bowens also made the trip.) And they say if you listen closely; you can hear the voice of the pharaohs.

Mad Dog: Captain? Are you in here? (We cut to a hallway as Dumptruck and Mad Dog are lost inside the pyramid.) Please answer me, please.

Dumptruck: Yoohoo...Captain? Where are you? (Dumptruck coughs and swears in Swedish.)

End of Episode At 21:32

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