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The Incredible Shrinking Molly Transcript

Written: 05/13/2016
Updated: 12/11/2021

Act I

Scene I

(Black & White shot of a bunch of thorny vines and then pan up to a bridge and castle with crickets chirping. Bats squeak and fly out of the castle. Thunderclaps ensue. Cut to inside as a hand of a scientist wearing a white coat is turning knobs and switches. Cut to rabbit ear antennaes powering up with white light. More parts powering up as we see a panther scientist wearing a white coat with skunk hair laughing with an evil laugh. He throws a switch and a giant golf club rises from the floor as the roof cone opens to let the golf club rise to the roof and be exposed to the storm clouds. Cut back to the sky shot of the doctor and his creation under a blanket on a wooden table.)

Mad Doctor: Give my creation life! (Thunderbolts hit the golf club head as the machine is sparkled with blue lightning bolts. The doctor notices a hand moving from the creature. The sparks then nail the doctor in the rear end and he jumps like there is a superball in his butt over the creature on the table.) YEOWWWWWW! (The creature sits up zombie style.) Maybe I should have used a seven iron. (It growls as we cut to Kit sitting in his seat as he crushes his popcorn container and looks a bit scared while Rebecca beside him screams. We hear the creature groaning as we are in the movie theatre seeing the creature stalking the doctor and backing him up. Cut back to Kit as the popcorn container is back to normal now.)

Kit Cloudkicker: Isn't this great Baloo? (There is metal clanging as Kit is trying to eat his popcorn. Kit notices Baloo is trembling and under the seat despite being way too big for them.) You're not scared, are ya; Poppa Bear?

Baloo Von Bruinwald XIII: Ah, no! I had just dropped a...uh...a nickel. (Kit and Rebecca chuckle at his expense.)

Kit: Aw, ya big baby. (We hear pots and pans clanging as the monster is growling. Rebecca then notices that Molly is not in her seat for some reason.)

Rebecca Cunningham: Molly? Where's Molly? (Rebecca looks around and then under the seats. Cut to Kit on the seat pointing; as his popcorn bag has changed from purple/red to just red with white letters Pop on them.)

Kit: The balcony, Miss Cunningham. (Cut to the screen as there is a shadow doing cos-play on the screen while the creature is stalking the doctor on screen. Cut to the balcony as Molly is using her doll as a weapon and is literally pounding the wind on the edge of the balcony.)

Molly Elizabeth Cunningham: Take that! And that! (Rebecca panics and runs out of the theatre and does a hurdle jump over the sign that states that the balcony is closed. Cut to Rebecca going over to Molly who finally stops cosplaying. Meanwhile; the doctor has bailed while the monster is throwing stuff on camera.)

Rebecca: Molly! You shouldn't run off like that. You're too little.

Molly: Uh-uh. I'm bigger than the monster. (The doctor is sliding back in fear as the creature is still growling.) Besides, I couldn't see over the chair. (Rebecca grabs Molly.)

Rebecca: Come on, young lady. Until next time, the balcony is closed. (Rebecca takes Molly away from the baloney as we see the creature is out of the castle in front of a graveyard with crosses in it. One more thunderclap ensues and they are all in color by the way.)

Scene II

(Nightfall at Higher For Hire. Storm clouds rumble as thunderbolts rain down. Head inside at the steps as Molly is looking out of the window while Baloo is snoring at Rebecca's desk with an open blue covered book on his belly whipping in the wind of Baloo's snores. Rebecca comes in not amused by this.)

Rebecca: Baloo! (Baloo wakes up startled.)

Baloo: Uh! (Baloo gets up and shuffles the book.)

Rebecca: We've gotta finish the inventory!

Baloo: I am. I am! (Baloo is reading the book upside down called account records which has gained a red arrow up on all sides of the book. Kit comes in flying a red helicopter and runs around the office.)

Rebecca: Eh, the account book is upside down.

Baloo: Hey, creative accounting. (Cut to Kit twisting the key of the helicopter and it winds and flies into the air. Molly is on a box still looking out the window as the helicopter buzzes all around her and she flicks it away as Kit runs up the stairs.)

Kit: Hey, careful, short stuff! (The helicopter lands in the ceiling fan blades as Kit notices Molly is looking out the window.) Molly? (Kit looks out with Molly as they see an abandoned building that the tower was crumbled quite a bit. Some of the windows were lit though.)

Molly: There's someone in that building! (Thunderbolts ensue.)

Kit: No. It's deserted. (Kit walks back down.)

Molly: Uh-uh. I bet the Mad Doctor lives there. (Kit takes a broom and pushes on the ceiling fan.)

Kit: Heh heh, and I've got the SeaDuck in my pocket. (Molly sighs.)

Molly: When you're little, no one ever listens. (The helicopter is pushed down as it spirals down towards Baloo. Kit runs down the stairs.)

Kit: Incoming, Baloo!

Baloo: (Wakes up.) What? Ooof! (Molly continues to look outside and notices a fox doctor shadow in the window. It leaves.)

Molly: Mommy, the Mad Doctor is out there. (Molly jumps from the box onto the stairs.) We should see what he's doing. (Somehow; Rebecca is at the office shuffling papers.)

Rebecca: Not now, dear. I have work to do, and you're too small to go alone.

Molly: No, I'm not. I can...

Rebecca: Molly, I said no! Besides, it's going to rain, pumpkin. (Rebecca writes on some papers as thunderbolts rain from the window.)

Molly: Mommy said I can't go out. But she didn't say anything about...

Scene III

(Cut to outside as Molly opens the office door and jumps out onto the welcome mat; wearing her red cape and colinder on her head.)

Molly: Danger Woman! (Thunder rumbles as Molly walks with her cape in Dracula position as we cut to Molly behind a sandcastle near the sand area she played in Mommy For A Day.) Ah, I knew we'd get away easy! No one ever notices me. (Molly looks at the doll and the building. Molly walks towards the building. We fade to black and then return as Molly reaches the side door of the building. Molly stops in front of a large tree which has gained a rock and boxes since last time. We pan up as we see blue lightning bolts in the window. There is also a beehive on the tree as Molly talks to her doll.) Something is going on, Lucy. (Molly struggles onto the boxes and almost loses her balance. She pants.) I just wish I was a little bigger. (Molly climbs the tree as the rain pelts down on her. Molly climbs on the branch with the beehive below it. Molly throws her doll on the window sill and kneels onto said sill.) I can't see, can you?! (She shows the doll to the window and then shrugs.) Oh well... (Molly climbs down and her foot smacks the beehive. The beehive freefalls and crashes onto the ground, splitting it open. A swarm of bees/wasps come out of the beehive.) Uh-oh. (Molly climbs back on the sill and backs up to the window as the bees come straight for for. The window flips Molly into the building, causing her to backflip and then free fall down. The bees enter the building through the window) Whoooaaaaa! Ow! (She lands on a wooden floor inside the building which is dark. Molly looks to her right and sees a giant green machine and a desk with chair beside it.) Where are we, anyway? (Molly gets up and walks towards the giant green machine and notices a light switch like thing on the machine. Molly runs towards it and strains; but the switch is too tall to reach.) Looks like a job for Danger Woman's trusty sidekick, Lucy. (Molly slaps the machine with Lucy and manages to flick the switch on and it is a light switch since the lights turn on. Molly looks at Lucy.) Good work! (Molly turns around to notice that there were four steel rods with red orbs on top.) Wow! I knew it! (We hear a rat squealing as Molly hunches down to see a grey rat near her.) Aw, a little lost mousey. (The rat runs into a mouse hole stage left. Then we hear a male voice clearning his throat.)

Mad Fox Scientist: Hello? (Cut to a dressing barrier as a shadow of a fox figure arises looking scary. Molly backs up on cue.)

Molly: The Mad Scientist! The lights! (Molly slaps the light switch with Lucy; but it hits the middle steering wheel and the wheel spins. The machine lights up and powers up. Molly slaps Lucy and four switches are pulled as a result. The lightning sparks ensue as Molly backs up.)

Mad Fox Scientist: Who's there?! (Molly turns around and drops her doll in frieght as she sees the fox scientist's shadow as the dressing barrier. Molly runs off stage right and then turns around to notice that she's dropped Lucy on the floor.)

Molly: Oh, Lucy! (Molly runs towards Lucy as the red orbs all power up and zap a laser right into Molly. The beams go through the colinder and Molly simply vanishes into thin air.)

Scene IV

(Back at Higher For Hire as it's nightfall and the rain is pelting like crazy. The lights are on.)

Rebecca: Molly? (We see Kit on the stairs in the office as Baloo is now back at the desk snoring with the book on his belly. The door is closed and Baloo wakes up instantly.)

Baloo: Wha?! (We see Rebecca had exited the room and she's not amused.) Ah, good news Rebecca. We're almost done. (Baloo is flipping through the pages in a panic as Rebecca doesn't care.)

Rebecca: I finished an half an hour ago. (Rebecca goes to the filing cabinet and opens up a shelf.)

Baloo: Oh.

Rebecca: Have you seen Molly?

Baloo: Well, she wouldn't be in there. (Rebecca closes the filing cabinet.)

Rebecca: Oh, right. (We then see the wind-up helicopter flying around Rebecca and Baloo.)

Baloo: Kit, do you know where Molly is?

Kit: Nope. (Thunderclaps ensue. Kit then looks out the window.) On second thought, maybe I do.

Scene V

(Head back to outside the building as Baloo, Rebecca and Kit make it to the side door. Thunderbolts and rain pelt down.)

Rebecca: How could Molly do this?!

Kit: Aw, you know how little kids are.

Baloo: Yaw, I'm sure she's fine. (Baloo knocks on the knocker from changed from gold to black in between shots. He then stops.) Ah, maybe we should check those nice, safe houses down the street first. (Rebecca grabs him and knocks on the knocker which changes to bronze in the next shot. Rebecca opens the door and Baloo, Kit and Rebecca enter the building. Rebecca grunts and walks up the stairs.)

Rebecca: Hello? Anybody home? (Kit looks around the railing and then he and Baloo follow Rebecca upstairs. Rebecca opens the door on the top of the stairs and they head inside the lab where the rods with the red orbs are. The giant machine is now banana yellow. Rebecca walks in with Baloo and Kit following her.)

Baloo: Ah, you don't suppose there really is a mad scientist in here?

Rebecca: No, just a mad mother. (The bees show up and they swarm straight at the three as Baloo, Kit and Rebecca dive down onto the floor.)

Baloo: Whoa, this place needs an exterminator! (Rebecca points and sees Lucy.)

Rebecca: Look! Molly has been here. (On the closeup shot; it appears that Kit Cloudkicker is picking up the doll; but on the next shot you can clearly see Rebecca has the doll. Winds are blowing as the door is slammed shut. Baloo, Kit and Rebecca are together.) Molly?

Baloo: Come on out, kitten.

Kit: Molly?! (Baloo, Kit and Rebecca step back slowly. The fox mad scientist clear his throat again as Baloo, Kit and Rebecca turn around. Kit screams as we see the fox scientist with glasses and a red bowtie with a plate of toast in his hands. He screams and the plate crashes onto the floor with the toast buttered face down.)

Mad Fox Scientist: Oooo.... (The scientist faints on his back. Everyone's in shock as we see the fox on the ground as he slowly wakes up.)

Baloo: Watch out. He's coming around. (He wakes up and Baloo turns into three guys for a second before turning back into one. Boing sounds ensue.)

Mad Fox Scientist: Ahhh!

Baloo: Easy. Easy. (The fox scientist stands up.)

Mad Fox Scientist: What do you want?! Are you robbers?! I knew it! Here! Here! Uh-uh! (The scientist takes out his watch and shows it to them.) Take my watch! Take my money! Take me out to the ball game! Take, ah....! You are robbers, right? (The scientist is on his knees begging and then looks confused.)

Rebecca: We're not robbers. But who are you?

Doctor Zibaldo: I'm Doctor Zibaldo. I live here.

Kit: He is a mad doctor! (Zibaldo folds his arms and looks like he is crushing his hands.)

Doctor Zibaldo: I'm not mad! Of course, I'm not thrilled about you being here, either. (Rebecca grabs Ziabldo by the coat and gets in his face as Zibaldo's glasses go flying.)

Rebecca: Doctor Zibaldo! Where is my daughter?! (Zibaldo pounds on her head and frees himself. He puts up his dukes.)

Doctor Zibaldo: Unwelcome person! I don't know! (Zibaldo pulls on his bowtie.)

Rebecca: I'm sorry, but my Molly's missing. Can you help me? (Baloo has teleported to looking at the machine as Zibaldo grabs the jelly side down piece of toast on the floor.)

Doctor Zibaldo: Why is it toast always lands jelly-side down? You could drop ten slices, a hundred slices, and every one would...

Baloo: Wow! I bet a radio this size can pick up the moon. (Baloo is about to pull the switch as Zibaldo runs in screaming.)

Doctor Zibaldo: Don't touch that! (Zibaldo gets in between Baloo and the machine.) It's not a radio! It's a Shrinking Machine, my life's work. It makes things smaller, so they'll fit into suitcases better. Or will, once I perfect it. (Kit and Rebecca walk towards the machine.)

Baloo: Sounds like he could use a good shrink himself. (Kit giggles under his breath as Zibaldo panics as there is static being heard.)

Doctor Zibaldo: Oh, dear! Someone's turned it on! (The meter reads: Slow, Half and something in the red; but the reflection completely makes it unreadable.)

Rebecca: Molly! Tell me! Could my daughter have been shrunk? (Rebecca shakes Zibaldo and then walks off.)

Doctor Zibaldo: Goodness! If she were, do you know what this means? (Zibaldo walks with Rebecca.) She's gonna need a whole new wardrobe! What's more; my invention works! (Jumps for joy.) It works! (Zibaldo laughs as he makes it to his desk. We pan down from the stool to see that Molly is down there, only about an inch in height.)

Molly: So that's what happened. The machine shrunk me. And I thought I was little before. (Baloo comes over as the black stool is now purple and Baloo leans on the stool with his rear end pondering stuff over. Molly comes over and pounds on Baloo's left ankle.) Baloo! Baloo! (She kicks Baloo's ankle.)

Baloo: Ouch! I think you got fleas, Doc. (Baloo lifts his left foot and scratches it as Molly is under it and is panicking as she runs to dodge the foot.)

Molly: Eeeekk! Mommy! Mommy! (Look up to Zibaldo.)

Doctor Zibaldo: I must record this success! Where is my pen? (Zibaldo steps towards Baloo.)

Rebecca: Doctor?! We've got to find my little girl! (Baloo stomps the floor.)

Baloo: Yeah, Doc; and now!

Doctor Zibaldo: Excuse me, but you really should refrain from stomping. If the little girl is shrunk; you could...uh...squash her.

Rebecca: Oh my gosh! Everyone freeze! (Everyone freezes as Baloo sits on the stool. Cut back to Molly under the stool. She looks to her left and here comes the rat growling at her.)

Molly: It's the little lost mousey! (Molly backs up as the rat hisses and growls at her as it advances to her.) Only you look bigger up close.

End Of Act I At 9:24

Act II

Scene I

(Molly continues to back up as the desk is red colored and the stool is wooden in color. The mouse hisses.)

Molly: Nice mousey. (Pants.) Nice mousey. (The rat hisses at Molly. Molly bails stage left towards the lab table. The rat follows her as Molly runs into the hard camera.) Mommy! (The rat follows her as we cut to Kit, Rebecca, Baloo and Zibaldo all doing ballerina stretches. Baloo has somehow gotten to the middle of the floor after being next to the desk when they froze.)

Baloo: Um, Becky, not that I'm complainin'; but my arches are beginnin' ta fall. (Rebecca turns around and we hear a rat hiss and she screams. She jumps into Baloo's arms and Baloo sways like mad.) Hey! (Baloo falls on his seat with the cap over his eyes.) Easy on the upholstery, lady! (Rebecca climbs on top of Baloo's head.)

Rebecca: A rat! A rat! (Cut to a rat hissing as we see Kit take off his baseball cap.)

Kit: I'll get it! (Kit sneaks in and tries to swipe it; but the rat bails. Kit chases the rat. Rebecca dodges Kit. Cut to Molly near the table.)

Molly: Help! Help! (Rebecca's foot comes down and Molly dodges it and then lands on the top of Rebecca's foot.) Mommy! Don't squish me! (Rebecca runs away from the rat as Kit is chasing it with his baseball cap. Baloo is following him.)

Rebecca: A rat! A rat!

Baloo: Hold on, Becky! I got it! I got it!

Kit: I got it! I got the rat! I got it! (Zibaldo is at his desk at the toaster as Rebecca turns around and hides behind Zibaldo as a piece of toast comes out of the toaster.)

Rebecca: (Panting.) Doctor?! What are you doing?! (Molly jumps off Rebecca's foot.)

Doctor Zibaldo: Making toast. What else? (Molly notices Rebecca talking to Zibaldo and there is a giant wire for her to climb up.)

Rebecca: How can you think about food at a time like this?! (Molly climbs the wire.)

Doctor Zibaldo: Beating smooshing shrunken little girls, doesn't it? (Rebecca then realizes what that means as we see the rat running away stage right.)

Rebecca: Everybody freeze! (Baloo and Kit are forced to do stretches like dancers again. Kit puts his hat back on.)

Kit: Here we go again.

Rebecca: How am I going to find her, Baloo? She could be anywhere. (Baloo comes over despite being told to freeze earlier.)

Baloo: Easy, honey! We just gotta think this through rationally.

Rebecca: I am thinking rationally!

Baloo: No, you're thinking loudly. (Cut to Molly grunting as she makes it onto the table. She climbs onto the slider of the toaster.)

Molly: I hate being little! Mommy! Mommy! I'm right here! (Cut to Rebecca in tears as Baloo is catching them.)

Baloo: Now just calm down. I'm sure Molly'll pop up soon. She's a trooper. (Pan over to Kit who looks and notices Molly's reflection on the toaster.)

Kit: Look! There she is! (Baloo and Rebecca look towards the toaster and see Molly standing on the slider.)

Baloo: What'd I tell ya?!

Rebecca: Molly! (Molly is popped up into the air. The bread slices are white when they leave the toaster in mid-air. Only one of them drops fully toasted into Zibaldo's hands.)

Baloo/Kit: Molly!

Doctor Zibaldo: Butter! (He spreads jelly with a knife on the toasted bread. Molly does flips and is screaming in mid air.)

Molly: Whoooaaaaaaaa! (She bounces off the blue sofa and lands on the cushion edge.) Maybe being tiny isn't so bad. (She hears marching.) Uh-oh. Sounds like the army's coming! (We see a purple bug with multiple legs coming towards Molly. Molly jumps onto the bug and rides away stage left.) Hooray! A ride back to Mommy! (Head back to Zibaldo eating toast as Baloo is sitting in a green chair deep in thought.)

Rebecca: We should split up. Each get on our knees and search. (Baloo grabs Lucy.)

Baloo: Naw, never work. What we need ta do is think small.

Scene II

(Cut to the SeaDuck inbetween the rods with red orbs as Zibaldo is at his shirnking machine clicking and checking the buttons. He is twisting knobs on the machine.)

Doctor Zibaldo: I really don't like this, you know. (Cut to Rebecca at the side door.)

Rebecca: Doctor Zibaldo, we have no choice. (Zibaldo climbs the step ladder.)

Doctor Zibaldo: Easy for you to say. But if something goes wrong, it's my insurance premiums that'll skyrocket! (Cut to the red desk as we see the purple bug with Molly in tow marching in. It stops and slingshots Molly off of it and Molly lands right next to the conveniently placed mouse trap.)

Molly: Whoaaa! Umph! Hey! We're only half way to Mommy. (The purple bug runs away stage right as the shadow of the rat engulfs Molly. Molly looks to her right as the rat hisses near the mousetrap.) Uh-oh. (Molly bails to the wall as the rat inspects the trap and then turns around and uses it's tail to spring the trap; causing the cheese to fly up into the air and land in it's hand. Molly claps.) Good trick...(The rat eats the cheese and then hisses and growls at Molly. Molly backs up as the rat stalks her.) Ummm, but I bet you're stuffed? (The rat hisses.)

Scene III

(Cut back to Baloo inside the SeaDuck in the pilot's seat. Pan over to Kit on a stool on the microphone near the desk.)

Kit: We're ready when you are. (Rebecca is sitting in Kit's seat with the transmitter.)

Rebecca: All set here, Kit. Let's start shrinking. (The wooden step ladder is gone as Zibaldo is twisting wheels on the machine.)

Doctor Zibaldo: Funny. All the time that I was inventing this machine, I never once thought that a person would want to be shrunk.

Kit: What's the matter? You shrink'em, you unshrink'em later.

Doctor Zibaldo: You kidding? A machine that makes things bigger? (Ziblado laughs hard.) You've been reading too much science fiction.

Baloo/Kit/Rebecca: What?! (The red spot reads "HighRevs". The SeaDuck shrinks after being doused with lightning bolts.)

Kit: Baloo! Miss Cunningham! You all right?! (Cut down to the floor as the SeaDuck is now the size of the SeaDuck when Kit was holding it in My Fair Baloo.)

Baloo: We're fine, Kit. If you like bein' dinky. (Head into the cockpit with Baloo and Rebecca.)

Rebecca: Never mind that! We've got to find Molly. (Baloo pushes the start button to start the engines.)

Baloo: Yeah right, right. (Baloo tries to move; but the SeaDuck's left platoon is stuck inbetween the seams of the floorboards. The left engine is dying.) How about a hand, Li'l Britches?

Kit: Roger, teensie-weensie Poppa Bear! (Kit jumps down and kneels on the floor right in front of the tiny SeaDuck which the engines have already stopped.) Wow. (Kit grabs the SeaDuck by the front.)

Rebecca: Hey!

Baloo: Whoa! Easy out there! (Baloo and Rebecca sway in the cockpit of the SeaDuck.) We ain't maracas, ya know! (Kit looks in and then runs over and puts the SeaDuck on the desk. The engines start again.)

Kit: Cleared for takeoff! (The SeaDuck rides on the desk. Baloo and Rebecca panic because a giant piece of beard is blocking the runway. The SeaDuck bonks into the bread causing the slice to slingshot into the air and land right on the desk missing the SeaDuck. Rebecca breathes a sigh of relief as the SeaDuck takes into the skies as it flies around the room.) Doc, you've got work to do. (Cut to Molly looking around on the floor near the wooden stool. The rat finds her right away.)

Molly: (The rat growls.) Scat, rat! (The rat swipes at Molly; Molly dodges and bails into the sofa chair in which the rat gets caught in one of the loose springs. Molly backs up and takes a pen tip to her rear end.) Pick on someone your own size. (The rat swipes at Molly from the chair as Molly is fearful and then finds a fountain pen. She grabs it and squeezes it; causing black ink to spray right in the rat's eyes. Cut to the SeaDuck with engine drone noise flying all around the room. We see Zibaldo spreading butter on another slice of toast as Kit is opening the control panel and setting it down.)

Kit: Okay, it's off, Doc. What next? (Kit has snippers in his hands and Zibaldo is eating toast again.)

Doctor Zibaldo: You know, I once tried to develop an English muffin. It had nooks, but no crannies...

Kit: Doc! (Zibaldo loses his slice of toast.) Right now you have to fix your Shrinking Machine. Remember?!

Doctor Zibaldo: Oh, right! Hand me the pliers! (Zibaldo throws the toast away and Kit gives him the pliers. Zibaldo rushes the machine as Kit watches the SeaDuck flying around. Cut back into the cockpit of the SeaDuck as Rebecca scans the windshield and finds the rat as it has Molly by the cape. The rat is running off to the mouse hole.)

Rebecca: Over there, Baloo! Over there! (Molly loses the colinder as it bounces off her head while she grunts. Cut to Kit.) Kit! The rat! Molly!

Kit: This place has rats?! (Zibaldo throws out stuff from the machine.)

Doctor Zibaldo: I've been meaning to get a cat. (Cut to inside the cockpit of the SeaDuck.)

Rebecca: After them, Baloo! (The SeaDuck chases the rat as there is droning noises not made by the SeaDuck.)

Baloo: Funny, I don't recall the engines ever making that sound before.

Rebecca: And they're not making that sound now! (Cut to the swarm of bees coming right towards the SeaDuck.)

Baloo: Hang on!

End Of Act II At 15:19


Scene I

( Shot of the SeaDuck flying underneath a table as the bee swarm continues to chase them. Rebecca looks and then sits up in the chair panicking.)

Rebecca: Baloo! (We see that the bees are now flying right straight for the SeaDuck.)

Baloo: Who put the bee in their bonnet? (Baloo turns the SeaDuck to the right as the bees chase it.) These guys are good. (Rebecca is on the transmitter.)

Rebecca: Help, Kit! We've got hornets on our tail! (Kit jumps down with a fly swatter. and gets behind the SeaDuck and whacks the hornets with the fly swatter.)

Kit: Eat plastic, flyboys! (Kit continues to recklessly whack the hornets and then stops.)

Rebecca: Kit, stop! (Kit is frozen as the SeaDuck and hornet buzz right by. Head into the cockpit.)

Baloo: Looks like it's up to us. (Baloo pulls the SeaDuck up and does a backflip and gets behind the hornets.) Let's see how they like being stung for a change! (Baloo buzzes the back row hornet stringers and that causes the entire swarm to form the word "OW!" in response.)

Rebecca: (Chuckles.) That's taking care of those buzzy bodies! (The bees fly away in opposite directions.)

Baloo: Awful cowardly for hornets. Must be yellow jackets. (Cut to the rat dragging Molly into the mouse hole.)

Rebecca: But we're too late. Molly!

Baloo: Hold tight! (The SeaDuck flies into the mouse hole and flies around the back of the wall. The rat hisses and finds a sardine can to plop Molly right into it. The rat runs away stage right as Molly climbs out holding her nose.)

Molly: Phew! And Mommy thinks my room is a mess. (Cut to the SeaDuck cutting right through a spider's web as Molly jumps for joy.)

Rebecca: She's all right! (The rat swipes at the tailsection of the SeaDuck forcing the SeaDuck to fly away stage right. Rumbling happens inside the cockpit.)

Baloo: Aw, too close! With that rat babysitting, I can't land this thing. (Rebecca gets up and walks to the back.)

Rebecca: Maybe you won't have to.

Baloo: Where are you going? (Rebecca grabs the tow rope.)

Rebecca: Out the back, Kit does it all the time!

Baloo: Hold it! Kit knows what he is doing!

Rebecca: Baloo! That's my daughter! (Rebecca pushes the switch down to open the tailsection door.)

Baloo: And Kit has a board! (Rebecca grabs the tow rope handle and pushes herself out of the plane as the rope stretches to it's limit. Rebecca screams.) Hold tight! (Rebecca appears at the window on the pilot's side of the SeaDuck and knocks on the window before springing back.)

Rebecca: Believe me, I'm not planning to let go. (Cut to Molly waving on top of a bottle.)

Molly: Mommy! (The rat is in front of her hissing. Here comes the SeaDuck with Rebecca in tow.)

Rebecca: I'm coming, honey! (The SeaDuck buzzes the rat causing it to become confused as Rebecca grabs Molly on the rebound. The rat chases the SeaDuck as we cut to Kit on the control panel near three knobs, two buttons and a switch. The panel opens and out comes Doctor Zibaldo.)

Doctor Zibaldo: There! All back together again. (There are lights with wire on his nose.) Oh, fiddlesticks! I hate it when there are leftover parts.

Kit: What do they do?

Doctor Zibaldo: Beats me. We better test this. (Zibaldo kicks the switch; but the machine sputters and doesn't turn on.) I don't understand! (Kit looks and notices that the plug is sitting there.)

Kit: Doc, the plug! (Kit jumps down and pushes the plug into the large socket; falling flat on his belly as he does it. The machine powers up as Zibaldo is loving it. Cut back to the tailsection of the SeaDuck as Rebecca and Molly are reeled in. They land inside the back of the SeaDuck as Rebecca and Molly are embracing each other.)

Rebecca: Oh, baby! I'm so glad you're safe.

Molly: Me, too. (We see the rat chashing the SeaDuck as Rebecca screams.)

Rebecca: Full throttle, Baloo! (Rebecca pushes the switch and closes the tailsection door of the SeaDuck. The rat chases the SeaDuck back to the mouse hole as we cut to the desk with Kit on the microphone.)

Kit: Baloo, fly between the spheres. The doctor'll make you big again. I hope. (Head back to the SeaDuck flying.)

Rebecca: Baloo?

Baloo: What? (Head back in the cockpit with Baloo flying and Rebecca holding Molly in an embrace in the navigator's chair.)

Rebecca: If we're flying full speed when we enlarge, won't we smash into the wall? (Baloo panics as the SeaDuck flies through the mouse hole with the rat chasing them.)

Baloo: Yipes! Put seat backs and tray into their original positions and prepare for an emergency landing! (Cut to Kit on the stool near the desk.)

Kit: Hurry, Doctor! (Cut to Zibaldo on the control panel turning the wheel clockwise.)

Doctor Zibaldo: Here goes! (The machine powers up as the red orb are shooting blue thunderbolts from them. Both the rat and the SeaDuck get zapped (The SeaDuck get grazed though). The SeaDuck and the rat turn to normal and giant in that order. The thunderbolts turn red on cue as there is a lot of light effects on the SeaDuck.)

Rebecca: Brakes, Baloo! Brakes! (Baloo pulls on the flight stick as the SeaDuck crashes into the wall with really crappy impact stars as the plugs unsticks from the wall. Lots of glass shattering as the SeaDuck did in fact hit the wall. The tailsection door opens and out comes Baloo, Rebecca and Molly looking dazed.)

Baloo: Oooo, first time I ever landed on a runway shorter than my plane. Nice job, Doc! What in the...(Cut to the giant rat inbetween the rods growling as Rebecca comes out looking shocked.)

Rebecca: Oh dear.

Baloo: The machine, Doc! Shrink'em! (Zibaldo turns the wheel clockwise again; but nothing is happening as the machine is powered down.)

Kit: The plug!

Doctor Zibaldo: Remind me to pick up an extension cord tomorrow.

Kit: (Tiptoes towards the cord.) If ya got a tomorrow. (The rat cuts him off and hisses at him.) Rats! No offense! {Kit defending himself as the rat growls some more. It looks over to Baloo and Rebecca.}

Rebecca: What do we do? (Baloo is right behind Rebecca now.)

Baloo: Beats me. He's got us surrounded and there's only one of him. (Molly is shown and she simply runs in causing Rebecca to panic.)

Rebecca: Molly! Come back here!

Molly: Don't worry; I'm so small no one ever notices me. (The rat notices her anyway as Molly tries to get to the cord.)

Rebecca: But...! (Baloo covers her mouth.)

Baloo: Ssshh! (Whispers.) The kid's right. We've got ta give her a chance by keeping the rat entertained.

Rebecca: Oh! Ahem! Mr. Raaatttt! (The rat looks at Molly and then turns to Rebecca.) Did you hear the one about the two peanuts that got on the subway? One of them was "a-salted". (Rebecca lamely laughs as Baloo is instantly flustered on cue.)

Baloo: Oh! (Molly sneaks past the rat as the rat roars at Rebecca.)

Rebecca: Critic! (The rat turns around and notices that Molly is already at the plug and she's straining as she pushes the plug into the socket. The rat notices this and hisses.) Oh, no! Molly! Honey! (Molly manages to plug it in fully causing the machine to start up as the rat recoils and then jumps high into the air. It jumps in between the rods and gets zapped by the rods causing the rat to shrink back into it's usual small size. The rat squeals as it looks up and notices a giant Molly looking at it happily. Molly stomps the floor.)

Molly: Shoo! (The rat scatters stage left into the mouse hole and never comes back. Rebecca comes over to Molly.)

Rebecca: Molly, don't ever run off like that again. You could have been hurt.

Molly: I'm sorry, Mommy. But I knew no one would notice me. (Rebecca kneels down.)

Rebecca: We do notice you, sweetheart. Maybe we just don't show it enough. (She sighs and embraces Molly.) I'm sorry.

Baloo: Hey, we're sorry too, Doc!

Doctor Zibaldo: And I'm sorry, also.

Kit: What are you sorry for? (Zibaldo ponders it over.)

Doctor Zibaldo: I don't know. It just seemed to be the thing to say. (We smell something burning as there is smoke. He sniffs it and then turns around to notice that the shrinking machine has been completely burnt out and destroyed. Kit points this out.)

Kit: Doc! Your machine! (There are wires snipped out of it as Zibaldo has a fire extingusher and puts the sparks out.)

Doctor Zibaldo: Now I remember what those extra parts do!

Kit: I'm sorry.

Doctor Zibaldo: We covered that. I'm through with shrinking anyway. I've got a new idea. Television!

Rebecca: What's television? (Cut to Zibaldo putting bread into the toaster standing on stool.)

Doctor Zibaldo: A device to send radio shows into your house with pictures. (The bread instantly pops up warm; but untoasted.) So, anyone for toast?!

Rebecca: What an old little man.

Baloo: Heh heh. Yeah; and what a dumb idea! Radio with pictures. Ha ha ha! (Baloo, Kit, Molly and Rebecca walk towards the tailsection of the SeaDuck.) I'll bet this is the last time we hear of Doctor Zibaldo or television! Come on, let's go home. (We fade to black with electrical waves and then the universal test pattern signal.)

End Of Episode At 21:18


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