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Bearly Alive Transcript

Written: 04/21/2016
Updated: 09/29/2021

Act I

Scene I

(Shot of the docks outside the offices of Higher For Hire. The SeaDuck is already at the dock. )

Baloo Von Bruinwald XIII: Okay, Becky; I'm going into town for your hair ribbons and flypaper. (Cut to inside the office as Rebecca is sitting at her desk and Baloo is walking towards the door.)

Rebecca Cunningham: Typewriter ribbons and carbon paper, Baloo.

Baloo: Whatever. (Rebecca looks at the desk and then stands up.)

Rebecca: Wait a minute?! Before you go, I need to ask a few questions. How are you feeling? (Rebecca goes over to Baloo and touches his shirt.)

Baloo: Fine. (Rebecca slaps her hand on Baloo's forehead.)

Rebecca: No fever? Any coughing? (Grabs onto Baloo's chin.) Stick out your tongue. (Baloo sticks out his tongue.)

Baloo: Blaahhh! (Rebecca pulls gently on the tongue.)

Rebecca: Looks okay; but if you start to feel the slightest bit sick, I want to be the first to know.

Baloo: Becky, I didn't know you cared. (Baloo turns around and walks towards the door. Baloo then sneezes. Rebecca runs towards Baloo.)

Rebecca: I thought you said you were fine. (Rebecca grabs Baloo's arm and drags Baloo towards the desk.)

Baloo: Jeez Louise! It was just a little sneeze. What's with you?!

Rebecca: This week's issue of Fly Boy magazine. (Rebecca grabs a blue magazine and shows the cover of a poorly drawn SeaDuck crashing into the mountain. The headlines read: Hiccups: Comedy or Tragedy?) Didn't you read about the pilot who had a hiccup fit and crashed into the mountain?

Baloo: So?

Rebecca: So what if you sneeze, crash and burn? I can't put the SeaDuck in that kind of jeopardy. (Rebecca rolls up the magazine like a newspaper.) You're going to the doctor for a complete check-up. (Rebecca backs up Baloo.)

Baloo: Because of a little sneeze? (Rebecca bashes Baloo with the magazine.)

Rebecca: Baloo, you're going and I won't take no for an answer. (Head inside the cockpit of the SeaDuck as Kit is in the pilot's seat imitates machine gun noises while cosplaying.)

Kit Cloudkicker: Enemy at three o'clock! (Emmits more machine gun noises.) Hard rudder! Pull up! Pull up! (Kit grabs the compass and pulls it out of the machine with sparks flying.) Uh-oh! I broke Baloo's new gyrocompass. He's gonna kill me. (Kit gets out of the SeaDuck and walks on the docks.) I'd better get this fixed before he gets back.

Scene II

(Cut to an island in the harbour of Cape Suzette. Apparently; Kit owns a rowboat and rowed over to this island as we pan up to see a lot of purple trees and a stairway up to the lab.)

Kit: So, Doctor, ahhh, can you fix it?

Doctor: Without a doubt. Definitely. No maybes about it. (The doctor chuckles as we see the house and the transmission tower behind it. It looks like a lodge on a mountain top.)

Kit: Ah, you're saving my life. (Cut to a X-ray machine checking the compass which is on a stool.)

Doctor: Good. The X-rays are ready. Oooh. (The doctor takes out the picture of the x-ray from the machine as we cut to Kit looking out the window as the doctor is a lizard with glasses on, white hair, a white lab coat, blue pants and black shoes.)

Kit: Can I see? (Kit tries to grab the picture; but the doctor plays keep away from Kit.)

Doctor: Mmm-hmm; don't touch, don't touch. X-rays are very delicate. Mmm-hmm. You might smudge them. (The doctor looks at the picture while Kit watches from behind.) Oh, my. Oh, oh, oh, my. (We see the X-ray of the compass Kit broke.) This is one sickly Googleschlocker gyrocompass. Ooo; but don't worry. Maybe I can fix it.

Kit: Wait! You said "no maybes" about it. (A fly enters the space of the doctor.)

Doctor: Well, I found a maybe. The humionoodle is kaput. (The doctor tries to bash the fly with the picture and keeps missing it.) Young fella, I won't beat around the bush. You'd better leave the Googleschlocker here with me. (The doctor goes over to the machine and keeps swatting flies.)

Scene III

(Back inside the office of Higher For Hire. Baloo comes in with a bag that is dripping orange. Rebecca is at her desk.)

Baloo: Becky, your worries are over. Except for a few test results he's waiting for, the doc says I am one airworthy bear.

Rebecca: Excellent, Baloo. What a relief to know the SeaDuck... (Rebecca then blushes.) I mean, you're okay.

Baloo: And I'll bet you thought I forgot your paper-wrapped chicken and spare ribs. (He plops the bag right on Rebecca's white book.)

Rebecca: That was carbon paper and typewriter rib-bons. (Baloo walks out of the office.)

Baloo: Well, no nutritional value there. (Baloo waves to Rebecca and then closes the door.)

Rebecca: Why me? (Rebecca sulks at her desk as the phone rings. Rebecca slaps the bag away and answers the phone.) Higher For Hire. If you're buying, we're flying.

Doctor O'Meyer: This is Doctor O'Meyer. (Spilt screen shot of Doctor O'Meyer at the lab table looking at the X-ray of the compass.) I have some news. But, I think you better sit down.

Rebecca: I am sitting.

Doctor O'Meyer: Then you'd better stand up. (Rebecca stands up.)

Rebecca: Okay, I'm standing.

Doctor O'Meyer: Good. Now, sit down. (O'Meyer throws away the X-Ray; but Rebecca doesn't sit down anyway.) It's bad news. Worse than I thought.

Rebecca: Worse? (Rebecca then sits down.)

Doctor O'Meyer: Let me put it this way...Knock, knock. (I should note that O'Meyer's glasses change from black rim to white rims to cyan blue rims to no rims depending on the shot.)

Rebecca: Who's there?

Doctor O'Meyer: Ima?

Rebecca: Ima who?

Doctor O'Meyer: I'm afraid the patient's time is up. (O'Meyer grabs the compass.) This is one bad Googleschlocker. (O'Meyer throws away the compass.)

Rebecca: Is there anything I can do?

Doctor O'Meyer: Well, you could sell me the spare parts. Oh-hoo. (Doctor O'Meyer hangs up as Rebecca gasps in horror.)

Rebecca: Wha...ah...oh! (Rebecca hangs up the phone.) I can't believe it. Baloo. Poor Baloo. (The door finally opens and in comes Baloo.)

Baloo: Hey, Becky! I was thinking, if you're not gonna eat those spare ribs... (Rebecca's smile is so contrived by the way because the bag of spare rib appears on the desk out of nowhere when it disappeared since Rebecca shoved it away from the desk. Baloo walks over to the desk and grabs the bag.)

Rebecca: Baloo, I have something important to tell you. (Baloo then sits down on a wooden box next to the desk as he is opening the bag.) I...I think you'd better sit down

Baloo: I am sitting.

Rebecca: Then stand up.

Baloo: Why?

Rebecca: I don't know why. (Rebecca walks away from the desk confused.) Because this is what you do when you have bad news. That's why. (Baloo keeps opening the box.)

Baloo: Oh. What's wrong?

Rebecca: Baloo, you know how you've been thinking of ordering a lifetime's subscription to Fly Boy magazine? (Rebecca shows the magazine again.) Well, I'd go with a week to week if I were you.

Baloo: Huh?

Rebecca: Ah, ummm, right...ah...Let me...try this another way. Remember how you said no birthday party will ever top last year's? (Somehow; there is papers on the floor that were not there earlier in the scene.)

Baloo: Yeah?

Rebecca: Well...I think you are right. (Baloo is trying to eat something dipped and then stops.)

Baloo: Now Becky; you're spinning your propeller; but you're not getting anywhere. Now, why don't you just spit it out?

Rebecca: Okay; your doctor called. It's bad! The worst!

Baloo: Are you saying I'm heading for the last take-off? Taking the final nose-dive? Parachuting without a parachute?

Rebecca: Yes! You're dying! (Rebecca sobs.) Baloo, if there's anything I can do...Anything at all. (Baloo simply just walks out of the office in shock. Baloo sits down on the edge of the docks and looks at the water of a reflection of himself.)

Baloo: I'm a goner. A solid goner. But, hey; it's been a good life. I got no regrets. I've done everything I ever wanted to do. Except for...say, what's to stop me now? (Head back inside the office with Rebecca sobbing her eyes out. The door opens and Rebecca looks up and stops sobbing.)

Rebecca: Oh! Heh heh. Baloo. (Sniffles as Baloo walks over to the desk.) Something' my eye. What can I do for you?

Baloo: I have one last favor to ask. (Baloo and Rebecca walk towards a red chair.)

Rebecca: Name it. You got it. Anything. (Rebecca pushes Baloo into the chair and the chair flies backwards.)

Baloo: I wanna fly the SeaDuck into the Bearmuda Trapezoid. (Baloo is eating green grapes from a bowl on a wooden crate.)

Rebecca: Whoa, time out! No way, Jose!

Baloo: What happened to "anything"? (In the next shot; the bowl now has apples and other fruit; when it originally had just grapes.)

Rebecca: The Bearmuda Trapezoid is terrifying. People fly in, but they don't fly out.

Baloo: Okay. So no pilot's ever made it out alive. Well, I'm barely alive anyway. If I do make it out, I'll go down in history. Like Wilbur and Orville, the Kitty Hawk kids, (Cut to a shot of the wall with posters showing pictures of a female rooster wearing a blue scarf and goggles, two hedgehogs with glasses on wearing various outfits and an armadillo wearing an orange sweater with a green scarf. Amelia Airhead. Oscar Wiggerstomper.)

Rebecca: Who's Oscar Wiggerstomper?

Baloo: Hah! See? He never did anything historic.

Rebecca: But if you don't make it back, the SeaDuck's history and so is my business. (Rebecca turns around.)

Baloo: Ah, hasn't old Baloo always brought her back the same mean, clean, flying machine? (Baloo slides out of the chair and pushes the chair back up.)

Rebecca: Of course, how shallow of me. What's the value of the SeaDuck compared to a dream? (Sighs.) Go Baloo, make history. Don't give the SeaDuck another thought. (Baloo takes his cap off.)

Baloo: Thanks, Becky. (Baloo walks out of the office and closes the door. Cut to inside the office with Rebecca on the phone.)

Rebecca: All Frieght Insurance? Does the SeaDuck's policy cover disappearances? (Pause.) Good. Double my coverage.

Scene IV

(Cut to Baloo and Kit outside playing horseshoes somewhere in a park as Kit keeps hitting the bullseye every time.)

Kit: I don't get it, Baloo. Why are we pitching horseshoes?

Baloo: Well, I don't want you to grow up and say, "Gee, old Baloo and I never pitched horseshoes."

Kit: Well, why would I say that? This is stupid. (Baloo throws the horseshoe and it is thrown in such a way that it should have hit the stake; but somehow gets stuck in a tree.)

Baloo: Now Lil' Britches, I never want you to sass your elders, forget to say your prayers or let your cornflakes get soggy. (Kit's facial expressions tell the story that he's not buying this one bit.)

Kit: Yeah; I promise. But this is still stupid. {Kit throws his horseshoe and it's another bullseye.}

Baloo: Maybe. But someday -- when you're President or something -- you'll wish you were back playing horseshoes with your old buddy.

Kit: Oh, be real! Presidents have better things to do than play horseshoes! (Baloo throws his second horseshoe and it sinks into a lake.)

Scene V

(Shot of the docks of Higher For Hire as Baloo is in the cockpit and in the pilot's seat of the SeaDuck. Rebecca is outside next to the plane looking on.)

Baloo: Well Beckers, this is it. (Rebecca sniffles.)

Rebecca: I guess so. The big goodbye. The last so-long. The final toodle-oo.

Baloo: Nah, this is our chance to be famous. Higher For Hire will have the only pilot who made it back from the Bearmuda Trapezoid.

Rebecca: Heh heh, oh course, Baloo. You're right. (Wipes the tears from her eyes.) You'll be back. I know it. (Rebecca sobs as Baloo pulls some switchs on the control panel as the SeaDuck finally takes off in a cloud of smoke. Rebecca waves at Baloo as he flies out of Cape Suzette.)

Baloo: Seesh! I hate messy goodbyes.

Scene VI

(Cut to shot outside the entrance of the office of Higher For Hire. Kit runs to the door with an issue of Flyboy magazine. He opens the door and storms inside not happy at all as he runs over to the desk with Rebecca sitting at her desk.)

Kit: Hey! What's this ad for a pilot doing in Fly Boy magazine, Miss Cunningham?! (Shows the magazine which features a grey helicopter.) A-Are you replacing Baloo?!

Rebecca: I'm afraid I have to, Kit.

Kit: How could you?! Where is he?! Where's the SeaDuck?!

Rebecca: Sit down, Kit. There's something you should know. (Kit sits down on the wooden box.) Baloo...Baloo's got a busted Googleschlocker. (Rebecca sobs in front of the desk.)

Kit: (Gulps.) Uh-oh. You know?

Rebecca: (Sniffles.) Of course I know. How do you know? (Rebecca goes over to a window and leans on the frame.)

Kit: I'm the one who broke it. (Rebecca turns around.)

Rebecca: You? How?

Kit: Ah, I didn't mean to; but I was playing Scarf & Goggles and I yanked on it and it fell out.

Rebecca: Stop! I don't want to hear the gory details. (Rebecca covered her eyes and has a headache.) It's bad enough Doctor O'Meyer said there's nothing he can do.

Kit: Oh, no! Now what? (Kit snaps his fingers.) Maybe I can get a spare in the junkyard. (Kit runs out towards the docks as Rebecca runs after her.)

Rebecca: This is a life organ! Not some part of a plane. (Kit jumps into a rowboat.)

Kit: Yes it is. Right next to the flopper adaptor.

Rebecca: It is? You mean...Oh, thank heaven! I thought Baloo was dying. He'll be so relieved to find out.

Kit: Where is he? He shouldn't be flying without that gyrocompass. (Rebecca helps Kit out of the boat.)

Rebecca: He's flying through the Bearmuda Trapezoid. I've got to let him know he's not dying before he kills himself. (Rebecca runs off towards the office. Kit follows her.)

Scene VII

(Cut to a stormy sky as the SeaDuck is flying through the area. Head into the cockpit with Baloo piloting the SeaDuck.)

Baloo: Geesh! Visibility's less than zero going through this muck. Lucky I got my trusty Google...Huh?! It's missing! Huh, maybe I ought to turn around. There's no way to navigate through this pea soup. I'll give it my best shot and If I don't make it...(Baloo wipes the windshield in a circle.) Well shoot, I'm shot anyhoo. (The SeaDuck goes through the storm clouds. Head back to Higher For Hire with Rebecca on the radio with Kit beside her.)

Rebecca: (On the transmitter.) Baloo? Can you hear me? Baloo? (Cut back to the cockpit with Baloo holding the transmitter.)

Baloo: No way you're talking me out of this, Becky.

Rebecca: (On the transmitter.) You don't understand...

Baloo: What's happening? WHOA! (Baloo's plane rumbles and the plane does barrel rolls uncontrollably. Cut back to the roof of Higher For Hire as WildCat has joined us out of nowhere.)

Rebecca: Baloo?! Can you hear me?!

Kit: Baloo!

End Of Act I At 9:45

Act II

Scene I

(Cut to above the mountains as a purple plane with a grey nosecone (which changes to a grey plane) is puffing and flying through. Head inside the cockpit with WildCat flying the plane, Kit in the navigation seat and Rebecca inbetween them.)

Rebecca: We've got to find where Baloo went down.

Kit: (Points at the windshield.) Mountain visual on the clock!

WildCat Puma: (Shakes his head.) I don't think so, Kit. We should be getting there before noon. (WildCat checks his pocket watch.) Any minute now, in fact.

Rebecca: I'm gonna die! (We see the purple plane head straight for the mountain peak as we see Kit screaming and Rebecca is screaming off-screen. Kit and Rebecca are bracing themselves as WildCat hyperboles and just grazes the peak of the mountain.) Baloo may be the only one who gets out alive. (Cut to storm clouds starting to clear completely out as we see the SeaDuck is attached to a giant magnet.)

Male Voice: Oh, yes, yes! This will do nicely. (Cut to Baloo outside the window strapped to his seatbelt and hanging around in mid air. There is a hippo furry wearing a white coat and white pants with a hat looking at Baloo.)

Baloo: Look, I don't who you are, fella; but I'm warning you. You better not ruffle one feather of the SeaDuck. (Also on the platform is a rhino goon and a gorilla goon who are different colors than Trader Moe's goons and wear different clothes. The gorilla has brown fur (compared to grey with Gorilla Goon) and the rhino is colored differently with a different suit. They both have machine guns and the gorilla has shears taped to a pole.)

Male Voice: You are in no position to be giving orders, my friend. (Baloo shadow punches air.) But come along. I'll show you what I'm going to do with your SeaDuck. (The gorilla goon uses the shear to cut the seatbelt and Baloo plops down with a thud on the platform. Jump cut to outside a cave as the male hippo, Baloo, gorilla goon and rhino goon walk inside a cave.) My Titanium Turkey is the eighth wonder of the world. (We see that the Titanium Turkey is a giant plane that looks like a flying building.) It will revolutionize air travel and I only need one more device to complete my beautiful bird: The Googleschlocker gyrocompass from your plane.

Baloo: (Laughs.) Tough luck, bigshot. I don't have one.

Male Voice: Very well. Then I'll fly without and take your plane along as a lifeboat.

Baloo: What happens to me?

Male Voice: Don't worry. I'm merely going to lock you up...for the rest of your life.

Baloo: Well, considering my condition, that shouldn't be long. (Baloo is forced into a side door using the butt of the machine guns by the gorilla and rhino furries.)

Male Voice: Get in!

Baloo: Okay! But quit poking me with that thing! You're as bad as my doctor. (The rhino closes up the side door causing the plane he is inside to go pitch dark. After some clattering, Baloo strikes a match and the match is lit. Baloo is then in shock because there is Amelia Airhead right in front of him.) Why, you're Amelia Airhead, (Then a shot of the Kitty Hawk Kids) and the Kitty Hawk Kids. And Charles Lamburger! (Charles is a mouse furry with grey mustache and beard wearing goggles and a green coat.) All famous pilots who disappeared in the Bearmuda Trapezoid. (Shot of Oscar Wiggerstomper going in circles around Baloo cosplaying a bird.) Ah, you I don't recognize.

Oscar Wiggerstomper: Oh, well; no one ever does. I'm Oscar Wiggerstomper. (The lit match goes into Baloo's hand, forcing Baloo to flick the match and put it out causing darkness once again.)

Scene II

(Flying back in the storm clouds is the purple airplane as we head inside the cockpit with WildCat flying, Kit in the navigation seat and Rebecca watching in between.)

WildCat: You know, the way planes disappear in the Bearmuda Trapezoid is just like my washing machine. I put two socks in, only one comes back.

Kit: (On a notepad.) I've been working on the problem.

WildCat: Really? My missing socks?

Kit: No. The planes that have disappeared. Well, if they were all flying according to regulations, they must have vanished at ten thousand feet (3048 meters.)

Rebecca: So?

Kit: If we come in really low, we might make it okay.

Rebecca: But that is an improper method of flying. Flight regulations strictly forbid...

Kit: Miss Cunningham, it might be our only chance. Okay, WildCat; bring her in low.

WildCat: Okey-dokey, Kit. (WildCat brings the plane into a nosedive.)

Rebecca: (Screams.) I'm gonna die! I'm gonna....(The plane goes into the water as we head into the cockpit as water sprays from the roof nailing Rebecca in the head while she is covering her eyes.)

Kit: That was a little too low, WildCat. (More water sprays into the cockpit as fish are swimming outside.)

WildCat: Yes, but refreshing, wasn't it? (Kit points to the windshield.)

Kit: Look out for that island! (The plane ramps off the bottom and lands right on the shoreline in the sand with seaweed all over it. The engines go dead.)

WildCat: You mean this island? (Kit opens the side door and water comes pouring out of the cockpit.)

Kit: (Sighs.) Come on. Let's go see where we are. (Jump cut to Kit, Rebecca and WildCat in the jungle. Kit stops and notices someone.) Look! Somebody's over there.

Rebecca: Is it Baloo? (Cut to a shot of the gorilla and the rhino holding a stretcher with the hippo furry from earlier sitting on a throne like a king would; and walking stage left.)

Kit: Not unless he's been overdoing it on the ice cream sundaes. Let's follow'em.

Scene III

(Cut of the goons carrying the hippo furry into the cave where the Titanium Turkey is. Seagulls are squealing as we pan over to the bushes where Kit, Rebecca and WildCat are hiding. Everyone gasps as we cut to the Titainum Turkey pan shot.)

Kit: Wow! That is one major airplane. (We then see the SeaDuck propped against some other planes in the background.)

Rebecca: Look, he's got the SeaDuck. Baloo might still be alive. (Kit snaps his fingers.)

Kit: Hey, I recognize that guy. He was laughed out of the airplane biz. (The hippo furry is looking at his handiwork.)

WildCat: He's a comedian?

Kit: No. He's Howard Huge. Well, the famous airplane designer. But his designs got weird and they gave him the axe.

WildCat: He's a lumberjack?

Rebecca: Looks like he's been kidnapping planes so he can use the parts to make that one.

Kit: Yeah, he probably thinks that big plane will make him a bigshot again.

WildCat: (Hears a cocking sound and turns around.) Better to be a bigshot that be shot. (Kit and Rebecca turn to where WildCat was looking.)

Kit: Huh? (The rhino and the brown gorilla are right in front of them cocking their machine guns and pointing them at Kit, Rebecca and WildCat.)

Rebecca: I knew it! I am gonna die!

End of Act II At 14:05


Scene I

(Shot of a boarded up airplane inside the cave as Kit, Rebecca and WildCat are being marched into the side door by the rhino and gorilla henchmen. Howard Huge watches on.)

Howard Huge: Enjoy your stay in my little hotel. You know, in twenty years, no one's checked out yet. (Kit, Rebecca and WildCat are forced into the airplane as the gorilla henchman slams the side door. Kit, Rebecca and WildCat notice Baloo right away.)

Rebecca: Baloo!

Kit: Poppa Bear!

Baloo: (Sitting in one of the seats as I discover that there are four candles lit on the side as Kit runs in and hugs Baloo. Rebecca and WildCat run in and hug Baloo as well.) Wha? What are you doing here?!

Kit: We followed you.

Baloo: Oh, you guys shouldn't have come. (Baloo pushes them all aside.) You've got your whole lives ahead of you. Me? I've just got a few grains of sand in the hourglass of life.

Rebecca: But you're wrong, Baloo. There's been a big misunderstanding. The doctor... (Rumbling and engine noises are heard.) What is that?!

Kit: (Looking through the vents.) Huge is testing the engines of the Titanium Turkey. He's gonna leave.

Rebecca: Oh, my gosh! That means we'll be stuck here forever.

Kit: Not if I can help it. (Now the vent is completely gone and a sign replaces it saying "Huge 107". Kit bangs on the airplane wall.) This is a Cabin Cruiser One-O-Seven. I remember reading that there was something weird about the design. (Kit is pondering this over.)

WildCat: The way the drapes clash with the seat covers? (Kit goes over to one of the seats.)

Kit: Seats! That was it! This plane was built with a secret emergency exit under one of the seats. (Kit kneels down and shakes the chair.) Find it and we're outta here.

Rebecca: Why would anyone hide an emergency exit under a seat?

WildCat: (Ponders it over.) 'Cause it's too hard climbing through the luggage compartment?

Rebecca: (WildCat's arms are folded.) Wildcat; if we make it back home safely, get therapy. (Rebecca walks off as Baloo checks the seats.)

Baloo: I hope we find a way out soon. (Baloo grabs a seat.) I don't have much... time left. (Baloo puts the seat down.)

WildCat: Is your watch busted?

Baloo: No, not exactly. I'm gonna die, WildCat.

WildCat: Everyone says that lately.

Baloo: Who else?

WildCat: Miss Cunningham. All the way here she screamed, "I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die!"

Baloo: Holy moly! That must be the misunderstanding. (Looking through more seats.) Becky's a goner too.

WildCat: You guys really are dying? No kidding? The real thing? (Baloo nods his head.)

Baloo: (Shot of outside the plane.) Yup. And here I've been so concerned about my candle burning down, I didn't notice Becky's being snuffed out. Oh, I'm gonna do right by that little gal as long as she's got some wick left. (Baloo has his cap off.)

WildCat: Wait. Are you guys dying or running out of wax? (Cut to Kit feeling underneath a seat.)

Kit: That exit's gotta be someplace. (Rebecca pulls on a seat as Baloo walks in and grabs the seat.)

Baloo: Oh, here; let me help you, Becky. Why don't you just sit a spell? (Baloo gets Rebecca to sit down.)

Rebecca: This is no time to sit. We have work to do.

Baloo: Oh, so unselfish. Even at the end of your rope.

Kit: Found it! (Baloo is holding Rebecca's left hand as we cut over to Kit finally finding the trapdoor for the emergency exit.)

Baloo: Nice going, Lil' Britches. Now, let's help these others bail out. (Baloo motions to everyone to come to the exit. We cut to outside as Baloo, Kit, Rebecca, WildCat, Oscar, Amelia, Charlies and The Kitty Hawk Kids all go through the trapdoor and come out onto the ground.)

Kit: We gotta get back to the SeaDuck.

Baloo: That's gonna be tough as long as Huge's sidekicks are packing those peashooters.

Rebecca: Difficult, but not impossible. Never say die, Baloo.

Baloo: Oh, Becky; your optimism is post-lutely inspiring.

Scene II

(Cut to the shot of the Titanium Tukey as the SeaDuck is right on top of it tied down. We head in front of the SeaDuck as Howard is dancing around.)

Howard: Oh, yippee kioki-yay! At last, my fabulous Titanium Turkey is ready for it's maiden voyage. (Cut to behind some rocks with Kit, Baloo, Rebecca, WildCat, Amelia, Oscar and the Kitty Hawk Kids looking on.)

Kit: What's he doing with the SeaDuck?

Baloo: Using it for some kind of lifeboat.

Kit: That turkey needs a lifeboat. Breaks about seventeen laws of aerodynamic theory.

Baloo: We've got to stop that porko pilot. And old Baloo's got an idea how.

Scene III

(Cut to a shot of a chicken roasting with a rotator over an open flame.)

Baloo: One whiff of this finger-lickin' chicken and Huge will come a-running. (Kit is controlling the rotator, Rebecca is fanning the flames while Baloo is brushing sauce on the chicken. The smell pans over to the Titanium Turkey as Howard is checking the ropes on the SeaDuck. He doesn't smell as he dances around.)

Kit: It isn't working!

Baloo: Turn up the fan! (Kit and Rebecca fan the flames with a blue sweater and the baseball cap.)

Rebecca: I don't get it. Is his nose stuffed up? (WildCat brings out a chocolate bar and the smell of that comes over to the dancing Howard and the smell stops him as he sniffs.)

Howard: Oh, yummy-yums! Choco Thriller! Oh, I haven't had one in years. (Howard walks off stage left as we cut to Baloo holding a bucket of sauce while WildCat is holding the chocolate bar.)

Baloo: Well, so much for my never-fail sauce. Let's go. (Baloo throws away the bucket of sauce and grabs WildCat's chocolate bar and puts it down on the ground. We see Howard running stage left towards the chocolate bar while Baloo and company run stage right in the background. Everyone climbs up the stairs into the Titanium Turkey except for Baloo and Rebecca.) Can you make the climb, Becky? I mean, in your condition an' all.

Rebecca: I happen to be in perfect condition, Baloo.

Baloo: Of course you are. (Jump cut to Baloo in the giant cockpit of the Titanium Turkey pushing switches on the control panel. The engines start and the propellers begin to spin. Cut to inside the theatre with Amelia, Charlie (without boots on now), the Kitty Hawk Kids and Oscar sitting down in their seats. Cut back to the cockpit with Baloo continuing to push switches as more propellers spin.) Let's see if this lead canary can flap it's wings. (Baloo pushes more switches on the control panel as the Titanium Turkey rides on the water out of the cave.)

Howard: Stop! Turkey thieves! (Howard comes running after them holding the chocolate bar in his hand. The Titanium Turkey takes off into the sky and then we head into the cockpit with WildCat standing up and looking out.)

WildCat: What terrific scenery. (We hear a creak and then the Titanium Turkey stops on a dime and is being pulled back.) I wonder why it stopped. (Kit looks out the window.)

Kit: Because we've stopped. (Rebecca is sitting in a green seat.)

Rebecca: Impossible. A plane can't stop in mid air. The manual explicitly says...(Baloo uses a periscope to look back and sees that Howard is using his giant magnet to stop the Titanium Turkey; although they showed the setup of the magnet here and not the using the magnet like it should be.)

Baloo: It's Huge! (Cut to the giant magent platform with Howard at the controls.)

Howard: Hah! Try and steal my Turkey, will they?! (Howard pushes on some levers and knobs.) Fat -- pardon the expression-- chance! We have a fatal attraction. (The magnet turns on and pulls back the Titanium Turkey.)

Rebecca: Do something, Baloo!

Baloo: I'm trying! But she won't budge! It's that magnet! (Baloo pushes more levers and struggles with the flight stick.)

Kit: Too bad we don't have a magnet of our own to counteract it.

WildCat: What if we patched into the electrical system and ran a current through the hull? That would turn this turkey into a magnet.

Baloo: WildCat, that's a great idea!

WildCat: Yeah. Wh-What is? (Kit gets out of his seat.)

Kit: I'll go find some wire. (Cut to the giant magnet continuing to run. Cut to the Titanium Turkey being pulled towards the giant magnet.)

Rebecca: I-I-I don't think we're gonna make it. (Head back into the cockpit.)

Baloo: Oh, what a lousy break. To have it end like this when there's only a few days left anyhow. (Kit returns as he clamps a wire onto the hull of the plane.)

Kit: Gun the engine, Poppa Bear! (Baloo guns the engine and it only makes the plane go backwards faster.) Oh, no! The magnets are attracting each other, we got it backwards!

Baloo: Backwards?!

Kit: Baloo, opposite poles attract, like poles repel. You gotta...(Gulps.)...flip this plane backwards!

Rebecca: Baloo, don't you dare! (Rebecca pulls on Baloo's sleeve.)

Baloo: Sorry, Becky. Everybody hang on. (Baloo pulls Rebecca away as he takes the controls.) Ready, Kit?

Kit: Roger that!

Baloo: Flaps wide open?

Kit: Check! (We see the Titanium Turkey flipping upwards.)

Baloo: Accelerate the accelerator.

Kit: Check!

Baloo: Radiate the radiator. (Kit is pushing on knobs inside the cockpit.)

Kit: Check!

Baloo: Escalate the escalator.

Kit: Check!

WildCat: Eh, this is the only way to fly.

Baloo: Hang on! We're about to flip like a flapjack. (Baloo flips the plane over causing debris to fall and then we jump cut to Howard pulling a lever and that causes the Titanium Turkey to flip completely and blast off into the sky. The debris falls and destroys the magnet as Howard hides.)

Howard: Oh, pooh! I've lost the Turkey! (Looks at a piece of metal.) Now all I have is leftovers. (Of course in the last magnet shot; the SeaDuck is still stuck to the magnet even though it was on the Titanium Turkey the entire time. We fly into outer space as everyone is yelling as we head back into the cockpit.)

Rebecca: Baloo, I order you to straighten out and fly right.

Baloo: What's the use? We're goners anyhow.

Rebecca: No, it was a misunderstanding. You're not dying.

Baloo: I'm not?! Well, what about you?!

Rebecca: No, of course not!

Baloo: You mean, we're both gonna live?! (Baloo hugs Rebecca and looks at the hard camera.)

Rebecca: Not if you don't get control of this stupid plane!

Scene IV

(Shot of Cape Suzette harbour at sunset as we pan west to see the Titanium Turkey has landed on the water and then a shot of the docks outside the offices of Higher For Hire. The SeaDuck is nowhere to be seen by the way.)

Rebecca: Yes? Good. Well, thanks for calling, officer. (Head into the office as Baloo is sitting in a chair drinking a soda. Rebecca is on the phone at her desk and Kit is reading a book on the wooden box next to the desk.) That was the Air Police. They've arrested Howard Huge and reunited the pilots with their families.

Baloo: Well, doesn't that warm the cockpit of your heart? And speaking of warm, (Baloo approaches the desk.) that's how I feel knowing you risked your life to save mine.

Rebecca: Well, you have your faults, Baloo; but you're pretty special. And you were right. I knew you'd make it back. There was never any doubt. (A door opens as Baloo dusts himself.)

Oscar: Uh, excuse me. Pardon me. (Baloo and Rebecca look at the door as Oscar Wiggerstomper appears holding his goggle hat.) Is that pilot position still available?

End of Episode At 21:25


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