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Stuck On You Transcript

Written: 04/26/2016
Updated: 12/04/2021

Act I

Scene I

(Pan up to the cliff guns at the entrance to Cape Suzette. Zoom in and show a grey bulldog wearing a red uniform with badges on his left side of the uniform. He is using binoculars as we get a shot from the binoculars looking around the skies. He then misses the Iron Vulture coming and then pushes left.)

Gliff Gun Commander: The Iron Vulture! Battle stations! (Takes the transmitter.) Battle stations! This is a Priority Pirate Alert! (We see three furries who look like country bumpkins running on a catwalk. Cut to the cliff guns pointing up into the sky. Cut back to the Commander.) You won't get past us, you crooks! Fire! (By the way; there is a poster behind the commander that is a Wanted poster for Don Karnage for $10,000 reward. We see the furry in the green coat and red sweater fire the cliff guns as the bullets fly.)

Don Karnage: Ha! I will show those sons of hamsters what happens when they put a reward on Don Karnage! (We cut to the Iron Vulture and then inside as Don Karnage and Gibber are on the catwalk. In comes Mad Dog and Dumptruck.)

Mad Dog: But they just fired at us, Captain! (Mad Dog gives Don Karnage a telescope.)

Don Karnage: Show a little trust, Mad Dog. (The Iron Vulture is so above the clouds that the bullets simply peak up and comes down without coming even close to hitting the Iron Vulture.) You see? At this altitude, they cannot reach us!

Mad Dog: The jerks are bombing themselves. (Somehow the bullets are falling into Cape Suzette harbour even though the bullets were going east rather than west. Cut to the commander on the western end of the mountain top looking at Higher For Hire with the binoculars.)

Cliff Gun Commander: Hold your fire! (And then he teleports back to the area with the wanted poster.) He's won without firing a shot. Blast you, Don Karnage! (Cut to the beak of the Iron Vulture as Don Karnage is getting into his balloon with a megaphone. Mad Dog, Gibber, Dumptruck, Sadie and a cat pirate who looks similar to Mepps.)

Don Karnage: Now, I will go and make my demand for the city to surrender. (Gibber goes and whispers in Don's ear.) Use the radio? Where is the glory in that? This way, I make the dramatic entrance! (Gibber mutters.)

Gibber: Crazy.

Don Karnage: Did you say "crazy"?! (Grabs Gibber by the coat.) me.. that word! (Gibber gets dumped on the ground.) Dumptruck! I put you in charge while I am gone.

Dumptruck: Aye-aye, Captain! (Dumptruck salutes him and pokes himself in the eye with the telescope.) OW! (Don Karnage looks regretful and then looks in the camera and is surprised.)

Don Karnage: On my mark, detach the basket. Mark! (Mad Dog is using a pully system on the roof of the beak of the Iron Vulture as Don puts on goggles.) On my mark, lower the basket. (Mad Dog pulls more levers and the metal thing comes down and smashes Don Karnage in the head causing the basket to go down.) MARK! (The basket drops as Mad Dog looks worried and then the basket stop and Don creates a model of himself with the basket. Don Karnage comes up and eats a piece of basket and then gets nailed in the head with a hook showing a subtle, but still visible lump on his head.) Now lower me gently!

Scene II

(Cut to the stormy skies as the SeaDuck is flying towards Cape Suzette. Head into the cockpit with Baloo flying the SeaDuck.)

Baloo Von Bruinwald XIII: ♪ He'll be flying tons of cargo when he comes... (Baloo blows on a bottle of orange soda.) He'll be flying tons of cargo when he comes... (Baloo blows on a bottle of orange soda which is empty on the next shot as Baloo is flying the plane with his feet.) He'll be flying tons of cargo from Loch Lein to old Port Largo; he'll be flying tons of cargo when he comes. (Blows into the bottle again.) Ha ha ha ha ha! Uh-oh, that's some storm brewin'. I'd better hurry on in. (Baloo pulls the switch and the SeaDuck is racing now. Cut to Don Karnage on the balloon without his megaphone.)

Don Karnage: "Attention, simpletons of Cape Suze..." No, no. That's not right ah..."Simpering simpletons of Cape Suzette." Yes, I love that! That's much better. (The SeaDuck approaches.) What is making that motor noise? (Cut back to inside the cockpit of the SeaDuck as Baloo is flying normally and the soda bottle is now filled with orange soda.)

Baloo: Whoa, this storm is gettin' rough! (The bottle falls down onto the floor of the SeaDuck and Baloo goes for it. Cut back to Don Karnage screaming as the balloon basket crashes into the windshield and Don Karnage gets bumped up as Baloo pops up. Balloon basket bounces off the roof of the SeaDuck.)

Don Karnage: (Screaming.) A-E-I-O-U... (Cut back to the cockpit as Baloo takes the controls with bottle of orange soda pop.)

Baloo: What was that?! I better check the damage. (Baloo puts the crowbar on the flight stick and heads to the back. Cut back to the beak of the Iron Vulture as Gibber, Dumptruck and Mad Dog are pulling up the rope for the balloon and there is only the hook left with the goggles attached to it which were never there when the basket ripped out. Everyone gulps as we see the SeaDuck flying away from the Iron Vulture. Mad Dog goes to the edge with the telescope.)

Mad Dog: Look! That's Baloo's plane! He ran over the Captain! (We see that the balloon is attached to the tailsection of the SeaDuck. Gibber whispers into Dumptruck's ear.)

Dumptruck: Huh? Oh, yeah. Attack! (The Iron Vulture is shown lowering down as Baloo goes into the back and checks the cargo tied down with nets.)

Baloo: Hmm, cargo looks okay. Hmmm...(He hears knocking on the side door and Baloo heads to the side door. Before Baloo can open the door; it opens by itself and Don jumps up and grabs onto the doorway and double kicks Baloo in the chest knocking him down and bowling right over a trash can conveniently placed in the middle of the floor.)

Don Karnage: Once more; I, Don Karnage snatch victory from the jaws of defeat! (Don Karnage brings out his sword as Baloo is sitting on trash can holding the lid as a shield.) Now I teach you to hit my bucket!

Baloo: AH! Hey! Huh, what'd I do? (Don nails the trash can lid with the sword.) Hey, stop! Watch it! (Cut to outside with the SeaDuck flying as thunderclaps ensue. The SeaDuck shakes causing both men to bump into each other and bounce through the tailsection door of the SeaDuck causing Don to drop his sword on the door. Don flips over Baloo as both of them hold on for dear life. Somehow they are flying over Cape Suzette harbour during this as Baloo and Don stammer fearfully as Don climbs over Baloo and gets his sword.)

Don Karnage: Joan, oh my Godddd! Say toodle-oo, Baloo! (Don raises his sword.)

Baloo: Oh, sure! Now that I'm hanging here helpless. Go on, you big coward! (Baloo braces for the blow; as Don is about to slice Baloo, and then he just stops and looks confused. He then simply grabs Baloo's hand and pulls him up onto the door and into the back of the SeaDuck as they tumble like little kids.)

Baloo/Don Karnage: Whoa!

Baloo: Hey. You saved my life.

Don Karnage: Yes. I do not know what came over me. (Don then tackles Baloo down.) Ha! Now I win, fair and square! (Baloo is hanging onto some nets containing colored barrels of super glue. Don holds onto Baloo and raises his sword; but Baloo dodges the shot and it cuts the net causing the top brown barrel to creak as the others rattle. Baloo tackles Don Karnage down onto the floor.) OW! (The brown barrel comes down and sprays glue all over Baloo and Don Karnage.) Yuck! What is this?!

Baloo: (Wipes the glue from his face.) Glue.

Don Karnage: Well, get off me you overweight oaf! (Baloo groans and gets up.)

Baloo: My pleasure. (Sadly; Don Karnage is stuck right on Baloo's shirt and belly.) What are you doin'?

Don Karnage: I am stuck to your miserable self! (Don Karnage struggles but cannot get out. I should note that they are standing on the glue and yet Baloo is not stuck to the floor.) But not for long! (Don Karnage weakly punches at Baloo and then pushes on Baloo to free himself; but that fails. They butt heads.) OW! (Don Karnage tries again with more power; but it fails as well.)

Baloo: That's what I need, a hood ornament.

Don Karnage: Quiet up your face and push. (Don pushes using his foot and Baloo's face. Baloo turns around and tries to run off thus exposing the fact that the glue didn't stick to Baloo's feet. Don Karnage springs and Baloo drops on his belly with Don Karnage on his back.)

Baloo: (Pants.) Now, Karny; we gotta stop fightin' and start thinkin'.

Don Karnage: Do not tell me what to do. Whoa! (Baloo walks off as Don Karnage hangs onto the ceiling as the glue stretches. Don Karnage springs back and somehow we jump cut to Baloo (with Don in tow on Baloo's back) as Baloo inspects the barrels of glue.)

Baloo: Now, let's see where this goop came from. (Baloo rips off the note from the barrel.) Ah, a phone number.

Don Karnage: So what does that mean?

Baloo: It means we go to Cape Suzette. Rebecca will know what to do! (Baloo and Don Karnage go into the cockpit as Don Karnage bounces off the doorway with his head.)

Don Karnage: OW! (Then again as Baloo is having trouble getting into the cockpit.) The glue fumes, they are making you dopey in the head! If we go to Cape Suzette, your annoying lady-type boss will turn me in for the reward.

Baloo: Reward?

Don Karnage: That's right, ten thousand...Drr...Do not even think about it. (Don pokes Baloo in the nose.) Remember, I saved your life.

Baloo: Yeah, well...You got a better plan? (We then go outside and see the Iron Vulture firing bullets at the SeaDuck. Head back into the cockpit of the SeaDuck.)

Don Karnage: There is my plan! Fly up to my crew, they will get us apart. (Don Karnage is doing his nails with a iron with sandpaper on the bottom.)

Baloo: Oh, yeah! "Rip us apart," you mean. And I'll be the rip-ee.

Don Karnage: You will be safe, I promise. Did I not prove I am a man of honor?

Baloo: Ha ha ha! I got more honor in my left toe than you got in your entire body.

Don Karnage: Why I..?!

Baloo: Why you...?! (More shooting from the Iron Vulture as the SeaDuck is underneath.)

Don Karnage: Why do they keep shooting at us?!

Baloo: Well, for one thing; they think I turned you into propeller chow. (The Iron Vulture follows the SeaDuck.)

Don Karnage: Calm your miserable self. I will order them to cease fire. (Don Karnage tries to grab the transmitter; but a bullet shoots the transmitter off his hand.)

Baloo: Now what, bright boy?!

Don Karnage: Run! (The SeaDuck spirals away stage left as the Iron Vulture chases it. Cut back to the Commander as Colonel Grogg has made an appearance loading up the cannon.)

Cliff Gun Commader: That's right, scum; come to poppa. All fire! All fire! (So the cliff guns fire their bullets as the SeaDuck flies over the cliff guns into Cape Suzette harbour.)

Don Karnage: Now everybody's shooting at us!

Baloo: (The SeaDuck nose dives as we head back inside the cockpit.) I know, I know! Get off my back! (Baloo pushes on Don Karnage as we see the SeaDuck being shot at while the Iron Vulture rumbles in from the east.)

Don Karnage: If I could do that, I would not be in this predicament! (Cut to inside the wheelhouse as Mad Dog looks outside and the bullets are flying.)

Mad Dog: We're too low. Retreat! (Cut to Gibber at the wheel with Dumptruck behind him.)

Dumptruck: Hey, the Captain put me in charge! (Rumbling and steam comes out.) But it is a good suggestion. (He screams into Gibber's ear.) Retreat! (Cut to the cockpit of the SeaDuck as both Baloo and Don Karnage scream while the SeaDuck takes a nosedive and dives into the harbour of Cape Suzette. The SeaDuck pops up and floats over to the Higher For Hire docks as Baloo and Don Karnage cough water as a fish flops on the windshield.)

Don Karnage: (Sarcastically.) Wonderful landing!

Baloo: Well, I got us down, didn't I?

Scene III

(Cut to the front door of the offices of Higher For Hire as Baloo walks to the door covered in a white sheet in order to keep Don Karnage hidden.)

Don Karnage: Do not forget our agreement. Nobody is to know I am with you.

Baloo: Hey, I gave you my word. Now, just don't you mess up.

Don Karnage: Relax, I am a master of steath. (Baloo opens the door and walks in.)

Baloo: Hi, everybody! I'm...home? (The office is completely empty as we see Rebecca come out wearing a cookie jar on his head; while WildCat comes out of one of the drawers of the filing cabinet with a potted plant on his head.)

Rebecca Cunningham: Baloo! Where have you been? We were worried sick about you. (Rebecca and WildCat come out. WildCat is now wearing a pink visor in some shots.)

Baloo: This place is a disaster!

WildCat Puma: You don't look so good yourself.

Rebecca: Oh, thank heavens the kids weren't here. That rat, Karnage! We came this close to being blown up. Boy, if I get my hands on him...(Rebecca recoils.) Have you been gaining weight?

Baloo: (Chuckling.) Well, you might say I'm carryin' some extra fat. Uh, excuse me a sec. (Baloo turns around and covers Don Karnage's mouth.) I oughta turn you in right now!

Don Karnage: Hey, they shot at me. Besides, you cannot tell on me. You promised.

Rebecca: Who are you talking to?

Baloo: Uh, well...I had an itch and I was tryin' to talk it away.

WildCat: Hey, you do that, too? (WildCat then notices Don Karnage's tail which appears and disappears depending on what episode he is in.)

Rebecca: And why are you wearing a blanket? (Don Karnage grabs his own tail as Baloo turns around.)

Baloo: Oh, I felt a cold comin' on. Ahchoo! Anyhoo, uh; I gotta make a call. (Baloo backs up towards the storage room as we see Rebecca at the desk as the phone is on said desk.)

Rebecca: Okay, fine; go ahead.

Baloo: (Stammers.) Well, thanks; but I'll use the one in here. (Baloo opens the door and runs right into the room slamming the door behind him.)

Rebecca: Okay, but; uh, then I want you to go right to bed. I can't have my only pilot getting sick. (WildCat's deep in thought as we cut to inside the storage room as Baloo sighs while Don pulls up the blanket.)

Don Karnage: Maybe you want some chicken soo-up.

Baloo: Shh! You wanna tip off Rebecca?

Don Karnage: {With Rebecca listening on from the door.} No, I want to bump off Rebecca. (Rebecca opens the door with WildCat close behind her.)

Rebecca: Baloo? (Baloo has turned around and cover the front with the blanket.)

Baloo: Yeesss!

Rebecca: I... thought I heard...nothing. (Rebecca backs up and closes the door. Don Karnage flicks the blanket away.)

Don Karnage: She's a very nosy person.

Baloo: Did you know that you are crazy?

Don Karnage: What?! Heh heh heh. Never... call me... that... word.

Baloo: What? Crazy?

Don Karnage: That's the word! (Don Karnage snarls as Baloo and Don struggle.) I'll kill you now! Ah-ha! (Rebecca hears voices and walks over to the storage closet and opens the door again.)

Rebecca: Okay, who's in here with you? (Cut to behind a wooden crate as Baloo is punching Don Karnage while Don Karnage is choking and wringing Baloo's neck. Baloo pushes the hands down off his neck.)

Baloo: Here?! Oh, nobody! Don't be silly. (Don Karnage waves anyway as Rebecca does not look amused. Rebecca walks out and slams the door as she looks at WildCat.)

Rebecca: I think somebody needs his head examined. (WildCat is sitting down on the red chair.)

WildCat: Worked for me. (Rebecca shakes her head. Cut to inside the storage room with Baloo and Don Karnage as Baloo is walking around the room looking for a phone.)

Baloo: I'm phonin' the glue factory before we both end up in the loony bin. (Baloo takes the phone number paper from his pocket and slaps it on the wall next to a payphone and isn't a payphone. Baloo dails the phone and on the end of the phone is a rabbit who outside of his ears looks exactly like Buster Bunny if he was an adult and a glue factory scientist. He is inside the glue factory on the red phone on a desk with glue on the right side of the phone.)

Rabbit Scientist: Hmm. Sticky situation. (Cut to Baloo on the phone.)

Baloo: Hey, just skip the jokes and tell us how to get this stuff off. (Split screen shot of both parties shown.)

Rabbit Scientist: Well, that's our super strength Stick-All-Adhesive Glue you're wearing. However, we do have a chemical that'll dissolve it. (The doctor is holding a glue brush by the way and shows off his pocket watch.)

Don Karnage: That is good.

Rabbit Scientist: But if you don't get here and use it by, say, six o'clock; the glue will become permanent.

Don Karnage: That is not so good.

Baloo: You mean, we'll be stuck together forever?

Rabbit Scientist: Yes. So hurry or as we say in the glue business, "Haste makes paste". (The scientist chuckles as Baloo hangs up the phone.)

Baloo: We've got to get to that factory. (Baloo puts the blanket around his body like a hood and cape.)

Don Karnage: I am with you all the way. Unfortunately. (Baloo opens the door and walks out of the storage closet.)

Baloo: Well, it's been fun. Gotta run. (Baloo is stopped as Rebecca is twirling some keys in front of Baloo.)

Rebecca: Nuh-uh-uh. (Baloo checks his pockets.)

Baloo: My keys. (Don starts touching Baloo's shirt.) What's goin' on here?

Rebecca: You tell me. (Baloo covers himself up.) Baloo, you worry me. You've haven't been the same since you got home. (Baloo backs up the stairs.)

Baloo: Honest, there's nothing wrong. (Baloo is backed up into his bedroom.)

Rebecca: Sorry, Baloo. You need help. This is for your own good.

Baloo: But, but, but, but...

Rebecca: Until you tell me what's really wrong with you...You're not going anywhere. (Rebecca slams the door in front of her. Rebecca wipes her hands clean as we cut to a wall and a small grandfather clock chiming at 3 o'clock, indicating that Baloo and Don Karnage have three hours to get to the glue factory.)

End Of Act I At 10:08

Act II

Scene I

(Cut to a shot of the Iron Vulture flying through stormy rain clouds. Thunderclaps ensue. We head inside the mess hall as all the air pirates (thirteen of them) are sitting down at the tabled filled with food and drink and they are either eating, or throwing food at each other. Mad Dog gets up and finds a spoon and glass. He uses it to get everyone's attention as he taps the glass.)

Mad Dog: Ahem! Your attention, please! (The glass tapping has no sound effects to it I might add. Everyone sits down anyway.) Out of respect for our late captain, the brave and courageous Don Karnage. (Gibber and Dumptruck stand up and take their hats off.) A moment of silence. (The moment lasts about three seconds.) Okay, that'll do it. (Everyone sits down as more food is thrown as Gibber is whispering at Dumptruck and Dumptruck taps the glass with the spoon and this one has sound effects.)

Dumptruck: Ahem! Fellow pirates...(Dumptruck shatters the glass with his spoon.) Arrgh! (He snarls and brings out his pistol.) Thundaloche Minosmansure! (He fires the pistol into the air and everyone stops the food fight.) Ah, since Karnage is sadly kaput; I nominate myself to be your captain.

Mad Dog: Ha! You?! Captain?! (Dumptruck grabs Mad Dog by the throat, and squeezes causing Mad Dog to strain while talking.) I second the nomination.

Scene II

(Head back in the office of Higher For Hire as WildCat is sweeping the floor while Rebecca is on the telephone at the desk.)

Rebecca: Psychiatric Ward, get me Doctor Bulvon. (Pause.) Well, I don't care if he is playing golf. Tell him we've got a crazy person here. (Pause.) No, not me. (Cut to inside the bedroom of Baloo's with Baloo and Don Karnage pacing around.)

Don Karnage: For what are we sitting around? The clock is tickity-tocking away.

Baloo: Well, if you'd stand still; I might have a chance to think!

Don Karnage: Good. While you think, I leave. (Don shoves Baloo and tries to run; but springs back due tothe super glue dropping Baloo on his belly.)

Baloo: Nice try, small fry. (Don Karnage nips up and gets squashed by Baloo's weight.) Hey! (Both Baloo and Don Karnage are grunting as Don gets up and runs towards the window with Baloo on his back.) Whoa! Let go! Whoa! Hey, let go! Wait! (Groaning.) Get us back in before somethin' breaks (Don is on the window sill and it breaks causing Baloo and Don Karnage to free fall. Baloo grabs onto the lead pipe next to the house to stop their descent. It breaks and they crash into a conveniently placed barrel, destroying the barrel as water completely comes out of it. Baloo and Don have landed on their chins.)

Don Karnage: (Panting. Sarcastically.) I got us down, did I not? (Cut to Rebecca in the office reading notes from a filing cabinet. Pan over to the desk where the keys are.)

Baloo: If we don't get those keys, you and me are gonna be buyin' our suits at two-for-one sales.

Don Karnage: Leave this to my personal self. (Baloo and Don walk towards the window where there is a conveniently placed fish rod propped against the window. Don grabs the fishing pole and casts the line. The fishing hook grabs the keys and Don reels it in.) Brilliant, yes-no? (Baloo grabs the keys.)

Baloo: Now you're fishin' for compliments. (Cut to Rebecca still reading at the filing cabinet and the engines start up in the background.)

Rebecca: That sounds like the SeaDuck!

WildCat: (Looks out the window.) Looks like it, too. (We see the SeaDuck starting to take off as we see Rebecca and WildCat running out towards the docks out of the office.)

Rebecca: Stop that plane!

WildCat: Your wish is my command, Miss Cunningham. (WildCat runs and jumps into the harbour grabbing a rope.) I got it...(WildCat screams as he is barefoot skiing now. WildCat laughs.) Hey, this is fun! (WildCat then bonks into a white bouy and takes it down into the ocean before coming up.) Of course, I also enjoy a good nap. (Rebecca covers her eyes and runs towards the office. Back inside the cockpit of the SeaDuck; as apparently; Baloo has installed a clock since the last time we saw it. It's 3:30 pm by the way.)

Don Karnage: Hurry! The time is running out!

Baloo: We'll be there before you know it.

Scene III

(Inside Don Karnage's room as Gibber has the measuring tape while Dumptruck is putting on Don Karnage's coat while admiring himself at the mirror.)

Dumptruck: Yeah, much better with the ribbon. (Cut to Mad Dog looking out the window pointing.)

Mad Dog: Hey, Dumptruck!

Dumptruck: That's "Hey, Dumptruck; sire!"

Mad Dog: Got a plane comin' this way fast! (Dumptruck adjust the mirror so he can see Mad Dog; and then Dumptruck and Gibber run to the window.)

Dumptruck: Holy herring! It's the SeaDuck! (Gibber whispers to Dumptruck as Dumptruck heads to the PA system microphone.) Oh, hey; yeah! (He pulls the cork out of it.) This is your new captain speaking. Please fasten your seatbelts...and get that plane! (Dumptruck stuffs the cork back in. Cut to outside as the SeaDuck is flying through the clouds.)

Don Karnage: Cannot you fly any faster?!

Baloo: Aw, don't worry your sticky head. We're as safe as a bug in a rug.

Don Karnage: Well, this bug is about to get squash-ed! (The CT-37's fly behind the SeaDuck and surround it.)

Baloo: We're surrounded! Oh, man! (Don Karnage pulls down the window blind on the side.)

Don Karnage: Do not let them see you!

Baloo: But they already have!

Don Karnage: They have seen the SeaDuck, but they do not know you are on it! (The SeaDuck flies right into the Iron Vulture's beak.)

Baloo: You're not making a lot of sense. (The SeaDuck lands on the landing strip inside the beak as the tires screech. The SeaDuck stops.)

Don Karnage: Remember, you are not the only one with the clever plans. (The pirates surround the SeaDuck. The navigator door opens and out comes Don Karnage covered in a blanket.)

Mad Dog: Come out with your hands up, or... (Sadie has a golden steampunked pistol in his hand as everyone gasps in unison.)

Dumptruck: Da-Da-Don Karnage! You're alive!

Don Karnage: Jo, yes; very much so, and I'm handsome too. (Baloo's arms are showing as Baloo touches Don Karnage's coat which is on Dumptruck.) Nice coat. Congradulations, I have returned! (Don walks off and then stops.) I was alone, pitted against my worstest enemy, that fool; Baloo! (Baloo's arm makes motions to indicate that Don Karnage is insane and then slaps Don in the face causing his eyes to go into dead anime eyes. Baloo pokes Don in the right ear.) He jabbed. I jibbed like this. (Don grabs Baloo's wrist and shakes it.) But in the end, I -- that brilliant -- fantastic brigand of the skies triumphed! (Baloo is below him.)

Baloo: Oh, brother!

Mad Dog: Oh, must've been some fight, Captain; 'cause you don't look the same. (The Air Pirates mutter about themselves.)

Don Karnage: Oh, yes, well; that is because I...I have been working out! Here, see? Heh hee hee hee. But enough about me. Mad Dog, set a course for thirty degrees north-northwest, yes? (Don Karnage backs up and bonks into a metal doorway with his head.) OW! Why do you not watch where I am going?! (Don Karnage holds onto his head.) Heh heh heh.

Mad Dog: You know, he's actin' pretty weird. I'm not sure I want him back.

Dumptruck: Hmmm. Me, too. Now I can't be captain.

Mad Dog: Don't be too sure.

Scene IV

(Head into the mess hall as 12 pirates are sitting down at the table on their best behavior; not touching anything. The door opens and in comes Don Karnage with blanket on.)

Baloo: (Hiding in front of the blanket looking out.) Quit dawdlin'! That factory's still a hundred miles away! (Don Karnage closes the door.)

Don Karnage: I am trying to not arouse their suspicions, and to save your mangy hide. (Don walks to the end of the table and sits down as the pirates are bleching and eating. Ratchet gets up and brings Don Karnage a plate of bananas and pork underneath said bananas. Don Karnage is trying to eat; but Baloo keeps having his hand get in the way. Gibber gives the motion that Don Karnage is crazy. Baloo grabs the bananas and puts them in Don Karnage's midsection.) What are you doing, you glutton?!

Baloo: Don't worry, I'll feed you. (Baloo grabs the roll of bread as underneath the bananas was mashed potatoes and peas. Baloo pokes Don Karnage in the eyes with it.)

Don Karnage: OW!

Dumptruck: (Gets up.) Okay! (Dumptruck whistles and everyone stands up.) We've had enough!

Baloo: Some plan. We're about to become piranha bait.

Don Karnage: Do not be silly, my men adore me. Yes? What is on your tiny minds?

Dumptruck: (Sticks out two fingers.) In two words: Mu-tiny! (Dumptruck pounds the table with his fist.)

End Of Act II At 15:15


Scene I

(Back inside the mess hall as Baloo stands up.)

Baloo: I knew it. He's gonna give me away.

Don Karnage: Show a little faith, will you? (Don punches the midsection in the exact location where Baloo's face. Don steps down from the green stool. Don grunts.) What were you saying?

Dumptruck: (Comes over to Don Karnage) We said we're taking over!

Mad Dog: Frankly, Captain; you've gone crazy.

Don Karnage: I told you, never... use that word! (Don Karnage grabs Mad Dog and shakes him.)

Baloo: Put him down!

Don Karnage: What?! You! Let go of him! (Mad Dog is dropped as something ripped off of Mad Dog.)

Baloo: You first! (Dumptruck brings out his pistol.) OUCH!

Dumptruck: {Pointing the gun at Don.} If you're crazy; how come you act crazy?

Don Karnage: Crazy?! CRAZY?! There is a perfectly simple reason! (Mad Dog backs away.)

Baloo: Don't do it. Don't do it. (Shaking his head.)

Don Karnage: {Pulls off the blanket and blows Baloo's cover.} I have got... A BEAR ON MY BACK!

Baloo: He did it.

Mad Dog: Yuck! It's some kinda... monster.

Don Karnage: Monster?! I will show you the monster! (Don runs away from Baloo and they do the stretch and flex spot with the super glue.)

Baloo: Some other time, slugger! (Baloo jumps onto the table and runs on it; causing food to splatter into a couple of the Air Pirates before running out the door. Cut to a porthole on the floor as the top opens with Baloo and Don Karnage in it. They jump up and do the stretch and flex spot with the super glue again.) This way!

Don Karnage: No, this way!

Baloo: No, this way!

Don Karnage: Follow me! (Both of them grunt like crazy.) It is this way. Trust me! (Up comes the Air Pirates from the two portholes lined on the floor where Don is supposed to go. Baloo makes a run for it through the hallway onto the catwalk.)

Baloo: Trust you?! Every chance you get: You cheat, you rob and you lie!

Don Karnage: It's my job. (They hide under another portholeas the Air Pirate run past the porthole. The port is open to reveal Baloo and Don.)

Baloo: It was also your job not to tell'em I was with ya!

Don Karnage: Okay; one little slip-up. So shoot me! {Gunfire ensues hitting the porthole with ease.}

Baloo: {Panicky.} I wish you wouldn't say that! (Baloo turns to his right and sees the clock above as it's now 5:50 pm. Cut to Baloo and Don running down a ramp behind the clock towards the landing spot. Cut to some pirate wearing a red/black striped shirt with a blue sash and orange bandana standing guard and the door opens and smacks the pirate into the wall. The pirate comes out and staggers and then get slammed in the face with a door again by Dumptruck, Gibber and Mad Dog. The pirate is dizzy and drops down with a thud. Cut to Baloo and Don Karnage as Don pushes a conveniently placed lever and runs onto the launchpad as the thing goes up with the SeaDuck towards the upper roof of the Iron Vulture. Cut to Mad Dog, Dumptruck and Gibber down on the ground.)

Mad Dog: They're gettin' away. To your planes!

Dumptruck: I'm in charge, I give the orders! (Gibber whispers in Dumptruck's ear.) Oh! Eh, to your planes! Hurry! (We head up to the roof of the Iron Vulture as the SeaDuck's engines are started up. Back in the cockpit as Baloo and Don Karnage are fighting again.)

Baloo: Oh, let me sit. Bug off!

Don Karnage: I will fly! (The SeaDuck takes off as we head inside the mouth of the Iron Vulture as the beak is still closed while the CT-37's are about to take off.)

Mad Dog: Open the mouth! Open the mouth! (Dumptruck is on the transmitter.)

Dumptruck: Aw, shut your mouth! (The beak of the Iron Vulture finally opens and out comes the CT-37's chasing the SeaDuck. Don Karnage is in the cockpit looking at a map.)

Don Karnage: The factory is twenty miles ahead. Heh ha ha! We are going to make it! (Machine gun fire puts holes in the nosecone of the SeaDuck.)

Baloo: But then again, maybe not. Hang on to your pantaloons. (Now Baloo is wearing his pilot's cap backwards, for no reason. Baloo pushes on the switch and brings the SeaDuck down. The SeaDuck flies under a bridge and then through the forest as the Air Pirates fly after them without incident. More flying from the CT-37's in the sky and then jump cut to the SeaDuck landing in front of the glue factory. The rabbit scientist shows up as Baloo and Don Karnage run with him into the factory's hallway.)

Rabbit Scientist: You've only got a few seconds!

Baloo: Oh, please just tell us what to do. (They make it to the catwalk and then to the edge as they are just above a huge vat of the chemical.)

Rabbit Scientist: Dive in. Of course, we've never tried this on people before. (The scientist chuckles and Baloo and Don Karnage dive into the chemical vat anyway.)

Baloo/Don Karnage: EYAAAAAHHHH! (They pop up and cough as they are now separated from each other.)

Don Karnage: Lookity-look! Heh heh. We are divisible! (Baloo and Don Karnage climb down from the chemical vat using the iron ladder. As they go to the ground, Don slips and bumps into Baloo causing him to be on his belly with Don Karnage on Baloo's back.)

Baloo: Oof! (In runs Dumptruck, Mad Dog, and Gibber.)

Dumptruck: Hey, get Karnage!

Mad Dog: Uh...Get all of them!

Baloo: Oh, great. You're gonna sic your pack on me now that your promise is over.

Don Karnage: Yes, yes, yes; what is your point?

Baloo: Heh, figures. Your promises weren't any good to begin with. (Don bails and then returns with a wooden crate and slams it over Baloo to hide him and then stands on the wooden crate. We see Dumptruck, Gibber and Mad Dog running towards Don Karnage as Dumptruck snarls.)

Dumptruck: Let's pickle their herrings. (Don Karnage pushes a conveniently placed lever which we never saw until now and he's wearing rubber gloves which he never had earlier either. We get gears moving and a grappling hook chain pulley coming towards Dumptruck as it hooks on the coat. Dumptruck gasps, drops his pistol and gets raised about three feet in the air. This also happens to Gibber as Gibber grabs Mad Dog and they are spirited away towards three sprayers which proceed to spray green paint like glue on them. Dumptruck grunts and scream as they are forced down onto the floor as Don Karnage approaches them.)

Don Karnage: What do you say for yourselves? (Mad Dog gets up as Don taps his foot.)

Mad Dog: (Stammering.) Captain! Where's Baloo?!

Don Karnage: Baloo? That annoying amateur? That fly in my personal ointment?

Baloo: Uh-oh, back to business as usual.

Don Karnage: (Walks towards the three pirates.) I do not see any Baloo. (Don takes the right handed glove off and slaps the pirates with it.) Just three mutinous mutton-heads! Now, back to the Iron Vulture! I will figure out an appropriately appalling punishment later. (Dumptruck, Gibber and Mad Dog run off stage right as Baloo comes out of the wooden crate surprised. He gives a bucket of glue and brush to Don Karnage out of nowhere.)

Baloo: Ahem! (Don Karnage takes the can of glue.)

Don Karnage: Wait! Oh, Gibber! (Gibber is about to leave; but he stops short as Don runs towards him.) Leave your plane behind for me. You go ride back with Dumptruck. (Gibber is around to leave.) And one more thing. (Gibber turns around and Don paints Gibber's nose with super glue.) Okay...Now you go tell Dumptruck. (Gibber looks miserable and then he walks away stage right. Don is about to leave to outside the storage doors as the sun is setting. Baloo is following him.)

Baloo: Hey, Karny?! How come you didn't throw me to the wolves? (Don looks on as Gibber is talking to Dumptruck while still in the factory and they poke faces and the glue is now stuck to them. They groan and strain as Mad Dog comes in to help.)

Don Karnage: Well, we did have a pact and we are both men of honor. Yes-no?

Baloo: No...I mean, yes. (Don and Baloo stop walking and Baloo offers to shake Don's hand. Don teases it; but then shakes heads anyway. Don Karnage backs up and walks away stage right.)

Don Karnage: And now, our truce is over. One we are out of here, you better vamoose, or uh...Hee hee. I cook your goose.

Baloo: Fair enough. See you next time. Just watch where you sit. (Baloo walks stage left with an evil look on his face.)

Don Karnage: (Don walks away stage right and has glue on his rear end on his coat.) Hee hee. Now we see who is the smart pants.

End Of Episode At 21:18


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