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Mach One For The Gipper Transcript

Written: 04/24/2016
Updated: 12/04/2021

Act I

Scene I

(Shot of the SeaDuck flying in the clouds. Head to inside the cockpit with Baloo looking concerned while WildCat is in the navigator's seat fiddling around with a bolt and nut. )

Baloo Von Bruinwald XIII: Hey, WildCat; that engine sound rough to you? (WildCat flicks a nut on a bolt.)

WildCat Puma: Yeah! She's not happy at all. She's saying, "This cargo's too heavy for me!" (Baloo smacks his chops as the SeaDuck is rumbling a bit outside.)

Baloo: Hey, I'm getting some weird drag, WildCat. Ya mind checking it out? (WildCat goes into the back which is almost completely stuffed with cargo. WildCat goes through the cargo.)

WildCat: Whoops! Sorry! Excuse me. Comin' through. I'm sorry. (WildCat pushes some boxes away and then finds the red switch on the wall. WildCat pulls the switch and that opens the tailsection door of the SeaDuck. We cut to outside as we discover that the SeaDuck is loaded with six giant boxes with white wings attached to them and attached by a tow rope. The fourth one is swaying out of control outside as WildCat comes outside.) Oh, I see the problem. (WildCat jumps onto the box and crawls towards the fourth one as we cut back to the cockpit with Baloo still struggling with the controls.)

Baloo: Eh, it's the last time I let myself get this overloaded! (Cut to WildCat crawling towards the swaying box.)

WildCat: Hey, Wingfried! Let me fix that for ya. (WildCat jumps onto the box and the box spins like crazy. WildCat strains and grunts as he grabs the wing.) I'll have ya back on your struts and flying fine. (WildCat uses the wrench to tighten the box as it flops back to it's proper position.) There, see. Nothing to worry about now. (Suddenly a red plane arrives from the northeast and almost buzzes WildCat as he is forced to duck down.) Whoa! (The red plane does barrel rolls causing the SeaDuck to spin over and over again; causing the flying cargo to spin over and over again in sequence. WildCat is forced to hang on for dear life as he looks over a farm.) Whoops! Hey, look; cows! (Cut to the plane doing barrel rolls and then cut to inside the cockpit of the SeaDuck as Baloo grabs the transmitter and turns it on.)

Baloo: Hey, road-hog! Who checked you out?! Pilots are supposed to have eyes!

Male Voice: (On the transmitter.) Say; is that perchance my old buddy, Baloo?!

Baloo: Yeah, who's this?! (Baloo looks out the windshield as we see the red plane flying around recklessly.)

Male Voice: (On the transmitter) Only the bravest, fastest, handsomest airman that ever streaked across Mother Nature's blue roof! (Cut to the red plane flying upside down above the SeaDuck as we see a grey wolf furrying wearing a bomber jacket waving and piloting the red plane.)

Baloo: (Groans.) Oh, no! Ace London!

Ace London: That's a big bull's-eye affirmative! So where're ya headed? Kardy's?

Baloo: Yeah.

Ace London: Good! We'll play catch-up, just like the old days! See ya there! (Ace flies his red plane away as WildCat comes into the cockpit with the orange visor over his eyes.)

WildCat: Gee; who was that?

Baloo: Aw, a test pilot I know: Ace London. (WildCat's visor changes from peach to grey to peach again.)

WildCat: (Pulls up the visor.) Wow! You know Ace London?!

Baloo: Err...enough to wish I didn't.

Scene II

(Cut to the SeaDuck flying towards an island with two rock spires and a giant landing strip that looks like a diving board. The SeaDuck bounces off the ramp and bends the strip a lot. Bumping occurs inside the SeaDuck cockpit.)

Baloo: Eh, come on, sweetheart; cooperate! (Baloo bounces and lands right in front of the building. During this sequence, London's plane changes to green and then back to red in the next shot it is seen. WildCat is upside down in his seat as the engines go dead and Baloo pops up.) Ah, I got a word or two for Ace!

WildCat: Good idea! (WildCat slides down the seat as Baloo opens the pilot's door and walks out. WildCat follows him.) Oh, hey; and could ya get his autograph, too? (Baloo gets flustered and then just looks not amused at all. Baloo then notices someone wearing a yellow baseball cap, blue sweater and red pants with a clipboard in front of a shipping yard.)

Baloo: Hey, buddy?! Did ya see where this air jockey went to?

Kardy's Storage Coordinator: He's over at Sally's. (So Kardy's is the shipping yard/storage yard. Fans had it spelled Cardi's by the way.)

Baloo: Thanks! (Baloo walks over to a building called Sally's Alley with a propeller between the sign and a picture of a piece of pie in the middle of the window. Cut to inside at the counter with Sally (a leopard furry wearing Gosalyn's hair style, pink rimmed shades, a purple shirt and white apron) looking on as we pan over to a bunch of denizens watching over a pool table with Ace London shooting pool balls.)

Ace London: (Chuckles.) So when the fuel ran out, I started pouring root beer in the gas tank. (There is a woman bear holding a tray with orange hair and a pink dress.)

Woman Waiter: (Gasping.) Golly Ace, did it work? (London rubs the pool cue stick.)

Ace London: Are you kidding? That plane flew like a songbird; or my name's not... (Ace London does a stick in the arm pit trick and shoots the billard balls and all of them go into the corner pockets. Including the white ball.)

All Patrons: Ace London!

Ace London: You got that right! (The wooden door opens and in comes Baloo.)

Baloo: Listen, Ace! You just about wrecked...!

Ace London: Baloo! Ya finally got here, pal! (London puts his arm around Baloo and spins the pool cue stick.) I got your shot all lined up. (London walks Baloo over to the pool table on the other side.)

Baloo: But I gotta bone to pick... (Amelia, Seymour and the Vanderschemers are present in the background, along with Teddy in some shots. Baloo is given the pool cue stick by Ace.)

Ace London: Look at this perfecto shot! (Baloo is presented with a pool table filled with balls on the table in a perfect setup.) Can Ace line'em up or what?

Baloo: Well...(Chuckles.) I did beat ya last time, if you recall. (London is in shock.)

Ace London: Beat moi? Impossible! (Next shot of the table and the balls are completely lined up differently and there are only five balls left with no white ball. Baloo starts up his line on the red ball which is a solid red instead of white and the balls are moved again on the closeup shot. Baloo sweats and then Ace slaps Baloo on the back hard.) Do it, big guy! (Baloo slices through the green padding of the pool table with the pool cue causing the eight ball (which somehow appears out of nowhere) to fly into the air, destroy bottles like bowling pins (and shattering them), bouncing off Sally's counter and lands in the out of nowhere glass of root beer splashing Baloo in the face making him look angry. The woman patron uses a tray to shield herself. Oh, and the eight ball is labeled three for no reason.) Ha ha! That's Baloo, always behind the eight ball. (London takes out the ball, and it's labeled eight now.) Some things never change. (Ace walks away as he tosses the ball in the air and Baloo grabs it. Baloo's angry and blushing in anger. Ace goes over to Sally and wakes to her.) Ta-ta, Sal, my gal! I'm off to become really famous this time!

Sally: What're you testin' this time, flyboy?

Ace London: Well, sweetheart, all's I can say is...I've got an engine that's gonna make me the fastest man on Earth! (London jumps onto one of the stool; and places on foot on the counter for good measure.)

Male Patron: (Furry with a pink sweater and blue overalls.) Gee, Ace! How fast will it go? (Denizens whisper as Ace is now jump down to the floor.)

Ace London: Can't say, Ray! Top secret. (London walks towards the door.) But you can bet your sweet potatoes, I'm gonna make aviation history!

Baloo: (Sarcasm.) "I'm gonna make aviation history!" Well, you're not the only one with top secret stuff, Ace! I got an important mission of my own! (Ace walks towards Baloo.)

Ace London: Ooh! We're on pins and needles! What is it, pal-o-mio? (London has his arm over Baloo as the Kardy's shipping coordinator opens the door.)

Kardy's Storage Coordinator: Mr. Baloo? Your shipment of pickles is ready! (Ace walks out of the eatery.)

Ace London: Pickles?! Well, that's a "dill" of a job! (The coordinator and London walk off stage right as Baloo opens the door and is flustered.) Can't say I "relish" trading places! Heh ha ha ha! (Baloo walks towards Ace.)

Baloo: Hey, put it in park, Ace! I still gotta settle with you!

Ace London: Always playing catch-up, Baloo.

Baloo: I am not! (Ace and Baloo walk towards the hanger where in front of some boxes are two pilots in blue sweaters, boots and almond pants. One of them is wearing a tie and is tall; while the other furry is small (hamster) with a red scarf. Both are carrying muskets. Baloo and Ace walks towards them.)

Ace London: At ease, men. Got get a piece of pie or something. (The two gunmen look at each other.)

Ferret Guard Pilot: But sir, this is top secret cargo.

Ace London: Relax! I'll guard this engine or my name's not... (Ace snaps his fingers.)

Ace Guards Pilot: Ace London!

Ace London: You got that right. (Ferret pilot salutes him as he and Baloo get out of the way to allow both guards to walk away.)

Ferret Guard Pilot: Thank you, sir. Uhh, uhh, just remember, it's the crate on the left.

Ace London: Yeah, yeah! The left. Got it. So where were we?

Baloo: Er, umm, yeah...

Ace London: (Slaps Baloo in the back again.) So you keep practicing and maybe someday you will make it to the big leagues. (Baloo sways around and then walks away stage left.)

Baloo: Gee, thanks for the swell advice.

Ace London: Hey, that's why I'm here. (The shipping coordinator with his clipboard shows up and pokes his pencil on Ace's shoulder.)

Kardy's Storage Coordinator: Excuse me, sir. Which crate do I load? (London puts to the one on his left.)

Ace London: That one. (The coordinator looks and is confused.)

Kardy's Storage Coordinator: Uh, are you sure?

Ace London: Yes, I'm sure. The one on the left! (The coordinator still looks confused; so he takes out the one on Ace's left (the real one is the gunmen's left by the way.) and wheels it to his red plane. Ace uses his fingers to blow the whistle.) Let's saddle up, boys! (Somehow; the two ace guards can hear him inside Sally's at the counter eating pieces of cherry pie. They both drop their forks and run out.)

Scene III

(Head to an airfield and a large building with an air traffic control tower.)

General's Professor: That engine is invaluable, General! One of a kind! Where could that pilot be? (There are two furries (one raccoon and one bulldog) pacing around inside the air traffic control room. The aide is wearing a blue suit with a tie and a blue hat; while the general is wearing a green uniform (with medals and ribbons pinned on it with green shoulder pads on the shoulders and a red berret; pants and boots.)

General: Relax, Doctor. London is our best man.

General's Professor: Then where is he?

Ace London: (On the transmitter.) Yo, General Patent! (Fans called him General Pattron.) This is the base of the ace, my wheels are in place. (Patent and the doctor look outside and at the radio as we get a sky shot of the airforce base.) Gmmie the nod and I'll hit the sod. (Cut to Patent chuckling.)

General Patent: That's my boy! All clear, Ace! (Cut to the shoreline as Ace and his two sidekicks fly and land on the landing strip of the air force base.)

Ace London: Then, get the band warmed up, 'cause Ace London's comin' to town!

Scene IV

(Cut to a hanger where we see the Ace guards opening up the boxes with crowbars and bringing in a ladder for Patent's doctor as we pan over to General Patent and Ace London in which Ace is flipping a coin.)

Ace London: So brief me. Just what kind of motor am I testing this time? (The doctor is climbing the ladder.)

General's Professor: Oh, it's not a motor. It's a jet engine. First of it's kind!

Ace London: Sounds like my cup of tea. (The doctor digs through the padding in the boxes.)

General's Professor: The jet runs on this special bottled fuel, see? (He then brings out a glass jar of dill pickles.)

General Patent: Pickles?!

General's Professor: Pickles?!

Ace London: (Flicks the coin and it drops on the ground off-screen.) Uh-oh!

General's Professor: Where's my engine? (The professor throws the jar away and dives into the box, swimming in it.)

General Patent: Who's responsible for this?

Ace London: (Defending himself.) Ummm..(Clears throat.) I know. There was this cargo pilot back at Kardy's. He probably switched freight on me. (Patent turns around.)

General Patent: Then I want that man arrested!

Ace London: No! No, leave it to me, sir. I'll get that engine back, or my name's not...

The Air Force: {Ace snaps his fingers and everyone rises.} Ace London!

Ace London: You got that right! {Winks at the camera.}

Scene V

(In the sky with Ace London with his goggle hat on in the red plane on the transmitter.)

Ace London: All right, men; we gotta find Baloo! (The two sidekicks are in their green planes.) He's carrying the most powerful engine on Earth, and if that device fell into the wrong hands, why...

Ferret Ace Pilot: (On the transmitter.) Ah, excuse me sir; but this is top secret stuff. You shouldn't be talking about it over the airwaves!

Ace London: Ah, relax! Besides, who's gonna hear us? (Sky shot as the Iron Vulture appears above the clouds. Cut to inside the wheel house as Don Karnage is listening to all this on the jury rigged radio.)

Don Karnage: Yes?! Who will hear, indeed? Now if I -- the fabulous Don Karnage -- were to acquire such an fantastic engine, do you know what I could do?

Gibber: {Nods and whispers in Don's ear.} Psst....garage sale...

Don Karnage: No; I would not have a garage sale! I would be the fastest fantastic pirate alive! It would be so easy do you say? Fleece and run!

Scene VI

(Head into the sky over the ocean as the SeaDuck flies into the hard camera.)

Baloo: I tell ya, WildCat; ever since we were kids, Ace was always good at getting two things: The glory and my goat! (Head into the cockpit as Baloo is piloting the SeaDuck while WildCat is opening a bottle of orange soda with a wrench. Wang's colored the inside of the bottle with orange trim; but clear liquid which changes to orange liquid in the shot where WildCat opens the bottle successfully and gives it to Baloo.) Oh, man; what I wouldn't give to see me being the hero and him hauling the freight, just once. (WildCat opens another bottle as Baloo drinks the soda pop. Then the radio turns on and Baloo does a spit take right on cue.)

Ace London: (On the transmitter.) Baloo! It's Ace! Wait up! (Baloo wipes his mouth and takes the transmitter.)

Baloo: Well, speak of the devil...(On the transmitter.) Aren't the shipping lanes a little slow for the fastest man on Earth? (WildCat drinks his orange soda.)

Ace London: (On the transmitter.) Ya gotta give me your cargo right now, Baloo! That's an order!

Baloo: (On the transmitter.) Heh ha ha ha! Go fly a kite, pal! I don't work for you. (Baloo puts the transmitter away. Cut back to Ace and his fanclub as Ace puts the transmitter away.)

Ace London: Fine! Guess I'll have to show him I mean business. (The red plane and two green planes fly above the SeaDuck and past it.) Close it up, men; and stay right on my wingtips! (Baloo and WildCat look shocked as the planes fly around in front of him.)

Baloo: Hey, I'm not playin' air chicken with that airhead. (Baloo flies in between them and somehow the three planes tailspin and dives into water as there is splashing effects below. Head into the cockpit with WildCat.)

WildCat: Nice move, Baloo!

Baloo: Yeah, that felt pretty good. (Chuckles.) Looks like this is gonna be a nice day after all. (Then we hear gunfire ensue as three CT-37's arrive with Don Karnage and his air pirates shooting at the SeaDuck. They fly into the SeaDuck causing the SeaDuck to sway.) Oh! I take it all back!

End Of Act I At 9:06

Act II

Scene I

(Cut to Don Karnage's CT-37 turning around in mid-air and then shooting straight at the nosecone of the SeaDuck with two more plane crossing inbetween as the SeaDuck nearly klonks Don Karnage in the head. Head into the cockpit of the SeaDuck with Baloo piloting. )

Baloo: Why does everyone want pickles, all of a sudden?! (The radio crackles as another shot of gunfire booms out.)

Don Karnage: Surrender up, Baloo! (Cut to Don Karnage on the transmitter in his plane.) It is I, the incredibly amazing pirate...!

Baloo: (On the transmitter.) Don Gar-bage!

Don Karnage: (On the transmitter.) It is Karnage! Don Karnage! Roll the "R"!

Baloo: Whatever, Donny Boy. See ya! (Baloo pulls on the stick and we go up. Baloo flies the SeaDuck into the air and the CT-37's of course chase him like complete idiots because if you recall; CT-37's croak on a steep climb.)

Don Karnage: After him, you sissies! (As predicted their engines begin to sputter and die.) This was not part of my plan! (The planes tailspin down into the water with Baloo in the cockpit looking on from the window.)

Baloo: Man, I gotta get off this route!

Scene II

(Cut to a dock in front of a wooden building called Bart's Deli which also contains a building to the right for a bait shop. We head inside the deli with Baloo and WildCat opening the crate which is retangle in shape instead of cubic like the pickles were. Bart is a giant cat with a beard and a lime green belly shirt and white hat.)

Baloo: I tell ya, Burt; you wouldn't believe the trouble I had getting these pickles to ya! (The box opens and there is the jet engine inside. Note: It's supposed to be Bart on the sign; but the guy is addressed as Burt. If this was a copyright issue with The Simpsons; then they forgot to edit the name on the sign to Burt instead of Bart.)

Bart: Hey! This does not look like my pickles!

WildCat: Umm, if ya squint like this; it sort of does. (Baloo is flustered.)

Baloo: Ace's secret engine! So that's why they were following me! (Bart grabs onto Baloo's shirt and gets in his face.)

Bart: I am not a happy man. The eighth annual "Pickle Hoedown" is tomorrow! And I got no gherkins! (Bart shakes Baloo and lets him down. Baloo backs up begging.)

Baloo: Easy! I'll find Ace London and be back in nothing flat.

Bart: Ace London? You know him? Could ya get him to sign this? My wife would love it. (Bart takes the hat off as Baloo is shocked and appalled.)

Scene III

(We see the SeaDuck flying over some islands. Cut to inside the cockpit with Baloo piloting and WildCat checking out the jet engine in the back.)

WildCat: You ought to see this thing, Baloo. It has no propellers, no pistons, and no gas tank!

Baloo: And neither does a turnip, but I wouldn't wanna fly either one.

WildCat: But it's fascinating!

Baloo: I just wanna give it back to Ace and be done with it. (Baloo turns around and notices Ace and his fanclub flying towards him.) Look what the cat dragged in. (Baloo grabs the transmitter and speaks into it.) Hey, buddy-boy! You saved me a trip...(Ace is firing his machine gun at the SeaDuck and it goes through the window and hits the radio; causing it to spark.) What's he shooting at me for?! (Baloo does a loop and into the cockpit bounces WildCat causing him to bounce over the chair and upside down in the seat.)

WildCat: Whoa, nighttime already?! (Then from behind comes Don Karnage and his air pirates in their CT-37's. Don Karnage shoots at the SeaDuck as Baloo turns around and panics.)

Baloo: Oh, no; it's Air Pirates! (The SeaDuck dives down and then hyperboles up causing the chasing planes to almost crash into each other.)

Ace London: Get out of our way!

Don Karnage: Go soak your elbows! (Baloo flies into the fog.)

Baloo: Man, everyone wants this cockamamie engine but me! (Cut to Ace on the transmitter.)

Ace London: He's gone into hiding! Come on! (The three planes of Ace go down towards the island where the SeaDuck is hiding. Jump cut to Don Karnage flying in the fog looking for someone. He looked to his right as did Dumptruck so they didn't look to the left and clearly see the SeaDuck in front of a cave. The radio transmitter turns on.)

Don Karnage: Future victim, Baloo! Where are you?! (Pan over to the cockpit as Baloo is shaking in his seat. )

Baloo: How are we gonna get out of this? They're gonna find us any second, and we can't outrun'em! (Baloo holds onto WildCat's chin. WildCat stands up.)

WildCat: Hey, Baloo; I just got this sensational idea that's like, in my head. (Whispers.) Let's use the secret engine!

Baloo: Are you loco? That's thing's untested! Secret! Dangerous! (Chuckles.) And absolutely perfect! (WildCat laughs. Cut outside in the fog with the Air Pirates boating away as we pan over to the other side with Ace London and his fanclub circling around.)

Ferret Pilot: You know, you shouldn't have fired on a civilian, sir.

Ace London: But he's a fugitive! You saw him! He resisted my orders, then attacked us! Forced us down! (Sky shot of both groups circling the SeaDuck in counter clockwise fashion.)

Ferret Pilot: Well, actually, sir; tha-that was your fault.

Ace London: Ace London at fault? Never! I want that plane found and destroyed! (Baloo is holding a lot of rope in the cockpit as Baloo and WildCat look at each other.)

Scene IV

(Cut to the roof of the SeaDuck as Baloo is tying the jet engine on top of the roof. WildCat climb down afterwards and Ace looks to his left and clearly sees the SeaDuck with the jet engine on the roof.)

Ace London: There he is! (Baloo turns around as the three planes come straight towards the SeaDuck. Baloo jumps into his seat in the cockpit and flicks switches.)

Baloo: I hope this works! (Baloo starts the engines and drives the SeaDuck out of the cave as the Air Pirates come from his right.) Oh, great! Just like Karnage to liven up the party! Oh, baby; we're sitting SeaDucks! (The Ace group is spiraling around above the SeaDuck while the pirates are behind the SeaDuck while circling. Head back into the cockpit.) Okay, WildCat; start the engine!

WildCat: (holding a green metal box with a titled screen on top and a pipe coming out from the front.) Roger-dokey, Baloo! Umm, how do I do that? (Baloo is not amused.)

End Of Act II At 13:14


Scene I

(Cut to the SeaDuck as Baloo and WildCat look on in the cockpit (with no jet engine in sight.) as gunfire rains down on the SeaDuck. They duck as the Ace group flies overhead. Then the Air Pirates group fires and hyperboles over the SeaDuck. The pirates fly up while the Ace group flies down and shoots at the SeaDuck. Glass shatters the windshield and somehow, Baloo manages to come up all right and goes over to WildCat who just sits there holding the box.)

Baloo: But I thought you knew something about this jet thing. (WildCat shakes the box and then turns around and nods at Baloo.) Well, do something!

WildCat: Oh, okay. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe! (WildCat picks the top right switch and flicks it. This causes the box to shake and a bunch of fuel goes through the black pipe into the jet engine. The engine starts up and flames out in mere seconds; then sputters like crazy. WildCat scratches his head.)

Baloo: Oh, yeah; we're moving lots faster now! (WildCat looks down and sees that the hose is tied up.)

WildCat: Oh, hey! There's a kink in the hose! (So WildCat does the whirlwind with his arms in order to untie the hose and make it straight. This actually causes the jet engine to go at full speed ahead and it goes crazy fast, causing Baloo and WildCat to pull away from the seats and controls and force them to crash into the back wall of the cockpit.)

Baloo/WildCat: Whoooooaaaaa! (More gunfire ensues on the SeaDuck as the SeaDuck is creating tsunamis which engulf all the planes in the front and causing everyone to scream. The SeaDuck drives on as the engine is out of control.)

Baloo: Turn it off! Turn it off! (WildCat's seat somehow is off-screen and it springs back to the cockpit as WildCat is about to flick another switch which is the bottom right switch.)

WildCat: I'll give it the old grade school try! (That causes the SeaDuck to float in the air somehow and then the engine sputters and dies. And then the engine fires backwards with the flame coming out the front instead of the back. Baloo and WildCat scream as they splat into the windshield that somehow has magically repaired itself. The SeaDuck flies backwards causing everyone on the ocean to panic as they get engulfed by the water again, only in reverse. Somehow; Ace is on his red plane pumping his fist.)

Ace London: I'll get that Baloo! (Back to the cockpit.)

Baloo: I said off, not backwards!

WildCat: Ooops! Well, let me try this... (WildCat flicks the bottom right switch and it stops going backwards, but it goes forward again. One of the ropes snap and that causes the SeaDuck to swirl around; then fly upside down and then jump cut to it flying right side up again. It circles around the island as we head back into the cockpit again.)

Baloo: I can't steer it! (The SeaDuck flies through a rock arch; then bounces off the top of a mountain and then starts to spiral down. Baloo and WildCat hold each other. Then the plane goes up as Baloo opens the pilot side door.) I'm gonna check out... what's... wrong. (Baloo climbs to the roof and sees the rope that snapped earlier.) Oh, no! (Baloo goes over and ties the thing up again. Cut to Don Karnage, Mad Dog and Dumptruck leaving the area on their CT-37's.)

Don Karnage: That Baloo has lost his marble cakes. Get my fantastic self out of here! (Don Karnage and company head for the Iron Vulture and then Don panics because here comes the SeaDuck from the left side of the Iron Vulture.)

Baloo: Look out! (The SeaDuck nails the planes and they go spinning right into the Iron Vulture. The SeaDuck spirals down towards the water.) Oooh, ah! WildCat, turn it off! (Baloo is hanging onto a rope as we head back in the cockpit with WildCat.)

WildCat: Okay. (He flips a switch and he is forced against the window causing him to grunt. The SeaDuck heads into the Iron Vulture and bounces off the walls and ceiling causing huge cartoon like dents. The SeaDuck finally crashes into the back of the Iron Vulture causing a hole in the wall. The engine finally turns off as we cut to WildCat looking for Baloo out the window.) I finally got'er shut off, Baloo! (Cut to Baloo sitting on the jet engine dizzy as heck.)

Baloo: Then why is the world still going around?! (Baloo falls onto the roof as we cut to Don Karnage laughing beside Dumptruck behind some wall above Mad Dog, Ratchet, Sadie and two others. The black coat pirate puts his knife literally in his mouth (like the old Seton Hall logo before they changed it.) as the pirates run down the catwalk towards the SeaDuck. Baloo pops up from the jet engine.)

Don Karnage: The plane is jamm-ed! Get me that engine!

Baloo: Uh-oh...WildCat! Turn it back on! (Baloo grabs the engine as we cut to WildCat looking out the window again.)

WildCat: Huh? Whooaaa! (WildCat flicks the switch and the engine turns on as this causes more dents in the ceiling of the Iron Vulture outside; causing the catwalk to flip; forcing the pirates to hang on for dear life. The black coat pirate also lost his knife from his mouth too. Baloo turns the engine so that it's facing backwards.)

Baloo: One more time! (Outside as the Iron Vulture sways around; and here comes Ace's red plane as Ace is looking worried.)

Ace London: What's going on? (He panics and flies away from the Iron Vulture. Back on the roof of the SeaDuck as Baloo is holding the jet engine and the rope snaps again.)

Baloo: Oops! (Baloo manages to push the engine down which should have burned a hole on the back of the SeaDuck and then it blasts away. Cut to WildCat at the window with the device.)

WildCat: Hey, Baloo! I think I got this figured...ooouuuttttt...! (WildCat goes flying out the window holding onto the green box. The jet engine flies around like crazy and then goes through the bomb bay doors and flies out above the ocean stage left. Baloo and WildCat both scream as the jet engine goes into the water and we go underwater for a while before cutting back to the Iron Vulture which is on fire, smoking; and throwing debris. Cut to inside the Iron Vulture's back wall as the SeaDuck finally pops out of the back wall with it's propellers damaged and the windshield fully broken. The SeaDuck plops from the bomb bay doors and into the water floating. We then see a wounded Iron Vulture flying away stage right.)

Don Karnage: I think I need a vacation. (Cut to Baloo, WildCat and the jet engine popping out of the water and flying in the sky. The engine is heading for a sandy beach with lots of palm trees and dunes. Baloo struggles to get the jet engine's nose up.)

Baloo: Nose up! Ah, pretty please! (Baloo is even praying on camera during this.) Oof! (The jet engine, Baloo and WildCat go through a sand dune and burrow underground like Bugs Bunny in various directions out of control as Ace's red plane catches up with them. The jet engine comes out of the sand due as Baloo spits and coughs out sand. The jet engine flies around some more as we see that they have made it to the air force base.) There's the Air Force base! (Baloo manages to steer the jet engine down just above the paved landing strip. Baloo spins underneath and uses his rear end to try to brake the jet engine; but no go. Out comes Ray from the hanger along with another furry wearing orange overalls and a blue hat holding a toolbox. They see the jet engine and then scatter in opposite direction as the jet plane flies into the hanger and then out the other side without causing any damage whatsoever. Baloo goes around a flag pole containing a black windsock.) Gangway! (Cut to the control tower with General Patent and his doctor with Patent almost puffing his face.)

General Patent: That's our engine! (The jet engine flies beyond the air force base. Baloo panics.)

Baloo: Gah! We missed the base! (Baloo gets back on top of the jet engine. Baloo tries to pull up the jet engine again and he manages to slow it down just enough to force it to turn around and go back. This causes the pipe to pop out of the socket forcing WildCat to grab the pipe and put it back in again.)

WildCat: Come here, little guy.

Baloo: There's the base, WildCat! Slow it down! Heh heh! Slow it down!

WildCat: Well, I haven't tried this one. (WildCat pushes the bottom right switch up again and the circuits start to buzz and spark. Now the engine goes from very fast to literally breaking the sound barrier in a huge fireball.. Everything rumbles as we cut back to Baloo on the jet engine.)

Baloo: {Complete with anime background.} Shut it off!

WildCat: I thought I did!

Baloo: Well, do it again! (And then the engine completely dies stopping the anime background. WildCat comes in from the right side in front of the jet engine.)

WildCat: We're outta juice.

Baloo: I figured. (WildCat slingshots back and both Baloo, WildCat and the jet engine free fall and crash into the ground causing smoke and colored pentacles (five pointed stars that if there was a circle around them; they would be pentagrams.). Baloo and WildCat are on the ground and somehow; the jet engine is almost perfectly intact.) Oh, man; some wild ride, but we're safe now! (We then hear guns cocked as at least half a dozen air force pilots in blue uniforms are aiming their guns at Baloo and WildCat; which on the sky shot increases to thirty three; not including General Patent and the doctor as they get through the ring of guns.)

General Patent: Start explaining, you yahoos! (Baloo and WildCat get up and salute the general. And then we hear Baloo and WildCat's voices echo.)


Wildcat: I THOUGHT I DID...DID! (WildCat and Baloo are confused.)

Baloo: WELL DO IT AGAIN! (General Patent is confused.)

General Patent: What in blue blazes was that?

General's Professor: They must have been going faster than sound! Those were their words catching up with them! You did it! You broke the sound barrier! (The professor walks in and shakes Baloo's hand.)

Baloo: Funny, felt more like my neck. (Baloo feels his neck with the other hand.)

General's Professor: You're famous! (Baloo is so happy as Ace London runs in protesting this outrage.)

Ace London: No! No, no, no, wait! I'm the one who's supposed to be famous! Not him! He stole my engine!

Baloo: Hey, whoa! Feather your props, Ace! I may be a lowly cargo pilot, but I'm not a thief! (Baloo finally forces the professor to stop shaking his hand. Ace folds his arms as the ferret and hamster pilots come in at last.)

Ferret Pilot: He's right, sir. You must've loaded the wrong crate. (Ace is shocked and angry at the ferret pilot.)

Baloo: And then when I tried to give it back, you shot at me! (Poking Ace with his finger to force the point.)

Ace London: (Backing up and begging off.) Wha-what're you talking about?

General Patent: Shooting at civilians?! Mishandling top secret property?! (Gets in Ace's face.) I'll deal with you later, London! (Patent then shoves Ace London down onto the ground and turns around to Baloo.) Congratulations, son; this will go in the history books.

Baloo: Honest injun? Well, how about that?

General Patent: You tested our jet for us. Now what can we do for you?

Baloo: Well, I still have to deliver my pickles, but I got no plane!

General Patent: Hmmm...Why, he could fly the cargo for you, or his name's not...

Air Force: {All in unison surrounding a stunned Ace London.} Ace London!

Ace London: {Whining.} You got that right. {Cries in his red baron plane in the sea at sunset as he flies away with the cargo of pickles into the sunset.}

End Of Episode At 21:15


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