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Bygones Transcript

Written: 04/30/2016
Updated: 12/12/2021

Act I

Scene I

(Cut to storm clouds in the sky with rain falling. Thunder and lightning ensue. We see the SeaDuck flying and swaying as we cut to inside the cockpit with Baloo reading a comic book. The words on the page I couldn't make out; but it seems to be randomized French words.)

Baloo Von Bruinwald XIII: "As the decisive battle of the Great War raged on, the Squadron of Seven found themselves outnumbered ten to one. Squadron leader Rick Skye grinned and told his men it was time to earn their pay." (Rick Skye is a brown bear wearing a bomber jacket, gloves and goggles flying his plane and talking on a microphone.) "The seven men fought valiantly. One by one, their adversaries dropped like flies." (We also see that Baloo is reading a crappy drawn comic book while piloting the SeaDuck with his feet.) Man, oh man! What I would've given to be Rick's wingman. To have flown with the greatest. (He flips the pilot's cap backward and then starts mimicking gunfire while cosplaying machine guns. Then real gunfire ensues outside off-screen. Baloo looks out the window and notices Don Karnage flying his CT-37 towards him, along with two others.)

Don Karnage: (Transmitter.) So, Baloo; you don't even know enough to come in out of the rain, eh? (Baloo is on a transmitter that's bronze colored.)

Baloo: Sorry, Karny. But I'm not carrying any cargo this time. Will ya take a raincheck? (Baloo pushes the SeaDuck to the right.)

Don Karnage: (Transmitter.) Enough of your witless witticisms! Cargo or no, kiss your alierons goodbye! (The CT-37's start shooting as the SeaDuck flies into the clouds to dodge them.)

Baloo: (Chuckles.) Karny'll never find me in here. (Then he catches himself.) Hey, I'll never find me in here. (The clouds open to show the ocean as a lights are flashing on the ocean, showing a shadowy figure. Baloo rubs his eyes and then he comes down for a landing as Rick Sky is in the ocean hanging on for dear life. The SeaDuck hyperboles and then we scene change to the SeaDuck landing beside Rick. Baloo opens the side door to the SeaDuck.) Ahoy there! (An ocean wave splashes Baloo back into the cockpit. Baloo spits water and coughs.) Knew I shoulda brought my umbrella. (Baloo then notices the life preserver hanging on the cockpit wall and takes it. He throws it out towards Rick and Rick grabs it. Baloo reels him in.)

Rick Skye: (Disney Captions has him as Rick Sky by the way.) My men! Did you pick up my men?! Maybe they got through! Must check with Search & Rescue! (Baloo is now holding onto the SeaDuck with his hands while pulling the rope with his teeth and coughing and spitting.)

Baloo: Do you think maybe we can talk inside? It's gettin' a little damp out here!

Scene II

(Cut to inside the cockpit with Baloo and Rick as Rick is now wearing his goggles for no reason.)

Rick: (Panting.) I say, old man; thanks for hopping down to fish me out. (Then he takes the cap and goggles off anyway. Baloo is cleaning out his ears with a finger and then he gasps.)

Baloo: Wow! I haven't seen a flight jacket like that in years.

Rick: I just bought it last month at the PX. Here, want it? (Rick walks forward and takes off his jacket to reveal a uniform.)

Baloo: Ah, no; I can't. Can I? (Rick gives Baloo the bomber jacket.)

Rick: Go on. Just my way of saying thanks for savin' my hide. (We hear plane engine noises in the background as Baloo looks at the bomber jacket. Don hyperboles overhead as Baloo takes over the controls of the SeaDuck inside the cockpit.)

Baloo: Hey, we better make air-tracks! I've got a couple of guys on my tail. (Rick sits down in the navigator's chair as Rick has the comic books in his hands. Baloo is starting the engines.)

Rick: (Chuckling.) I say, don't we all? (The SeaDuck flies into the sky.)

Baloo: I don't mean ta be nosey; but what were you doin' out there in the middle of nowhere?

Rick: Last I remember, my men and I were hauling a shipment of silver for the war effort; then we ran into this blasted snowstorm.

Baloo: War? What war?

Rick: The Great War. Surely, you heard of it. Made all the papers.

Baloo: Uh, the Great War ended twenty years ago.

Rick: (Chuckles.) You're pulling my ripcord, right?

Baloo: Just who are you?

Rick: Where are my manners? (Rick salutes him.) Captain Rick Skye, leader of the Squadron of Seven. (Baloo looks shocked and then laughs out loud.)

Baloo: Oh, yeah; right. And I'm Amelia Bearhart, (Laughing hard while motioning to Rick that he's crazy.) leader of the loonies!

Rick: I tell you, I am Rick Skye.

Baloo: Ah, get outta here. Skye would be at least fifty, now. Besides, I don't think you want to be him.

Rick: And why's that?

Baloo: Because when he didn't return from his last mission, everyone figured he and his men stole the silver treasure. (Cut to Don Karnage and his CT-37 flying above the SeaDuck.)

Don Karnage: So, Baloo wants to play games? (More flying and shooting from the CT-37's on the SeaDuck through the storm clouds. Back in the cockpit as Sky comes over to Baloo's seat.)

Rick: Here, let me give you a hand. (Rick pulls on the flight stick and SeaDuck pulls up into the sky.)

Baloo: Wait! (Rick is now flying the SeaDuck as Baloo is hanging on for deal life on the pilot's chair yelling. Don Karnage is confused as Baloo yells some more. The SeaDuck flies upside down as we head back to the cockpit as Baloo is shaking the cobwebs on the roof of the SeaDuck.)

Rick: Handles quite nicely. (More reckless flying and yelling from Baloo. The Seaduck dives and bumps into the CT-37's causing them to do uncontrollable barrel rolls. Don Karnage looks like he's ready to vomit.)

Don Karnage: Baloo, you dare to cross Karnage? Ah, you naughty, naughty boy! You will regret this... (Don Karnage has to hold his hand over his mouth and gulp.) soon as I find you. (Head to the SeaDuck as it flies over clouds and then head inside the cockpit with Rick flying the plane and Baloo slowly getting up.)

Baloo: Man, oh man! I've never seen anyone fly like that! (Baloo's cap is on the side as he shakes his head.) You really are...Nah, you can't be, can you?

Rick: Now, what's this bloody rubbish about my squadron stealing the silver?

Scene III

(Back on the docks of Higher For Hire as the SeaDuck has already landed and is tied to a yellow bouy.)

Rebecca Cunningham: Aw, Baloo; so what if he says he's Rick Skye? (Pan over to Baloo reading a comic book as Rebecca is checking the cargo which has a lot of fireworks in it. Rick is watching Rebecca work.) Maybe he's got comic books like you do! I tell you, this guy's up to something!

Rick: I say, careful; or heh heh...he might hear you.

Rebecca: Oh; she doesn't mean it. She always gets this way, (Chuckles.) always.

Rick: It's all right. (Rick bows to Rebecca.) Madam. (Then he walks away from the docks.)

Baloo: Now look what you did. You hurt his feelings.

Rebecca: Oh, feelings shmeelings. There's something fishy going on.

Scene IV

(Cut to on the docks with WildCat bringing in a mine cart filled with recycled junk and other such stuff. He doesn't look where he is going as he bumps into Rebecca rear end to rear end and she goes into the box of fireworks. Rebecca gets up and she's upset.)

Rebecca: Oh, WildCat; watch where you're going! (Somehow a rubber tire has tied up WildCat.)

WildCat Puma: Sorry, Miss Cunningham. Just brought over some spare gizmos like you asked. Gonna fix the Duck up as spic as a new born span. (Cut over to Baloo sitting down reading the comics. Rebecca comes over and steals the comic book.)

Rebecca: Besides, even if he were Rick Skye, he'd still be a thief. (WildCat bounces on the docks for fun.)

Baloo: Hey! It just so happens he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.

Rebecca: Look, just get to work. You still have a shipment of fireworks to load and deliver. (Rebecca folds her arms.)

Baloo: Don't over-rev your engines, lady. I'll get right to it. (There is metal clanging in the background even though it's WildCat rolling like a pole for a wheel to roll. He bumps into the box of fireworks and that stops him. WildCat is dizzy as Baloo helps him up.) WildCat, could you get right on it? (Baloo gets the tire off of him and gives a crate of fireworks to WildCat. WildCat struggles and goes to the SeaDuck to load it up. Rebecca turns around and walks away.)

Rebecca: Baloo, I said for you to load the fireworks.

Baloo: I've got someone to talk to.

Rebecca: But WildCat will... (Several fireworks fly out already lit from the SeaDuck.)

Scene V

(Shot of the docks of Higher For Hire as we head to the tower above the office with Baloo and Rick looking out.)

Rick: (Sighs.) It's all changed. My men are gone. People think I stole the silver...

Baloo: Is it true you shot down thirty-seven planes?

Rick: Thirty-eight, counting me.

Baloo: What, you shot yourself down? (Chuckles.) Must've been awful anxious for a dogfight.

Rick: (Flashback in black & white inside a city as one of the tall building was smoking in partial ruin.) My men and I were on patrol when several of the enemy sneaked in and started making sauerkraut of the city. (Three baron like airplanes fly in and drop missiles on the city; destroying another building. Cut to three planes flying some more.) Well, we dropped on them with guns singing. (Rick Skye and his Squadron of Seven come in from behind and start shooting machine guns.) Yes, the dodgers didn't know what hit'em. (We see a plane hyperbole as some of the bullets ricochet off some bedrock and nails Rick's plane.) Unfortunately, some of my strays ricocheted off the bedrock and cut a line straight up my belly. Quite embarrassing, actually. (The plane nosedives and crashes off-screen as we end the flashback.)

Baloo: I remember that battle! That's how you earned your Flying Cross.

Rick: And now, no one believes me.

Baloo: I do.

Rick: Thanks. But I'm afraid that's not enough. I can't rest until I've restored the honor of the squadron. (Rick leaves as Baloo looks off in thought.)

Scene VI

(Shot of inside the office as Rebecca is at the filing cabinets looking for something. Baloo comes down the stairs.)

Baloo: Becky, you seen Rick?

Rebecca: You mean that imposter? He rushed out of here a few minutes ago.

Baloo: Imposter?! Imposter?! (Pounds on the railing.) Huh, he's not an imposter. Why, you won't even give a joe a chance to... (We hear airplane noises as Baloo turns around and panics.) The SeaDuck! (Cut to the SeaDuck already in the sky and flying away as Baloo and Rebecca make it to the dock edge.) Just when I almost believed...

Rebecca: I'm sorry I had to be right about him, Baloo. There is no Rick Skye.

Baloo: Yeah, hey! I never believed in the first place. (Baloo takes off the jacket and throws it down onto the ground. He then notices a blue book inside one of the pockets.) The rat's log book! (Baloo picks it up and here comes WildCat.)

WildCat: I loaded up all the fireworks...(Coughs.)...what is left of them. (WildCat brings in the mine cart of spare parts as Baloo reads through the book.)

Baloo: Hey, look at this; the last entry was made twenty years ago.

WildCat: Like, that was nearly two decades ago...Well, you know -- practically -- sort of.

Baloo: You know, if this guy is really were Rick Skye...

Rebecca: Baloo!

Baloo: Well, I just meant that if he thought he were; he might retrace his last flight. All I have to do is...Oh, but where am I gonna find the wings to go after him? (WildCat goes to the mine cart.)

WildCat: Well, uh; I can slap together a plane in two hours with the parts I got. And since I only have half the parts, it should take only half as long.

Scene VII

(Cut to the dock as the makeshift plane is completed and it looks like a clutch cargo-equse plane only WildCat could cook up. Rebecca is surprised as WildCat is proud.)

Baloo: Will it fly?

WildCat: (Laughs.) Will it fly? Will it fly?...Might.

Scene VIII

(Up in the sky as the makeshift plane is chugging flying in the sky with Baloo piloting it.)

Baloo: Hmm, this baby can definitely use a tune up. (Cut to the SeaDuck flying in the sky and head into the cockpit with Rick piloting.)

Rick: Hate to do this to a chum. I've got no choice. I can't let my men down. (We hear airplane noises again as Don Karnage returns on his CT-37's firing at the SeaDuck.)

Don Karnage: So, Baloo; you come back?! Now it is time to pay the pirate. (Five CT-37's come after the SeaDuck.)

End Of Act I At 8:28

Act II

Scene I

(Cut to the skies as it's completely daytime with bright sunny skies for no reason. The SeaDuck is dodging CT-37's as Baloo's makeshift plane arrives.)

Baloo: Oh, no! That idiot! He steals my plane! He gets himself captured by Air Pirates! (The CT-37's continue to swarm the SeaDuck as it flies into the Iron Vulture which has come from the west.) What else could go wrong?! (Lots of shooting cannons from the Iron Vulture as Baloo has to literally pull the nose up on the plane to avoid a missile. One of the missiles clips the back tailsection of the plane and it falls and bounces off the top of the Iron Vulture. Cut to inside the wheel house as Don Karnage and Gibber look out the window. Gibber whispers to Don Karnage.)

Don Karnage: Yes, yes! I, too; have the suspicion that someone is flying above us. (The Iron Vulture rises up and manages to get it's cannons right in front of Baloo to fire at point blank range.)

Baloo: Well, I guess I can't count on the element of surprise anymore. (The cannons fire and somehow the concussion of the blast allowed Baloo to dodge the missiles as there is smoke everywhere.) Phew! This calls for a little evasive action. (Baloo pulls on the stick and it breaks) I must have a talk with WildCat when I get back. (Baloo throws the stick as the Iron Vulture is literally shooting lit bombs. One of them makes a hole in the plane's floor which Baloo looks at.) Uh, just what I always wanted. A plane with its own basement. (More bombs destroy the plane as Baloo screams. The plane nosedives as Baloo jumps and the plane free falls towards the ocean. Cut to above the Iron Vulture as Baloo is parachuting down and he gulps.) Reminds me, I was supposed to pick Becky up a pound of ground round. (Baloo dodges the propellers somehow and lands on the landing strip roof of the Iron Vulture. Sighs) There, that wasn't so bad. (Baloo sweats and then yells as the parachute cloth gets caught and shredded. Baloo holds onto the strap as it gets shredded and the thing snaps and Baloo freefalls over the edge, somehow missing the propellers.) WHOA! (Baloo hangs on from some rope and is yodeling as the Iron Vulture is sailing away. Baloo looks up and notices a small passageway.) Oh, only an idiot would go in there. Might as well get started. (Baloo swings forward (despite being behind the thing in the previous shot.) and somehow manages to climb into the small vent. He crawls as we cut to inside a hallway with a porthole as I discover that the vent is in fact where the garbage is thrown out. Dumptruck arrives with a green oil barrel of garbage in it. Dumptruck hums as he opens the hatch via a foot brake and he dumps garbage into the porthole. He turns around and then just walks away without closing the thing. Baloo pops up covered in garbage.) Ah, gonna have to take a bath when I get home. (Baloo crawls out of the porthole) And it's only Monday. (Baloo walks and opens the door entering Don Karnage's bedroom which has his suit and sword on a chair along with his bed.) Hmmm, must be Karny's room. (Baloo grabs his cape and sword and starts cosplaying.) "Take these! And that! And these again! (Baloo laughs awkwardly as Dumptruck arrives with a rolling cart containing a silver platter and dome.)

Dumptruck: Your trukey lunch, Captain. (Baloo turns back and whacks Dumptruck in the face with the flat end of the sword causing Dumptruck to get dizzy.) UGH! Would you have preferred the ham instead? (Dumptruck drops dead as we cut to the hallway outside his room as Don Karnage, Gibber and Mad Dog are outside while Don is scratching his chin.)

Don Karnage: Mmm, I thought I heard a noise. Mad Dog, go inside and find out what it is. (Mad Dog opens the door; takes a peek inside and then slams the door shut.)

Mad Dog: You sure you wouldn't like to go? It-it-it is your room. And you may not have tidied up...(Don Karnage backslaps Mad Dog.)

Don Karnage: Get inside, flea brain! (Don Karnage opens the door as Mad Dog and Gibber go inside with Don Karnage. Dumptruck is lying on the floor dizzy and moaning as Baloo has completely eaten the turkey.) What is this?! (Gibber whispers in Don's ear.) I know they are bones! Karnage's food has been...(Stammers.)...nibbled! (Dumptruck finally wakes up.) And I suspect the nibbler may be very nearby, si? (Don Karnage grabs Dumptruck by the coat and looks ready to cold cock him as we pan up to the vents to see Baloo munching on the bone. Baloo crawls in the vents and finds another vent with bars on. He drops the bone through the vent.)

Rick: Ow. (Baloo looks down and sees Rick Skye in a jail cell below him sitting down with the bone in his hand.) Lose something?

Baloo: (Angry.) Don't you go anywhere! I'll be right down...(Then the roof breaks open and Baloo falls down right into the jail cell with Rick Skye.)

Rick: I say, Can I give you a hand?

Baloo: No, but maybe I can give you a fist!

Rick: I see you're upset about the plane. (Baloo rushes him and slams him against the wall.) I'm sorry, but I will not rest until I find the silver and restore the honor to my squadron. You must understand. (Rick slaps the hands away from Baloo.)

Baloo: Quit with the lying baloney. If you were Rick Skye, how come you got caught so easy? (Baloo puts his hands on Rick again.) You were only outnumbered ten to one.

Rick: (Shoves Baloo back.) That was your fault. You didn't tell me your blasted plane had no guns. Imagine my surprise.

Baloo: Well, if I'd known you were gonna steal it; I'd have put some on for ya!

Rick: (Baloo folds his arms.) That's perfectly all right. Apology accepted. Now, what say we get out of here? (Rick points to the ceiling.)

Scene II

(Cut to the beak of the Iron Vulture as the SeaDuck is on the landing strip.)

Baloo: Now, just 'cause I'm helpin' you skedaddle; doesn't mean you're off the hook. (Cut to inside the back as Baloo is bringing out fireworks while Rick Skye is holding them.)

Rick: If you're so angry, why don't you just leave me with the pirates?

Baloo: Because even a low-down, no-good, stinkin' snake deserves better than that.

Rick: (Giggles.) Thanks, I suspected you liked me all along. (Baloo takes the firecrackers and dumps them on Rick's head and then walks off stage left.) Umph! (So we jump cut to Rick setting up the fire crackers while Baloo goes to a PA system on the wall of the Iron Vulture.)

Baloo: Baloo to Karney, Baloo to Karney...(Cut to the wheelhouse as Don Karnage and Gibber are inside. Don Karnage is on the microphone.)

Don Karnage: Baloo?! I have your plane, you know. It's a lovely...Hey, what are you doing unblown up?

Baloo: (Transmitter.) Didn't want to miss the big surprise attack being thrown in your honor. (Don throws the microphone to Gibber as both of them look out the window.)

Don Karnage: Surprise...attack? (Gibber whispers to Don Karnage.) Wait, I see no attack. Maybe Baloo thinks he can pull the steel wool over Karnage's eyes, yes-no? (Cut back to Baloo with a match and a fuse as he turns off the PA system.)

Baloo: Sounds like old Karney's still flyin' one taco short of a combination plate. (He strikes the match and lights the fuse. The match strike was in fact cut by Toon Disney. The firecrackers explode as Baloo and Rick run back to the SeaDuck.) Come on, back to the Duck! (The firecrackers blow through the hallway and then a loud explosion as fireworks are flying everywhere. Dumptruck ducks one and then turns around and begins to taunt the fireworks.)

Dumptruck: Nyah-Nyah, missed me! (Dumptruck yells and is taken down and out as a firework explodes right in the kisser. More fireworks fly as we see the Iron Vulture flying and then head into the cockpit of the SeaDuck as Baloo and Rick put on their seatbelts. Cut back to the wheelhouse with Don Karnage and Gibber. Don Karnage is on the transmitter.)

Don Karnage: We are under attack! Fire! (Cut to pirates running in the hallways dodging fireworks. Head back to the wheelhouse as Gibber whispers to Don Karnage.) Yes, I see nothing either, too. That is why we must shoot everything not in sight. (We see the Iron Vulture beak open and they are shooting their bomb cannons. Head inside the wheelhouse as the engines are starting.) The hangar! It was a trick! (Don runs out towards the look off as the SeaDuck engines start.) Stop them! (All the Air Pirate come out with guns and stand their ground in front of the SeaDuck. Back inside the cockpit of the SeaDuck.)

Rick: Seems like we have some uninvited guests. (Baloo pulls on the flight stick as the SeaDuck takes off and flies around the hanger as the Air Pirate shoot at them. The bullets go flying into the SeaDuck wings and all around as Rick watches from inside the SeaDuck.) Bit of a sticky wicket, whot?

Baloo: When it looks bad, there's only one way to go. Up. (Baloo points to the window above Don Karnage and Gibber.)

End Of Act II At 13:52


Scene I

(Cut to the SeaDuck flying around as more Air Pirates are shooting their guns at the SeaDuck. Cut to the SeaDuck heading towards the window above Don Karnage and Gibber. )

Rick: Rather a squeeze. Try banking her in at thirty degrees. (Head inside the cockpit of the SeaDuck. Baloo turns the plane thirty degrees and causes Don and Gibber to duck as the SeaDuck crashes through the window and out of the Iron Vulture with ease. Head inside the cockpit of the SeaDuck. Rick is cross-legged laughing.) Well done! (He slaps Baloo's back as Baloo slaps it away and grabs him by the uniform.)

Baloo: Now, how about I toss you out the window, thief?!

Rick: Do to me as you wish, but never say I'm a thief. (Baloo shoves him down.)

Baloo: No? Because of you, I lost my cargo; I've got pirates up my exhaust pipe; and if they don't kill me, Becky will! No thief, huh?!

Rick: No. No thief. (Rick goes into his pocket.) Take this. I know it won't replace what you've lost; but it's all I have. (Rick brings out a T-shaped medal and Baloo grabs it. Baloo then goes through the comics and sees that it's the Flying Cross.)

Baloo: The Flying Cross! Hey, you really are Rick Sky.

Rick: (Arms folded.) Yes, we seemed to have covered that subject. Now we're back on, will you throw me out or not?

Baloo: Nah. And I don't want your medal, either. (He gives the medal back to Rick.) Hey, ever since I was a kid, all I ever wanted to do was fly with you. I never wanted anything else.

Rick: Look, old man. It'll mean heading right back through the pirates. We probably won't make it home alive.

Baloo: He-hey, we've been in sticky wickets before; hey, whot? (The SeaDuck flies off.)

Scene II

( Head to the ice cap cliffs as the SeaDuck is heading towards them.)

Rick: There, the White Cliffs Of Rover! Last I recall, this is where... I last recalled. (Rick notices something.) I say, there! Two o'clock, low! (We notice that Rick Skye's plane is frozen inside one of the iceberg cliffs.) My plane! (We fly around to notice that all seven Squadron planes are trapped inside the iceberg cliff. Head back into the cockpit of the SeaDuck.)

Baloo: Did you get a load of that?

Rick: What? I say, you look like you've just seen a ghost.

Baloo: I may have.

Scene III

(Cut to Baloo and Rick looking at the Squadron Seven planes stuck in the iceberg cliff on the right wing of the SeaDuck.)

Baloo: Friends of yours?

Rick: Yes, and looking quite well, considering.

Baloo: But how?!

Rick: The snowstorm! Of course! We must've frozen. Somehow, I thawed out and floated out to sea. A regular chip off the old block. (Baloo pounds on the ice with his fist.)

Baloo: Well, they're sure in there solid, all right. (The ice completely cracks as everything collapses. Rick pushes Baloo back into the SeaDuck. We head into the cockpit as Baloo and Rick run in and sit down.) Come on, poppa needs a new pair of shoes. (Baloo flicks some switches and pushes some more. Baloo pushes on the switches and causes the SeaDuck to turn on and fly backwards before flying into the air. ) Phew! (The entire iceberg comes crashing down into the sea.) Talk about them icy fingers of death. (Baloo and Rick look down and see the planes are still attached to the iceberg. Cut to the SeaDuck already landed and both Baloo and Rick have come out and are meeting and greeting with the Squadron Seven members.)

Rick: Scott, Johnny, Reggi...(Reggi is a small squirrel furry wearing the usual bomber pilot outfit wearing a blue blanket. Baloo has made a campfire and is warming up.)

Reggi: I say, Captain; who's that old geezer?

Rick: Men, meet Baloo. If it weren't for him, we might still be part of the scenery. I'll explain everything later, Reg. Right now, we have a job to do. Fall in! (The Squadron Seven puts their white cloths down.) We still have silver to deliver. (The remaining Squadron members are a goat, skunk, pengiun, anteater and hippo furry standing in line.)

Reggi: Captain! Incoming bogies! (Cut to the sky as the Iron Vulture and ten CT-37's flying from the clouds. Cut to Don Karnage laughing in the wheelhouse with Gibber steering the ship.)

Don Karnage: Baloo! I got you now. (Rick walks over to Baloo.)

Rick: Uh-oh, change in plans. Baloo, you must deliver the silver, we'll hold off the pirates. (Rick pushes Baloo to his plane which is a blue plane with gold rings on the wings and tailsection with red trim and black circles around the gold rings.)

Baloo: But your old planes are no match for the pirates and their guns. (Rick opens the side door and takes out the silver.)

Rick: And you have no guns at all. (He gives the silver to Baloo.) Look, I got you into this. And now you're the only one who can get us out. Take the silver, complete our mission. Please. (The CT-37's fire at the planes. and the furries.) All right, men; it's time to earn our pay. (Everyone runs to their planes.)

Baloo: Hey, wait! Don't send me away. I've wanted to fly with you guys all my life! (One of the bars of silver drops on the ground. Rick picks it up and puts it back in the pile.)

Rick: It's an order, Baloo.

Baloo: An order?!

Rick: That's right. You're part of the squadron now, so you can't refuse. (Rick salutes him and walks away from his plane.)

Baloo: Then be careful. (Baloo salutes him.) There's five times as many of them as you. (Rick then jumps in his plane and puts his goggles on. He starts the engines.)

Rick: I know it seems a tad unfair, but we'll let them have the first shot. (Rick and the Squadron of Seven take off. as we get more shots of the Iron Vulture and the CT-37's flying. Cut back inside with Don Karnage and Gibber in the wheelhouse of the Iron Vulture.)

Don Karnage: Hee hee hee! This is a joke, yes?! Well, Karnage has a great sense of humor. Heh, heh. Attack! (So the dogfight begins with the Squadron Seven and the Air Pirates. The Squadron Seven barrel roll down and come up as Don Karnage is confused.) Scusi? (It means "pardon me" in Italian by the way. They fly up in front of the Iron Vulture as Rick gives the thumbs up signal. More flying and gunfire ensues as we cut to Dumptruck flying his CT-37 and he finds one of the S7 members and goes after it.)

Dumptruck: Hee hee. I got him. I got him. (He locks onto the target and the S7 member flies around into the clouds while Dumptruck flies through them and loses him.) Where'd he go? (The anteater furry flies from behind and shoots his machine gun destroying Dumptruck's CT-37 and the back bursts into flames. It also catches the feather of Dumptruck's hat on fire. The plane takes a nosedive and plummets into the sea as Dumptruck has parachutted. Cut to Mad Dog flying in his CT-37 as the penguin member of the Squadron of Seven flies over him and throws the most absurdly drawn hand gernade I have ever seen into Mad Dog's lap. It blows up and the plane bursts into flame and nosedives into the water. Also; they didn't show Mad Dog parachuting as more shooting and dogfight as we cut back to Don Karnage at the shattered window.)

Don Karnage: Now you've really got Karnage's dandruff up! (More gunfire and shooting as another CT-37 is shot down and then three more at the same time. The Squadron of Seven go back into formation with Rick Skye leading the charge. He gives the thumbs up and then looks up. He looks worried as the Iron Vulture approaches and opens up its Bomb Cannons. Cut back to Don Karnage at the window as Gibber and Ratchet are next to Karnage's throne.) I, Don Karnage -- the scurvy of the sky -- has returned. (He sits down on his throne.) Fire! (They fire on the Squadron Seven as they scatter. The hippo furry S7 member gets hit and goes down as Rick looks down to see him. Rick flies around and then shoots his machine gun at the Iron Vulture. And then out of nowhere, the SeaDuck comes in and bellyflops onto Rick's plane as they both come down just before one of the cannons can fire and destroy Rick's plane. Baloo is on the transmitter as the planes are side by side.)

Baloo: Some hot-shot pilot you are.

Rick: (Transmitter.) I thought I gave you a direct order, Baloo. Thanks for disobeying. Let's go in after them. (The SeaDuck and Rick Skye's plane turn around and head straight for the Iron Vulture as Don Karnage is shocked.)

Don Karnage: Nah, no one would be stupid as to attack the Iron Vulture. (The SeaDuck and Rick Sky come in as Rick Skye shoots his machine gun causing Don Karnage, Gibber and Ratchet to hide behind the throne.) They are stupider than I thought! (Cut to Rick Skye dropping the Plastic Bottle Gernade of Doom right into the front of the Iron Vulture and it explodes doing damage to the roof. The SeaDuck destroys some of the helicopter propellers on the sides of the Iron Vulture. They each give each other thumbs up as we cut back to inside the wheelhouse as the Iron Vulture tilts to one side. Don struggles to get on the throne again.) Don Karnage is a pirate of mercy. He will let them go this time with a warning. (He runs to the wheel and spins it causing the Iron Vulture to turn around and head in the opposite direction.) Now, retreat! (Cut to Baloo and Rick Skye flying away stage right in clear skies.)

Rick: I say, most fun I've had in years.

Baloo: Yeah, we sure kicked some pirate posterior.

Reggi: (The Squadron of Seven joins Rick.) Uh, Captain.

Rick: I'm afraid it's time for us to go. Uh, low on fuel, you know.

Baloo: So, come back with me.

Rick: Wouldn't make it, Baloo. Besides, we're a little behind the times. We wouldn't really fit in, don't ya know?

Baloo: But where will you go?

Rick: Out there somewhere. We'll be all right. Anyway, I'm counting on you to deliver the silver. You're one of the squadron now. (Rick dives down as Baloo gives him the thumbs up. Rick flies in front of the Squadron Seven (as the hippo's plane has been repaired magically.) and they fly off into the sunset. Baloo waves feeling a bit sad.)

Scene IV

(Back at Higher For Hire docks as WildCat is refueling the SeaDuck and Baloo is talking to Rebecca near the side door of the SeaDuck.)

Baloo: So, like I told you, Becky; I used the fireworks to escape the pirates and then helped Rick find the silver and defrost his squadron. Now, what's not to believe?

Rebecca: Everything! (Rebecca walks off in disgust.)

Baloo: Everything? (Baloo opens the side door and shows all the bars of silver as Rebecca turns around and gasps in horror.)

Rebecca: That's the missing silver! (Rebecca walks to the side door.)

Baloo: Well, it ain't my fillings. And as soon as I'm refueled, I've got a mission to complete. (Baloo closes the side door and starts looking at the comic book again.)

Rebecca: Bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu....

Baloo: "And when it was over, the Squadron of Seven flew off, never forgetting the lone pilot who helped rescue the treasure and their honor." (The final page shows the SeaDuck flying away.)

End Of Episode At 21:18


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