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Rebecca becomes the star again in this one...

Rebecca's Diary

Plot Summary and Purpose

Disclaimer: All Images and Material are (C) 1990/1991 Walt Disney Company and is being used without premission. The Webmaster has made sure that no money was made in the creation of this webpage and that all material represented here is being used with the upmost affection and respect to the Walt Disney Company and the Tale Spin team.

Written By: Gregory Weagle

Disclaimer: Kit Cloudkicker, Molly Cunningham, Rebecca Cunningham, Baloo Bear, Don Karnage, WildCat, Mad Dog, Dumptruck and "The Air Pirates" are copyright 1990/1991 Walt Disney Company and are being used without premission. The writer has assured that no money was made in the creation of this fanfic and all material used in this fanfic will be used with the upmost affection and respect to the Walt Disney Company and the Tale Spin team.   Disclaimer#2: All other characters are of my own creation and are sole property of the writer. You may not use these characters and places without premission from the writer beforehand. You are allowed to make copies of this fanfic; however, they must not be altered in any way and proper credit must be given. Comments and feedback about this and any fanfics can be e-mailed at: or signing the Kit Cloudkicker Guestbook.
  Summary: This is a very short story (If I'm lucky enough; I could get it all in one page.) on a series of events that happened just after Baloo's plane (The SeaDuck) was destoryed and sank into Cape Suzette's harbour; but before Rebecca unveils the new Seaduck. The events cover the remaking of Kit's airfoil; how Molly and Kit got back together as sister and surrogate brother; Molly's relationship with WildCat and of course; Rebecca's love for Kit Cloudkicker. Plus I'll reveal a secret of Kit's past before he even met up with Don Karnage and even a few surprises of my own.   This fanfic setting starts on the fourth day of the Baloo/Kit friendship (referenced by Plunder and Lightning.) and ends seven days later.

2nd Update 04/12/99: Added a teaser for Part Two of "Rebecca's Diary".

Part One (Plus a teaser for Part Two)

Kit throwing his airfoil like a boomerang

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