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The Golden Sprocket Of Friendship Transcript

Written: 09/12/2015
Updated: 09/30/2021

Act I

Scene I

(Cut to a shot outside the entrance to Cape Suzette. A yellow airplane flies towards the entrance. Zoom into the entrance and towards the city of Cape Suzette. Cut to a sky shot of a stage as a walrus furry, who looks like Tuskerinni from Darkwing Duck; only with different colored clothes on and glasses is on stage reading from a large script. Surrounding him are carpenters working on the stage.)

Mayor Of Cape Suzette: "Welcome, one and all; to the Cape Suzette Friendship Festival." I give what? "Us fair city applauds the dignitar..." Excuse me, please. (The mayor is dodging a number of workers with planks of wood.) "Applauds the dignitar..." What?! Why?! (Disney Captions had it as "Hey?!" The mayor ducks underneath two workers with a low bridge on another plank of wood. Mayor gets up and dusts himself off.) Sorry. Now, let me see.. (Mayor dodges a furry work jackhammering the stage. If anyone know which spieces it is, let me know. I think there was a rhino, a dog, and some other furry besides the one that I cannot tell.) "The dignitaries who have traveled around the globe to..." ( Disney Captions missed "around the globe..." All the workers fall off their work spots and crashed onto the stage. The jackhammer worker crashes off-screen.) Watch it. "To join us in goodwill and brotherhood..." (The pink ribbon like blanket falls on the mayor.)

Scene II

(Shot of the airport as planes are coming in for a landing.)

Kit Cloudkicker: Wow! Look at all the planes, Baloo! A Gorman-60, and there's a Breskin 1-11! (Pan over to a limo being driven what appears to be Seymour (From All's Whale That Ends Whale) and in the back is Prince Neverhas Beenbroke from I Only Have Ice For You.)

Baloo Von Bruinwald XIII: Yeah. There's a Krellman Special from Nosanbique.

Kit: This is great! (Cut over to a mesh fence as Baloo and Kit are behind it with a movable hotdog stand with a hotdog sign attached to it. Baloo is dressed in a hotdog costume and Kit is dressed like a pickle.)

Baloo: Yup, Lil' Britches. Aviation heaven. (Baloo has a blowtorch in his right hand as an elephant furry wearing glasses, a blue cap, pink shirt, and grey pants is opening up the gate. Baloo has a fork with a wiener stuck to it.) Red hots! Get your delicious red-hot dogs! (Baloo uses the blowtorch to cook the hot dog. Pan over to the limo with Prince Neverhas Beenbroke with two harem dancers as I discover that the driver is not Seymour; but just a wolf furry in chaffeur gear.) Special Friendship Festival Price, three dollars and ninety-eight cents. (The limo speeds up and drives away leaving Kit to slap the smoke and dust away.) Okay, three dollars! Ninety-eight cents? Probably just had breakfast.

Kit: Ah, we'll get rich selling them once the Friendship Festival begins! Won't we, Poppa Bear? (Baloo starts eating the hotdog as Kit takes on and has a knife dipped in mustard. He spreads mustard on a hotdog he had just taken out.)

Baloo: Can you think of a friendlier food? (Baloo's mouth is full during this. Kit eats the hotdog.)

Kit: Can't say I can. (Kit's mouth is also full. We then hear engines whining as a Thembrian plane comes in for a landing. The plane comes down and crashes literally into the landing strip. The plane comes in pass the gate, forcing Kit and Baloo to flee as the hotdog stand gets thrown away by the plane. Cut to Kit and Baloo on the ground on the right side as a rock actually landed on Kit.)

Baloo/Kit: Thembrian! (Disney Captions had it as Thembrians even though the audio had it as singular for some reason. The side door opens and some steel stairs plop right out into view. We tease a zoom in shot of a tall Thembrian coming out; but pan down because Colonel Spigot is coming out.)

Colonel Ivanhov Spigot: Ah, Cape Suzette. The soft, white underbelly of the world. (Colonel Spigot walks out and sniffs the air.) Smell the decadence. (Spigot trips and falls on the steps as Sargeant Dunder comes out with a metal box.)

Sergeant Dunder: Smells a little like hotdog to me, sir. I think.

Colonel Spigot: Stop with the hotdogs, Sergeant Dunder! We have more important things to do. (Spigot gets up and walks onto the landing strip.) First, where do we get processed? (Colonel Spigot brings out his pen and rubber stamp.) I'm always ready for the proper forms and paperwork.

Sergeant Dunder: Um, I don't think they do any of those things here, Colonel; sir. (Dunder salutes Spigot.)

Colonel Spigot: No triplicate E1-18s? No day-long line?

Sergeant Dunder: Sorry.

Colonel Spigot: What way is this to run a country? (Colonel Spigot runs off as Dunder follows him.)

Sergeant Dunder: It's my fault, sir. (Colonel Spigot kicks a rock for fun as he climbs on some debris and then steals the box from Dunder.)

Colonel Spigot: Never mind! I will go see if preparations are in order for my grand presentations of the highly coveted Thembrian Golden Sprocket! Stay and guard it as if your life depends on it; because it does. (Spigot gives the box back to Sergeant Dunder. Cut to Baloo and Kit rolling and removing debris from their hotdog stand as Colonel Spigot walks in.) Remember, this is a Friendship Festival. You can't trust anyone. I am Colonel Spigot. You may have heard of me. (Colonel Spigot walks away stage right as we pan over to behind an alleyway as Trader Moe, Gorilla Goon and Rhino Goon are looking on.)

Trader Moe: Whatever's in that box is valuable. (Trader Moe grabs onto both goons by the tie.) So we're gonna steal it.

Rhino Goon: Yes. Steal.

Gorilla Goon: Yeah. We won't pay.

Trader Moe: And that hotdog guy's given me a great idea for a disguise and getaway. (Pan over to Baloo and Kit pushing the hotdog stand towards the Thembrian plane. Cut to the side door as Sergeant Dunder walks in with the box and then backs up and slams the door. Dunder then locks the door.)

Baloo: Well; hey, Dunder.

Sergeant Dunder: You can't have the very valuable Golden Sprocket unless you get by me first! (Dunder turns around and stands his ground, but then recoils.) Mr. Baloo?

Kit: (Comes forward.) And me, Kit. We're getting rich selling hotdogs.

Sergeant Dunder: I love hotdogs! (Cut to Baloo blowtorching a hotdog.)

Baloo: On the house 'cause we're pals. (Dunder walks in as Baloo gives Dunder the hotdog. Dunder licks his chops.)

Dunder: Thanks. You won't tell Colonel Spigot? He doesn't like eating on duty. He'd probably have me shot...or worse.

Baloo: Oh, mum's the word, Dundy. Now, if you'll excuse us...(A truck engine is heard.)

Rebecca Cunningham: BALOO! (There is a green truck parked as Rebecca Cunningham comes out.) I knew I'd find you two down here! And what is this ridiculous outfit?

Baloo: Fortune, lady. Fortune.

Rebecca: I'll fortune you! (Baloo turns his back as Rebecca kicks Baloo in the rear end.) You haul your hotdog bun outta here right now. (Rebecca grabs him by the costume and storms off stage left.)

Baloo: I'm moving, I'm moving! (Kit wheels the hotdog stand away stage left as we pan over to Dunder looking at the hotdog. He looks around and eats it when no one is looking.)

Scene III

(Head back to Higher For Hire at the back as there is a sign for the company. We pan down as the truck is parked outside. There is a piano standing next to Rebecca as Baloo and Kit are standing in front of Rebecca.)

Rebecca: Piano. Address. Deliver. (Rebecca points at the clipboard and then points up to a large mountain like hill.)

Baloo: But, Becky; that'll take all day.

Kit: Oh, we were gonna work the crowd at the festival. (Kit is somehow at the hotdog stand.)

Rebecca: Fine. Sell your hotdogs after you move the piano. (Rebecca walks off.)

Scene IV

(Cut to Baloo pushing the piano onto the back of the truck using his back and a wooden bridge ramp. Baloo grunts as we see a white car race in with a pig furry inside wearing an orange shirt and chaffeur hat.)

Car Driver: Hey! Move your keys, hotdog!

Baloo: I'm going as fast as I can. (Baloo pushes the piano onto the back of the truck. The pig furry has a confused look on his face and then drives around and his back attaches to the wheel and it pulls the truck's engine right out of the car and destroys the truck. The car speeds away with the wheels as the piano squashes Baloo for fun; while Kit lightly touches the piano and it stops on a dime.)

Kit: Road hog! (Baloo grunts.)

Baloo: Kit, we need help.

Kit: Right, Poppa Bear.

Baloo: Someone big, willing and likes hotdog. Now, you got any ideas?

Scene V

(Cut back to outside the Thembrian plan as Baloo is using a mustard container costume on Dunder.)

Baloo: Now, this will disguise you. No one will know.

Sargeant Dunder: But, Mr. Baloo; I can't desert my post. I'm sure Colonel Spigot will rip out my spleen or do something really bad to me. (Kit goes over and grabs a hotdog and knife filled with ketchup. Kit spreads ketchup on the hotdog, then relish.)

Baloo: Oh, you're loyal. I like that in a Thembrian. (Kit gives the hotdog to Baloo.) But I have a problem.

Sargeant Dunder: I have some salve. (Baloo walks off stage left with the hotdog towards the piano.)

Baloo: No, it's...Well, thought we were buddies. Friends, maybe.

Sargeant Dunder: Well...

Baloo: And friends help each other. Now, if I don't deliver that piano, I'm gonna be in big, big, trouble. (Baloo teases Dunder with the hotdog.)

Sargeant Dunder: Gosh. I don't want you to get into trouble. (Dunder's fingers are tied now.)

Baloo: Then you'll help?

Sargeant Dunder: I guess. We'll be back before Colonel Spigot does?

Baloo: Of course, pal. Have a hotdog. (Baloo opens the costume and stuffs a hotdog in Dunder's mouth.)

Scene VI

(Head into the suburbs of Cape Suzette on a blind hill. Baloo, Kit and Dunder are walking with the piano up the hill.)

Baloo: Almost there, Dundy. Just a few more... (Baloo and Dunder let go and the piano starts to move down the hill. Baloo checks the clipboard and then notices the piano down the hill crashing into the front door of a house. Baloo, Kit and Dunder walk up to the door. Baloo looks at the clipboard and rings the doorbell over and over again. No answer.) Come on, come on.

Kit: W-well, they're probably at the festival.

Baloo: And hankering for a Baloo Friendship Special with everything. Come on, let's go. (Baloo, Dunder and Kit walk off wheeling the hotdog stand.)

Sargeant Dunder: But I have to get back to...

Baloo: It's on our way, pal. Now, we'll just peek at the crowd and see if they're getting hungry yet. I'll let you push the cart. (Baloo moves aside.)

Sargeant Dunder: Really?

Kit: Hot doggers, here we come! (Dunder takes over the cart and they push it down the hill.)

Scene VII

(Cut to on stage as the mayor of Cape Suzette is at the podium with the Pygmies from The Bigger They Are, The Louder They Oink dancing on stage with spears.)

Cape Suzette Mayor: And those were the Prancing Pygmies from Patagotia doing their ritual rain conga dance. (Only a few of the denizens clap as the Pygmies dance off stage left. Cut to a park with Trader Moe dressed as a pickle, Gorilla Goon dressed as a mustard container and Rhino Goon dressed up like a hotdog. We see Teddy (wearing blue shorts and a yellow shirt dragging an adult (no idea the spieces here) with green pants, black suit and red tie stage right. There is an old brown dog with a beard wearing a trenchcoat, hat and pants walking with a cane stage left.)

Trader Moe: Look, I'm gonna tell you guys one more time...We're not selling hotdogs! (There is a hotdog cart behind them.)

Rhino Goon: Eh, no hotdogs.

Gorilla Goon: Ah! No cats or dogs.

Gorilla Goon/Rhino Goon: Ah, no. Heh.

Rhino Goon: Then why are we dressed like this? (Trader Moe slaps himself in disgust and pulls on his snout.)

Trader Moe: To fool the guy at the airport!

Rhino Goon: Oh, right! Yeah. (Chuckles.)

Gorilla Goon: The fool at the airport. (Chuckles)

Trader Moe: And if he's not fooled, we blast him with the TNT. Got it? (Trader Moe opens the cart to reveal that the hotdogs are sticks of dynamite.)

Gorilla Goon/Rhino Goon: Right! (In comes a grey moose wearing a blue jacket, blue shirt, blue pants and a blue hat.)

Moose Hotdog Buyer: Hey, you! I'll take a hot dog.

Gorilla Goon: Okay. (Trader Moe slaps Gorilla Goon silly on the arm. )

Trader Moe: Sorry, all out.

Moose Hotdog Buyer: But you have one in your hand.

Trader Moe: So, you want a hotdog? (Trader Moe grabs a bun and puts the stick of TNT into the bun. He takes a match and strikes it on his costume. He lights the fuse on the dynamite stick and gives the hotdog to the moose.) Catch! (The moose grabs it and the moose throws a dollar bill to Trader Moe. Trader Moe catches it.)

Moose Hotdog Buyer: Thanks!

Trader Moe: Boom appetit. (Trader Moe and the goon run away with the hotdog cart stage left as the TNT stick explodes right into the moose's face causing ash and soot to be all over him. So the Goon cart wheels in and Baloo's cart come racing in from different directions and they crash into each other.)

Baloo/Trader Moe: OOOOOO! (The hotdogs and buns go flying. Everyone is down except Baloo's hotdog cart.)

Baloo: Oh-ho. competition! This is my turf! You weenie raiders have a permit?

Trader Moe: Permit? (Baloo stands up.)

Baloo: Just like I thought. Police! Police!

Trader Moe: (Trader Moe gets up and takes Rhino Goon and Dunder with him.) Ssh! Okay, okay! We're going! (They run off stage right.)

Baloo: (Laughs.) Oh, boy! Did you see 'em run? HAHA! Permits! Oh, boy. Sometimes I crack myself up. (Baloo elbows Gorilla Goon in the ribs.)

Kit: Look! (Points to farther in the park as Colonel Spigot shows up looking around.)

Baloo: Uh-oh.

Kit: Come on, run! (Kit and Baloo take the hotdog stand and run southwest. The goon just stands there.)

Gorilla Goon: Okay. Boss is sure talking funny though. (Gorilla Goon follows them.)

Scene VIII

(Cut to the Thembrian plane as Baloo, Kit and Gorilla Goon run towards the plane and stop in front of the side door.)

Baloo: Made it. You gotta get up early in the afternoon to fool old Baloo. (Baloo pats Kit on the head.)

Colonel Spigot: What is going on here?! (Colonel Spigot walks in.) Why are people wearing silly outfits near my plane?

Baloo: Er, well...I was um...I was just showing the sarge the new line of Cape Suzette uniforms. (Baloo pokes on Gorilla Goon's costume.) They're part of the Hotdog Commandos.

Kit: Baloo, only an idiot would believe a story like that.

Colonel Spigot: Hotdog Commandos? (Baloo nods.) I should inform the High Marshal. He would probably be interested in having Hotdog Commandos of his own. Sergeant Dunder? My official notepad. (No response. Colonel Spigot taps his foot down.) I'm speaking to you, Sergeant "Soon to be shot if you don't answer" Dunder! (Spigot jumps up and pulls the mask off of the Gorilla Goon exposing him.) You're not Sergeant Dunder!

Gorilla Goon: I'm not?

End of Act I At 8:55

Act II

Scene I

(Cut back to Colonel Spigot standing on Gorilla Goon's belly pulling on the costume.)

Colonel Spigot: Why aren't you Sergeant Dunder?! Why aren't you Sergeant Dunder?!

Gorilla Goon: I don't know. Why?

Colonel Spigot: Answer me! Stop playing dumb!

Kit: I don't think he's playing.

Baloo: Say, Spiggy; the sarge was with me. He'll turn up. He was just being friendly. (Baloo grabs Colonel Spigot and peels him off of Gorilla Goon.)

Colonel Spigot: He's not a friendly! He's a Thembrian! (Colonel Spigot jumps out of Baloo's hands.) Now, I want to know what's going on here! (Spigot goes over to Gorilla Goon and pokes him over and over in the belly.) What?! What?! What?! (Gorilla Goon giggles in a really contrived matter that it sounds like he's coughing.)

Gorilla Goon: Well, I'm not supposed to tell; but we're gonna steal what's in the box. (Giggles.) Oops! (Gorilla Goon covers his mouth as Spigot panics.)

Colonel Spigot: Steal the Golden Sprocket? Steal the Golden Sprocket?! (Spigot runs into the plane.)

Gorilla Goon: Sssh! Heh. It's our big secret. Hehheh. (Cut to inside the plane as Spigot has the key and opens the door. He goes inside.)

Colonel Spigot: The sprocket! (He runs in and bonks into a large safe like box. He cannot get to the key hole lock by jumping, so he bails and returns with a step ladder. He puts the ladder down in front of the safe and unlocks the safe. It's booby trapped with a machine gun, two axes and a boxing glove on a spring. The slot opens to reveal the metal box. Spigot breathes a sigh of relief.) Oh, it's safe. (Cut to outside as Baloo and Kit have tied up Gorilla Goon and hung him from the plane wing.)

Baloo: Your doohickey's okay? (Colonel Spigot comes out and shuts the door behind him.)

Colonel Spigot: Yes, the doohickey's okay! No thanks to you and your Cape Suzette ways. (Colonel Spigot walks towards Gorilla Goon.) Friends indeed! Find Sergeant Dunder! I shall stand guard. My speech is at six. (Colonel Spigot brings out a pistol and checks his watch.) If you're not back by then, it's going to be war. War! War!

Scene II

(Cut to a giant blimp flying over Cape Suzette as we pan down to the Friendship Festival stage with the mayor watching inbetween two jackals in green sweaters with blue trim and green pants on unicycles tossing flamingoes.)

Cape Suzette Mayor: How about a big Cape Suzette hand for the Juggling Jackals of Jackomanka?

Jackals: Ooh! Ah! (They lose their balance off-screen and crash onto the stage. The mayor claps and there is few cheers from the crowd as some denizens clap as the jackals bow to the audience after getting up off-screen. Pan west to a pathway just outside the staging area as Kit and Baloo are walking with the hotdog cart looking for Dunder.)

Kit: Dunder?! Sergeant Dunder?!

Baloo: Here, boy! (Whistles.) Where are you? (Cut to the crowd as Rebecca Cunningham is within the crowd somehow and is shocked to see Baloo and Kit are in the park.)

Rebecca: Baloo? There's no way he could have delivered that piano yet. (Rebecca pushes two denizens aside and walks out.)

Scene III

(Back at the Thembrian plane as Colonel Spigot is pacing about as Gorilla Goon is still hanging around literally.)

Colonel Spigot: Hup, two, three, four! Hup, two, three, five! Hup, two...HALT! (Colonel Spigot points his pistol at something.) Oh, you're back. You found my sergeant? (Enter Trader Moe with Rhino Goon and Sergeant Dunder with their hands up.)

Trader Moe: Sergeant? We're just your friendly neighborhood hot dog vendors!

Rhino Goon: Yeah, we're not crooks or nothin'! (Moe elbows Rhino Goon in the ribs.)

Colonel Spigot: Hot dogs? Hot dogs?!

Trader Moe: Watch where you're pointing that thing, shortstop! (Colonel Spigot brushes the pistol against Trader Moe's chest.) It may be loaded!

Colonel Spigot: It's all right, my bullets are back in Thembria. (Twirls the pistol.) They can't leave the country without an eleven-fourteen form, and we were all out of those.

Trader Moe: Gee, that's too bad. In that case, hand over what's in the box!

Colonel Spigot: The Golden Sprocket? Never! Say, you're not the kid in the pickle outfit, are you? (Moe points a pistol at Spigot.) Ha, Guess not.

Trader Moe: We gotcha outnumbered three to one! (Trader Moe backs up Spigot.)

Colonel Spigot: Uh, let's not do anything I'm going to regret.

Sergeant Dunder: (Removes cap on suit.) Hey, what're you doing to my fearless leader? Where's Baloo?

Trader Moe: What is this? A bogus poupon? (Disney Captions has it as Poopon. Why?) Where's my other goon?! (Spigot slaps the gun out of Moe's hand.)

Colonel Spigot: Aha! Now it's two against two. Come on, Sergeant Dunder! Now we've got you outnumbered! (This scene was edited badly by Toon Disney. Details are in the TaleSpin Edits page on the Unofficial Kit Cloudkicker homepage under the Editorials section. It's also talked about in the re-rant.)

Scene IV

(Cut to Colonel Spigot tied up and hanging upside down looking at Trader Moe and Gorilla Goon, who is untied and not hanging around.)

Trader Moe: If you won't open the door, we'll just blast our way in.

Rhino Goon: (Wheels the hotdog cart in towards the side door of the plane.) Blast our way in.

Gorilla Goon: Yeah, boom boom! (We see Sergeant Dunder hanging right side up from the plane wing.)

Colonel Spigot: Please, not my Sprocket! Oh, help! Mmm.. (Trader Moe takes the hat and stuffs it in Spigot's mouth. Rhino Goon proceeds to place a fuse into the hotdog rack and strike a match; lighting the fuse. Neither match strike was edited out by Toon Disney. Rhino Goon bails as the flame moves across the fuse as he jumps over some barrels and squashes Trader Moe and Gorilla Goon who are behind them. Colonel Spigot panics and sweats as everyone else covers their ears. The fuse goes into the cart and the goons get up to discover that nothing has happened. Trader Moe and the goons go over and open the cart to discover that it's nothing but weenies.)

Trader Moe: Hey, it's full of weenies. (Rhino Goon is helping Trader Moe with looking inside the cart.)

Rhino Goon: Er, Boss; don't you think that dynamite would have worked better?

Gorilla Goon: Yeah, yeah. With a boom! And a boom! (Trader Moe tosses hotdogs at them in disgust.)

Trader Moe: All right. Who's got my dynamite?!

Scene V

(Cut to Baloo and Kit driving the hotdog cart containing the sticks of dynamite. In comes the moose hotdog buyer and apparently; his right hand was broken by the dynamite because it's bandaged up and in a sling. So apparently; his hand dropped from his arm off-screen.)

Moose Hotdog Buyer: Ah, excuse me?! I'd like a hotdog.

Baloo: Finally! Mister, you come to the right guy. (Baloo takes out a bun and places a stick of dynamite in the bun. He then proceeds to use the blowtorch on it.)

Rebecca: Baloo!

Baloo/Kit: Uh-oh! (Baloo and Kit take the stuff and the cart and run stage left. Rebecca chases after them and somehow loses them despite there being no one in the crowd to lose. She looks around and then walks away stage left. We then see Baloo and Kit walk from the trees with the hotdog cart.)

Baloo: With a million, jillion people at the festival, you'd think we'd find one little old sergeant.

Kit: We were the ones who did kind of lose him in the first place. I hope he's all right, Baloo.

Scene VI

(Back to the Thembrian plane with Spigot and Dunder tied up. Trader Moe is after Spigot who has a piece of concrete slab weighing Spigot down.)

Trader Moe: So you want me to get tough, eh? One of yous has the key. Talk! (Colonel Spigot's speech is muffled.)

Rhino Goon: I can't understand a thing.

Gorilla Goon: He said something. (Trader Moe removes the hat from Spigot's mouth. Spigot grabs the key from his pocket.)

Colonel Spigot: Sergeant Dunder! Swallow the key! That's an order! (Spigot throws the key onto Dunder's tongue and he brings the key into his mouth. He then swallows the key.) Now, try and get it!

Trader Moe: Hee hee. Boys, the key; please.

Rhino Goon: Yeah. The key.

Gorilla Goon: Yeah, okay dokey. Ha! (Rhino and Gorilla Goon roll up their sleeves as Dunder panics.)

Sergeant Dunder: Colonel!

End Of Act II At 13:09


Scene I

(Shot of the airport area as one of the planes lands on the landing strip. Outside the fencing area we see Kit and Baloo wheeling the hotdog cart.)

Kit: How are we gonna tell Colonel Spigot that we couldn't find Sergeant Dunder?

Baloo: Beats me, L'il Britches. (They go into the landing strip and discover that Dunder and Spigot are tied up on the wings.)

Kit: Baloo, look!

Baloo: Hey, hey! Spiggy, Dundy! (Baloo and Kit walk in.) I told you we'd find the sarge. (To Kit.) Now, we can go sell hotdogs.

Colonel Spigot: Get me down from here! Get me down from here! (Kit goes over to Dunder.)

Sergeant Dunder: I don't feel too good. (Kit brings out his pocket knife and cuts the rope; which causes Spigot and Dunder to drop onto the landing strip with thuds.)

Kit: What happened?

Colonel Spigot: (Struggling on the concerte slab with the ropes.) They stole the Sprocket! They stole the Sprocket! You're to blame! And you're to blame! And you and you! And especially you, Sergeant. I'm going to send you for my firing squad.

Sergeant Dunder: All the way from home?

Colonel Spigot: You'll all be shot! Especially you, Sergeant Dunder. You'll have to be shot twice. (Spigot holds out three fingers to indicate thrice; but then has to count to make sure it's twice. Baloo and Kit notice a tower with a clock that chimes six times.)

Baloo: Six o'clock. Don't you have a presentation to make, Spiggy?! (Colonel Spigot shudders in fear.)

Colonel Spigot: Presentation? (Gulps.) I have to present the Golden Sprocket to the Mayor.

Baloo: Yeah?

Colonel Spigot: And there's no Sprocket to present. When the High Marshal finds out...

Baloo/Kit: He'll have you shot!

Colonel Spigot: (Gulps.) The firing squad. (Spigot faints dead away.)

Sergeant Dunder: Oh, no; sir. That could never happen. The penalty for losing international awards is being fed alive to polar bears.

Colonel Spigot: Polar bears?! I don't want to go like Grandma! (Spigot pulls on Baloo's costume in a panic.) You've got to do something!

Baloo: Hey, no problem. We'll find your golden doohickey. (Baloo puts him down on the ground.)

Colonel Spigot: But I must present it now!

Baloo: So stall. Tell a few jokes. You know. (Baloo has his hand on Spigot's shoulder as they walk stage left. Kit and Dunder follow.)

Colonel Spigot: Yeah, yeah; jokes. Tell a few. I know. Now, how did that one go? Umm... Why did the flightless fowl cross the runway? Heh, heh. He didn't. Good one. I'll open with that...Good... (Colonel Spigot runs away stage left.)

Baloo: Knock'em dead! We'd better hurry. I've got a feeling it's gonna be a tough audience.

Scene II

(Cut to the Friendship Festival as there are only about thirty denizens watching on from the stage as the mayor is addressing them on stage.)

Cape Suzette Mayor: Hey, aren't they terrific, folks? The Mongrilli Mimes...

Rhino Goon: Good idea, hiding box in weenie car, huh; boss? (In the foreground we see Trader Moe and the goons pushing the cart with the box inside.)

Gorilla Goon: Yeah. Good weenie idea.

Rhino Goon: Good idea. My first. Heh heh.

Trader Moe: It would have been better if you had remember to take out the weenies first! (Rebecca then comes running in from the alleyway.)

Rebecca: Baloo! You haven't delivered that piano, have you?

Trader Moe: Who's the dame?

Rhino Goon: Don't know.

Gorilla Goon: What dame?

Rhino Goon: I haven't the faintest.

Rebecca: What happened to your voice, Kit?

Trader Moe: Kit? Sorry, lady; wrong pickle. Get rid of her.

Rhino Goon: Yeah.

Gorilla Goon: Yeah. Okay. Bye-bye now. (The goons stalk Rebecca. They grab Rebecca by her arms.)

Rebecca: Hey! Wait a minute! Put me down! (Rebecca is struggling.) Hey, what are you doing? Baloo?! Kit?! (The goons stuff Rebecca into the hotdog cart and they wheel the cart away. We pan over to the stage again with the Mayor of Cape Suzette on stage.)

Cape Suzette Mayor: And now, straight from Thembria; I'd like to present Colonel Drip...Er, Spigot. Heh heh. (Fanfare music plays and there is a decent round of applause as Colonel Spigot takes the podium. Of course the podium is built for someone who is twice as tall as Colonel Spigot; so Spigot cannot reach the microphone nor can see anyone properly.)

Colonel Spigot: (Coughing.) Yes. Good evening, ladies and ladies...gentlemen...people. So...Ah, how many of you are from..Z-Thembria? Hm? Hm? Eh? (The crowd stands there looking bored. Muffy & Buffy Vanderscheemer, Fred (in a suit with glasses), the press member from A Bad Reflection On You, the pig lady from Plunder and Lightning, and a Thembrian warthog are included in this shot, along with the black bird wearing glasses and a grey suit, an old mouse fury and Teddy from A Baloo Switcheroo.) I tell you, Thembrian lines are the worst. (Colonel Spigot takes the microphone and walks in front of the podium. A walrus sailor and the delivery bear from Plunder and Lightning show up as well.) I once stood in a line so long, I had to set my watch back an hour. (chuckles.) An hour because of...uh... the time zone difference. (Crowd still looks bored.)

Scene III

(Cut to a sky shot of a tram-train riding the track out of a tunnel over a clock tower.)

Sergeant Dunder: Oh, a firing squad just for me. I'm honored! Colonel Spigot must really like me. (We pan down to ground level near a large building with Baloo, Dunder and Kit wheeling the hotdog stand.) Oh, I wish I hadn't let him down. He needed me and I wasn't there. (Kit elbows Baloo in the ribs. Disney Captions had Kit saying Baloo? even though he didn't say anything in the audio.)

Baloo: Yeah?

Kit: We kind of got him in a bunch of trouble, didn't we?

Baloo: Hmm. Yeah. Maybe a little.

Sergeant Dunder: I wonder if they'll give me a blindfold?

Baloo: Well, maybe a lot. Hey, Dunder; pal. I-I got something I wanna say. It's just...well...I've been a weenie.

Sergeant Dunder: You?

Baloo: Yeah. You helped me like a friend and I've gotten you in hot water.

Sergeant Dunder: It's all right. I don't mind. It's only a firing squad.

Baloo: Look, I'll get you out of this. I promise.

Kit: We're gonna find that Golden Sprocket!

Sergeant Dunder: For me?

Baloo: That's what friends are for, right?

Scene IV

(Back at the stage with Colonel Spigot on said stage with a microphone.)

Colonel Spigot: Ha-heh. And then the doctor asks the man, "What's wrong?". The penguin replies, "I'm not sure, but I've got this guy under my feet; but I can't get rid of!" (Colonel Spigot giggles as the same shot of the crowd is bored once again.) Oh, you've heard this one before? (Cut to the suburbs of Cape Suzette on the road as the white car from earlier is riding down the hill and drives onto the driveway of his house and parks in the garage. He goes in from the side door of the garage and he's mad because there's the piano stuck in his doorway. It's the pig furry from earlier.)

Pig Car Driver: What?! A piano?! (He shoves the piano out of the door and it bounces off a fire hydrant and then off the sidewalk edge. Then it rides in the middle of the street and is heading towards downtown Cape Suzette. Cut back to under a bridge with a Friendship Festival poster hanging down as Trader Moe and the Goons are wheeling their hotdog stand with Rebecca's head still stuck in the weenies.)

Rebecca: Let me outta here! (Trader Moe and the goon turn into underneath the bridge and from the opposite side comes Baloo, Kit and Dunder with their hotdog stand.)

Baloo: He-hey! There are the two weenie robbers! (Trader Moe and the goons bail stage south as Baloo, Kit and Dunder try to follow; but get cut off by the limo with Prince Neverhas Beenbroke inside with his harem dancers. Then they run after the goons.)

Kit: After the Sprocket! (Rebecca yells as the goons are running down the steps and then down the street. Rebecca manages to nip up to her knees and is on the hotdog cart with the metal box containing the Golden Sprocket.)

Rebecca: Baloo, what are you doing?! (Rebecca elbows Rhino Goon in the ribs and he goes flying. She screams as the cart goes down the hill. Trader Moe and everyone else follows it.)

Trader Moe: Grab that cart! (Rebecca goes through the open door tram-car and out wearing a pink dress, a grey hat, and has a smoke pipe in her mouth, a blue purse, flowers, and a metal lunch box. She moves and all but the pink dress and blue purse remains.)

Rebecca: Help! (The cart goes to the right as the rest of the items are off of her now. The goons run after it and under the bridge. Pan up to Baloo, Kit and Dunder with their hotdog stand on top of the bridge.)

Baloo: Gotta get that Sprocket! (Baloo and company wheel the hotdog stand over the bridge. Cut to in the streets as Trader Moe grabs the cart and runs with it.)

Trader Moe: Faster! Faster! (Rhino Goon and Gorilla Goon don't turn left and Rhino Goon falls into a manhole. Trader Moe wheels the cart; but loses it and freefalls into a conveniently placed trap door. Up comes from the trapdoor, Rhino Goon and Trader Moe as Kit now has the cart and bumps Rhino Goon out of the way. Trader Moe is lying on a steel rod. Kit wheels the cart down the sidewalk; but Gorilla Goon grabs him and throws him into the conveniently placed trashcan. Gorilla Goon takes over the cart over the bridge as Rebecca screams again. Baloo is running beside the bridge and then they switch places. Then they run off-screen and crash into each other with Baloo regaining the cart apparently; Gorilla Goon got punched off-screen.)

Baloo: Got it! Got it! (Cut to Dunder with his hotdog cart in the park.)

Sergeant Dunder: Mr. Baloo? (Dunder runs off as Baloo takes the cart down the steps in the background. Baloo trips and falls down on his belly as the goons retake the cart.)

Scene V

(Back on stage as Colonel Spigot is still on stage humming a tune and pacing around. He's tapdancing.)

Colonel Spigot: Bon apeno! Bon apeno! (Now the crowd is booing him out of the building. An apple, gourd and mango get thrown at Spigot and Spigot misses all of them. Three bananas get thrown as well.) Hey! I thought this was a Friendship Festival?! (More fruit is thrown and Colonel Spigot takes an orange right in the face and is knocked down. Cut to the crosswalk at the lights as WildCat Puma is walking on the sidewalk stopping in front of the light with his toolbox. The piano rides stage southwest and then the light changes green and WildCat just walks on the street stage right. Cut to a building as Kit is on the side with a hand saw cutting the golden rod of a sign for shoes. Trader Moe and the goons try to run with the cart; but the shoe sign crashes down cutting them off. Kit jumps down on the opposite side of the goons and takes over the cart. Trader Moe somehow teleports over to a mailbox as he puts a plastic bag over Kit's head and he yells as he struggles to get the bag off. Trader Moe takes over the cart. Then Gorilla Goon comes in from the alleyway and slams a trash can over Trader Moe's head and takes over the cart.)

Trader Moe: (Struggling in the trash can.) No, you idiot! When I told you to get the cart, I didn't mean from me! (Rhino Goon runs the cart in the street.)

Rebecca: Take that! (Rebecca does a kick right in Gorilla Goon's face. Rebecca yells as the cart comes down the street through the park with the fountain. Finally; the cart heads right for the dead end street containing trash cans and other junk. Rebecca and cart slam right into the trash as Baloo and Kit finally run in with the trash cover rolling away from the scene. Kit runs to the trash in horror.)

Kit: Are you all right, Miss Cunningham? (Kit shoves the trash aside as we see Rebecca is lying in a heap.)

Rebecca: No, I'm not. (Kit helps Rebecca up and she's actually fine physically.)

Baloo: (Dunder rides in with his hotdog stand.) One Golden Sprocket for my friend, Dunder. (Baloo takes the metal box and gives it to Dunder.)

Trader Moe: No. For me! (We cut to Gorilla Goon and Trader Moe as Trader Moe is handled by Gorilla Goon. Trader Moe takes out a stick of dynamite from the cart and uses a cigar lighter to threaten Dunder and company.) Hand over the box! (Dunder then goes over and hands the box to Trader Moe. Trader Moe grabs the box.) At last, it's mine! HAHA! (We hear rattling.) What now? (Gorilla Goon and Trader Moe turn around and here comes the piano coming down the hill. Everyone panics and notices the dynamite inside the cart. All of them scatter.)

Baloo: RUN! (Trader Moe runs and the metal box going flying right into the hands of Dunder. Dunder panics as the piano heads straight for him. Cut back to the stage as the mayor is literally grabbing Colonel Spigot and trying to drag him away from the stage.)

Colonel Spigot: Wait, wait, wait! There's more! (Spigot drops the microphone and then we see and hear an explosion causing Spigot to fall into the arms of the mayor. Hotdogs go flying right onto the stage as somehow, Trader Moe and the goons are on stage with the piano. The piano top opens and out comes Dunder with hotdogs in his mouth. The middle slot opens to show Dunder's arms with the metal box in his hands. The Mayor loses his hat and pops up with Spigot. Spigot is happy as he takes the box from Dunder and puts it on the hotdog pile. He opens the metal box (without a key mind you) and opens the green metal box inside, and then a red metal box inside containing a combination lock you would find in schools. Colonel Spigot twists the lock and it unlocks the red metal box.) Mr. Mayor; the Thembrian Golden Sprocket for you. (Spigot gives him the red box and it opens up instantly.)

Cape Suzette Mayor: Er, thank you; Colonel Nozzle. (The mayor pulls out a wire attached to a clock sprocket in gold.)

Colonel Spigot: That's Spigot. (The mayor ponders over the sprocket for a bit as it sparkles.)

Cape Suzette Mayor: Odd customs these Thembrians have.

Scene VI

(Back at the airport at the Thembrian airplane with Baloo, Dunder, Kit and Colonel Spigot.)

Colonel Spigot: What a presentation! The High Marshal will be so proud. People said they'd never seen anything like it. Maybe I'm in the wrong line of work. Maybe I should go into...Dare I say it? Showbiz. (Colonel Spigot just walks into the plane.)

Sergeant Dunder: I wanna thank you, Baloo. Colonel Spigot said I won't have to be shot now that everything worked out so well. He says, a simple flogging will do. (Disney Captions missed the "so well" and "He says" part.)

Baloo: Well, good for you Dundy. I-I'm sorry I got you into this in the first place.

Kit: And we didn't sell a single hotdog Baloo.

Baloo: Well, no; but we made a lot of friends and isn't that what the Friendship Festival's all about Kit?

Kit: (Folds his arms.) Nice try, Poppa Bear! (Baloo grins knowing that Kit is right here. The ladder goes up and the side door closes. The Thembrian plane engines start up and begin to roar. Baloo and Kit run off south as the Thembrian plane takes off perfectly outside of causing more landstrip damage. The plan flies away as Baloo and Kit wave at the plane. Rebecca then comes in with the piano.)

Rebecca: Baloo, about this piano...

Baloo: Well, honest; Becky. We delivered it to where you told us.

Rebecca: Er, that's what I was trying to tell you. I gave you the wrong address. (Baloo is not impressed by this at all.)

Scene VII

(So we head up the hill toward the top of the mountain hill to the church on the top of the hill (No cross on top; probably obscured by the white clouds in the sky). We see Baloo pushing the piano while Kit is following him smiling and amused. They are also out of costume now meaning Kit gets his hat back.)

Baloo: Why me Kit? Why me?

Kit: Hey Baloo; you know what they say. It's a "dog eat dog" world! (Laughs.)

Baloo: Kit; if this piano pushing don't kill me, your jokes sure will!

End of Episode At 21:25


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